Cecil Papers: May 1560

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1560', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp216-228 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1560', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp216-228.

"Cecil Papers: May 1560". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp216-228.

May 1560

689. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560. May 1. Sends herewith a letter from Lord Grey, by which Cecil will perceive what forwardness they are now in, and also how they now think good to defer all other things till Leith be brought to a good end, which he hopes will shortly come to pass.
In the end of his letter Lord Grey writes that he has not been answered concerning her Majesty's relinquishment of her league and pledges of Scotland. Although he had no commission to give him a direct answer, he desired him in no case to deal with the matter till they knew further of her Majesty's pleasure. Would nevertheless be loth to hear that her Majesty would give place to that their request. The Bishop of Valence arrived here yesternight, thereby infringing his safe conduct, which extended only for eight or ten days. If he be “so colerycke” at his coming to court, as he hath been here, they may soon put him to silence by saying that, “if extremitye were taken, he might be a sufficient prisoner.”
However, refers the whole declaration of the matter to Mr. Killigrew's report. When Chaperon comes will be so bold as to stay him four or five days, “and yet yt shall be clenly handelled.” The Lord Hume is come in with some other of the Marches to the number of three hundred horses.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 20d. Haynes, p. 301. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
690. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 2. The fire in Leith, of which he wrote to Cecil yesterday, is quenched. As far as can be judged it happened by chance, hopes nevertheless it is a sign of good luck.
Cecil may perceive by Lord Grey's letters that they hope on Saturday to give the assault, a copy of the order of which he sends herewith.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 20d.]
691. The Queen to Lord Grey.
1560, May 3. Thanks him for his continual worthy service before Leith, and prays him to distribute these her thanks to such captains as specially served at the skirmish under its walls 27 April.
Hopes to hear of some honourable end, either by the treaty, wherein the Bishop of Aquila continues though with small credit, or by that other kind of treaty with the town in which he (Lord Grey) is occupied.
Endorsed :—3 May 1560.
Cecil's Draft. ½ p. [Haynes, p. 302, In extenso.]
692. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 3. Sends herewith letters from Lord Grey and the Lord of Lyddington, by which he may easily discern their state here, and also how the neutrals do now begin to seek favour and to become “playne partakers.” If God send them but good luck in the winning of Leith, there will be left few Scots in Scotland but will be open enemies to the French.
Sends also a letter received from Mr. Valentine Browne, by which he will understand the state of her Majesty's charges here.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 21.]
693. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 4. Has thought good to ply him with letters lest he should accuse them of negligence in advertisements. Perceives nothing however from Lord Grey's letters but that he hath good hope of success. Doubts not but that whoever shall review his (the Duke of Norfolk's) proceedings here, will say that he has done his duty, or at least, if anything has not been so well ordered as it might have been, that the fault proceeded more from ignorance than from lack of good-will.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 21.]
694. The Earl of Arran to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 5. 1. He cannot find praises enough to thank the Queen for the pity she has shown his miserable country whose relief she seeks with infinite charges, hazarding the displeasure and enmity of mighty estates and princes. When he calls these things to remembrance, “who can say but that God has framed her in the shape of a woman to excel any of her progenitors, and that He of His infinite wisdom will show what He is able to work to the manifestation of His glory in such a vessel and kind as has from the first been repute fullest of imperfection compared unto man.” The good success that is like to ensue of this noble enterprise, what glory of any prince could be thought more perfect? Besides the benefit his country has received, he oft calls to mind the private cause that moves him to have her in remembrance, until he finds himself in such perplexity that he knows not where his wits are become. She may vaunt that she has delivered his life (destined to tyrannical death) to his father, friends, and country, that long thirsted after the same. Requests Cecil to recommend his services to the Queen and to receive this bill signed with his own hand, for perpetual allegiance unto her and continuance of service to his life's end.
2. Touching the affairs here he has often requested Lethington and Randolph not to be negligent in reporting them; in doing whereof, for their duty to the Queen and good will to him, he trusts they have not failed. Recommends Grey, and in the rest of the noblemen and others he finds no less diligence. The doings of Sir Harry Percy are according to the Queen's expectation and Cecil's opinion of him. The arrival of Sadler has restored them to spirits again; confesses they were more afraid than hurt; but knowing with what personage they had to do, they thought they could not fear over much. Trusts that Cecil is not ignorant of the Bishop of Valence's doings here, or he will at least know by Mr. Killigrew in what sort he has dealt with them. His countrymen are so evil disposed to hear any talk, and seeing how little good can ensue thereof, he trusts they will be willing to try it with them by the teeth; the time also is now too late. The cannon and good courage, he trusts, shall give a happy and short end to this matter. His duty to his country and service to the Queen admonish him where he ought to be.—From the Camp, 5 May 1560.
