Cecil Papers: 1551

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1551', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp82-94 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1551', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp82-94.

"Cecil Papers: 1551". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp82-94.


343. Dr. N. Wotton to Sir Wm. Cecil.
[1550/1, Jan. 2.] Thanks him for the trouble he has taken to rectify the error in his lease. With reference to the news of the rising of the Protestants in Germany, thinks there is danger lest our trusty and well beloved friends of France, perceiving the Emperor to have his hands full, should seize the occasion to pick a quarrel with us. Knowing the great desire they have to live at peace with us (that is to say to have Calais again, the keeping of which they say is the only cause of war between us), an orator of less eloquence than Tully might persuade him that our said friends, having such an occasion, would have as much respect to their commodity as to their promise, “which is wont to bind Frenchmen as long as it shall please them.”—Canterbury, the 2nd of January 1550.
2 pp.
[Haynes p. 112. In extenso.]
344. Advices from Transylvania and Hungary.
[1550/1], January 19. Matters in Transylvania are in this state : that the foreigners have departed, and left the government of that province to the princes, who are in accord with the Turks to pay them tribute, and will promise to submit to the King of the Romans. In Hungary war is expected, but no provision has been made through want of money. The King is about to start for Bohemia. The Turks had advanced towards Buda, to occupy an island between Comar and Buda; but, by the news, they have abandoned the attack.—Gratz in Carinthia, 19 January.
Italian. ½ p.
345. Sir Antony St. Leger to Sir Michael Stanhope.
[1550/1], Feb. 16. Recommends to his favour “his loving friend Randall Brereton” who is about to repair into those parts. Assures him that he is a right honest man and hath long served here.—Kilmainham, 16 Feb. 1550.
1 p.
346. Examination of [William] Seth.
1550/1, March 7. “One Seth, servant to Bonner, late Bishop of London, taken with bringing a barrel of Dr. Smith's most false and detestable books from Paris. Examined the 7th of March 1550, before the Lord Great Master, the Lord Privy Seal, the Lord Great Chamberlain, the Marquis Dorset, and the Lord Admiral, and saith as followeth”:—
Examinate received of the said Dr. Smith 200 of his books to bring into England, 100 in English and 100 in Latin, besides certain others which he sent for tokens to sundry persons. Also, he brought from one Dr. Baines, reader of Hebrew in Paris, an Englishman, a letter with a book to Dr. Bonner, late Bishop of London, which letter with the book he delivered to one Keightley, Bonner's servant. Examinate brought other letters from Dr. Baines to the Bishop of Chichester, with a book which he delivered to Caywood, a printer dwelling at the sign of the Holy Ghost, to deliver to the said Bishop, and also a letter to Dr. Boorne from Dr. Baines. Examinate brought a letter and a book from Dr. Smith to one Baldwin Watton, of London, and another letter and a book to one Walter Hopton, of Oxford At Dieppe as he was coming over, he met with one Cayly, a book-binder, who addressed him with a remembrance of his own hand to one Walter Prince, servant to Mr. Peckham, to receive 80 of his English books and 20 of the Latin, if he could not otherwise utter them, and to give him for them twelve pence for a piece. Examinate brought another letter to one White, Warden of Winchester, from T. Martyn, a student at Paris, touching books which he could not provide for the said White, according to his request, which books were to be delivered to White of London to be sent to White of Winchester. The said Cayly gave him remembrance to one Beard, a tailor dwelling in Fleet Street, that he should give one book to Reynolds, a priest. Examinate brought divers letters and books to divers others, as Mr. Seton; White; the King's crossbow-maker; Anne Alford; Royar, a printer; De la Hide; Mr. Boorne, and others, besides a great number appointed and named by Dr. Smith to receive of his books. In the letter to Anne Alford is declared the sending to her three other letters, by one Lyle's wife, dwelling at Battle-bridge in Southwark, whereof one was to John Holstock, one to Mr. Smith, and the other to the said Anne; the effect of the three letters being contained in this last letter to Anne Alford. In the letter sent to Seton from Dr. Baines, he requireth to borrow ten or twelve pounds, and the same to be sent by examinate, or any other that comes first, and a letter with the same.
