Cecil Papers: January 1560

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1560', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp165-176 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1560', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp165-176.

"Cecil Papers: January 1560". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp165-176.

January 1560

591. The Queen's Instructions for Sir Nicholas Throckmorton.
[1559/60, Jan. 9.] 1. You shall make all haste to return to our good brother the French King, and with the delivery of our letters require him to bear with your absence, being yourself so necessarily occasioned by sickness of your wife, that you could not have departed sooner from hence.
2. You shall say, that where we understand there be others named to succeed in place of the hostages here with us, we are pleased to authorise you to consider the estates of such as shall be named; and for your proceeding herein, you shall do your best to understand the qualities, degrees, and especially the “valours” of the livelihood of the persons named, and if any shall appear insufficient, you shall rather pretend an ignorance thereof than otherwise, and allege for excuse that you cannot attain to the knowledge of the same, and so find means to have some other in place. Indeed, we could be content to have the Vidame D'Amises rather than any other for him, and the rest to be like him in “valour.”
3. Because we think the sending of our cousin of Norfolk to the north as our lieutenant, and certain ships with victual and munition to Berwick, is not unknown, we have thought meet to inform you of the whole, and to use the utterance thereof as you can see. True it is that we have done these things, and although these preparations be very chargeable unto us, yet, considering the occasions be given us by the proceedings of our said brother, both in Scotland, in France, and on the seas, between those realms, we cannot forbear to prefer our surety before charges, but would wish such occasions brought not with them so great doubt of evil meaning towards us as they do. And, if the King or any of his Council shall require to know the occasions of doubt, you may say, that such as we do consider, be better known to them there, for indeed for our part we have observed none but such as all the world seeth and observeth, and so you may defer the matter, but yet in the end, after some pause, indirectly you may say, the world is not ignorant of the great injuries offered to us there in France, by taking our arms, our style, and title, so many manner of ways, by using seals and commissions into Scotland at this present, with the arms of England and the style of England and Ireland. But as all these and suchlike things be outward arguments of inward meanings, yet comparing therewith the sequel of these hostile preparations sent with all this haste towards our north parts by Scotland, there cannot be any excuse or pretence made, but that of mere necessity we are occasioned with convenient speed to put our realm in strength and defence. And in this point you may show the continual sending of all things requisite for great wars into Scotland, besides the amassing men of war in all places, and, you may say, it is too evident that the matter of Scotland doth no wise require a fourth part of this preparation, being indeed their cause such as it is reported, that either by granting to the nobility their liberty to remain in their due obedience, with preservation of liberties of the realm, all the troubles may cease, or else with a mean power they may be soon reduced to good order. The proof whereof appeareth by the Queen Dowager's proceedings there, that, with a small number, of late defeated the whole power of Scots, driving them from Edinburgh, so as the more part of the realm remaineth already at her devotion. And if they shall reply, that they must chastise their rebels, and that they will therefore double their forces, you may say, that whether they be rebels or no you cannot much dispute, but this you have heard, that the nobility of Scotland have by divers means delivered their estate unto our ministers upon the borders, and plainly shewed that their standing at their defence hath been but to preserve the Crown and dignity of the realm for their sovereign lady the Queen, being married out of the realm, and having yet no issue of her body; and that the Queen Dowager there seeks nothing more, than by force to have the strength of the realm in her hands, out of the possession of such as had the same committed to them by Act of Parliament for the use of the Queen and the realm. And further also, the extirpation of the nobility there, and hath so many ways oppressed the realm by violation of their liberties, and impoverishing of the people thereof, they have been forced to assemble themselves as the principal states of the realm, and to see to the governance of the same, for the use of their sovereign lady and the common weal of the realm jointly. All which things, you may say, have made means that, now in the absence of their sovereign Queen, we would take the protection of that realm into our hands, to this only end, that it be not conquered. That hitherto we have forborne to intermeddle, and so would gladly continue, without any regard to their doings, were it not that upon consideration of the injurious attempts, as have been already shown in France divers ways against us, and the hostility prepared thereupon, we find no small danger ensuing to our realm if the realm of Scotland should be conquered, as appeareth is meant by the men of war now in Scotland, being presently occupied with besieging Edinburgh Castle, and by the daily increase of more powers.
