Cecil Papers: February 1601, 11-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1601, 11-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp40-57 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1601, 11-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp40-57.

"Cecil Papers: February 1601, 11-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp40-57.

February 1601, 11–15

Edmund Whitelocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb. 11.] Upon Sunday morning the 8 of this present month, about 9 of the clock, I repaired to Rutland House, intending to go to the Court with the Earl of Rutland, as I was wont to do. The porter told me that he was gone out by 6 of the clock, alone, to the Lord of Southampton's lodging, and therefore I went thither to seek him, and missing him there, I went to Essex House, hearing he was there, where as soon as I came I met him going out of the house into the City with the rest of the gentlemen, and he willed me to attend him, whereupon I presuming, as the general rumour of the whole company was, that they went for the ending of some private quarrel, I went with him next his own person in respect of many honourable courtesies I had received at his hands. I came along with him as far as the Sheriff's house, hearing nothing by the way but good speeches of the Queen and the state, only discontents spoken of against private men, and so persisted in following my Lord of Rutland until such time as I heard that the Queen was made a party, whereupon I withdrew myself to a citizen's house of good account, where I remained from Sunday, one of the clock, till Monday morning, having made divers proffers to have shewed my service and duty to her Majesty, but was repelled by the tumult. I make this attestation unto you, having been unjustly impeached to my Lord Burleigh your brother, who was informed that I was in Essex House with the Earl, and persuaded the company to persist in their rebellion, myself being absent, and one that never spake with the Earl but once in all my life, and that but by salutation about four years since. I never frequented him in his private life, nor ever sought him in his public, and therefore have lived out of opinion with him, and procured myself dislike by it of his friends, who suspecting me to have been a persuader of less acquaintance between the Earl of Rutland and the Earl of Essex than they thought fit, have raised unjust rumours of me, which I humbly desire you may not be made the guides of your censure of me, but that my actions being thoroughly examined may prove themselves and me.
Signed. Undated.
Endorsed :—“11 Jan. (sic) 1600. Captain Whytlocke.” 1 p. (75. 117.)
The Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 11. The bailiff hath received the stones according to your direction, which should not have been known if the party that had them had not been discovered by me; who in revenge thereof hath procured this. It is not likely that you would make profit of so base things as broken stones unmatched, howsoever malice may raise slanders of me, who in this and all things else will not swerve one “jote” from your directions if I can once know your mind.—This 11th of February 1600.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (76. 53.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 11. I thank God I did not hear of the late tumult and lewd conspiracy till I was certified that the wicked authors thereof were dispersed, apprehended and committed according to their deservings, and thereby all things settled again in peace and quietness, with the safety of her Majesty's sacred person, whom the Lord preserve ever from harm. I could not contain myself, nor hold my earnest zeal and true affection from manifesting the joy which my heart conceiveth of such a happiness, in delivering her Majesty and this state from so dangerous an attempt, a storm which men of judgment might well apprehend and look for with fear long since, now, thanks be to God, well and safely past through His almighty providence. If the weakness of my body did not at this present hinder me, I would have waited on her Majesty instantly, not knowing what cause she may have to use the service of such as she knoweth to be faithful about her own person. I beseech you acquaint her Majesty how much I am grieved that any cause at such a time as this should withhold me from her royal presence and performing of that duty which I have always vowed to her service. As soon as I am able to ride, which I hope will be very shortly by the means of my willing spirits which shall carry my weak body, I will not fail to be at Court; in the meantime, I will rejoice and give God thanks for her Majesty's preservation.—Apthorpe, the 11 of February 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (76. 54.)
John Hopkins, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 11. I took an examination of a young man that came very late out of Spain from a port called St. Jehan in the Condatho, who saith that he heard there were certain men to the number of 8,000 in Lisbon to be transported for the Low Countries, and that there were twelve ships in Cales made in readiness to keep the mouth of the Straits of Juveralltare; and that all the nobility and gentlemen of Spain were called to the Court. And forasmuch as they do so plainly give it out that their men do go for the Low Countries, and that their shipping is most Flemish shipping and may wear the flags and colours of the Low Countries, and in doubt that they should come to an anchor under those colours to the Isle of Wight, I could wish, under your correction, that there might be some care had of that place, for that I have heard very often in times past that the Spaniards should desire to have the possession of that place. I pray God send them little power of that place or of any other in this country. I beseech you pardon my boldness; I thought it my duty to signify thus much unto you.—Bristol, this eleventh of February 1600.
PS.—Here are two men which were embarked here hence to go for Lough Foyle, of the number of the 220 men, and are taken in going away from their captain, and were brought to this city. We are desirous to know your pleasure what shall be done with them; the one is a man of Oxon and the other of Berkshire.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (76. 55.)
Richard Hughes.
[1600/1, c. Feb. 11]. Richard Hughes, which hath been heretofore servant to the Earl of Essex, and now one of her Majesty's footmen, hath ever since the time of Christmas kept company with three of these principal traitors, Captain Owen Salisbury, Captain John Salisbury, and Captain Peter Wynn, never being one day absent from their lodging either at dinner or supper, whose keeping company with them all the world doth special notice of. Tho Machin.
