Deeds: A.12801 - A.12900

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Deeds: A.12801 - A.12900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.12801 - A.12900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: A.12801 - A.12900". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

A.12801 - A.12900

Cornw. A. 12801. Counterpart of demise, 2 November, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary, by John Reskymer, esquire, to Alexander Pollarde and Thomas and John, his sons, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of his capital mansion house in Treverthian, with land belonging, in the parish of St. Hillarye, at 7l. rent, making common suit to courts within his manor of Treverthian; right reserved to 'sarche and dygg for tyn'; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Pollarde, father of the said Alexander, and John Gere. English. One seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Cornw. A. 12802. Paper endorsed:—A copie of suche leas as I will have my tenauntes to make. 'This Indenture made,' 10 December, 12 Elizabeth, 'between Thomas Tretherff, of Tremayne, esquyer,' 'and John Fygor W. and T. of the parishe of Probus in the countie aforesaide, husbondman,' witnesseth that for — in hand paid Thomas has demised to the said 'John Fygour W. and T. all that his messuages, landes,' &c. 'in the towne and feldes of Knoll in the parishe of Probus,' 'which tenement the sayd J. F. before helde,' 'to have and holde,' 'to the foresaide J. W. and T. for terme of their lyves,' in survivorship, at 40s. rent, best beaste for heriot, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, 'J. T. and N. W.' Provided always they shall pay 'one capon at Christmas and one henne at Shroft tyde yerely.' English. Paper.
[York, W.R.] A. 12803. Indenture of bargain and sale, 1 November, 2 Edward VI, by Robert Langton 'of the Nether Lunde in Lonesdale in the countie of Yorke, gentilman, Christofore Merton of Gargrave within the same countie, gentilman, and Nicholas Langton, of the same,' 'gentilman,' to John Redman of Thornton in Lonesdaile, esquire, in consideration of 190l. 'beforehand payed,' of the manor or capital messuage called 'the Nether Lunde,' 'of the yerelie rent of' 6l. 13s. 4d., a tenement in the township of Burton, in the occupation of William Robinson, at 10s. rent, the reversion of a burgage in Burton in the tenure of William Langton, at 10s. rent, the reversion of a burgage there in the tenure of Richard Langton, at 5s. rent, a toft in Westhouse in the tenure of John Battie, at 12d. rent, a tenement in Westhouse, in the tenure of Lawrence Fonsecrofte, at 2s. rent, with all land, &c. to the said manor belonging; also bargain and sale of 'all that there tytle and tennaunt right of Ingletone Parke,' 'belonging to Maister Chamley and also the hag' and copphawes with thappurtenaunces belonging to therle of Darbie by licence of the lordes and all the tythes which hayth been accustomed and of right awght to belong unto the Netherlunde before sayde,' &c.; covenant by Redman that John and Richard Langton may occupy 'for ther rent paying as it is rented to therle of Darbye during ther lyves naturall the parcelles of grounde called Copphawes.' English. Signed by mark, per me Christoforum Merton, and per me Nicholau' Langton. Fragment of one seal.
London. A. 12804. Counterpart indenture, 22 July, 29 Elizabeth, between William Becket, of Lyncolnes Inne, gentleman, one of the sons and sole executor of the will of Ansell Becket, late citizen and haberdasher of London, of the one part, and Anne Becket, of London, widow, late the wife of the said Ansell, and Roger Walrond, citizen and clothworker of London, of the other, being the defeaseance of a statute staple of even date whereby he stood bound to them in 1,000 marks, viz. if he performed the covenants in indentures tripartite between them of even date, the statute to be void. English. Signed by me Anne Becekett; by me Roger Walrond. Seals.
Endorsed: The writinges of my mother and brother Walrond.