Finally, if they shall ask whether we mean indeed to aid the Scots or no, you may assure them, that at your departure hence no such thing was meant, but this you think of yourself, that if any such attempt will be made by the French there, as shall . . . . . . . . . .
[The “Instructions” terminate abruptly here, the manuscript being imperfect, and having been bound up by mistake with same Instructions to Sir Guido Cavalcanti (No. 565).]
Copy. Imperfect. 4 pp.
[See State Papers, Foreign, 1559/60, No. 567.]
592. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 10. Has received Her Majesty's letters of the 30th December, and also Cecil's of the 31st. Perceiving Her Majesty's pleasure that the horsemen and footmen should be stayed for a time, and also that they should be so placed that they may be victualled without expending such victual as is provided near the Borders, gives him to understand that, before his arrival here, sixteen hundred footmen of the first appointed number had passed the town, and were quartered in various towns and villages in Northumberland, where they remain, and are victualled in the country without expending any of Her Majesty's provision. Such others as have arrived since his coming he has stayed and quartered in the neighbourhood, giving their captains instructions to have them well trained in the use of their weapons. For money for their provision and victual, he has borrowed five hundred pounds from the merchants of Berwick to be repaid in ten days, for the treasurer of that town has scarcely sufficient to pay his garrisons. Trusts Cecil will see that his credit is not impaired. As he is restrained by his instructions from employing any part of the treasure to be brought by Valentine Browne on any of the said garrisons of Berwick, to which no less than nine or ten thousand pounds are due at present, must needs state his opinion that, if the intended exploit into Scotland takes place, the services of the said garrisons will be most meet and necessary for the purpose, for they are well trained, and for the most part old soldiers, and as he understands, especially skilled in Harquebuserie; and if their service is to be used they must needs have payment, whereof he prays him to have some consideration, and to let him know Her Majesty's pleasure therein. He also conferred with Sir Ralph Sadleir touching the expulsion of the French in the manner expressed in Her Majesty's letters. As the French have abandoned Edinburgh, and seem to make little account of Leith, having left only two or three ensigns there, and having now also (as they understand) left Stirling and entered into Fife, as appears by a letter of Sir James Crofts to the said Sir Ralph, till it may appear what they intend to do, it is hard to devise how Her Majesty may best aid the Scots. In the meantime, if Her Majesty's Navy were arrived in the Frith it might minister unto them great aid and comfort, both in the impeachment of the French succours and otherwise. How the aid rendered to them may be so coloured as not to be construed into a plain breach of the peace, and taken for open hostility, he doubts not Cecil will be able to judge, and also to discern what the sequel thereof is likely to be. Cecil will also perceive by the letter of the said Sir James how La Marque is distressed by certain Scottishmen and carried to the Duke of Chastelherault.
[Postscript.]—Forasmuch as he finds the town and country hereabouts far out of order in matters of religion, “the aultars still standing in the churches, contrarye to the Quene's Majistie's proceedings;” it would be well that Her Majesty's Commission should be addressed to the Bishop of Durham and such others as shall be thought meet, authorising them to see these matters reformed. And whereas Sir F. Leeke is appointed to serve here with a band of 400 soldiers, judging him to be a wise man, and of good experience of the country, prays that he may be authorised to employ him about Her Majesty's affairs. Finds great comfort in the presence and advice of Sir Ralph Sadleir, and also in his “perfecte and greate good freendship.” Mr. John Fitzwilliams, whensoever he cometh, shall not be unwelcome.
[Duke of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 1. Haynes, p. 220. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Foreign.]
593. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, Jan. 10. 1. Notwithstanding her former prohibition he is to pay out of the 16,000l. brought by Valentine Browne the wages of such of the ordinary bands of Berwick as are by him appointed to voyage with Lord Grey; as to the rest, money shall with all speed be provided to pay them till Dec. 20.
2. Sir Henry Percy appointed to the charge of Taymouth, vice Sir — Hilton, is to have his charges therein considered and discharged. As to the tithes there, when the lease expires at Lady day it is to be let only to the keeper of the house, not away from him; and so with the demesnes thereof, the lease of which the Queen means to have redeemed for the use of the house.
Cecil's minute. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 220. In extenso.]
594. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 11. Sends herewith letters from Sir James Crofts to Sir Ralph Sadlier, with others addressed to them by the Earl of Arran and Lord James Stuart, by which he will understand the doings between the French and those in Fife, and their great desire to have relief at our hands. On his part thinks it should not be denied to them, but rather that it were good to devise how to comfort them with some convenient sums of money until the ships do arrive, whereof as yet they hear nothing. Has therefore thought it good punctually to license Sir Ralph Sadleir to go to Berwick for the accomplishment and expedition of the same as the case shall require. And if the Earl of Huntly will take part with them, as by their said letters it seemeth he will do, it is thought the matter will take much better effect.
Prays to be advertised with all speed what shall be thought meet and convenient to be done further in this behalf.
[Duke of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 2. Haynes, p. 222. In extenso.]
595. The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, Jan. 11. As the French, in marching to Stirling and entering Fife, either misliking the strength of Leith, seek a place in Fife of greater strength, or mean to assail the Earl of Arran and Lord James, who are in Fife separated from the rest of the power of Scotland; and as it would be a great furtherance to put 500 arquesbusiers out of Berwick aboard to aid the protestants of Fife, he is to take counsel with Sir Ralph Sadler, and, if it appear advantageous, to give order for the same, making it appear to be for arming the navy against any chance. Wm. Winter should have the landing of them where need shall require, adding such of his own numbers as he can spare.
The Queen's ships have been stayed by contrary winds. So be the French. Martyges is driven by weather into Denmark, and 1,000 Frenchmen lost by tempest in Zealand; the Marquis de Boeuf blown back into Dieppe with 9 ships of 11. God is pleased the French purposes should not so speedily be accomplished as their meaning is.
The Queen presently gives order that the horsemen appointed to serve there shall be in readiness at Newcastle by the 10th of February.
Cecil's draft. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 223. In extenso.]
596. The Lords of the Council to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, Jan. [13]. A servant of the Earl of Lennox, named Nesbitt, came here with letters from his master to the Secretary, to the effect that he had received letters from the Bishop of Caithness his brother, out of Scotland, by one Gaston, a gentleman of that country, advising him to set forward his old right and claim there; he therefore required licence from the Queen to send thither from time to time to practise with his friends there. The Secretary communicated this to the Council, as a matter of no small moment, considering the French practices in the same points; and they, having understood that Nesbitt repaired secretly to the French Ambassador here in London, called him [Nesbitt] before them. He confessed his master had required the Ambassador to write to the Dowager of Scotland in his [the Earl's] favour and that he should be privy to his proceedings here. Seeing this to be very dangerous we have committed the party to the Tower, where he shall be further examined, and have advertised the Earl thereof, as appears by copy of our letter enclosed, which send on to him without appearing to him or to his wife to have any knowledge of the cause, signifying that with other letters to us the same was also sent to be delivered to him. This information shall cause you to be more vigilant on all the frontiers, East, Middle, and West, that no Scottishman be permitted to come or go. The French maintain no small practice in setting up this matter of the Earl of Lennox “to reserve to themselves a quarrellose offence,” therefore the son and heir of the said Earl is better in Scotland than elsewhere.
Endorsed :—January 1559.
Cecil's draft. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 219. In extenso. Another draft in State Papers, Scotland.]
