Cecil Papers: 1550-1559

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 1550-1559', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp27-42 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1550-1559', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp27-42.

"Cecil Papers: 1550-1559". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp27-42.


1550, Sept. 26. Maidstone College. Copy of the release made by George, Lord Cobham, to Walter Herenden for Harwasshe, &c.
1 p. (145. 35.)
John Travers to —.
1550, Dec. 6. Apparently recommending the suit of a son of Sir William Wise.—Dublin, 6 December, 1550.
Endorsed: From Sir John Travers to my Mr. Fragment only. ½ p. (201. 85.)
Sir John Alen.
[1550.] Letters patent of a grant to Sir John Alen, knight, late Chancellor of Ireland, in consideration of 22 years' service to the King and his father in Ireland, of a yearly pension of 100l. for life, to commence at Michaelmas, 1550, and to be paid out of the revenues of the county palatine of Chester: with licence to be absent from Ireland and live in England, &c.
Latin. Copy. Parchment, injured. (222. 21.)
The Steelyard Merchants.
1550. Shipments of clothes by the Stillyard merchants, from 1 Edward II (1307) to 3 Edward VI.
pp. (247. 253.)
The Hanse Merchants.
1551, Oct. Papers in an enquiry into a complaint that the Hanse merchants have coloured the goods of one Laurence Fensell, a foreigner not free of their society, whereby the King has lost his custom.—October, 1551.
39 pp. (247. 229.)
The Bargain of the W. (? widow) of the Earl of Southampton to Sir William Herbert.
1551. Value of the lands of Thomas Earl of Southampton is 1,300l. 10s. 5d. Henry, his son and heir, is of the age of 4 years. Terms upon which the wardship and lands are sold to Sir William Herbert.—4 Edward VI.
1 p. (2138.)
— to [the Lord Protector].
[1547–1551.] Thanks him for his present delivered by Mr. Edward Garland and Mr. Giles Crowe. Desires to be employed in his Majesty's service. Mentions letters written from the Emperor. Has written to his Majesty the cause of his stay, and the two gentlemen sent by his Majesty are acquainted therewith. Begs him to hasten the despatch of his Majesty's resolution, so that he may the sooner prepare himself and the captains and soldiers to accompany him in that journey.—Undated.
Draft. Damaged. Endorsed: "Letter to Protector." 1 p. (201. 98.)
Commissioners of the Hanse.
1551–2, Jan. 12. Commissioners of the Hanse to the King. Recommending John Redelin and another, sent by them to England to treat.—Lubeck, 12 January.
Contemporary copy. Latin. Endorsed by Cecil: 12 January, 1551. 1 p. (247. 276.)
Great and Little Munden.
1551–2, Jan. 15. Book containing copy of lease of land, parcel of the park called Flodgacy, in the parish of Myche Munden, Herts, granted by the Marquis of Northampton to Dame Margaret Roche, 15 January, 1552; also copies of court rolls relating to the same lands, to lands in Little Munden, Herts and others.—Undated.
Endorsed: Fludgacy, the lease and copies. 10 pp. (2386.)
The Hanse Privileges.
1551–2, Feb. 24. Decree of the Council respecting the Hanse privileges.—24 February, 6 Edward VI (1552).
Signed by Winchester, Northumberland, Bedford, H. Westmorland, F. Shrewsbury, T. Darcy, John Gate, R. Sadleyr, W. Cecyll.
3 pp. (247. 270.)
Duplicate of above, signed by the above except Gate and Sadleyr and by E. Clynton, N. Wotton and T. Ely, Canc.
5 pp. (247. 272.)
Contemporary copy of the above.
pp. (247. 88.)
House Charges.
1552, April. Note of my master's charges of his house between April 5, 1551, and April 3, 1552.
2 pp. (143. 73.)
The Steelyard Merchants.
1552, July 13. Warrant to the officers of the port towns, giving leave to the Stillyard merchants to transport certain cloths and lead.—13 July, 6 Edward VI.