London. A. 12805. Assignment of lease by Launcelot Lovelace, of London, gentleman; reciting that Roger Brooke, citizen and grocer of London, by indenture, 18 January, 1588, 81 Elizabeth, demised to Roger Kirkham, citizen and haberdasher of London, 'one certeyne roome parcell of the messuage or tenement' 'wherein George Smyth, citezein and gyrdeler of London sometyme dwelled,' in St. Michaelles Lane in the parish of St. Michaell in Crooked Lane, London, 'sometime used for a litle shopp by one George Hilliard, musician, and now devyded from the shoppe of the said mesuage, conteyninge in height two yardes and a nayle and in breedth two yardes and a quarter, and in length two yardes and a quarter and a naile,' from Midsummer then next for twenty-five years, at a peppercorn rent; which term, granted to Kirkham, he had by good conveyance; in consideration of a sum paid him by Thomas Banister, citizen and haberdasher of London, he bargains, sells, assigns and sets over to the said Thomas the residue of the said term. —, 41 Elizabeth, 1599. Cf. A. 12773.
[Norf.] A. 12806. Feoffment by John Bullok, of Scarnyng, 'husbondman,' at the request of Eichard Hoo, of the same, 'gentilman,' to Thomas Brak and Robert Kirkeby, of the same, of all his land, &c. there; attorney to deliver seisin, John Wryte, clerk. Scarnyng, 15 April, 21 Henry VIII. Witnesses:—William, abbot of Wymondham, George, prior of Lynn (Lenn') and others named. Seal, with legend, as god will.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Linc] A. 12807. Indenture being the ordinance by John de Harington, canon of Lincoln, of the chantry founded by him in the church of Harington, and endowed with eight messuages, eight bovates of land, and 26a. arable, &c. and commons, and common of pasture for 300 sheep, in Harington and Aswardeby beside Parteney, which he had already given to the dean and chapter of Lincoln in perpetual alms. The Chapter House, Lincoln, II Kal. January, 1328. Illuminated initial.
A. 12808. Indenture of award by Sir George Bonde and Sir John Harte, knights, aldermen of London, touching the respective claims of George Baker of London, gentleman, and Samuel Knowles, of London, mercer, to 'a certeine porcion of stocke put in common traffique and adventure with the company of the Muscovie marchiauntes by one Peter Baker, deceassed, late brother of the said George,' and the order thereon made by Sir Rowlande Heyward, knight, late governor of the said company, &c. 1 May, 3 Elizabeth. English. Signatures.
[Norf.] A. 12809. (1) Indenture, 27 August, 18 Henry VIII, whereby Richard Hoo of Skernyng covenants to save harmless Thomas Bury, of North Barsham, William Bury, of Great Walsingham, and William Baker, of Little Walsingham, in respect of their 'dedez obligatorie' whereby they stood bound at his request in 55l. 6s. 8d. to Sir John Pomfret, clerk, for the purchase of land, &c. in Skernyng, or in default to suffer them to enjoy the premises. English. Signed per Ric'm Hoo. Paper.
(2) Feoffment by Richard and William Hoo to the said Thomas Bury and the others, in pursuance of the above indenture of the land, &c. in Skernyng, which they had by the gift of John Pomfret, son and heir and executor of John Pomfret, late of Skernyng, by his charter dated there, 29 September, 18 Henry VIII. 1 October, 18 Henry VIII. Signature and seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
A. 12810. General release by Henry Churche, of Iselham, co. Cam- bridge, 'husbondman,' to Henry Kent. Iselham, 22 March, 11 Henry VIII.
London. A. 12811. Counterpart of demise, 3 February, 1568, 11 Elizabeth, by John Wale, of the parish of St. Marye Matfellon alias Whitechappel without Algate of London, co. Middlesex, sawyer, to Rowland Richardson, citizen and carpenter of London, of a garden plot in the said parish, in Rowland's occupation, on the south side of 'Whitechappell Strete within the lordshippe of Stebunhuthe,' demised to him 'amongest other' by Henry Fawkes, citizen and grocer of London, 'for certen yeres enduring,'for twelve years from Christmas last, at 6s. rent, &c. English. Seal.
Warw. A. 12812. Assignment by Henry Willoughby, of Wollaton, co. Notts, knight, to Thomas Lucy, knight, of the benefit of the king's grant to him, by letters patent, 11 July, 10 Henry VIII, of the custody of the lands late of John Brasebrygg, of Kynnesbury, co. Warwick, esquire, and of the wardship and marriage of Thomas, son and heir of Simon, son and heir of the said John and of the reversions expectant on the decease of Rose, late wife of the said John, and of Elizabeth Brasebrigge, late wife of the said Simon. Dated . . . . Signed Henrie . . . . .