597. The Council to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, Jan. 15. The Queen understands, by his last letters with those included from the Earl of Arran and Lord James, the dangerous estate of the said Lords and their power in Fife. The most present remedy, the navy, is hindered by contrary winds. Her Majesty means that the French should not have their wills in Fife, and would have Norfolk look to it speedily (as he has already by sending Sir Ralph Sadler to Berwick) and devise means for relieving the said Lords. As ships are lacking, it must be with aid of money, unless he shall see meet otherwise. The Council cannot so well resolve as he, but all think the Scottish power should not be overcome, considering they shall have aid as soon as possible, as he will best understand by the Queen's letters sent by the Lord of Brinaston [Brunston]. From Westminster, 15 January 1559.
Cecil's draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 224. In extenso..]
598. The Duke of Norfolk and his Council to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 18. Has received her Majesty's letters, and also Cecil's of the 11th instant. Having before determined to repair to this town to see the fortifications, has, upon his arrival here, conferred with Sir R. Sadleir and Sir James Crofts concerning these affairs, by whom he understands that, as they have learned by their espials, the French still remain in Fife and lie in Kinghorn and Burnt Island, and are so straight holden in by the Protestants, who have had sundry skirmishes with them, that they dare not adventure far into the land of Fife, nor can they come by any victuals there, but such as they have are carried over to them in boats from Leith.
The Earl of Arran and Lord James Stuart do herein sustain great travail and expenses, and as they understand, have challenged the French to battle, which they have refused.
Whereupon the said Sir Ralph and Sir James have written to them to comfort them with the coming of the Queen's ships, and to advise them in no wise to hazard any battle without appearance of good advantage, and have also offered to relieve their charges with some convenient portion of money if they will arrange for the safe conveyance of the same. They also understand for certainty that Martigues is arrived at Leith, and not more than eighty or a hundred with him of his own train and family; and after his landing the ship in which he arrived, being in the road in the Frith, was in the night season taken by the Protestants and carried (as it is thought) to St. Andrew's or Dundee, or some other port thereabouts. This feat was performed by one Andrew Sands, a merchant, who is a great Protestant. In the ship is great plenty of armour, much of which is gilt, and also artillery, munition, and powder, and certain jewels, and some think also a great mass of treasure, “which they wish to be trowe.” They hear not yet of Mr. Winter, nor of her Majesty's ships, but on their arrival think it expedient to furnish them with five hundred “Harquebuttiers” to the intent that, being in the Frith, they may set some good number ashore to join with the Protestants, which is thought here will not only much encourage and comfort them, but also is like to cause the French to retire again to Leith, or at least, if they intend to fortify on the other side of the water, be a means to hinder their purpose.
[Postscript.]—Whereas he lately recommended Mr. Tempest for the appointment of sheriff in the County Palatine of Durham, to which he has received no answer, begs to put Cecil in remembrance of the same, fearing that his letter may have miscarried.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 2. Haynes, p. 224. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Foreign.]
599. The Duke of Norfolk and his Council to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 20. On Thursday last the Lord Brunston arrived here with the Queen's letters and Cecil's of the 13th instant, and also the answers by Lethington to such questions as were proponed to him by the Lords of the Council. As their doings must in great measure depend on the proceedings of the Protestants, and on their readiness to join them in the field as occasion shall require, will in the meantime omit nothing that may tend to the making ready of such force as hath been before determined, without putting her Majesty to more charge than is necessary.
Yesterday, despatched from hence the said Lord Brunston, whom, because the passage through Lothian is very difficult, he was forced to send by Carlisle, and despatched a special man with him to Lord Dacre, by whom he would be conveyed to the Master of Maxwell, where he would then be out of all danger. Has required the said Brunston to hasten hither such of the nobility of Scotland as shall come to confer with them respecting these affairs, till which time they can make no certain resolutions of their purposes. Has also sent, “by the said speciall man,” instructions to Lord Dacre to confer with the Master of Maxwell and to give him good countenance, and “staie the Borders,” according to Cecil's advertisement. Yesterday, there arrived a Herald of Arms sent to him by the Queen Dowager of Scotland to complain of the taking of La Marque, whom she supposes to have been taken within the bounds of Berwick, whereas he was really taken in Scotland; and also of the staying of a French ship at Newcastle which was but a feigned matter and no such thing occurred in deed. Answered the said Herald accordingly, who he thinks was rather sent hither to espy and hearken to their doing than for any special matter. They hear nothing yet of Winter nor of her Majesty's navy, nor of the provision for grain, whereof there is great lack, and will be greater.
