Cecil Papers: April 1600, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1600, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp111-134 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1600, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp111-134.

"Cecil Papers: April 1600, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol10/pp111-134.

April 1600, 16–30

Court of Wards.
1600, A[pril ?] 16. Petition of — to [Cecil] for the wardship of the heir of Gerrard Liddell of Sunderland.
Note by Cecil that when an office is found he will consider what is fit.
Endorsed.—“16 A. 1600.” ½ p. (p. 355.)
R. Percival to John Hare, Clerk of the Wards.
1600, April 16. I pray you send me word what writ or commission is awarded to enquire after the death of the Lady Norris. I have order from my master to write to the Escheator or Commissioners and I know neither names of the party nor of the county.—16 April, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed with a note of a commission de diem clausit extremum concerning Lady Margere Norris, formerly wife of Sir Henry Norris, Lord Norris de Ricot. ½ p. (78. 67.)
Mary, Lady Clifford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 17. I beseech your Honour's assistance in your speech of favour to the Lord Treasurer. My money was granted a year ago by her Majesty to my husband, besides those other sums of money that have been found due upon strict examination. I and mine have dearly bought these demands, to the worldly ruin of me and mine. If I did not presume your Honour in compassion had an impression of my crucified loss, wherein I have no reason to seek the world were it not for those infants I have left me, I would not presume to move you.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“17 April, 1600.” Seal. ½ p. (78. 68.)
Lady Knightley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 17. I am greatly beholden unto you for the favour you shew to Mr. Knyghtley in this his suit. As I was greatly bound to my Lord Treasurer, your father, who ever esteemed the conserve of quinces I made and sent him, so do I think you do the like, and therefore I have sent you two boxes of conserve of quinces, which if you like them or any other preserve that I can make, you shall command my “howseffry.”—Norton, 17 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. Seal ½ p. (78. 69.)
Thomas Newce to Richard Percival.
1600, April 16. The assignment for Mistress Brewse, I understand is mislaid, wherefore I have sent you another, more right for the value and better for her Majesty's fine. I pray that the petitions for Staffordshire in behalf of my friend Mr. Richard Repyngton, the late feodary, be not forgotten.—17 April, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (78. 70.)
Sir Edmund Morgan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 17. By my marriage with the widow of Mr. Fortescue of Devonshire, whose son is challenged ward to the Queen by my Lady of Bath, who pretends a grant of his wardship with a caveat of respect to the mother, made by Sir John Fortescue from the Queen, although hitherunto there appeareth no tenure; now thinking there will fall a tenure in knight's service of a “quillite” of land under the value of 8l. by the year, and of the inheritance of his grandmother (now living), I am a suitor to your Honour that the mother may obtain the wardship of her only son, paying for his marriage and such lands as will be found.
Signed. Endorsed :—“17 April, 1600.” Seal. ½ p. (78. 71.)
Mons. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 17. I have been requested by certain merchants of our nation to recommend the enclosed to your Lordship. Their demand seems to be founded in reason and equity. It would be unreasonable to do injustice to our people in order to favour those of Hampton.—Clapham, the 17th of April, 1600.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (180. 67.)
Jane Coliar to Mr. Percival.
1600, April 17. For his favour in procuring the wardship of her son.—Shavington, 17 April, 1600. (p. 2189.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 18. This afternoon we fall from Gravesend downward. The wind is directly opposite, but tide it we must. Your Honour will not easily believe how cunning a seaman I am like to prove, being one that will shew his stomach as plainly as the best of them. Your kindness towards me maketh me to write thus familiarly, or else it may be my title of her Majesty's Ambassador putteth some spirit into me. The old rule amongst lay statesmen in court, that they should not trust a priest, had place when the clergy held of a foreign prince, viz. the pope, and so is to be limited.—At Gravesend, 18 April, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (78. 72.)
Christopher Osborne.
1600, April 18. Note of the possessions of Christopher Osborne, of London, at the time of his death, viz. :—Manor of North Fambridge and reversion of the fourth part of the manor of South Fambridge in the county of Essex; Southmarsh in N. Fambridge and Purleigh, and two gardens in the parish of Christchurch, London.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—18 April, 1600. 1 p. (78. 73.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 18. I much long to let you know what this day I have learned, which I take it will much further our business and draw my Lord Treasurer to friend us. This bearer I pray you give leave to speak with you, and pardon his motion from me.—18 April, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (78. 74.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 18. It hath pleased your Honour to promise a favour of licence to “this nobleman” to carry with him 2 geldings or horses for his saddle, which by the warrant he cannot do because it only beareth the number of the journey horses of his train. His request is that you would write to the Governor of Berwick to the effect aforesaid.—London, 18 April, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (78. 75.)
Nicholas Mosley, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 18. The house wherein my brother Bayning lately kept his shrievalty is prepared for the Governor of Dieppe.—London, this 18th of April, 1600.
Holograph. (180. 70.)
The Lord Treasurer (Buckhurst) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 18. The enclosed came this morning about xi of the clock. By this you may see that the Governor of Dieppe landed at Newhaven in Sussex yesterday with 100 persons, and lodged the same night at Lewes. Mr. Shurley, being a Justice of the Peace, will do his best, but I doubt if 100 horse can be provided by the time appointed for the Governor's departure. I have sent away my messenger with one letter to Sir Walter Court, who is the next deputy-lieutenant dwelling near Lewes, to assemble as many of the gentlemen as he can to do honour to the Governor, and to see him furnished with all his desires as far as may be. I have sent another letter to Grinstead Town in Sussex, which is 14 miles from Lewes and is the next town in which he must either renew his horses or lodge all night. I addressed it to the Constables there, for there is no Justice near by 10 miles, to see him and his train furnished with all things fit. What further is to be done by any to meet him from hence, or in Surrey where my Lord Admiral commands, you are to consider. His way from Lewes to London is thus. Sussex : From Lewes to East Grinstead, 14 miles. Surrey : East Grinstead to Godstone (wherein are only two inns and not above 5 or 6 houses besides), 7 miles—Godstone to Croydon, 7 miles—Croydon to London, 7 miles.—In haste this 18 of April, 1600.