Draft. Parchment. 1 p. (247. 313.)
Thomas Stucley.
1552, Aug. 2. Passport by the King of France to Thomas Stucley, "lequel nous a suivy durant la guerre," now returning into England, for himself, servants, horses and baggage.— Folleinbray, 2 August, 1552. Signed "Par le Roy, Bochetel."
Seal. Parchment 1 p. (215. 8.)
Remembrances for Mr. Vicechamberlain.
[1552, Sept.] A warrant for 210l. to be paid to Bartholomew Compayne for so much delivered by him by exchange to Mr. Barnabie in France.
[Side note by Burghley: 600 French crowns at 7s. the crown.]
A warrant to the Chancellor of the Augmentation not to meddle with the late lands of the Duke of Somerset's, sometime belonging to the Duchy, but to suffer Mr. Vicechamberlain to resume the same into the view of the Duchy.
A warrant to Mr. Vicechamberlain that he resume the said Duchy lands within his office.
A warrant from the King to Mr. Souche to deliver to Mr. Vicechamberlain 100 deer out of the park and chase of Gillingham, whereof 20 to be prickets, sorells and bucks, and the rest to be "rascall," for the storing of Sunborne park in Hampshire.
A warrant to the officers of the Toyle to take the said deer and to convey them to Sunborne.
A warrant to Mr. Vicechamberlain to employ the same deer upon Sunborne and to see the grounds fair kept and the pale well fenced.—Undated.
(213. 52.)
Bishop of Lincoln to Sir William Cecil.
1552, Oct. 20. Fragment, containing only the concluding lines of the letter. "Your hands, before your determinate sentence be given.—From Nettilham 20 October, 1552."
½ p. (2149.)
The King to the Commissioners of the Hanse.
1552, Nov. In reply to theirs of Sept. 7th. He desires the place of the diet to be in England.—November, 1552.
Contemporary copy. Latin. 1 p. (247. 316.)
Intelligence from Rome.
[1552,] Dec. 12. Last Tuesday the Pope summoned ten cardinals and explained to them that he had done so that Don Luighi de Toledo might tell them publicly what he had told the Pope in private. Accordingly Don Luighi made a speech explaining that the King of Spain had ordered the Viceroy of Naples to march 20,000 men to rescue Sienna from the hands of the persons in whose power it was, and that for this purpose he was come to ask that the troops might pass through the Pope's dominions. The Pope replied that he could only feel displeasure at war between two Christian powers; that he accepted the King of Spain's promise that the passage of the troops through the Papal states would be orderly; the King must not be surprised if the Pope took special precautions for the safety of Rome. Thereupon Don Luighi departed. It is said that not less than 4 or 5,000 infantry and 500 horse are to be raised as a guard for Rome.
It is said that the talk about Sienna is really to cover a design upon Parma.
Italian. 2 pp. (186. 1332.)
English and Hanse Merchants.
[1552.] Articles exhibited to the Council by the English merchants trading into the Netherlands to prove that the merchants of the Hanse had sundry ways forfeited their privileges.—Undated.
11½ pp. (247. 224.)
The Hanse.
1552. Declaration of John Rudelius and Francis Pfeill, legates from the Hanse, containing an answer to certain accusations laid to the Hanse.—Undated.
Latin. Endorsed: 1552. 9 pp. (247. 278.)
Notes for a reply to the above.—1552.
pp. (247. 288.)
Answer to a declaration of John Rudelius and Franc. Pfeill, Ambassadors for the Hanse towns, wherein the said Ambassadors went about to clear the Stillyard merchants from sundry accusations.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. Latin. Endorsed (contemp.) as 1552. 4 pp. (247. 75.)
Another copy.
pp. (247. 284.) Endorsed by Cecil: 1552.
English version.
pp. (247. 77.)
Reply of Rudelius and Pfeill, Hanse Ambassadors, to the above answer.—1552.
Latin. 7 pp. (247. 290.)
