Cecil Papers: December 1600, 16-25

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1600, 16-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp421-429 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1600, 16-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp421-429.

"Cecil Papers: December 1600, 16-25". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp421-429.

December 1600, 16–25

Wyll. Poyntz to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 16. Has been extremely sick, and would fain ride into the country. Prays Cecil to provide him with money for plain apparel, for the sake of his dead cousin, Cecil's wife, whom Cecil held so precious.—Westminster, 16 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 68.)
John Williams to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 17. Prays for the concealed wardship of the heir of Robert Cheshere, of Shropshire.
Note by Cecil : “If this suggestion be true, I will let him be preferred”
Endorsed :—“17 De., 1600.” 1 p. (P. 66.)
John Danson, innholder.
1600, Dec. 17. Petition to Sir E. Cecil, for the apprehending of Wm. Trosheis, who has robbed petitioner's brother, Zachary Dowe, a draper of London.
Endorsed :—“17 De., 1600.” ¾ p. (P. 244.)
Wyll. Poyntz to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 18. For relief [see his letter of Dec. 16].—18 Dec., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 70.)
Edmond Hore to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 18. In your letters to my Lord Deputy in behalf of the gentlemen and other inhabitants of the county of Wexford, your Lordships, by way of exception, restrain his Lordship from giving allowance to their desire of remittal of their composition money, a thing (but the fourth part of 140l. a year) demanded only to yield a show of contentment to her Majesty's distressed people, wherein nevertheless her bounty, without any charge, but profit, may be showed. I beseech that their desire in this point may be granted, on condition that they shall release all their demands which they might claim from her Majesty for the charges they have been at : or else that I may be permitted to write my petitions again, and leave out that request, and so not to be mentioned in your letters.
I beseech you to consider how from the beginning of these troubles they have not received the value of 100l. of her Majesty's treasure towards all the charge they have been at in dieting of her soldiers and other ways, which no country but they can say : but been so liberal in that behalf as, whiles they had anything left, they gave it freely to advance the service, as may well appear to you, for that their agent (not like the dealers for other countries) comes not furnished with books for demands of money, as he might have done, if they had kept notes thereof as all other countries have done. Also, how merely through their loyalty they have drawn these miseries upon themselves, having from the enemy been dealt withal divers times, both in private and public, with large promises that they should not lose the value of a penny so as they would but keep themselves quiet, and promise not to serve against him ; which conditions they utterly refused, and although of all other parts of Ireland they have been least regarded, yet have they beyond the rest been most eager and earnest in prosecuting the rebels : which that they may not repent, but rather be glad of, I beseech that I may not return from this place to add more woe, but some contentment, to their extremities : their desires in substance being but gracious and favourable words and countenance, and a man of note to govern them, offering to release double and more the value they crave to be released unto them, which if it be denied them will more grieve them than anything that ever happened unto them.—18 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (90. 7.)
Reskymes Bonyther to [? Sir N. Parker].
[1600,] Dec. 18. This present Thursday there was a bark of Milbrock which passed by our cove, where those two Dunkerkers did ride, one of which ships presently gave him chase. The poor bark ran himself into the cliff at Gomvale Winter. Myself being there gave the poor men the best comfort I could, but could hardly make them believe that I would fight for them, by reason of the small number which were with me. The Dunkerk manned their boat and thought to have rifled the ship, but I thank God and the tall men which were with me we made them forsake “patch,” with the loss of some of their men. And now they ride still where as they did, and unless there be some ship sent to fight with them, there shall no bark pass nor boat be able to go to sea.—From the seaside, 18 Dec.
Holograph. 1 p. (90. 8.)
Two petitions :—
1600, Dec. 18. (1) Richard Troute. Prays for the concealed wardship of the heir of Clement Struggell, of Kent, yeoman.
Note by Cecil : “If this suggestion prove true, I will prefer him when he finds the tenure.”
Endorsed :—“8 De., 1600.” 1 p. (P. 64.)
(2) Cuthbert Stillingfleete and George Browne, messengers of the Queen's Chamber. Pray for the concealed wardship of the heir of John Wyn Foulkes, of Denbighshire.
Note by Cecil : “If this be true, they shall be preferred.”