Holograph. Undated.
Footnote by Cecil :—“He supped at Peter Wynn's lodging on Saturday night, which was told him by Mr. Thillon of Gray's Inn, and still carried all news he could from hence.”
Endorsed :—1600. ½ p. (214. 34.)
Examination of Richard Hughes before the Earl of Worcester 11 of February, 1601 (sic).
[1600]/1, Feb. 11. Being demanded when he was last in the company of Owen Salisbury, saith that John Salisbury invited him to go with him to supper to a house on the back side of St. Clements, being a person's house whose name he knoweth not and had never seen before. In the way he met Owen Salisbury, who going along with him and John Salisbury, supped with them there that night, as near as he can remember about a fortnight since.
No communication passed between them at supper, either privately or publicly, but of ordinary matters in his hearing.
One Mr. Lee, son-in-law to the Lord Keeper, was also at supper, and Owen Salisbury and he parted after supper at Milford Lane End, and in the way thither he had no communication but of ordinary matters with any of them; but John Salisbury and he went into Essex House, where he had not stayed a quarter of an hour but Owen Salisbury came thither also.
His only business in Essex House was to call his brother to bed, which he did without any stay; and between him and John and Owen Salisbury passed no communication but common speech, and Owen parted presently from him to the other company that was in the house.
No speech passed between them concerning the Earl of Essex at supper time, or after in their way, or at parting.
He never hath seen Owen Salisbury since.
Demanded whether he have met with John Salisbury at any times since, saith they have met many times, but had no communication saving ordinary talk.
Signed. 1¼ pp. (83. 80.)
Essex's Rebellion.
[1600/1, Feb. 12]. “One Trolloppe, being casually met in the Temple Church this present Friday, amongst other matters reported that one Prise, a servant to Sir Guylliame Merrycke, did say unto him that the plot of the Earl of Essex was known in Radnorshire in Wales, above a month since, and that Sir Guylliame doubting what might ensue, conveyed his goods to one Roger Vaughan Esq., his inward and familiar friend, who came up to London with Sir Guylliame and was his bedfellow all their journey. This Vaughan is lieutenant of Radnorshire and a justice of peace of that county and of Brecknock and Herefordshire. Trolloppe further said that Pryce told him that there came certain Welshmen in his company towards London as far as Colbrooke, and hearing the Earl of Essex was committed, they returned posting back again. And further Trolloppe reported that Pryse told him that it was reported in Wales that the Kings of France and Scotland had knowledge of this business.”
Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (73. 112.)
Captain Thomas Lee to Sir Henry Lee, his kinsman.
1600/1, Feb. 12. [Commences with the following list]:—
Earl of Essex Earl of Bedford
Earl of Rutland Earl of Sussex
Earl of Southampton La. Rich
Lo. Sandys Ambrose Blundel William Perkins
Lo. Mounteagle Edward Hart Brian Dawson
Lo. Cromwell Edward Reynolds Thomas Crampton
Sir Ferdinando George William Temple George Orrell
Sir Charles Danvers Henry Cuff Ellis Joanes
Sir Christopher Blunt Anthony Rouse John Lloyd
Sir Robert Vernon William Grantham Simon Jassyon
Sir Charles Pearcy Francis Kinnersly Richard Harford
Sir Joscelin Percy Edward Kinnersly Christopher Dorrington
Sir John Davys Edward Hanmer
Sir Gelly Merick Richard Chomley — Vaughan
Sir Edward Mychelbourne John Arden Thomas Bounell
Sir Edmund Baynham John Tympe John Wheeler
Sir William Constable Francis Leyster Thomas Medly
Sir Thomas West Thomas Cundell John Wright
Sir Henry Cary Thomas Typpin John Grant
Sir Christopher Heydon Peter Riddall Christopher Wright
Sir John Heydon William Greenall Grey Bridges
Sir Edward Littleton William Greene Charles Ogle
Francis Manners John Norris George Ogle
Francis Tresham John Pernon — Bromley
Robert Catsby Robert Dotson William Wingfield
John Littleton Francis Predoune Edward Throgmorton
Mr. Downall John Lymmerick
Edward Bushell Gregory Sheffield Francis Buck
— Gosnall John Roberts Captain Whitlack
Francis Smyth Stephen Man
William Sprat John Foster
This is the yet known roll of all in durance for this action.
This hinders all business, whereby I determine with all conveniency to come soon down. What please you to write hereupon and for me to Mr. Secretary, that at length I might have grace to do my duty to her Majesty, would make me come to you a contented man : my hopes are well strengthened that my true declaring myself in this time hath (if anything may) well confirmed Mr. Secretary and the Lords of me, which with your good notice to him I doubt not but will much prevail for me.—12 February 1600.
