Diary of Thomas Burton Esq: Volume 4, March - April 1659. Originally published by H Colburn, London, 1828.
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'Index: L - Z', in Diary of Thomas Burton Esq: Volume 4, March - April 1659, ed. John Towill Rutt (London, 1828), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/burton-diaries/vol4/pp524-549 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index: L - Z', in Diary of Thomas Burton Esq: Volume 4, March - April 1659. Edited by John Towill Rutt (London, 1828), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/burton-diaries/vol4/pp524-549.
"Index: L - Z". Diary of Thomas Burton Esq: Volume 4, March - April 1659. Ed. John Towill Rutt (London, 1828), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/burton-diaries/vol4/pp524-549.
Labourers, Committee of Parliament appointed to consider the dress, &c. of, i. clxxxii. Consideration of the wages, &c. of, referred to a Com- mittee, ib.
Lagerfeldt, minister from the Queen of Sweden, notice of the audience of, i. xii., xiii. Account of the entertainments given to, cxlvi. cxlvii. n.
Lambert, Major-general, the proposal of making Cromwell Protector first made by, i. 383 n.
Lancaster, County Palatine of, ordinance for reviving the Duchy Court, &c. resolved, ii. 65.
Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, allusion to, i. cxxxviii. ii. 12.
Latham, Mr. Hamlet, Bill to enable him to dispose of estates, ii. 8.
Latimer, George de, allusion to, ii. 381.
Lauderdale, Lord, donatives charged on his estate, ii. 66.
-, —, Countess of, motion relative to her pension, ii. 75.
Laud, Archbishop, King Charles I. crowned by, account of, iii. 220 n. Instance of his tyranny, ii. 236. Ill-success of his attempt to introduce the Liturgy into the Church of Scotland, iii. 90 n.
Law, Civil, petition from the doctors of, i. lxi.
Lawrence, Mr. Richard, allusion to, i. viii.
Laws of England, all patents, &c. directed to be made in English, ii. 419 n. Proceedings towards a reformation of the, 420, 421 n.
Lawson, Admiral, present made by Parliament for his services against the Dutch, i. vii.
Leicester, Earl of, his case against the City of London, noticed, ii. 49.
Lenthall, Sir John, ordered to be secured, i. iv. Proceedings against, v.
Lenthall, William, chosen Speaker of the House of Commons, i. zx. ii. 29 n.
Lesley, —, his "Snake in the Grass" recommended by Bishop Burnet, ii. 417 n.
Levellers, The, account of, i. 49 n. Accused of a plot to destroy Cromwell and the Council, 332, 333.
Levingston, Mr., petition of Mr. Blont against, praying reversal of fine, debate on, ii. 103–105.
Lewes, borough of, new writ ordered for, iii. 202.
Lilburn, Colonel John, order of Parliament relative to his imprisonment,
i. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. His opinion on the subject of libel, 156 n.
Biographical account of, iii. 503–508 n. Petition of presented, i. ii.
Account of his trial, iii. 504 n. Banished by Parliament, 505 n.
His "Just Reproof" directed to be burnt, ib. Refuses to kneel before
the House, ib. Accuses Cromwell of procuring his banishment, 506.
Tried for returning from banishment, ib. Account of his trial, 507.
Becomes a Quaker, ib. His death, ib. Account of the four last years
of his life, 508 n.
-, — Colonel, Discussion before the Committee respecting his election to Parliament, iii. 33.
Lilburn, Mrs. Elizabeth, debate on the petition of, iii. 68. 503–509.
Linacre, Dr. anecdote of, ii. 278 n.
Lincoln's Inn Fields, proclamation, ordering the buildings in, not to be proceeded with, ii. 25 n. Proviso for, in bill relative to new buildings in London, ii. 258 n.
Lincoln, Bishop of (Williams), anecdote of, iv. 16. Fined by the Star-Chamber, ib. n.
Lincolnshire, bill ordered for draining the fens of, i. lx.
Lister, Captain, petition of, i. 197. 227. 366. Proceedings upon report of the Committee, ii. 182. Debate on the report, 183–189. Resolution of Parliament respecting, 189 n. allusion to, i., 168.
Lloyd, Mr. notice of, i. 308. Motion for second reading of the bill for settling lands in Ireland upon, ii. 95. Committed, ib.
Locke, John, his verses to the Protector, i. xvi. n. Allusion to, ii. 419 n. His flattering dedication to the Earl of Pembroke, iii. v. and note.
Lockhart, Polonel William, account of, i. 107 n.
Loftus, Dr. alluded to, iv. 299 n.
Lombards, the earliest bankers, iv. 398 n.
London, account of the entertainment given to Cromwell by, i. xv n. Petition of the apprentices of, in behalf of Colonel Lilburn, presented, i. v. Petitioners committed, ib. Bill for preventing further buildings in, ordered to be read, 20. Bill respecting the eligibility of persons to the freedom of debate on, 176–179. 342–344. Debate upon the arrears of the assessment due from, 179. 182. 196. Debate upon the arrears due from the Temple, 209–214. Petition of the citizens against the brokers, debate on, 223–225. Fine imposed on all buildings in, erected since 1620, ii. 25 n. Proclamation forbidding the further progress of the buildings in Lincoln's Inn Fields, ib. Petition of Noblemen, &c. relative to a debt due to, for public service, debate upon, 82–84. Referred to a Committee, 85. Legal proceedings directed to be stopped, 257. Bill for preventing the increase of new buildings, debate on, 159–161, 162. Motion relative to, 191. Debate on the report, 206, 207. Amendments reported, 221. 223. Read a third time, 258. Many provisoes to, 258. Proviso relative to buildings in Lincoln's Inn Fields, ib. n. Debate on, 258, 259. Passed, 311 n. Bill to allow Moorditch to be built over, ii. 283 n. Grief of Mr. Calamy at the destruction of, 321 n. The money paid to the Scots advanced by the city of, 384 n. Petition of inhabitants of, to Parliament, against a treaty with King Charles, 1648, ii. 385, 386 n. Account of the tumults of the apprentices of, 386 n. Cromwell's portrait exposed in the Royal Exchange described, and verses affixed to it, 425 n. The Lord Mayor of, formerly possessed a negative upon the Common Council, 426. Grant of land at Londonderry to the companies of, iii. 94,95 n. Petition of the citizens of presented, iii. 288. Debate on, 289–295.
Londonderry, royal grant of laud in, to the London companies, iii. 94, 95 n.
Long Acre, the Earl of Bedford subjected to a fine for his new buildings in, ii. 180n.
Long, Mr. Walter, fined and imprisoned for absence during his Shrievalty, i. lxxii. Remunerated, ib.
-, — Sir Lislebone, chosen Speaker of the House of Commons pro
temp. 1658–9, iv. 92. His illness noticed, 149. His death, 160. Character of, ib. n.
Lords, Cromwell's House of, resolution of the House of Commons relative to the nomination of members, ii. 21–23. Their proceedings described, iii. 332.
-, —, House of, messages to the House of Commons from, anciently
sent by masters in Chancery, iv. 352.
Louthian, Colonel, petition of, ordered to be read, ii. 120. Referred to a Committee, 124.
Love, Christopher, notice of his trial for treason against the Parliament, ii. 88 n. His death, 89 n. Funeral sermon preached for, ib.
Lucius, King, Christianity introduced by, into Britain, i. 400. Milton's remarks on, ib. n. 401 n.
Ludlow, Major-general, his opinion of the Earl of Essex, ii. 449 n. His account of the dissolution of the Parliament, 1657–8, ii.463 n. R. Cromwell attempts to conciliate him, iii 11 n. Account of the discussion in consequence Of his sitting in Parliament without taking the oath, 68, 69 n. Remarks by, on the execution of Major-general Harrison, iv. l21 n. His Memoirs referred to, 113.155, 156. His account of the election of Sir H. Vane, 182n. Anecdote related by, 222 n. His remarks on the Scotch Question, 220, 221 n. His account of the different parties, 223 n. On the dissolution, 1659, 482, 483 n.
Luther, M. his opinion respecting the institution of the Sabbath, ii. 267 n.
Lysander, the thirty tyrants appointed by, iv. 191 n.
Lyttleton, Lord, composition of the House of Commons described by, iii. 148.
Machiavelli, his "Prince" alluded to, i. 238 n.
Magna Charta, the mass of the people little benefited by, i. 406, 407 n. Obtained by the Barons, iii. 88. Strengthened by the Petition of Right, 515 n.
Malton, discussion relative to an election for, iii. 296. 502. Debate on, iv. 42–46.
Manchester, Earl of, (Lord Kimbolton,) his political inconsistency, ii. 387 n. Demanded by Charles I. to be given up to him, iii. 515, 516 n. Cromwell's remark on, 536 n. Alluded to, iv. 260 n.
Manley, Robert, manor of Holdenby leased by, iv. 403 n. Account of the distraining of his goods for rent, 404 n.
Manton, Dr., preaches before the Parliament, i. lxi. His funeral sermon on the death of Mr. Love, account of, ii. 89 n. Anecdote of, 311 n. Preaches before the Parliament, iii. 11.
Mariana, John, notice of, iii, 181. His work "De Rege et Regis Institutione" condemned by the Parliament of Paris, 182 n.
Markham, Colonel, dispute between Mr. Robinson and him, in Parliament, noticed, i. 207. Alluded to, iv. 299 n.
Marriages, act respecting, referred to a committee, i. xxxix. xl. Read, clxxxiv. Law relative to the marriages between the Scotch and English, i. 13. Act of the Commonwealth relative to, ii. 38 n. Form of the ceremony, ib. 39 n. Discussion on the subject of the publication of, 44. Debate upon the time of the continuance of the act, 67–74. 77. Proviso to the act, 75 n. Debate on the second reading, 337, 338.
Marshall, Rev. Mr., sermon preached by, i. xvii. xxxvi.
Marten, Mr., his defence of the Rev. Mr. Saltmarsh, iii. 212. Committed to the Tower, ib. Restored to the House of Commons, 213 n.
Marvell, Andrew, his account of the influence of the Duchess of Cleveland over Charles II., iii. 488 n. received wages as a member of Parliament, iv. 194 n.
Marwood, Mr., discussion relative to his election to Parliament, iii. 33.
Mason, Colonel, allusion to, ii. 117.
-, — William, his remarks on the character of Dryden, iv. 148 n.
Massey, Major-General, his measures to forward the Royal cause previous to the battle of Worcester, iv. 391 n. Wounded in that battle, 392 n. Account of his escape, ib. Dissatisfied with the coldness of his Presbyterian friends, 393 n. Alluded to, i. cxxxviii.
Matthews, Colonel, speech of, on the appellation of the other House, ii. 450–456.
