Cecil Papers: 1591

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 1591', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp445-464 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1591', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp445-464.

"Cecil Papers: 1591". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp445-464.


Sanchar [Lord Sanquhar] to Lord [Ambassador] Archibald Douglas.
[1591 ?] Feb. 10. Thanks for his advertisements.
I was most glad to hear by some of your friends here that there is some hope of your coming in this country. I learned by your last letters that there had been such information made to her Highness against me that my passport could not be granted, whereof I marvel very much, seeing I never said nor did that which in any way might be offence to her Majesty. I pray you to show my innocence to her Highness, and see if you can procure me a passport to come there, for I am minded to make a new voyage; and at my coming there if I may kiss her Majesty's hands, I hope to prevail that such as make these false reports shall be found calumniators. Offers services.—Halirudhouss, 10 February.
Holograph. 2 pp. (205. 27.)
1590–1, Feb. 28. Plan of Chartres: "the manner how the King's army lay before Chartres, 28 February, 1590." Coloured. 1 sheet. (Maps 2. 44.)
Vincent Skynner to the Lord Treasurer.
1590–1, March 7. Since sending to you yesterday I have run through the title "Prohibition" both in Fitzherbert's and Brooke's abridgement and thereout have excerpted such cases as seemed most proper to the cause, whereby these general learnings may be taken:
That the common law is a prohibition of himself for anything sought to be recovered in the spiritual court, against the common law.
That it lieth in all cases where a man may have remedy in the King's Court.
That it lieth upon a surmise and bare suggestion, thereby to delay the party plaintiff in the spiritual court.
And by the statute of 2 Henry V. cap. 5 it is granted generally till the copy of the libel be had that the King's justices may thereby consider whether the matter be such as they may continue plea of or dismiss to the ecclesiastical court: whereby appeareth what vexation hath grown to the King's subjects by the exorbitance of spiritual courts, in that there was such remedy given to the lay subjects in that time.
It will also appear by certain of the book cases set down that persons may not be convented for demand of catalls or debts but in matters testamentary and matrimonial, which warrants the opinion and collection of Fitzherbert contrary to that I gave credit to before to Mone [Moon ?] in his faculty, who thought the contrary, as also the whole scope of the book tends to the same effect.
It seems also by some of the cases that the like pretences were made in those days that now are, viz. to uphold the credit of the Archbishop and the received practice in those courts, which notwithstanding was not regarded but the common law held on his course, and the justices sentenced according to law.—7 March, 1590.
1 p. (203. 109.)
Soldiers levied in London.
1590–1, March 22. Warrant to the Lord Mayor for the levy of 50 men for service as soldiers beyond the seas, in addition to the 400 appointed by former letters.—Undated.
Endorsed: 22 March, 1590. Draft, corrected by Burghley. 1 p. (203. 110.)
Thomas Swan to the Queen.
[1591, March.] For a lease in reversion of a parsonage impropriate, for his services. (fn. 1)Undated.
Note by Wm. Aubrey that the Queen grants the petition.
Note by Lord Burghley to the Auditor to make a particular of the parcel.
1 p. (994.)
Privy Seals for Payments.
[1590–1, March.] Schedule of privy seals for payments made forth of the Receipt of the Exchequer, from Michs., 1588, to March, 1590–1.
The payments are detailed under the following headings:— The Treasurer of the Admiralty. Victualling in harbour and at seas. The Office of the Ordnance. The Office of the Works. The Treasurer of H.M. Chamber. The Master of the Posts. The Armoury. Berwick. Portsmouth. Lieutenant of the Tower for wages and prisoners' diets. The Lieger Ambassador in France. Ambassadors and others "foreignly" employed. Jewel House. The Captain of the Pensioners for wages and board wages for the Band. The Justices' diets and expenses, their companies and assistants in their circuits. The Household. The block houses of Milton and West Tilbury near Gravesend. Ireland. The Low Country causes. Payments to divers persons for sundry respects.
2 books, 58 pp. and 44 pp.
One note in Burghley's hand. (223. 4 and 5.)
Tottenham Court.
1591, April 6. Plot of Tottenham Court with the lands and tenements to the same belonging. Particulars of acreage given, and notes with regard to the various lands, and to the house itself. By William Necton.—6 April, 1591.
1 sheet. (Maps 2. 19.)
Elizabeth to Henry of Navarre.
