Cecil Papers: May 1600, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1600, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp148-169 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1600, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp148-169.

"Cecil Papers: May 1600, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp148-169.

May 1600, 16–31

Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 16. I understand you are about to set up a race of horses, wherein for that I have long contended with others, I am bold to offer you a young jennet, rightly bred both by sire and dam. I would have presented you with one of my old mares but they are at this time of year so great with foal and so far off.—Hackney, this 16 of May, 1600.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (180. 95.)
Edwarde Symms to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, May 17.] In answer to objections made against him by the Council of Ireland. His supposed offence had its original from one Pinnor, an infamous fellow, by whose instigation the Council have advertised that his coming thence was without leave, and that he sent away armour belonging to his company. He will bring proof from Zakery Pearse, sometime secretary to Sir William Fitzwilliams, whom he employed to the Earl of Ormwood and Justice Cary with petition for his coming to England, who gave him leave as his company was cast and given to one Plunket. The armour sent by him was not his, but Captain Hugh Kenrick's, whose company being cast, and he without means to bring it back to England, requested him (the writer) to lend him 20 nobles, and send the armour to London, where he would repay; affirming that he would send the armour to Warwickshire, whence he had it.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“17 May, 1600. Captain Symmes.” 1 p. (79. 54.)
R[alfe] Bostocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, May 17.] Through his 16 years' service in the wars he has become much in debt. Prays for a company of footmen, or other employment; also for letters to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London to be Muster Master of the city.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, 17 May. Captain Bostocke.” 1 p. (79. 55.)
Sir William Browne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 17. As Cecil has begun to deliver the writer's sister's son from the tyranny of Mr. Bolton's unjust claim, by making him the Queen's ward, so he prays Cecil to free the ward and her from the too cunning oppression which Bolton menaces.
My Lord Governor is so careful an observer of all opportunities to advertise Cecil of the occurrences of these parts, that his own endeavours were superfluous.—Flushing, 17 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 56.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 17. I examined two gentlemen now arrived in the Blessing, of Orford, from Rochelle, the one John Fitzwilliams of Clarborough in Nottinghamshire, the other naming himself Richard Cornwallis; whom severally examined and found double in some points, as having before reported their being at Rome, and now denying it, as also having letters to Sir Anthony Sherley in Persia, yet protesting their journey intended no farther than Venice, with their departing the land without licence, I therefore grew to more strict examination of them, wherein Cornwallis confessed his right name to be Edmund Topcliff, son and heir to Lionel Topclif of Becckstone in Norfolk, gent., for proof whereof he requested me to open Sir Thomas Sherley's letter and the others hereinclosed, and that thereby I should be resolved, which although loth, yet in discharge of my duty I presumed to do, and send them herewith. Mr. Bacon's, which was enclosed in Sir Thomas Sherley's, I send yet fast. The gentlemen themselves I have enjoined to make their speedy repair before the Council, which they have faithfully promised. There came in the same ship also one Tryamor Diconson, a mariner born at Norwich, who hath been these three years almost in Spain, and now, as he confesses, upon pretence of revolt, and pilgrimage to Rome, this Jubileo, is escaped. Him I have likewise enjoined to be before your Honours with all speed, if by any ways any matter of weight may be gathered by him more than yet I have.—Pendenas Castle, 17 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 57.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Council.
1600, May 17. Encloses the examinations of Fitzwilliams, Cornwallis alias Topcliff, and Tryamor Diconson. [See preceding letter.] Also encloses examination of Walter Kemball.
Here are arrived 20 sail or more of Flemings from Rochelle, among whom Cornelius Peterson, master of the Catt, of Hewseden, speaks of an uproar made some eight days since in Rochelle by a papist which disturbed the watch, whereupon the town was up in arms, the streets barricaded, and in this tumult the first raiser thereof slain. Yet the Governor of Burwage (who is holden a great papist) coming thither from Paris, was received with great joy, and all the ships commanded to use like solemnity of triumph for his entertainment.
The coast of France, by report of these now arrived, is full of Dunkirkers and Spaniards doing very much hurt. And as they credibly report, the great ship of Dunkirk, which hath done so great spoil on this coast, is put into Bilbao in Biscay, there to refresh themselves, and again to sea with all speed possible.—Pendenas Castle, 17 May, 1600.
1 p. (79. 59.)
The Enclosures :
(1.) Examinations of John Fitzwilliams of Clarborough, Nottinghamshire, son to Edward Fitzwilliams; Triamor Diconsonne of Norwich, mariner, and Edmund Topcliffe, son and heir to Lionel Topcliffe of Buckstone, Norfolk, taken 15 May, 1600, before Sir Nicholas Parker, Deputy Lieutenant for Cornwall, at her Majesty's Castle of Pendenas.
Fitzwilliams had lived in the wars under Captain Turrett and Captain Bell in the Low Countries. His and Topcliffe's first intent was to go to Venice only, but upon the report of the honour of Sir Anthony Sherley in Persia, Topcliffe desired to go thither, and examinate was willing, and they had letters of recommendation from Sir Thomas Sherley to his son Anthony, and also from Sir Francis Vere. He never intended to go farther than Venice, for want of money, though Topcliffe was very earnest to go to Persia. Did not know Dickonsonne before their meeting at Rochelle. Has never been in Rome.
Dickonsonne left England in the Pleasure, of George Cocke of London, Oct. 1, 1597, and was taken in the mouth of the Rio Grande in a small carvell, thence carried to Cartagenie and kept in the galleys 7 months, until by procurement of Mr. Hawkins, all Englishmen, but votuntaries, were sent to Spain. Was prisoner at Madrid till, upon pretence of turning Catholic, he had' leave this year of Jubilee to go pilgrim to Rome, but at Frentignan in France, he made himself known as a Protestant, and casting away his pilgrim's habit at Monpellyer, turned back in company of a painter to Rochelle, whence he craved passage in the Blessing of God, of Orford, for England. Denies knowing the other two examinates before meeting them at Rochelle.