PS.—There is a large discovery in this combination with France, Scotland and Ireland. Yesterday there came a bark laden with saddles, arms, and such necessaries into the harbour out of France for the Earl of Rutland.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (76. 56.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 12. It pleased you to direct your warrant for the seizing of certain horses remaining at “The Chequer” near Dowgate, belonging to some that were in the action of rebellion with the Earl of Essex : which horses, before the receipt of your warrant, I had seized, and they are there ready at her Majesty's pleasure and your further direction,—London, this 12th of February, 1600.
Signed. ¼ p. (76. 57.)
Henry Knowlis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 12. Before my coming into the country, Mr. Muner [?] was removed out of Warwickshire, and long it was before I could come to the knowledge where he was, for such great men's states lie upon him as his being hath been and is wonderfully kept secret. I used all the policy I might in the matter, and in the end by great hap came to the knowledge where he remaineth, which is at Harrowden in Northamptonshire, at Mrs. Vawse's house for the most part, but he is going and coming to other places thereabout. I was of mind to have shewed your warrant to Sir Edward Montague and to have craved his assistance for the search of the house; but I am thus certainly informed that if I should see him go in and presently set the house, there be such places for concealing him as except a man pull down the house he shall never find him. And besides, there is great doubt to be had that Sir Edward Montague will not upon a bare warrant, except there were a letter written unto him that might declare some matter of import depending upon the man, use the matter so strictly and circumspectly as is fit. I therefore, before any more stir be made in the matter, do beseech you to write to Sir Edward Montague; and withal to help me with such a horse as may if need be overlay him in the field, and then I will assure you that upon Ash Wednesday next or between this and that I will have him.—From “the Bell,” in Aldersgate Street, 12 February 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (76. 58.)
Edward Blount to Sir Richard Shuttleworth, Chief Justice of Chester.
1600/1, Feb. 12. I send by this bearer a follower of my unfortunate brother's, coming, as I conceive, for relief into these parts, having been lately at London. I thought it not fit to see him, not knowing his intentions. I never will be privy to any undutiful designs. God preserve her Highness.—Hurcele, this 12th of Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Blount to Sir Richard Lewkener.” Seal. ½ p. (180. 17.)
Edward Standen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 12. I beseech you that I may have for a reasonable consideration a term of some years of Drury House in or near the Strand, being in Sir Charles Danvers, and by his fall, as I take it, in your honourable disposition.—This 12 of February '600, at the Rolls.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (180. 18.)
Lord Thomas Howard, Constable of the Tower, to Mr. Secretary [Cecil.]
[1600/1, Feb. 13.] This place is so unprovided to receive much company as I should punish your men to hold them here, where I find no great use of them, and I have sufficient company to serve this turn of mine own. When I am better settled you shall be informed of our state, I hasting to go view the disposition of this place.
Undated. Endorsed :—“13 February 1600: from the Tower.” Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (76. 59.)
William Reynolds to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb. 13.] Concerning the traitor lord (fn. 1) of Essex, I do rejoice that God has so luckily disappointed his wicked aspiring hope and manifested his villainy, and delivered him into her Majesty's hands to receive his just reward with shame and death; whose pride and ambitious cruelty I did mistrust, as by divers letters it may appear which I have sent and delivered to her Majesty and to her own hands, of whose hatred towards me I am sure you are not ignorant, for he sent me prisoner to Bridewell by his warrant, where I remained three quarters of a year, where I became lame. The cause I write is this, that this day I saw a note of 65 traitors' names, Essex's confederates, in which I missed the names of two men which I saw in the troop which charged my Lord Burghley your brother and the king of heralds in Gracious Street. One of them is called Captain or Lieutenant Orrell, a follower of the lord Monteg[le], a most desperate rakehell as lives. He dwells in end of Grays Inn Lane, a freeholder of 40l. the year, as some say. The other is one which served Sir Philip Sidney, and after waited on the Countess of Essex; he was in St. Domingo voyage in my company. His father, as some say, was a 'cloke-maker' in London. I saw him very quick and nimble with his silver-gilt rapier and dagger drawn, calling here and there to this and that captain and others of their troop to stand and keep together. But Orrell before mentioned, who holds his neck awry, did run and leap in the forefront with Sir Christopher Blunt and Mr. Busshell, their weapons drawn, crying “Saw, Saw, Saw, Saw, tray, tray”; where I saw Sir (fn. 1) Christopher Blunt run a man into the face that his rapier bowed, and Busshell run at my Lord Burghley's footman, and the rest in like manner at divers others, who were hurt. I came first [from] the sermon and service in her Majesty's chapel, and I went out of the court gate with my Lord Admiral and your Honour, and so with the proclamation into London. I ran to my lord Bishop of London and told him of the rumour and proclamation. I had no weapon, nor I could get none when I saw time to use one; and when I cried : “Down with Essex the traitor!” divers rebuked me, and had some of his followers seen me, I am sure they would have done their best to kill me; which made me not dare to look openly amongst them whom I knew. But divers serving men put up their swords, whispering in their masters' ears the proclamation, which made some slip away, and others swore “Wounds and blood!” with “Tush, they cared not.” I heard say that Norris was amongst them, little Captain Norris' brother, a drunken desperate fellow; which Norris and one Captain Devorax spake once very unreverent words of her Majesty in my company, which words I wrote to Mr. Ashepoll, preacher at St. Peter's church at Leadenhall corner. Upon Sunday in the evening, I did help Mr. Poynes to marshal his soldiers, and continued in Essex garden till 11 o'clock, where I placed 8 'sentryneles.' I returning to Ludgate, the cry and 'larm came with people running that Essex was coming again, whereupon I desired a weapon of the Bishop's men who are all well acquainted with me, but they had none to spare, for which they were very sorry. But I willing to encourage them in the captain's room who was newly slain, I desired one Prinseps, a haberdasher, to lend me his halberd which he held in his hand, or else to come forth of his shop where he stood; which refused, for which he deserves punishment. Thus I am bold to write simply without flattery, craving your favour to help me, being a poor distressed man.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“13 Feb. 1600.” 1¼ pp. (76. 60.)
