[Chester.] |
C. 6701. Chirograph, indented, being a grant by Philip de Egerton
to William son of Richard de Merchumley of a place of land in
Nantwich; rent, 6s. Candlemas Day, 13 Richard II. Fragment of
seal. |
Chester. |
C. 6702. Grant by Hugh Shaill to Richard, son of Richard de
Fouleshurst, the elder, Maud, his wife, and the heirs of his body, of a
place of land in Nantwich, which he had by the gift of Nicholas Oldcalf;
rent, a rose; remainder to Richard son and heir of Richard de
Fouleshurst. Witnesses:—John de Wrennebur', sheriff of Chester,
and others (named). Thursday after St. Valentine, 1339. Seal. |
Chester. |
C. 6703. Grant by Roger de Malpas to John de Bikerton, William
Mullok, and David de Bekeley, of all his lands, etc. which he has
within the county by the gift of David, son of David de Malpas.
Michaelmas Day, 2 Richard II. Seal of arms (Malpas). |
Chester. |
C. 6704. Grant by Robert, son and heir of Hugh de Fouleshurst,
to Hugh, his father, and Margery, his mother, of all the lands, etc.
which he has by the gift of the said Hugh, and which Hugh had by
the gift of John de Werleston, for 39 years. Witnesses:—Robert
de Bulkyl, sheriff of Chester, and others (named). Sunday after
Epiphany, 2 Edward II. Seal. |
Chester. |
C. 6705. Grant by John, son of David de Malepas, to William
Baxster, rector of half the church of Malepas, Richard Fleccher,
rector of Hasulwall, Richard Mascy del Hogh, Hugh Malepas, of
Chatkeley, John Kynaston, John Thikkenes, and Philip Filkyn, of
all his lands, etc. in the county. Tuesday after St. Denis, 5 Henry V.
Seal. |
Chester. |
C. 6706. Letters of John, son of David de Malpas, appointing
Thomas de Cholmeley his attorney to deliver seisin to William Baxster
and others (as in C. 6705) of all his lands, etc. in the county. Hampton,
Tuesday after St. Denis, 5 Henry V. Seal. |
Chester. |
C. 6707. Letters of Richard Flechier, rector of Haselwall, and
John Thyknys appointing John Ithell their attorney to deliver to
Elizabeth, daughter of David del Malpas, John Eggerton, Katherine,
Margaret, Alice, and Agnes, daughters and heirs of John Bryde and
of Katherine, daughter of David de Malpas, and to Thomas Hogh,
seisin of all the lands, etc. which they had by the gift of John, son
of David del Malpas, within the county. Wednesday, Martinmas
Day, 12 Henry VI. Two seals. |
[Chester.] |
C. 6708. Grant by William Baxster and others (as in C. 6705)
to David son of John de Malpas, Alice his wife, and the heirs of their
bodies, of all the lands, etc. which they had by John's gift in
Newbolde, Newton, Rowton, Aldresey, and Broxun. Hampton,
Monday, St. Andrew's Eve, 5 Henry V. Six seals. |
[Chester.] |
C. 6709. Letters of Margery, daughter of Hamon le Sheremon,
appointing Thomas de Budenhale, chaplain, or Thomas Baskervill
her attorneys to deliver to Maud de Cholnondelegh, daughter of
Richard de Fouleshurst, seisin of a curtilage in Nantwich (Wico
Malbano). Dodinton, Sunday after St. Peter's Chair, 38 Edward III.
Seal, damaged. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 6710. Grant by Robert Geldegelt and John Skynnere alias
Lyncolne, to Thomas Oode, chaplain of Yaxlee, John Geldegelt,
and John Audele, of a close called 'Keggellys,' in Monk Soham,
between a close called 'Suddonclos,' etc. and abutting on Brodewey,
which close they had by the gift of John Dobbe, of Kenton. 4 July,
27 Henry VI. Two seals. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 6711. Conveyance by Edmund de Bedyngfeld, esquire, and
John Zelote, of Wyrlyngworthe, to Robert Tooke, of Kenton, William
Wode, of the same, John his son, and Ralph Tooke, of 2a. land in
Aspale, without the right of driving cattle in or out (chas' nec rechas')
and without any road beyond the land late of Thomas Bokenham,
of Kenton. 1 June, 17 Henry VI. Two seals. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 6712. Grant by William Wode, the elder, to William his son,
John Holand, of Kenton, and John Lyce, of Aspale St. Mary, of all
his lands, etc. in Kenton and Debenham, which he, together with
John Brasyer, vicar of Debenham, and John Kew, of Brokford, had
by the gift of John Wade, of Brawnston, Robert Toke, William Holm,
of Helmyngham, John Gardener, of Gretyngham, and John Spech.