[1591, April.] "L'experience, le meilleur maistre des actions humaines, vous a bien instruit, mon trescher frere, de ma promptitude a conceder et despecher les moyens les plus necesaires pour vos affaires, voire de ce qui vous touche en grandeur et seurté. Que je me fascherois trop a vous raconter en quant des sortes je vous ay fait tesmoing de ma syncerité, affection, et soing de vostre bien. Selon laquelle reigle jay mis en ordre quatre mille hommes pour vous assister, servir, et hazarder leurs vies en vostre querelle. Et comme telle aide qui en tous endroits vous sert est sans example, ainsi ne doubte je point que de vostre part, vous les employerez a telle fin que je vous envoye pour Bretaigne, le Havre et Rouen, et les vous nomme a ce qu'il vous souvienne que ces lieux sont le seul moyen pour vous asseurer de vos amys, et boucher les desseins de vos ennemys. Et pour ce que nignorez les plusieurs alarmes qu'on vous donne et donnera pour vous r'appeller de tels desseings, jay bien inventé, ce semble, une bonne response a telles gens, c'est que la charge que je donne a mon Lieutenant est de n'aller plus oultre ny de trois jours pour aultre entreprinse. Vous scavez, mon trescher frere, ou il ni va de la conqueste d'une partie du pays, ou de l'asseurance de quelques villes ou hostages de grande importance c'est chose dangereuse a nos Anglois, voir a quelque aultre royaulme du monde pour consommer le tresor, amoindrir les subjects, et affoiblir les armes, et pour rien que pour esperance de ce qui est fort incertain. Pourtant, ne vous desplaise, que oyant rien que demandes, voire trop de requestes sans cesser, c'est asses de facher les epaules de plus forts que d'une royne. Car apres que sans difficulte ou espace pris de trois jours que nous avons consenty nos troupes, on vient a me r'assaillir un aultre coup pour l'Alemaigne. Mon Dieu, qu' ilz vous font de disservice qui tant m'assaillent. Ilz ne scavent que c'est que de regner, et ilz oublient par le chemin que j'ay aultre royaulme que la France a garder. Considerez, je vous supplye, qu'il fault que je regne pour regner, qui bonnement ne se peult faire a mon gré sans conserver l'extreme amour de mon peuple; que jusques icy, par la grace de Dieu, jay bien retenu: et ne vous demande aultre chose que ce qui est le mieux pour vous mesme, comme jay prye Monsieur de Reaux vous representer plus au long. Et finiray avec mes doleances, qu'en tant des moys, nonobstant vos trop grandes necessites, et mes plusieurs requestes, vous souffrez trop a leur ayse, que les Espagnols habitent vos ports de Bretaigne, a qui ilz pretendent, comme pour l'heritage de leur maistre. Je m'estonne qu'apres tant de promesses pour plus grands secours, La Noue est arrivé avec cent chevaulx pour aller a la chasse, je croy, non trop pour nous fortifier. J'ay bien donne ordre a nos gens qui y sont que si presentement vos plus grandes troupes n'arrivent, qu'ilz me viennent trouver, ou je m'asseure qu'ilz recevront honte, ce que je crains trop, si les grandes compagnies qui y sont si ilz ne soyent desja pour y arriver, de qui je vous puis assurer sans feintize. Et vous supplye me pardonner ceste trop grande franchise, et avec vostre bon jugement pensez de la cause. Et prye Dieu qu'ordonnez de vos affaires a vostre meilleur but, avec plusieurs ans de bonne vie.
Contemporary copy. 2½ pp. (147. 74.)
Charge of the town of Cheshunt.
1591, April. List of the "Ceasments according to composition." The charges are for hay, straw and oats to the Queen's stable: wheat for the Queen's house: pork, veal and lamb: the gaol of Hertford: soldiers and armour for 2 years: wheat for the Queen's navy: church charges: relief of the poor: oversight of the armour: powder and shot: constables charges: for the setting out of these last soldiers after the valuation in the subsidy for lands 3½d. and for goods 3d.—Undated.
Endorsed: 1591, Ap. 1 p. (203. 111.)
Sir John Poley to Lord Burghley.
[1591, April.] Has lost fifty horses in the Low Countries service, and prays that according to the Council's order (fn. 2) he may have their entertainment for four months without cheque. —Undated.
½ p. (187.)
Munitions for France.
1591, May 11. Warrant to Lord Burghley to allow the bearer, Olyver Placet, on behalf of le Sieur de Tremblaye, captain of Moncontour in Brittany, to transport 1,000 wt. of munition powder, 500 wt. of fine grained powder, 200 harquebuses with their furnitures, 50 muskets with bandoliers, 30 armours complete, 120 pikes, 50 lances, 10 ells of scarlet and 300 ells of silver lace, for the service of the French King. —Theobalds, 11 May, 1591, 33 Elizabeth.
Sign manual. Signet. 1 p. (40. 74.)
[1591, May?] "A draft for my round house at Theobalds."
This paper contains a large number of names &c. arranged over a double sheet of paper, includes a number of offices and officers of state, of methods of execution, of instruments of music, different kinds of hounds, of amusements &c.
In Burghley's hand.
2 pp. (140. 16.)
[1591, May?] List of names, corrected by Lord Burghley, apparently of servants at Theobalds.
1 p. (140. 37.)
Note: Thomas Bellet, Steward, of list 140. 25, is at the head of this list, which makes it probable it is something to do with Theobalds.
[1591, May.] List of persons lodged at my house at Theobalds.
Endorsed by Lord Burghley.
1 p. (143. 69.)
Mayor and others of Ilfardcombe (Ilfracombe) to the Council.
1591, June 24. Pray to be excused from furnishing a ship of 100 tons with those of Bridgwater, there being no shipping in their harbour above 20 tons, and the inhabitants are unable to bear so great a charge, being simple mariners and fishermen.—Ilfardcombe, 24 June, 1591.
Signatures decayed. 1 p., much damaged. (213. 67.)
Mayor and Burgesses of Lynne to the Lord Treasurer, Lord Admiral and Lord Chamberlain.