I have been this night by my yesterday's going upon the water so extremely afflicted with the cold as all this night I did nothing but cough. So as this morning I sent for Dr. Barmesdale and Dr. Smith, my physicians, by whose advice I have taken physic, and cannot come abroad these 3 or 4 days at the soonest. Hereof I beseech you let her Majesty know, because she commanded me to be at the Court on Saturday, which I cannot now do.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (180. 71, 2.)
The Enclosure :
John Shurley to Lord Buckhurst.—I have very now received a letter from the Constables of Lewes that the Governor of Dieppe, with diverse noblemen to the number of a hundred persons, arrived this afternoon at Meeching and lodge this night at Lewes, and desire horse to convey them to London. Which I do seek to provide, but fear that on this sudden they will be ill furnished, for they would be gone to-morrow morning at six of the clock.—At Isfield, in haste this Thursday, the 17th of April, 1600, at seven of the clock at night.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (180. 69.)
Robert Beale to the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 18. I have received her Majesty's commandment to put myself in readiness for a voyage into France, but I am indebted, without apparel, without credit; and, if it should please the Lord to deal with me as he did with Sir Thomas Wilkes, who was younger in years and not subject to such infirmities as I am, in what woeful estate should I leave my poor wife and children! I beseech you to lay before her Majesty my inability for this service unless it shall please her to bestow somewhat beforehand on me. I have served 28 years but have ever studied rather her Majesty's than mine own commodity.—This 18th of April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—18 April, 1600. 1 p. (180. 85.)
Giovanni Basadonna to Anthony Bacon.
1600, April 18/28. From Paris I wrote at length to you and was no less copious in writing than active in doing; I moved all my friends, and left no way untried, and if they have been as prompt in action as their duty and my persuasions urged them to be, you and the other friends must have already had some profit of it. After a long and troublous voyage, I reached Venice at the beginning of last month, where I was so much taken up by private affairs and by the management of some public charges, which had mounted up owing to my long absence, that I had to put off giving you any account of myself until now; but I have not omitted any endeavour to aid him to whom I owe all help alike from love and duty; I have tried also to serve that kingdom and Christendom as well. I should have tried other remedies in addition, had I not heard from France that the sickness was fallen so low that it must needs soon yield to the forces of nature, not to speak of those of wisdom and prudence. My dear Sir, at my arrival here I was publicly and privately importuned to explain the reasons that had reduced that stout (brave) gentleman to such an extremity; not being able to assign any, and also save the honour and reputation of that Majesty, I have chosen to keep silence and pass for an ignorant fool, rather than become a witness to his [? her] faults and errors. Fortune favoured me by bringing me here just at the time when all the Republic was storming against the English nation on account of some piracies committed in these seas on the property of some subjects of this state. All English merchandise had been seized and their ships arrested. I seized the occasion to procure the liberation of the ships and the removal of the sequestration from the merchandise. If the letters which have now come from that Kingdom make up for the failings of the fool they have sent hither, all will go according to their wishes, but in truth they have injured the authority of the letters of that Majesty, and the good intentions of this Republic by chosing so ignorant a person; as soon as he came into the presence of the Prince, he became so lost and confused that he did not know what he was saying. It grieves me to the heart, knowing as I do that Majesty's mind to be so well affected towards this state, and seeing as I do very clearly the honour that this Republic desires to do her, to think that all this goodwill should be interrupted by such slight matters; I would willingly write on the subject to the Secretary, but considerations of state restrain me. I beg you to interpose in this matter. One letter from him and one right-minded action will do more than all the attempts that they make. All await the conclusion of the peace which such close treating seems to promise the world; and yet there are many chances and considerations against it. I beg you to let me have news about it and to let me do anything I can for you, and also to let me know some sure news of that noble gentleman in whose favour I beg you to preserve me.—Venice, 28 April, 1600.
Italian. Holograph. 1½ pp. (78. 95.)
Jean de Thumery, Sieur de Boissize, the French Ambassador, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 18/28. I have heard that Mons. de Chastes arrived in this country yesterday but cannot advance for want of horses. I pray that the bearer may have a letter commanding the supply of as many as are requisite.—From London, this 28 of April, 1600.
Holograph. Seal French. 1 p. (180. 84.)
Robert Briscoe to [Sir R. Cecil].
1600, April 18. For completion of the grant made to him by the late Lord Burghley of a lease of the lands of Thomas Skelton, the Queen's ward. Undated.
Note by Cecil to Mr. Attorney, to hear the matter again.
Note by T. Hesketh asking that the lease be stayed till both parties have been heard, petitioner having hitherto failed to appear.—18 April, 1600.
2 pp. (P. 508.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 19. The Earl of Essex desireth to know her Majesty's pleasure (because he is sworn to the statutes of the Order) whether he shall wear his robes on St. George's day in his dining-chamber or else privately in his bedchamber, or whether her Majesty will give him a dispensation not to wear them at all that day. His Lordship hath taken physic this day and is not well.—At Essex House, 19 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (78. 76.)
Henry Hooper to Richard Percival.
1600, April 19. I cannot possibly come to London with my account for the receipts of Sarum office till the end of this term. The survey and separation of Lushall manor into 3 parts requires nine or ten days' labour. I heard at my coming here that the widow Parker came up with her brother Coxwell to pursue their petition for the over-ruling us to compound with her to her own liking. I have sent my partner, Mr. Gabriel Dowse, to acquaint you with our proceedings. She refused to compound unless we would discharge her from Mr. Scroop's title. Thereupon I served her with the injunction for the delivery of the ward to us, which she refuses to do, and hath hidden the ward. I pray you acquaint your master with my answer.—From Lushall, 19 April, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (78. 77.)
John Killigrew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 19. I have received your letter and endeavoured to satisfy this Mr. Lok. My own estate is now out my hands, and I could think of no readier way than by craving your favour for the extending of my lands (now discharged out of the Exchequer) for the 300l. yet due by me in the Court of Wards. If you please to grant him a lease of my other lands not extended, he may be the sooner paid. For 160l. which must presently be paid to Mr. Parler, I pray you pardon my mishap that I cannot discharge it till midsummer.—From Arwenick, my solitary house, 19 April, 1600.
