Cecil Papers: 1572

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 1572', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp109-118 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1572', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp109-118.

"Cecil Papers: 1572". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp109-118.


Michell Evans to Lord Burghley and Sir Walter Mildmay.
[After 1572.] As to the lease of the Queen's townships of Dery, Anglesea, of which he is tenant.—Undated. (1758.)
The Earl of Northumberland.
[Before 1572.] Thomas Blackwell and one Walpole, his brother-in-law, were with me at Topclyff within a month, as I guess, before our trouble. Blackwell's chief errand (as he told me) was about buying of cattle to be driven into the south; and like enough it was so, for that he was so much absent from me and among the fairs. He had some business besides with me about such doings as he had in dealing for me in Petworth lordship. He was my learned steward, my receiver, and a dealer for my things there. His brother-inlaw, being then my servant, obtained a lease at that time for seven years of the little park called the Connyngrey. At their departure, they asked me if I would command them any service southward: I asked them if they went straight to London, they said they must go through Norfolk: then I bade them farewell.
Holograph of the 7th Earl [beheaded in 1572]. Endorsed: "1602" (sic.) ¾ p. (97. 87.)
Birdnest or Leicester New Park.
1572, June 22. Instructions signed by William, Lord Cobham to David Dod and John Gellybrayn for the better execution of their commission in the survey of his park of Birdnest alias the new park of Leicester. 5 pp. (145. 53.)
The Court of Wards.
1572, July 6. Book of entries relating to the Court of Wards and Liveries to July, 1572. (329–1.)
1572, July 22. Lodgings appointed at Theobalds against the Queen's Majesty's coming there, 22 July, 1572.
West side.
The hall for the great chamber.
The parlor for the presence chamber.
The dining chamber for the privy chamber.
h.b. The lodging in the great tower over that for the Lord Chamberlain.
The parlour at the lower end of the hall for the Lord Treasurer's table.
h.b. The lodgings over the same for my Lord of Leicester.
h.b. The tower chamber over my Lord of Leicester for Mr. Hatton.
South side.
The highest story.
The Vine chamber for the withdrawing chamber for the Queen's Majesty.
The bed chamber.
The gallery.
The 2 tower chambers, one over the bedchamber, the other at the east end of the gallery for my Lady Carew and the La. and gentlewomen of the bedchamber.
The second story.
h. Under the Q. bedchamber the Lady Stafford.
h.b. Next thereto eastward under the gallery 2 rooms for the La. Marques.
h.b. Next thereto under the gallery 2 rooms for the Lady Strange.
The lowest story.
h. Next the chapel a chamber for the Lady Stafford's table.
Next to the same eastward 2 rooms for the robes.
Under my Lady Strange 2 rooms for the grooms of the privy chamber, whereof the "utter" chamber for the waiters to dine in.
North side.
The highest story.
h.b. At the west end 2 rooms for my Lord of Warwick.
Next thereto eastward a withdrawing chamber and a gallery for the Queen's Majesty to dine in.
The second story.
h.b. In the west end 2 rooms for the Earl of Oxford.
h.b. The next 2 rooms for my L. of Rutland.
h. The next one room for the squires for the body.
h.b. In the east end 2 rooms for Mr. Treasurer.
The lowest story.
In the east end under Mr. Treasurer 2 rooms for Mr. Henneage.
The westerly tower over the Queen's Chamber one room for Mr. Alphonso.
The easterly tower for the Lord Treasurer's use. South side.
The "utter" base court.
The highest story being a garret over the brewhouse and bakehouse, for the lodging of the officers of the pantry, ewry, buttery and cellar.
The other rooms in the garret over the laundry for the servants of the Lady of the privy chamber, and the Queen's chests to be carried that way into the gallery.
The story next the garret.
h. The west end next to the Lady Strange's lodging, 2 rooms for the maids of honour.
Next thereto 2 rooms for the gentleman usher of the privy chamber.
The next thereto eastwards one room for the sergeant porter.
Next thereto the groom porter.
Next thereto the gentlemen ushers.
The lowest story.
The west end, the wardrobe of beds.
Next to the laundry, the "chaundery" and spicery.
The north side.
The chamber over the west end of the stable 2 rooms for the clerk of the kitchen.
pp. (140. 19.)
Draft of the above, with a few notes by Burghley. 2 pp. (140. 18.)
1572, July 22. Servitors at Theobald's against the Queen's Majesty's coming thither.
Endorsed and with notes of duties appointed for each by Burghley. 1 p. (140. 20.)
Duke of Holstein.