English version.
pp. (247. 294.)
Answer of the Council to the above reply of the Hanse Ambassadors.—Undated.
Latin. 5½ pp. (247. 296.)
English abstract of the same.
pp. (247. 300.)
Reply of the Hanse Commissioners to the above answer of the Council.—Undated.
Latin. 2½ pp. (247. 302.)
Answer of the Council to the last reply of the Hanse Commissioners.—1552.
Latin. 2½ pp. (247. 304.)
English draft of the same.—1552.
pp. (247. 306)
Reply of the Hanse Commissioners to the same.—Undated.
Latin. 2 pp. (247. 308.)
Answer of the Council to the last reply.—Undated.
Latin. 2 pp. (247. 310.)
Reply of the Hanse Commissioners to the last answer of the Council.—Undated.
Latin. 2¼ pp. (247. 311.)
John Rudelius and Francis Pfeill to the King.
[1552.] For obtaining the particulars granted in his last letters. Give thanks, upon their departure, for their honourable entertainment.—Undated.
Latin. 3 pp. (247. 314.)
Magistrates of Hamburg to the King.
1552–3, Jan. 1. On behalf of Francis Pfeil and another, their legates.—Hamburg, 1 January, 1552.
Contemporary copy. Latin. 1 p. (247. 277.)
The Channel Islands.
[Before Jan. 2, 1552–3.] Portion of a petition from the inhabitants of the Channel Islands [to the Protector Somerset] with respect to the King's lands; the partition of lands; for repair of the ports; for free access and trade there of Frenchmen and Englishmen in time of war between them; for licence to sue to the French King for the renewing and ratifying the letters placards for the same; for the captain, baillie, dean and others to decide causes of small importance; for regulations with regard to chancery writs and commissions; and the custom for wheat carried forth to be taken away or mitigated.—Undated.
Paper roll, damaged. (215. 7.)
Commissioners of the Hanse at Lubeck to the King.
1553, [April 5.] Recommending Hermannus Appollonius, whom they have sent about their affairs.—Lubeck, 1553.
Latin. Parchment. 1 p. (247. 317.)
The Hanse Commissioners.
[1553, April 5.] Declaration by Hermannus Ploninges of his embassage from the Hanse Commissioners.—Undated.
Latin. 2 pp. (247. 318.)
The Hanse Commissioners.
1553, April 8. Answer to the embassage of Hermannus Appollonius from the Hanse Commissioners.—8 April, 1553.
Draft. Latin. 2¼ pp. (247. 319.)
The King to the Hanse Commissioners.
1553, April 10. Sent by Hermannius Appollonius, and containing the substance of the answer to him of April 8.— April 10, 1553.
Draft. Latin. 1 p. (247. 321.)
The Bishop of St. David's.
[1553 ?] John Anwick's defence of the Bishop of St. David's, his master.
The Bishop is charged with being an abuser of his authority, a maintainer of superstition, unsatiable and covetous, &c., and with being behindhand with the King's money. His principal adversaries are Thomas Yonge, chaunter of St. David's, Roland Merik, doctor of law and canon there, George Constantine, the Bishop's registrar, Roger Barloo, brother of the Bishop of Bath, Griffith Donne, town clerk of Carmarthen, Thomas John Thomas ap Harry, gent. and John Evans, clerk, the Bishop's chaplain. "Rawlins' information" is mentioned [See Calendar of Cecil MSS., Part 1., No. 481.]—Undated.
8 pp. (201. 112.)
The Steelyard.
1553. Warrant by the King to the officers of the ports, ratifying a former licence to transport to the Stillyard merchants.—7 Edward VI.
Contemporary copy. 1½ pp. (247. 323.)
Drainage of Fenlands.
[c. 1553.] Map of Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, &c. Showing drainage system.—Undated.
1 sheet. (Maps 2. 2.)
Edward VI to the Magistrates and Commonalty of Lucca.