347. William Seth to the Privy Council.
[1550/1], March 8. This is to certify the truth of all such things as he does know, or did, since his departure from England about the previous Twelfth-tide, till his present return to London. He dwelt with the late Bishop of London till about Allhallows-tide, when “he fell out with me and did beat me out of his chamber at the Marshalsea; it was about 6 or 7 o'clock at night, and for that night got me into his servant's chamber, and a day or two after I sent him word in writing that I could not find in my heart to do him any longer service, wherewith he was contented that I should depart at Christmas last past, about which time I had my wages of him, and gave me xls. in my purse; at which time I told him I intended God willing to go into France, there to get me a master, and to at[tend] to have the French tongue, and there to abide for a year or two, desiring him he would write to Mr. Bayne to have me himself, or to help me to a master at Paris; the which he did, and, having that letter, I took my leave of him, and went straight to Paris.” His want of success, and return to England. Received certain books of Dr. Smith to sell. Had but two letters when he went over to Paris, the one to Mr. Bayne, and the other from the King's crossbow-maker to his son then an apprentice at Paris. Mention of certain books he bought, and of others which, as well as some letters, he had received to deliver on his return to London. Expresses his submission to the King and Council, and craves pardon for his offences. Humbly begs the Council to let him have somewhat for the books, or else he is utterly undone, as he has scarcely any money. Also begs that he may have a licence to go again to Paris, where he intends to be an apprentice with a printer of the name of Jeune.—Sunday, 8 March.
348. Examination of William Seth.
[1550/1, March 10]. 1. Interrogatories to be administered to William Seth.
3 pp.
[1550/1], March 10. 2. Answers to the above Interrogatories.—Dated 10 March, 6 (sic) Edw. VI.
Examinate dwelt for five years with the late Bishop of London. He gave himself most to read French books and certain English ones, as the Bishop of Winchester's book of the Sacrament, and divers other books, as “the newest Testament in English and in French,” Maron's Aurelius, and such others. He departed from the service of the late Bishop of London to the intent he might go into France and there learn the French tongue. Also in the Marshalsea the said late Bishop did fall out with examinate and did beat him with a bedstaff. At certain times he used to read books to the said late Bishop being in his bed. These books were a French Chronicle, and also an English book, the name of which he knows not, but thinks it contained matter of religion; what the same matter was he cannot remember. After his controversy with the said late Bishop there was a reconciliation between them. Thereupon examinate declared to him he would travel to Paris, and required the Bishop's favourable letters to Dr. Bayne. These the Bishop gave, and also declared that he would gladly send a book to Dr. Bayne, but thought there would be some peril in sending it; what the book was examinate does not know, but thinks it was in Latin. After his coming to Paris Dr. Bayne promised to help him to a service if he could, and so did divers other English scholars being there. While there Dr. Bayne and Dr. Smith inquired of him whether the late Bishop of Winchester, the late Bishop of London, and the Bishops of Worcester and Chichester were in trouble, and on his stating their troubles they did much lament the same, especially Dr. Bayne the case of the Bishop of Chichester, affirming that he had been most bound to him of all others. Examinate carried over with him into France two letters, one from the late Bishop of London, the other from a crossbow-maker dwelling in Southwark to his son in Paris. He knew Dr. Smith, but not Dr. Bayne, before his going into France. Confesses that he brought over with him “two painted papers of the image of Luther,” whereof he determined to have given one to the late Bishop of London. Dr. Bayne sent commendations to the said Bishop and willed him to receive his persecution patiently, for he was neither the first that had suffered persecution, nor should be the last. Mr. Martyn, a scholar of Paris, sent a letter to Mr. Borne with a book, by examinate, which letter he gave to one Cawood to deliver; the book, which he thinks concerns the Sacrament, remains in the barrel. He also brought over with him out of France two little books in French concerning the answer which the Commons of Devonshire made to the King of England in the time of the late commotion, one of which books was sent by Dr. Bayne to the late Bishop of London.