May, Thomas, character of the Earl of Strafford by, ii. 443 n. His monument destroyed by order of Charles II. ib. Eulogiums on his History of the Parliament, ib.
Maynard, Sir John, Bart, his trial and imprisonment by the Parliament,
iii. 183, 184 n.
-, — Serjeant, notice of the action brought against by Captain Lister,
i. 366. Privilege allowed him as a member or Parliament, ib. Report
of the committee, ii. 170.182. Debate on the report, 183–189. Resolution of Parliament on, 189 n. Remarks on his political inconsistency
and baseness, 184 n. iii: 175 n. iv. 121. 259. 314. 409 n. Observations
on his character, ii. 461 n. Disgraceful part acted by, on the trial of
Sir H. Vane, ib. iii. 182 n. Speech of, on the title of the "Other
House," ii. 458–462. Remark on, iii. 314 n. Elected for Newtown, 594.
-, — Thomas, account of his imprisonment by the Inquisition in
Portugal, i. cxxxix. Cromwell compels the King of Portugal to release
him, ib.
Mazarine, Cardinal, account of his negotiation with Cromwell for a treaty offensive and defensive against Spain, iii. 389 n. His subtle diplomacy, ib. 390 n. His intrigues with respect to England, noticed, iii. vii.
Mead, Rev. Matthew, allusion to, i. 359.
Merchants, Company of, case between them and the Company of
Clothworkers, debate on, ii. 115, 116 n. 117. 175. 221. 308–310.
-, — Intercourse, tax imposed on, i. cxxv. Debate on the arrears
of the assessment due from, i. 179–182.
Mesyhampton, debate relative to the presentation to, i. 268.
Middleton, Lieut.-general, brief account of his expedition in favour
of Charles II., ii. 76 n. Allusion to, i. cxxxviii.
-, — Henry, chosen assistant Serjeant-at-arms, iv. 274.
Midhurst, Borough of, debate upon the election for, iii. 84.
Militia, article concerning the, considered, i. xl. Bill imposing a tax upon the Cavaliers to maintain the, i. 230–243. 308. 310–320. 331. 340. Debate relative to, iii. 34–36. Motion respecting, 346. Debate on the settling of, iv. 472–476. Resumed, iv. 477.
Millenaires, The, notice of, i. 72 n.
Milton, John, his opinion of Cromwell, i. 394 n. His account of the introduction of Christianity into Britain, i. 400, 401 n. His relation of the conversion of King Edwin, 401, 402 n. His letters as Latin Secretary to Cromwell noticed, ii. 354 n.
Ministers, discussion relative to the ordinance for ejecting scandalous, i. xli. Read, lxii. ii. 58, 59. Thanks voted to, i. xxxviii. Bill for the maintenance of, debate on, ii. 331–333. Motion relative to, 373. Bill alluded to, ii. 441. 548.
Mole, Mr., his death caused by the Inquisition, ii. 149.
Molyneux, Mr., remarks on Ireland by, iv. 229 n, 230 n.
Monck, General, (afterwards Duke of Albernarle) letter of alluded to, i. vi. Present made to him by Parliament for his services against the Dutch, vii. Thanks of Parliament given to, xi. Proceedings on the bill granting an estate to, i. 227. 267. 367. Imprisoned in the Tower, ii. 306 n. Notice of his wife, ib. His wife described, iv. 437 n. Her influence over him, ib. Anecdote respecting, ii. 321 n. Instances of his hypocrisy, 373 n. iii. 48, 153 n. Letter of, relative to the Army, iii. 369 n. His intrigues for the Restoration, 292 n. His hypocrisy towards the Protector, iv. 221 n. Letters of, to Secretary Thurloe, on the debate upon the right of the Scotch members, iv. 221, 222 n. Gives information of the movements of the Royalists, 436, 437 n. Grant to, by the Parliament, 244 n. Warburton's opinion of, 437 n. Clarendon's opinion of his talents, ib.
Montague, General, (Earl of Sandwich,) thanks of Parliament voted to him, i. dxxxvii. Employed in a naval expedition, iv. 148 n. Conveyed Charles II. to England on his restoration, ib. A perfect courtier, 233 n.
Moone, Mr. Richard, committed for contempt, i. cxxiii.
Moorcock, Rev. Mr., motion for granting lands in Ireland to the wife and children of, ii. 157. Motion passed, 304.
Moor-ditch, bill to enable the City of London to build over, passed, ii. 283 n.
Moore, Lord, bill to enable him to sell certain lands in Ireland, committed, ii. 170.
-, — John, his fanaticism and punishment, i. 72, 73 n.
-, — Rev. Simon, notice of, iii. 429 n.
Mordaunt, Mr. letters of, to Charles II. on Cromwell's party; fears of the Royalists; doubts whether the Presbyterians should be trusted; account of a conversation with one of Cromwell's party, iv. 367, 368 n. To Lord Chancellor Hyde, his suspicions of the Duke of Buckingham, 391 n. On the probable dissolution of Parliament, 436 n. On the state of parties, ib. Account of the cabals in consequence of the Remonstrance, 449, 450 n. Narrow escape of, 392 n. Trial of, noticed, ii. 472. Extraordinary acquittal of, ib. n. Created Lord Viscount Mordaunt by Charles II. iv. 392 n.
More, Sir Thomas, his heroic demeanour at his death, iii. 523 n.
Moreland, Mr. letter of, on the proceedings of Cromwell's party to make him King, i. 384 n.
Mortality, Bills of, petition from the parish clerks respecting, iv. 433, 434.
Morton, Sir William, notice of, iv. 262.
Moulin, Lewis du, bill for naturalizing, i. 221. Account of, ib. n.
Moyer, Samuel, late M. P. for London, petition of citizens presented by, iii. 288.
Mulgrave, Earl of, his death, iii. 536 n.
Murder, account of the murder of Mr. Bond, i. 321.
Muskerry, Lord, allusion to, i. cxxxviii.
Nasing, bill for dividing the common at, debate on, i. 20.
Navigation, Bill for the encouragement of, debate on first reading of, i. 82. Read second time, 161.168.
Navy, The, remarks on the state of, iii. 57. Motion for an account of the charge of, 1654, i. lxxxv. n. lxxxvi. n. cxxii. n. iii. 63. State of the, 1658, 316 n.
Nayler, James, Committee of Parliament appointed, to inquire into his fanatical proceedings, i. 10 n. Honours paid to him by his followers, ib. n. Examined, 10, 11. His speech, 11. Account of him, 24. Debate upon his blasphemies, 24–37. 38–45. Examined by Parliament, 46– 48. Debate relative to, 48–80. 85–92. 96–105. 107–115. 118–126. 128–135. 137–147. 150–159. 161–167. His mode of replying when examined, 41, 46 n. Debate on the petition to suspend his further punishment, 182, 183. Motion relative to, ii. 119. Motion for a keeper discussed, ii. 131. Debate in Parliament on a petition from London to remit his further punishment, i. 209. 215–221. Debate on the Protector's letter relative to the sentence passed on, 246–258. 260–264. 269. 282. 370 n. Account of his punishment, 265, 266. 345, 346 n. 370 n. Proceedings in Parliament respecting, 380. Parliament sends a minister to him, ii. 131, 132. Cruelty and intolerance of the Parliament to him, 132 n. Discharged from prison, 133 n. Sketch of his case, ib.
Needwood, forest of, discussion relative to the sale of, ii. 78, 79 n.
Negative Voice of the Chief Magistrate, debate on, iii. 326–345.
Neville, Mr. Henry, examination into the election of, to Parliament, iii. 17–21. Account of his action against Mr. Strowd, 51–54. Debate on, 346. 498–500. Notice of a publication by, 367 n. Accused of Atheism and blasphemy, 296–305.
Newcastle, petition relative to the salt-trade of, i. 259.
Newdigate, Chief. Justice, notice of, ii. 438 n.
New Hall, Essex, notice of, i. xi n.
Newhaven, United States, Code of Laws of, for regulating the observance of the Sabbath, ii. 262 n. Remark upon, ib.
Newport, Isle of Wight, Act for raising a maintenance for a minister at, debate on, i. 223. 245, 246.
Newport, Lady, remarks on, iv. 425 n.
Newtown, election for, iii. 594.
Newton, Bishop, remark on a passage in Milton's Samson Agonistes, iv. 121 n.
Nicholas, Sir Edward, allusion to, i. cxxxviii.
Nichols, —, case of monopoly of the Customs by, ii. 128.
Nobility, English, extent of, in the time of James I., iii. 362 n.
Noble, James, breach of the privilege of Parliament committed by,
i. 148. Examination of 149, 150. Sentence, ib. 344.
-, —, Mr., his "Memoirs of the family of Cromwell," alluded to,
ii. 425 n. iii. 347. 355. 519. 523. 535. 536. 546. n.
Noel, Mr., notice of, ii. 207 n. Englishmen sold into the Barbadoes as his property, debate on, iv. 258. Deficiency in his account as a farmer of the Excise, account of, 416 n. His defence, ib. Debate on, 417–419.
Norfolk, Duke of, his imprisonment by King Henry VIII. alluded to, iii. 585 n.
Norris, Sir Francis, discussion relative to his election for Oxfordshire, iii. 24. Declared not elected, 84.
Northampton, debate on the Bill for the maintenance of the ministers of, i. 159–161.
Northumberland, Earl of, his opinion on the subject of the death of Charles I., iv. 78 n.
Norwood, Mr., imprisoned by Cromwell, iv. 151 n. Released, 162 n.
Nottingham, dwellings of some of the inhabitants of, alluded to, ii. 2, 64, 265. Election for, noticed, iii. 305.
Noy, Attorney-general, character of, ii. 444 n. Account of, ib. 445 n. His will, ib. Account of a treatise left by him unpublished, 445 n. 446 n. Alluded to, iii. 518.
Nye, Philip, notice of, i. 79.
Oaths, mistaken notion of Government as to the form of, ii. 277 n. Many oaths not rational, ib. Linacre's opinion on the subject of, 278 n.
Oblivion, Acts of, allusions to, i. 234. 236, 237, 238. 240, 241. 314, 315, 316, 317, 318.
Ogle, Robert, information given by, of breach of privilege of Parliament, ii. 220 n.
Oldenburgh, Lord Henry, notice of, i. iv. n.
O'Neale, Daniel, allusion to, i. cxxxviii.
Onslow, Sir Richard, allusion to, ii. 228 n.
Orford, Lord, (Horace Walpole,) his opinion on the subject of the death of Charles I., ii. 320 n.
Orleans, Father, his censure of Buchanan, Pref. n. Cromwell's refusal of the title of King commended by, i. 382 n.
Ormond, Duke of, his government of Ireland alluded to, ii. 249. Allusion to, i. cxxxviii.
Oswald, King of Northumberland, converted to Christianity, i. 402.