Edw. VI. Commending to them Peter Vannes, their fellow citizen, his Ambassador to the Doge of Venice, now going home with the King's leave to attend to his private affairs.—Undated.
Latin. 18th century copy 1 p. Damaged.
[Cf. S.P. Foreign, 16 October, 1551.] (222. 22.)
[? Edw. VI.] Key to cypher, in hand of Henry VIII or Edward VI's reign.
1 p. (213. 37.)
Maidstone College.
[King Edw. VI.] Particular of lands of the late dissolved College of Maidstone.
12 pp. (145. 19.)
Tinners of Devon.
[Edw. VI or earlier.] Allegations for the tinners concerning their working in other men's several grounds; and the answers to the same.
Refers to the county of Devon. Reasons given why the tinners should not be allowed to work in other men's "several grounds," but only in the moors, forests and wastes. The tin in the former should be worked by the owners and inheritors thereof. Among the reasons is the following:— "It is and always has been the opinion of the tinners and miners that the tin which is found in several ground came from the moor and forests which was by the violence of Noah his flood broken and separated from the head and substance thereof called the great 'Rewes' of tin growing and at this day continuing in the moor and forest. And the said tin so sundered and divided from the great Rewes was by reason of the said flood 'sparkelid ' and cast into sundry places where it is now found, and so the abundance of tin remaineth in the moors and forests and not in the several ground."—Undated.
2 sheets. (207. 3.)
The Steelyard.
[Edw. VI.] Notes relating of the privileges of the Stillyard, in Burghley's hand.—Undated.
Endorsed: Edward VI. 1 p. (247. 73.)
The Hanse Merchants.
[Edw. VI.] Answer of those merchants of the Hanse who are resident in the Stillyard in London to the complaints of the Merchants Adventurers.—Undated.
13½ pp. (247. 80.)
Another copy.
12½ pp. (247. 263.)
[Edw. VI.] Complaints of English merchants against the town of Dantzic, with regard to customs.—Undated.
Endorsed: Injuries done to the merchants of England by the Hanse. 2 pp. (247. 249.)
Another copy.
(247. 257.)
The Hanse.
[? Edw. VI.] Thirteen articles against the Hanse's pretended privileges—Undated.
pp. (247. 261.)
The King's Swans.
[Edw. VI.] The ordinance for the conservation and upping of the King's swans and cygnets, and of his lords spiritual and temporal and of his commons, within the counties of Lincoln, Northampton, Huntingdon and Cambridge.
Printed. Broadsheet. Endorsed by Cecil: "For the Swans." (223. 17a.)
[Edw. VI.] Annotations upon Aristotle's "Topica."
134 pp. (269. 1.)
[Edw. VI.] "The Accedence of Armorie." Opens in the form of a conversation between "Leigh" and "Genard."
34 pp. (295. 2.)
The Privy Council.
1553, July 16–Sept. 30. Original Council Book of Queen Mary.
44 pp. [Printed, Haynes, p. 155, and Acts of the Privy Council, New Series (edited Dasent).] (245. 1.)
The Hanse.
1553, Oct. 24. Agreement between the Queen's Commissioners and the Ambassadors of the Hanse.—London, October 24, 1553.
Contemporary copy. 1¼ pp. (247. 92.)
Another copy.
pp. (247. 325.)
The Hanse Commissioners.
1553–4, Jan. 23. Record of transactions with the Hanse Commissioners, December 13 to January 23, 1 Mary.
Latin Endorsed by Cecil. 8½ pp. (247. 7.)
[Don Francisco de Este] to Queen Mary.
1554, July 1. Congratulates her upon her marriage.— Naples, 1 July, 1554.
Signed. Italian. p. 1. Endorsed: Don Francisco de Este to the Queen's Majesty. Sealed. [The original letter, of which a translation is calendared in Part I, p. 135, No. 494.] (147. 10.)
Marg. Duchess of Mantua (?) to the Same.