Topcliffe came with Fitzwilliams in the above ship. They left London Jan. 13, intending to go only to Venice. Letters of recommendation as detailed by Fitzwilliams. Passed as Richard Cornwallis for his safety, knowing his own name would not be so gracious in foreign parts, by reason of the place of his uncle Richard Topcliffe. They had not been at Rome, though he told the “boson” of the ship they had. Did not know Dickonsonne before their meeting at Rochelle.
Signed by the examinates. 3 pp. (79. 50 and 52.)
(2.) Examination of Walter Kemball, of Wapping, carpenter, taken May 17, 1600, before Sir Nicholas Parker at Pendenas Castle.
Examinate, returning out of Spain by shipping from the Groyne, whither he was taken, and coming to Rochelle and so home, being demanded of the proceedings of the Spaniards in those parts, answers that there are 5 of the King's ships making ready at the Groyne, and the report is that other 5 are making ready at Luxbone, but whither to go is not known. That the Groyne is full of soldiers, and thence are daily set forth men of war, of whom 7 were seen off the Pennes. The Governor of the Groyne is committed to his own ward, and so remains without his liberty. He came out of the Groyne in a Frenchman the 26 of April. Signed. 1 p. (79. 58.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 17. I enclose a letter from Mr. Buttler, from which you may perceive his affection for the college of Clare Hall, where he was educated, and for Mr. Bois, who was elected Master of it. Mr. Bois has found many difficulties in his way, that he has refused the place, but hopes that since a doctor of theology is required, his friend Doctor Overall, to whom the Archbishop cannot object, may be selected. I join Mr. Buttler in hoping that the Queen and yourself will give Mr. Bois this satisfaction, and not let his opponents wholly triumph over him.—From my lodging, 17 May, 1600.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (79. 60.)
George, Lord Audeley to the Earl of Essex.
1600, May 18. He the less wondered at not receiving answer to his letters, hearing the cross and unfortunate chances fallen upon so honourable a person. But those accidents are so much the less, either to trouble the virtue of Essex's own mind, or to grieve the thoughts of his well-wishing followers, as it becomes gold to be seven times tried in the fire. Expresses his love and honour of Essex, and will refuse no hazard to do him service, and labour to appease the displeasure of her Majesty, if the same be not already appeased, which may with small labour be effected. If Essex be but like himself, he doubts not but after this storm all England shall see fair weather.—Youghalle, 18 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 61.)
Robert Pigotte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 18. Thanks Cecil for his despatch. Prays for a few words to the Lord Deputy in his favour, inserting therein that this employment was conferred upon him by the Council, and not his own suit, lest his Lordship should conceive offence; also that his employment may be in the Queen's county.—18 May, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (79. 62.)
Sir Richard Knightley to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 19. According to their letters, he has given Lord Beauchamp to know her Majesty's pleasure, and has been careful to provide a house for him. There are two houses to be had, one in Wilts, 4 miles from Sarum, the other near Ryddinge in Oxfordshire. Lord Beauchamp best affects the former, but refers it to their Lordships. Beauchamp, being unprovided with furniture and provision for housekeeping, desires with his lady to go to his father-in-law, Sir Richard Rogers, for a month or six weeks, in which time the house they appoint will be the better fitted for his habitation. Asks their pleasures therein. Has good cause to hope, as well by Beauchamp's good carriage in his (Knightley's) house, as by his present protestations, that his demeanour will deserve their commendations to her Majesty for his good.—Norton, 19 May, 1600. Signed. 1 p. (79. 64.)
Thomas Windebanke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 20. Excuses himself from repairing to Court on account of taking physic.—20 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 65.)
Thomas Lake to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 20. Even now, almost at six of the clock, Mr. Knyvett brought me commandment from the Queen to write to you that her pleasure is that the letter to the Commissioners at Embden be sent away with all speed, which is, as near as I can, the words I received.—20 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 66.)
Sir John Smythe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 21. Thanks him for obtaining the Council's letter for restitution of his armour, weapons and other goods yet in the custody of Mr. Edward Scilliard. The things are to be sent to London to be sold, but through his restraint he cannot himself go there to price them; prays therefore for 15 or 16 days' liberty this next term to go to London for that purpose, and for the conclusion of a matter between him and John Paschall. If he may have 20 days' liberty each term during his life, he will never make suit for any further enlargement, but always remain her Majesty's perpetual prisoner.—Tofftes, 21 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir John Smith.” 1 p. (79. 67.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 21. I pray you to send me by this bearer the petition exhibited by the Coppingers against my brother, that his counsel may have some time to consider, and that you will now, at the beginning of this term, appoint some afternoon that the cause may be heard before the Attorney of the Court of Wards. I hear you mean this afternoon to come to my Lord Keeper's to sit in Council. I pray you be advised, my Lord Treasurer's two daughters have the smallpox. You know he doth ever wear furs. There is no one thing that doth carry infection so much as furs doth. I have heard you often say that you more fear the smallpox than anything else. Respect your health above anything, and think upon yourself and your poor friends if such a misfortune should now befall you.—Blackfriars, 21 May, 160 (sic).
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600, Lord Cobham.” 1 p. (79. 68.)
Joyce, Lady Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 21. She writes, in Mr. Carew's absence, on behalf of Richard Paulfreyman, who has been granted to the office of keeping the small guns within the Tower, one of the most ancient offices in that place, but is hindered in the execution of it by the malice of some of the officers of the ordnance. Begs for letters to Mr. Attorney, who is to hear the cause between Mr. Lee, the Keeper of the Store, and Paulfreyman.—Mynories, 21 May, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Lady Karew.” 1 p. (79. 92.)
The English Commissioners to [the Spanish Commissioners] .
1600, May 21. Dated 21 May, st. vet., 1600. “Signatum per Comrios et missum per Winwood dño Verreykium.”
Copy in 17th cent. hand. Latin. 2 pp. (242. 62.)