Overton, Colonel, engaged in a conspiracy to assassinate Cromwell, i. 356. Ludlow's account of the proceedings against, 357 n. His imprisonment in Jersey voted illegal, 357. Debate relative to his imprisonment, iii. 45. Ordered to attend the House, 46. Ordered by Parliament to be brought from Jersey, iii. 49. His speech in the House, iv. 151. Warrant by which he was imprisoned, ib. n. Discharged, 161. Alluded to, iii. 212; iv. 120. 150.
Ouse, The, Bill respecting report ordered, ii. 159. 165.
Owen, Dr. John, account of, i. 79 n. Debate upon motion to confirm an
order for settling a pension on, ii. 97, 98. Notice of, 97 n. Anecdote
of his introduction to Cromwell, ib. Letter of, to Lord H. Cromwell,
alluded to, ib. His liberality to Swedish scholars at Oxford, 360 n.
Appointed to preach before Parliament, iii, 12.
-, — Sir John, his case alluded to, i. 182.
-, — Lieutenant-colonel, Parliament defrays the expense of his funeral, i. 196.
Oxford, petition from Corpus Christi College, on a presentation to Mesyhampton, debate on, i. 268. Proceedings on a petition from the University of, 353. Their acceptance of the engagement, ii. 279 n. Reasons of their judgment concerning the League and Covenant, 424 n.
Pack, Sir Christopher, his zeal on the subject of the Bill relative to the Free-Merchants and Merchant-Adventurers, i 308–310. The Petition and Advice brought before Parliament by, 378 n. 394 n.
Packer, Major-General, discussion concerning the election of, iv. 249– 253. Speech of, 250, 251. Alluded to, 299.
Papists, incapacity of, to serve in Parliament, i. xcix. Considerations relative to the estates of, referred to a Committee, clxxxvi. Account of the trial of some at Hicks's Hall, ii. 152. Opinion of an Independent with regard to, ib. n. Their increase in England, 152, 153. Message of the Lords to the House of Commons to banish, ii. 438. Persecuting order of Parliament of 1690 against, ib. n. Observations on the Bill of Rights in reference to, 439 n.
Paracelsus, allusion to, iv. 453 n.
Paris, Matthew, allusion to, iv. 238 n.
Parker, Bishop, remark on his edition of "The History of his Own Times, iii. 182 n.
Parliament, account of the conducting the five Members, who had been
demanded by Charles I., to the House of Commons, iii. 94 n. Account
of the dissolution of, by King Charles I., iii. 54 n. Remarks on the impolicy of that measure, 55 n. Projectors and monopolists excluded
from, iv. 93n.
-, —, Long, declaration of the House of Commons in justification of the vote for non-addresses to King Charles 1., observation on,
ii. 382 n. Declares the office of King unnecessary, ii. 38 n. Account of
the designs against, 1641, ii. 443 n. Persecution of Papists by, 151.
Cruel interference with the Parental authority of Recusants by, ib. n.
Sends Commissioners to Scotland to negotiate a treaty of Assistance,
214 n. Proceedings of, on the invasion of England by the Scots, 384 n.
Interference of the Army with, in 1648, 387 n. Ordinance for the
trial of the King sent by the Commons to the Lords, 434 n. The
Lords refuse to join in the trial of the King, 387 n. 434 n. The Commons pass it on their sole authority, ib. House of Lords virtually
sanctions the Ordinance of the Commons, 388 n. Remarks on the Ordinance passed by the Lords to prevent the recurrence of regal tyranny,
434 n. Declaration of, to maintain the fundamental laws of England,
on the death of Charles I., 431 n. House of Lords voted dangerous
and useless, 434 n. Justification of, 396. Proceedings with the Scotch
deputies, relative to the union of England and Scotland, 1652, iv. 112,
113. Remarks on the dissolution of, 11. 416 n. Entry on the Journals
on that occasion, 417 n. Prosperous condition of England in the time
of, iii. 63 n., 64 n. Intention of, to alter the power of election
throughout England, 73 n. Members committed to prison, 214. Intolerance in religious matters of, 387 n. Model of the Covenant presented to, iv. 208.
-, —, Little, members who constituted the, ii. 67 n. iv. 499.
Notoriety of some, ii. 67n.
-, — of 1654, (Cromwell's Second Parliament). Proceedings on
the assembly of, i. xvii. Speaker chosen, xx. Fast appointed, ib.
Committee of Privileges appointed, xxi. Motion to inquire into the
state of the Government, ib. Debate upon, xxii–xxxii. xxxix–xlvi.
xlviii–lx. lx–lxx. lxxiii–cxxii. Resolution respecting preachers,
xxvii. Resolution respecting Religion, ib. Entrance to the House of
Commons closed by the Protector, xxxiii. Resolution of the House on
the Recognition of a single Person, &c., xl. Parliament declared to be
triennial, ib. Act respecting the Recognition read and committed, xli.
Debate on the Articles of Government, xlii. Bill for subscribing
the Recognition read, xliii. Powers of the Protector settled, xliii–xlvi.
Resolution on the Ordinance respecting the Protector and Council,
xlix. Debate on the office of the Lord Protector, li. and note. Right of
election to the Protectorate declared to be in the Parliament, liii–lv.
Reasons why it should be in the Council, lv–lviii. Legislative power
to be in the angle Person and the Parliament, lxvi. Report of
Committee respecting writs to future Parliaments, lxxi. Debate
on the negative of the single Person, lxxiii. Debate on the oath
to be taken by the Protector and the Parliament, ib. Debate on
the perpetuity of, lxxiv. Debate on the negative of the Protector for
the continuance of, ib., lxxv. Debate on the negative for the Militia
and Religion, lxxv–lxxix. Debate on the disposal of the Army
on the death of the Protector, lxxx–lxxxiv. Debate on the Assessment for England for defraying the expenses of the Army and
Navy, lxxvi, lxxvii. lxxxiv. lxxxviii. The Public Accounts ordered
to be examined, lxxxix, xc. Laws not to be altered but by consent of, xc. Vote respecting the money for the forces and for
the charges of Government, xci. Report of the Committee on the
reduction of the Army, ib. xcii. xciii. Resolution relative to the
calling of future Parliaments, xciii. xciv. Qualifications of members,
xcvii. xcviii. Qualifications of electors, xcix. c. ci. Resolution of the
Council for the examination of members, ci. Bill of assessment read,
ci. cii. Read second tune, cvii. Debate on the assessment for Scotland and Ireland, ib. Resolution respecting the appointment of a
Protector, in case of the death of the present, cii. Debate on the exemption of ministers from taxation, ciii. civ. Debate on the nomination to the Council, civ–cvii. Resolution upon the return and
admission of members, civ. The Council to be nominated by the
Protector and approved of by Parliament, cvii. Debate on the
number of the standing forces, cvii. cviii. Resolution of, with respect
to religion, ib. Report of the Committee on religion, cxii. Proviso relative to religion, cxiii. Debate on the Protector's negative
in matters of religion, cxvi. Resolution respecting the power of
the Protector, cix. cx. Resolution respecting the power of the Parliament, cx. Motion respecting the number of members of Parliament, and their distribution, cx. cxi. Motion respecting the City
of London and the Universities, cx. The office or Lord Protector
declared to be elective, cxi. The officers of Government to be
chosen by Parliament, cxii. Debate on the laws for restraining
atheism, blasphemy, &c., cxiii. cxiv. Form of oath to be taken by
the Protector, Parliament, &c, agreed to, cxix. Parliament to be
summoned on the death of the Protector, cxix. Debate on the revenue, cxx–cxxii. Resolution to examine the Instrument of Government, cxxiii. cxxvii. cxxxi–cxxxiii. Dissolution of, by the Protector, cxxxiii. Remarks on this measure, cxxxiv. cxxxv.
Parliament of 1656, opening of the, by the Protector, cxlvi–cxlviii. Writs for summoning, sealed, cxlv. Protector's speech, cxlviii– clxxix. Certificates given to the members on admission, clxxix. Two days appointed for a Fast, ib. Order respecting the preachers, ib. Time of rising of the House, ib. Letter presented to the House, directed to the Speaker, clxxx. Bill for removing Charles Stuart, read second time, clxxx. The returns of the members presented, ib. No member allowed to leave the House, nor to speak to another while any stranger is in the House, ib. Committee appointed to inquire into the affair of the imprisonment of Portuguese tor a murder, ib. Post letters to members directed to be carried to the door of the House, and to be free, ib. Letters sent by the Protector to, announcing the defeat of the Spanish fleet, clxxxi. Three days of thanks-giving appointed on account of, ib. Commissioners of the Great Seal, and Chief Justice of the Upper Bench, appointed, clxxxii. Proceedings upon a charge against Thomas Burton, M. P., ib. Referred to a Committee, &c., clxxxiii. Decision of the Committee, clxxxiv. Samuel Chidley, author of an obnoxious publication, committed to prison, clxxxv. Committee of the whole House appointed for raising money for carrying on the Spanish war, ib. Report of the Grand Committee on Religion, clxxxviii. clxxxix.