[York. W R.] A. 12813. Bond by William Seile, or Seyle, of Wakfeld, son and heir of Roger Seile, deceased, in the county of York, 'sherman,' to William Hernyng, 'cardmaker,' in 10l. at Easter next, conditioned for his keeping the bargain and covenants he has made with Hernyng concerning 1a. land in 'Thorndonfeld' in the parish of Wakfeld, in a deed of even date. 23 February, 30 Henry VIII.
[Monm.] A. 12814. Assignment by John Thomas Colyns, of Foye, co. Here- ford, 'yoman,' to William Vaughan, of Llanrothall, gentleman, of the lease made to him, 13 May, 16 Henry VIII, by the name of John Thomas Colyns of Skenffryth, by Robert Burton the prior of Monmoth and the convent of the same, for seventy years, from the day of date, of a tenement, with land, &c. called 'Mychelchurche,' within the lordship of Monmoth, between the river Monowe and land of Garwey, late in the tenure of John ap William, at a rent of 4s. and a heriot or in default of heriot a relief on deaths, &c. 24 June, 6 Elizabeth. Signed per me Joh'em Colyns. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed. See A. 12600.
[Cornw.] A. 12815. Counterpart of demise by John Tretherf, and Elizabeth, his wife, to Lawrence Chenhalle, Lawrence John and Peter John, for twenty-one years, at 13s. rent, of all their land, &c. in Kenhewes, doing repairs, &c. Kenhewes, 30 September, 2 Elizabeth. Fragments of seals.
[Cornw.] A. 12816. Indenture of demise, 1 May, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary, by 'Johan Terderve of the countye of Cornwall gentilman,' to Stephen Raw of 'Saint Kyerane fysherman,' of a tenement or place in [Trev]alsaw, in 'Saint Kyeraneparyshe,' late in the occupation of John Kyguricke, for twenty-one years from date, at 9s. rent, &c. English.
Cornw. A. 12817. Indenture whereby John Reskymer, esquire, in considera- tion of a marriage by God's favour to be had between Thomas Enys, bastard son of one Thomas Enys, and Katharine, his bastard daughter, grants to the said Thomas, the son, and Katharine, and to the heirs of her body by the said Thomas, with remainder in default to John, Richard and William, his bastard sons, successively in tail, with remainder in default to his own right heirs, his land, &c in Trethyne, in the parish of Synner, Trewan and Treffuan, in the parish of [Morvathe] and Bosvarvan, in the parish of Sancrett; attorneys to deliver seisin, Nicholas Trethowan and Reginald Hayn. 12 March, 3 Elizabeth.
Berks. A. 12818. Indenture of demise, Midsummer, 4 Henry VIII, by Alexander Sydenham, of Huntworthy, in the parish (ex parochia) of North Pederton, co. Somerset, to John Vyntener, of Redyng, 'barbour and paynter,' and Amisia, his wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a corner tenement in Redyng in 'Newstrete,' on the south part of it between 'Guttur lane' on the west, and Alexander's tenement, wherein John Yate dwells, on the east, at 13s. 4d. rent; they are within two years to make a sollar (solarium) between the shop and the kitchen.
Devon. A. 12819. Bond by John Axe, of Northe Petherton, co. Somerset, 'yoman,' to John Sydenham, esquire, and John Sydenham, the younger, in 100l., conditioned for saving them harmless of all save the rents and services due to the chief lord in respect of the messuages and lands, lately his, 'lying in Axhayes in Honiton ys Clyste.' 1 July, 35 Henry VIII. Seal.