[1572, July ?] Conditiones et articuli reciprocae obligationis inter Serenissimum Hispaniarum Regem Philippum et Illustrissimum Dominum Adolphum (fn. 1) Cimbrorum principem.
Endorsed by Burghley: Conditiones inter Philippum et Adolphum Duc: Holsatiae. 2½ pp. Latin. (186. 70(2).)
The Hanse Steads to the Queen.
1572, Aug. Of their grievances.—August, 1572.
Latin. 3 pp. (247. 133.)
The Enclosure:
Articles of grievance propounded by the cities of the Hanse.—1572.
Latin. 2 pp. (247. 135.)
The Hanse.
1572, Aug. Notes by Lord Burghley as to negociations with the Hanse.—September, 1559 to August, 1572.
2 pp. (247. 137.)
The Massacres in France.
[After Aug., 1572.] "A discourse of the great murder in Paris and other places in France in August, 1572." The writer enlarges upon the dangers to be feared from Catholic plots, and concludes in favour of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. Advice as to course to be pursued in relation to Germany. Understands her Majesty means to place Sturmius in Mount's room. Though honest and worthy of reward for his affection to this country, yet being old and an ordinary reader in the schools he cannot be spared nor travel to and fro.—Undated.
Endorsed by Burghley: What peril may come to England. 19 pp. (246. 29.)
William Homberston to Lord [? Burghley].
1572, Dec. 8. After his departure from London he travelled to Wyvenhoe to my Lord of Oxenford, who seemed willing to consent to all things Homberston could devise for his benefit. Thence Lewen and he travelled to Colne, and there sold 120 oaks for 320l., being 75l. more than they were valued by the Commissioners at the last survey. The whole woods sold at present is above 1,000l., which if well employed towards the payment of the Earl's debts, his travail will be well bestowed. Encloses value of all the lands which the late Earl of Northumberland had in fee simple at the time of his attainder; and on his return to London he will wait on Lord [Burghley] for further directions touching the rest of that Earl's possessions.—Bury St. Edmund, 8 December, 1572.
Holograph. 1 p. (132. 9.)
John Browning.
1572, Dec. 26 1573, March 17.
i. Articles ministered touching an alleged heretical sermon made by John Browning, master of arts, etc., in Great St. Mary's in Cambridge.—26 December, 1572, after dinner.
1 p. (138. 123.)
ii. Depositions to the above articles by:
Robert Garret, B.D., King's College.
Thomas Newce, B.D., Pembroke Hall.
John Capcottes, M.A., Trinity College.
Walter Alleyn, M.A., Christ's College, proctor.
Anthony Rudd, M.A., Trinity College.
John Robynson, B.A., chaplain of Trinity College.
3 pp. (138. 124.)
iii. 1572–3, Jan. 27.—Certain articles objected unto Mr. Brownyng.
1. That he was inhibited to preach in St. Mary's church by Mr. Doctor Whitgift in Christmas time he then being deputy to Mr. Vice-Chancellor, and yet nevertheless he preached there since.
2. 6 general charges against him on account of attacks made in his sermon on the Heads of Colleges and the church.
½ p.
iv. John Browning's answer to the above articles.
½ p.
v. Depositions of William Chaderton, D.D. to the same taken before Matthew Stokes, notary public.
1 p. (138. 125.)
vi. 1572–3, March 17.—Declaration by John Browning, fellow of Trinity College, that he has been mistaken in a sermon preached in St. Mary's, Cambridge, 25 January, 1572, that he should be of the opinion of Novatus, with explanation of other points complained of in the said sermon.
1 p. (138. 127.)
Holy Trinity Cathedral, Dublin.
1572, Dec. 27. Letters patent appointing Edmund Eynos, clerk, M.A., precentor of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Dublin, in succession to Peter Lewis, clerk, deceased.—Witness our Deputy General at Dublin, 27 December, 15 Eliz.
Latin. Parchment. (222. 2.)
James Gootherie to the Privy Council.
1572. Complains of his ship being shot at, and himself imprisoned, at Portsmouth.
1 p. (142. 40.)
John Weste to Lord Burghley.
[1572.] By a grant of Burghley's to his servant Mr. Conyers, of the wardship of Peter Seynthill's (fn. 2) son, petitioner's wife, who is aunt to the ward, has been deprived of her estate of dower. Prays for restoration of the same.—Undated.
½ p. (1271.)
Concealed Wardships.
[c. 1572.] Note of wards which have been concealed by Mr. Hurlestone, feodary of Cheshire.
The heirs of Roger Hanley, William Forshawe, Robert Ratclyf, and William Trafford; "with many more."