Signed. 1½ pp. (78. 78.)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 19. I was here this morning before seven o'clock and sent this bearer to understand where the ambassador was. I find he lay last night at Grinstead, and was greatly distressed for horses, his train being many. Some came on foot and some were left behind, which he stayeth for. I have sent Mr. Lewkenor to him and stay here to provide lodgings and horses for him, for he purposeth to lie here this night. If you would give order that he might have two or three coaches sent hither, it would ease him greatly. Sir. Francis Caro is here.—Croydon, 19 April, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (180. 73.)
Anne, Lady Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 20. I pray you pardon my presumption and peruse this enclosed petition preferred in behalf of one Mr. Calverley (an “unstayed” young man) her Majesty's ward, who hath married my daughter. According to the petition, I desire your favour and furtherance therein.
Signed. Endorsed :—“20 April, 1600.” Seal ½ p. (78. 28.)
Katherine, Lady Newton to Sir Robert [Cecil].
1600, April 20. I am given to understand that one Mr. Robert Chamberlen of Oxfordshire lies dangerously sick in Sante Bartellmes, whose son shall be her Majesty's ward. If it so fall out, I pray you let me have his wardship.—From Channan Rowe, 20 April, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (78. 79.)
H[enry], Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 20. I have sent you the deer I promised. When I set forth the wind was against them, so I assured myself I should be at London and give order for their carriage into your park in good time. Now the wind is N. and E., and I fear they be come afore I can give the warning or order for their safe carriage out of the ship. I was put to my shifts in taking them, and forced to take a little bark which would hardly carry 20 deer where, in truth, I had kept above 60 of all sorts in a place purposely provided and enclosed. I have been long in coming by reason of sickness and the breaking of my coach with the weight of your 1,000l—Royston, 20 April, 1600.
[P.S.]—I hoped I should have entreated Sir W. Bowes to see me at Royston, for I left him abed in the same inn, but he departed and left this letter behind.
Holograph. Seal 1 p. (78. 80.)
Mary, Lady Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 20. I would rather have spoken with you than written, to have known if any information hath estranged your good opinion from me. I beseech you judge not any cause of mine towards my Lord, except you had heard us both. That you are become his friend, I mislike not, yet pray you to be mine indifferent also. What I seek to obtain is but the certainty of 300l. by year, which he himself promised me, yet makes great difficulty to pay. Be my Lord's friend as much as you will, but be not my enemy, as I am not his nor yours.—From my poor lodging, this 20 April, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (78. 81.)
James Gerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 20. Is continually tortured with the clamours of those to whom he is indebted. Complains of Cecil's unwillingness to move the Queen for so small a trifle as 200l. Prays Cecil to bestow upon him some wardship.—The Tower, 20 April, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Fitzgerald.” 1 p. (79. 1.)
Nicholas Mosley, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 20. Before the receipt of your last letters by this messenger, I had provided for the Ambassador himself Mr. Alderman Bayning's house, and three or four other houses near unto the same for the best of his train, one special house whereof I have since discharged by order of my Lord Treasurer. According to the appointment of your Honour and the rest, I will do my best as this short time will permit to provide such lodging for them as shall be convenient.—London, this 20th of April, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (180. 74.)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 20. The ambassador would not come from Grin-stead yesterday, for that he was not fully furnished with horses, he being unwilling to leave any of his train behind him. He hath in his train eighty gentlemen, and these enclosed principal men of account, with three carts fully laden with apparel. I sent him from hence yesternight 50 horse, and have received word that he now wants nothing, but will come through to be at London in the afternoon. I am doubtful the mayor doth not imagine his train to be so great, and if the gentlemen be not well accommodated, it will be grievous unto him. Your coach and horses are come, and he shall know of your honourable care of him. Upon his arrival I will not fail forthwith to attend you.—Croydon, this Sunday morning.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (180. 75.)
Names of the principal men of the Governor's train, viz. :—
Monsieur son frere
Monsieur de La Failliole
Monsieur son nepveu
Monsieur de Picheri Monsieur de Genteville
Monsieur de Canonville Monsieur de Mandreville
Monsieur de Boniface Le Capitaine Jean.
Monsieur de Coqueriomol Monsieur Caron
Monsieur du Rhée Monsieur de la Motte
Monsieur de Sainct Ouen
Monsieur de Gerponville
Monsieur du Boscguillebert
Monsieur de la Jurie
Monsieur de Laigle
Monsieur du Montier
Monsieur de Sainct Agnen
Monsieur du Mesnil
Monsieur de Vitot
Monsieur des Maretes
Monsieur de Saint Julien
Monsieur de la Tour
Monsieur de Beller
Le Baron de Bully
Messieurs ses deulx freres
Monsieur Sainct Leger
Monsieur de Linetot
Le Capitaine Marc
1 p. (180. 76.)
Court of Wards.
1600, April 20. Three petitions :
1. Petition of Elianor, Julyan, and Elizabeth Maynwarynge, daughters and heirs of James Maynwarynge, late of Croxton, Cheshire, to Sir R. Cecil. Their right to the manor of Croxton and other lands is disputed by their uncle Rendall Maynwarynge and others. Pray that the cause may be referred for hearing to the Court of Wards.
Note by Cecil : “This petition may be considered by Mr. Attorney and reported to me.”
Endorsed : 20 April. 1 p. (P. 117.)
2. Petition of John Barber, servant to Mrs. Ann White, to Sir R. Cecil. Lord Burghley granted him the wardship of Ralph son of Edward Abell, of Ticknall, Derbyshire. Has at great charge entitled the Queen to the same. Prays Cecil to continue to him the former grant.
Endorsed :—20 April, 1600. ½ p. (P. 118.)
3. Petition of Hester Copledicke, mother and committee of Thomas Copledicke, her Majesty's ward, to [Cecil]. Francis, second son of Sir John Coppledicke, was seised of lands of the yearly value of 1,000 marks, after the death without issue of John, son and heir of Sir John, which inheritance descended to Thomas, son of Thomas the third son of Sir John. Elizabeth wife of Francis and others pretend that Francis by will disposed of the said lands from Thomas his heir. Is willing to prosecute the Queen's title of wardship, and prays for a lease of the lands.