Witnesses:—Robert Bury, vicar of Kenton, Robert Aldrych, and
John Alone. 15 February, 39 Henry VI. Seal, damaged. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6713. Quitclaim by Isabel, relict of Richard atte Water, an
daughter and heir of Walter Crokker, to Walter Broyt, Joan his wife,
and his heirs, of her right in the western half of her land in Hornburgh,
in the parish of Bydeford. Witnesses:—John Knappe, William
Ketyng, and others (named). Northam, Tuesday after the
Annunciation, 21 Richard II. Seal. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6714. Grant by Richard Attewater and Isabel, his wife, to
Walter Broyt, Joan his wife, and Walter's heirs, of the western half,
as already divided, of their land in Hornburgh, in the parish of
Bydeford, late of Reynold Crocker; rent for their (nostra) life, and
the life of the survivor, 6d. Witnesses:—John Werbyngton, provost
of the borough of Bydeford, Richard Kewly, John Valeth, and others
(named). Monday after All Hallows, 19 Richard II. Two seals. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6715. Indenture witnessing that Walter Broyt, the younger,
has granted to Walter, his father, for life, his tenement on the south
side of the High Street (summi vici) of the borough of Bydeford,
between the lord's garden, etc.; which tenement he had by his
father's gift; rent, one grain of corn. Witnesses:—Roger Culy,
provost of the borough of Bydeford, and others (named). Monday
before St. James, 13 Henry IV. Fragments of seal. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6716. Quitclaim by Geoffrey Gyffard,. Richard Gerveys, and
William Boteler, to Christine late the wife of Henry Frere, of their
right in all their messuages and lands in Esthankeford, which they,
together with Thomas Legh, deceased, had by the gift of the said
Henry and Christine. Monday before St. Luke, 1 Henry VI. Two
seals, one damaged. Endorsed: A release from Gifford, Gervis and
Botler of the landes in Eastwoode to Frere his wife. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6717. Grant by John Beaupell and Joan, his wife, to David
Nele, clerk, and Simon Broyt, of all their messuages, etc. in Orchard,
Legh, Mersh, and Hurneburgh. The feast of St. Hilary, 13 Edward IV.
Two seals, damaged. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6718. Grant by Thomas Sken to John Knappe of a house called
'Waresmythe' between the high roads leading to Apuldore and
Bothythe, etc. Northam, Thursday before Midsummer Day
20 Richard II. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6719. Grant by John Valet to Philip Stegan, Alice his wife,
and her heirs, of all his messuages, lands, etc. in Orchard, within the
manor of Northam, and of his land called 'le Mersh' in Hornburgh,
in the parish of Bydeford, all which he, together with John Sompter,
deceased, had by the gift of the said Alice. Monday before Candlemas
33 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6720. Grant by John Broyte to John Sulford and David
Aygger of half his messuages and land in Orchard, in the manor of
Northam, together with half his land called 'le Mersch,' in Hornburgh.
Saturday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 25 Henry VI.
Seal. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6721. Quitclaim by Alice, sister and heir of Richard Ware,
to John Cotel of her right in a house in the manor of Northam (as in
C. 6718). Witnesses:—John Hayward, John Southwood, and others
(named). Herton, Tuesday before St. Simon and St. Jude,
15 Richard II. Seal, damaged. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6722. Indenture whereby John Sulford and David Aygger
demised to John Broyte, for life, a moiety of the messuages and lands
in Northam and Bydeford (described in C. 6720) which they had by
the gift of the said John Broyte; remainder to Joan, the wife of John
Beapell, previously the wife of John Whyston, the younger, and one
of the daughters of the said John Broyte. Thursday before the
Conversion of St. Paul, 30 Henry VI. Seal and fragments mapped
in sacking. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6723. Grant by Henry Frer and Christine, his wife, to Thomas
Legh and Richard Gervys of all their messuages and land in
Esthankeford. Monday after Ascension Day, 1 Henry V. Fragment
of seal. Endorsed: Estwoode in Buckland. |
Devon. |
C. 6724. Acknowledgment by John Clyff, of Dittesham, and
Margaret, his wife, of the payment by Baldwin Malet of 60s. for
land called 'Orchard' in the parish of Northam. Midsummer Day,
10 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6725. Letters of John Beaupell and Joan, his wife, appointing
William Rokebeare their attorney to deliver to David Nele, clerk,
and Simon Broyt, seisin of all their lands in Orchard, Legh, Mersh,
and Hurneburgh. The feast of St. Hilary, 13 Edward IV. Fragment
of seal. |
[Devon.] |
C. 6726. Chirograph, indented, whereby Christine, late the wife
of Henry Frer, granted to Richard Morton, of Lytelmorton, Elizabeth
his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, all her messuages and lands
in Esthankeford; remainder to the heirs of the body of the said
Elizabeth; rent, 49s. 2½d. during the life of the grantor. Thursday
after St. Luke, 1 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Heref.] |
C. 6727. Quitclaim by John Cachepoll, clerk to . . . of his right
in a tenement in Oldescolestrete [Hereford]. Witnesses:—William
Erdesley, Walter ate Broke. |
Heref. |
C. 6728. Letters of Thomas son of Roger Restard, of Welynton,
appointing Henry Gogh and Richard Houlond his attorneys to deliver
to Thomas Holgot, George ap Huy, and William Hoggys, seisin of
certain messsuages, lands, etc. specified in a charter. 25 January,
3 Edward IV. Seal. |
Heref. |
C. 6729. Indenture whereby John Breynton granted to Joan late
the wife of Thomas Restard, for life, his messuage, orchard, and close
in Welyngton. 20 July, 12 Henry VII. Fragment of seal. |
[Heref.] |
C. 6730. Letters of Thomas de le Hay, of Hontelowe, the younger,
Edmund Gomo, . . ., appointing John Yong, of Hereford, their
attorney to deliver seisin of a messuage and . . . within the lordship
of Stretton to . . . Saturday before St. Thomas, . . . Henry VI.