Original. Signed. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 302. In extenso.]
695. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 5. If he had not continually sent Lord Grey's own letters, but instead had merely written his own opinion of them, Cecil might well have thought the changeableness and inconstancy in advertisements to have proceeded from himself; but when he sees Lord Grey's own letters he will perceive great alterations.
Had he been as they are there, either he would have gone through withal, “or els have lyen in the ditches,” seeing that they have set their hands to sundry letters, that they made no doubt of the winning thereof. The service is his Mistress's, and therefore he may not be silent, whereby the fault may be hereafter laid in his neck. Out of doubt my Lord Grey's service doth consist but upon a courage, without any conduct; every man that can lead a band of horsemen is not for so great an enterprise; and to abate his forwardness there be others that be as backward.
Prays him to compare Valentine Browne's letter with this of Lord Grey's for the number of the Scots, and then to judge whether Mr. Browne will deceive her Majesty of the pay of so many hundreds or no.
[Duke of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 21d. Haynes, p. 303. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
696. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 6. By the slackness of the master of the ordnance of this town, and of Mr. Benett, the North is left quite destitute of ammunition. Can therefore do no less than send unto him Mr. Benett, by whose means their wants may be supplied whilst the sea is open.
[Duke of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 21d.]
697. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 6. Sends herewith letters received by him from Lord Grey, of which he does not know what to make. For his part thinks the matter hath been well hastened if they shall now go about to win Leith by famishment.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 22.]
698. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 8. Sends herewith Lord Grey's letters, by which he thinks Cecil will not understand so much of the truth of this matter, as by Sir George Howard's and Valentine Browne's. “The thinge was marvellously ill handled, for to saie the verie trewth, neither was there any Breche sautable, no skaling ladder longe ynoughe by two yards or more, nor any flanker taken awaye.” So the matter might have been ordered (as he is advertised) that the thing might have been won with much less loss.
[Postscript.] The loss being fallen out as it is, has thought good presently to send to levy two thousand men with all expedition, till he knows further of her Majesty's pleasure.
Prays him for God's sake to have a care to relieve the wants both of money and munitions, “els this matter woll quaile,” and more men as they think good.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 22, Haynes, p. 304. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
699. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 8. Since writing this morning Mr. Killinghall arrived there bringing messages from Lord Grey; first, that whereas they went out of this town eight thousand live hundred footmen, they are not able now to show four thousand five hundred; and that if her Majesty minds the winning of Leith it is not to be done under twenty thousand men; and as for the munition and powder it is quite spent, insomuch that they were fain to borrow five last from the ships who could ill spare it. Prays him to consider these matters well. Lord Grey also sent him word that, “if it had not been for the hastening he received by letters,” (meaning by his), he would not have ventured this assault. States that he never advised him to anything, but left all to his own direction; and, moreover, that he, Lord Grey, promised, before attempting any assault, to advise him both of the manner thereof and of the time; and yet he never heard of the matter from Lord Grey till this morning, the thing being done yesterday.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 22. Haynes, p. 304. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
700. War Munitions at Leith.
1560, May 9. Note of the gunpowder shot and other munitions of war in the camp [Leith] the 9th May 1560.
¾ p.
701. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1560, May 11. By Lord Grey's letters of the 7th, she perceives that on Tuesday last an assault was given to Leith wherein, through disorder, the English had a repulse; and that as the place was not assaultable no second assault was given, nor will be adventured by Lord Grey with his present numbers. She is sorry the success was no better, but as the enterprise must be achieved for the honour and safety of the realm she means to send him in addition to the 2,000 men he was directed to levy within his lieutenancy, 2,000 more from the shires lying next to it. He is presently to recomfort the English arms with assurance of speedy reinforcement, and that he himself will come in person with a main power rather than the enterprise should not be speedily accomplished.
Endorsed : 11 May 1560.
Cecil's Draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 305. In extenso.]
702. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 13. Has thought good to advertise him from time to time of their whole proceedings here; and if he had not sent such messengers as he could trust, with the report of his whole mind, two or three sheets of paper would not have sufficed him to declare “the hoole fond doings of those that have the chardge, by the Quene's Majisty's commandment, in Scotland;” but, as both Sir Henry Peirce (Percy) and Sir N. Straunge are fully instructed of the whole circumstances, will trouble him no further with so unpleasant a matter, but only with wishing “that Godd had ben, and were, better served then he hath been hitherto in the filde.”
Received yesterday from Mr. Sadleir a letter, which he sends herewith, in which he requires him to send Mr. Leeke's five hundred men to the camp presently.
It seemed hard to him that any necessity should cause this town to be left so unfurnished that of two thousand men there should be left but one hundred, yet, for their better encouraging, has this day sent Mr. Leeke thither with his men, and is fain to furnish the town for a time till more men be come, with horsemen of the Borders.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 22d. Haynes, p. 305. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Foreign.]
703. Memorial of things to be inquired into, as to Leith, by Sir Peter Carew, sent by the Queen to the Duke of Norfolk, and by his direction into Scotland.
1560, May 15. 1. The numbers of men of war and others in the town. 2. The quantity of victual, whether the English army secludes it from succour. 3. In what places it is weakest, by what means it is likeliest to be taken, if by assault whether the mine may not help, if by famine in bow long time. 4. The reason of the failure of the assault on the 7th. 5. The number serving compared with the whole number in the Queen's pay. 6. The number of Scotch and Englishmen slain. 7. The opinions of Lord Grey, Sir Ralph Sadler, Sir Jas. Crofts, Sir George Howard, Captain Randall, &c., as to how to surprise the town. 8. By whose direction the batteries were made, &c. 9. He is to confer with Wm. Winter as to his ships; if any of the 11 ships of the North are of no use the Lord Lieutenant is to discharge them. 10. He is to comfort all men with the assurance that aid is at hand, money and provisions on the sea. 11. He is to cause everything to be got in readiness. 12. He is to assure the Lords of Scotland the Queen will never give up the enterprise till she has this revenged and that land set at liberty.
Cecil's Draft. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 310. In extenso.]
704. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1560, May 15. Approves his levy of 2,000 more footmen and has sent to levy 3,000 more with all speed, and ordered money, munition, powder, &c. to be sent forthwith. The following is the result of her deliberations with the Privy Council, but if upon some accident there unknown to her lie think it not meet for the accomplishment of the enterprise, he is to suspend the execution thereof. Her opinion upon advice of the Council is that whilst every encouragement should be given to Lord Grey and the army under him, yet as there is great occasion to doubt some negligence or secret discord or worse thing amongst the chieftains of Scotland, he (Norfolk) should prepare to go into Scotland himself and repair to the camp. If he thinks the matter can be achieved with giving aid and supply, and with direction to Lord Grey, but without his (Norfolk's) abode there, he is to return; but if not, the Queen's pleasure is that in the name of God he take the charge upon him. Before going he is to write to Lord Grey, that, if at his coming Lord Grey shall think his presence necessary, he will remain, but that, if Lord Grey thinks he can achieve the enterprise without his (Norfolk's) continuance there in person, he will not tarry, but gladly further Lord Grey's honour as much as he would in like case have his own considered. The time of his entry she remits to his discretion, but he is to go in strongly with as many horsemen as may be spared. Berwick may be left to the Earl of Westmoreland or Lord Evers or other fit person. The Queen marvels at Sir Henry Percy's report that he (Norfolk) has levied 12,000 men since entering on his charge, considering the power now remaining in Scotland is so small, and begs certificate how the number came to be so diminished.
Cecil's Draft. 3½ pp. [Haynes, p. 307. In extenso.]
705. The Privy Council to the Duke of Norfolk.
1560, May 15. They assure him they have had no small regard of his honour, but not being so fully informed of all things in Scotland have referred his entry into that country to his further consideration. Not only his presence but the bruit thereof will much avail. They beseech him not to be carried with any affection of honour to enterprise anything otherwise than may tend to the achieving of the Queen's purpose. The determination to have this error redubbed is not theirs only who sign this letter, but was uniformly agreed to by the whole Council yesterday assembled for the purpose, excepting one who is absent. Not one of them but will be glad to serve under him ; if there be any whom he requires they will be suitors therein to the Queen. As much comfort and courage should be given to the English and to the Scots; in any wise Leith to be kept straitly from succours of victual or intelligence, and no hazard given in any enterprise for revenge, &c.