Parliament, proceedings of, on a breach of privilege committed by Drugo Wright, i. 9. Breach of privilege committed by James Noble, 148. Examination of, 149, 150. Sentence, ib. Petition of Mr. Noble, 195. Released, 196. Debate on a call of the House, 192–195. Preference given to the evidence of a member, 136. Proceedings on the letter of Cromwell relative to the Cheshire brigade, 200, 201. Discussion upon the Bill to prohibit the observance of Christmas-day, 229, 230. Letter of Cromwell to, on the sentence passed on James Nayler, the Quaker, 246. Debate on, 246–258. 260–264. 269. 282. Proceedings of the rejected members in, 1656, 262 n. Members obliged to sign the Recognition, 273 n. Breach of privilege punished by, 282. List of the defaulters in the Parliament, Dec. 1656, and proceedings with respect to, 291. Discussion relative to the privilege of, 286. Proceedings of, respecting a work on Judicial Astrology, 305, 306. Proceedings relative to the works of Dr. Coward, 306 n. Adjourn on account of the illness of the Speaker, 337–340. Orders of, upon the subject of taking notes of proceedings, 341 and n. Proceedings on the discovery of the conspiracy against the Protector, 354. 368. Appoint a Thanksgiving-day on account of the discovery, 358. 366. Privilege allowed to a member, 366. Money voted for carrying on the war with Spain, 371. 374. Appoint a Thanksgiving day for the escape of Cromwell and the Government from assassination, 371, 372. Address of the Speaker to Cromwell on his deliverance, ii. 488–490. The Protector's reply, 490–493. Vote of thanks and money presented by, to Lord Commissioner Whitlocke, for his services in Sweden, i. 375. House of Commons invited to dine with the Protector, 377 and n. Proceedings of on the Petition and Advice, 378, 379, 380, 381. 385, 386, 387–390, 391–396. Present the Petition and Advice to Cromwell in the Banqueting-House, 397. 416 n. Address of the Speaker to him, 397–413. Cromwell's answer, 413–416. Order of, relative to the Judges, &c., 379. Qualifications of members of, 405. Business of, 405, 406. Committee appointed to attend the Protector for his answer to the Petition and Advice, 416. Cromwell's answer, 417–420. Present reasons to Cromwell for his acquiescence in accepting the title of King, 421, 423. Committee wait upon the Protector to resolve his doubts, ii. 1. and n. 2–6. Cromwell's reply, 7. Report of the Committee, 8, 9. Debates and resolutions on the Acts and Ordinances of the Petition and Advice, 10–19. Discussion respecting a fine to be imposed on members not duly qualified, 15–19. 21. Alter the style of the proceedings of the Courts of Justice) 40 and n. Debate upon the privilege of members, 70. Instance of magnanimity of, 89 n. Debate as to the necessity of confirming the Acts and Ordinances of the Long Parliament, 85–94. 96. Discussion relative to the several orders of the Long Parliament, 96–98. Committee's report to the Protector and Cromwell's answer, 101. Report of the Committee to the House, 105. Message of the Protector relative to the Petition and Advice, 111, 116. Petition of the officers of the Army to, 117. Resolve, that "Lord Protector" be the title of the Chief Magistrate, 118, 119. The Protector's message to, on the Petition and Advice, 120. Proceedings of, upon a breach of privilege; 106. The Speaker's report to the Protector on the Petition and Advice, who gives his consent, 123. Form of summoning the House of Commons to the Painted Chamber, described, 123 n. Debate on the motion to provide for the continuance of, 138, 139. Proceedings on breach of privilege committed in the person of Mr. Dean, 116, 147. Protector's letter to, announcing his intention of proroguing them, 155. Present Blake with a jewel for the victory obtained by him off Santa Cruz, 144, 145. Appoint a Thanksgiving-day on account of the victory, 143. Vote thanks to the officers, &c., 146. Message of the Protector relative to the Bill for assessment, 180. Chaplain absent, and business commenced without prayers, 199. Regulations relative to the prayers, ib. note. Address of the Speaker to the Protector, on presenting Bills for his consent, 1657, 205. Protector's remark on one of the Bills, ib Discussion upon a breach of privilege committed by abuse of Mr. Fenwick, 219–221. Breach of privilege respecting Bill for Vintners, 237. Observations on the time of day of commencing business, i. 247. Debate upon the duration of, 252, 253. Communication by, to the Protector, to issue his warrant for the pay of General Blake, 256. Discussion relative to imposing a fine on members not attending, ii. 259, 260. Debate on the privilege claimed by a member, when sued, 269. Desire the Protector to remove the ministers of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 270 n. Debate on the motion for a Committee to prepare an oath for the Protector and people, to take under the Government of the Petition and Advice, 274–282. Debate on the report on the Committee respecting the oath of the Protector, Privy Council, Members of Parliament, on the calling the "Other House," and on investing the Protector, 283–303. Debate on the Explanatory Petition and Advice, 306–308. Passed, 309. Resolution of, on the oath to be taken by Cromwell, and relative to his investiture as Protector, 309. The foreign Ambassadors invited to be present at the ceremonial, 309. Bill for the adjournment of, read third time and passed, ib. Writ ordered to be framed for calling the other House, 309, 310. Account of the ceremony of the investiture of Cromwell, 311, 312 n. 511, and n. Meeting of Cromwell and the Parliament in the Painted Chamber described, 310, 311. Message to the Protector to use his endeavours to unite the foreign Protestant Churches, 313. Scobell's Acts and Ordinances ordered to be printed, ib. The reformation of, the Inns of Court recommended by, ib. Breach of privilege committed by the infringement of the copy-right of Sir H. Grimstone's Reports, 319. Fast-day appointed, 320. Cromwell's speech on the re-assembling of Parliament, according to the Petition and Advice, January 1657–8, 322–330. Forms observed, 316. The excluded members admitted, ib. Debate upon the choice of the Clerk, 316–318. 330. 336, 337. 348, 349, 350. Discussions in the House of Commons upon a message from the other House, 339, 340. Debate upon the title of Lords, to the other House, 341–344. Extend the time for receiving petitions to the Committee of Privileges, 348. The first Speaker appointed, 349 n. Message of the Protector to meet him in the Banqueting-house, 350. Cromwell's speech to Parliament on the state of affairs, 1657–8, 351–371. Proceedings on the Fast-day, 372, 373. Fines levied on the members, for the poor, 373. Debate upon the Protector's speech, 374, 475. Resolution of the House, 375. Remarks on the previous exclusion of the members, 375. Debate upon the title of the other House, 377–379. Cromwell dislikes the resolution of Parliament, as not coming from both Houses, 379, 380. Debate resumed upon the title of the other House, 380–394, 395– 403. Proceedings of, with respect to Mr. Scobell, as to papers found, in his possession, 403, 404. Resolution of the House on the subject of double returns, 405. Resolution as to the time for the assembling of Members, 406 n. Debate on the title of the other House resumed, 406–424. Proceedings of, relative to legal reforms, 419 n. 420 n. Debate resumed upon the title of the other House, 424– 441. Message from the other house, 438. Answer returned to, 441. Business transacted by the other House, 439 n. Debate resumed on the title of the other House, 442–463. Usefulness of Grand Committees, 429 n. The Protector dissolves the Parliament, 463, 464. Account of the dissolution of the Parliament, 1657–8, 462 n. Cromwell's reason for that measure, 462 n. 463 n. 464 n. Projects of that Parliament, 464 n. Speech of Cromwell on dissolving, 465–470.
Parliament under the Protectorate of Richard Cromwell . — Opening of the Parliament, 1658–9, iii. 1. Account of the speech of the Protector Richard, 2. Choose a Speaker, 4. 6. Speech of the Protector, 7–10. Appoint a Fast-day, 11. Appoint preachers, 12. Message to, from the Judges of the Common Bench, on an election, 18–21. Debate on the Bill of Recognition, 26–32. Debate upon the Militia and Negative Voice, 34–36. Proceedings upon a breach of privilege committed by Major Audley, 37–45. Debate upon the Petition and Advice, 71–76. Proceedings upon the breach of privilege by William King, 77–82. Debate upon the Bill of Recognition, 86–152. 155–201. Debate relative to the delinquency of several members, 233–252. Debate on the Bill of. Recognition, 204–232. 256–287. Petition of citizens and inhabitants of London, 288. Debate on, 289–295. Letter from the Protector Richard to, 308, 309. Debate on, 308–310. Debate on the Negative Voice, 326–345. The Scotch and Irish members declared, not qualified to sit in the House, 346. Motion respecting the inspection of the accounts and revenue of the Commonwealth, 347, 348. Debate upon the constitution of the two Houses, 349–369. Debate as to the right of the ancient peers to sit, 403–424. Act for perpetuating Parliament, 519, 520. Debate upon the bounds and powers of the other House, 509–548. 550–578. 594. Debate on the motion for "transacting" with the "other House," iv. 7–41. Debate resumed, 47–76, 77–88, 89 n. 277–293. 335–349. Debate on the right of the Scotch and Irish members to sit in the House, 87–90. 92–119. 143–147. 163–202. 122–139. Illness of the Speaker, 90. Sir Lislebone Long chosen Speaker pro temp., 92. Illness of Sir Lislebone Long, 149. Mr. Bampfield chosen Speaker pro. temp., ib. Account of the writs for the elections of members of Parliament, 1654, 1656, 1658, 171. 172. Send a deputation to inquire after the health of the Speaker, Mr. Chute, 150. The continued illness of the Speaker reported, 203. Debate upon the right of the Scotch members resumed, ib. The Scotch and Irish members allowed to sit during the present Parliament, 219. Debate on the right of the Irish members to sit in the House, 237–243. Dr.Pettyaccusedofbreachoftrust.244. Debate on, 244–249. Defends himself, 469, 470. Resolution of the House upon, 471. Debate relative to transactions with the other House, 351–359. Proceedings of the Committee of Ceremonies, 360. Report of the Committee, 370. Debate upon the report, 370–378. Debates not allowed to be published without leave, 415. Mr. Bampfield chosen Speaker, 433. Death of Mr. Chute and of Sir Lislebone Long noticed, ib. n. Deputation of the House of Commons attends the House of Lords, for their concurrence to their votes against the meetings of the officers, 465. Ceremony observed on the occasion, ib. Report of the committee on the state of the revenue, 1659, iv. 466 and n. Debate relative to the Militia, 472–477 n. 477–481. Account of the dissolution of, by Richard Cromwell, iv. 482. Proclamation of Cromwell, ib. Violence used by the Army to obtain the dissolution of, ib. n. Discussion relative to the dissolving of, 484 n. List of the speakers in the Parliaments of 1656, 1658–9, 486–499. List of the members nominated for the Parliament of 1653, 499, 500.
Parliament of 1690, order Papists to be excluded from Westminster Hall during the sitting of Parliament, iii. 438 n.
Parliament, lodgings assigned to members of, i. z. Privilege of freedom from arrest confined to the menial servants of, clxxxix. Time appointed for the preachers to attend the House, clxxix. Bight of making war and peace, anciently in the, i. xliv. Epithets applied to various Parliament members, i. 252 n. Formerly held twice a-year, 403. Granville Sharpe's refutation of Blackstone's opinion on Annual Parliaments, 403 n, 404 n. Remarks on the ancient constitution of, ii. 381. Enactments of the Bill of Charles I. for Triennial Parliaments, 427 n. Annual Parliaments and Universal Suffrage advocated, iii. 75 n.
Parricide, first instance of, i. 58 n.
Paulinus, Christianity introduced into Britain by, i. 401.
Pawnbrokers, petition of the citizens of London against, debate on, i. 223–226.
Peerage, English, account of the origin and progress of, ii. 446 n. 447 n.
Pelagius, notice of, iii. 221.
Pell, Mr., extracts from his papers, ii. 314 n. 351 n. 366 n.
Penn, William, account of a publication of Whitlock's edited by,
i. cxxvii. n. Correspondent of Buckingham, iii. 48 n.
-, —, Admiral, sent by Cromwell to attack St. Domingo, i. cxxxvii.
takes Jamaica, ib.
Pennant, Mr., his conjecture as to the origin of Piccadilly, ii. 35 n.
Penruddock, Colonel J., account of the trial of, iii. 531–533 n.
Pepys, Mr., observation of, on the execution of Major-general Hamson, iv. 432 n. Upon the Earl of Sandwich, on his advancement, 432, 433 n. On the barbarous exhibition in London of the mangled limbs of the Regicides, ib.