Seal, damaged. |
Heref. |
C. 6731. Grant by Richard de la Barre, canon of Hereford, to
Hugh Fren, Robert Preston, John Forest, and Robert Godsone,
chaplains, of a messuage and 18a. arable in Hereford, in Wid-
marasshstret, stretching to the high road to Widma[ras]sh Portfeld.
Saturday after All Hallows, 37 [Edward III.] |
[Heref.] |
C. 6732. Quitclaim by Peter Codeshale to Roger Pertrich of his
right in all lands, etc. which he holds in Welynton. Witnesses:—
Philip Holgot, John Welynton, John Trewelove, Walter Restot,
Henry Hoper. 24 July, 18 Richard II. Seal. |
Heref. |
C. 6733. Grant by Thomas Chippenham and Thomas Benger,
to John le Ferrour, tailor, all citizens of Hereford, of a tenement in
Hereford, in Oldscolestrete, late of John Wych, citizen of Hereford,
and of a small parcel of curtilage, late of John Freman, corvyser
[shoemaker]. Witnesses:—Thomas Wyghtfeld, mayor of Hereford,
John Troney, and William Breynton, bailiffs, and others (named).
Thursday before St. George, 18 Richard II. Two seals, one of arms. |
[Heref.] |
C. 6734. Chirograph, indented, whereby John Deveros, lord of
Bisschopuston, and Philip Holgot, granted to Philip Stode and Agnes,
his wife, for their life, a messuage called 'Arnaldus' and 6a. land in
[Bis]schopeston, lying in 'Ocfeld,' 'le Wynmullefeld,' and
'Poukewallefeld,' and stretching to le Portwey, towards Brugge,
and to 'Farlynggrebe'; rent as heretofore; remainder to Roger, son of
the grantees, for life; remainder to the said John. Witnesses:—
John de Eylesford, knight, and others (named). 20 March,
12 Richard II. Seal of arms, damaged. Endorsed: William
Baskervile vel Chabnour. |
Heref. |
C. 6735. Copy of the will of Thomas de la Barre, citizen of
Hereford, dated Monday after the Epiphany, 1338; direction for
burial in the cloister of the church of St. Ethelbert; legacies to the
cathedral, to the feretory [shrine] of St. Thomas, to the churches of
All Saints, St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. Martin, St. Nicholas, and St.
Ethelbert, in Hereford, to the poor of St. Giles, to the houses of the
sick beyond the Wye, on Yene, and of St. John's in Wydemershstrete,
Hereford, to the friars minors of Hereford, Shrewsbury, and London,
to the friars preachers of Hereford and Shrewsbury, to the Austin
Friars of Shrewsbury and Ludelowe, to the bridges of Waya, Lugge,
Mordeford, and Stokebrugge, for cloth and shoes to be distributed
among the poor for his soul's sake, and for other pious uses; legacies
to Richard, Thomas, Edmund, William, Lawrence, and Roger, his sons,
(40 marks each), to John (10l.) and Bartholomew (100s.), his brothers,
and other pecuniary and specific legacies; his books to his sons Richard
and Edmund, but to be kept in the family for the use of all his sons
who shall make progress in learning; his lands and rents in the city
and suburbs of Hereford to Isabel his wife, for life, and after her death
the tenement in which he dwells, with all his rents of assize in
Hereford, to Richard, his son, together with a sapphire ring which his
father used to wear for the weakness of his eyes; to Edmund, his son,
tenements in Wydemershportefelde and elsewhere; to William, his
son, a tenement in Wydemershstrete within Barrebrugge, etc., and to
Roger, his son, a tenement in Sadulwrithstrete, between the lane to
Cabacheslone, etc., a place in the tenure of Sir Thomas Hakelut, a
curtilage in Wydemershestrete, stretching from Catteslone to
Frogeslone, together with a tenement near Wydemershe; the sons
to have their lands on the marriage of Isabel, notwithstanding any
clause (loquela) in her favour; appointment of Isabel, Richard,
Edmund, and Thomas as executors.
Note of probate of the will before Stephen de Ledebury, dean of
Hereford, dated Saturday after the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 1343,
and of various alterations in legacies. The above copy certified to be
a correct transcript of the register by John Odiskyn, sub-dean, in the
presence of John Mey, mayor of Hereford, and John Bygot and
William Stowe, notaries public. 8 October, 1412. Seal. |
Chester. |
C. 6736. Assignment by Rondle Palyn, of Bickerton, yeoman, to
Edward Egerton, of Wrynehill, esquire, of a lease, granted 26 June,
38 Elizabeth, by Ralph Bostocke, of Moulton, gentleman, to Thomas
Newton, of Tranmore, yeoman, for the life of Thomas and the lives
of Robert, his son, Anne, daughter of Robert Wade, and Thomas, son
of the said Thomas, at a yearly rent of 53s. 4d., of a messuage and
land in Moreton in Worall. 3 October, 43 Elizabeth. English.