Endorsed :—30 Ap., 1600. ¾ p. (P. 111.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 21. All assurances between the Bishop of Ely and her Majesty being ready to be sealed, and all ceremonies now perfected and past, Mr. Attorney moveth a just doubt that without a warrant under her Majesty's hand to the rate and to the bill annexed, we cannot proceed. Hitherto we have done so by virtue of my warrant to Mr. Attorney, which is error. I send you likewise the bill for the release of the Bishop's firstfruits. He hath yielded to the Queen, according to agreement, all the fines and profits and making of leases of the lands which we take from him and grant him, and of all lands which he retaineth, except only such demesnes as are for his proper use of housekeeping. Upon this ground, he having nothing left to raise means to set forth himself in the state of a bishop, we were enforced to yield this unto him. Her Majesty hath done the like to divers bishops without such consideration at all, and I have made so hard a bargain with him as he daily makes suit for some part of the fines to be allowed him out of his own lands; wherein I make no promise, but leave the matter to her Majesty.—21 April, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (78. 82.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 21. I am much importuned by my cousin Mr. Henry Carew to desire your favour towards his distressed son, that his enlargement out of prison may be procured by sufficient sureties. He offereth 1,000l. caution, or a greater sum if need be, to have his son out upon any conditions that shall be required.—From Sherborn Lodge, 21 April, 1600.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (78. 83.)
Ro. Grave to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 21. I have seen an endorsement of your Honour's to a petition of William Conway against me, wherein he hath maliciously misinformed of me. For if neither my profession of minister of the Gospel almost 30 years, nor the practice of my life, sufficed to keep me within compass, yet your favour hath so bound me that if I had spoken anything unfitting of you, I acknowledge myself unworthy of a bishopric or any other favours. I deny not that in the hearing of myself and an uncle of Conway's, the same words in part were reported to a sister-in-law of mine in London, which I utterly disliked. I will search out the first author of this complaint, the rather because I suspect that Conway, when he could not directly effect his suit for his brother Stafford, hath devised this course indirectly to hinder the good success of my suit.—21 April, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (78. 84.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 21. Will your Honour please return Mr. Bacon's letter unto me, that I may restore the same to him. He sent to me this last night for it.—21 April, 1600.
[P.S.]—If you have heard since anything of my son Thomas' health, I pray you I may understand thereof.
Holograph. ½ p. (78. 85.)
John Howell, Mayor of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 21. The Spaniards and Dunkirkers are such heavy oppressors of the merchants in all the Western Coast that they are enforced to neglect their trades. Scarce one bark of five escapeth these cormorants. The poor weavers, spinsters and clothiers of our country are suffered to be idle, and her Majesty's customs are much impaired. It hath pleased the Earl of Bath to make good trial of the truth hereof, and to inform the Lords of the Council, that by some means our country may be cleared from these devouring robbers and thieves.—Exeter, 21 April, 1600.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (78. 86.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 21. Begs for the wardship of the son of Thomas Cheyney of Bramble-hanger, Bedfordshire, Esq., who is said to lie desperate sick.—Somerset House, 21 April, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 18.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 21. With humble and hearty thanks unfeignedly for your kindness shewed to me at Court, I think good to let you understand what my L. of Worcester and I both think fit to certify you of, to the end to entreat you very earnestly how to proceed with her Majesty in this matter of my daughter. My Lord of Worcester hath talked at the full with her Majesty, who now resteth satisfied, I thank God, in all scruples according to the truth. Now my humble and most hearty desire is that it will please you to deal most earnestly with her Majesty, and not to leave her till she have granted me leave to fetch away my daughter for altogether the Monday after St. George's day, that she may take some physic for her eyes, which in truth be very ill, before the time of marriage, which I mean shall be before the Pentecost. But desire you not to name the cause of my desire so soon to have her, but in respect that she is fain to keep her chamber and do her Majesty no service, her eyes being so bleared. Again, I beseech you to let her Majesty know that, as my conscience beareth me witness that I did agree to no conditions of marriage before, as become me, I had her Majesty's royal consent, so now that I must set my hand to certain articles agreed on in this term, my most humble suit to her Majesty is, that the first assurance may begin at the fountain head, by her leave to have the bonds of matrimony asked in her Majesty's chapel, that all things may proceed lawfully and orderly before I set my hand to any assurance. And, therefore, good Mr. Secretary, let her be asked by your commandment the next Sunday in anywise, and then (the will of God and her Majesty be done) I will seal assurances.
Holograph. Endorsed with date. Seal. 1 p. (180. 77.)
Henry Betagh to Sir George Cary.
1600, April 22. Captain Heath put me in trust to send such intelligence as I could. There landed at Logh Foyll two Spanish ships, wherein came 35 learned men, a primate and two bishops, and 4,000 pikes and “collevers,” and 1,000 suits of apparel for soldiers, and great store of money. Gled O'Nell received all those things, and marvelled that there came not an army according to the promise made to him. He was answered that the army is ready, and stays until the pledges be sent to Spain. Whereupon the Earl sent his son Harry with three more, and O'Donell four pledges also to the King of Spain. The primate and bishops have undertaken that so soon as the pledges shall land in Spain, that within six weeks there will be a Spanish army landed here. The Earl of Tyron comes to the Senyn to receive the Earl of Wormond [Ormond] there, and sends thence Harry og O'Nell with 700 shot to Monster, in company with one called McDonghow, a Monster man. Sir Artt[hur] O'Nell is in variance with O'Nell, and doth long to hear of the landing of our men at Logh Foyll. The late Mackgower's brother is called chief of his name. There is great controversy between the Mackgowers for the same. There is good service done by the soldiers of Crockfargowes [Carrickfergus] upon Bren Mack Artt.—Monalty, 22 of this month, 1600.
Endorsed :—“April 22.” 1 p. (78. 87.)
The Earl of Lincoln.
1600, April 22. Receipt for 1,000l. paid by Henry, Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil in payment of a bond due at the Feast of Annunciation last passed.
Signed. ½ p. (78. 88.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to the Attorney General.
1600, April 22. Her Majesty was pleased to command Mr. Dobson, Clerk of the Statutes, to enter into bonds to assure 200l. yearly to be paid to such persons as her Majesty should appoint. As she is now disposed to relieve the distress of the Lady Denny with one of those hundred pounds a year, her Majesty will have you take order that Mr. Dobson do pass an assurance in manner aforesaid.—From the Court at Greenwich, 22 April, 1600.