1591, June 28. Her Majesty's pleasure being to send some further aid of ship . . . to her ships already at the Islands of Assoris, for the perform[ance of] some exploit to be done against the King of Spain his Indian fleet, you required them of authority of this port and the members [thereof] to confer together for the furnishing of one [ship] of the burden of 100 tons. Our . . . states are not any way fitting to perform . . . and that we have no . . . remaining at home . . . the most which are employed for the fetching of coals from . . . made fit for that service; but most chiefly for that our . . . by want of trade, and divers of our best merchants have sustained [great] hindrance within these 4 years by those of Dunkirk, by whom they have [lost] in shipping and commodity more than 5,000l. We want also sufficient men for such a voyage by reason of our losses in the Portingale voyage, and divers presses that have been here of late. Our neighbours also of the coast towns [with] whom we have travailed earnestly for their aids . . . give denial therein. We crave your pardon, and pray you to make favourable consideration of out wants.—Lynne, 28 June, 1591.
Signed. 1 p., much mutilated. (203. 112.)
John Lacy Fitz David to Thomas Lacy.
1591, June 28. Good Cousin Thomas, In respect of the readiness of our long pretended journey for our country whereof I may not write much, I pray you, whether the Regemt. come or not, to come hither with all speed as you love to see your country to your comfort. I commit you to God.—[At] Madrile, ready with the rest to go to the Armados, 28 June, 1591.
Endorsed: "From Mody." An intercepted letter. Holograph. ½ p. (52. 76.)
Mayor and Burgesses of Lyme Regis to [Burghley].
1591, July 6. They disavow the doings of one Page of Weymouth, for the furnishing of a ship.—6 July, 1591.
1 p., much damaged. (213. 25.)
Mayor and Burgesses of Melcombe Regis to the Lord High Treasurer.
1591, July 7. They detail their proceedings with the town of Lyme with regard to their joint contribution to the charge of furnishing a ship. As to the position in the matter of one Page of Weymouth. They remain ready to pay the moiety of the charge, according to their former letter.— Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, 7 July, 1591.
Signed by John Bond, mayor, and others.
1 p., much damaged by damp. (213. 68.)
The Low Countries.
1591, July 10. In favour of two English gentlemen, bearers of his letter, who have left their country in order to serve in these States under his Highness.—Doway, 10 July, 1591.
Signed, but the signature, though quite perfect, is very unintelligible.
Endorsed: "From Mody": and in another hand: "Entersepted." Spanish. Not addressed. 1 p. (53. 23.)
Lyme Regis.
1591, July 12. "Losses sustained by them of Lyme Regis: therein showing their disability and weakened estate."
That they have sustained great loss . . . of Mercoeur, who stayed their goods . . . in Britayne. That divers merchants . . . greatly damnified by Wisemans . . . upon Sir Francis Walsingham . . . Islands of the Osories. Likewise by Sir Richard Green. . . . Lastly their losses sustained by the Spaniards . . . men prisoners.—Undated.
Much damaged.
Endorsed: 12 July, 1591. ½ p. (213. 26.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Henry Unton.
[1591, July ?] I am despatched away in haste and have my hands full to give directions for this present service; therefore I will only in a word salute you.
Undated. Holograph. ½ p. (179. 150.)
Henry IV. to the Earl of Essex.
1591, Sept. 4/14. Le faict de Pierrefons en mon opinion nestoit poinct quon se deust arrester nous a faict perdre des munitions et quelques jours que je regrette plus que autre chose; toutesfois lon a pense faire pour le mieux et fauldra essayer de regaigner ce temps perdu par autre moien.
Hier les trouppes que je atte(nd)ois de mon armee arriverent pres dici anjourdhui. Je les ferai avancer quelques lieues sur mon chemind afin que demain que je partirai sans faulte. Dieu aida(n)t je puisse faire une bon(n)e traicte, et espere que dans huict jours "da" (? je) resivra a (p)oinct mon armee dallemagne. Les (g)ens et Suisses du [symbol] so(n)t passes et se doibuent joindre (a)u N le vinst deuxiesme de ce mois pres Vallenciennes, ou il veult faire lamas de son armee, et a prins le vint huictiesme de ce mois precisement pour entrer en ce roiaume. Si cela est, je suivrai la derniere resolution en laquelle nous demourasmes daller droic(t) a [symbol], et si je veoi que les choses (m)e disposent a la bataille je vous en advertirai, et mon cousin le Mareschal de Biron pour etre de la partie. (? Je) delibere sil se presente quelque occasion en mon voiage de ne le pas (?) perdre. Cependant je vous ai bien voulu donner advis de celui "sofire" mai(n)tenant, dont je nescri poinct, remettant a vous de [symbol] en mander ce que vous adviseres afin quelle ne se fasche sil [symbol] plaist si les choses ne se peuvent avancer selon son desir, et quelle croie quil ni aura retardement de ma part qu'autant qu'une occasion plus pressee et necessaire seroit celle de combattre ledict N jen pourroit apporter.
Vous priant y faire les bonnes offices que vous jugerez estre apropos sur ce je prie Dieu mon Cousin qu'il vous ait en sa sainte garde. A Chaulny le 14 jour de Septembre 1591.
P.S.—Du chiffre qui est entre les mains du Sr. de Saldaigne.
Signed: "Henry." Countersigned: "Revol."
The portion in italics is in cipher, but badly ciphered. 1 p. (147. 97.)
The King of France to the Earl of Essex.