Signed: R. P. signum Rondulphi Palyn. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 6737. Schedule of deeds, acknowledged by John Jaggard,
gentleman, to be in his custody in his answer to the bill of Sir Joseph
Alston, baronet, to be produced in Court under an order dated
5 June, 1 James II.:—
(1) Grant, dated 20 January, 1640, by John Holland to Edward
Alston, the younger, Penning Alston, of London, grocer, and Joseph
Alston, of London, merchant, for 1,100l., of the Newhouse in Edwardston.
(2) Grant, dated 10 February, 1641, by Richard Hale and Anne,
his wife, Richard and Edward, their sons, Ambrose Hale, and John
Brand, esquire, to Joseph, Edward, and Penning Hale, for 60l., of a
messuage called 'Shobly' alias 'Link,' in Edwardston.
(3) Grant, dated 14 April, 18 Charles I, by Edward, Joseph, and
Penning Alston to John Brand, gentleman, lord of the manor of
Edwardston Hall, of an annuity of 10s. 8d. issuing out of lands in
(4) Grant, dated 22 October, 1644, by Edward Alston, of Sudbury,
to Joseph, Edward, and Penning Alston of a messuage called 'Quicke'
in Edwardston and Great Waldingfield, or one of them.
(5) Conveyance, dated 27 November, 1648, by Joseph, Edward,
and Penning Alston, to Joseph Mann, gentleman, of the farm called
'the Newhouse,' for 1,700l. English. Paper. |
Chester. |
C. 6738. Grant by Robert Johnson, of Lyskarde, sailor, to John
Dood, of Egerton, yeoman, of a messuage in Kirkeby Walley alias
Wallezey, with lands there and in Lyskard and Saughall Mascie.
31 January, 42 Elizabeth. Seal of arms. Endorsed with autographs
of witnesses, etc. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6739. Chirograph, indented, witnessing that Aucher Fraunk,
lord of Byketon, has demised to Thomas Mulleward, miller, his
water-mill there, with fisheries, a ham of meadow, the branches of
the willows standing on the east side of the pond, suit, millstones,
etc., for ten years; rent, 66s. 8d. and at Michaelmas 10 sticks of eels;
the miller to board the mill-head, sluice, etc. with planks and nails
to be furnished by the lord, who shall make compensation if he fail
to provide material for repairs. 24 March, 18 Richard II. |
Chester. |
C. 6740. Bond in 200l. by Robert Wade, of Moreton, yeoman, to
Thomas Neweton, of Tranmoll alias Tranmore, yeoman, for the per-
formance of the terms of a pair of indentures of even date. Wit-
nesses:—Robert Moore, mayor, and others. 10 December,
38 Elizabeth. Seal, damaged. |
Chester. |
C. 6741 Assignment by George Bate, of Poole, yeoman, to John
Dod, of Egerton, yeoman, for 30l., of a lease granted to him by John
Poole, of Poole, esquire, and John his son, deceased, for 21 years from
the determination of another lease of the same length beginning at
Martinmas, 1582, at a yearly rent of 16s., of a messuage and land in
Moreton. 20 August, 43 Elizabeth. Seal. English. Endorsed with
signatures of witnesses. |
Chester. |
C. 6742. Indenture of demise, dated 26 June, 38 Elizabeth, by
Ralph Bostock, of Moulton, gentleman, to Thomas Newton, of
Tranmore, yeoman, for 90l., of a messuage in Moreton in Wyrrall,
during the term of the lives of Robert and Thomas, sons of the said
Thomas, and Anne Wade (as in C. 6736). English. Signed, Thomas
Newton. Fragment of seal. Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Chester. |
C. 6743. Bond by the above Ralph for the payment of 180l. to
the above Thomas. 26 June, 38 Elizabeth. Signed by Ralph
Bostock and witnesses. Fragment of seal. Endorsed, in English,
with condition of performance of the terms of the preceding
deed. |
Chester. |
C. 6744. Bond by Robert Johnson, of Liskarde, sailor, for the
payment of 100l. to John Dood. 31 January, 42 Elizabeth.
Condition, in English, of performance of the terms of a deed of even
date (C. 6738 or C. 6745). Signed by witnesses. Seal of arms. |
Chester. |
C. 6745. Indenture, dated 31 January, 42 Elizabeth, being a
grant by the above Robert to the above John, for 30l., of a messuage
and land in Kyrkeby Walley alias Wallezey and a parcel of meadow
in Saughall Mascie, late of James Johnson, brother of the above
Robert. English. Signed, John Dodd. Seal. Endorsed with signa-
tures of witnesses. |
Chester. |
C. 6746. Indenture, dated 17 November, 2 James I., between
Robert Davies, of Mollington, yeoman, and Elizabeth, his wife, of
the one part, and Thomas Dodd and John Lea, gentlemen, of the
other part, witnessing that Robert and Elizabeth, in performance and
confirmation of two leases made by them to Sir John Egerton, of
Egerton, knight, undertake to levy a fine, sur conizans de droit come
ceo que il ad de son done, to the said Dodd and Lea of two messuages
and land in Mooreton, to the use of William Rathbon and Margaret
Billinges, for their lives, with remainder to the said Sir John, for 21
years, and further remainders to Robert and Elizabeth and Elizabeth's
heirs. Two seals. Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Stafford. |
C. 6747. Letters of Francis Fitton, of London, esquire, appointing
. . . . his attorney, to deliver seisin of his lands in the county of
Stafford to William Spicer, of Talacrie,co.Flint. 1 May, 41 Elizabeth.