Draft unsigned. ½ p. (78. 89.)
Mons. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 22. The esquire of Prince Maurice being about to depart, having provided himself with some 8 or 10 geldings, I have written to the Earl of Worcester for the passport, but doubt if the Earl will be able to get it without your aid, if her Majesty's licence be required.
I have made known to Prince Maurice that you are sending him the three dogs from Ireland.
I beseech you also to further the licence for the transport of sixty demi-culverins, in accordance with my supplication made to her Majesty. It is all the States can do to furnish their galleys, otherwise they will have to strip their ships of war. Her Majesty made no difficulty with me, and the son of my Lord Buckhurst will take care that not one piece too many be transported.—London, 22 of April, 1600.
[P.S.]—In case your Lordship has not yet seen the siege of the fort of the Sn d'Andrieu, I send herewith the portraiture thereof.
Holograph. 1 p. (180. 78.)
Sir Edward Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 24. If any reports reach you concerning me, I beg you to suspend your judgment until you can hear my answer.—From Rycott, this xxiiii. April, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (180. 79.)
Sir Edward Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 25. It pleased you to favour me so much at my last being with your Honour, as to give me your letter to the feodary and escheator of Oxfordshire to give me 14 days' warning before the commission should be set on.
Now I understand that there is another like commission to be set on in Berkshire, I beseech you to favour me so much because it importeth me in like sort, by granting me the like letter to the feodary and escheator of Berks, and by taking order that the two commissions may not be set on in one day, that I may have convenient means to show such title as I have.—From Rycott, this 25 April, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (180. 80.)
Thomas Metcalfe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 24. I am bold to be a suitor for the wardship of Sir Rich. Maliverer's son, if he do die, as I understand he is in danger. I desire it the more because it is in my own country, and the party my kinsman.—Stanforde, 24 April, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (78. 90.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 24. I forgot when at Court to move you for a warrant for the taking up of cart horses to draw my provisions. I pray that I may have one signed by the Lord Admiral and yourself.—From my house in the late Blackfriars, 24 April, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (78. 91.)
Sir Richard Knightley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 24. I am to pay into the Court of Wards about 100l., which, by reason of my daughter's late marriage, I am not presently provided of. I pray a respite till Michaelmas next. I send this bearer to attend your Honour's letter for the discharge of my Lord Beauchamp from me.—From my lodging in Holborn, 24 April, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (78. 92.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 25. The Earl of Essex desireth that he may have leave to admit Dr. Reygnolds, of Oxford, who is now in London, to his house, that he may talk with him. I await your answer whether I shall permit this.—At Essex House, 25 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. ½ p. (78. 93.)
Sir John Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 25. Although your friendly letter that I of late received from Puttrell the poursuivant, did greatly content me, having important occasion to resort to you when at your house in the Strand, I thought it not good so to do, without first understanding whether your Honour would be willing.—From my lodging in Warwick Lane, 25 April, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (78. 94.)
Mons. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 25. I would recommend the bearer, an honest bookseller (libraire), of Dort in Holland, who desires licence to sell a very excellent book of medicine which he has had printed in English.
I understand that several of our merchants have been to the Court, as they had previously done some three or four times, to present a petition to her Majesty concerning the ship from Venice laden with sugar worth some 9 or 10,000l. sterling which was taken by Sir John Gilbert. I beseech you to bring it about that they may hear from her Majesty that I have spoken with her on the subject, and you might remind her Majesty of that fact at the same time.—London, the 25th of April, 1600.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (180. 81.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 25. We received your letters of the first of this instant by the hands of one Moore, steward to the Lord Sheffield, concerning the providing of a vessel for the safe carriage of some red deer to be sent to your Honour. We furnished a vessel with provisions of oats, hay and ivy, as by advised keepers we were directed, and sent her to the place appointed, but the vessel was sent back to await a fitter time. Should you command the like or any greater service in future, we shall be ready in all duty to render the same.—Hull, this 25th of April, 1600.
Signed :—Anthony Burnsel, Mayor, William Gee, Luke Thurscross, William Richardson, Anthony Cole, John Lyster, John Graves, Hugh Armynge. ½ p. (180. 82.)
Sir Robert Cross to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 26. My sickness is now the cause that I must entreat your assistance. I well remember your speech in your chamber to me at Nonsuch some three years past, which was, that I depended and was at charge with women to solicit for me, and that the Queen would give them good words, it [yet] the [they] should never effect suit. I have found that to be true advice. Though I have often good words that I should be despatched out of hand, I am assured if you do not vouchsafe me assistance, it will be still at this stay.—At Gavebridge, 26 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. ½ p. (78. 96.)
William Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 26. By the contents of the chapters in the first leaf, your Honour shall see the most railing pamphlet against religion that ever was set forth. Wright is the author of it and it is printed here. I humbly crave pardon that I wait not myself on your Honour, by a mischance being in the chirurgeon's hands and not able to go.—This 26 April, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (180. 83.)
Arthur Throkmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 27. Understanding by Mr. Arthur Agarde, my father's old servant, the desire you have to be advertised from me what meet matter I can find amongst my father's negociations in France, which may now serve to purpose, for the precedency between England and Spain, I have perused over those my father's painful and unprofitable papers (I mean unprofitable only to himself) and have found as yet but these herewith sent you.
As those former days were not spent without the profit and feeling pleasures of this present time, wherein my Lord your father's hands were most happy helps, and next unto God under her Majesty the chief guide of our so long good, so you his succeeding son, in his blessed steps, I see do give daily the world assurance that with the like pains you will do your best to purchase our present and future prosperity : whereof the world may take good knowledge in the self same kind, nothing being more happy amongst the heaps of happiness which came from your father's faithful hands to this State, “then, then was the league and amity broken between France and Scotland made by him at Leith sincere and entire between us and them,” which even in these days would not be looked on with a light eye.