Endorsed:—15 May 1560.
Cecil's Minute. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 309. In extenso.]
706. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 15. Has received her Majesty's and Cecil's letters this morning, by which he perceives that her Majesty is minded to go through with this intended exploit, which, in his foolish opinion, is the only way for the preservation of her own person, her realm, and honour. Received yesternight two letters from Lord Grey which he sends herewith, the one is concerning a communication between the Dowager and some of the Lords of the Congregation; the other, in answer to a letter of his own sent unto them with some news of Leith. In the letter of the Dowager's proceedings, Cecil may see devices of delay and nothing else, and therefore here there is “lytle accompt made of her bluddy sworde in a skabarde of peax; here blowbering is not for nothing.” Things go not for the best with the French, either they are in disperation of succour or else they lack victuals. Trusts that God will think this last assault punishment enough for them, and now so direct their ways as shall seem to him best, “whereby we may nowe becom his souldiers, who hitherto have called upon his name with nothing but swering.” Begs him, if any flying tales come to his ear without his advertisement, to assure himself that they are either false or of no moment. As for Doctor Martin's foolish prating, he may consider all that he says to be spoken in the cup.
[Postcript.]—They are so troubled with conveying the money into Scotland, it being old money, that they are fain to send it by sea, which, as Cecil may judge, is somewhat dangerous. Sir Richard Lee sends herewith a “Platte “ of Leith to her Majesty. He is worthy of some letter of thanks for his pains in going thither, being not so well able to ride as he could have wished him to be.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fo1. 23. Haynes, p. 306. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
707. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1560, May 17. As it appears to him and to others that the Queen's service in Scotland has not been so well furthered as it might have been by reason of (fn. 1) [Sir James Croft], and the importance of her service exceeding any such man's credit, he is upon respect of his entry into Scotland or on any better pretence to send for him to Berwick and there stay him, pretending to give him the charge thereof yet using the Queen's letter sent herewith directed to him, to address him by the same to the Queen, and appoint in his place the Earl of Westmoreland or Lord Evers.
If Norfolk sees cause to forbear proceeding in this manner, he is to certify his opinion with all speed. As for all other things she refers him to Sir Peter Carew and Sir Henry Percy.
[Postcript.]—If he does not mistrust any danger to her service in Scotland by forbearing his revocation, she would be content it were forborne till he (Norfolk) advertised her.
Endorsed:—17 May 1560.
Cecil's draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 311. In extenso.]
708. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 18. Has received his gentle letter of the 13th of this present, and is much beholden to him for that ill tongues, or rather malicious letters, cannot make him find further fault in him than he has deserved. By this time he hopes he is more fully instructed of the truth than he was by Mr. Kennynghall's instructions or messages. Will pray for his enemies and wish that their doings had been better and more circumspect.
Has this day written to Lord Grey, putting him in all the comfort he can, who, in his opinion, is no way to be blamed, “except yt be for that he hath not his wytts, and memorie faileth hym.” As long as the Queen's service continueth, there shall be no quarrel made to any body for him whatsoever occasion be given him. Has also written to the Lords of the Congregation of her Majesty's forwardness for the revenge of this last mishap, and also of the great power that she intends to relieve them withal, besides money and all kinds of munitions. Has also written of his own going in, as he was required.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 23. Haynes, p. 311. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
709. Acquittance given to Merchants of Dieppe.
1560, May 18. Acquittance given by Walter Dobbes, of Amsterdam, to Antoine Lerouge and Nicolas de Candecoste, merchants of Dieppe.
French. ½ p.
710. The Duke of Norfolk to the Privy Council.
[1560], May 19. Has received this morning her Majesty's letters and theirs of the 15th of this month, with a most friendly letter of the Lords, for which he must account himself most bounden unto the same. Her Majesty's letters contain divers points; first, as to the number of men required for the accomplishment of the enterprise; secondly, as to his going, for a time or longer, as should seem to him best; thirdly, that he should do what he could for the better contenting of Lord Grey, for fear he should take his coming in turn to his own dishonour; lastly, her Majesty wishes to be advertised how the great numbers, which have been levied within his Lieutenancy, have been disposed of.