Peters, Hugh, notice of, i. 244 n. Account of a portrait of, 244. Discourse before Parliament by, ii. 346, 347. Detection of Cromwell, 346 n. Opinion respecting, 420 n. Account of bis execution, 110 n. 111 n. Librarian at St. James's, iv. 452 n. Alluded to, iii. 11.
Petersfield, debate upon the election for, iii. 348, 349. Re-committed, 595, 596.
Petit France, London, noticed, iii. 508.
Petition and Advice, The, proceedings in Parliament concerning, i. 378, 379, 380, 381, 385, 386, 387–390, 391–396. 394 n. 397. 416 n. 397– 413, 413–416, 417–420, 421–423. ii. 1. 2–6, 7, 8, 9, 10–19. 111. 116. 118, 119, 120. 123. 135–138. 140. 171. 248. 249–251, 252, 253, 306–308, 309. iii. 71–76. Influence of, on the liberty of the subject, 543 n. remarks on, ii. 455 n.
Petition of Right, unqualified assent granted to, by King Charles I. ii. 137.
Petty, Sir William, comparison of the Protestant and Catholic population of Ireland by, i. 390 n. 391 n. Comparative population of Ireland, England, France, and Holland, estimated by, ii. 211 n. Account of the mode adopted by, to measure the forfeited estates in Ireland, iv. 471, 472. Accused in Parliament of a breach of trust, 244–249. 467 n. Copy of the charge sent to him by Parliament, 249. Examination of, 469 –471. Charges against, 470. Letter to Lord H. Cromwell on the subject, 471 n. Removed from his public employments, ib.
Peyton, Sir Thomas, his papers examined by order of Parliament, i. 355, 356.
Philip II., life of the Princess Elizabeth preserved by, iii. 485 n. Proposed marriage to Queen Elizabeth, ib.
Phillips, Sir Robert, appointed a Sheriff, to prevent his being returned to Parliament, i. lxxi n.
Piccadilly, origin of the name of the street so called, ii. 35 n.
Piedmont, account of the sufferings of the Protestants in, ii. 354 n.
Pierrepoint, William, letter of, to Lord H. Cromwell, iv. 274 n. Nptice of, ib.
Piggott, William, account of his information against Nayler, i. 41.
Plague, precautionary measures adopted by Queen Elizabeth against, i. 412 n. Statement of the number of deaths in various years from the, iv. 335 n. Account of the ravages committed by, 33.6 n.
Plymouth, vicarage of, debate on the bill relative to, i. 1.
Poisoners, punishment anciently inflicted on, i. 58 n.
Poland, partition of, noticed, ii: 356 n. Distress of the Protestants in,
358 n.
-, — King of, envoy sent to Cromwell by, iv. 42 n.
Poll-tax, debate on the, i. 292–294.
Poor, money collected in the House of Commons, ordered to be paid to, i. li. Instances of the care of the Commonwealth for, i. xiv. Bill relating to, clxxii.
Poor-John, stores found in Jersey of, i. 165 n.
Portman, Mr. John, petition of, iii. 306. Ordered to attend the House of Commons, 307. 448. Imprisonment of, illegal, 449. 494. Debate upon the illegality, 495–498. Discharged from imprisonment, 498.
Portugal, account of the imprisonment of Thomas Maynard, by the Inquisition of, i. cxxxix. Cromwell compels the King of Portugal to release him, ib. Ambassador from, notice of the treaty signed by, with Cromwell, 1654, i. clxxxvii. n. Brother of, executed, ib.
Portumna Park, &c. debate on the grant of, to Lord H. Cromwell, i. 223. 259.
Postage of England, Bill for regulating, debate on the second reading of, ii. 142. 155. Debate on, 156. 191. Passed, 201, 202.
Poynings, family of, noticed, ii. 381.
Preachers, Public, excluded from sitting in Parliament, ii. 13–15. Discussion on the approbation of, 50–56. 62. Proceedings of the Commissioners for approbation of, iv. 73 n., 74 n.
Prerogative, Royal, remarks on the, as regards making war and peace, iii. 313, 314 n.
Presbyterians, English, character of, iii. 206–208 and n.
Preston, Bill relative to the rectory of, i. 299.
Price, Dr. his account of a conversation with General Monck on the subject of restoring Charles II., iii. 291 n., 292 n. Anecdote related by, of the wife of General Monck, iv. 437 n.
Pride, Colonel, the warrant for the execution of Charles I. signed by, iii. 535 n. His body ordered to be disinterred, 546 n. Biographical account of, 547 n.
Priest, habit of a, worn by criminals On their execution, i. clxxxvi.
Priestley, Dr. remarks on the character of Charles I. and on his execution, iii. 423. His account of Andrew Horn, the author of "Le Mirroir de Justices" iv. 323 n. His remarks on Richard Cromwell's retiring to private life, 484 n.
Prisoners, Bill for relief of, read, i. 5. ii. 191.
Protestants: Parliaments desire the Protector to encourage the union of the foreign Protestant Churches, ii. 313. Cruelties perpetrated on, in Piedmont, 354 n. Distress of the Protestants in Poland, 358. Cruel treatment of, in Bohemia, ib. The Polish Protestants recommended to the King of Sweden by the English Council, iv. 235 n.
Provisions, prices of, in 1610, i. lxxxv. n. Prices of, in the province of Ulster, lxxxvi. n.
Prussia, Queen Sophia-Charlotte of, her ill-assorted marriage noticed, i. 356 n. Character of, 356 n., 357 n. Intended for the Queen of Louis XIV., ii. 357 n. Her dying request to her brother, ib.
Prymatt, John, Sir A. Haslerigge accused of fraudulently procuring the sequestration of the estate of, iii. 505 n.
Prynne, —, persecuted by the Star-chamber, i. 373 n. His "Plea for the Lords" alluded to, iv. 68 n. Account of his imprisonment, iii. 47 n.
Psalms, Singing, notices of the versions of, i. 349 n., 350 n.
Puritans, account of the emigration of, from England, ii. 324 n.
Purveyance, proceedings on the bill concerning, i. 81.
Pye, Sir Robert, proceedings on a breach of privilege committed by the arrest of, i. xlviii.
Quakers: account of an assault committed by a Quaker, i. cxxvi. n. Committee of Parliament inquire into Nayler's fanatical conduct, i. 10 n. Honours paid to him, ib. n. Nayler examined by Parliament, 10, 11. His speech, 11. Short account of, 24. Debate in Parliament upon his blasphemies, 24–37. 38–45. His examination before Parliament, 46–48. Debate resumed, 48–80. 85–92. 96–105. 107– 115. 118–126. 128–135. 137–147. 150–159. 161–167. His mode of answering, 46 n. Persecution of the Quakers in New England noticed, 123 n. Debate upon the increase of, 169–174. Debate upon the petition to suspend Nayler's further punishment, 182, 183. The Speaker of the House of Commons addressed by a Quakeress, 207. The Protector's letter relative to Nayler, 370 n. Debate upon the letter of Cromwell to the Parliament, on the sentence of Nayler, 246–258. 260–264. 269–282. Order of Session relative to Quakers, 262 n. Account of the punishment of Nayler, 265, 266. 345, 346 n. Proceedings against some of Nayler's followers, 340. Conduct of his followers, 377 n. Bill touching vagrants (including Quakers), debate upon, ii. 112–114. Molested in their worship and punished, 112 n. Apprehensions entertained on account of a meeting at Waterford of, 113 n. Instance of enthusiasm of George Robinson, 114. The Church service interrupted by, ib. Debate upon the motion for granting a keeper, and sending a minister to Nayler, 131, 132. Cruelty and intolerance of the Parliament towards Nayler, 132 n. Nayler discharged from prison, 133 n. Observations on the, ib. View of Nayler's case, ib. Debate in Parliament on, iv. 440–446. Petition from, on the distressed state of their imprisoned brethren, 440 n., 441 n. Principles of, 442 n.
Radnor, election for, motion respecting, iii. 502.
Ralegh, Sir Walter, Character of Henry VIII. by, iii. 385 n.
Rapin, his definition of the term Tory, ii. 210 n. His History alluded to, iv. 357 n.
Ravaillac, —, the assassination of Henry IV. of France by, noticed, i. 239.
Reading, debates concerning an election for, iii. 16, 17. iv. 202. 254 n.
Recognition, The, Act for subscribing, read, i. xli. Recommitted, xliii.
Members of Parliament obliged to sign, i. 273 n.
-, —, Bill of, debate on; iii. 26–32. Account of the object of,
and the proceedings of, in Parliament, 32, 33 n. Read second time,
86–117. Debate on, 194–201. 204–232. 256–287. Resolution relative to, 287. Motion relative to, 316. debate upon, 317–324.
Recusants, Popish, debate upon the Bill for discovering, i. 6. 8. 117. 148. 390. Resolution relative to their estates, 372. Conversation upon the Bill concerning, ii. 139, 140. Report of the Committee on, 147. Part of the Bill lost, and debate on, 146–148. Reported, 148–155. Members added to the Committee, 167. Reported, 169. Ordered to be engrossed, ib. n. Read the third time, 257. Passed, 310.
Redman, Major, letter of, giving an account of the assembling of Quakers at Waterford, ii. 113 n.
Regicides, The, execution of described, iii. 110, 111 n. 120 n. Barbarous, exhibition of their mangled limbs, iv. 432 n. 433 n.
Register Office, cuunsel heard in the case of, iii, 595. iv. 244.
Religion, proceedings of Committee for, i. 366. Enactments in the Petition and Advice relative to, 388, 389. Report of the Committee for, on the misprintings in the Bible, ii. 221, 222 n, Grand Committee appointed for, iii. 33.
Remonstrance on the state of the kingdom, notice of, iii. 487 n.
Republics, generally economical, ii. 396 n.
Revenue, Public, account of, in 1654, i. cxx. cxxi. Discussion relative to the, ii. 23–33. 37. Debate upon, 155. Committee appointed to investigate the, 164. Motion concerning the report of the Committee, 247. State of, noticed, iii. 286 n. Debate on the state of, iv. 362–367. 383– 388. 434–438. 447, 448 n. 466. Debts owing to the Commonwealth, ib. n. 468 n. State of, in 1659, iv. 466 and n. Report upon, 468n.
Reynolds, Sir John, leave granted to him by Parliament to go on service, ii. 115. Account of the expedition to France under, ib. n.
-, — Dr. thanks of Parliament voted to, i. 341. Preaches before the
Parliament, iii. 11 n. 66. Biographical notice of, 66, 67 n. Allusions
to, i. 80. 359. iii. 84 n.
Rich, —, his fanaticism at the punishment of Nayler, the Quaker, i. 266.
Richard II., Kong, allusion to, i. 400.