Edm. Huddleston to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 13. Being advertised by my brother Sir Robert Dormer of your most honourable proceeding towards my son, I will undertake that my son shall be ready to attend you at all times.—At my house near London, 13 February 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (76. 61.)
John Wasshebourne, Sheriff of Worcestershire, to the Privy Council.
1600/1, Feb. 13. According to the tenor of your letters to me of the 8th instant, I did forthwith seize the house, goods, and chattels of John Lytleton, esquire, in Franckeley, and have taken an inventory of the goods and have placed certain of my servants in possession. I found the wife of Lytleton very conformable to yield the possession thereof, who presently departed thence with her children and family, only a brother of Lytleton's remaining in the said house very sick, not in case to be removed without danger of his life.—From Franckeley, the 13th February 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (76. 62.)
The Examination of Sir Christopher Blount.
[1600/1, Feb. 13.] He confesseth that at the Castle of Dublin, in that lodging which was once the Earl of Southampton's, the Earl of Essex, purposing his return into England, advised with Southampton and himself of his best manner of going into England for his security, seeing to go he was resolved. This was some few days before the Earl's journey into the North. At that time the Earl propounded his going with a competent number of soldiers, to the number of 2,000 or 3,000, to have made good his first landing with that force until he could have drawn to himself a sufficient strength to have proceeded further. From this purpose examinate did use all forcible persuasions, alleging not only his own ruin which should follow thereof, and all those which should adhere to him in that action, but urged it to him as a matter most foul, because he was not only held a patron of his country (which by this means he should have destroyed), but also should have laid upon himself an irrecoverable blot, having been so deeply bound to her Majesty : to which dissuasion the Earl of Southampton likewise inclined.
This design being thus dissuaded by them, they fell to a second consideration, and therein examinate confesseth that he rather advised him, if needs he would go, to take over with him some competent number of choice men, who might only have secured him from any commitment to prison, if he had not found her Majesty gracious; except it were no further than to the house of the Lord of Canterbury, the Lord Keeper, or his uncle. After this examinate came to London, and heard amongst his friends that my lord had an intention to free himself and come down into the country, he said he was sorry that he had not held on his course, fearing by that he had heard him speak many times before of the King of Scots, and of the protestation of the King's love to him, that he might some way have endangered himself by practice there, so far as to be in danger of his life, which he knew then his own conscience must have accused him, that his former dissuasion and advice of his manner of coming had been the occasion of his coming into that danger whom he loved so dearly. Whereupon examinate with others had once resolved with others to have freed him and carried him away with some 60 horse into Wales. He saith, on Saturday there was no certain day set down for his rising, more than that it should have been done between that and the end of the term. But afterward, when Mr. Secretary Herbert had been there, there fell questions what was fit to be done for his security; and so it was resolved by some (if there were a new sending) that he should go into the City, of which the Earl made himself most secure by such messages as he told examinate had been sent unto him that night, but from whom particularly he is loth to venture it on his conscience, but by the sequel it appeared to be the Sheriff Smyth, whom before the Earl had often named unto him that he was a colonel of 1,000 men and at his command. He confesseth he had order from my Lord to let Captain Thos. Lee go to Tyrone whensoever he should come to him to require it; and afterward Lee came to him at London and told him my Lord would have examinate take it upon him; which was after my Lord had been charged with it before the Lords. That in all projects of blood whensoever there was any plots spoken of, he protesteth on his soul he was ever a dissuader, [the following addition by Sir C. Blount] “when upon advice he had thought of it, though when such courses were spoken of he gave his allowance against the secretary; where[of], upon my soul, I presently repented and ne[ver] after gave my allowance to any villainy of that nature; neither did I think till upon reading this again my heart could have been so vile as once to have conceited such a horrible fact, whereof I do infinitely repent me and on my bare knees at my next seeing of him will ask him humbly pardon.—Chr. Blounte.”