Draft in English, on paper. On the third page is the beginning
of a further memorandum. |
Chester. |
C. 6748. Indenture, dated 2 November, 39 Elizabeth, being a
demise by John Poole, of Poole, and John, his son, to George Bate, of
the same, yeoman, of a messuage and land in Mooreton, in the parish
of Bidston (as in C. 6741). Signed by John Poole and John Poole
[his son] with two seals of arms, one damaged. Endorsed with signatures
of witnesses. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6749. Grant by John Atten Hasshe to John le Englisshe of a
messuage, and three pieces of his land in Shirefelde, whereof one piece
lies between la Mulle lane,' etc., and one is called 'Mabelie Heye.'
Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Escote, knight, Henry de Emmele, and
others (named). Thursday after the Beheading of St. John the
Baptist, 19 Edward II. Seal in white wax, damaged. |
Wilts. |
C. 6750. Quitclaim by Alice Cook, widow, to Henry Tirar and
Alice, his wife, of her right in a messuage and garden in Whitpershe,
between the tenement called 'Aysshegrove,' etc., which they had
by her gift. 20 May, 14 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6751. Indenture, being a quitclaim by Richard le Engleys,
son and heir of John le Engleys, knight, to William le Couk, of his
right in a messuage and 10a. arable, in Shyrefeld, called 'Adyeslond,'
lying in a croft on the east side of the high road leading from the
court of Shyrefeld to Lokerlygh; rent, a red rose during the life of
Dame Alice le Engleys, Ms mother, and after her death 4s. yearly.
Sunday after Michaelmas, 29 Edward III. Seal, damaged. |
Wilts. Hants. |
C. 6752. Chirograph, indented, being a grant by Thomas
Ryngewode, esquire, to Thomas, his younger son, servant of John,
lord Audeley, in fee tail, of all his lands, etc. in Coulesfeld Loveres and
Bottenham (co. Wilts), the reversion of two tenements in White-
parish, after the death of Agnes Romesey, a tenement in Shirefeld, a
tenement called 'Forell' in Credellestrowe (co. Hants) and a tenement
in Fordyngbrigge, near the bridge. 3 December, 5 Edward IV.
Seal, damaged. Endorsed: the dede that pertaynythe to the place
at the Bryggfot at Foryngbrygge ayenst Edward Evererd, dyer. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 6753. Grant by John Pateneye, chaplain, to Richard Hegges,
of Homynton, of all his lands, etc. which he had by the gift
of Henry Gereberd in Combe Byset. Monday after St. James,
35 Edward III. |
Wilts. |
C. 6754. Indenture, being a grant by Thomas Ryngwode, of
Fordyngbrygge, co. Hants, esquire, to Walter Fetplace, John Moleyns,
and William Jerard, the elder, of all his lands, etc. in Bottenham and
Nunton. Friday before Trinity, 12 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 6755. Letters of John de la Chambre appointing Nicholas
Fayrfax and Edmund Parker his attorneys, to deliver to Thomas
Benet seisin of a cottage and curtilage in Remmesbury, in a street
called 'Castelwall.' Monday after St. Andrew, 5 Henry IV. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 6756. Chirograph, indented, dated 7 Henry VI., being a final
concord, whereby John Todeworth and Robert Mayhewe granted
2 messuages, 3 shops, and 10a. land in New and Old Sarum to Robert
Asshton and Alice, his wife, for life; remainder to John, son of the
said Robert, and the heirs of his body; remainder to William
Westbury. |
Wilts. |
C. 6757. Counterpart of C. 6754. Seal. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6758. Grant by James de Emnele to William de Motefonte,
chaplain, for his service and for 6s. 8d. beforehand, of a piece of
arable in the east field of Hywys; rent, a rose at Midsummer.
Witnesses:—John de Dombredan, Peter de Scalar, and others
(named). Endorsed: Shirefeld. |
Hants. |
C. 6759. Indenture witnessing that Walter Fetplace, burgess and
merchant of Suthampton, has received from Antonio Dodo, of Venice,
merchant, 100 skins (bottos) of wine of Malvesyn worth 400l. in payment
of which he will deliver to him 300 dozens of narrow cloths called
'Osetys,' at 9s. the dozen, and western blankets at 19s. 6d. the dozen
for the rest of the 400l. Payment to be made as soon as any of three
carracks now at Suthampton has received two-thirds of its cargo for
Italy, or at Easter at the latest. 21 January, 4 Henry V. |
Hants. |
C. 6760. Chirograph, indented, being a conveyance by John
Newton, Ralph Bryght, and Thomas Stoneham to Thomas Ryngewode,
the younger, Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, of the manor
of Shirvile, together with all lands, etc. which they, together with John
Popham, knight, and Gilbert Rymer, clerk, had by the gift of Thomas
Ryngewode, the elder, esquire; remainder to the right heirs of
Thomas Ryngewode, the elder. 23 May, 9 Edward IV. Two seals. |
Hants. |
C. 6761. Letters of John Popham, knight, Walter Feteplace,
Michael Skyllyng, and Thomas Frankelen, clerk, appointing John
Kyrkeby and William Crambourn their attorneys to deliver seisin
to Thomas Ryngwode, son and heir of Thomas Ryngwode, esquire,
and Isabel, his wife, of the manor of Sherefeld with the advowson
of the church and all their lands there. 2 September, 24 Henry VI.