-, — of York, declared by Parliament to be the successor of Henry
VI., iii. 584. Butchered at the battle of Wakefield, ib.
Richmond, Duke of, his opinion on Reform in Parliament, i. 406 n. iii. 75 n. Remarks of, on the Royal Veto, ii. 453 n.
Riswick, Major, notice of, i. 336.
Rivers, Sir Thomas, refused to be admitted by the Clerk of the Commonwealth, i. civ.n.
-, —, Marcellus, &c. petition to Parliament of, on their being sold
as slaves into the Barbadoes, iv. 255. Cruelties inflicted on, 255, 256,
Robinson, Mr. Luke, dispute between Colonel Markham and him in
the House of Commons, i. 207. Changes his political opinions, 363 n.
Remarks on a speech of, ii. 438 n. Debate on his election to Parliament, iii. 33.
-, —, —, errors in the translation of the Bible pointed out by,
i. 348.
Robertson, Dr., observations by, on mercenary troops, iii. 168 n. Oa the trade of the Lombards, iv. 398 n.
Rochester, Bishop of, attempt to poison the, punished, i. 111 n.
Rodney v. Cole, debate upon the appeal of, i. 105, 100. 135, 136. 227. 300–303. ii. 130, 131. iii. 306.
Roe, Sir Thomas, biographical notice of, iii. 437, 438 n.
Rogers, Mr. John, liberated i. 350. Notice of, ib. n.
Rogues, vagabonds, &c statute relating to, referred to a Committee, i. clxxxiii. Debate on the bill concerning, 21–24.
Rolle, Lord, Chief Justice of the Upper Bench, removed by Cromwell, iv. 47. Notice of, ib. n. Alluded to, i. 161.
Rolls Office, petitions respecting, iii. 595.
Rome, downfal of, predicted, i. cxlvii. cxlviii.
Rose, —, Bishop of Rochester attempted to be poisoned by, i. 111 n. His punishment, ib.
Rous, Francis, opinion respecting his version of the Psalms, i. 350. Notice of him, 350 n.
Rowe, Mr. John, notice of, i. 377, 378 n.
Ruddock, Edward, (servant to a member of Parliament) discharged from imprisonment by the privilege of his master, i. clxxxix.
Rushworth, Mr., anecdote of, iii. 93 n. His historical Collections referred to, ii. 306. 382. 384, 385 n. iv. 208, 209, 259, 266, 267, 278 n. His flattering dedication to the Protector Richard, iii. v.
Russel, Lord, allusion to, ii. 417n.
-, —, Sir William, notice of, iii. 427.
Ryegate, debate relative to the election for, i. 127.
Sabbath, proceedings on the bill for regulating the observance of, i. 295. 310. Motion respecting, ii. 260, 261. Debate on, 261–268. Ordered to be engrossed, ib. Code of Laws for regulating at Newhaven, United States, 262n.; and observations on, ib. Penalties inflicted for the non-observance of, by the Act of 1650, 262n. Manner of observing by the Saxons, 266 n. Remarks on the institution of, 267 n. Calvin s opinion respecting, ib. Luther's opinion, ib. King Edward VI.'s injunctions to the Clergy of England, on the observance of, 267 n. Clauses in the Act of 1552 respecting the, ib. Bishop Aylmer's justification of his mode of observing, ib. Manner of observing at Geneva, 267, 268 n.
St. Alban's (Jermyn), Earl of, the supposed husband of Queen Henrietta Maria, ii. 444 n.
St. Domingo, the English expedition against, failure of, i. cxxxvii.
St. Paul's Church, London, account of its desecration by the Army, iii.
539, 540 n.
-, — Walk, quaint description of, iii. 539, 540 n.
Salisbury, Recorder of, commitment of, to the Tower noticed, iii. 174 n.
-, —, Earl of, petition of, void, i. Ixi. Referred to a Committee,
ib. n.
Salthouse, Thomas, Quaker, persecution endured by, ii. 112 n.
Sandwich, Earl of, (Montague) notice of, ii. 450 n. iv. 148 n. Pepys's remarks on his advancement by King Charles II., 433 n.
Sankey, Sir Jerome, charge brought against Dr. Petty by, iv. 244–249.
Santa Cruz, account of the victory gained by Admiral Blake off, ii. 142, 143. Thanksgiving day appointed by Parliament on the occasion, 143. Present made to Blake and his Captains for, 144, 145, 146.
Sawtre, William, his death alluded to, i. 118 n.
Saxons, mode of observing the Sabbath practised by the, ii. 266n. Remarks on, ib.
Saxony, instance of the despotism of the Duke of, i. cxxxv. n. cxxxvi. n.
Say and Sele, Lord Viscount, Cromwell considered by him to have betrayed the Republic, iii. 536 n. Became a placeman to King Charles II., ib. Remarks on his conduct, ib.
Scawen, Mr., thanks of Parliament voted to, iv. 363 n.
Scobell, Mr. Henry, the collection of Public Acts and Ordinances made by, ordered to be printed, ii. 313. Held the office of clerk of Parliament by patent, 317. Directed to deliver up the records, by the Parliament, 336, 337. Discussion on his keeping the records, 349, 350. 403, 404. Entry in the journals made by, on the dissolution of the Long Parliament, 417 n. Called upon to explain the entry, ib. Allusion to, iv. 196.
Scot, Sir Thomas, notice of, i. 205 n.
-, — Mr., speech of, ii. 382–392. The victim of royal vengeance, 383 n.
Remarks on his uncpurtly deportment, 395 n. Bold speech of, 428,
429. Remarks on the speech, 429. His trial and execution, iii. 110 n.
iv. 380 n. Allusion to, ii. 412.
-, — Mr. Edward, of Scots'-Hall, debate upon his petition for a divorce,
i. 204–206. 265. 297, 298. 334. Account of the conduct of his wife,
335, 336. Proceedings of the committee on the divorce, 352.
Scotland, the clergy of, refuse to observe the Fast-day appointed by the Protector, i. xlix n. The coronation chair of, removed to London, ii. 511 n. Account of it, ib. Debate upon the confirmation of the privileges of the boroughs of, i. 12–18. Debate upon the Bill for uniting with England, i. 346, 347. 353. ii. 57. Regulation in the Petition and Advice relative to members for, ii. 10–13. Debate upon the ordinance respecting the donatives of, 63. 65, 66. 75. Debate upon confirming the ordinance touching the excise and customs of, 77, 78. Bill for the assessment of, read second time, 163. Reported, 196. Debate upon the proportions for England, Ireland, and, 207–214. Commissioners sent by the Parliament to negociate a treaty of assistance with, 214 n. Debate upon the Petition and Advice relative to, 249–251. The Hamilton faction in, noticed, 307, 308 n. Remarks on the Church of, 424 n. Proceedings of the Parliament of, on conferring the title of. King of Scotland on Charles II., iii. 372–374 n. Proceedings of the deputies of, relative to the union with England, 1652, iv. 112, 113 n. Remarks on that union, 178, 179. State of, in 1698, 168 n. Model of the covenant sent by, to the English Parliament, 1643, 208 n.
Scots, their base desertion of the Royal cause, ii. 383, 384. Cruelties inflicted by, oh their invasion of England, 384 n. Prisoners taken from, transported, ib. Money paid to, for sacrificing King Charles I., ib. Attempted justification of, ib.
Scriptures, The, remarks on the frequent allusions to, in the speeches of the times of James I. and Cromwell, ii. 322 n.
Seamen, tumult of, alluded to, i. xiii. Petition of, against impressment noticed, i. lxii. n. Proclamation prohibiting the assembling of, riotously ii. 78 n.
Sebrand, Monsieur, proceedings on the bill for naturalizing his child, i. 174.
Sedgmpre, debate on the bill for dividing, i. 259.
Sedgwick, William, fanatical notions of, i. 76 n. 103, 104.
Semen, Mr., his "Titles of Honour" noticed, ii. 381, His privileges of the Baronage of England, iv. 68 n.
Serges, bill for regulating the manufacture of, ii. 46.
Sermons, remarks on the reading of, by ministers, i. 359. Burnet's observations on, ib. n. Sermons in the time of the Commonwealth remarkable for length, ii. 372 and n.
Servetus, —, betrayed by Calvin to the civil power, iii, 200 n.
Sexby, Colonel, engaged in the plot to assassinate the Protector, i. 333, 354. Account or, ib. n. Arrested, ii. 314n. Confessed the pamphlet called "Killing no Murder" to be his production, iii. 129 n. His confession of his part in the attempt to assassinate the Protector, ii. 486 –488.
Shapcott, Colonel, speech of, reported in a pamphlet delivered to the House by, i. lxii. lxiii. n. Proceedings in consequence, ib.
Sharpe, Granville, refutation of Blackstone's theory relative to Annual Parliaments by, i. 403 n, 404 n. Referred to, iii. 516, 517 n.
Sheriffs, report of the committee on the election of, i. lxxi, lxxii, lxxiii. Writs for the return of members to Parliament directed to, xciv, xcv. Penalty on neglect of duty, xcvii. ci.
Sherwood, Forest of, discussion relative to the sale of, ii. 78, 79 n.
Shields, petition of the Salt-makers of, i. 259. Discussion on, ii. 57.
Ship-money, decision of the judges on the subject of, i. 407 n. Observations on the mode of raising, ii. 214, 215. 218, 219. 228. Violence offered to a judge for defending, 218 n. Unequally raised, 219.
Shippon, Major-general, allusion to, i. clxxxv.
Shirley, Sir Robert, sent ambassador to the Pope, 1609, iv. 261 n. His public entry into Rome noticed, ib. n. Alluded to, iv. 303.
Shrewsbury castle, necessity for garrisoning, i. xcii.
Sidney, Algernon, judicial murder of, alluded to, i. lxix, iv. 487 n. Remarks of, on Aristotle's distinction of kings and tyrants, i. 399 n. On the supremacy of the law in England, ib. On the Royal Veto, ii. 453 n. Allusion to, iii. 294 n.
Simmons, Martha, fanatical conduct of, towards Nayler, the Quaker, i. 10, 11.
Sindercombe, Miles, &c, attempt of, to set fire to Whitehall, i. 332. Examined by Cromwell, 333. 355. Trial and sentence of, 374 n. Commits suicide, ib. n. ii. 488 n. Papers left by him, i. 375 n. Sentence executed on his body, ib.
Slave-trade, remarks on the part taken by England with respect to the, iv. 268. Debate on the petition of certain Englishmen sold as slaves, 255–273. 301–308.
Sleswick, Duke of, minister sent by, to Cromwell, i. ix. xiv.
Slingsby, Sir Henry, account of, ii. 472. His trial and death, 473.
Smith, Erasmus, debate upon the act for settling lands in Ireland upon,
i. 2–4. 222.