Printed in Winicood's Memorials, Vol. 1, p. 190.
Richard [Vaughan], Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 21. I have been acquainted by the bearer hereof, the High Sheriff of Lancashire, with the apprehension of certain seminary, priests. One is now in safe custody; the other strangely escaped by the practice of some favourers. I have thought it my part to intimate the loyal and Christian endeavours of the Sheriff, by so much the more to be esteemed because few of place and authority in these parts do so sincerely affect the present proceedings, or so zealously bend themselves against those popish pioneers which, with their faculties from Rome, labour so mainly to undermine the state both of policy and religion. It is a matter of wonder to apprehend any priest in these parts, because of their many favourers of the best sort, and your Honour, by the escape of this notorious priest, Father Robert without a surname, so well attended and watched, may conceive that it is a very hard matter to do either God or her Majesty any great service in Lancashire. Since it pleased God to call your Honour from the government of the Duchy, that sect hath been far more bold and desperate, and now lately, being driven from the North by his honourable care who hath the rule of that province, they swarm here in great numbers, and no means, without apparent danger of men's lives, to bring them to their answer for their intolerable disobedience. What such remissness in magistrates, connivancy in officers inferior, toleration in all, encouragements and expectation in them, may prejudice in time the peace of our State and progress of religion, I leave it to your deep wisdom to consider.—Hawarden Castle, 1600 May, 21.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“By Mr. Hesketh, Sheriff of Lancashire.” Seal. 1 p. (180. 96.)
Thomas Thorneton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 22. One Mr. Hare, a gentleman sojourning here in the house of Widow Fulsey, has detected unto me one Richard Wiseman alias Parckhurst, to have moved him to give relief to a dangerous man, one Thomas Fitzharbart, attending in the Court of Spain. On examining him, he told me that he was sent hither by you, and that he is presently to return to you. Therefore I thought it not my duty to detain him; nevertheless, because he knows no man in our University that can assure me of his loyalty, I thought best to send one of our proctors with him, lest he abuse your name.—Christchurch in Oxon, 22 May, 1600.
[P.S.]—After the writing hereof, this party, whom by Mr. Proctor I send unto you, has charged Mr. Hare with treason, whereupon I could do no less than commit him to close prison, till it shall like you to direct what shall be further done with him.
Signed. The postscript holograph. Endorsed :—“Vice-Chancellor of Oxford.” 1 p. (79. 69.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 22. Recommends the enclosed petition on behalf of the poor Venetian Vicentio, who has been a long time kept in prison by the means of Bassadona.—Blackfriars, 22 May, 1600.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (79. 71.)
The Enclosure :
“Ottavian Negro, Vincentio de Vicenzo,” to Lord Cobham, on the subject of his imprisonment of eight years and his consequent misery.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (79. 70.)
Thomas Hesketh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 23. Excuses himself from waiting on Cecil this morning on account of illness. He will, God willing, this day sit in the Court [of Wards].—Westminster, 23 May, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 72.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to George Nicholson.
1600, May 23. I must now in one letter convey unto you as many particulars as I can for your satisfaction and direction. First, you shall know concerning the Earl of Marr's employment, that if I should have written anything before now, it had been uncertain, and so I should have abused you, for till Friday her Majesty made them nothing but negative answers, the matters being of so sour nature to the Queen, who loves neither importunity nor expostulation, as he was almost hopeless of any contentment in anything, although, I confess, most of my Lords were desirous her Majesty should in the matter of money have assisted the King, and so much the rather because he chose persons of so great honour and integrity, as had been observed in former times to deal sincerely for the preservation of the common amity. To be short, her Majesty hath yielded to augment the pension the sum of 2,000l., but she hath given them no ready money, nor upon any other condition than while the King shall deserve it well at her Majesty's hands, by banishing Lea and others, but especially by restraining more effectually his subjects from aiding the traitors, wherein they profess infinite integrity, and pretend that as yet never any man could be charged and the matters proved but he was punished; for the better testimony whereof, they do affirm that they will do whatsoever you will propound that is reason upon any that are suspected. I have made them partakers of your advertising hither of their good affection, which seemeth to content them, and it doth appear by them that you are accounted there both diligent and honest. For the conditions they required of the Queen, as I have before written to you, there was none of any importance, saving only that they required to have some allotment out of the lands of the Lady Leneux, wherein her Majesty absolutely refused them, as a matter whereof she meant the title should hang still in nubibus, whereupon, when they descended to desire support in some other kind, her Majesty, as I said before, was so long before she yielded to it as we gave it over till even, when none of us expected it or durst speak any more in it, after their last leave taking, within five days she sent them word she would conceive a despatch to content the King better. To be short, for my own part, I have used them both with as good form as becomes one public minister to another, having only gone thus far as to protest my innocency from being Spanishly affected, or ever to have practised maliciously against the King.—Undated.
In the handwriting of Levinus Munck. Endorsed :—“1600, May 23. Copy of my Mr. his letter to Mr. Nicholson.” 1½ pp. (79. 73.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], May 23. The Earl of Essex his answer to the matter contained in your letter to me is thus : he protests himself free from all thought or purpose to have the book published either in writing or print, and that he was so far from giving copies of it as he charged his man that kept his papers not to let any of his friends see it but in his hand, or at least in his presence. He cannot guess how it should come abroad but by the corruption of some of his servants that had access to his chamber, who might take and write out his loose papers which lay ever sheet by sheet under his bed's head till he had leisure to finish the whole, and saith he has had the papers of him, whom he has cause to suspect, brought to him by the like indirect means, but never sent any to the press or to scrivener's shop. This is as much as his Lordship has said to me, and though he knows that the questions which I asked him were done by her Majesty's direction, yet he knows not by whose means her Majesty doth signify her pleasure to me.—Essex House, 23 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600, Sir Richard Barkeley.” 1 p. (79. 74.)