In answer to the first, has thought it good plainly to declare unto their Lordships “a yonge man's opynyon;” which is, that when their three thousand men are come out of the south parts, and three thousand are levied here in his Lieutenancy, they, with those that are left at the camp, will not amount to so many men, or very few more, than entered with Lord Grey at his going in.
What with deaths, hurts, sickness, passports, and with deceiving her Majesty, there is less now than her Majesty paid for, at the army's going out of Berwick, by well nigh five thousand men. The “pilling and polling” of her Majesty will, however, let no true muster be made. Begs them for God's sake to consider the weight of this cause, and to consider how near it would touch the realm if there should chance another repulse.
The French have taken too good a heart now “to be feared with bruts;” there is no way now to abash them but with power.
To the second point, as to his going in; hopes her Majesty will believe that whatever her Highness pleaseth to command him, he will either do, “or els not be in cause to say why he did yt not; “ nevertheless, hopes she will not have him go but with a sufficient number of men and all other things necessary, and also so accompanied that the lack of his young years may be supplied with both wise, honourable, and grave counsel. And as her Majesty leaves it to his discretion either to tarry there or to come away again when things are set in order, states that he will rather be torn by wild horses than after he had once showed his face there, he will return, leaving his countrymen there to live and die under his charge.
As for comforting Lord Grey, both has done so and will continue so to do, as by the copies of his letters will always appear.
For the numbers of men levied in his Lieutenancy, will by his next pacquet send divided how, when, and upon what consideration they have been levied. — From Berwick.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 23d. Haynes, p. 312. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
711. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 19. Sends herewith a letter from Lord Grey to himself and two from the Laird of Lydington, one addressed to himself and one to Cecil, with certain copies of Chaperon's commission and instructions. Lest Cecil should think that he has not done his part in fulfilling her Majesty's passport when he finds Chaperon stayed and his packet from the French King to the Dowager broken up, will tell him what message he sent to Lord Grey, as to his conduct in this case, by Mr. Leeke, under whose safe conduct Chaperon was sent unto him. First, he showed him how he came under the Queen's Majesty's protection; therefore, if the Lords of the Congregation would so agree, that he might deliver the letters and commission to the Queen Dowager; if they suspected the person, then that they would suffer some of the Dowager's folks to receive the packet at his hand, without speaking with the messenger ; if these two offers were not liked, he then required that he might be sent to him as he went in, thinking her Majesty by these means to be sufficiently discharged in honour, without any hurt either to the Scots or to themselves by his going in.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 24. Haynes, p. 313. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
712. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 22. Has written these few lines to assure him that there is no news of any great importance. Sends a note of the Admiral's wants. There was great shot heard from Leith yesternight. Thinks he will have some news to send concerning the same shortly.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 24d.]
713. The Earl of Arran to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560, May 23. Though it pleased not God that the last enterprise against Leith had the success hoped for, yet their minds are not dejected, &c. Though the Queen's charges have been marvellously great, yet the end will redound to her honour. They have no mistrust of the continuance of Cecil's good will, and cannot think how much it may redound to God's glory and the weal of both realms to have them united in one. Beseeches the enclosed may come to Her Majesty's hands. “Spare not to speak, though above my deserving. I will not fail in my endeavour to pass any good report ye shall make of me, nor be unmindful, when time shall be, of any pleasure ye shew me.”—From the camp foranent Leith, May 23, 1560.
Original. ½ p. [Haynes, p. 314. In extenso.]
714. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1560, May 23. Although he is not able to write of such certain news as he would wish, has thought it good to make Cecil privy to all that occurs there. There were certain Englishmen, who about three weeks or a month since were taken prisoners at Dunbar, and who, returning hither for three or four days, “upon their word” declared that the French had a Platt of Hartlepool, where they intended to land some men and to fortify the place, which being done, they hoped “to make Yorke the bounds of Ingland.” This came by an Italian who is the fortifier at Dunbar. If he knew her Majesty's pleasure he “might chaunce to entice that Italian hither. “He seemeth to bear great good will to this realm, and saith that before this time he hath offered his services hither. The Lord Hume hath taxed those in that March that are not able to serve, and the others he hath commanded to be ready at an hour's warning. No man yet can tell what he meaneth to do, but they look rather for ill than good. His cousin Percy came to him yesterday, who, he perceives by Her Majesty's letters, hath so plainly executed his instructions that he (Norfolk) may now think himself fully discharged of his duty.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 24d. Haynes, p. 314. In extenso.]