[On another leaf are a few interrogatories to be administered to John Caywood; these have reference chiefly to his relations with Seth].
4 pp.
349. H. Holbeck to Rowland Browne.
1550/1, March 10. Has consigned to him three “garnish of vessels” and, in addition, six banqueting dishes and six saucers to be delivered to him by Wm. Pawners of Berwick. [The rest of the letter (3 pages, closely written) is in cypher, and relates to a previous consignment of 28 pipes of oil, respecting which proceedings appear to have been instituted against Rowland Browne by certain merchants of Edinburgh, and to other mercantile transactions.]—From London, the 10 March 1550.
3 pp.
350. William Seth to Master Frogmorton.
[1550/1], March 18. Gives further particulars of his letter to the late Bishop of London, and of his communications with Dr. Bayne and Dr. Smith. Prays for his discharge and that he may obtain the requests made in his former letter. Hopes the Council will not favour him the less, because he was servant to the late Bishop of London. Would rather die than remain in his present misery. The rack may force him to tell lies, but when he is eased of the pain he will declare them again to be lies. His poor and miserable condition. “I have been here prisoner in the custody of Mr. Bailly about 11 days, where I shall pay as far as I can hear 12d. for every day and night.”—“From the Bailly of Westminster's servants' house at Westminster,” 18 March.
351. William Seth.
[1550/1, March]. “A breviate of the deposition of William Seth touching those matters that be most material.”
Broadside. 1½ pp.
352. Henry Marquis of Dorset to [Sir Michael] Stanhope.
1551, April 19. Begs him to grant to his brother Medeley, the bearer, certain closes, parcel of the possessions of the late Monastery of Lenton, in Nottinghamshire, for an extended term of years, his brother having acquired an unexpired lease thereof from Sir John Markham, to whom they had been previously granted by him.—Brodegate, 19 April 1551.
1 p.
353. Edward the Sixth to the French King.
1551, April 25. A letter of credit for Mr. William Pickering as Ambassador to the French Court in the place of Mr. John Mason.—From our Manor of Greenwich, the 25 day of April 1551.
Endorsed :—“It served not.”
French. ½ p.
354: Edward VI. to Henry II. of France.
1551, April 25. Notifying the recall of Sir John Mason and choice of Sir Wm. Pickering in his place.—Greenwich, 25 April 1551.
Endorsed by Cecil. French. 1 p.
355. Proclamation as to the Coinage.
1551, April Draft proclamation setting out that King Henry VIII., to provide money for his last wars, did abase his coin, and coined testons valued at 12d., and also groats of the same baseness at the rate of 4d. sterling. Subsequently King Edward VI. did also issue shillings and groats under another stamp, valuing the same at 12d. and 4d. That by reason of the high valuation of this base coin, a great number of counterfeits had got into circulation. His Majesty, therefore, ordains, that after the last day of August, then next ensuing, the shillings shall be current for 9d. and the groats for 4d. Given the — day of April, 5 Edw. VI.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“28 May 1551. Proclamation of the abatement of xij.d and iiij.d.
356. Edward VI. to Henry II., King of France.
1551, May 12. Notifying the recall of Sir John Masone, resident ambassador in France, and intimating the appointment of Sir William Pickering, gentleman of the chamber, to the post. Sir John Masone is to return as speedily as possible.—Greenwich, 12 May 1551.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Letter of Credence for Mr. Piker, to the F. Kyng.”
Draft. French. ⅓ Sheet.
357. Dr. N. Wotton to Wm. Cecil.
1551, May 20. Is now arrived at Brussels, and as he was forced to tarry awhile at Canterbury and Antwerp, so, departing on the morrow, he intends not to stay much by the way until he comes to his journey's end, which he trusts shall not be even so far as Anspach, for the Emperor, about the second of June, has appointed to depart thence for Brussels. It will not be easy to have an audience of him on the way if the Emperor is now the man he was wont to be. Would fain have tarried till his arrival, but doubts how it would have been taken. Expresses his desire to receive news from England. Importance to an ambassador of news from his own country. Inquires after Sir Wm. Petre's health, and whether he is come to court again. Promise to place at the grammar school the son of the searcher of Dover. Desires his recommendations to his cousin Cooke.—Brussels, 20 May 1551.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 113. In extenso.]