G. Lord Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 23. No news worth your view, yet could I not but salute you with these few lines. I cannot brag of any hope or help that I have found in this place, but truly vaunt that I have endured as great heats, distemperatures and excessive drought as flesh can abide, yet I will persevere unto the end of my limited time, to take away the scandal that otherwise the physicians would lay upon me, if I should swerve from their direction and commandment.
What good news you shall receive from the commissioners out of France of a peace, and out of Ireland of our wars, and also what success Paul Ivie and the Privy Seal found for the finishing of the begun works, let your secretary write to me in some few lines.—Bath, this 23 of May, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (180. 97.)
George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 24. Yesterday in the afternoon, I went to the Chapel of the Rolls of purpose to see the form that had been used in Spanish commissions heretofore : and I find two recited in 7 Henry 8 of one date; done by Charles the 5th, then Prince of Spain, the words of which are in this sort : In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras sigillo nostro fecimus communiri. Dat. in oppido nostro Bruxellensi nono die Decemb., &c. The second is, In cujus rei testimonium magnum sigillum nostrum præsentibus his duximus apponendum. Dat. &c.; and this is the only place where I find any mention in these later times of magnum sigillum among the Spaniards. The commissions that passed between Ferdinand, Charles the 5th's grandfather, and our kings H. 8 and H. 7, on the Spanish side are thus concluded : In quorum testimonium, presentes fieri jussimus manu propria signatas. sigilloque nostro impendente munitas. Dat. in oppido Vallisoletti, &c. : and this phrase of sigillo nostro impendente, without specifying whether it be magnum or parvum, is that which is most commonly used. It is also often used, that in the end of those commissions, there is an attestation made by some notary of the signing of it by those kings, and of the names of the noblemen and personages of quality that were then present. And this is as much as upon this little search in this matter I have observed. Now this exquisite authority in the beginning (although it be not amiss to require it) is not so necessary to be looked unto, as to have a good and sufficient ratification in the end. For many treaties have been begun without any commission at all, as, amongst others, that last with France, for the despatch of which I attended you when the D. of Bouillon was here, was begun de bene placito utriusque Principis, and not by commission; but when it was brought to a good forwardness, the said Duke had a commission to conclude it, and it was after ratified and sworn unto by the King himself when my Lord of Shrewsbury went over.
But in these matters, which of late times have not been kept together with that care which formerly was used, I think (if under your favour I may presume so far) you shall do her Majesty good service in re-establishing the ancient course, which was thus : that the tenor of the commissions, and all other instruments, as well on the foreign as home part, should be first enrolled in Chancery, and then the foreign instruments to be delivered by indenture into the Treasury of the Exchequer, from whence they were not to be stirred but by indenture again. But for ordinary occasions recourse might be had to the Rolls of the Chancery. And as I take it, since you came to attend her Majesty in your honourable charge of Principal Secretary, this course in substance hath been held. But before that time, namely, since the later years of the reign of King H. 8, there is in the rolls magnus hiatus : and those things that were wont to be kept orderly there together, remain now in sundry places dispersed, not readily to be had upon occasions that you may need them. If, therefore, you would take some such course (as in your wisdom shall seem most meet) for these things to be sought up (as many of them as are extant) and to be reduced orderly into rolls, I verily think it would be a matter that would prove both easeful to you and many ways commodious for her Majesty's service : but unto myself it would be a matter of much trouble and no profit.
I have, according to your direction, sent this bearer George Beale to attend you.—Prom my poor house near Ivy Bridge in the Strand, 24 May, 1600.
Holograph. 2 pp. (79. 75.)
The Queen to the Commissioners at Boulogne.
1600, May 24. Dated, Greenwich, May 24, 1600.
Copy in 17th cent. hand. 11 pp. [Printed in Winwood's Memorials, Vol. 1, p. 198.] (242. 63.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 26. The bearer, John Rutlyngham, one of her Majesty's gravers in the mints, a most exquisite man in that kind of profession, desires to present some fruits of his labours to your approbation.—Tower, 26 May, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 78.)
Henry Leighe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, May 26.] When I perceived her Highness was not pleased to grant my comfort in respect of some information out of Scotland against me, I was heartily sorry, not for any guilt of conscience, but for grief that my sovereign's ear should be so much abused. No man can justly charge me with more than I have unfolded under my own hand, and I hope that my plainness shall not be imputed to my fault. I am loth to trouble your Honour with letters, yet being hourly called on by the innocency of my heart not to yield by silence to unjust imputation, I am forced once again to desire you to move her Majesty to be satisfied with my punishment past for this little error committed without evil meaning. If I may not have liberty, get me leave sometimes to walk abroad with my keeper, until her Majesty be better satisfied of my loyalty. But especially I desire either present liberty or present trial.
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 1 p. Endorsed :—“26 May, 1600. From the Gatehouse.” (180. 98.)
Francis Kingesmill to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, May 27. Was sent by the Lords Justices to England to finish an account of his sister Norris'. Is compelled by sickness and other causes to overstay the time limited, and being fearful the Lord Deputy or Lord President might cashier his company, he begs (Cecil) to write to the Lord Deputy that his brother may have the company, till he may be appointed to the first one that falls in Munster. Complaint may be made to Cecil as to some clothes he received of the Provaunt Master at Dublin, his company being in Munster, which clothes by misfortune came not thither as soon as the rest. One of the ships which brought the whole quantity of the clothes from Dublin agreed with him to put in at Cork, to bring the bodies of Sir Thomas and Sir Henry Norris with him to Bristol, which was done; and the clothes for his company were brought to Bristol also, so that till last week he never heard of them, and his clerk had bought sufficient to furnish the company. As he .has now lost Sir John and Sir Thomas his most worthy friends, and has served 10 years, spending 1,000l. in the Queen's service more than ever he got, he prays for Cecil's favour.—27 May, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed in hand of Cecil's secretary :—“Captain Francis Kingsmyll to my Mr.” 1 p. (79. 80.)