[1591,] Sept. 9/19. J'estyme que ou va le Sieur Wlemes [Williams], les miennes doyvent estre plus courtes: il vous dyra ce quy ce passe an ces quartyers et l'ocasyon de son voyage vers la Reyne d'Angleterre. Je vous prye, contynuant vos bons ofyces pres d'elle voulloyr vyfuement ambrasser ce pour quoy je le despesche vers elle. Il vous representera asses bien et au vray la necessyte de mes aferes, c'est a ce coup quyl faut que je m'opose a l'entree du Duc de Parme an mon royaume, quy doyt estre dans sys cepmenes, si j'ay ce dont je suplye à la royne, je m'asseure que mes aferes en auront tel succes que la justice de ma cause me la fet esperer. . . . —19 Ceptambre à Sanlys.
Holograph. Seals. 1 p. (147. 142.)
[Vanloo?] to [the Countess of Essex].
1591, Sept. 16. Your Ladyship may by this brief collection perceive the whole course of a tedious progress which I drew for my better remembrance. I presume to send it to your Ladyship thereby to testify the desire I have to perform all dutiful and acceptable services and almost, as in presence, see what our noble lord and general (Essex) hath done daily since his departure; which if it please your Ladyship I will continue both to note, and advertise in the same order all his most worthy actions and enterprises until his return: which I will not cease to pray may be as speedy as I assure myself it will be with honour to him and joy to your Ladyship. —From Neufchatel, 16 September, 1591.
Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. ½ p. (203. 120.)
[Vanloo ?] to —.
[1591, Sept.] Some ten horse out of the Cornet were appointed to go down to charge: and although my lord, of his honorable care he had of the safety of the principal gentlemen, gave commandment that none of them should go, and did himself ride down the hill thrice to withdraw such as were gone, yet did the valiant disposition of divers of them draw them forward; and Mr. Dowring being on the side of the hill, and seeing the rest coming, rode on before and hasted to charge, and passing by a hedge, where there was an ambuscade, towards a church which before we had gotten from the enemy, a shot came from thence and struck him in the head.—Undated.
Draft, in hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. ½ p. (203. 120b.)
— to —.
[1591, Sept. ?] Monsieur, En mon retour de Noyon jay prins le mesme chemin par ou je suis venu, jusques a Gizors Et combien que l'ennemy s'est monstre entre Compyegne et la dicte ville, si est ce quil ne nous a point attaqué. Arrivez a Gizors jay eu advertissement de M. de Warde, et aultres tres affectionnes serviteurs du Ro(i) que Monsr. de Villars avoyt tire les garnisons de Rouen et aultres pars ou . . . cavallerie qu'infanterie et s'estoit joynt avec Mons. Sescenal et la garnison de Beauvois pour se mettre en chemin pour nous attaquer. Ce que nous fist divertir, et tourner nostre course vers Pont de Larch laissant notre infanterie aux fauxbourgs de Gizors, ne les voulant point hazarder estant peu et fort harrasses et affoiblye. De Pont de Larch jay faict une depesche pour faire marcher toutes mes troupes, lequels sont en chemin. Notre rendevous est en lieu propre entre Caudebeck et Gourny l'une desquelles selon l'advis que j'aurai de lenemi et les moiens que je trouverai a Deepe je suis delibere d'attaquer.—Undated.
Draft. ½ p. (204. 48.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1591,] Oct. 13. This bearer will go presently into Spain and view all the ports, by whom you shall be ascertained of all the King's preparations, what is become of this late fleet that was at the Island, where those, with the rest, be held in readiness or discharged. I will undertake for the honesty of the man. He hath the King's pass, whereby he may safely look into all the ports; he only desires to carry for the countenance of the matter a small buck of wheat or rye. You cannot devise a fitter way to discover all his pretences, therefore, I pray despatch it with haste.—"From Derum Hows," this 13th of October.
[P.S.]—If I had been well I would have waited on you myself.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (56. 17.)
Export of Beer and Corn.
1591, Oct. 30. Warrant giving authority to Lord Burghley and John Fortescue, Under Treasurer of the Exchequer, to give licences to transport beer out of the realm; and to buy and transport to various foreign countries mentioned corn of various kinds, on the payment of certain customs specified.—Richmond, 30 October 33 Eliz., 1591.
Seal. 1 sheet parchment. (217. 7.)
Modye's Motions.
[1591, Oct.] To assure her Majesty that whereas some advertisements are delivered that men are sent over hither to take away her life by indirect means, I having sounded those whom I know do most desire the alteration of this estate, do find that they rest very indifferent, for that they carry great "imaginates" of the K. of Sc[otland]. Whose religion they hold more unsound than her Majesty's, and therefore they say they have no reason to seek to alter an estate, except they could by the alteration of it be sure to serve their own turns, which they fear they shall never do by the K. of Sc., although the Scots priests assure the contrary.
If it stand with her Majesty's pleasure that I shall deal with the Earl of West[moreland] for his return, I doubt not but to bring it to pass upon very reasonable conditions; for this I assure myself, they will seek to thrust him into some action that will put her Majesty to a great deal of charge upon Leonard Dakers' return out of Spain.
For the books which are written against her Majesty and the estate, if it please you to be at the charge of the whole impression, they are now presently to be had. There was never any of them seen here but one.
That her Majesty will be contented to give Hew Cragge (who is factor for the Scots nation) a pension, for that he has very good means to do her Majesty service.