As to. the peace in parley between England and the Low Countries, notwithstanding contrary discourses, in my simple judgment, matters standing as they do, a Dukedom of Burgundy now planted, and severed from both the Crowns of Spain and Prance, wherewith our kingdom hath ever had a fortunate friendship, and things drawing thus near to their old beginnings and former courses, leagues and loves, though discontinued, would easily be ranged again in their ancient places, the same revolution of reason serving to the like change and returning of things. And for the security of sincerity (which may be most' feared) what can be stronger seals than necessity and a self's safety, which you know is the fastest knot of all kingdoms' kindness. Thus humbly desiring you to take a clown's contemplation in as good part as it is meant, I take my leave with a promise that whatsoever I may find upon a further search meet for this purpose, I will not fail but send it you. In the meantime you shall receive herewith by several letters her Majesty's pleasure, my Lord your father's mind, and my father's conceit in that matter of his own carriage.—Paulerspury Lodge, 27 April, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mr. Arthur Throgmorton, with divers papers concerning Sir Nycho. Throgmorton's negociation into France.” 1 p. (79. 2.)
Sir John Popham to “Thomas” Persyvall.
1600, April 27. Mr. Secretary was pleased this day, upon his motion, that the bearer, Alexander Chocke, shall go through with the wardship of Robert Webbe, her Majesty's ward. Asks his furtherance.—Sergeants' Inn, 27 April, 1600.
[P.S].—He (Chocke) is uncle to the ward, and it is by the grandfather's consent.
Signed. Endorsed :—“My Lord Chief Justice.” ½ p. (79. 3.)
Edward, Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, April 27.] Complains of his hard destinies and manifold misfortunes. He will not remember what reward his long, chargeable, and experienced continuance in the Queen's service had in his late employment in Ireland; but cannot forget that while he was here, taking order for the payment of his debts, and providing some means to underprop his declining estate, his colonelship there was taken from him, the command of the town where he lay given to another, his company cashiered, and his goods stayed or rifled. His petitions at home succeed no better, neither for expedition of his long and costly suit, nor for performance of her Majesty's gifts of those few trees at Launde. Prays for Cecil's help towards his relief.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, 27 April. The L. Cromwell.” 1 p. (79. 4.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], April 27. The Earl of Essex hath desired me to write to you again to understand whether he may have leave to speak with Doctor Reygnolds, who rideth toward Oxford to-morrow.—Essex House, 27 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600. Sir Rych. Barckley.” ½ p. (79. 5.)
T. Savile to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 28. Prays Cecil to further the signature by her Majesty of his book, now under Mr. Attorney's hand by the Lord Treasurer's warrant.—28 April, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mr. Savile.” 1 p. (79. 6.)
Henry Baker, her Majesty's Ward.
[1600, April 28.] Details the purposes of Mrs. Baker, recusant, late wife of John Baker, with regard to the property of the above ward, and refers the course to be adopted to Mr. Attorney of the Wards.
Undated. Endorsed :—“28 April, 1600.” 1 p. (79. 7.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Mr. Secretary (Cecil).
[1600, April 28.] The happy news of my Lord of Ormond's delivery met me here. I infinitely thank you for sending it, and it is strange to me indeed, but not so strange as welcome. This good news taketh away some part of my weariness, yet am I so sleepy as I will crave leave to take my leave for this night. Your friends here will be very glad to hear of your perfect health after your physic.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed in hand of Cecil's Secretary :—“28 April, 1600, Earl of Shrewsbury to my Mr.” ½ p. (79. 8.)
E. Pulter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 28. Acknowledges favours received from Lord Burghley. Is now brought to loss of liberty through a false accusation, whereof he has by oath purged himself, yet remains prisoner in the Fleet. Never could accident happen more fatally, as on Wednesday next he has to answer to a suit in the Star Chamber, in which are laid to his charge thirteen or fourteen misdemeanours, whereof five or six are very odious, yet no proof of more than evil words given to Mr. Andrew Gray, the lawyer, being provoked thereto by his unseemly terms. Prays Cecil to be one of his judges, so that if his offences have proceeded from frailty, and not from corruption, he might feel a censure but proportionable.—From the prison of the Fleet, 28 April 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 9.)
W. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 29. Since my last of the 10th, I have not understood of any matter of importance to be advertised.
The goods of Sir Thomas Sherlie's prize is all landed, but the certainty thereof not known, for that the ginger is not as yet weighed. I suppose the whole value of that ship will amount near about 4,600l., the custom and other necessary charges being paid. It has been told me that I am appointed by you to do some service therein, but what it is I know not, neither have I been called thereunto.
At the request of Mr. Mayor, I have presumed to despatch this packet, and the rather for the conveyance of certain letters which herewith I have directed to Mr. Willes to be delivered in London. The matter concerns the water that Sir Francis Drake and this town's men with great difficulty and charges brought to this place, and is now hindered and like to be wholly made unserviceable for us by one Mr. Crimes, who has set up certain tin mills, taking our water to serve them, contrary to the statute provided in that behalf, so that we are forced, seeing the inconvenience that may come thereof, to seek our remedy by course of law, and if thereby we cannot be relieved, we shall be constrained hereafter to be humble petitioners to you to be a means unto her Majesty for us, so as a town of such importance as this may not be overthrown by one froward gentleman, who instead of doing his office, being a justice of peace in the country, is come to live among us rather to disturb good orders than further them.
The abovesaid being written, I received your letters of the 25th, and have presented my Lord Admiral's warrant unto Mr. Bragg, who answers me that notwithstanding my Lord has received from him much more money already than he owes, yet this matter concerning you, he will see the same paid so soon as possibly he may.—Plymouth, 29 April, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 10.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], April 29. The Earl of Essex walking and talking with me this day made moan to me that his mind was much troubled with two things specially. One was that he found his body, for lack of exercise, grown “syckloo,” and misliking physic as it were by an antipathy. Another was that his friends and servants who were bound for his debts are laid for by sergeants to be arrested, so as they dare not go into the city about their own business, and his estate goes much unto decay by reason of his restraint, whereby he can take no order for the payment of his debts. Truly I find his Lordship grievously sorry for her Majesty's displeasure, and zealously desirous of her Majesty's grace and favour. His Lordship doubts, as to me he seems, lest her Majesty's displeasure is rather increased than diminished toward him, because he cannot hear that his last letter has been read by her Majesty. I have signified this much to Sir John Stanhope more at large, and to your Lordship I am bold to write the same of myself 'without his Lordship's knowledge, for the love and affection which I bear to you, thinking it my part to let you understand, of such matters of moment as pass here.—Essex House, 29 April.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600. Sir Richard Barkley.” 1 p. (79. 11.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Mr. Secretary.