1554, July 8. Her pleasure at hearing of the Queen's marriage cannot be fully expressed by letter; so she sends Mons. Scarampe, Bishop of Nola, for whom she desires favour. —Mantua, 8 July, 1554.
Signed. Italian. 1 p. (147. 11.)
Lord Dacre.
[1554.] Valuation of the lands, &c., of Gregory, Lord Dacre of the South.
Notes by Cecil. 2 pp. (146. 124.)
The Hanse.
1554. Information exhibited by the Merchant Adventurers, to disprove the allegations of the Hanse Ambassadors.— 1 Mary.
16 pp. (247. 328.)
The Hanse.
1554–5, Feb. 26. Order of Council touching matters in variance between the Merchants Adventurers and the Merchants of the Hanse.—Westminster, 26 February, 1554.
Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (247. 93.)
Another copy.
pp. (247. 352.)
Manor of Hoo.
1555, June 30. Extracts from ministers' accounts of the manor of Hoo, relating to a customary payment called Muskelles Potte. The manor is now given to Lord Cobham.
Copy certified by Thomas Wyseman. 1 p. (201. 124.)
St. James the Apostle.
1555, Dec. 8. "Sacrosancta missa D. Jacobi Apostoli." Latin translation of the Greek Liturgy of St. James.— "Londini, 8 Dec., 1555. R.A." [? Roger Ascham].
61 pp. (268. 1.)
Tailor's Bill.
1555, Dec. 22. Tailor's bill, Sir William Cecil.
2 pp. (143. 96.)
William Fisher.
1555. Accounts of William Fisher for year ending Michaelmas, 1555.
Notes by Cecil. 6 pp. (143. 74.)
Alms at Wimbledon.
1555. Given to poor folk at Wimbledon.
In Cecil's hand. 1 p. (143. 78.)
1555. "Seress. and Byrtman's bill for books."
Notes thereon by Cecil. 3 pp. (143. 91.)
Linen Cloth.
1555. Bill for linen cloth supplied to Sir William Cecil.
1 p. (143. 95.)
[Queen Mary] to —.
[? 1555.] Although your Highness [altered from "your Excellency"] shall understand at good length both by our letters patent, sealed with our great seal of our realm of England and delivered to your trusty and faithful servitor Ozif, &c., and by the report also of your said Ambassador our good wills and affections to continue and by all good offices increase the brotherly love, amity and mutual intelligence and traffic between us, our realms, dominions and subjects, yet sending presently unto you this bearer Mr. Richard Shelley, one of the ordinary gentlemen of our house, we have commanded him to visit you on our behalf and to present unto you our letters and most hearty commendations and to declare certain other causes unto you in our names to whom we pray you give firm credence as to ourself.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1mo Marie Q." Draft. 1 p. (201. 129.)
The Hanse Merchants.
1555–6, March 23. Petition of the Hanse merchants against the Mayor and Sheriffs of London; with order of the Council thereon.—23 March, 1555.
4 pp. (247. 354.)
Servants' Wages.
1556, March 30. Servants' wages due Lady Day, 1556.
1 p. (143. 79.)
[William] Fisher.
1556, Mich. Defaults in Fisher's accounts of Michaelmas, 1555 and 1556.
In Cecil's hand. 1 p. (143. 77.)
John Pack.
1556, June 1. John Pack's lease of lands in Fryngbury or Fyngebury [Frindsbury, Rochester].
pp. (145. 48.)
Grocer's Bill.
1556, July 5. Bill of W. Box, grocer, for supplies to Sir William Cecil.
3 pp. (143. 93.)
Thomas Parry to Sir William Cecil.
1556, June 7. Prays him to write to Mr. Clerke in favour of John Lyngar, who has served "My Lady's grace" [Elizabeth] very honestly and painfully, and who desires to take a farm of Clerke's.—June 7, 1556.
Signed. 1 p. Much damaged by damp. (213. 69.)
The Hanse Merchants.
1556, Dec. 23. Licence to the merchants of the Hanse to export certain cloths.—Greenwich, 23 December, 1556.
