Index: F

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Fairfax (Firfoxe, Ferfoxe) :

Capt., one of the pledges sent to the Archduke from Ostend, 522, 533.

Sir Thomas, 582.

—, letter from, 218.

Falkland, letters dated at, 299, 398.

Falmouth, 117, 118, 119, 122, 143, 144, 530, 554.

fortification of, 10.

Falx, Mons., Treasurer of Zealand, letters received by, referred to, 221.

Fane (Vane), Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 150.

letters from, 21, 76, 100, 131, 150, 254, 285, 319, 324 (2), 327, 332, 352 (2), 356, 357, 362, 374 (2), 375, 385, 395, 533.

letters to, 374, 375.

illness of, 149, 522.

confession taken before, 278.

Fano, news from, 172.

Fanshawe, —, alias Lee, involved in a tavern brawl, 190.

Fantty, the uppeist father of our,” 263.

Farley, letter dated at, 432.

Farley, Rainold, letter from, 250.

Farmer (Farmor) :

George, letter from, 224.

William, articles of, 178.

Farnham, the Queen at, 394.

Castle of, 386.

Feild :

James, letter from, 531.

William, husbandman, York, wardship of the heir of, 252.

Felix, Lucas, 314.

Felton (Scotland ?), treatment received by two young men at, 415.

Felton, one, 566.

Fencote, 233.

Fenham (Phennham), co. Northumberland, letter dated at, 353.

Fenton, Sir Geoffrey, 192.

Fenys. See Fiennes.

Ferdinand, Archduke. See Austria.

Ferer, Mr., J.P. of Yorkshire, 583.

Fermo, Governor of, 172.

Fermor, Mr., circumstance of the confiscation of the lands of, referred to, 231.

Ferniehurst, the Laird of, 168.

Ferrand, Edmund, Deputy Escheator, 486.

Ferrara, surrender of, 159.

waters of, 159.

Ferrara, Duchess of, captured by a Turkish galley, 172.

Ferrers :

young Lord, the charge of, 130.

Sir Humfrey, 583.

Thomas, petition from, 131.

Ferrol, 390.

Fesse, 263.

Fiennes (Fenys, Fynes), Sir Richard, letter from, 469.

Finch, Rowland, 440.

Finisterre (Sinestre), Cape, 554.

Finmouth (sic), 299.

Fish, Myles, of Darwen, Lane., son of, a ward, 477, 483.

Fisher (Fissher) :

Capt., 547.

Edw., letter from, 247.

Fitton (Fytton, Phitton) :

Sir Edward, letters from, 175, 201, 218.

—, undertaker for lands in Ireland, 91.

—, as Mayor of Macclesfield, examination sent to, 201.

—, the Queen's preference for, 340.

—, the bestowal of the Forest of Dean upon, referred to, 375.

—, son and brother of, mentioned, 175.

—, wife and aunt of, mentioned, 202.

—, with his sister, 175.

—, relations with the Earl of Pembroke, 175, 201, 202.

John, Alderman of Chester, 65.

FitzGerald (Fitzgarret, Gerrald) :

Capt. Edward, 23.

[Gerald,] late Earl of Desmond, funeral expenses, &c., payment demanded for, 491.

James, [the young] Earl of Desmond, a prisoner in England, 353, 381.

—, letters from, 155, 176, 194, 370, 462.

—, conveyance to the Tower, 354.

Gerald, late Earl of Kildare, Castle formerly belonging to, 586.

—, Lady Mabel, wife of, 586.

—, letter from, 8, 251, 402.

—, suit of, 251, 252.

—, loss of the only son of, mentioned, 252.

Thomas Oge, 370.

— petition from, 586.

Fitzherbert (Fitzharbert) :

Anthony, a complaint made by, 223, 224.

Francis, 583.

Thomas, 223, 224.

Fitzsimons (Physumans), [Henry], a Jesuit in Ireland, 98, 531.