1600, April 29. I return you the letter you left with me yesterday. I wonder Sir George Garoe would put his hand to a letter so “foundly” written. I had meant to have gone to-day to the Court, but I am in such pain in my foot that I am not able to go. To-morrow morning I will go and take my leave, and if you will send me Mill's letter, I will then carry it with me. If I be able I will see you this evening.—From my house on the Blackfriars, 29 April 1600.
[P.S.]—The Governor of Diep means to return by Dover. I pray you therefore that I may have notice of it, that the gentlemen of the county may in time have warning. And I pray you that I may be directed to appoint the high sheriff to attend on him; he is the meetest, and the gentlemen will be best willing to go with him.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 12.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, and Dr. Christopher Parkins, Commissioners for Denmark, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 29. Departing from Leigh the 24th of April, we fell down as long as the tide would suffer us, but the wind falling from the south to north-east again, we anchored under the Cant, where we lay that night. The next day, the wind growing more easterly, we set down as low as the Showe, and anchored there in the channel amongst the sands. Riding there, the masters of her Majesty's ship Marigold and of a Dutch hoy told us that, forasmuch as the wind did grow to be northerly, and that they might not tide down any further, they thought it necessary to return back again from amongst the said sands, because if the wind should rise, their riding there might prove dangerous. And therefore we returned and anchored that night about the same place where we rode the night before. But the said Dutchman, fearing the weather, went that night back to Queenborough. The 26 of April, the wind grew calm and ran almost about the compass till towards night, and then it returned to the northeast again : all that day we stirred not. The 27 of April, the Marigold (where Mr. Dr. Swale is) returned early in the morning to Leigh, and, in the afternoon, the wind blowing roughly from the north-east, we also fell back to Queenborough, having hauled up and down four days to no purpose. We wish we had better news to write of; in the meantime we must attend the wind, an expectation of much uncertainty.—At Queenborough, the 29 of April.
Signed. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (180. 86.)
James Hyll to the Queen.
1600, April 30. Emboldened by your commandment, laid on me at my late being with your Majesty about my Prince's affairs, I certify you of the estate of Sweden, being much better than not long since it was : whereof I had before now given you to understand, had not my Prince's last summer employments, and the length and hardness of winter denying passage, been a hindrance thereto. His Excellency this summer took in Calmar, invincible but by famine, a dukedom called Oland, a great land called Finland, and all the strongholds therein; discomfited the enemy, and recovered their ordnance with much armour and baggage, and followed the chase upon them about 30 English miles in one day, his Excellency being both General and one of the foremost. The whole land was taken in within three months.. After, we took in the Narve in Liveland, upon the borders of Rusland, and since have gotten all the other strongholds there belonging to the Crown of Sweden, except Revell, whose ambassadors are now with his Excellency to yield it up, preserving their ancient privileges, which will be granted. Here were the Russe ambassadors from their Emperor royally entertained, and rewarded at their departure. Their offer was to lend his Grace both men and money to maintain wars against the King of Poland, demanding the Narve for their security. Since, in February last, there was a Parliament at Lincopen, where his Grace was elected King, with remainder to his heirs males; and if his Excellency should die during the minority of his son Prince Gustavus Adolphus, then such two or three as should be elected should govern till he come of full age. Duke John, son of King John, and brother to Sigismundus King of Poland, whose uncle the Duke is, has given up his Dukedom of Finland and accepted for it the Dukedom of Eastergutland. Four free barons heretofore of the King's Council, viz., Gustavus Banner, Lord High Marshal; Erick Sparr, High Chancellor; Towra Belk and Steven Banner, High Admiral, were condemned by a jury of two ambassadors from the Duke of Holsten, 24 earls, noblemen and gentlemen, 24 captains of horsemen, 24 captains of footmen, 24 aldermen, 24 lawyers and 24 yeomen, and were afterwards executed. Seven other of the Council, with the two late governors of Finland, his Grace freely pardoned. The Lubickers have entreated a peace of his Grace, until the last of May. His Excellency has given out express commandment to the whole land to be ready in arms, and a hundred tall ships to be set forth to sea. There is great hope that Denmark will remain a quiet neighbour unto us. The Earl Erick Bray and one of his Excellency's secretaries are shortly to be despatched in an embassage to Rusland for confirming a league. His Excellency provides to go shortly for Liveland in person, with a strong army, and if the Pole assaults his Grace, the Russ, with 50,000 upon the borders, will be ready to join with his Grace to enter Polish Liveland. And after his Grace's happy success and return, another Parliament to be called and his Excellency thereupon to be crowned King.
Vouchsafe to understand of an intolerable injury here lately offered me by one Leonard Tucker, by myself preferred to his Grace's service upon the recommend of Sir Walter Rawleigh, who unjustly procured here the death of a brother of mine, who had been late my lieutenant-general in the field, whose corpse the Duke's Grace and Duchess', with the young Princes, and Holsten Ambassadors, graciously vouchsafed to accompany to the grave; and has so falsely slandered me that in regard of the speech of the Court and common people, I can no way by law be thereof here disburdened until your Highness' Council vouchsafe to certify to his Excellency of his lewd and inordinate life in England, which is too notorious. In the meantime resting patient, I have left the Court, and my places of offices in the field, and neglected the obtaining the assurance of such lands and possessions as his Excellency for my long service graciously offered me. For remedy whereof, and for obtaining the certificate of the Council, I beseech you to grant me your furtherance.—From the Court of Swethen, last of April, 1600.
Holograph. 2 p. (251. 21.)
Court of Wards.
1600, April 30. Papers addressed to Sir Robert Cecil, viz. :—
1. Petition of John Parry as to the wardship of Anne Berowe, daughter of Symon and Elizabeth Berowe, to which the Queen is entitled. The jury impannelled on the matter have obstinately refused to find for the Queen. Prays that the jury be ordered to appear in the Court of Wards, and the cause otherwise investigated.
Endorsed.—“30 April, 1600.” ½ p. (P. 114.)
2. Petition of James Gosnell, on behalf of Gertrude Halgh. Prays that she may have the wardship of her son.—30 April, 1600.
1 p. (P. 186.)