-, — Sir Thomas, his account of the manner of the King giving or
refusing his assent to bills, ii. 451 n. Remark on the distinction, Gentleman, ii. 456 n.
Smythe, Mr., debate upon choosing him Clerk of Parliament, ii. 316. 318.
Soamer, Sir Thomas, tyranny of Archbishop Laud towards, ii. 236.
Socinianism, doctrine of, noticed, i. xxxvii. n.
Soldiers, debate upon confirming the orders of the Long Parliament respecting, ii. 96.
Somersetshire, account of the persecution of the Quakers in, ii. 112 n.
Sound, The, description of, iii. 379, 380 n. Debate upon preserving the English interest in, 437–448. 450–493.
Southampton, Lord, allusion to, iii. 236.
Spain, debates upon the war with, i. 174. 269. Money voted by Parliament for carrying on, 371. Consequences of the war, iii. 388 n. 389 n. Mazarine's policy in inducing Cromwell to make war on Spain, ib. 390.
Spelman, John, allusion to, ii. 313.
Spring-Gardens, The, notice of, i. 35 n.
Stacey, Colonel, allusion to, ii. 473.
"Standard," A, discussion in Parliament on a publication so named, ii.2–4.
Star-Chamber, account of, iii. 359, 360 n. Sentence passed on a sheriff, for absence during his shrievalty, i. lxxii.
Starkey, Mr. remarks on his conduct towards Mr. Justice Cooke, iii. i. 15 n. iv. 272 n.
Stationers, Company of, errors in the Bible printed by Hill pointed out by i. 348.
Stave, Dr. his election alluded to, iii. 549.
Stayner, Captain, his account of the defeat of the Spanish fleet, i. clxxxi. Parliament present him with a jewel on the victory off Santa Cruz, ii. 146. Knighted by Cromwell, ib. n. 283.
Stedry, Mr., Bill to enable him to sell his estate noticed, i. 167.
Sternhold, —, his version of the Psalms noticed, i. 349 n. His reason for undertaking it, 350 n.
Stocks, The, the site of, described, iii. 77 n. Account of the Stocks Market, ib.
Stone, Captain, account given to Parliament by, relative to the farmers of the excise, &c., iv. 394 n.
Stowe, Mr., his account of the origin of Lombard-street, iv. 398 n.
Stowell, Sir John, petition of, referred to a Committee, i. Ixi. His case noticed, i. 165. Debate on his petition, 202. His estate forfeited, ib. n. Imprisoned, iii. 41.
Strafford, Earl of, new lords created by King Charles I. on his trial, ii. 22 and n. Number who voted him guilty, ib. n. Character of, 442, 443; iii. 518 n. Remarks on his trial, iv. 156. Epitaph on, by. Cleveland, ib. n. Allusions to, i. 29, 30, 31. 87, 88. 98.
Streete, Mr., debate on his election for Worcester, iii. 70. Ordered to attend the House, 71. Accused of delinquency, 253. Defends himself, 253, 254. Debate on, 254, 255. Account of impeachment of, 425–435; iv. 225. 244.
Strode, Mr., debate on the message from the Judges to Parliament, relative to an election, iii. 18–21. 51–54; iv. 465. Cause afterwards brought before the restored Long Parliament, 465, 466 n.
Suckling, Sir John, notice of, ii 443 n. Engaged in plots against the Parliament, ib. Made a campaign with Gustavus Adolphus, 444 n. Raises troops for the King, ib. His death, ib.
Surrey, Earl of, message sent to James IV. by, previous to the battle of Flodden, ii. 449 n. Death of, iii. 585.
Sweden, Whitlocke's negociation with, considered, i. xxiv. Sweden and Denmark, debate upon the war between, 1658–9, iii. 376–403. Account of the laws of Sweden respecting religion, 387 n.
Swinton, Lord, allusion to, iv. 214.
Taunton, examination into the election for, iv. 299. 333, 334.
Tavistock, discussion relative to the election for, iv. 414.
Temple, The, debate upon the arrears of the assessment due from, i. 209 –214. Amount of the assessment, 211.
Temple, Mr., his cause against Lord Strafford noticed, ii. 141.
Terry, family of, proceedings in the Bill to enable them to let their estate, i. 265.
Theauro-John, examination of, for violence in the lobby of the House of Commons, i. cxxvi. Committed to the Gate-house, ib. Notice of, cxxviii.
Thisscross, Rev. Mr., arrested by Cromwell for observing Christmasday, ii. 314 n.
Thomas, Rowland, petition of, to Parliament, complaining of having been sold as a slave, iv. 257, 258. Debate on the petition, 258–273. 301–308.
Thomond, Earl of, biographical notice of, iii. 347 n.
Thorne, Mr., examination of, by Parliament, i. 136.
Thurloe, Mr. Secretary, letter of Colonel Whalley to, on Cromwell's design of conceding the rights of citizens to the Jews, i. cxliii. n. Letter of, to H. Cromwell on this subject, ib. Elected M. P. for the University of Cambridge, iii. 450. Letter of Captain. Langley to, on several political pamphlets; Vote of Recognition, and on the agitated state of parties, 596 n. Letter of H. Cromwell to, iv. 221 n. Letter of General Monck to, ib. Letter of Lord H. Cromwell, on the questions whether the Scotch and Irish members were qualified to Bit in the Parliament and that of "transacting" with the other House, iv. 234 n. Letter of Henry Cromwell to, 248 n. Letter of Colonel Barkstead to, 258 n. Accused of being concerned in the affair of selling Englishmen for slaves, 409 n. Letter of, to H. Cromwell, on the want of decision in the House of Commons; various opinions of the address presented by the Army to the Protector, 423 n. Letter of General Monck to, 437 n. Letter of Colonel Bampfylde to, 467 n. Allusions to, 289 n. 449 n. 461. 467 n.
Tickell, —, lines by, on the death of Charles I., iii. 423 n.
Tirrell, Mr. Thomas, debate on the petition of the tenants of the Manor of Hanslop, county of Bucks, against, i. 197, 198.
Tiverton, examination concerning the election for, iv. 41. Report of the Committee, 112.
Tobacco, duty on, planted in Gloucestershire, i. viii.
Toleration, Religious, Frederick the Third's opinion on, i. 409 n. Roger Williams's opinion on, ib.
Tonnage and Poundage, Bill for, discussions relative to the Chairman of the Committee, ii. 167, 168. Read, ib.
Tooke, Mr. Home, his election to serve in Parliament noticed, iii. 86 n.
Toope, John, (engaged in the plot to assassinate the Protector,) examination of, i. 355. 368.
Tory, explanation of the term, ii. 210 n.
Touchett, Mr. Marvin, examination of, during the debate upon the delinquency of Mr. Danvers, iii. 246. Alluded to, 249.
Towers, Dr., Clarendon accused of want of veracity by, iii. 508 n.
Traitors, form of the sentence passed on, ii. 474 n.
Transportation, returning from, made felony, ii. 142.
Treasury, Committee appointed to consider, i. ii. Proceedings of the Committee for inspecting, iv. 1.
Tresilian, Sir Robert, execution of, iii. 120 n. Remark upon his punishment, 121 n.
Trevor, Mr. John, speech of, alluded to, iii. 69 n.
Triennial Parliaments, statute for, noticed, iii. 516.
Trumbull, Sir William, elected for Berkshire, iii. 51. Biographical notice of, ib. n. The earliest patron of Pope, ib. Pope's lines on, 52 n.
Turgis, Mr., proceedings upon a breach of privilege committed by abuse of, iii. 37 n.
Turkey Company, application of, to Parliament, respecting an action brought against them by Sir Sackville Crowe, debate on, ii. 98–100.
Turner, Robert, notice of a work on Judicial Astrology by, i. 305, 306 n.
Notice of other works by, 306 n.
-, — Sir Edward, notice of, iv. 431 n. His remark on the trial of Major-general Harrison, iv. 431, 432 n.
Tuscany, letter from the Duke of, alluded to, i. x.
Tythes, debate respecting, i. iii. Debate of the Committee of Religion respecting, 366. Debate upon the Bill relative to, ii. 165, 166. Project for abolishing, iii. 482, 483 n. Remarks on, ib.
Vagrants, debate on the Bill respecting, ii. 112–114. Passed, 114.
Valentine, Matthias, petition to confirm a donative given to, ii. 79 and n.
Vane, Sir Henry, explanation of his conduct at the time of King Charles I.'s death, iii. 174 n. His name subscribed to the Covenant, iv. 209. Persecuted by Cromwell, i. 283 n. Instance of his disinterested virtue, ii. 397 n. Cromwell's remark to, on his breaking up the Long Parliament, ib. Elected for Whitchurch, iv. 182 n. Intrigues of Cromwell to prevent his election, ib. Serjeant Maynard's hostility to him noticed, 314 n. Speech of, on the debate concerning certain Englishmen sold as slaves, 409. King Charles II. desirous to have him "put out of the way," ii. 184 n. His trial alluded to, ii. 461 n. Allusions to, iv. 112 n.
Vassal, Mr. Samuel, petition of, read, iv. 318. Money due to him from the Commonwealth, ib. n. The case referred to the Protector, 319 n. Cromwell directs an order to be prepared for the payment of, 334.
Vaughan, John, charged with unduly returning a member for Carmarthen, iv. 275. Brought before the House of Commons, ib. Speech of, ib. Honourably acquitted, ib.
Ubiquitaries, opinions of the sect so called, i. 129 n.
Vermeuden, Sir Cornelius, Bill for, relative to Sedgmore, i. 259.
Villiers, alias Danvers, debate on the accusation of serving against the Parliament, iii. 241–252.
Vines, Rev. Mr., alluded to, i. lxi. Notice of, ib. n.
Viner, Sir Robert, notice of, i. 223 n.
Vintners, debate upon the duties paid, to the Excise by, i. 325–328. Abatement made upon the wines in the hands of, ii. 273 n.
Unitarians, punishment of two, for heresy, i. 118 n.
United States, code of laws for regulating the observance of the Sabbath at Newhaven, ii. 262 n. Remarks on the churches of, 424 n. Constitution of, 460 n.
Universities, debate on the Ordinance for regulating, ii. 63, 64. Debate on the Bill against the non-residence of masters, &c. of Colleges, 338, 339.
Usher, Archbishop, library of, purchased by the soldiers, i. 386 n. Bestowed by King Charles II. on Dublin College, 387 n.
Vyner, Sir Thomas, chosen Lord Mayor, i. xii.
Wagstaff, Sir. Joseph, alluded to, iv. 155.
Waits, The, use of, in London, i. 23.
Wakering, Mr., his sudden death, i. 107.
Wales, debate respecting ministers for, iii. 82. Proceedings of the
Committee on, 152. 500, iv. 202.
-, —, Henry, Prince of, extracts from the orders of the household of,
i. lxxxv. lxxxvi.