Contemporary copy. 1½ pp. (247. 357.)
The Hanse Merchants.
1556 [Dec. 24]. Decree of Council touching the merchants of the Hanse.—1556.
Latin. Contemporary copy. 1½ pp. (247. 94.)
Another copy.
2 pp. (247. 356.)
William Fyssher to Sir William Cecil.
1556–7, Jan. 23. Relating to Cecil's Lincolnshire property. —Grantham, 23 January.
Endorsed by Cecil: "1556." 2 pp. Holograph. (201. 125.)
The Hanse Towns and the Steelyard.
1557, April 12. Notes by Sir William Cecil as to the merchants of the Stillyard and negotiations with the Hanse Towns: 1553 to 12 April, 1557.
1 p. (247. 90.)
The Steelyard.
1557, April 12. Licence to the merchants of the Stillyard to export certain cloths.—Westminster, 12 April, 1557.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (247. 357a.)
Travelling Charges.
1557, May 13. Charges of my master's journey from Wimbledon to Channon Row and so to Burley, and the return journey.
Notes by Cecil. 3 pp. (143. 84.)
Household Charges.
1557, May. Household and extraordinary charges at Channon Row (Sir William Cecil).
Notes by Cecil. 4 pp (143. 80.)
The Steelyard.
1557, Oct. 27. Order of the Council that bonds should be taken of the Stillyard merchants for payment of their customs and subsidies.—Star Chamber, 27 October, 1557.
Contemporary copy. ½ p. (247. 358.)
Tailor's Bill.
1557–8, Jan. 12. For Sir William Cecil:—3¼ yds. of cloth to make a cloak and a jerkin at 12s., making the cloak 4s., making the jerkin 16d., ribbons, buttons, silk, &c. for the same. 3 yds. of fustian to make a doublet at 2s. 4d., making the same 2s., lining, buttons, silk, &c. for the same. Total 3l. 5s. 1d.
For Mr. Halle:—Making a cloth nightgown, a doublet, a satin jacket and a grosgrain jacket. Total 9l. 12s. 3d.
For Master Thomas [Cecil]:—Making a fresado coat, a fustian doublet, and a grosgrain jacket. Total 52s.
Notes by Cecil. Endorsed by Cecil: "1557, January 12. Mathews' bill." 3 pp. (143. 97.)
The Marquis of Winchester to the Customers, &c. of London.
1558, April 17. Directions with regard to exports.— 17 April, 1558.
Contemporary copy. 1½ pp. (247. 186.)
Subsidy on Cloth.
1558, May 28. Warrant ordering a levy of subsidy or poundage of 12d. and customs duty of 3d. upon cloth imported or exported.—Manor of St. James, 28 May, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed by Sir Robert Cecil: Davye's note. 1½ pp. (186. 12.)
[? Philip and Mary.] Map of Calais and district, headed "A description how Calais may be besieged with 8,000 footmen and 200 horsemen, that all France shall not compel the army to fight other than in defence of a fort, remove the siege, or disturb their victuals or the victuals that may come out of Flanders." —Undated.
Vellum. (Maps 1. 55.)
[? Philip and Mary.] "John Vahan ded.
L L and H. discord. [In margin: blew and yellow.] The messengers Layton and D. Urmod. Reward to the gard 10l. a doo. Lay gon owt of wit. L Hwn and L enemyes L L Rad thorow London.
Dier lusty.
Sakvell cum home.
Kinge Phillipes gold.
Sweden Lady in cort Q. Dowghter.
L arme lycens for wod and bere.
Q. W. nedes not for no pardon wyffe.
Drewery maryed to Lady Woddhowsse.
Munday nyght the 23 of January the Imbassador supped at Durham place the next nyght at Baynerd's castell.
That R R spake not in 13 dayes abowt the coygne and other matters. Sundays newes by Straunge who browghte Charlles the Emperowrs yonger brothers picture to the K.
Thes newsse wyll be shortly with the emperowr.