He did not name unto him any particular power, that would have come to him at his landing, but assured himself that his army would have been quickly increased by all sorts of discontented people.
He saith also that he liked not to have had him go into the City upon those small assurances to which he gave no credit, but rather told Sir John Davies it were a much better course if he did first send for his horses into his own court, of which he would have made presently 120 as he thinketh, and then to have put Sheriff Smyth to it to have sent him 500 foot.
This examinate confesseth that to his remembrance, even at his going into Ireland, he confessed to have practised with Scotland.
He did confess before his going that he was assured that many of the rebels would be advised by him, but named none in particular.
He doth also desire that her Majesty may be informed of such other things as he hath verbally delivered; and lastly, that her Majesty may be particularly informed and remembered of those great services he did in laying the way open to the Earl of Leicester and Mr. Secretary Walsingham for the discovery of all the Queen of Scots' practices, for which her Majesty was at that time (when the Earl of Leicester went into the Low Countries) very unwilling to have suffered him to have gone from her attendance.
He doth now desire, seeing the fountain of all this great treason is dried, that her Majesty, whose heart he knoweth to be full of mercy, will vouchsafe to have mercy upon him, protesting that he cannot think, if her Majesty knew his own unspotted dear heart to her and what he would do for her, she would not take his life for a million.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“7 Martii,” altered to “Febr. 13 1600”; and by Cecil, “The examination of Sir Chr. Blunt.” Signed. 3 pp. (83. 82.)
[A brief abstract of the above is printed in the Calendar of S. P. Dom. Eliz. Vol. 278, No. 77. Also printed for the Camden Society, O. S. LXXVIII., App. p. 107.]
Captain Christopher Levens to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 13. The fillip I received in the leg by one of the rebels on Sunday, which I then shamed to manifest, being long undressed and inflammated, forceth me to keep my bed, so that I could not sooner endure to write. I have more to say than I would willingly commit to paper.
Something has come to my hand which would have forced fouler understanding if God had not destroyed the wicked councils and devilish devices of the seditious, imitating Bolingbroke's unripened stratagems, from further proceeding. Please it you to send some sure man to find out here on the Bankside one Smith, a waterman, Essex's servant, that 'scaped out of the house on the Sunday night, a desperate fellow.
Sir Francis Darcye is a most faithful man, painful and diligent above all that I found on Sunday of his sort for the Queen. If he come to me first, I will give him the best directions that I can.—At my lodging at old Mr. Clark's house in Clarke's Alley on the Bankside, Feb. 13 1600.
Name not Smith to this bearer, who though he be an honest poor man yet he is a waterman.
Holograph. ¾ p. (180. 19.)
John Croke, Recorder of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 14. Alexander, an apprentice of Wright in Bear Binder Lane, whom you appointed to have taken, is apprehended, being suspected to be a principal conspirator and ringleader amongst the apprentices; and is here ready at the house of the Lord Mayor.—14 February 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (76. 63.)
M. Dale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 14. I have this last night committed to close prison in the Marshalsea one Thomas Tompkins taken in Southwark, who many years last past hath been a page to the Earl of Essex, and was in Essex House the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday last.—14 February 1600.
Holograph. Seal.p. (76. 64.)
The Earl of Bedford to the Privy Council.
1600/1, Feb. 14. I am much bound to your lordships in that you are pleased to be informed from me of my whole proceeding in this late unhappy accident (the cause of my now restraint), whereof I send you here the report under my hand. And as I do protest hereby the same to be true, so do I pray you to vouchsafe me this favour, to beseech her Majesty not to interpret my oversight that way in any worse sense than ever my meaning was; hoping your lordships shall find her Majesty hath not a more faithful and true subject than I am, and so shall continue ready to venture both life and lands for her Majesty, and ever hereafter frame myself to do her Highness the best service I can, as my ancestors have done before me. So humbly entreating your furtherance for her Majesty's gracious favour for my enlargement, do take my leave.—From Alderman Holliday's house, this 14th February 1600.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (76. 65.)
Enclosing :
(1) “A true declaration how I Edward Earl of Bedford did demean myself on Sunday the 8th of February 1600.”
First, it may be remembered that I was never above once in company with the Earl of Essex since he had his liberty allowed by her Majesty, and then saw him at Walsingham House by chance.
Sunday, in the morning, preparing myself according to my usual manner, with my family and in my house to perform the duty of that day by serving God, after 10 of the clock, prayer being ended and a sermon begun, the Lady Rich came into my house desiring to speak with me speedily : which I did in the next room to the place where the sermon was, her ladyship then telling me the Earl of Essex would speak with me. Whereupon I went presently with her in her coach, none of my family following me out of the sermon room, and so departed with her unknown to my said family.
About 11 of the clock I came to Essex House, where shortly after the Earl of Essex with others of his company drew themselves into secret conference, whereto I was not called, nor made acquainted with anything, but only of some danger which the Earl of Essex said he was in by practice of some private enemies.