Fitzwilliam (Fyzwilliam, Fyzwillyams) :

—, 160.

Mr., of Maplethorpe, wardship of daughter of, 375.

Mrs., 375.

William, letters from, 148, 532.

Fively, in York, Rectory of, 250.

Flanders, 163, 253, 264, 265, 336, 377.

activity in, 380.

14 Spanish ships said to be bound for, 120.

speedy arrival of Spanish soldiers in, expected, 199.

a feint to draw the Spaniards from, 220.

a letter of safe conduct into, wanted, 221.

regiments drawn away from the Meuse for, 249.

money for the Archdkue, promised by, 278.

Province of, cost of Archduke's army maintained by, 280.

States of, payment of Archduke Albert's army, promised by, 261.

the feigned destination of a Spanish fleet, 569.

an English knight a prisoner in, Jesuit to be exchanged for, 510.

Armada of, 531; see also Low Countries.

Fleet prison, the. See London Places.

Fleetwood, Mr., 95.

Fleming (Flemynge, Flemmyng) :

Capt., 572.

Captain Gerald, or Garrett, letters from, 192, 243.

Thomas, Solicitor-General, 37, 232.

Fleming, a, news given by, 304.

Flemings (ships), received in the Spanish East Indies, 7.

off the coast, 332.

Flemings, letter dated at, 26.

Fletcher, Dr. G., committed to Alderman Lowe, 34.

letters from, 89 (2), 128, 142, 159, 202, 500.

statement of his means, 128.

release of, referred to, 142

wife and family of, 89 (2), 128, 202, 500.

prays for the discharge of his bond, 203.

Flint (Flynt), — 248.

Edward, arrival at Bristol, notified, 330.

Francis, servant of Richard Gifford, examination of, 100.

Flode, Capt., 305.

Florence, 2, 136, 147, 352.

Cardinal of, audience with the Pope, 158.

Duke of, English ships stayed by, 188.

Florentine gentlemen, escort of the Queen of France, 2.

merchants, claim to be interested in a ship captured by the English, 136.

Flower, Captain Georg, 536.

Floyde, Thomas, letter from, 303.

Flushing (Vlushing), 278, 296, 334, 509, 576.

letters dated at, 116, 207, 256, 257, 336, 342, 349, 358, 407, 452, 461.

plot for surrender of, 25.

question whether in the case of a trial concerning the safe keeping of the cautionary town, the Queen's officer should be present, 256.

news from, 409.

a vacant post at, 470.

Fontainebleau, 200, 327.

Fontwell (Fountmell), Dorset, rectory of, incumbency of, 333, 584.

Ford, 520.

demesnes of, annual charges of, 422.

letter dated at, 361.

Foreigners trading in towns on an equal footing with burgesses, 5.

Foreland, the, suspects arrested at, 149.

Foreley Castle, 456.

Forrest, Thomas, letter from, 431.

Fortescue (Fortescu, Foskie) :

Francis, 283.

Capt. Henry, 527.

—, letter from, 441.

Sir John, Chancellor of the Exchequer, mentioned, 10, 311, 369, 400, 414, 548, 556.

—, letter from, 37.

—, letter to, 373.

—, Lord Cromwell in the custody of, 37.

—, and the widow of Sir Ho. Palavicino, 146.

—, licence from, desired, 330.

—, stays a proceeding at law, 428.

—, petition to, 540.

Nicholas, letter from, 219, 519.

—, father of, mentioned, 519.

William, letter from, 531.

Foster :

Capt., wounded at Ostend, 347.

John, 44.

—, 87.

Foster's revenue, 563.

Foulestowe, Richard. See Fulstowe.

Fowey (Foye), contribution from, for fortification of Plymouth, 10.

Fowke :

John, of Gunston, 387.

Roger, Esq., Justice of Peace of Staffordshire, 34.

—, information concerning, 387.

Fowler :

Mr., 70, 545.

Thomas, Justice for Middlesex, petition to, 588.