715. Lord Grey to the Duke of Norfolk.
1560, May 23. He intercepted a messenger last night passing between the Queen Dowager and Leith with the cipher inclosed. The messenger confesses that fires should have been made by them of the town for certain special signification of matter of importance. Begs it may be deciphered.—At the camp, 23 May 1560.
1 p. [Haynes p. 315. In extenso]
716. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560, May 24. Sends letters received from the camp together with a cipher that came out of Leith. As to the great shot heard at Leith the 21st, which he wrote of, it seems 400 or 500 French issued out at their postern next the church and made towards Wauhan's fort. No man of war could judge their intent. The ordnance of both forts issuing, and they between both, divided them twice or thrice. The English went to them, skirmished an hour, and returned with two slain and two hurt. It is thought there were divers French hurt, besides 12 or 14 slain. They say Martygues is hurt in the thigh; but after so many bruits thereof, the writer believes none. He has sent Winter to understand the state of Inchkeith, and to discharge the Newcastle and Hull ships.—From Berwick, 24 May 1560.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 316. In extenso. A copy is in the D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 25.]
717. The Earl of Morton to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560, May 24. Doubts not but that Cecil has sufficiently understood by Lethington's report what mind the writer has borne to the common cause, and what moved him to stay from declaring himself before the entry of the Queen's army. The French being masters of the field where his lands lay, he might as well have given up his men to their fury. He stayed while the treaty was dissolved, and then, before the assault, when power was required, joined his force with the rest. Would that her Majesty had that opinion of him that no one of that nation more esteems her liberal support granted to that afflicted realm, &c. Begs that by Cecil's means the Queen may understand his affection to do her service.—Camp before Leith. 24 May 1560.
Sealed. ½ p. [Haynes, p. 315. In extenso.]
718. Thos. Randolph to the Duke of Norfolk.
1560, May 24. The Lords here receive no small comfort of his (Norfolk's) letters and greatly desire his presence. Such as joined the cause remain one; his presence would draw many that yet lie back. What has been written of the Earl of Huntley agrees with his doings; he seeks to be Lieutenant of the North, where his country is. There is no likelihood of it. He desires 12 days' leave; he came so late men doubt how soon he will return. His presence Can be ill-spared, though the common cause is little furthered by any doings of his. Captain Chapron's entertainment in the Duke's house is very honest, and he is not discontented to abide the Lords' resolution. There is no great access to him, &c. His abode will not be very long, as men are ill-disposed to have further talk of the matter.—From the Camp, 24th May, 1560.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 316. In extenso.]
719. Thos. Randolph to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560, May 24. Encloses letters from Lethington. Has no news. In a P.S. adds that it is determined that Lord St. John shall shortly be with Cecil. His advice therein is greatly desired; till it arrives the writer will do what he can to stay Lord St. John. The Lords are greatly encouraged by the Duke's letters of the Queen's determination to support them, and Sir Peter Carew's declaration.—From the camp, 24 May 1560.
1 p. [Haynes, 317. In extenso.]
720. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560, May 27. Perceives he has resolved upon a sure ground, viz., to send him (Norfolk) into Scotland with a sufficient number of men ; also upon a new treaty whereof he (Cecil) and Wooton are Commissioners, which name of treaty, although dilatory handling hath made it odious, yet because Cecil's true and faithful zeal to bring it to good effect is so well known, is now most wished for, because Cecil is to be the agent therein. Hopes howsoever the treaty speed Cecil will not forthink this journey. “Here is no amendment at the camp, but omnia in pejora se convertunt. Money overthroweth men's wits. I hope at my entry to do some good, for my letters be now regarded but as papers. Capel, Lord Grey's director, is made captain of 500 footmen. The hour is to come that ever he shewed 100 since going into the field.”—From Berwick, 27 May 1560.
½ p. [Haynes, p. 318. In extenso. A copy is in the D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 25.]
Endorsed by Cecil :—To Sr Wm Petre.
I opened this packet and find Mr. Carew's letter lacking, whereof my Lord of Norfolk makes mention, so that I think it is in some other packet directed to the Queen's Majesty.
Yours ever,
W. Cecil.
721. Sir Peter Carew to the Queen. [See No. 703, 15 May 1560, “Memorial of things to be inquired into, &c.”]
1560, May 28. 1. It is supposed that there remain in Leith above 2,300 good soldiers, whereof 200 have served as captain, lieutenant, or ensign ; and 2,000 people besides.