And for my own particular, if it please her Majesty to give me that means that I may have in my purse to give to those that will deserve it, I assure your honour her Majesty shall think it well bestowed, and you at her Majesty's hands receive great thanks, and myself rest assured of her Majesty's gracious favour towards me, so far forth as I have or may deserve.— Undated.
Endorsed: Modyes Motions. 1 p. (186. 105.)
Hugh Allington to Barnard Dewhurst.
1591, Nov. 10. Asks for the loan of certain books from my lord (Burghley?) which had been Mr. Somerset the Herald's, or any others of my lord's own store, to pass the time, he not having a body fit to travel abroad. With regard to papers of his own scribbling, which he sent to my lord, he wishes them to be returned, so that he may write them out in better form.—Tynwell, 10 November, 1591.
1 p. (203. 113.)
Henry IV. of France to the Earl of Essex.
[1591,] Nov. 22. Mon cousyn, Jay tant esprouve vostre afectyon quyl ny a ryen quy man puysse fere douter. Je le vous ay escryt yl ny a pas longtans par la voye de mon ambassadeur et le vous ay byen voulu repeter ancores par celle cy vous pryant de le crere; aynsy et que lamytye que vous portes a lun de mes ancyens servyteurs mest plustost un tesmoygnage de la confyance que je doys avoyr an vous que du contrere. Soyes an donques an repos je vous prye et me contynues vos bons ofyces quand locasyon san presantera et je demeureray toujours le meylleur et le plus assure de vos amys. Je prye Dyeu mon cousyn quyl vous ayt an sa saynte garde.—Ce 22 Novambre a Saynt Germayn an laye.
Holograph. 1 p. (147. 139.)
Sir F. Vere to [the Same].
[1591,] Nov. 24. "Most Honourable, the companies her Majesty required of the States to be employed in France were very speedily obtained, every of us endeavouring to his uttermost to induce them thereunto. I fear me the strength of them will not answer your lordship's expectation. Those that be under my charge are somewhat to be excused by reason they have had no time since the breaking up of the camp to supply them. I hope their worthiness shall answer for their weakness. I wrote unto my Lord Treasurer signifying the state of them, and how necessary it was that some men might be sent out of England to Deep for to replenish them, which I hope will take effect. Myself would have reckoned it amongst the greatest fortunes might be[fall] me if I might have trailed a pike under your lordship's conduct, which, I most humbly beseech you to believe, no man would more willingly perform than I.
"Here was for a good space news that the duke of Parma was marched into France, and it is certain that he was as far as Valentienes on his way, from whence he returned to Bruxelles. The opinions are divers what might cause the sudden alteration. Some say the doubt he hath that the King would supplant him here and not give him so full authority in France as he hopeth for; others that it was to receive the Empe[ror's] ambassadors sent to treat of peace, which are now arriv[ed] at Bruxelles, which indeed is most likely. The Spaniards that have been so long mutinied are now contented, having received 300 and 50 thousand crowns. They stand now upon the choice of a new Mastre de Campo, for they flatly refuse Emanuel de Vega who was appointed unto them by the King. They are not at the most 1,500. The duke Maurice of Saxe is joined with the Duke's forces, his troops not being above 3,000, and those very poor men. Of any other increase I do not hear. The duke of Parma maketh account to carry out of these parts 2,000 good horse, what as they call them light horse, and men at arms of foot I think not above 8,000, and those, setting the Spaniards aside, no great biters. I hope they will be a cause to crown the King with a noble victory, wherein I wish to your lordship no less honour than I know will be due to your rare virtues."—Hague, 24 November.
Fly leaf with address gone.
Holograph. 2 pp. (46. 69.)
Battersey Manor.
1591. Warrant granting to Elizabeth Rydon and Johan Hollcroft, widow, her daughter-in-law, a lease in reversion of the manor of Battersey.
Signed by the Queen. Undated.
Endorsed: 1591. 1 p. (203. 123.)
[John Heath] to Robert White. (fn. 3)
1591. Sir, When I write unto you it shall be by the name of Robert White, and so subscribe your letters to me, always beware you set not your seal of arms but some other seal, which see that you change not, for by that I shall perceive whether your letters have been opened by the way. Make your superscription in this sort, A Monser Monser Fabritius maister delescole franches demerant en la reue de sante esprete an anvers pur done a Monser Craynstone; pay le post.
My letters I shall direct them to Mr. Marmaduke of the Court of Wards or to any other that you shall appoint in your next letters. Write sometimes to the Governor of Flushing who will send your letters or any thing else unto me with speed, and sometimes by the posts that come by Calais, and give order your letters be not opened, nor such as I send to you.
Use your father's cypher, or if it please you send me another by the next. For my own name I will use John Heath or this mark [symbol], and this seal I will always use to you, so that assure yourself if the seal be altered the letters are opened before they come unto you. Let the postmaster give order that such letters as are for you, or such as you send, that they deliver them with speed and with their own hands. I assure you if I have so good means as others have and have had in this place, and in this kind, you shall be as well served as ever was any, and so I refer myself wholly to your directions. Vale.—Undated.
Endorsed: 1591. 2 seals. 1 p. (203. 124.)
Council of the Marches of Wales.
[1591.] Recommendations of the Earl of Pembroke as to the Council for the Marches of Wales.
It is very necessary to increase the number of the Council, for the want of gentlemen of reputation and of learned lawyers has since his Presidency occasioned great hindrance to the Queen's service. Recommends that four lawyers be appointed, neither born nor dwelling within the jurisdiction of the Council, to receive 50l. per annum for 3 months' service, and having 9 months' liberty to follow their own practice.