A. 12820. Indenture, 1 February, 25 Elizabeth, between George Powes, of Glastonburie, co. Somerset, gentleman, and Margarie Geaste, of Westminster, widow, late the wife of Alexander Geaste of Westminster; witnessing that whereas she is indebted to him in 200l. for the payment whereof on certain days now past one Richard Arkill of Westminster and others stood bound to him by two bonds in 400l.; and whereas by writing of even date she stands bound to him in 300l.; for the discharge of the said 200l. it is now covenanted between them that, for every 100l. which he shall lend her or cause to be lent to her, she shall pay 16l yearly, until, after that rate, the said 200l. shall be fully paid and 9l. 'for one yeres lone of everie' 100l., &c. English. Signed per me Georgiu' Powes. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Warw.] A. 12821. Counterpart of demise, 20 July, 3 Elizabeth, by 'Lady Elizabeth Grevill of Beacham Court in the countie of Warwik widdow,' to Roger Thorley of Corley, of a close or pasture called 'Winmyll filde and Stibuttes' in Corley, for twenty-one years, at 5s. rent, and a heriot of the best beast.
Wilts. A. 12822. Indenture by William Chaderton of Bradfeilde, esquire, reciting that he is seised for life of two parts of the 'manner of Bradfeylde in three partes to be devyded' and of 'two partes in three partes to be devyded' of the capital messuage or tenement, with gardens, orchards and courts in Bradfeild in the parish of Hullavington alias Hullouton, commonly called by the name of Bradfeilde, of a close of land and pasture called 'Westefeilde,' containing 80a., of a close called 'Baylies leaze,' containing 60a., of a close called 'the Downe,' containing 20a., of a close called 'Eastefeilde,' containing 100a., of a close called 'Pondfeilde,' containing 20a., of a close called 'Homefeilde,' containing 25a., of a close called 'Heathe Slade,' containing 31a., of a close of meadow called 'Coweleaz Meade,' containing 7a., of a close of meadow called 'Brodwile,' containing 12a., of a close of meadow called 'Kinges Bridge Meade,' containing 5a., of a close of meadow called 'Longe Wolthorne Meade,' containing 20a., of a close of meadow called 'Wolthorne,' containing 10a., of a close of meadow called 'Litell Woolthorne Meade,' containing 5a., of a close of pasture or wood called 'Bradfeildes Fooreheathe,' containing 12a., of a close of wood called 'the Heathe,' containing 20a., of a close of pasture called 'the Conyger,' containing 5a., of a close of pasture called 'Jaques Close,' containing 7a., of a close of pasture called 'Elme Haye,' containing 5a., of a close of pasture called 'Orchardge,' containing 4a., all which lie 'within the towne, parishe, hamlettes or feildes of Bradfeilde,' together with two parts into three to be divided of all messuages, cottages, &c. to the said manor of Bradfeilde belonging, in Bradfeilde or Hullavington or elsewhere in the county of Wilts, with remainder thereof after his decease to 'Bridgett' Chaderton his now wife, for the term of her life, with remainder thereof after his and her decease, as to one moiety of the said two parts into three to be divided to 'Symon' James, gentleman, and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of their two bodies, with remainder in default to the heirs of the body of the said Margaret, with remainder in default to the right heirs of William, and with remainder as to the other moiety as aforesaid to John Wrighte, gentleman, and Anne his wife and the heirs of their two bodies, with remainder in default to the heirs of the body of the said Anne, with remainder in default to his own right heirs, as 'by a paper of indentures tripartite,' 14 March, 21 Elizabeth, between him, the said William Chaderton and one Alexander Staples, then of Marlebroughe, gentleman, of the first, the said 'Symon' James and Margaret, of the second, and the said John Wrighte and Ann his wife of the third part, appears; now, 'for dyvers good causes,' &c. he enfeoffs John Halle, of Bradforde, and John Bewshin, of Cottels, esquires, of the said two parts into three to be divided, and of all his estate therein, to their only use. 1 August, 25 Elizabeth. English. Signed Wyllyam Chaderton. Witnesses:—George Best, Gyles Ivye, William Hall, John Westwood, Edward Woode. Fragment of seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed, in the presence of Best, Ivy, Aldem Chatertonne and others (named).
A. 12823. Bond by Edward Fisher of Fishers Itchington, co. Warwick, esquire, and John Spencer, of Wormleyton, in the said county, esquire, to William Catesbie, esquire, and Richard Catesbie, gentleman, in 300l., conditioned for saving the Catesbies harmless in respect of a bond in which at their request the said William and Richard stood bound with them to Henry Peart, citizen and fishmonger of London, in 200l. 24 June, 17 Elizabeth. Signatures and seals of arms.