2. The soldiers have had neither flesh nor drink but water these three weeks; bread and salt salmon are their best supplies, apportioned thus : 16 oz. of bread for a man a day, and a salmon among six a week. He cannot see how they should be relieved but by boat in some stormy night.
3. The strongest part of the town is from Vaughan's fort to the sea, the weakest the citadel, a mass of earth cast up without any scourdish in it; the mine is not likely to do any good, the ground being so hard.
4. The causes why the assault took not effect were the insufficient breaches, ladders not long enough by two yards, lack of arquebusiers in the English trenches, the men put out at the battery with ill instructions, &c.
5. By note from the treasurer's book it appears that with the new supply of 900 footmen brought by Sir Francis Leeke since the assault, and 500 Scots, the Queen is more charged at present than at the first entrance of the army. Though charged with 8,813 footmen there are not 5,000 serving in the camp, whereby he gathers that the Queen is marvellously robbed.
6. About 120, whereof a third were Scots, were slain at the assault.
7. All agree that battery prevaileth not, and that the only way to win is by sap or famine.
8. As to who directed the batteries the Master of the Ordnance saith he was directed by the General.
9. Winter saith the Queen's Council know better than he what need for the ships of the North, but thinks they may be well spared, for the which the Duke of Norfolk taketh order immediately.
10. He has comforted all with the assurance of aid.
11. Has spoken to the Duke of Norfolk and the other officers to see everything in readiness.
12. The Lords of Scotland despair not, but think themselves most bounden to the Queen, and sent after his departure from the camp desiring him to be means for hastening Norfolk's going into Scotland.
If it please the Queen to confer with Mr. Secretary herein who hath a plat of the town, her Majesty will better understand what is written.— From Berwick, 28 May 1560.
8 pp. [Haynes, p. 345. In extenso.] Enclosing certificate following:
1560, May 25.— Certificate of Valentine Browne of the number of horsemen and footmen in the Army in Scotland in the Queen's service.
Horse, 1,990. Foot, 8,813.
Pioneers, Gunners, and Carters, 1,663.
making a total of 12,466, including the sick and wounded, with note that although pay is required for this number yet not above 7,600 can appear at any time; and that the monthly charge of the whole army is 20,000l.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 348. In extenso.]
722. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560, May 28. Sir Peter Carew's packet sent herewith answers all things committed to his charge. He (Norfolk) has sent for Sir Jas. Croft, whom he minds to stay till Cecil's coming, having things to show Cecil touching him which will cause the Queen to take vigilant care how she trusteth. Perceives the Queen thinks he (Norfolk) has forgotten his promise in seeing her Majesty no trulier answered of her musters. Has laboured to redress the mischief, but what help can be found when Lord Grey will suffer no musters to be taken. If he goes into Scotland it shall be seen whether he (Norfolk) will suffer the Queen to be so deceived. His countrymen not being sufficiently cunning with shot he thinks London might furnish five or six hundred arquebusiers. —From Berwick, 28 May 1560.
P.S.—He would fain have Carew with Cecil before his setting out. That he may better know how unfruitful is the service of horsemen in the camp, he has sent for Sir George Howard, whom Cecil will find there with him.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 318. In extenso. A copy is in the D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 25.]
723. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1560, May 30. That Cecil may not think his journey long, he scribbles of “occurrents.” Hears from the camp the penury of victual the French are in groweth most manifest. They could be content to be rid of their women and children, but by the grace of God that shall not be suffered. At the assault the women did the English much woe; they will now recompense them by eating up the victual. God send them such scarcity as to prevent the treaty. Nothing is more to be desired than the new supply of men, money, and ammunition. Lord Grey doubts what the French will enterprise on his few numbers if driven to desperation.—From Berwick, 30 May 1560.
½ p. [Haynes, p. 319. In extenso.] A copy is in the D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 25d.
724. Sir Wm. Cecil to Sir Wm. Petre.
1560, May 31. Is in Royston, in no apparent doubt of health, yet by foulness of weather afraid to ride to Huntingdon till to-morrow. Sends letters from the Duke of Norfolk and Sir P. Carew for the Queen, &c.
Original. Holograph. ½ p. [Haynes, p. 319. In extenso.]


  • 1. Blank in the original.