Howbeit, I doubting that that course tended to some ill, and the rather suspecting it for that I saw not my uncle Sir William Russell there, presently desired to convey myself away, and for that purpose withdrew myself so far that I neither heard anything of the Earl of Essex' consultation, nor yet of the speeches with the lords of the Council.
From that time I endeavoured to come from the Earl of Essex so soon as I might with safety, and to that end severed myself from him at a cross street end, and taking water before I heard any proclamation came back to my house about one of the clock.
Where I made no delay, but with all convenient speed put myself and followers in readiness, and with the best strength I could then presently make, being about the number of 20 horse, I went toward the Court for her Majesty's service.
Signed. 1 p. (76. 67.)
William Becher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 14. This enclosed letter unto her Majesty, my wife hath long attended with to deliver, and being now out of hope (through these late monstrous, unnatural and ungodly rebellions) to find access to deliver the same in convenient time, I beseech you to vouchsafe the means how her Majesty may have it, and withal to further the grant of the effect thereof. For albeit long since three several certificates have been made, that there is neither money of her Majesty's nor any wealth of mine in Quarles his hands, yet Smith and Turner, persisting in their wilful blindness and malicious ignorance, have of late delivered—as themselves report—a certificate unto her Majesty under Turner's hand only, without any approbation of the commissioners, whereby they make shew that there should be many thousands of her Majesty's money in Quarles his hands; and this is done only to wear out time that Quarles might be undone and consumed, and that myself might be without all means or hope of repair.—13 February 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil :—“I mervaile at Mr. Beecher that can be so sim[ple].” 1 p. (76. 66.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 14. Upon a warrant from your lordships that all persons shall keep their houses to-morrow, my Lord Mayor is determined that none but women shall go to the church, nor stir abroad, saving such as shall be appointed to bear arms. In so much as his lordship sendeth me word that he mindeth to keep 500 armed men all the day in St. Paul's churchyard, where the preaching place is. If this be the intent of their lordships, then I think it best that the preachers should be silent in the matters that I delivered them this morning to have been signified to their several auditories concerning the traitors, &c., as being unfit to be imparted to women, except you do think otherwise. Your pleasure herein I would be glad to receive by this bearer.—At my house in London, this 14 of February 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 3/2 p. (76. 68.)
Lord Thomas Howard, Constable of the Tower, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb. 14.] I expected the coming of the lords this morning, where you should have been entertained after the rate of an officer scant settled. All things have passed this night well with us, and so I doubt not but to hold it still. Mr. Lieutenant [of the Tower] is desirous to know your pleasures if you mean to come hither to examine this day.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“14 Feb. 1600.” ½ p. (76. 69.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1,] Feb. 14. On Monday last, at night, of that I least looked for, I heard; on Tuesday, of their apprehension. Upon the first knowledge I prepared myself to set forwards towards her Majesty, and my small company being dispersed, to have come after with my brother. In which business I so much overtired my new amended rather than recovered limbs, that I fell in some relapse of my too familiar disease, having been forced to keep my bed 10 weeks before. I amend again : as soon as I am able, though with pain, to travel, I will haste my coming up, with which my determination and what my meaning is I beseech you acquaint her Majesty, and if there be ought else it shall please her Highness to command me, or you, out of your favour and kindness will direct me, upon your pleasure known it shall be performed to my uttermo t.—From Woodstock Lodge, the 14th of February.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (76. 70.)
Captain Thomas Lee.
1600/1, Feb. 14. An abstract of his examination, taken the 14th of February 1600.
[Printed from the original (S. P. Dom. Eliz. Vol. 278, No. 62) in Calendar, pp. 563–5.] 1¾ pp. (83. 84.)
Sir Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 14. Seeing the Lords do not go to the Tower this day, if it were your pleasure to cause Cuffe, Temple and Writinghton to be brought to my Lord Chief's chamber at Serjeants', we would examine them. And if your Honour would set down capita for me to meditate on, it should further her Majesty's service. All things shall be ready, and yet it hath cost no small labour.—14 Feb. 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (180. 20.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to the Council.
1600/1, Feb. 14. This present morning I received the enclosed writing or libel, which was found stuck between two boards in Old Fish Street, London. I also send a true copy which may remain with your Lordships, if it shall seem good to you to send back the original to find the writer by. Likewise having had intelligence of the lodging of a gentleman, one Captain Ralph Sydley, within this city, who since his repair hither hath spent the most of his time in writing of letters, I have thereupon convented him and his followers before me. For his coming into England, he sheweth a pass under the hand of the Lord Deputy of Ireland, and allegeth that the cause of his writing was to advertize his friends and kinsfolk of his being in England, whence he hath been absent for three years and more. I have yet detained him and his followers till your further pleasure be signified, wherewith the gentleman seemeth to be well contented.—London, this 14th of February 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 21.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 14. I will wish that these may have a safer passage than those I sent you by a servant of mine, who being taken by the Dunkirkers threw all his letters into the sea; they were not of any great importance; some maps of the last battles and of the works at Bommel, and the taking in of all such towns and forts, with their approaches and works lately set out, I had sent you. Hastily I cannot get them done again, but as soon as may be they shall be with you. If already you have had such, I will entreat you throw them under your table. I have been sick lately of an ague, and I pray you excuse me writing more than that we look to be in field this next month. All officers are sent to train and view their garrisons. His Excellency desires to do something before the enemy be reinforced by such aid of Spanish and Italian troops as are coming and ready to pass Savoy, if the King of France will permit their passage through those places and countries he hath now got. The Archduke hath sent to France about this. We expect ships and other succours to come from Lisbon to Dunkirk, which are not yet arrived. These be the causes which make us hasten our provisions.
