Cecil Papers: 1579

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp169-174 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp169-174.

"Cecil Papers: 1579". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp169-174.


Ralph Stafferton.
1579, March 29. Warrant granting to Rafe Stafferton, gentleman pensioner, lease in reversion of the yearly value of 33l. 6s. 8d., for his services.—Palace of Westminster, 29 March, 1579.
Signed by the Queen. 1 p. (203. 1.)
1578–9, March. Bill for works at Theobalds.
1 p. (143. 56.)
The Earl of Rutland and Thomas Markham.
[1578–9 ?, March.] Notes in a case between the Earl of Rutland and Thomas Markham concerning the stewardship of Oswoldbecke Soke, the manor of Mansfield, the stewardship of Mansfield, the forestership and justiceship of the Forest of Sherwood, the "manredde of the men of Mansfield," the woodwardship of Nottinghamshire, walks of Byllowe and Byrkeland, Lyndhurst and Mansfield, Forsworn Wood and Musfeld, Besk Wood and Clipston Wood, the manor of Edenstow and the stewardship of Ollorton and Muntree.— Undated.
Endorsed: The Earl of Rutland contra Markham.
Partly in Burghley's hand. 2 pp. (186. 137.)
[See Calendar of Cecil MSS., Part II, p. 239, No. 715.]
The Great Seal.
1579, April 18. Docquet of things passed the great seal.
Protection for Richard Hall, proctor of the Poor House at Colchester, to gather in Essex and Hertford.
Protection for John Curtys, proctor of the Poor House of Guildford, to gather in Surrey and Sussex.
Protection for John Walker, proctor of the Poor House of Kingsland, to gather in Berks and Oxon.
Protection for the Poor House of Mile End, granted to Hugh Jones, proctor, to gather in Kent and Sussex.
Commission to enquire after the death of Robert Belton, gent., in Lancashire.
Commission to enquire after the death of John Price, esquire, in Radnorshire.
Pardon of alienation for Richard Lutley, gent.
Licence of alienation from Lawrence Hussey, doctor of law, to Edward Orwell, gent.
A general livery under value for Julius Adelmare, son and heir of Cesar Adelmare, deceased.
A general livery above value for John Bartlett alias Hancock, son and heir of Robert Hancock, deceased.
An ousterlemaine under value for John Scaurfeild and Katherin his wife in the right of the said Katherin, daughter and heir of Richard ap Owen, deceased.
A pardon of outlawry for Edward Griffithe.
Customer's patent granted to Cristofer Thorneton during pleasure, within the port of Kingston-upon-Hull.
Presentation for William Eame, clerk, to the parsonage of Brockholl, in the diocese of Peterborough.
Presentation for Ambrose Dorington, Mr. of Art, to the vicarage of Godmanchester, in the diocese of Lincoln. A prebendship within Powles granted to John Flower, Mr. of Art.
A presentation for Robert Cole, clerk, to the parsonage of Wadden, in the diocese of Lincoln.
A prebendship within the cathedral church of Lichfield granted to William Wickham.
A presentation for Richard Williamsonne, clerk, to the parsonage of Kyslingburie in the diocese of Peterborough.
A presentation for Patrick Blare, Mr. of Art, to the vicarage of Cheriton in the diocese of Salisbury.
An exemplification of a bill and answer put into the Court of Chancery between Richard Beacon, plaintiff, and John Hudson and others, defendants. Exemplified at the request of the said plaintiff. Pardon of alienation for the Earl of Rutland.
Licence of alienation from the said Earl of Rutland to the Lord High Treasurer and others.
Commission of provision for John Haynes, esquire, Sarjaunt of the Accatrye, to take up six last of salmon for the provision of the Queen's Household. (This entry is erased.)
An assignment of a lease from the Queen to Walter Bailie, one of her Highness' physicians, of certain lands belonging to Mawdlen College and Corpus Christi College, in the University of Oxford, made by the Presidents of the same Colleges to her Majesty.—18 April, 1579.