Three seals and fragment of a fourth. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6762. Quitclaim by Simon Aylrych, of Rokford Meoles, to
Edward, his son, and to Walter Mulward alias Bokeyt, of Ryngwode,
of his right in all his lands, etc. in Blaschforde, Elyngham, Rokforde,
or elsewhere in the hundred of Fo[rdingbridge], and in all his goods.
Christmas Day, 7 Henry VI. Seal, damaged. |
Hants. |
C. 6763. Grant by Thomas Ryngwode, son and heir of Thomas
Ryngwode. esquire, to John Popham, knight, Walter Feteplace, and
Thomas Frankelen, clerk, of the manor of Estmylle in the parish of
Fordyngbrigge, and of all his lands, etc. in Cradelstowe and Mynstede.
Witnesses:—Maurice Berkelegh, knight, and others (named). 1 July,
23 Henry VI. Seal encircled with straw. |
[Bucks.] |
C. 6764. Chirograph, indented, dated at Kyngesryseburgh, Monday
after St. Andrew, 12 Edward III, witnessing that Juliana atte
Wardrobe has demised to William de Framesworthe, for her life, all
her lands in Ryseburgh, on condition of cultivation and of payment
to her of the third sheaf of all kinds of corn. Fragment of seal. |
Hants. Wilts. |
C. 6765. Chirograph, indented, being a grant by Eleanor St. Amand
to Richard Hull of all her lands, etc. in Shirfeld, Wodynton, and
Wellewe, co. Hants, and Whytparssh, co. Wilts, which she had by the
gift of Richard Herman, and which were formerly of John Sturmy,
with rights of common in the said townships and in the New Forest,
etc.; rent, 9s.; a heriot at the death of each tenant, and suit at her
court of Shirfeld. 25 October, 6 Henry V. Seal. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6766. Indenture of grant by Robert Gereberd and Alice, his
wife, for her life, to Henry le Couke, of la Whiteparosshe, Richard
his son and Richard's heirs, of a tenement and 10a. arable in
Shyrefeld, between land called 'Wormelonde,' etc., which tenement
John le Shephurd formerly had; rent, 3s. 6d. Monday, the
Epiphany, 27 Edward III. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 6767. Indenture of demise by John Botiller, parson of
Devyses, to John Hulle, baker, of Devyses, and Alice, his wife, for
their lives, of a curtilage called 'Maderhey' in the Oldeport of Devyses,
between the curtilage of St. John's Hospital, etc.; rent, 3s.
Witnesses:—William Coventre, mayor, and others (named). Monday
after Michaelmas, 13 Richard II. Seal of arms. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 6768. Indenture of demise by Sir John Boteler, rector of the
churches of Devyses, to John Gylberd, for life, of three half-acres of
land in Snakewell, near the King's new park; rent, 2s. 6d.
Witnesses:—Richard Cardemakere, mayor, Richard Gobet, and others
(named). Devyses, the feast of St. Lawrence, 5 Richard II. Seal. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6769. Quitclaim by Margaret English alias Combe, widow,
formerly the wife of Richard Combe, knight, and afterwards the wife
of Philip Daundesey, to Eleanor St. Amand of her right in the manor
of Schirefeld English, the advowson of the church, and lands, etc.
there and in Lokerley and Romsey. 6 April, 6 Henry IV. Seal.
Endorsed with a note of enrolment on the Memoranda Roll (Exchequer,
K.R.) Michaelmas, 8 Henry IV. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6770. Grant by Thomas le Frenchse to John Burnard, son of
John Burnard, of Purichute, Alice, his wife, and John's heirs, for 2½
marks beforehand, of 2a. arable in Great Mora, in the parish of
Romeseye, whereof 1a. is called 'le Havedacre' and 1a. lies on 'la
Muleballe' and stretches to lands called 'Stonrugge' and 'Langgehalve.'
Witnesses:—William le Traz, Richard, John, and Walter le Mympes,
and others (named). |
Norfolk. |
C. 6771. Grant by John Kedylham, the elder, to Thomas
Walyssh, of Colby, Adam Clerk, John Fayrcok, and John Wende, of
all his lands, etc. in Southreppes, Thorp Market, Antyngham,
Northreppes, or elsewhere in the county. 6 May, 24 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6772. Letters of Robert Shotesbroke, knight, John Frank,
clerk, and John Shotesbroke, appointing John Stokes their attorney
to deliver to William Cheyne, knight, Thomas Ryngewode, John Halle,
William Soper, John Harryes, and John Counge, seisin of the manor
of Shirfelde and the advowson of the church. 20 May, 5 Henry VI.