Linc. A. 12824. Indenture of bargain and sale, 3 August, 1 Edward VI, by Robert Austen, of Stepyng Parva, in the 'partyes of Lyndesey,' 'yoman,' son and heir of Elizabeth Austen, cousin and heir of William Bothe, 'gentylman,' deceased, to Sir John Copledyk, of Harryngton, 'in the partyes aforesaid,' in consideration of 61l., of three messuages in the town and fields of Aswardby, in the tenure of John Waddyngham, Thomas Maltby and Thomas Johnson, with all other his land, &c. in Harryngton, Aswardby, Hagworthyngham and Langton, &c. English. Witnesses' names, Richard Ogle, esquire, and others, endorsed.
I. of Wight. A. 12825. Bond by Thomas Temys, of Shorwell, gentleman, to Thomas Thirleby, bishop elect of Westminster, and Robert Southwell, councillor of the king, in 100l. at Michaelmas next, conditioned for his occupying, maynuring with tillage, and sowing a tenement in Shorwell the reversion whereof is in variance between John Guye, plaintiff, and Richard Mayho, defendant, keeping and employing the profits to the use of him to whom the king's honorable 'counsaill' shall award the same. 14 July, 82 Henry VIII. Seal, chipped.
Wilts. A. 12826. Indenture being a feoffment, by 'Symon' James of Hullavington, gentleman, John Wrighte, of 'Lions In,' co. Middlesex, gentleman, John Halle, of Bradforde, and John Bewshin, of Cottels, co. Wilts, esquires, to Gyles Ivye, of Hullavington and William Halle, of Chaufelde, gentlemen, of the manor of Bradfeilde, in Bradfeilde and Hullavington alias Hullouton. 6 August, 26 Elizabeth. English. Signed, Simon James, Joh'es Wrighte, Jhon Hall, John Bewshyn. Witnesses' names endorsed, George Best, and others, with memorandum of livery of seisin in the presence of George Best, Aldem Chatertoune and others (named).
N'hamp. A. 12827. Counterpart of assignment 7 May, 5 Edward VI, by Edward Chamberleyn and Dame Elizabeth, his wife, late the wife of Sir John Wellesbourne, knight, and his executrix, to Richard Androwes, esquire, of the lease made out of the court of Augmentations, 20 January, 33 Henry VIII, to the said Sir John for divers years yet to come, of 'Estgraunge' and 'Westgraunge' in Pipewell, to the late dissolved monastery of Pipewell formerly belonging, subject to a lease made by Edward to Richard Allderman and others of 'Estgraunge' whereon a rent of 47l. 6s. 8d. is reserved, and a lease of 'Westgraunge' to Thomas Woodward, whereon a like rent is reserved; consideration, 280l. English. Seal.
Hants. A. 12828. Indenture of bargain and sale, 19 October, 21 Elizabeth, by William Meriot, of Christechurche Twinham, merchant, to William Batten, of Burley, gentleman, in consideration of 30l., of a messuage or tenement in Christechurche Twinham in 'Castle Streate,' between tenements of Henry Comptons, knight, lord Compton, and Thomas Carpenter, the castle ditch and the highway. English. Signed Wm. Meryet. Decayed.
Oxford. A. 12829. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 14 May, 31 Henry VIII, by Christopher Clement, son and heir of Thomas Clement, deceased, to Richard Crispe, gentleman, of a messuage and two and a half yardlands in Clayour, with all other his land, &c. there, of the yearly value of 16s., subject to a lease thereof, for twenty years from Lady Day, 30 Henry VIII, to Christopher Crispe, with covenant to further assure on behalf of himself and Agnes his wife; consideration, an annuity of 16s., redeemable on payment of 16l., or provision of other land 'in the countie of Oxon' of the said yearly value. English. Signed per me Ric'm Crispe.