[Postscript.]—One Robert Ross has arrived here with a letter in cipher from the Earl of Arran and Lord James Stuart which he sends herewith. By him they are informed that the said Lords lie with five hundred horse three miles from the French, whom they have hitherto holden in so straightly that they dare not wander far from the waterside. The purpose of the French is, as he saith, to take St. Andrews and fortify themselves there, which the said Lords mean to hinder to the uttermost of their power. Their great hope, however, lies in the arrival of our ships, the sight of which in the Frith would double their courage and, cause a great number to rise and take part with them who now sit still. Sir Ralph Sadleir and Sir James Crofts have written to them to encourage and entreat them to stand fast, copies of whose letters he sends herewith.
[D. of Norfolk's Letter Book, fol. 2, d. Haynes, p. 225. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
600. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 22. In fulfilment of his promise made before his departure from London gives his opinions on the site of Berwick, which he finds to be by nature “marvelous unapte to be fortyfied, without greate payne, travaile, and industrye.”
Finds that what has been begun of the works has been carried on by Mr. Lee with great diligence, and is “as muche as any man with so lytell chardge coulde bringe to passe.”
The work must now be finished at whatever cost, though it were better it had never been begun, for if the town were to be defended in its present state their lack of completion would render the fortifications rather an annoyance to the defenders than any strength or succour; and yet, if the enemy should prevail, they might in a short time be put into such a strong condition that the recovery thereof would cost many a broken head. There is one point respecting which, if there be any one about the court or elsewhere especially skilled in fortification, he would be glad that he should be sent hither to give an opinion, as it admits of many weighty reasons for and against. That is, “whether it be more expedient to have that side of the old towne next to the haven cut off awey, wherein consisteth all the Queen's storehouses and the best houses of the towne; or else to fortyfye the old wall, and by that means to save all the houses.” The reasons on both sides are so great that he himself can judge nothing. One way must needs be agreed upon shortly, and Sir R. Lee will, he dares say, call upon Cecil fast enough, for his own discharge sake.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 4. Haynes, p. 228. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Foreign.]
601. Instructions for Lord Grey of Wilton.
1559/60, Jan. 23. 1. According to the authority given him by letters patent whereby he is constituted Warden of the East and Middle Marches, he shall repair to his charge and see the same governed according to the ancient orders of the Borders.
2. At his arrival he shall confer with Norfolk on the state of Scotland, and in what case the French be; the danger the realm is in of being subdued by the French, and by what means it may be best preserved in obedience to the Queen of Scots without danger of subduing the same; also what danger is tending to the realm of Scotland by the French proceedings; also how the number of horsemen and footmen that are ordered to be at Newcastle by the 1st Feb. shall be put in speedy order, if it be found necessary to remove the French from endangering the realm; and in the meantime as the horsemen arrive, orders should be given to teach them to use their lances and pistols.
3. He shall consider whether the danger to the conquest of Scotland be more or less by the French sending their force into Fife beyond the Frith.
4. He shall on all points endeavour himself to obey the authority of the Lieutenant-General, who in all martial cases will use the advice of the Lord Warden.
5. He shall place a good keeper in Tyndale, and reduce it to better order.
6. He shall favour and encourage all borderers who are disposed to take part in the liberty of Scotland against the French; and show the reverse to those that neglect it; and in all other things he is to follow the tenor of his Commission, and such commandments as he shall receive from the Lord Lieutenant.