358. John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, to the Privy Council.
1551, June 16. Has received their letter of the 15th instant, wherein, since their resolutions to coin 160,000l., so that his Majesty should not be destitute of treasure, they now find that 40,000l. are ready in some of the King's treasuries. Recites what the Council propose to do in the matter, and as they ask for his opinion as to their proposals with regard to this coinage he gives it, though he has but small experience in matters of so great importance. As to the first point, of the 40,000l., he is glad to hear it, for to him “it is a rare thing, his Majesty and all we that have called upon it of long hath been borne in hand that it hath been always issued by warrants.” To the rest of that point he has but one song, like the cuckoo. Reminds them of the bargain with York, to deliver between this and the end of August 160,000l. of clear revenue without any charges. If they remit this they will lose 60,000l. at least, or if his Majesty were minded to cry down the testern immediately to sixpence (than which in his opinion there could not be a greater benefit to the realm) his Majesty would still lose 40,000l. by the remitting of this bargain. This 40,000l. might go towards the payment of their debt beyond sea this next March, or to clear the jewels, otherwise his Majesty would have to pay for the jewels out of his coffers, which was not meant. Is sure they would be glad to have the King out of debt, but under their Lordships' reformations, it is rather the way to plunge them into further care and sorrow; wherein he has found so little pleasure that he would rather be dead than live such a life as this two or three years they have been in. Would it not be better then, he asks, to let the King gain this 60,000l. by the last of August, and with that to buy bullion, which would then be cheaper ? Prays the Council to bear with him this time of sickness, being weak and lacking memory.—“Scribbled in my bed this morning, at 4 of the clock, the 16th of June 1551.”
4 pp.
Copy of preceding.
359. John Abell to Secretary Cecil.
1551, June 27. Sends such things as he has heard, since his coming hither, of credible persons. The Bishop of Rome hath proclaimed war in Italy against the French King on account of the city of Parma, which the King took about three or four months past. When the French King perceived the Bishop to be displeased thereat, he sent his ambassadors to excuse or delay the matter until he had got in the harvest about Parma, and when the city was thus victualled at all points, his ambassadors came home without doing anything, which resulted in the declaration of war by the Bishop, so that many men had been slain already. The Emperor hath granted to help the Bishop with 12,000 men, which he doth take up in these parts to send to Italy. The Captain of Milan perceiving soldiers going to Parma through those parts, which is the nearest way, as it is reported, issued out, and slew 40 of the French King's soldiers, whereupon, the French King's men made ready certain light horsemen, and set upon them, and slew above 100, besides those that they took prisoners. It is therefore likely there will be war between the Emperor and the French King. As he came upward into this country he met many horsemen, and in one town lay 700 in readiness to go to the borders in Lytzelberg [Luxemburg] lands, and to the borders of other countries adjoining France. The Emperor hath carried much ordnance into Luxemburg to defend the borders, and war will probably be proclaimed as soon as harvest is in on both sides. “The city of Magdeburg is yet besieged, but they within be merry and have meat, drink, men, and money enough for a long season, so that they take no thought.” Admonishes Cecil “to beware of the French King's wiles, the which with delayings seeketh to prolong the time for his advantage,” as lately appeared, by keeping his ambassadors so long at home before sending them to the King of England. When in England, it was shewed him that Dr. Bruno was here, but cannot hear where he is. Supposes it not good to put Bruno too much in trust. Has “much of many men in these parts that he (Bruno) will play with both hands.” Prays Cecil to inform Mr. Cheke that Peter Martyr's book is not yet come hither, when it does he will save copies for Cheke and Cecil.—Strasburg otherwise called Argentine, 27 June 1551.
Holograph. 1 p.
Copy of preceding.