Two companies of English horse of Nimuegen have overthrown 300 foot of the enemy, killed many and taken some prisoners. At this instant there is a speech that Ostend is taken, but we believe it not. My head aches and I will conclude. The troops coming out of Italy are thought to be 7,000.—Utrecht 14 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“160[0].” 1 p. (181. 78.)
Francis and Edward Kinnersley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, before Feb. 15]. Petition setting forth that the petitioners, sons of Anthony Kynnersley, Esquire, upon Sunday last, were on their way to speak with one William Allan of Mincing Lane, London, were so letted by the concourse of people in the streets that there turned into Coleman Street to go to Islington where there father was, and were there stayed by one Waldrin, a Constable, in Coleman Street, affirming he had warrant to arrest such persons as should seem good to him, and were so committed to the Counter in the Poultry, where they yet are, without any crime showed against them.
1 p. (179. 75.)
Sir Philip Boteler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 15. Last night at seven of the clock I received two warrants under the hands of Sir Henry Cock and Mr. Lytton sent unto two of the high constables of Broadwater and Hitchin for the sending up to Barnet all the trained band of those two hundreds, to be there by ten of the clock the same night, and so to London, and Holborn to be the place of rendezvous. Her Majesty's Privy Council requiring me to set to my hand to the same warrants, I have done accordingly. If it please her Majesty to employ my poor service I am most ready. I beseech you to direct me how and to what place, and what time I shall attend; being heartily sorry her Highness should have any subject, especially of her nobility, to prove so disloyal and unnatural to so gracious a Sovereign, and as much as in them lay the subversion of their native country. But God be blessed for His mercies in revealing the same for her Majesty's safety and the quieting of her faithful subjects. I would have waited on you, being at London this last week, but for that, as I rode, a bough gave me a stripe upon one of mine eyes, which with the pain of it made me see very evil that I could hardly have use of the other; but I hope in God it will be well within two days.—This Sunday morning the 15th of February 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (76. 71.)
Dr. Robert Bennett and W. Garrard to the Privy Council.
1600/1, Feb. 15. According to direction, we have with all diligence repaired unto the lodging of Mr. Savile, provost of Eton College, and there in his study seized these letters and papers enclosed in this packet and herewith sent by one of our servants. We confess we found many other letters and writings concerning the affairs of the said College of Eton, and Martyn College in Oxford; papers of his own private state, and letters of honourable persons to him in behalf of scholars, letters betwixt him and his allies touching dealings and accounts betwixt them, and sundry collections of his studies and readings in several arts and tongues severally bound up together. But because our direction is to spare those writings which belong to his particular, we have in our discretion selected these only as seeming to pertain to the present action and persons in question.—From her Highness's Castle of Windsor, this 15 of February 1600.
Signed. Seal broken. 1 p. (76. 72.
Thomas Payne, Mayor, and the Aldermen of Plymouth to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 15. Reminding him of their suit to her Majesty and the lords that the government of the Fort and Island might be in themselves; and of the letter from their Honours, the copy whereof Mr. William Stallenge can shew, signifying that it was thought most convenient. Also, asking for an answer to their letter touching the staying of Thomas Tomson, Walter Tomson his brother and Roger Prue, gent., who were bound for Rochelle and remain in Plymouth, in prison.—Plymouth, 15 February 1600.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (76. 73.)