7. If the Lord Lieutenant shall perceive that upon the only demonstration of the English power by sea and land, the Scots shall be able to expel the French, then the same shall be prosecuted without any manifestation or hostility by the English; but if they cannot do it of themselves nor by probability it shall appear possible to be done by the power of England appointed, then the matter shall be prosecuted by the power of England, but they shall stay the Queen's advertisement. But if it shall appear that England, being joined with the Scots, be able to deliver Scotland from the French, then the Lord Lieutenant shall do his best to expedite the matter.
Endorsed :—23 Jan. 1559.
Cecil's draft. 3 pp. [Haynes, p. 229. In extenso.]
602. The Duke of Norfolk and Sir Ralph Sadleir to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 23. Yesternight on his arrival in this town from Berwick found here one Holstocke, captain of the “Swallowe,” by whom he understands that on Sunday the 14th inst. Mr. Winter with fourteen men of war and seventeen other ships laden with munition armour, and artillery were all together at Lowestoft Road; and the same night the said Mr. Winter, leaving two of the fourteen as “wafters” to the seventeen loaded with munition, took the seas with the other twelve.
On Monday morning he was off Flamborough Head, whence he was driven by stress of weather to put back into the Humber mouth. On Tuesday he put to sea again, and on Friday, having been separated from the others by violent weather, Captain Holstocke, in the “Swallowe,” and two others in the “Fawcon” and “Gerfawcon” came into Tynmouth. Admiral Winter with seven ships was certainly, as Holstock was advertised, on Thursday night off Bamborough Castle, and he himself saw them on Saturday morning before Berwick.
Thereupon gave orders to Sir James Crofts for the embarking of five or six hundred Harquebuts and also for the instruction of Mr. Winter how to behave himself on his arrival in the Frith.
[Postscript.]—Has received letters from Sir James Crofts and Mr. Winter which he sends herewith, and will take order for supplying the wants of the navy and for their furniture and re-inforcement with as much expedition as possible. Hears nothing as yet of any of the ships with the provision of grain, of which there will be great lack if they arrive not shortly.
Begs Cecil also to hasten his Commission of “Oyer and Determyner”
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 3, d. Haynes, p. 227. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
603. The Duke of Norfolk and Sir Ralph Sadleir to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 24. Has received Cecil's letters of the 20th Jan. with such others as came from the Lords and others of the Council. By the first he understands that Cecil doubts the arrival of the horsemen by the first of February; and also “howe gladd the Quene's Majeste wold be that the Scotts wold expell the French of themselfs, without their oppen aide”; and thirdly that some doubts are expressed whether this controversy between the French and the Scots be not “a traine to betrappe us.” With regard to the first point, considering the time that will be required to make the necessary provision, he judges that if the horsemen arrive before the 5th of February, they will come in good time to serve the purpose. As to the second, Cecil may be sure that if the Scots had been able to expel the French of themselves, they would not now be requiring our aid. And considering how far her Majesty hath proceeded with them, and in what hope they stand of her Majesty's aid, which hath been so assuredly promised unto them, he cannot see how the same can now be stayed without some dishonour, and also great danger to both these realms. For the third point, he sees no reason to maintain such an opinion, considering the enmity and daily hostility between the French and the Protestants is so manifest; which is so rooted and confirmed by the shedding of their blood on both sides, that he cannot think they would make any such “traine to betrappe us.” Finally, whether the French purpose to repair to St. Andrews or to return to Leith they have no certainty, but it is thought impossible for them to keep both, and there is some conjecture that they will return to Leith; but thinks that now, on the arrival of our ships in the Frith, their determination will be made apparent.