Endorsed :—“18 De., 1600.” 1 p. (P. 65.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 19. For my not looking in the letter, I pray you pardon me. I knew to whom it went, and if it should contain any matter pertinent to the point he is charged (wherewith I understood you were acquainted), I was assured you would make better use of it than I could, and so thought it no point of good manners without your warrant to do it. But knowing your pleasure, I will henceforth in such cases do as you wish me. For the matter wherewith he is charged, he utterly denies all, affirming he was not acquainted with Lychefyld his purpose to go away, or any way a meddler in it, or that he gave him any money; but confesses upon Lyckefylde's wife's importunate and earnest dealing with him, about some four days past, he gave her 40s., and that at time her husband was gone from her and had no part of it, but by report of some of Sir Robert [Drury] 's men it is said Lychefyld is gone to Cambridge, but his wife, brother, nor any of his friends can yet tell whither he is gone. I have already sent to Cambridge for him, and if he be not there, I shall much doubt what is become of him, and even now I do examine a man of Sir Robert's and even at the first I find his Mr. hath not dealt truly with me in some points I examined him of, as I shall in more particular inform you when I shall see you next.—Serjeants' Inn, 19 Dec, 1600.
[P.S.]—Yesternight, when my man returned from Sir Rich. Saltyngstowe, Sir Robert sent me the key of his chest, with this message, if I would search for any papers I might peruse what was there, which made me somewhat to think of it and that all things were already cleared there.
Holograph. 2 pp. (82. 71.)
Sir Robert Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 19. Prays Cecil to move the Queen to apprehend the miserable condition of his fortune, in being accused of unfaithfulness to her, by two villains once his servants, the one turned away for abusing the trust he had of carrying Drury's purse, and the other for his vile behaviour in prison in the Marshalsea, the greatest villain of the whole world. These men hoped, by putting him in fear of their accusations, to make him relieve their wants ; whereof failing, their malice now tends to one of. these two extremities : either to bring him in question for his life and estate, or else to put the Queen in jealousy of his want of faith to her, and so to overthrow all his hopes of favour from her. The one point is to be decided by common justice : of the other, his only hope is that Cecil will keep his name from being odious in the Queen's ears. Refers to his past life, and adventuring his life and estate at the wars and at Court, seeking only the favour of his Prince; and now fallen from all hope thereof into a prison, and next to holding up his hand at the bar. —From Alderman Saltinstall's house, 19 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 72.)
Sir Alexander Clyfford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 20. I received your letter the 19th inst. near Dungionnesse, which place I have kept (and near the coast of France) as fittest for discovery, as also for meeting the Dunkerkes and Spaniards expected for Flanders. I have followed all opportunities and best courses for the accomplishment of this service, not neglecting what wind and weather would give me leave. The winds have continued so long easterly that I can understand no news from the southern parts. For the Dunkerkes taking of certain Englishmen that you write of, I have not before your letters heard of the same. I would they had [been] by me intercepted, for the which no fault shall nor has rested in me.
I cannot advertise you whether the Lyonesse be yet gone westwards. If she be, she passed me by night. But I have intelligence of two English merchants on Tuesday last passed westwards for the Straits. What they are, I know not.—Dungion Nesse, 20 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 73.)
Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 20. Acknowledges Cecil's letters, and the comfort he receives by them that he is held in her Majesty's good opinion. Expresses his loyalty and thankfulness for Cecil's great favour.—Guernsey, 20 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (82. 74.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 20. Of a cause relating to lands, parcel of the lands purchased by Shrewsbury from the Queen, in which he, Thomas Sutton, Sutton's younger brother, William Cavendish, and Holcroft are concerned.—Sheffield Lodge, 20 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 76.)
Sir Robert Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 20. Before he saw his misery continued without any hope or answer from Cecil, he could not imagine his estate to be so desperate as that her Majesty had been acquainted with his punishments. He thought rather that the Lord Chief Justice had thought it his duty to order that he should be forth coming till he knew her pleasure : so much did his hopes flatter him, trusting in her princely nature and her good opinion, which her words, both before his going into the Low Countries and since, testified; pronouncing that the malicious reports of villains should never change her gracious opinion. What faults has he made since to aggravate the former accusations ? Has he done anything but laboured in all kinds to follow her service ? He refers himself to all the company where he has lived since; amongst which those wild fellows, which “our occupation” still meets withal, wrongly guessing at his ends, would needs give him the title of a politician, for his severity in limiting their unbridled discourses. Being accused, forces him to speak and desire to know what the greedy revenge of his enemies seeks after. If his life, and his Prince consents to it, it is impossible for him to keep it, and he will lay down his head upon the block. If his poor estates may satisfy, it shall little trouble him, and he will find some place where to end the remnant of his miserable youth. Now only thinks himself a wretched mark of misfortune, for having escaped a glorious death in a victorious battle, where he might have laid his bones by his only dear brother; and shall now live to come to a bar, to answer to criminal offences, and be a stain to his blood and name. Never was man living more falsely and treacherously accused.—Alderman Saltonstall's house in Sething Lane, 20 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (82. 77.)