Fowles (Fowlis), David, 97, 417, 418, 537, 550.

complaint against the Greymes by, 524.

Fox, Launcelot, of Waltham Abbey, 542.

Framingham, —, a Catholic, 365 (2).

Framingham Castle, 311.

the priests in, complain of high charges, &c., 329.

France or French :

Ambassador in England, explanation as to French parliaments, 16.

—, continual correspondence with the Governor of Calais, 131.

Ambassador in Spain, an affront to, 381.

arms sent from, for the Essex Rebellion, 44, 99.

the Constable of, 163.

—, daughter of, wife of the Duke of Auvergne, 381.

Dauphin of, birth of a, 405.

Englishmen resident in, 201, 371.

English merchants in, suits for depredations by, 16.

fleet seen on the coast of, 355.

King of, Henry IV., 157, 181, 267.

—, peace with the Duke of Savoy, 15, 19, 22.

—, said to have promised to aid Essex, 106, 143.

—, movements of, 327.

—, expected at Calais, 352 (2).

—, arrival of, at Calais, 357, 358.

—, rumours concerning designs of, 360, 381.

—, determination of, to send an Ambassador to England, 367.

—, negotiations with the Queen and the States General, 376, 377.

—, exchanges compliments with the Archduke Albert, 377.

—, hope of intervention of, as peacemaker, 380.

—, his attitude towards the States, 405.

—, negotiations with the Duke of Savoy, 568.

—, report of peace made with the King of Spain, 568.

Madame, the King's sister, rumour of her conversion, 327.

—, one employed by, 549.

mercenaries at siege of Rheinberg, 248, 249, 250, 265, 281, 282.

—, at Ostend, 336.

new style obtaining in, 97.

parliament in, nature of, 16.

pinnace wrecked on the coast of, 400.

proclamation made in, referred to, 368.

Queen of (Marie de Medici), Florentine gentlemen, escort of, 2.

—, pregnancy and confinement of, 163, 327.

Scottish guards in, a captain of, 502.

Scottishmen on the way to, 351, 506.

ships carrying Italian soldiers for the King of Spain, 7.

— full of soldiers bound for Lisbon, 305.

—, trading on the English coast, &c., 117, 118.

youth, a, in the service of Capt. William Eustace, information given by, 102.

Franckeley, letters dated at, 47, 62.

house in, seized, 47, 62.

Frankfort, 122, 136, 163, 174.

Franklin, —, 248.

Freake, Thomas, 582.

Frechvile. See Frescheville.

Frederick :

Count or Don, at siege of Ostend, 288, 305, 335.

one, 490.

Freelove, Stephen, of Suffolk, heir of, 506.

Freman, George, 279, 548.

letters from, 199, 323.

French, John, master of a bark, 419.

examination of, 420.

Frenchman employed to gain intelligence, 457.

French wines, lease of customs revenue, 346.

Frescheville (Fretchvyle, Frechvile) :

Mr., jointure of sister of, 516.

Peter, letter from, 583.

Friars, the, house of Lord Roxburgh near Kelsey, 415, 416.

Fribourg (Freborck), 238.

Friesland, East. See East Friesland.

Frisians (Frisco) before Rheinberg, 248, 265, 281, 282, 286, 287.

Frobisher, Sir Martin, 551.

Fuentes (Defontes), Count of, 164, 172, 263, 289, 568.

Fulham :

Bishop of London's house at, 314.

letters dated at, 171, 176, 185, 190, 312, 319, 350, 362, 410, 557.

proposed visit of the Queen to, offer of a lodging to Sir R. Cecil, 314.

Fulstowe (Foulstowe), Richard, an old servant of Lord Willoughby, letter from, 232.

death of, wardship of the son of, 242.

Furtho, Thomas, of Trinity College, letter signed by, 458.

Fryer, Capt., commanding a company at Ostend, 261.

Fynch. See Finch.

Fytton. See Fitton.