360. The Coinage.
1551, June .—Draft proclamation setting out that although the King had fixed a day as late as possible for the proclamation concerning the abasing of the value of testons and groats to take effect, yet certain covetous people, by the excessive raising of prices of victuals and other things, in the hands of grasiers, great farmers, and merchants, had rendered it needful to shorten the day from the last day of August to the date of the present proclamation.—Greenwich, the — of June, 1551.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“9th of July.”
pp. [See Patent “Roll, 5 Edw. VI. pt. 4. m. 13 (26).]
Copy of preceding.
361. Dr. N. Wotton to Sir W. Cecil.
1551, July 14. His return home is delayed through the Emperor not coming down to Flanders at the time fixed, he will therefore soon require another warrant for money. Refers to the delay of the French in sending their Legation.—Augsburg, 14 July 1551. Signed.
2/3 p. [Haynes, p. 114. In extenso.]
362. Sir John Alen to Secretary Cecil.
1551, Aug. 10. Thanks Cecil for the furtherance of his suits as appears in his letter of the 9th of July, but the stay that chanced after to them he ascribes to his mishap. Is grieved now that he ever spoke of them. Wishes that the Council had never encouraged him to hope for any recompense. The charges of the suit and his “furniture” to serve under Lord Cobham must cost him 500 marks, and now if he should resort to England, before he could return—as suits be delayed there—it would cost him as much more. He will not purchase for the time he has to live an annuity so dear. Besides, being a sickly man, it would be dangerous to cross this winter, and he would require the King's licence to depart the realm. Has therefore not only himself, but also procured the Lord Deputy to write to the Council touching his suits, and also to Lord Warwick. As regards the form of the warrant for his annuity “it is plain Dunstable,” as all others of like nature be, unless fault be found in the preamble by recital of his service. Hopes it will be granted so as it may be a perfect grant, assigning where he is to be paid, otherwise he “woll non of it.” As for the 21 years' re version of his leases, which divers others that be far behind him in service have obtained—laments his utter disparagement, that after being 20 years a councillor here, it was not enough to take from him his office and living, but he was put out of Council to wait among serving men—has sent a newer warrant, and for 21 contented himself with 10 years' reversion, so as not to press the Council too much.—Dublin, 10 August 1551.
Holograph. 1¼ pp.
Annexed :
1. The Privy Council to Sir John Alen, Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
Informing him that the King, for certain urgent causes, had addressed letters for his revocation, nevertheless his Majesty remains his good and gracious Lord, and mindeth to declare the same more fully on his arrival, so that he shall have good cause to feel himself well contented, and his labours well employed. Bidding him repair towards his Majesty with convenient diligence.—Westminster, 20 July 1550.
½ p. Copy.
2. The Earl of Wiltshire to the same.
Assures him that his recall is for no displeasure, but that he continues in the favour of the King and Council. Though by the letters of revocation he is ordered to repair to the King's presence as soon as his causes are well established, still, if he has occasion to tarry longer in Ireland, a notification to that effect from the Lord Deputy would suffice to obtain the required permission. The Lord Deputy has instructions signed by the King and Council how to proceed in all matters. His brother has made diligent suit in all his causes, and has deserved great thanks.—Windsor, 6 August 1550.
½ p. Copy.
3. The Privy Council to Sir John Alen.
Informing him that Lord Cobham is about to repair to Ireland on sundry matters of importance. Knowing Alen's experience in that realm, and his earnest goodwill to the Commonwealth there, they require him to attend upon Lord Cobham on his arrival at Waterford, and in the meantime to consider what things need reformation in that realm, and how they may best be redressed. He is to act as councillor during Cobham's abode there.—Greenwich, 29 Jan. 1550 [1550/1].
1 p. Copy.
4. Sir William Petre to Sir John Alen.
From the Council's letters he shall perceive their good opinions of him, and how they propose to employ him. Has thought good to put him in remembrance so to use his doings, as they may appear to attend only to the common wealth of Ireland, without respect of any one or more particular men or any other things past. Whereby, as he shall best please God, so shall his advice take the better success, and himself in the end attain the more credit and good opinion among all men. He is not to be discouraged that his other suits are not ended, for the Council mind earnestly to consider him right well, and his good service at this time shall much further the same. Lord Cobham has reported most favourably about him. Urges him to increase this good opinion. Greenwich, 29 January 1550 [1550/1].