1600, Dec. 20. Bills of lading of sugar and other goods received by Cornelis Arens, of Callis, master of the Greyhound, in the river of the town of Viana, from Andrew Nunez and others. Other papers connected therewith. Andrew Faleiro, Sebastian Fereira, and Deigo Teixera concerned in the matter.—Viana, 20 Dec, 1600.
10 papers, English and Portuguese. (210. 2.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Council.
1600, Dec. 21. The Dunkirkers continue still troublesome upon this coast, insomuch as they daily take their pleasure of all such as pass by, except they be able to recover the shore, whither they do yet prosecute them, but that by the strength of the country, which I have to that end caused to be there continually attendant, they are put back, and so remain still with their ships in one place, taking all advantages. At this present are come unto me two poor men which have been prisoners with them these 20 days, whose examinations, together with a letter they brought me from the captain whom I have appointed to attend there, I have sent therewith. I have also, in regard there are no ships of war in this place, given notice hereof unto Plymouth, if any thence will put themselves forward to the removing of them.—Pendenas Castle, 21 Dec, 1600.
Holograph, 1 p. (82. 78.)
The Enclosures :
(1.) Examination of Thomas Singleman and George Awford, of Burport, sailors, taken before Sir Nicholas Parker, 21 Dec., 1600.
The examinates being in a bark of Burport, having with them Newfoundland nets and lines, bound to Dartmouth on the 3rd inst, were taken by a flyboat of Dunkirk, who sunk the bark and kept the men prisoners, but have now set these two ashore and keep the master still. Examinates during their imprisonment report of only one of Weymouth besides them selves which they have taken of Englishmen, but divers Flemings, whereby they have filled themselves with sugars, wine and other commodities, and so let them go with the spoil of the men, and retaining the masters, one of whom they wounded after he had yielded. They report one of them to be of 100 tons and 150 men in her, the other of 60 tons with 90 men in her, being all very well appointed. Their intent is as soon as they may to go home and revictual and trim their ships and come back. They told examinates that there are 9 sail of them upon this coast.
1 p. (90. 19.)
Reskymes Bonyther to Sir Nicholas Parker.
[1600.]—(2.) This Saturday a small bark of Weymouth passing by the coast laden with provisions of bread, meal and malt, and pork for Ireland was taken by these ships that lie in our cove. The enemy has taken out all their bread and pork, and promises upon the payment of 60l. to deliver the bark with the malt and meal, for the procuring of which monies the poor men, being landed in our cove, are gone to Penzance, hoping to get so much of their credit. Farther, these men of Weymouth say that there is a ship at Foye, laden with provision for Ireland, that is ready to come out : it were good she were stayed : for if she pass the coast she will be certainly taken. These men report that, coming out of France a fortnight since, they were informed of 23 sail of Duncarkes that were come upon our coast. 1 have also sent these poor men, who have been long aboard the enemy, being men of Barport, that you may know what they can say. This ship was taken at Mousole, but brought back to their old rod [? road] and there rifled.—20 Dec.
Holograph. 1 p. (90. 18.)
W. Stallenge to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Dec. 21. I have received your letters of the 15th inst., with one for Captain Troughton, which shall be delivered or returned. Since my last of the 16th, I have understood that, about two months past, there passed by Ayamonte 14 galleys with above 2,000 soldiers for Lishborne, which were taken in at St. Lucar. In Sivell, I understand it was then reported that those soldiers were to be employed in certain galleons, made ready at Lishborne to go to the East Indies, to intercept the Flemings trading that way. By other letters received from Edmond Palmer, written in November, he supposes those soldiers, and others taken up in other places, are to be passed for some part of Ireland, considering, as he says, for the most part they take up small shipping to transport them; although small shipping are as necessary for the coast of Flanders. By all that I can understand there may be at Lishborne 3,000 or 4,000 soldiers at the most. The Dunkerks men of war (being, as it is here supposed, those that departed from St. Anderes) remain still about the Lizard, where they daily spoil small shipping, to their great encouragement, and hindrance of many her Majesty's poor subjects. The charges of her Majesty's ships being so great, and the service which they do by general report be so little, whereby her Highness may be unwilling to employ them this way, some other means might be devised; and I do verily think the country would be contented to contribute, rather than to endure the loss which daily they receive by those people, besides the disgrace that they should presume so much upon this coast. There are here and at Dartmouth certain ships of the Hollanders men of war, but I do not perceive they have any desire to seek out those Dunkerks.—Plymouth, 21 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 79.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 22. Your letter came hither to me on Friday about 4 in the afternoon; the Duke, with his company, on Saturday in the forenoon, where he first saw her Majesty's house and took a note of such writings as he found in her Highness' bedchamber, written in the window by her Majesty, being prisoner there. From thence he came to this more than simple place for the entertainment of such a Prince upon such a sudden, sent care fully, as it did appear from her Majesty, written by your own hand, to signify her pleasure, and the estimation she held of him : all things here (though at the best) being far too mean, and the more out of order by my own weakness, who was not able to stir, and have not now these many weeks once come out of my bed, neither am yet able to stand or move, as the Duke can witness, who after his sport would needs see me, much against my will. Such a man so sent, considering his state, with the care is had of him, ought to have in this place, while I am ruler here, not the meanest, but the best entertainment my fortune and this barren country in such haste could afford him. Howsoever, he took everything in good part. He showed both kindness and bounty, and above all things a mind never satisfied with speaking honour of her Majesty, which disposition of his, as I now took pleasure to observe in him, so have I ever endeavoured to make proof of in myself. And truly I have been and am most ready and desirous to see to the full performed whatsoever her Majesty shall in this place or elsewhere command me. To my grief, my cousin now in the end is trodden down, held with disgrace under foot, being (as some would have him) not worthy of life, haply not deserving better than himself. At my late moving her Majesty for him, I found more displeasure than hope of better opinion in her of him. My time is not long, and the shorter through this her Majesty's displeasure against him. God end me with His grace, and him with her favour.—Woodstock Lodge, 22 Dec, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (82. 80.)