Signed by Burghley and Leicester. 2 pp. (203. 2.)
William Curle.
1579, May 17. Declaration that on Wednesday in Easter week the undersigned were with William Curle as jurors at the Swan in Waltham, Herts, when William Woodham in the name of his master, willed half a dozen of those of the jury who dwelt in Edmonton and Tottenham to ride with his master; and that Curle neither by general words nor particular speech was commanded to go or ride, or any other of Enfield then present, but only such as were of Edmonton and Tottenham.—17 May, 1579.
Signed by John Rumbold and 13 others. 1 p. (203. 3.)
W. Heriot to [Archibald Douglas], "the Scotch Ambassador."
[1579 ? May.] Since my last letter I have not seen the King, who has not yet returned to Edinburgh, as Master Richard your nephew is writing to you more largely. I have been here now a week with your brother and sister, who keep me prisoner with their good cheer; if I will listen to them, I should not leave them all the time I may remain here.
Signed. Undated. French. 1 p. (179. 160.)
Brian Fitzwilliam.
1579, July 1. Warrant ordering that the daily annuity of 5s. Irish of Brian Fitzwilliam, be paid in England to him out of the money appointed to be sent into Ireland.—Palace of Westminster, 1 July, 1579.
Signed by the Queen. 1 p. (203. 4.)
Roger Manwood to Lord Burghley.
1579, Aug. 19. Details of his dealings with Mrs. Frankland, with regard to land called Barnards, apparently near her house and demesnes of Rye. Particulars of his difference with Mr. Diggs, with respect to the valuation of some land unspecified.—19 August, 1579.
Endorsed:—The Lord Chief Baron to my Lord.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (213. 12.)
William Franklande to the Lord Treasurer.
1579, Sept. 5. Offers services. I beseech that "this same" might not be apparent to my father-in-law till I am discharged out of prison; for his care is little of my well doing, his need being so great; and he retains the money that should be disbursed for my speedy discharge, so that nothing may spur him forward but your displeasure. I desire that the residue of my living, being on trust committed to my father-in-law, by force of a lease made to Anthonye Whyteffylde, may be conveyed over to me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Burghley: 5 September, 1579. 1 p. (203. 5.)
Georg Johan, Palatin du Rhyn, Duke of Bavaria, to the Queen.
1579, Sept. 6. Introducing his most Privy Councillor Gerson Heldt de Ditennaw, whom he is sending to declare to her particulars of a conspiracy and treason against her person and estate.—Lanterecken, 6 September, 1579.
French. Signed. 1 p. (133. 10.)
[Murdin, p. 322, in extenso.]
Duke Casimir to the Same.
1579, Oct. 2. Being duly advertised of the state of affairs in the Low Countries both by my agents and Seigneurs la Huguerie and Sarrasin, secretaries to my cousin, the Prince of Condé, and foreseeing the need the Church of God has of assurance amongst so many negotiations, I think it my duty to employ all means in my power to serve her. Chief of these means I take to be to appeal to your Majesty, being assured of your piety and singular affection for the peace of the Church of God and of your great power to continue to assist her in the present occurrences. Wherefore I have resolved to send the Sr. D'Hargenlieu, whom I have always known as a gentleman well affectioned to such an end, to your Majesty, and have desired the said La Huguerie and Sarrasin to make the voyage with him, so that you may know how I am assured that your authority may be used for the advancement of the Church and the good of the poor Low Countries, on whom depends the peace of the rest of Christianity. I pray your Majesty to give credence to D'Hargenlieu and the others as to myself.—Neustadt, 2 October, 1579.
Signed. French. 2 pp. (133. 11.)
The Anjou Marriage.
1579, Oct. 6. "Perils" and "Remedies," and notes of speeches by Sir Walter Mildmay and others, including Lord Burghley, with respect to the Anjou marriage.