If the French should remain in Fife it would be easy to surprise Leith, but does not see what could be done with it, as it could not be fortified without much time and expense; and besides, thinks it would be unwise to occupy any part of Scotland lest the Scots should mislike it and fear our conquest as now they do the French. Has received a packet of letters from Sir Jas. Crofts, addressed to him by the Earl of Arran and the Lord James, one of which is in cipher. Sends them herewith together with the decipher.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 4, d. Haynes, p. 230. In extenso Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
604. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 26. Has just received a letter from Sir James Crofts, which he sends herewith. By the same it will appear, amongst other things, that as the Humes and Carrs of the Marches and Tyvidale have been long sought after by the Duke and the other Lords of Scotland to take part with them in their common cause (which for the most part they favour, so far as relates to the expulsion of the French rule and authority, though perhaps not so thoroughly inclined to the devotion of the said Duke and the others in matters of religion), and have hitherto been content to sit still as neutrals; they now, on the appearance of our ships in the Frith and other show of assistance to the said Duke, seem to seek some appointment and conference on these matters; for which the said Sir James has appointed a day, as Cecil will perceive by his letters, and will also learn therefrom what courage and comfort the Protestants have taken from the arrival of the said ships.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 5. Haynes, p. 231. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
605. The Duke of Norfolk and his Council to the Privy Council.
1559/60, Jan. 26. They have received advertisement from Mr. Winter that, having resolved with the ships under his charge to enter the Frith as the safest harbour in the north parts, “thinking non other but that all Princes had boren towards the Quene's Majiste our Mistress peax and amytte;” as soon as his ships entered the same they were shot at very sore by the French lying at Inchkeith, Burnt Island, and Leith, so that he was in danger to have some of them sunken.
Being thus uncourteously served, where he hoped to have received relief and friendship, he immediately fell upon some French ships lying on the Fife side, and as he informs them, took two of them, being men-of-war, and one hoy laden with ordnance and various implements necessary for fortification, which they suppose to have been intended for Eyemouth or some other place convenient for the annoyance of Berwick.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 5 d. Haynes, p. 231. In extenso.]
606. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 28. Has this day received letters from Sir James Crofts, with a letter to him and Sir R. Sadleir from the E. of Arran and Lord James Stuart, all which he sends herewith, together with copies of the replies of Sir James to the said Lords and to Mr. Winter, and also of his own letters to the said Earl and the Lord James, and to Sir Jas. Crofts and Mr. Winter.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 5. Haynes, p. 232. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
607. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir W. Cecil.
1559/60, Jan. 29. Sends letters from Sir Jas. Crofts and Mr. Winter, together with copies of his own replies thereto. On the arrival of the letters aforesaid there were with him the Earl of Westmoreland, Lord Dacres, and the Lord Wharton, whom, in order to avoid displeasing them, he informed verbally that he had received news from Mr. Winter of a cruel attack on him by the French ships, which he had nevertheless avenged by taking two of their ships and a hoy which he retained as pledges. He also thought good to tell them that the hoy contained great store of artillery, and of all things requisite for fortification, which, he added, were, as he suspected, rather intended for Eyemouth or some neighbouring place than for any place further towards St. Andrews or along their own coast. With these or like words they, weighing the case, thought good to write to the Lords of the Council this as their conjecture, which he was well contented withal, wishing that the matter should rather burst out by little and little than make all here, with the suddenness of things, in a hurly-burly.
Cecil nevertheless may well perceive by the letters of advertisement, that indeed all these things were provided by the French for the winning and re-enforcing of St. Andrews, “and for non other purposse.” Wishes him no longer to seek to hide that which is here now so manifest.
[D. of Norfolk's Entry Book, fol. 6. Haynes, p. 232. In extenso. Orig. in State Papers, Scotland.]
608. The Council to the Duke of Norfolk.
1559/60, Jan. Commend the bearer, Valentine Browne, one of the Queen's auditors, who brings 16,000l. to be paid upon the Duke's warrant; 4,000 to the garrison of Berwick, in part of the amount due 12 December. He will need the Duke's countenance in viewing the accounts of the treasurer of Berwick and of Abington for victual. Has approved himself in like duties at Calais, Berwick, in Ireland and elsewhere.
Endorsed :—January 1559.
Cecil's draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 219. In extenso.]