1 p. (2208.)
Thomas Gallant to Lord Burghley.
[1572.] Prays Burghley to require Michael Hare to restore his goods and discharge him of his imprisonment with his costs and charges: Francis Keyes, the principal, for whom he was bail, having now been apprehended.—Undated.
1 p. (1272.)
R. Richardson to [the Same].
[1572 ?] Of his master Sir Valentine Browne's suit for a privy seal of 3,500l.—Undated.
1 p. (1340.)
Fernando Poyntz.
1572. Note of goods bought at Flushing by Fernando Poyntz from the commissary of the Prince of Orange, and how he answers the payment thereof.
Endorsed by Burghley. 1 p. (142. 41.)
1572. "The Plot of Theobalds, by Hawthorn, for the inner court."
Endorsed by Burghley. 1 p. (143. 31.)
Manorial Account.
1572. Account of manors of Baas, Geddings, &c., Herts.
1 roll. (143. 100.)
The Earl of Oxford.
1572. Creditors appointed by my Lord (of Oxford) to be paid at the first payment.
Endorsed by Burghley. 1 p. (146. 6.)
Jacques de Zuyggher to the Queen.
[1572 ?] He prays, on behalf of the authorities of the town of Flissingues, for answer to their request for a loan upon bond, and for galleys or brigantines.
After presenting that request those of that town have taken 21 ships of Portugal and 2 of Barbary, laden with rich merchandise. They ask leave to sell the same in England without hindrance of the Queen's officers, paying the ordinary dues to the Queen.
They pray the Queen will continue the favour she has shown to those of their town, and to the poor exiles from the Low Countries remaining in England, that they may freely give aid personally and by arms, powder, &c.
He has no power to treat or to offer other assurance than the bond of the said town, but will report all to the authorities.
A great quantity of strong beer is brought there for the profit of individuals, which causes drunkenness and disorder, and damage to the burghers. Prays that the Queen will allow small beer to be brought for the use of the town without paying licence, beyond the ordinary custom.—Undated.
Endorsed: The request of the men of Flushing. Petition. French. 1 p. (186. 44.)
The Governor and others of Flushing to the Same.
[1572 ?] As it is clearly seen that the Duc d' Alve pursues the ruin and desolation of the Low Countries, they have refused entry to the Spaniards, taking arms for the preservation of the town, under the authority of the King of Spain their natural prince. With the town are joined the towns of Canfere and Armuyen, and all the Isle of Walckere, except Middleburgh. They have done violence to none, holding only for enemies the said Duke and his Spaniards, as disturbers of the public peace. In testimony whereof they have let pass freely a Spanish fleet going to the Low Countries, without touching either money or goods, excepting only powder and artillery of which they had great need. Since then, being pressed by the violence of their enemies, it is impossible for them to maintain their sea forces, feed their soldiers, and supply munitions of war and fortifications, without ruining the adjacent countries subject to the King of Spain, which they would do with great regret. They have therefore sent Jacques de Swigher, their burgher, to pray the Queen to lend them money to preserve their town and country. They also need some gallies and "fustes" (light galleys). They offer bond for the same.—Undated.
Petition. French. ½ p. (186. 45.)
The Baillie, Burgomaster, Eschevins and Burghers of Flushing to the Same.
[1572 ?] Repeats part of the petition in the preceding. Knowing that the Duc d' Alve has interrupted ordinary trade between England and the Low Countries, they sent here some goods under assurance of being able to sell them freely; but the Admiral arrested the goods. He promised before his departure to release them, but this has not been done. They have sustained great damage thereby, and are greatly hindered in meeting their charges. Without aid, their town, and with it the whole Isle of Walckere will fall under the disorder, ruin and cruelty of the Spaniards, to the great prejudice of the King of Spain their natural prince. They therefore pray for leave to sell their goods freely in England, paying the Queen's dues: or otherwise for leave to take the goods back to Flissingues, receiving back the customs already paid on them.—Undated.
Petition. French. Endorsed: The town of Flushing. 1¼ pp. (186. 46.)
Considerations of Flushing.
[1572 ?] It is for England presently to mind the affairs of Flushing, unless they will have it French. The proof is: (1) The Governor is French in affection. He has privately sent Captain Howtine hither without consent of the magistrates there or the Prince of Orange, to confer with Mr. Montmerancye for certain bands of men, and the free utterance in France of this late booty, which both are granted here, and six captains sent from Flushing already into France to this end. (2) The demand of the English aid is but for countenance, not to be received within the town, but only for present colour to bring the French suit out of suspicion. (3) The arguments for the French are the secret preparation by men, though forbid by colourable proclamations. Their aid by sea either presently arrived or shortly looked for. The Governor M. de Sarras his band, and this Hawtine's his lieutenant both, all French born. Further Hawtine's open speech here, wishing none there but French. Lastly Jaqueus Swygor of Flushing is used here by some officers, and soliciting by Hawtine has almost made him French also.