Sir Dru Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 27. A year and a half ago, upon his recommendation, Cecil accepted the bearer Thomas Moigne, bachelor of divinity, as one of his chaplains. Moigne fears that absence for study in Cambridge University may have brought him out of Cecil's knowledge. He therefore recommends him again, as able to do good service, having spent already 20 years in the University, and having given, both there and in other places abroad, proof of honest conversation and knowledge in divinity.—London, 27 May, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (79. 81.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 27. I received your letter this Tuesday in the afternoon, with her Majesty's commandment for my repair to the Court. I have purchased a fit or two of a fever by extraordinary watching of one of my daughters which I held lost these two days. If her Majesty's purpose to employ my service require not over haste, I humbly crave to be excused till I escape the fury of the fever. I am scarce able to hold my pen at this time.—Petworth, this 27 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. ¾ p. (180. 99.)
George Abbot, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 28. Has sent up the body of Richard Hare, late prisoner in the castle of Oxon. Can find no other books material but the three sent herewith. One of them, Stella, the prisoner speaks much of, and has been very desirous to have out one leaf written with his own hand, which he pretends to be a note of his debts, but is very likely to disclose what persons they are with whom he has any intercourse.—University College, May 28, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 82.)
The Tinners of Devon to Sir Walter Ralegh, Lord Warden of the Stannaries of Devon and Cornwall.
1600, May 28. For the reform by a parliament of abuses in the Stanneries. Their ancient customs and privileges are impeached so that they cannot enjoy them according to their charter, whereby they are altogether discouraged to adventure their substance in seeking for tin, to the decay of her Majesty's customs and their own impoverishment.—28 May, 1600.
Signed by Walter Hele, senr. and twenty others. 1 p. (79. 83.)
Richard [Vaughan], Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 28. I have already, with other justices of the peace of Lancashire, acquainted the Council with the notorious disorders of certain Recusants within the Hundred of Derby and parish of Childwall. The cause of these disorders is doubtless no other than the countenance of certain gentlemen Recusants, who are so linked together and have such command in this corner that the vulgar people dare not profess religion, nor, though never so well affected, give any aid for the apprehending of any of their tenants and followers, much less of themselves. The late rioters appear from their indictments to have been servants or tenants to Edward Norris of Speake, esquire, and, although he sometimes goeth to Church, yet is his house well known to be a sanctuary of all lewd resort and a nursery of popery; his might great and his malice more. I have already made your Honour acquainted with the rest of the faction here, and I am bold in a small schedule enclosed to offer again their names to your view. If the heads of the sect be called in and bestowed elsewhere, I nothing doubt but that the zeal and care of the High Sheriff will soon reclaim this country from its disobedience and superstition.—Prescot, this 28th of May, 1600.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (180. 100.)
The English Commissioners to the Spanish Commissioners.
1600, May 28. Dated Bologniae, 28 May, stilo vet., 1600.
Latin. Copy in 17th cent. hand. 4½ pp. (242. 70.)
[Printed in Winwood's Memorials, Vol. 1, p. 195; but the date is there given as May 26.]
The Spanish Commissioners to the English Commissioners.
1600, May 28/June 7. Dated Bologniae, 7 July (sic), 1600.
Copy in 17th cent. hand. Latin. 4½ pp. (242. 73.)
[Printed in Winwood's Memorials, Vol. 1, p. 197; but the date is there given as 7 June.]
Henry [Cotton], Bishop of Salisbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] May 29. I received your letters touching D. Wilkinson, delivered by himself, whereby it seems he has complained to you of some fees incident lawfully to his office to be detracted by me from him, granted by my predecessor. Truth it is that my predecessor, D. Coldwell, granted him a patent of so large contents that if all should be allowed him, the Bishop should have little to do in jurisdiction, but only the name and place; who, after he saw the consequence, greatly sorrowed and repented, as by men credible has been reported. The patent (by reason of the over largeness thereof, in that many things are granted that ought not to be granted, as I am by my counsel informed, and have seen in some other patents) is thought not to be good. The which, notwithstanding, I never went about to scan, neither do I mean, thinking to use all things between us in friendly course, being willing to make it good if it be not, in any moderate sort, and have always used him with all kindness. I do not abridge him of any fee that rightfully may belong to that office, but rather am content to seem not to see sometimes, nor hear, in matters that are complained to me, if they be not great, but only in such things which of necessity and that principally appertain to my person, and belong to my chiefest duty, as the sole allowance of my clergy, wherein my chiefest charge consists : which I find to be very weak and unable in many parts of this diocese : that is the institution to benefices : which my predecessor, D. Pierce, did wholly reserve to himself, although there were in patent at that time D. White, his chancellor, a man well known, of great gravity, learning and judgment : wherein if my last predecessor were overseen, I do excuse his defect, but may not imitate his example : the fee thereof, being not much, which is all that I have out of the whole jurisdiction, a matter of no great moment : whereas I know other Bishops make their jurisdiction a good help to their charge. I . also being willing to have helped him in other matters, that also should have countervailed that; and having at his own instance endeavoured myself very willingly to procure unto him a deputation of an exempted jurisdiction in my diocese, wherein he has seen my forwardness, although by some means, as he knows, it has been crossed, yet doubt not in time to effect the same. Another difference is about the making of ministers, wherein he challenges a fee : which being a work incident to my own person, according to the canons in that case provided, there is no fee to be taken, but to be free : if there be any that lawfully may be taken, he shall have it : for neither I nor any of mine doth take any : a matter which he never brake unto me before the delivery of your letters. The third is, for licensing of curates to serve. I, finding a great number of very bad and insufficient curates here, do not yet under seal license many, but only tolerate them upon trial; and as for fee, I receive none, because I see them poor, and by reason of many impropriations here, having small stipends, and being many times ill paid, as by their complaints I understand, I think it a deed of charity to take none. Howbeit if any necessarily belong to him, I have not denied him it : although for the former causes I would have them spared. These are all the differences between us which I can hear of, having upon your letters talked with him; in the which things he should not have needed to have troubled you, I having always answered him with such reason, and used him with such kindness; and have been ready at any of his requests made to pleasure him; and so shall be in anything that shall be lawful for me to grant, and reasonable for him to receive, assuring you that although I regarded him before with all good respect, yet at your commendations and request I will have that due regard to him in all things that becometh, and yield him all favourable respect, he carrying himself in his place with that sincerity that appertained : and in these differences, as heretofore, I have told him I will not be my own judge.—Sarum, 29 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 2 pp. (79. 84.)
G. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 30. Of the means he is taking for the recovery of his health.
Your advertisements touching the power given to proceed in the resolution of the peace, and that there shall be no stumbling at trifles, I greatly like, agreeing to the spirit from whence the first managing thereof proceeded, whereunto I will ever profess to be a true friend, notwithstanding any apology to the contrary.—Bath, 30 May, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Lord Chamberlain.” 1 p. (79. 85.)
Lady Bridget Norreys to her Uncle, Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1600, May [30]. I give you many thanks for your favours shewed lately to my Lady Lincoln, by whose good means I did well hope that she should have been released of her long bondage, and that Mr. Norreys might have obtained leave of him [Earl of Lincoln] to see his mother, which he cannot. Wherefore my earnest suit to you is that you would once again entreat this unkind lord that he would, in regard of her health and the necessity she has to take physic, give her leave to come and lie at Chelsey for a time, for where she is no physician may come to her.—May, 1600.
[P.S.]—My Lady Bedford desires to be remembered in all kindness unto you, so do I and Mr. Norreys likewise.
Holograph. Endorsed in hand of Cecil's Secretary :—“30 May. Lady Bridget Norreis to my Mr.” 1 p. (79. 86.)
Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 30. My man Waterhouse is for a day or two out of the town, but my solicitor Browne is well acquainted with everything between Sir John Cary and me, or I am ready to attend you myself, for I desire nothing more than to be cleared to the world and most specially to you.—This 30th of May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. ½ p. (180. 101.)
Philippo Corsini to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 30. I have just received by way of Calais the enclosed letter for you in one from Signor Geronimo Coumans, of Antwerp, from whom I learn how much I have to thank you for your good offices with the Lord Keeper.—London, 30 May, 1600.
Holograph. Italian. ½ p. (180. 102.)
Fregeville du Gaudy to the Lord Admiral.
1600, May 30/June 9. I must advertise you of a young man who has lately gone for your quarters under circumstances of suspicion. We used to have a minister at Realmont, in Albigeois, called Mons. de la Fageolle, but more commonly, “La Fageolle.” He died at Realmont during these late wars, being seized of a frensy. He left amongst others a son, who would now be about three and twenty. His son being at Castres some two or three years ago, told a merchant of Castres (Monsieur Carles, son-in-law to the Monsieur Rotan, late minister at Rochelle, who afterwards became minister of Castres and died there) that he would like to go to Avignon and live with the Jesuits to learn their wickedness so as to be able to refute them, he being pretty well versed in letters and poor. Carles advised him not to go, and the church helped him with four crowns to go to Nimes, where he remained teaching some children, but only for a short time. Then he disappeared none knew whither, but Nimes is only seven leagues from Avignon. Three or four days ago Mons. Carles came upon him in company with four Englishmen. Not feeling sure of the man's identity, Carles asked if he had seen him at Castres. The other said “No,” but on hearing his voice Carles recognized him, and asked if he were not Monsieur de la Fageolle. He said “Yes.” Carles asked if he had been to see the Jesuits. He said he had been all the way to Rome, to the jubilee, where, in fear of danger, he had sought the Pope's protection, professing a desire to be instructed in the better way. The Pope sent him to some Jesuits, with whom he disputed. The Pope also gave him two consecrated wafers (hosties) which he showed to Mons. Carles, and a notre-dame of black wood covered with crystal was given him by a cardinal. He displayed these pieces in the presence of the four Englishmen. The Pope also gave him a hundred crowns, and would have given him more but he got away without the Pope's knowledge, and as the Pope knew everything about his birthplace and the governor of his country, he would not stay here for fear the Pope should send after him. Therefore he went for England with the four Englishmen, leaving on Wednesday last, the 7th June, new style. Yesterday evening Mons. Carles told me the story. I cannot believe that the favours he received were owing to his virtues or his learning. There are plenty of revoltés with learning who do not get such favourable treatment. I enquired if he were a pretty fellow and was told “No,” that he has a red face, and is clad in a grey cloak, with a hasp of gold at the neck, and a skirt of black Florence serge without any ornament. The merchant wanted him to come and see Monsieur Lagger, judge of Castres, who is in town, and others of his country, but he would not go, nor would he write to his relatives at home. I cannot think that he has gone from Rome to England for any good purpose. So look well to your Queen, for she is the chief piece on the board.—From Paris, this 9th day of June, new style.
Holograph. French. Seal. 2 pp. (180. 107.)
Sir Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 31. He holds a farm called Great Chart, in Kent, by lease of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church in Canterbury. Two years ago, when Mr. Rogers was Dean, he had a grant of renewal of lease for 200l. fine, but before he paid the fine Mr. Rogers died, and Mr. Doctor Nevill succeeded. Dr. Nevill is very willing to confirm the renewal, but some of the prebends demand an unreasonable increase in the fine, desiring it for themselves. Prays Cecil to use means to the Dean and Chapter that his lease may be confirmed to him according to the first grant.—Last of May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 87.)
Sir Stephen Soame to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 31. Having received your letter on behalf of Mr. Francis Bacon as touching the further forbearance with him, I never had any dealings with him, neither has there ever passed any suit, between him and me. But so it is that Mr. William Milles, Clerk of the Star Chamber, having occasion to use me and others, caused me about some five years past to take up 500l. for him, which money, with most part of the forbearance thereof, is yet unsatisfied. So that for his unkind dealing about three years after, I was forced to put his bond in suit and procured a judgment against him. And then the Lord Keeper, having had the hearing of the cause, ordered the same between us, and set down a day wherein Mr. Milles was to satisfy me to the liking of all parties. All this notwithstanding, if Mr. Milles will hereunto assent, and signify the same to me in writing, at your request, I shall be willing to forbear the money until the time by you appointed.—London, last of May, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 88.)