John Roberts, one of the Queen's porters at the Gate.
1600, Dec. 22. Petition to Sir R. Cecil. Prays for the concealed wardship of Richard ap Thomas ap Meredith, of Anglesey.
Note by Cecil, ordering enquiry to be made after the death of the father of the ward supposed. When the office is found he will do that which is fit.
Endorsed :—“22 Dec, 1600.” 1 p. (P. 61.)
Hadrianus Sarravia to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1600, Dec 23. All right-thinking men would rather imperil their lives than hide anything that could endanger the Queen. To-day D. Chevalerius came to me with two strangers, of whom one had just returned from France. He says that at Amiens he saw a young man known as Jak Ellis, the son of a citizen of this city, one Engeraut Ellis, the landlord of the Three Kings' Inn. The young man was leading a dissolute life. He was first taken from Canterbury by some soldiers or petty gentlemen of the parts of Austria, who persuaded his father that foreign travel would be good for his son. The father used to tell his friends that he did not expect his son to return until he had visited Italy and learned Italian. But the son has been in this city twice with short intervals, and to-morrow morning he is leaving for the Court. It is not long since he was seen at Amiens going to Mass, and trying to persuade others to do so. He was on familiar terms there with a Franciscan, who took him to Paris and returned with him as far as Abbeville. There he had conference with an Englishman who serves there as captain under the Austrian. From Abbeville he came to England, and says he is sent from those who are in power. I have thought it right to let you know these things.—Canterbury, 23 Dec, 1600.
Latin. Holograph. Endorsed.—“D. Serravia.” 1½ pp. (82. 82.)
E. Neile to Mr. Amias, at Cheshunt Nunnery.
1600, Dec. 25. With regard to the tenants of Rislip (Middlesex). “His Honour” [? Sir Robert Cecil] is desirous to deal with the tenants to surrender their leases, that the College [King's College, Cambridge,] may grant a lease to him (Cecil).—Christmas Day, 1600.
Neale was afterwards Bishop of Durham and Archbishop o York. (204. 114.)
Christopher Hatton.
1600, Dec. 25. Petition of Jane Holford, wife of Henry Holford, to the Queen. Her son Christopher Hatton, the Queen's ward, has been enforced to live obscurely in a College in Cam bridge, and is now desirous to come abroad. Prays that the Queen will accept some reasonable sum for his wardship and marriage, so that he may be at liberty to go abroad : “wherein your Majesty shall give hope and mean to continue the name in the house of your faithful servant Sir Christopher Hatton by your most royal Majesty advanced.”—Undated.
Note signed by Sir Julius Cæsar that the Queen is pleased to refer the petition to Sir Robert Cecil.—Dec. 25, 1600. (P. 185.)
The Enclosures :
(1.) Estate of Mr. Hatton's land.
The land descended to young Mr. Hatton from his father and from Sir Christopher Hatton is 497l. 18s. 2d. yearly : whereof the Queen hath by extent for the debt of Sir C. Hatton 305l. 2s. 6d. per ann. Which was leased in 37o of her reign for the yearly rent of 1,500l., and is to have continuance till 40,000l. be fully paid. The Queen is paid during the minority for the wardship 128l. 10s. 6d. per ann. The rest the Lady Hatton has for her dower.
½ p. Undated. (P. 185.)
(2.) Reasons to move her Majesty for Mr. Christopher Hatton.
½ p. Undated. (P. 185.)