In Burghley's hand. 4 pp. (140. 6.)
[Murdin, pp. 331–3, and 335–6, in extenso.]
1579, Oct. 6. Causes of misliking of the marriage, with answers thereto.—Undated.
Endorsed by Burghley: "6 Oct., 1579. The Marriadg."
In Burghley's hand. 3 pp. (148. 60.)
[Murdin, pp. 333–335, in extenso.]
David Chytneus to Lord Burghley.
1579, Oct. 15. Enclosing a history by himself of the events connected with the Confession of Augsburg.—"Datum Rosodii, Idibus Octobris, 1579."
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. Latin. (203. 6.)
William Hutton.
1579, Oct. 18. Grant by Philip and Lady Anne Howard, alias Earl and Countess of Surrey, Lord William Howard and Lady Elizabeth Howard, to William Hutton, of the office of forestership of the baronies of Graystock, Duffeton and Ortin, in Westmoreland and Cumberland, and the keepership of the park of Graystock, Cumberland.—18 October, 1579.
Signed and sealed. 1 p. (2316.)
John Asteley.
1579, Oct. 24. Acknowledgement of receipt by John Asteley, Master of the Queen's Jewel House, from the Earl of Lincoln, Lord Admiral, of 15l., for his half-year's annuity issuing from the manors of Ashleybie and Folkingham, Lincoln, —24 October, 1579.
1 p. (2158.)
The Earl of Oxford.
1579, Nov. 16. The title of Edward Earl of Oxford to the offices of steward, bailiff and keeper of the forest of Waltham and the house and park of Havering. Traces his descent from Thomas de Clere, who received the offices from Richard Munfichet.
Notes by Burghley. 1½ pp. (146. 14.)
The Anjou Marriage.
1579, Nov. 24. Articles of marriage between the Queen and the Duke of Anjou.
Latin. Corrected by Burghley. Note by Burghley: "Subscripta sunt ista p'missa vicesimo quarto Novembris a'o D'ni millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo nono."
12 pp. (203. 8.)
Tho. Moryson to the Earl of Lincoln.
[1579 or earlier ?] Acknowledges the receipt of 160l. from Mr. Bevercot, for Lincoln's instalment due to the Queen at Michaelmas last. There can be nothing done for Lincoln's lease of Sempringham parsonage till the commission of leases be made.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (213. 2.)
Court of Wards.
1579. A brief of the arrearages depending upon divers noblemen and gentlemen in the Court of Wards and Liveries.
½ p. (139. 175.)
Frankland's Lands.
1579. Schedule of conveyances concerning Frankland's lands in Herts. The land particularly mentioned is that called Barnett's, granted to Lord Burghley, 20 July, 1579.
Annotations in Burghley's hand. 1 sheet. (203. 15.)
1579. A work in Dutch on navigation, and tables, maps, &c.—1579.
(Vol. 301.)
William Curle to Lord Burghley.
[1579.] As to a piece of waste in the Queen's manor of Enfield, granted to him, which is now claimed by Mr. Robert Wrothe as belonging to his manor of Durants. Prays Burghley to maintain the Queen's title therein.
Endorsed: 1579. ¾ p. (1720.)
— to —
[1572–1579 ?] "After our hearty commendations. Whereas with long suit and divers passages into Ireland you have signed and sealed five bills unto Sir Edward Fyton for the payment to him of 1,200l. after 250l. upon the receipt of any treasure for Ireland service: and also given a direction to your servants and agents for payment of the same, and to take one of your bills with his acquittance, which nevertheless is not here performed: At the humble suit of the said Sir Edward these are to pray and require you that according to your warrant and agreement you now see the payment performed to this bearer his servant, whom he hath of purpose sent over to you with his bills and your warrant together with these our letters. Whereof we make no doubt in regard of your own directions. From the Court."—Undated.
Unsigned. ½ p. (99. 28.)