Nicholas Mosley, Lord Mayor of London, to the Privy Council.
1600, May 31. By the Council's letters of the last of February, he was required to arrange matters with the debtors of William Resold, merchant of London. Reports that Francis Tirrell refuses to refer the accounts between him and Resold to the arbitration of indifferent parties.—London, 31 May, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (79. 89.)
P., Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 31. Both before and especially since my coming from Barwick, Sir John Carey (what he hath for him I know not) did openly disclaim to be my deputy in presence of the Mayor and of martial men, which is some touch to me, and no small contempt of her Majesty's authority, seconded to me by her gracious letters made known to himself. Before the death of Harding, I was importuned by the petitions of the whole town and garrison to mediate here, for the building of a church there, where now is none but one exceeding small, inconvenient and dangerous cell of an old chapel, not able to contain half the congregation, and ready to fall on their heads, as a part did to the danger of the preacher's life and of some others. Myself and the residue of the Council of Barwick solicited my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury herein, encouraged thereto by a most benign contribution offered by her Majesty heretofore, as was signified by Mr. Secretary Willson. And meanwhile myself and others were proportioning our own benevolence, this accident of Harding's happened in my absence, a matter by the Bishops and all others thought fittest to be designed to this good work, which the fellow had extortiously gotten from the soldier. To which end, in respect of my other authority, and that good opinion which the bishops pleased to hold of me, I was enabled by letters of administration from York, and am bound in 2,000l. to make due employment. Sir John Carey hath gotten all into his own hands, and claims it absolutely for his own and as his good fortune; also, to debar me of like letters of administration here at London, he pretends that his lady is cousin to Hardinge, and in his letters to myself scornfully jests at the building of this church, and lastly practises with strangers and straggling fellows to keep pretended titles in debate while all may be secured to himself. So that having made many trials by tract of time, by mildness and kindness to wean him from this love of his private, but neglected in all and requited with jests and evasions, my counsel did advise me to sue him in Chancery, which is an ordinary and common course, and the fittest for these occasions, and which Sir John Carey knows well by his own experience (being both plaintiff and defendant, as I take it, by subpoena about the destroying of certain ancient customs against some of her Majesty's tenants) he may answer this by his attorney for ten groats. It is not in me nor in any subject to change the form of her Majesty's writs, nor is it fit that Sir John Carey should not answer at all what he hath gotten ere all be translated, wherein he maketh as much haste as he can. I earnestly pray you relate my just excuse to her Highness and conceive (as by yourself) what is fit for an officer to do and to receive. I value that power and priority of trust which her Majesty has pleased to bestow on me more dear than my life, yet since it is likewise fortified by the course of her divine and gracious laws, to be impugned in this sort is more than has been seen towards others in my place, and no less than is like to bring all authority there in utter contempt with the ill-affected at home, and the adversary abroad, whereto I doubt not but her Majesty will use her princely reformation.—Barbican, last of May, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (79. 90.)
Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 31. I have delivered my letters, and am used with much favour. Her Majesty's gracious message and permission of my repair hither hath seasonably confirmed the hope of these States, and with much joy sealed unto them her inestimable favour. His Excellency draweth forth his troops, purposing, as it is thought, to attempt Sluys, or at least some part of Flanders. The enemy's army is on foot about 4,000 strong, but attempteth no matter of moment, out of heart, ill-clothed, worse paid, very likely to be overthrown durst we give the attempt. Our army is likely to be master of the field; if we attempt not bravely, the more our shame. I am but newly arrived, but as my intelligence and observations grow worthy your eye, I will write.—Haye, this last of May, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 103.)
Sir George Carewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, May.] He is desired by this lady, the Lady St. Ledger, widow of the late Sir Warham St. Ledger, to recommend her causes to Cecil. She has lost in the Queen's service three gallant gentlemen that were her husbands, Henry Darell, then Captain Mackworth, and lastly Sir Warham.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Sir George Carey, President of Munster, May, 1600.” 1 p. (79. 91.)
W., Lord Chandos to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, May.] He understands that such informations as he lately received from Mr. Townshend, by Townshend's nephew, are denied to have ever been delivered; and at Lord Herbert's request, he details the circumstances of the case in vindication of himself. The matter concerns my L. of Pembroke.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Lo. Chandois, May, 1600.” 1 p. (79. 93.)
Spanish Negotiations.
[? 1600, May.] 1. A brief abstract of the question of precedence between England and Spain, occasioned by Sir Henry Nevell, the Queen of England's Ambassador, and the Ambassador of Spain at Calais, before Commissioners appointed by the French King, who had moved a treaty of peace in the 42nd year of the same Queen. Collected by Sir Robert Cotton, kt., at her Majesty's commandment.
Gives arguments for the precedence of England :(1) in respect of antiquity, as being established a free kingdom by Vortigerus, a native of this isle, and so left it to the Saxons from whom her Majesty is in descent lineal : (2) in respect of antiquity of Christian religion, because Joseph of Arimathea planted Christian religion immediately after the passion of Christ in this realm; and Aristobolus, one of them mentioned by St. Paul, Romans 16, was Episcopus Britannorum and likewise Symon Zelotes; [and other reasons detailed] : (3) in respect of the more absolute authority political, the Queen acknowledging no vassalage to Pope or Emperor :(4) in respect of more authority ecclesiastical : (5) in respect of eminence of royal dignity, [among the reasons being] that the Kings of England are anointed as the Kings of France, who only have their preeminence before other kingdoms declared by miracle in the cure of Regius Morbus, which they can effect only, and that of antiquity, for Edward the Confessor healed many :(6) in respect of nobility of blood :(7) in respect of antiquity of government. [The following authorities are quoted or referred to : Rodericus Sanctus, Beda, Baronius, Dorotheus, Donatio Constantini, Sarapha, Vicentius, Laws of Edward arid Canute, Bracton, Baldus, Malmesbury, ex Libro Nigro, Bodin, Barnwellensis ex Libro Coenobiae, Platina, Corsettus, Virgillius Cosmographia, Tilius, Garsius, and Sir Thomas More.