George [Hastings,] Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1,] Feb. 15. I hold it an honourable favour from you Mr. Secretary to write me a particular letter from yourself, which I take a loving counsel and friendly watchword in regard of my duty and true allegiance to her Majesty, which by the grace of God, as I have found her Majesty to me most gracious, so she shall find me most dutiful. And though I could have alleged a matter of truth and no excuse, yet if life hold, infirmities shall not withdraw me to spend the last drop of my blood in her Majesty's services.—From my little lodge, this 15th of February.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. ½ p. (76. 74.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 15. The preacher at St. Paul's Cross this day hath discharged his duty exceedingly well, and delivered to the people the whole matter of the arch traitor, according to the instructions you were acquainted with. The auditory was great (though the Lord Mayor and his brethren were absent), and the applause for her Majesty's deliverance from the mischiefs intended exceeding great, loud and joyous. The traitor is now laid out well in colours to every man's satisfaction that heard the sermon, as I suppose or could judge by men's countenances. The preacher (named Mr. Hayward, a man very gracious in the City); his text was II. Sam. 21, 17, in these words : “Then David's men sware unto him, saying, thou shalt go no more out with us to battle lest thou quench the light of Israel,” and he handled it exceedingly well, being a most fit text for the present occasion.—At my house in London, 15 February 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (76. 75.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 15. I most humbly thank you for the letter you of late writ in my favour to the sheriff of Yorkshire, by which means Mr. Lake and myself are quietly repossessed of the office of that county clerkship whereof then lately our deputy had been by strong hand dispossessed, contrary to her Majesty's strict commandment contained in her letters patents, formerly obeyed for the space of 80 years. We understand the sheriff intendeth to importune you by my Lord of Cumberland's means to disavow us and to withdraw your favour from us. Howbeit we desire no more than to be protected from violence till by law or equity we shall be evicted. The sheriff referreth himself to your absolute disposition. I sent you notice into the Privy Chamber (after I had intelligence that Thomas Lea was committed) that there be very strong presumptions that one Arthur Bedell is one of his complices in depth of all villainy, if any were intended. For I can bring good proof that they are very inward, and that the day before the Earl's rebellion they had very earnest and private conference in Lincoln's Inn; and on the day itself [he] was found in the court and coming out of it in extraordinary great heat and haste, after he had notice that the lords were delivered from Essex House. That he hath been heretofore apprehended by the Queen's commandment and committed close prisoner a long time in the prison of St. Katherine's, upon intelligence given that he had long served the enemy under Sir Wm. Stanley, and being come over to some dangerous intent was apprehended in a bad place in Shoreditch by my Lord Cobham's warrant, and in the end was commanded to be banished the realm; but afterwards found means through my Lord of Essex to be set at liberty. He is a very tall desperate fellow and hath been sundry times for robberies and other villainies committed to the prisons of Oxford, Sarum, the Fleet, St. Katherine's and Newgate, and besides censured to the pillory in the Star Chamber. I understand he denieth all in his examinations, and therefore, if you think good, all the premisses shall be apparently justified to his face immediately.—15th of February 1600.
Signed. Seal, broken. 1½ pp. (76. 76.)
Anne Philipson.
[1600/1, February 15.] 1. Interrogatories.
Whether she knoweth Mr. Cuff or that he hath written or sent any letter to Mr. Savile since Sunday or Monday last.
Whether to her knowledge Mr. Savell hath sent or not to Mr. Cuffe's chamber at Oxford, and to what end he hath sent.
Whether she knoweth anybody called by the name of Prowse, man or woman.
Whether she hath not told anybody that Mr. Savell was upon Sunday last at the Court gate and met with a nobleman, and who that nobleman was.
Whether she knoweth or no that Mr. Savell hath had letters from Mr. Cuffe since Sunday last.
Whether she knoweth or no that Mr. Savell calleth himself the Queen's scholar, or is called so by others.
Why Mr. Savill, to her knowledge, would not come upon Sunday last at night into the Court, but was only at the Court gate.
How long it is since she saw Mr. Cuff or that Mr. Savell and he saw each other, to her knowledge, and how long it is before Sunday last that Mr. Cuff came to Mr. Savell's lodgings here at Westminster.
½ p. (104. 26.)
2. The examination of Anne Philipson, gentlewoman, taken the 15th of February, 1600, at Mr. Pickering's house.
Mr. Cuff was at Mr. Savell's lodgings upon Thursday was se'nnight and stayed there about an hour, and walked half an hour in the garden alone, Mr. Jackes, sergeant of the bakehouse, remaining with Mr. Savell.
She utterly denieth that she knoweth of any letter written from Mr. C. to Mr. Sav. since Sunday the 8th of this February.
She denieth to know any of the name of Prowse, either man or woman.
This Sunday se'nnight, she says, Mr. Sa. went to the Court about nine-a-clock in the morning, and came not home till about ten of the clock at night, after he had supped at Mr. Dr. Browne's, but knoweth not of any nobleman that met him at the Court gate.
She knoweth not nor ever heard of any nobleman that Mr. Sa. met with at the Court gate upon Sunday night last.
She knoweth not that Mr. Sa. hath received any letter from Mr. Cuff since Sunday last.
She hath a brother called Robert Philippson, who lent his horse at Mr. Secretary's appointment upon Sunday last, the 8th of February, to fetch powder.
She hath another brother, that is an apprentice to one Bates in Distaff Lane, a silk man, and is of the age of about 16 years.
Her brother is Surveyor of her Majesty's lands in Westmoreland.
Her husband, named Christopher Throwgood, is in Ireland, and factor to Mr. Babington and Mr. Bromley.
She knoweth not that Mr. Sa. hath sent to Oxford to Mr. C.'s chamber, but rather thinketh not, because if there had been any such matter, she might have heard of it, being in the house.
Signed, “Anne Philipson.” 1 p. (104. 27.)


  • 1. Subsequently crossed out in the original.