Three seals, one of arms, damaged. |
Hants. |
C. 6773. Grant by William Spenser, styled Robyns, to John
Cooke, styled Hychekok, of a messuage and ½a. land in a croft called
'Wolcroft,' in Schirvyle, with a way to it, a messuage and 10a. arable,
in Shirvyle, called Adyeslond' (as in C. 6751), a croft containing 3a.
in Lokerley, called 'Bryzttes,' and all his common of pasture in the
county. Christmas Day, 5 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 6774. Chirograph, indented, being a grant by Margaret
Englisshe, lady of Whelpele, to Richard Janyn, Sibyl his wife, and the
heirs of his body, of a small croft called 'Turvylesdene,' in Nyweton,
in the fee of Whelplee; rent, 12d. Sunday after Michaelmas,
8 Henry IV. Two seals, damaged. |
Hants. |
C. 6775. Quitclaim by William Nicoll to Walter Fetplace, both
burgesses and merchants of Southampton, of all actions real and
personal. 30 March, 15 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Hants.] |
C. 6776. Bond by William Waleweyn, esquire, for the payment
of 100 marks to Robert Schotesbroke, knight, and Thomas Ryngewode,
esquire. 1 March, 5 Henry VI. Seal, damaged. Endorsed with
condition that the said William shall not disturb the said Thomas in
his manor of Schirefeld. |
Hants. |
C. 6777. Conveyance by John Popham, knight, and others (as
in C. 6761) to Thomas Ryngewode, son and heir of Thomas
Ryngewode, esquire, Isabel, his wife, daughter of Walter Feteplace,
and the heirs of their bodies, of the manor of Sherefeld, with the
advowson of the church, and lands, etc. there; remainder to the
right heirs of the said Thomas, son of Thomas Ryngewode. Witnesses:
—Maurice Berkelegh, knight, and others (named). 2 September,
24 Henry VI. Four seals. |
[Chester ?] |
C. 6778. Indenture of agreement between Gryffyt le Warrayn and
David, de Malpas as to the terms of the settlements on the marriages
intended to take place between John, son and heir of Gryffyt, and
Margaret, daughter of David, and between William, son and heir of
David, and Agnes, daughter of Gryffyt. Monday before Martinmas,
8 Richard II. French. Seal marked W.B. |
[Chester.] |
C. 6779. Chirograph, indented, being a defeasance of a bond given
by Urian de Eggerton to William son of Hugh de Chydelowe, the
bond to be void if Philip, son of Urian and Margery, daughter of
William, after reaching the age of 21 years, shall leave William
undisturbed, during his life, in possession of lands which he holds on
a seven years' lease of David de Eggerton. Malpas, Sunday after
the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 10 Edward III. French.
Seal in white wax, damaged. |
[Salop.] Flint. |
C. 6780. Grant by John, son of Urian de Eggerton, to Sir David
son of William de Grafton, chaplain, and David de le Legh, of his
capital messuage in Hamptonwode, with common of pasture, etc.,
in the wood and heaths of Hampton, as in his charter from Robert
le Croker, lord of Prestatton, a fishery in the lake of Hanemere, co.
Flint, and his share of the old mill of Halchton. Saturday after
St. Oswald the King, 1349. Endorsed: This belong to Mr. Egerton
of Egerton. |
[Chester.] |
C. 6781. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement between
Bernard de Tranemol and Randolph Starky, of the one part, and
Robert de Bebinton, of the other part, to treat the water called
'Merse' as the boundary between Bebinton and Tranemol. Monday
after St. Andrew, 6 Edward II. French. Damaged. |
[Chester.] |
C. 6782. Indenture of demise by John, son of William de Wig-
gelond, and John, his son, to Hugh, son of William de Malpas, of all
their lands and messuages in Aggeton, which descended to the said
John, the elder, at the death of Alice de Wiggelond, his mother, with
common of pasture and 'tacfre' in his wastes in Aggeton, to hold for
eleven years from the feast of St. Michael in monte Tumba, 1347; rent,
a pair of white gloves; provision against alienation to men of religion
or magnates. And if Hugh die within the term, he shall pay 6d. as a
payment due at death (principalium), and shall himself receive like
dues on the deaths of other tenants. Witnesses:—Philip de Eggerton,
William de Malpas, David, his son, John Rathebon, David de
Wiggelond. Two seals in white wax, damaged. See Ormerod's
'Cheshire' under 'Hampton' (Vol. 2, p. 639). |
Notts. Derby. |
C. 6783. Bond by Matthew Kylchith, of Annesley, chaplain, and
John Bromton, of the same, William Pynder, of Pillesley, and John
Reynolde, of the same, husbandmen, for the payment of 40l. to
Robert Strelley, sheriff. Saturday before St. Luke, 25 Henry VI. |
Notts. |
C. 6784. Bond by John Mason, of Chilwell, mason, for the pay-
ment of 10l. to Robert Strelley, esquire. Friday after St. Luke
24 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Notts.] |
C. 6785. Bond by Thomas Lanney, of Ekeryng, for the payment
of 3l. to William Bellerby, of Knesall, chaplain. 14 February,
36 Henry VI. Seal. |
Notts. Derby. |
C. 6786. Bond by John Smalley, of Ratclyff on Trent, and Oliver
Asheton of Norwell, yeomen, for the payment of 100s. to Robert
Strelley, knight, sheriff of the counties of Nottingham and Derby.