Copy. Undated. 16 pp. (242. 38.)
[1600, May.] 2. Letters patent by Albert, Archduke of Austria, respecting treaty of peace between the King of Spain, the Infante, and himself on the one part with the Queen of England on the other part; citing a commission by the King of Spain.
Copy. Undated. 2 pp. (242. 61.)
Richard Tompson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600? May.] The 11th of this instant May, as I was travelling homeward from London into Norfolk, it was my chance to bait at an inn called “The Pie,” at Little Stoneham in Suffolk, where I heard you and Sir Walter Raleigh much abused in words by one Andrew Baker and Merivale Martin, with others then in that house : who in open speeches gave out that it was reported to them by one James Parkhurst of Aspulstoneham that a proclamation was set up at Ipswich importing that you and Sir W. Raleigh were fled, and that they should be well rewarded that could bring word where you were. Whereupon I certified Mr. Chancellor of Norwich of these speeches, who came with me to the house to have examined the parties; and they denying the words, I caused them to be had before a justice, one Mr. Tyrrell, who examined these two persons, and hath it in writing under their hands confessing the speeches, and thereupon hath bound them over to answer at the Sessions : whereat the host of the house is greatly grieved, and hath given me very hard speeches that I should bewray any speeches that were spoken in his house.
Endorsed :—“Richard Thomson's note touching slanderous speeches against the State.”
Holograph. 2/3 p. (83. 41.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Lord Buckhurst.
1600, [May or June]. I have shewed unto her Majesty your Lordship's declaration of the Lady Rich's answers, which it pleased her to read deliberately herself. Divers things passed which I forbear until I meet you, because they are not necessary for the present, most of them tending to her mislike that your Lordship did so long defer the matter, and that you were still so apt to excuse my Lady's course in her former answers by imputing that to fear only in her of giving further offence, which rather showed a proud disposition, and not much better than a plain contempt of her Majesty and yourself that was used in the cause. But for the matter as it now stands, I am commanded to let your Lordship know that her Majesty hath noted in her declaration her sorrow for her Majesty's displeasure, her fear to offend further, her humble and obedient spirit to satisfy all doubts and her great desire to recover her Majesty's favour, to all which your Lordship may deliver this answer; that it is true her Majesty was displeased, as she had cause, to see that she, being a lady to whom it did not appertain so to meddle in such matters, would be so bold to write in such a style to her, especially when the best interpretations, which she doth make, cannot free her from stomach and presumption when she writ, and when her former careless and dry answers shewed how little she valued her Majesty's commandments; but her Majesty saith that as she may well perceive by her manner of proceeding with her, that she hath been far from desire to improve her faults, having given her all advantages to make the best excuses which time or new counsel could afford (of all which circumstances she hath wit enough to consider), she is pleased now, as an argument of her more gracious opinion than before of her resolution to carry herself as becomes her to all persons hereafter, to give her leave to dispose of herself as may best agree with her own health or other respect, though for the matter itself, as she said before, if she took pleasure to find her faulty, howsoever she may free her from direct desire or purpose to have it printed, she is well able to prove when she hath given copies, by which means it hath been printed, and if it was no worse than that she was only so negligent that others might come by it, her error was not so excusable but that shrewd circumstances might be inferred upon such a voluntary negligence (whereupon has fallen so strange a consequence) if it were not that by her sincerity of obedience she hath sought to make amends.
Lastly, you may tell her Ladyship that what she wrote in the inclosed hath passed the eyes of no other creature, and so it is true, I protest to God, for her Majesty caused it to be burned without giving me any manner of light who it may be, whereof I was not inquisitive, for although my name hath been bulked for “fashyron” in respect of my place, yet I doubt not but I was and am in her Ladyship's contemplation the person on whom all the figures of that letter did principally play.
Endorsed :—“1600. M. to the Lo. Trer. concerning the Lady Riche.” Draft altered by Cecil. 4 pp. (181. 62.)
Henry Leighe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, [May]. I fear my importunity will incense your displeasure, yet must I present my poor little, most humbly beseeching to grant me liberty and employment in her Majesty's service, which I will faithfully discharge, be it against the King or any other in Scotland, who soever may be thought to love me best. Believe me, imprisonment doth not deject my mind basely to promise obedience to you; for I am bound to no man living. Only I promised the Earl of Northumberland when I was his bedfellow never to be in his contrary, and for my love to my Lord Mountjoye, it is bound by nature, and to Sir John Stanhope by his special favour, which forbids me ever to be unthankful, as also to your Honour for procuring my last pension from her Majesty. For my liberty and the continuance of her favour, I could not but be grateful to you; and this I hope may be obtained. My innocence of evil has, I hope, pacified my Lord Scrope's malice, so that he will now according to his promise be my honourable good Lord, whereby I shall be better able to do her Highness better service; to have “reapt” up my conceit of his imperfection had been no excuse for my present fault. Therefore I will pray he will apply himself to do some service in his place, which I will second and assist with my best power and service. And if I may not have absolute liberty, I would beg you now, when you are so near, to give order to my keeper that I may some time with a keeper walk privately in the fields to have my health; for having such use of violent exercise and riding, I fear this restraint in the springtime will weaken me; also I would beg that my keeper's charges may be paid, for such was my care to discharge my allegiance when I heard I was suspected, that I brought but 18d. with me to London. Neither can I borrow. Therefore I must leave it to you to signify your pleasure herein by your servant Miles Whittaker or Mr. Townshend.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (181. 76.)