Not[e] that Hary Gwyn wolde nedes have had mony of Mr. Standen for to by rapers and dagers and other thinges." —Undated.
pp. (201. 128.)
Accession of Queen Elizabeth.
[1558, Nov. 17.] "Novembres gratulationes: id est in auspicatissimum initium fælicissimi Regni Divæ Elizabethæ, Angliæ Franciæ et Hiberniæ Reginæ, Carmina gratulatoria a Regiis Alumnis Westmonasteriensibus gratitudinis et observantiæ ergo Decimo Septimo die Novembris conscripta." Consisting of:—
1. A poetical address to the Queen from universus Cœtus regiorum Alumnorum Westmonasteriensium. 8 lines.
2. Carmina gratulatoria from the following:
Thomas Cooper. Latin and Greek 12 pp.
Richard Ireland. Latin and Greek. 8 pp.
Marmaduke Dorington. Latin and Greek. 8 pp.
Robert Christian. Latin and Greek. 8 pp.
Henry Child. Latin and Greek. 8 pp.
Rowland Gryffyth. Latin. 8 pp.
Peter Smart. Latin. 8 pp.
Edward James. Latin and Greek. 8 pp.
Charles Pratt. Latin. 8 pp.
Roger Derham. Latin. 8 pp.
John Crosse Latin. 4 pp.
William Driwood. Latin. 4 pp.
John Matthew. Latin. 4 pp.
Edward Fletwood. Latin. 4 pp.
Richard Martins. Latin. 4 pp.
Hugh Roberts. Latin. 6 pp.
(298. 6.)
The King of [Spain] to the Queen.
[1558,] Dec. 27. Cannot exaggerate his pleasure at perceiving, by her Highness' letter, and that of the Earl of Essex, and by what Lord Coban [Cobham] has told him, how really she responds to his brotherly affection. When any other opportunity offers of doing her pleasure, her affairs shall be to him as his own. Begs credence for the Count of Feria.—Grunendael, 27 December.
Spanish. 1 p. (133. 188.)
Lord Cobham's Lands.
[? 1558.] Lands in Kent and Essex entailed by the will of George, Lord Cobham.
1 p. (145. 114.)
William Brooke's Lands.
[? 1558.] Lands entailed upon William Brooke.
½ p. (145. 115.)
Lord Cobham.
1558. List of subsidies levied upon George, Lord Cobham, and William, Lord Cobham.
1 p. (145. 174.)
[circ. 1558.] Note of debts due to the Crown by George, Lord Cobham.
Latin. 1 p. (145. 201.)
1558. "Windows requisite for my new building in the front."
Endorsed: 1558, Mem. Masons. All in Cecil's hand. (213. 103.)
Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
1558–9, Feb. 12. Grant by Henry, Earl of Arundel, to Sir Thomas Parry, Treasurer of the Queen's Household, of the office of stewardship of the possessions of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, granted to him by the late Dean and Chapter. —12 February, 1 Elizabeth.
Signed. 1 sheet. (223. 8.)
St. Peter's, Westminster.
1558–9, March 7. Grant by John the abbot and the convent of St. Peter's, Westminster, to Sir Thomas Parry, knight, Treasurer of the Queen's Household, of the office of Chief Steward of all their honors, lordships, manors, &c., for life, at a yearly fee of 10l.—The Chapter House, Westminster, 7 March, 1558, 1 Elizabeth.
Latin. Parchment. Portion of seal, broken. (222. 15.)
The Hanse Towns.
1559, Sept. Letters of commission given by the Hanse Towns to six Commissioners, authorising them to treat with the Queen's Commissioners.—September, 1559.
Contemporary copy. Latin. Endorsed by Cecil. 4 pp. (247. 14.)
Another copy of the same.
6 pp. (247. 40.)
Notes of proceedings at the conference of the above.
pp. (247. 17.)
Exposition of certain general terms in the charters granted by the several Kings of England to the Hanse merchants.— Elizabeth [probably same date as above papers].
pp. (247. 19.)