The feast of St. Barnabas, 4 Edward IV. Seal and fragment. Endorsed
in English with condition for the discharge of Robert Clyfton,
knight, of the return of a writ of exigent, sued by him against the said
John Smalley and Thomas Smalley, and for payment of 5s. 8d. to
the said sheriff. |
[Notts.] |
C. 6787. Bond by John Weld and Thomas Lowthe, both of
Strelley, masons, for the payment of 10l. to Robert Strelley, esquire,
17 January, 29 Henry VI. Fragments of two seals. |
Leic. Derby. |
C. 6788. Bond by John Evenet, of Casteldonyngton, yeoman,
and John Porter, of Engulby, husbandman, for the payment of 40l.
to Robert Strelley, knight, sheriff of the counties of Nottingham
and Derby. 24 May, 4 Edward IV. Seal, damaged, and fragment.
Endorsed in English with condition for the good conduct of Richard
and Robert Porter, of Weston upon Trent, and for their not quitting
that lordship without leave of the said sheriff. |
Notts. |
C. 6789. Bond by Richard Thornton, of Lenton, husbandman,
John Lostowe, of Nottingham, tailor, and Richard Bromley and
John Newthorp, of Lenton, for the payment of 100s. to Robert Strelley
esquire, sheriff of Nottingham. 1 August, 24 Henry VI. Fragments
of seals. Endorsed with condition indemnifying the sheriff against
the King in respect of the delivery of Ralph Prynce from Nottingham
goal. |
Notts. |
C. 6790. Bond by John Lanke, rector of Warsopp, for the payment
of 10l. to Robert Strelley, esquire, and John Hemylsey. 21 September,
25 Henry VI. Seal. |
Derby. |
C. 6791. Bond by Henry Makeworth, of Makeworth, esquire,
for the payment of 40s. to Robert Strelley, esquire. Thursday before
St. Valentine, 34 Henry VI. Seal, marked T. |
Notts. Leic. Derby. |
C. 6792. Bond by Thomas Margetson, of Baseforth, John Wastnes,
of Burton on the Wo[ld], Ralph Wastnes, of Codnore, and Robert
Mylner, of Nuthall, husbandmen, for the payment of 40l. to Robert
Strelley, sheriff, 22 January, 30 Henry VI. Four seals, damaged. |
Notts. |
C. 6793. Bond by Lawrence and Thomas Pollarde, of Eddyngley,
husbandmen, Thomas Hocurton, of Upton, husbandman, and
William Bowmon, of Areham, yeoman, for the payment of 40l. to
Robert Strelley, esquire. 28 February, 24 Henry VI. Three seals,
one damaged, and a fragment. |
Notts. Derby. |
C. 6794. Bond by William Clederax, of Strelley, yeoman, and
Robert Clederax, of Clederax, and William Hogekynson, husbandmen,
for the payment of 40s. to Robert Strelley, esquire. 11 December,
24 Henry VI. Two seals. |
Notts. |
C. 6795. Bond by John Wyliamson alias Whithode, of Hempsell,
miller, Ralph Stoyle, of Notyngham, ironmonger, and William Lynge,
late of Hempsell, miller, for the payment of 10l. to Robert Strelley,
knight. 11 October, 17 Henry VI. Fragments of seals. |
Notts. |
C. 6796. Bond by Henry Lemyng, of Bilborowe, yeoman, for the
payment of 20l. to John Strelley, of Oxston, esquire. 16 March,
2 Richard III. Seal. Endorsed in English with condition that Henry
shall pay 6l. 13s. 4d. before Midsummer or suffer John to enjoy his
(Henry's) rights in Cristall wood, held of the prior of Bevall, and shall
render account in respect of his and John's parts of the wood. |
Notts. |
C. 6797. Acknowledgment by Joan, late the wife of Robert
Strelley, knight, of the receipt from the prior and convent of
Thurgarton of 5l. in part payment of an annuity for life of 10l.
20 July, 2 Henry IV. Seal. |
Notts. |
C. 6798. Bond by Henry Bowet of Southwell, clerk, to Robert
Strelley, esquire, for the payment of 20l. Sunday before Pentecost,
20 Henry VI. |
Derby. Notts. |
C. 6799. Bond by John Burton, of Mapurley, yeoman, to John
Mapurley, of Notingham, gentleman, for the payment of 10l.
14 April, 17 Henry VII. Fragment of seal. Endorsed in English with
condition for payment of 10s. half-yearly for twelve years. |
Derby. Notts. |
C. 6800. Bond by Richard Sawnderson, of Ketilston, and John
Balard, of Radclyff on Trent, yeomen, and Robert Ferthyng, of
Baseford, and Thomas Derwent, of Holme, husbandmen, to Robert
Strelley, sheriff, for the payment of 40l. Saturday before St. Luke,
25 Henry VI. Three seals. and fragment. |