Gives following list of gentlemen and lawyers not unworthy appointment.
Gentlemen. Foulke Grevill esquire, now secretary of the Council. Salop: Thomas Cornewall, Richard Corbett and Francis Newport, esquires. Hereford: Sir Thomas Coningesbie, and Sir Jhon Scudamore. Gloucester: Sir Henry Poole and Sir Jhon Points. Worcester: Sir Jhon Packington and Henry Bromley esquire. Monmouth: Sir William Herbert of St. Julianes. Glamorgan: Thomas Lewes of the Van, esquire. Anglesea: Sir Richard Bulkley.
Lawyers. Mr. Mathew Ewins, Mr. Atkins of Lincoln's Inn, now Chief Justice of Assize for Pembroke, Cardigan and Carmarthen, Mr. John Lancaster, Mr. Coventree, Mr. Croke the elder brother, Mr. David Williams, Mr. Broughton, Mr. Courte.
List follows of the lawyers and gentlemen who now are of that Council, with notes to each as to his attendance &c.
Lawyers. Sir Richard Shuttleworth, Chief Justice of Chester, Serjeant Owen, Edmund Walter esquire, Chief Justice of Assize for Glamorgan, Radnor and Brecknock, William Leighton of the Plash, esquire, Chief Justice of Assize for Merioneth, Carnarvon and Anglesea, Fabian Phillips esquire, Associate Justice of Assize to Mr. Leighton, Henry Tounshend, esquire, Associate Justice to Sir Richard Shuttleworth, Hierom Corbett esquire.
Gentlemen. Sir Edward Leighton of Wattlesborough, Sir Richard Barkley, Sir William Herbert of Swansey, Sir Thomas Lucy and Sir Thomas Throckmorton.—Undated.
2 pp. (186. 125.)
Lord Cobham.
1591. Estreats of certain fines of the courts of various manors in Kent, belonging to William Brooke, Lord Cobham.— 1589 and 1591.
5 pp. (213. 50.)
Trained Bands in Devon.
1591. (i.) "Note of the chief parishes taken and culled out by Mr. Carye within the hundreds of Hayetor and Colerudge for his own private band of 250 men, notwithstanding the first order agreed on and with the free consents of the Lord Lieutenant and his deputies appointed to Sir John Gilbert, and in his absence at the Bathes Sir John being not acquainted withal was taken from him."—Undated.
Endorsed: 1591. 1¼ pp. (203. 122.)
[1591.] (ii.) Mr. Carye's answer to Sir John Gilbert's allegations concerning the trained bands in the hundreds of Haytor and Colridge, Devon.—Undated.
2 pp. (203. 114.)
English troops in France.
[1591 ?] (i.) Her Majesty's forces being presently in want of divers provisions especially of beer, which may be with most expedition supplied from thence by reason of the nearness (?) of that port: I require you to transport from thence 50 tuns of beer for the use of her Highness's army, to be taken and provided within that town of Rye, or elsewhere thereabouts, at a reasonable price without any imposition.— Undated.
Draft. ½ p. (203. 116.)
[Earl of Essex ?] to —.
[1591.] (ii.) These are to will and require you out of Her Majesty's treasure remaining in your charge that you make payment to Sir Roger Williams, Captain Gorge, Captain Currye and Captain Ranesford of such money as rests due and is yet behind unpaid for themselves and their several companies until the date hereof.—Undated.
Draft. Two other drafts to a similar effect. All apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. 1 p. (203. 117.)
[1591.] (iii.) Whereas the bearer, Lieutenant Floyd, repairing hither upon some occasion of business, as also to be employed in the service, is since become sickly and not able to follow the same, he is licensed for his better health to return into England.—Undated.
Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary.
¼ p. (203. 118a.)
[The Same ?] to —.
1591. (iv.) Prays him to give order as soon as possible that the bearer M. Chamberlain may have 5 or 6 horses and carts to carry provisions necessary for our army. He will answer according to reason for everything supplied.—Undated.
French. Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. (203. 118c.) Draft to the same effect as above, and in the same hand.
Endorsed: 1591. (203. 119.)
[1591.] (v.) Order for the supply of shipping to and fro for the bearer Mr. Cary, sent to the Court in England for her Majesty's special service.—Undated.
French. Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. ¼ p. (203. 121d.)
[1591.] (vi.) Order bestowing the company of 150 men, of which Captain Rainsford, lately deceased, was captain upon Thomas Gerard.—Undated. Cf. Calendar of Cecil Papers, iv. 169.
Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. (203. 120c.)
[The Same] to —.
[1591.] (vii.) These are to require you to make payment of monies due to the companies of Sir Roger Williams, Captain Gorges, Captain Curry (?) and the company which was Captain Rainsford's now bestowed upon Mr. Thomas Gerrard, from the time of my landing in France, since which time they were under my commandment, until the end of two whole months—Undated.
Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. ½ p. (203. 121a & b.)
[The Same] to Lord —.
[1591.] (viii.) As your lordship has heretofore at my request dealt favourably with Captain Arthur Bourgcher and accepted of his bail, I pray you to take order that his absence may not be prejudicial to his sureties there, but that both he and they may be forborne till Hilary term next, at which time he shall be better able to satisfy his creditors. Which favour I trust you will grant me in respect of his present employment in her Majesty's service, and the rather for my sake under whom he is employed.—Undated.
Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. ½ p. (203. 121c.)
George Nettyrvill to [Lord Burghley ?].
[1591 ?] Your honour shall understand that I was there once, and that in company with Mr. Ailmer the Earl of Sussex his man, and none other but we two. Where you wrote unto me whether I ever knew him before, or did see him, in good faith I never did see neither know him before his last coming into England. And further what speeches passed betwixt us, truly I never talked with him, neither had any speech with him, save that he desired me whose son I was and I told him; and moreover what I did give or send him, in very deed I never gave him anything at all neither sent by any other.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Burghley: Georg Nettervile. ½ p. (90. 123.)
Thomas Gerard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1591 ?] Complimentary. Acknowledges his obligations to Cecil, and apologises for not writing before; one reason for which has been his desire to salute him in French, and the little acquaintance he has with it.—Undated.
Endorsed: Mr. Th. Gerrard to my Master Mr. Th. Gerrard, Sir Fr. Stoner, Mr. Arthur Guyon, Mr. Ed. Seimor, Sir Ed. Wingfeild. Sir W. Russell, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir R. Lane, Mr. Heriott, Sir W. Gudolphin, Sir Ed. Talbott. French. 1 p. (98. 104.)
[Earl of Essex ?] to —.
[1591 ?] Renews his former applications on behalf of the bearer Mr. Hopkins his chaplain, to be restored to his liberty of preaching. Undertakes that Hopkins shall not do anything to the disturbance of the quiet of the Church, but carry himself in such sort as shall not be an offence.—Undated.
Draft, apparently in hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. ½ p. (203. 121f.)
[The Same ?] to —.
[1591.] The bearer, one of my pages, is unable by reason of the decease of his father, to meet a mortgage of the greater part of his lands due unto you upon a treaty of marriage between your daughter and him. I entreat you in consideration he is now an orphan destitute of funds, to grant a year's respite upon security, and not to take the extremity of the law against him, or else if you can so agree, that the match may proceed, and the matter be ordered to the contentment of each party. Once again I pray you to deal with him so that I may have cause to be thankful on his behalf.— Undated.
Draft, apparently in the hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. 1 p. (203. 118b.)
[The Same ?] to Lord —.
[1591.] Complimentary: offering services etc.—Undated.
Draft, apparently in hand of Vanloo, Essex' secretary. ¼ p. (203. 121e.)
Order by [the Earl of Essex].
[1591 ?] These are straightly to charge and command you and every of you that you forbear to trouble or molest, or in any sort to touch or meddle with Monsieur de Coymerrant or any of his within the village of Coymerrant either for forage, cattle, lodging or otherwise, being a gentleman who I understand to be a faithful servant to the King and to have followed him in his wars.—Undated.
Draft. ½ p. (204. 48.)
Parsonage of Symonborne.
[1578–1591.] Presentation of — Crackenthorp to the parsonage of Symonborne, diocese of Durham.—Undated.
Note by Burghley: "At the request of the L. Evers. Found well commended."
1 p. (2317.)
Water supply of Plymouth.
[1591 ?] Plan of the water supply to Plymouth from Shepstow, executed by Sir Francis Drake.—Undated.
1 sheet. (Maps 1. 60.)
The Earls of England.
[1591.] The succession of the Earls of England, from their creation to 1585.
Ex rubro Libro nobilis Comitis Leicester, extract: de aliis antiquis libris apud Kenilworth. Ex Registro Burton.
Genealogia Dominorum de Lacy.
A number of Letters and Petitions addressed to Sir Robert Cecil, all probably after 1591.
Fard. Gorges.—If it please you to command me to come to you when Sir Walter Ralley and you will appoint to be together, it may be I shall say that I cannot write, which will be more available than anything I have or can justly subscribe unto. It will be best this night, for if I be not deceived, it will be too late to-morrow.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (186. 56.)
Thomas Honeyman.—Setting forth a scheme of finance for Ireland based upon the seizure of all victuals exported from thence.—Undated.
2 pp. (179. 123.)
Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury.—His wife thanks him for the venison, and will wish him here at the eating thereof. Presents the like to Cecil on his own behalf. Till Sunday at dinner, takes his leave. Is very glad Cecil is so well prepared to deal for the gentleman, who only relies on his favour.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (99. 5.)
Preachers and Ministers of the City of Norwich.—We the poor and painful ministers of the city of Norwich, living everyone of us upon the uncertain benevolence of our people, humbly entreat you to be a means for our certain maintenance, by some Act in this present Parliament: that as the ministers of London know what belongs to them, so we may what belongs to us. We have almost 40 parishes, and not any one of them any certain allowance. By this means we that serve at the altar live on the basket, and our people that should maintain us, cannot agree about our maintenance: the rich will give little, the meaner sort less, and the rest nothing at all. We beseech you to further our Bill, to open your mouth in the cause of poor preachers. We are all of us of your University of Cambridge.—Undated.
1 p. (186. 116.)
Lady M[ildred] Read.—Expresses Mr. Trafford's and her own thanks for Cecil's kindness towards their child. They send him half a hind baked, and half a dozen cheeses, a small present, yet such as this country affords.—Trafford, 12 December. "Your honor's nyce (niece)."