The help: (1) To regard presently the demand in the supplication of those of Flushing, and to follow the consequence in it for the assurance of the Queen's charge employed therein. (2) To disburden the town of Flushing of this last booty, either by granting open sale, or at least a storehouse here in England, with liberty to recarry, if no agreement fall between the parties. For the riches of that booty will make the town a prey to the French.—Undated.
Endorsed: To be considered for Flushing. 1 p. (186. 48.)
The Earl of Arundel's Lands.
[c. 1572.] The value of the whole lands is 585l. 7s. 5d., which are her Majesty's no longer than while there shall be heirs males of the body of the late Earl of Arundel, he having but one son of 16; for default of heirs males of whom the present possession comes to Lord Thomas Howard. It is to be considered that these lands were the greatest improved of any lands of the Duke's, and therefore no great profit to be made above the annual rents. All the woods which were at any time but few are sold and given away since they came to the Queen's hands; besides all these lands be in lease for good term of years to come.—Undated.
Endorsed: The L. Thr. 1 p. (191. 129.)
John Bovett to Lord Burghley.
1572. For compensation for a ship of his pressed by Sir Henry Sydney for Irish service.
Endorsed: 1572. 1 p. (906.)
John Parke, John Hodgeson and Thomas Chamber, Chaplains of the Savoy, to the Same.
1572. Owing to the great decay of the Queen's hospital of the Savoy through the great and unknown debt with which Thomas Thurlande the late master, has charged it, no one will undertake the office of Master without the Queen's special assistance and protection. The office has stood void well nigh two years. They pray Burghley to move the Queen to appoint some meet person, and suggest the Dean of Westminster or Dr. Watts.
Endorsed: 1572. 1½ pp. (1978.) [Murdin, pp. 241, 242. In extenso.]
Morgan Newgen to the Same.
[1572.] In reward for taking a prisoner at Harrington, afterwards released by the King's proclamation, was granted by the Queen that now is a lease, whereof Carthropp was parcel. Understanding that Burghley was to have Carthropp, (fn. 3) he ceased to proceed therein, and has furnished his bill with other lands. Prays Burghley to procure the Queen to sign the bill.—Undated.
½ p. (1075.)
David Griffith and others to the Same.
[1572–1583 ?] Tenants of the lands of Rice Griffith, attainted. Are threatened with ejection by Sir Henry Radcliffe, who has got a lease of their lands: Pray that he be required to compound with them in reasonable sort.—Undated.
½ p. (880.)
Fugitives from England.
[After 1572.] The names of such fugitives as desire by her Majesty's favour and pardon to return into England.
John Stonor, Ralph Ligon, Francis Trugien, Captain Edward Standley, William Copley, Robert Tirell, Robert Aunstid, Sir Timothey Moquett, Charles Browne, Captain Henry Flud, Gabriel Denis, Mr. Monpersons, David Engleby, Clement Throughmerton, John Worsley, Richard Gage, John Petit, James Chambers; George Wickes, a lieutenant, and Robert Tressham, these two came to Boulogne.
There are divers others, officers and soldiers, which desire to spend their lives in her Majesty's service, if it shall seem good to her Majesty to receive them into favour, whose names hereafter may be set down, and they will discover themselves upon any her Majesty's good acceptation of their dutiful affection and zeal.—Undated.
1 p. (199. 103.)
The Earl Marshal.
1572–3, Jan 2. George, Earl of Shrewsbury's patent for the office of Earl Marshal.—2 January, 15 Eliz. (1573).
Contemporary copy. Latin. 4 sheets. (223. 13.)
George Taylor to the Queen.
1572–3, Feb. 20. Advises a pardon for the Duke of Norfolk and the rest of the Lords.
1 p. (142. 38.)


  • 1. Adolph, Duke of Holstein was given command of 2,000 horse in Alva's army before Mons in July, 1572. (Granvelle's Corresp., IV, 356.)
  • 2. Peter Seynthill died 19 November 14 Eliz., a lunatic, leaving a son Peter, aged 10, his heir. Chanc. Inq., p.m., Series II, Vol. 160, No. 7.
  • 3. Carthorp, co. York, and other lands were granted to Burghley 7 April, 1572. Patent Rolls, 14 Elizabeth, part 11.