1 p. Copy.
5. Sir Anthony Sentleger [Lord Deputy of Ireland] to the Privy Council.
Has delivered the letters of revocation to Sir John Alen, and communicated to him the Council's pleasure, that he may either tarry in Ireland or repair to England. Upon account of his infirmities, and the approach of winter, and considering his late return, Alen has determined to remain in Ireland. Has been requested to signify this intention to their Lordships, with a request that they would consider Alen's suit for his better living, having regard to his long service.—Dublin, 18 Sept. 1550.
Copy. ½ p.
6. “The Council of Ireland to the Lords of the Council of England,—for Sir John Alen.”
Petition in favour of Sir John Alen on his removal from the office of Lord Chancellor of Ireland, considering his long abode and travail in the King's affairs, wherein he hath been “an earnest and painful man,” and especially since his last return.—Dublin, 18 September 1550.
Copy. ½ p.
Endorsed by Alen :—“Copies of the Council's letters.”
Copies of the preceding letter from Sir J. Alen to Secretary Cecil (10 Aug. 1551), and of the enclosures.
363. Dr. N. Wotton to Secretary Cecil.
1551, Aug. 10. By the trouble of his own mind, hearing only of this sharp rod, wherewith it pleaseth God presently to visit and chastise the poor realm of England, he can well appreciate how Cecil must be disquieted. Here, they rejoice at the calamity, and impute it to the religion, and say, Ubi est Deus eorum? Is glad that the sickness now abates, probably because the nature of the disease is now known, and therefore remedies are found. As to Cecil's question touching the sale of Mr. Barnadyne's lead, both he and his friends at Canterbury would be glad to shew Barnadyne pleasure, so far as they reasonably may, because of his great gifts and to show favour to strangers. The matter stands thus : Mr. Barnadyne has a house appointed to his prebend, wherein he dwells, which other prebendaries before him had been contented with. He now desires to raise it up a good height and to add many chambers thereto; to assist him in the charges the Chapter granted him timber, &c., but now, Barnadyne wants to sell the lead on his house and put that money in his purse, or a good portion of it. Thus the Chapter and his successors will be put to the expense of tiling and other repairs, which seems unreasonable, as the present lead roof is so good. It would also be an example that might be followed by others of the Chapter whose houses were so covered. Regrets that neither the Chapter nor he can find the matter more reasonable than they do. Thinks that if Mr. Barnadyne must needs obtain it, he ought to labour by his friends to win those of the Chapter that are at home, for if by their consent it were done, who would then speak any further in it? “We have as yet no answer from my Lords of the King's Council, we do imagine the cause to be as you write.”
Requires Cecil's aid with the Council in obtaining another warrant for his diets, and an augmented one, for he finds it impossible to live here without a great deal more. The Emperor is gone to Monaco. They say that the Queen of Hungary, Vayvodas, and Petrovic, are thoroughly agreed with King Ferdinand. Magdeburg still holds out. The Turk's navy has besieged Malta.—Augsburg, 10 August 1551.
[Haynes, p. 116. The beginning and end of this letter printed in extenso.]
364. Treaty of Norham.
1551, Aug. 14. Ratification by Mary Queen of Scots of the treaty of Norham, dated 10 June 1551.—Edinburgh, 14 August 1551.
Copy. Latin. 11 pp. [Printed in Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XV., pp. 281–2 and pp. 265–272.]
Another copy of the preceding.
12 pp.
365. John Travers to Sir William Cecil.
1551, Aug. 17. Beseeching Cecil to further his suit before the Lords of the Council, for the augmentation of his stipend as Master of the Ordnance.—Dublin, 17 August 1551.
½ p.
Copy of preceding.
366. Robert Reneger to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1551, Aug. 21. Desiring Cecil to talk with his brother, the bearer, and to assist him with advice. His brother readeth a lecture of philosophy at Magdalen College, Oxford, for a half year and more, and for 12 months past has been bound to the study and disputations of divinity. Now also he is burdened to be a minister, inasmuch as he has been two years Master of Arts, whereby he thinks he shall be obliged to give up his lectures.—Southampton, 21 August 1551.