3. Petition of Gilbert Wakering. Cecil granted to him the wardship of Margaret, daughter of Henry Vernon. Particulars of proceedings taken by him against Walter Leveson and others, who had intruded into part of the ward's possessions. Prays that by censure of the Court of Wards her inheritance may be established during her minority as the same, by descent from her father, and so many former descents, is come unto her.
Endorsed :—“30 April, 1600.” ½ p. (P. 110.)
4. Another petition to the same effect, giving the particulars.
Endorsed .—“29 Ap., 1600.” 1 p. (P. 113.)
5. Petition of Lawrence Marbury. Prays for the wardship of the heir of Thomas Meer of Sussex.
Note by Cecil : “Let him have a commission to find an office.”
Endorsed :—“April 30, 1600.” 1 p. (P. 116.)
6. James Barley and other creditors of the late Thomas Leigh the elder of Myddleton.
Leigh gave a lease of the lordship of Myddleton, to satisfy his creditors, and made other arrangements to the same end; but a lease of the lands was afterwards obtained by Richard and Elizabeth Houghton. They pray Cecil to resume the demise and grant a new lease for their benefit. Endorsed :—30 April, 1600.
Note by Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury recommending petitioner.—29 April, 1600. 1 p. (P. 1496.)
7. Richard Wingfield. For the concealed wardship of one Poedge.
Endorsed :—“30 April, 1600.” Note by Cecil thereon. 1 p. (P. 1497.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir John Stanhope.
[1600, April.] I have received your letter and will acquaint the Earl with that her Majesty hath said to you, but he shall not know to whom she spake it. And where you write that you willed my man to come to you again after two or three days, he told me not so, but only that you would send to me upon the Monday next following. I would willingly have sent him to you if I had known your mind.—Essex House, Thursday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“April, 1600. Sir Richard Barkeley.” ½ p. (79. 13.)
M. Butler to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, April.] My most humble thanks for your kind and gentle acceptance of my poor service, but much more for my liberty, which is a second life, not minding to leave your niece, that honourable melancholic shadow, destitute of counsel. I hear by the Queen's “Roge,” one George Clyfford, Earl of Cumberland, that one of the chief est of her Majesty's counsel is become a “merchaunt venturoure” into the East Indies, and has brought good store of the East Indian “bezoars.” If it be true, I humbly beseech you if you can procure it, either to beg, buy or steal it, to help the poor desolate lady in this her necessity.
Undated. Endorsed.—“April, 1600. Dr. Butler.” 1 p. (79. 14.)
Edward Cecil to his Uncle, Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, April.] I have received your letters with a great deal of favour and grace that it has pleased you to take notice of my wrong, for which I rest most bound. Your letter, Sir Francis Vere would not let pass, the cause I doubt not but you shall understand by his letters. I did presume to write my discontented mind out of a discontented humour which carried me beyond what else I would have said. But I hope you will consider that in men's necessity it is natural to call upon him that can most aid him; so I, having received some wrongs which my patience could not suffer, did ground a strong faith in your favour to assist me. My suing for the company of horse has troubled this State very much, considering Sir Francis Vere has laboured for me and Mr. Gilpin for the lieutenant. Whereupon Mr. Gilpin was asked why he would show himself so against Mr. Secretary's nephew, who brought her Majesty's letters, and especially to hold with one who had been a traitor to his country. His answer was that he did know well what you said when her Majesty's letter was to be written in my behalf. I am ignorant how he comes to his intelligence, but I am assured he is most vain, so that I fear not his prospering; but I fear that his credit will make me leave these countries “or” it be long, which I did come to by presuming upon your favour, which I will endeavour by all means to deserve.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, April. Captain Edward Cecyll.” 2 pp. (79. 15.)
Ambr. Dudley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, April.] Describes and complains of his forcible and violent ejectment from his house and grounds of Chopwell, by Sir William Constable, and the spoiling of his goods. Prays for restoration of his possessions till the cause be indifferently heard.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“April, 1600.” 1 p. (79. 16.)
Dorothy, Lady Edmunds to Mr. Secretary Cecil.
[1600, April.] Prays him to be good to Horsman's wife for the wardship of her son. Undated. Holograph. Endorsed in hand of Cecil's Secretary :—“April, 1600. Lady Edmunds to my Mr.” 1 p. (79. 17.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, [April]. I received your letter and have made known her Majesty's good pleasure procured by your favour, whereof the Earl of Gowry yieldeth you his most hearty thanks, and withal heartily prayeth you to excuse his not coming to Court this day for that it was impossible, having a coach to provide and your advertisement coming but in the afternoon. But to-morrow he will await her Majesty's pleasure and leisure with great contentment, and I shall bring his lordship to your chamber.
Holograph. 1 p. (83. 18.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April. The Ambassador did not think he should have obtained her Majesty's consent to take his leave until his next attending upon her, but so soon as he had imparted to her the desire he hath to be returned home, so as he might recover the King at Paris before he should take his journey towards Lyons, she seemed to be willing to consent to his motion, so he took his leave. I told him her Majesty did well understand in what honourable manner he was attended here, and how many mouths did feed upon his charge, which might be a chief cause which moved her so easily to consent to bid him farewell, but, I entreating him to do me the honour to dine here on Monday, he answered that he could not stay here any longer than Sunday after dinner, for, if he should, her Majesty might conceive that the reasons which he alleged were rather words than truths. He said that he had resolved with my Lord Admiral and you to have conference with you and some others of the Council upon Saturday in the afternoon, so as he could not with respect of his duty to her Majesty stay any longer here after that conference than Sunday after dinner. Whereupon I moved him to dine here upon Sunday, which he protested a good desire to do in respect of himself, if he might be discharged to her Majesty in her conceit thereof, which I undertook, and that my Lord Admiral and yourself should not only persuade him thereto at your meeting on Saturday, but would also impart to her Majesty that your persuasions had drawn him into it contrary to his determination. Whereupon he yielded so as Sunday he will dine here if my Lord Admiral and you will entreat him, and this is the conclusion of the negotiation which I had with him at his lodging. If my Lord Admiral and you fail to be here upon Sunday, farewell friendship for ever.
Holograph. Endorsed .—“April, 1600.” Seal. 1 p. (180. 87.)