Holograph. Endorsed: Lady Read. 1 p. (186. 133.)
Captain Edward Sibthorpe.—Details his dealings with Daniel Norcombe, Cecil's servant, to whom he has paid certain monies to further his suits with Cecil, but who has deluded him in the matter. The agreed amounts for procuring the suits, apparently appointments to ships, were 30l. and 50l.— Undated.
1 p. (186. 141.)
Margaret, Lady Hoby.—Is sorry that this business proceeds so backwards: fears there is fault in more than Mrs. Butler. What directions she shall receive from Cecil she will perform, and desires that she may be freed from imputation.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (205. 103.)
Lady Eliza. Hatton.—Though I take it unkindly your sending for your son so soon away, yet I will not be so curst hearted as to leave desiring that I wish so much nor so unmannerly as to forget thanks for letting him come to me; which favour I account very great, yet not so great as I will render my best thanks but reserve them for your favour in giving him leave to return. And now if you please to give him leave I am in town and do go to-morrow in the morning to Stoke, and would be very glad to be so well accompanied thither. Your loving niece.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (205. 109.)
Robert Kyrkham.—Latin, verses at end.
1 p. (140. 91.)
Bartholomew Lunckyecx, of Leipsic.—Has brought over to England "a most rare and strange piece of work of sundry kinds of metals," and has kept himself secret eight weeks in Durham House hoping Cecil would have leisure to view it. Prays him to do so, or obtain him a warrant to the Lord Mayor to make public show of it.—Undated.
1 p. (388.)
John Peirson.—Of wrongful molestations done to him by Thomas Murfett, butcher. Prays for enquiry and redress.— Undated.
Endorsed: Note by Cecil that Mr. Harrison is to examine the cause and order it if he can. 1 p. (394.)
Thomas Hewett.—For order for the production of certain writings detained by the means of his brother John Hewett who has entered on petitioner's lands and committed riots.— Undated.
½ p. (613.)
Nicholas Byrde.—He took a house of Owen Holland, with promise of a lease, and repaired it at great charge, but Holland has now sold it. Prays that Holland be made to recompense him.—Undated.
Richard Marchante.—For reward for bringing letters from Mr. Gilpin in the Low Countries.—Undated.
½ p. (715.)
William Roberts.—Brought letters from Lord Burghley, and petitioned Cecil to know if he would command him any service, and Cecil ordered him to stay his leisure. Has stayed and spent all his means. Prays favour.—Undated.
½ p.
James Haggas.—Prays him to move Lady Dacres to grant him one of the tenements she has built in Tothill Fields for poor aged people.—Undated.
1 p. (773.)
— Harvye.—"Your honour's poor bedeswoman and nurse." For relief.—Undated.
1 p. (786.)
Mary Colbarne.—Complains that her husband's father Richard Colbarne has defrauded her of her jointure, and prays that commissioners be appointed to enquire into the matter.— Undated.
1 p. (852.)
John Carew.—Of a cause between him and Edward Seamer, as to lands of the manor of Westodley, Devonshire. Prays for letters to the Judges of that circuit to hear the cause with indifference, and that Mr. Serjeant Heale, who was before his counsel but is now Seamer's, be not permitted to plead.— Undated.
1 p. (860.)
Thomas Heydon.—Is threatened with ejectment from his tenement in Waltham Cross. Prays grant of the cottage and consideration of his distressed state.—Undated.
½ p. (863.)
William Elsworth.—For relief in his cause with Charles Topliffe.—Undated.
½ p. (916.)
Anne Bland.—For his letter to Walter Agard, requiring him to repay her a loan.—Undated.
¾ p. (1285.)
Luke Bedford.—For secret conference, to declare a matter of some importance to Cecil and his posterity.—Undated.
1 p. (1109.)
John Bayly.—His answer to the slanderous petition of Nehemiah Bennet, which Cecil has sent him, charging him with plotting, with offering injuries to Elizabeth Bennet and with offering indirect abuse to Cecil respecting a close called Willifitz alias Sewels, Broxborne, Herts. The matter has been already heard by the officers of the Court of Wards, and the land found to belong to Elsing Spittle, and not to the manor of Broxborne. Prays that Bennet be called to appear and give satisfaction.—Undated.
1 p. (1717.)
Hercules Wytham.—For further allowance towards the repair of the "Black Lion," Hoddesdon, of which he is tenant. Through the decay of the inn, Ellis Williams of the "Chequers" has obtained all the wine licences. Prays Cecil to be a mean to Sir Walter Ralegh therein, or to give him his own warrant to draw wine.—Undated.
Note that Cecil has granted half a year's rent.
1 p. (1721.)
Henry Stapleford and Richard Shakerley.—For timber for the repair of Cheshunt Mills, of which they are tenants. Complain that barges passing on the Lea are very often placed across the mouth of the river that serves the mills, to their great hindrance. Mr. Dr. Neale demands a tithe for the mills: asks Cecil's pleasure therein.—Undated.
Note by Cecil thereon.
1 p. (1750.)


  • 1. See grant on Patent Roll 33 Elizabeth, pt. 4, dated 13 April, 1591.
  • 2. See Acts of the Privy Council, XXI, p. 20.
  • 3. Robert White appears from this letter to be Sir Robert Cecil. In C.P. iv. 211, is a letter from John Heath to Robert White under date 19/29 June, 1592, from Antwerp, which confirms this.