½ p.
367. Sir John Alen to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1551, Aug. 31. Reminding Cecil of his suits, and beseeching him to despatch the man he sent to England lately for the same purpose. Commends the bearer, Mr. Cowley, a servant of the Duke of Somerset, who is compelled to return to England about a suit. Though he (Alen) is “out of Council and estimation” to further any suit, yet he assures Cecil that the bearer is one of those who have served here in dangerous times, and having planted themselves here, should be cherished and maintained and not weeded out.—Dublin, 31 August 1551.
Holograph. 2/3 p.
368. Mistress Blaunche Crofton to Secretary Cecil.
1551, Aug. .—Her husband had the keeping of the Prince's wardrobe, for which he obtained Letters Patent. Since Christmas Sir Walter Mildmay sent for the patent, which she took to him herself. She was then ordered to make out a rental, which she did, amounting to 30l, and gave it to Mildmay. The next news she had was that Sir W. Mildmay and Sir Anthony Cope had taken a survey with a pack-thread round about the house, and Sir Anthony bought it for 60l. After Sir Anthony's death his son sold it to one Augustine, dwelling at the Blue Anchor in Thames Street, for 300l. Augustine had now applied to see her patent, which she had refused. Since then he had gone to the tenants and ordered them to pay no rent. Prays Cecil to be her friend in the matter.
Endorsed :—“August 1551.”
2 pp.
369. Lord Admiral Clinton to Secretary Cecil.
1551, [Sept.] 2. Is glad to hear of the false nest broken that had determined rebellion against the King. Encloses copy of a letter from Sir John Harrington showing that their quarters are not clear of stirrers of commotion. Has written to the justices to take order for the apprehension of suspected persons; urges that the same may be done at Stamford by Cecil's father.—Serapringham, 2 August (but see date of enclosure).
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 114. In extenso.]
Sir J. Harrington to the Lord Admiral
Giving particulars as to an intended insurrection by certain evil disposed persons in Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, and Rutland, with the steps taken at Uppingham to defeat the confederacy. Assures his Lordship that the country is very ready to serve with them, except these certain light knaves, horsecorsers, and craftsmen.—Exton, 2 September [1551].
[Haynes, p. 115. In extenso.]
370. Ordnance.
1551, Sept. 7. 1. Proportion of ordnance for two batteries, and for an army royal, and metal for the same.
3 pp.
2. Ordnance in the Tower of London, 7th Sept. 1551.
1 p.
371. Robert Eton to Mr. Denham (Secretary to Lord Stourton).
1551, Oct. 4. On his departure with his master to the French Court left certain wearing apparel in the hands of their host, Mr. Emson, in Tothill Street. Begs him to look over it lest it should be destroyed by moths or otherwise.—Venice, 4 Oct. 1551.
372. Sir Thomas Cawerden to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1551, Oct. 26. Enclosing a docquet of the charges connected with the erection of a banqueting house, and sundry standings, in Hyde and Marybone Parks, at the time of the visit of Marshal St. André. Is unable to subscribe the same, as the gross sum does not agree with the particulars. Explains that the Surveyor of the King's Works, Lawrence Brodshawe, was appointed to settle the payments.—Blechingly, 26 Oct 1551.
1 p.
The charges and proportions of the banqueting house newly erected in Hyde Park, and divers standings in the same Park, and also in Marybone Park
, 6–28 July, 5 Edw. VI.:
Hyde Park.—The banqueting house 62 ft. long and 21 ft. wide, the stairs containing one way 60 ft. and the other way 30 ft., with a great turret over the “halpase.”
Item. Three ranges of brick for roasting, and furnaces for boiling.
Item. All kinds of tables, forms, trestells, dressers, rushes, &c., for furnishing the house and banquet.
Item. Three small standings 10 ft, by 8 ft.
Mary bone Park.—Item, one standing 40 ft. by 18 ft., the floor joisted and boarded, and the rest scaffold poles.
Item, three small standings 10 ft. by 8 ft.