Twelve articles of demand exhibited by the above Commissioners.—Undated.
Latin. Notes by Cecil. 1¼ pp. (247. 21.)
Ambassadors of Hanse to the Council. Detailing their demands.—Undated.
Latin, with side notes in English. Endorsed: Sept. 3. 22 pp. (247. 337.)
[? 1559, Sept.] Articles of the Hanse Commissioners to show how their privileges were by several acts of parliament kept unviolable unto them.—Undated.
pp. (247. 29.)
[? 1559, Sept.] Complaints propounded by the citizens of London against the Hanse towns, with their petition.— Undated.
Latin. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. (247. 24.)
[? 1559, Sept.] Project of articles to be alleged against the general confirmation of the Hanse's privileges.—Undated.
Draft. 1 p. (247. 27.)
The Garrisons about Berwick.
1559, Dec. 24. Warrant to Valentine Brown to take account of treasure, munitions &c., sent to Berwick and the garrisons in those parts.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. 1 p. (142. 21.)
The Government of Scotland.
[1559.] These things would be secretly shown to the Governor of Scotland by some man whom he believed to be his sure friend.
In the first, that all the French King's working is and shall be to depose the said Governor from his authority and government of the realm, and thereafter to destroy him all utterly, so that he nor his succession shall never be able to succeed to the crown, in case the Queen of Scots decease without succession of her body.
And that this matter may be the more easily compassed and brought to effect, whatsomever thing the said Governor will desire of the French King he shall apparently grant to the same, to the effect he may draw the principal strengths of that realm in his hands.
The which strengths being obtained and gotten, then shall the French King, with the consent of these lords and barons that favour him, and hate the said Governor, find out such occasions that through his evil government and other matters, which he intends in the Queen's name to lay to his charge since the decease of her father, that he is unable to brook the said government, and therefore not only depose him thereof, but also forfeit him of all right and title that he has to the crown, and his own heritage also.
And that he shall understand this is the French King's mind to work of this manner, it was devised there should a banquet have been made in the galleys at the Queen's departing forth of Scotland to France, to the which banquet the Governor and his brother the Bishop of St. Andrew's were desired, and came not. Soothly if they had come and kept the said banquet, they had altogether gone to France.
And now seeing that the said purpose succeeded not, the said French King intends by all other means he can to draw the said Governor and his most special friends with many high promises to France, the which promises he intends never to keep, nor yet no other thing that he has already granted, as the deed will show.
And if by no means of craft and subtlety he can bring this matter to effect, then his purpose is to send a great power in Scotland, under the shadow and colour to put justice and order in that realm as it is in France, for punishment of heretics and traitors as he calls them, amongst whom the Governor and his will be the first shall be handled, or else when he and his friends have assisted unto the French King's power in performing of the foresaid things, then shall they "mell" with him, because he shall be unable to resist them.
Therefore let him and his wise friends consider the things aforesaid, and in time provide friends for him, or else he is able to repent when he may not mend.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Remembrances of Scotland." 2 pp. (170. 55.)
Anthony Hickman and Edward Castelyn to Sir William Cecil.
[c. 1559.] Are indebted to the Queen 4,733l. 15s. 10d., but are unable to pay it, by reason of the injuries done them by the King of Spain and his subjects, unless Cecil will cause recompense to be made to them from such goods as remain under arrest belonging to the subjects of the said King.— Undated.
½ p. (513.)
Marquis of Winchester.
1559–60, Jan 21. Copy of the Marquis of Winchester's patent of the office of Treasurer of the Exchequer.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (142. 197.)
Countess of Ormond.
1559–60, March 14. Privy seal for the payment of 250l. to the Earl of Sussex, to be delivered by him by way of loan to the Countess of Ormonde, for her necessary charges to Ireland, which sum she is to repay in Ireland.—Palace of Westminster, 14 March, 2 Elizabeth.
Contemporary copy, damaged. 1 p. (201. 130.)