Waller, Edmund, his adulation of Cromwell, ii. 141 n.
-, —, Sir Hardress, petition of, relative to lands in Ireland considered, i. 203. 245. His protestation to the Lords in the name of the
Army, iii. 519 n. His conduct on his trial, ib.
-, —, Sir William, alluded to, ii. 110.
-, —, Mr., Serjeant, his report to Parliament upon the election for
Reading, iv. 254 n.
Wallingford-house, meetings of the officers of the Army at, noticed, iv. 452. 469.
Wallop, Mr., his zeal for the election of Sir H. Vane, iv. 182.
Walton, Dr., drawback allowed him on the paper for his Folyglott Bible,
i. 352 n.
-, —, deliberation on the election for, iii. 369.
Warburton, Bishop, his opinion of General Monck, iv. 437 n.
Wardships, abolition of, ii. 437 n.
Wards, abolition of the Court of, i. lx. clxxxix.
Waring, Major, proceedings on a breach of privilege of Parliament by his being arrested, ii. 106.
Warmestry, Rev. Thomas, Parliament desire the Protector to remove him from the lectureship of St. Margaret's, Westminster, ii. 270 n. His publications, ib. Preferred on the Restoration, 271 n.
Warton, Joseph, lines written by, at Montauban, iv. 80 n.
Warwick Castle, allusion to, i. xcii.
-, —, Earl of, connected with the family of Cromwell by marriage,
ii. 315 n. Character of, iii. 356 n. Refuses ib sit in Parliament with
Colonel Pride, &c. 535 n. Remarks on, ib. 536 n. His death, 356 n.
Allusion to, ii. 450 n.
Waterford, apprehensions entertained at, on account of a meeting of Quakers, ii. 113 n.
Watts, Dr., intimate with Richard Cromwell, iv. 486 n.
Weldon, Colonel, petition of, on account of a debt incurred for the public service, ii. 182. Debate on, 190, 191. His services, 190 n.
Wentworth, Sir Thomas, made a sheriff, to prevent his return to Parliament, i. lxxi. n.
-, —, Lord, alluded to, i. cxxxviii.
West Indies, account of the, i. cxlv.
Westminster, St. Margaret's, Parliament desire the Protector to remove
the ministers of, ii. 270 n.
-, —, the Gatehouse at, described, i. cxvii. cxviii. n.
-, — Schools, resolution of Parliament relative to, i. xxvii. n.
Westmorland, petition of tenants of, against Lord Pembroke, i. 202.
Weston, John, imprisoned by Cromwell, iv. 151 n. ordered to be brought before the House of Commons, 162, 163 n.
Whalley, Judge Advocate, debate upon the Act for settling lands
in Ireland on, i. 2–4. 222.
-, —, Captain, elected for Nottingham, iii. 305.
-, —, Colonel, Account of his dispute with Colonel Ashfield, iv.
222. Complains to the Protector Richard, ib. Result of his appeal, ib.
Whale-fishery, Committee appointed to regulate the, i. 1.
Wharton, Duke of, his eventful life alluded to, i. 367 n.
-, —, Lord, notice of, i. 367 n.
Wheat, exportation of, alluded to, i. lx.
-, —, Colonel, his humanity to Quakers in the time of their persedition, ii. 112 n.
Wheeler, Sir William, Bill to enable him to build on his estate at Stepney, ii. 283 n.
Whitbread, Mr., alluded to, iv. 168 n.
Whitehall, the Levellers charged with the design of seting fire to, i. 332, 333.
Whitgift, Archbishop, allusion to, ii. 423 n.
Whitlock, Colonel James, honour conferred on, by Cromwell, i. 317 n.
-, —, Judge, account of his going to Westminster-Hall during the
plague, 1625, iv. 335 n. 336 n.
-, —, Sir Bulstrode, (Lord Commissioner,) instructions to, on his
embassy to Sweden, noticed, i. xii. xiii. Becomes a preacher, cxxvi. n.
Account of a. theological publication of, cxxvii. n. Act to take away
the House of Lords drawn up by, ii. 430 n. His grief at the sentence
against King Charles I., 431 n. Consents to accept office under the
Parliament, ib. Earl of Essex charged with, losing opportunities of
putting an end to the war by, 449 n. Appointed Speaker of the House
of Commons, i. 369, 370. Bill relative to, noticed, 372 n. Thanks voted
to, as Speaker, 375. Money voted to, for his services in Sweden, 375.
Anecdote related of Sir Thomas Widdrington by, 376 n. Urges
Cromwell to accept the title of King, i. 417 n. His account of Cromwell's hesitation about assuming the title, ii. 118 n. His account
of the dissolution of the Parliament, 1657–8, by Cromwell, 462 n.
Cromwell signed a patent for creating him a Viscount, iii. 356 n.
His account of the arrest of Major Wildman, iv. 155 n. His account
of the charges brought, against Bishop Wren, 266, 267 n. Describes
the visit of Judge Whitlock to Westminster-Hall during the plague,
335, 336 n.
Widdrington, Sir Thomas, Speaker, discussion relative to his illness, i.
337–340. Anecdote of, 376 n. His conduct noticed, ii. 9. 34. 70. His
vigilance, 147. Irregular conduct of, 149. Respect paid to his conscientious scruples, 431 n. His speech on delivering the articles against
Bishop Wren to the Lords, iv. 267 n. Allusion to, 438.
-, — Sir William, cause of his commitment to the Tower, iii. 285.
Wilde, Dr., arrested by order of the Protector, for observing Christmasday, ii. 314, 315 n. Account of, 315 n.
Wildman, Major, tumults against Cromwell's government occasioned by, i. 199. Pamphlet published by, ib. n. Imprisoned, iv. 155 n. Account of his arrest, ib.
William the Conqueror, the Kentish-men obtain their liberties from, i. 210 n.
William III., King, refuses his assent to the frequent calling of Parliament, ii. 452 n. Burnet's account of, ib. Remarks on, ib. 479 and n. Notice of, iii. 176, 177 n. Sends to James II. to desire him to remove from Whitehall, 295 n.
Williams, Archbishop, the protestation of the Bishops, in 1641, attributed
to, ii. 328 n.
-, — Roger, account of, i. 407 n. His opinion on religious toleration, ib.
Wills, debates on the Bill for the probate of, i. 224, 225; ii. 56. 114. 237. 253, 254. 283. 303. 338.
Wilmot, Lord, engaged in the insurrection, in 1656, against the Parliament, i. 231. Alluded to, i. cxxxviii.
Willoughby, Lord, petitions to be released from prison, and for leave to go to Surinam, i. clxxxi.
Wilson, Arthur, anecdote of Queen Elizabeth related by, iv. 135 n.
Wiltshire, Bill for holding the Sheriff's Court at Devizes, i. 168. Read the second time, 228.
Windsor, New, debate cm the Ordinance for confirming the Alms-house at, ii. 61, 62. Dress, &o. of the Poor Knights described, ib. n.
Wines, the abuses in, referred to a Committee; i. clxxxii. Duty on Spanish wines raised, clxxxvi. clxxxvii. Proceedings on the Bill for regulating the prices of, ii. 202.
Wingate, Mr. brief notice of, i. 136 n.
Wingfield, Mr. Augustus, notice of, iii. 38 n.
Winston's Hospital, debate upon a petition concerning, i. 82–84.
Wirtz, Colonel Paul, minister from the Duke of Sleswick to the Commonwealth, i. ix.
Witchcraft, account of the trials at Maidstone for, i. 26 n. Remarks on, ib. Weak conduct of Sir M. Hale with respect to, ib. n. Work on, condemned by Parliament, 80. 305, 306. 331.
Wither, Colonel, petition of, presented; i. 207. Poem alluded to, ib. n. Account of, 208 n.
Wood, Anthony à, his account of Colonel Lilburn, iii. 507, 508 n. Account of the articles brought against Dr. Petty, iv. 470 n. His Athenæ Oxonienses referred to, 380.
Woodhouse Mr., refuses to subscribe the Recognition, i. xxxvi.
Woollen clothiers of Yorkshire, debate on the Bill for constituting them a corporation, i. 126, 127.
Worcester, battle of, alluded to, i. xvii. cxlvii.
-, — petition from, on the election of Mr. Streete, iii. 70. Mr.
Streeto defends himself, 253. Debate on, ib.–256. 425–435.
-, — Marquis of, his conference with Charles I. noticed, iii. 371,
372 n.
-, — Earl of, petitions the House, i. xlvii. Released on finding
bail, xlviii.
-, — (Glamorgan) his Treaty with Irish rebels alluded to, iii. 372 n
-, — Countess of, Bill for settling Worcester House on, committed, ii. 102.134. Motion to read, 305. Petition of, referred to the Committee, iv. 119. 244. 253. Worcester House delivered up to, 424, 425.
-, — House, debate on the Bill for settling on the Countess of
Worcester, ii. 102. Committed, ib. 134. Given up to the Countess,
424, 425. 464. Occupied by Lord Clarendon, 426 n.
Wotton, Sir Henry, remark written by, in an album, iii. vi. n.
Wraxall, Sir Neale, state of the French peasantry described by, iv. 80 n.
Wren, Bishop, accusation brought against, in the House of Peers, of setting up idolatry, 1640, iii. 266 n. Security for his appearance required, ib. voted unworthy to hold any dignity in the Church, ib. 267 n. Articles against, ib. Imprisoned, ib. Discharged, ib. His persecution of dissenters, ib.
Wright, Drugo, proceedings against, for breach of the privileges of Parliament, i. 9.
Wroth, Sir Henry, charge against, for assaulting Major-general Packer,
iii. 436. Ordered to attend the House, 437. Debate on, iv. 2–4. Defends himself, 5. Discharged, 7.
-, — Sir Thomas, thanks of Parliament voted to, iv. 17 n.
Wylde, Serjeant, petition of, on being displaced from the office of Chief Baron, iv. 390. Resolution relative to his petition, 421, 422. 429. 438, 439. 467, 468.
Wyndham, Mr. Hugh, notice of, ii. 340 n.
Yardley, Captain, alluded to, iv. 162 n.
Yarmouth, discussion respecting an election for, i. xxiv. iii. 579.
York, proceedings on the bill for erecting law and equity courts at, i. 17. 19. Debate on the Bill for constituting the woollen clothiers of the West Riding a corporation, i. 126, 137.
York, James Duke of, alluded to, i. cxxxviii.
Yorkshire, petition from the North Riding of, relative to assessments considered, i. 208, 209. Yorkshire cloths, debate on the Bill relating to, i. 320. Read second time, 372. Referred to the Committee of Trade, ib. n.
Young, Dr., lines of, on the execution of King Charles I. iii. 423 n. Gross adulation of the dedication to "The Last Day," 424 n.