Charges.—£450. 9s. 7d.
1 p.
Copies of the preceding letter and enclosure.
373. Exchange between Edward VI. and Lord Clinton and Saye.
1551, Nov. 6. Particulars of an exchange between King Edward VI. and Lord Clinton and Saye, High Admiral of England. The lands assigned and delivered to the King include the manor of Sutton Thruscroppe and Beysbye, the parsonage of Harmeston, and other lands and tenements in the counties of Lincoln, Derby, and Nottingham, amounting to the yearly value of 153l. 8s. The lands assigned to the Lord Admiral by the King in recompense of the premises include the manors of Epworth, Crull, Bourne, Corbie, Horbline and Billingborowe, Eastlaughton and Westlaughton, Whapledehall, Louth, Manthorp, Teylbie, Middle Reison, East Eaison, Rowston and Cadnaye, co. Lincoln; the manor and park of Knesall and the manors of Plederthorp and Clypstone, co. Notts; together with other tenements, tithes, and demesne land in the counties of Lincoln, Nottingham, and Derby, amounting to the clear yearly value of 703l. 18s.d.
At the foot is the following :
“Memorandum.—It should appear that there was no more copied forth of this exchange than concerned Mr. Rygges, his office; for that here wanteth much of my L. Admiral's his value, which the King should have.”
7 pp.
374. Edward VI. to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
1551, Nov. 26. Commends his good service, and in consideration of the heavy charges sustained by him sends for his relief the sum of one thousand pounds.
Endorsed :—26 November 1551.—M. from the King's Majesty to the L. Deputy of Ireland, by Wood.
Imperfect Draft. 2 pp.
375. Princess Mary.
[1551.] 1. Draft of the commencement of the letter of the Privy Council (Haynes, p. 117), touching the departure of the Lady Mary with her train and family towards the sea coast of Norfolk, “as it is thought, either to fly the realm, or to abide there some foreign power,” intending thereby to disturb the common quiet of the realm, “and to resist such ordinances and decrees as the King's Majesty hath set forth and established for the succession of the Imperial Crown of this realm.”
½ p.
2. Draft of the commencement of the same, addressed to the Council in Wales and the North.
3. Similar commencement, addressed to Lord Ferrers and Lord Wentworth.
2/3 p.
4. Draft of the letter sent by the Privy Council to divers lords, on the sudden removal of the Princess Mary from Newhall, in Essex, to Hunsdon, in Hertfordshire, and thence towards Norfolk. The Council state that they know there lacketh not both labour and means of those which be strangers to this realm, and would gladly have the realm so disordered in itself that it might be a prey to the foreign nations; but they nothing doubt, “we shall always, as true and mere Englishmen, keep our country to be England, without putting our heads under Spaniards' or Flemings' girdles, as their slaves and vassals.” Instructions are therefore given to cause “the sea coasts and haven towns with the beacons to be watched, both for the arrival of any strangers into the land, or of the going out of the said lady or any of her's.”
Endorsed :—“The letters of ye soddene removinge of Quene Marye.”
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 117. In extenso.]
5. Fair copy of the preceding.
6. Another fair copy, to the words “subjects of the country.”
2 pp.
7. Rough draft of the same, with some variations, nearly all cancelled.
1 p.
8. Another fair copy of the same, ending at “subjects of the country.”
9. Similar fair copy, ending, “this her doing we be sorry for, both for the evil.”
½ p.
376. Edward VI. to the Seignory of Lucca.
[1551]. Minute of a letter recommendatory of Peter Vannes, a native of Lucca, and now the King's Ambassador at Venice.—Undated.
Latin. 1 p.
377. The Great Seal.
[1551 ?] “Names of eligible persons to be Keeper of the Great Seal during the time of the Lord Chancellor's sickness.”
These are,—the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Treasurer, the Bishop of Ely, Mr. Secretary Petre, Doctor Wotton, Mr. Mason, Mr. Bowes, Justice Hales, Mr. Gosnold, Sir Wm. Cecil, and Sir Anthony Cooke.—[There are several marks against the Bishop of Ely's name.]
¾ p.