Glouc. A. 12830. Assignment by Nicholas Marten, of Hawkesbury, gentle- man, to William att Well of the parish of 'the Lye,' yeoman, of a lease made to him, 6 February, 24 Henry VIII, for sixty-four years, by Dame Joyce Acton, the prioress and the convent of Westwood, of the manor or farm of Lytell Aston, at 5l. rent, and the 'tythe corne and hey' and all other tithes in the parish of Nether Gytyng, at 4s. rent. 14 July, 35 Henry VIII. English. Fragment of seal. Endorsed:—26. John Hygford.
[York, W.R.] A. 12831. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 24 February, 42 Eliza- beth, by Christopher Airton, of Hellifield [in Cravenn], yeoman, and Richard his son, to Francis Smyth, of P[a]nnbeck, yeoman, in consideration of 40l., of a close of arable called 'Snell Holme,' containing 5a. 'as now meared, marked, fenced and set out,' 'lying and being in . . . . . aforesaid or within the territories theirof,' &c. English. One seal. Witnesses' names endorsed. See A. 12733.
Wilts. A. 12832. Indenture tripartite, 1 June, 43 Elizabeth, leading the uses of a fine to be levied before Christmas next by Geoffrey Hawkins, the elder, of Bushopstrowe, clothier, and Geoffrey, his son, to 'Gyles' Tooker, of the 'cyttie of Newe Sarum,' esquire, and 'Tymothe' and Jeremye Hampton, gentlemen, of a messuage, orchard, garden, 4a. arable and 1a. meadow, in the 'cittye of Newe Sarum,' Stratforde and 'Olde Sarum,' in the occupation of 'Gyles' Capyn', Gregory Clercke and William Davis, to the use, as to the messuage and other premises in the tenure of 'Gyles' Capin, of Giles Tooker his heirs and assigns, and as to the residue to the use of 'Tymothie' Hampton and 'Jeremie' Hampton, gentlemen. English. Signed I. H., Jeffery Hawkins, with seals, and G. Tooker, with seal of arms. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Suff.] A. 12833. Counterpart of memorandum of agreement, 3 April, 35 Elizabeth, between Theophilus Adams, of London, gentleman, and Robert Gavell of Cobham, co. Surrey, gentleman, for the assignment to Gavell before 1 June next, by Robert Drury, of —, co. Norfolk, by Adams' direction, of a lease, 6 October, 12 Henry VIII, by Robert Bekensall, D.D., the dean, and the chapter, of the collegiate church of St. John Baptist of Stoke next unto Clare, to Charles Radcliff, gentleman, since deceased, for ninety years from Lady Day then next, at 10l. rent, of their rectory of Honyden, the advowson excepted, saved harmless from all acts done by one Robert Todd and 'Ellyn' his now wife, Radcliff, and the others. English. Signed Robert Gavell. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 12834. Bond by Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overey, gentleman, to Clement Bockyng, in 6l. at Midsummer next, conditioned for the payment of 4l. at Christmas to the said Clement at the 'mancion or dwellyng house' of Clement Pagrave, esquire, at Northwoodbernyngham. 8 April, 5 Elizabeth. Signed per me Thomam Hoo. Witnesses:—Clement Pagrave, esquire, John Hoo and Robert Pagrave, gentleman. Cancelled by cuts.
A. 12835. Bond by William Bradley, 'inholder,' Richard Bradley, 'draper,' Hugh Bownesse, 'cutler,' and Griffin Owen, 'tailor,' all of Highe Holborne, co. Middlesex, to John Jones, of Southwark, 'grocer,' in 40l., conditioned for saving him harmless in respect of 20l. paid him by one Andrew Ryder 'in Barmsey streete' in the county of Surrey, 'felmonger,' to the use of Philip and Susan Crake alias Crakin, children of one David Crake alias Crakin, deceased, by Mary his wife, which payment was made in consideration only of a marriage to be had between the said Mary, then Mary Evans, widow, and the said Andrew; the said marriage did not take effect, and by order of the Court of Requests he had paid the said sum to the said William Bradly, to the use of the said Andrew. 22 November, 34 Elizabeth. Signed Richard Bradley, and by marks. Seals.
[Norf.] A. 12836. Bond by John Wutton, or Woutton, of Northtudenham, co. Norfolk, esquire, and Miles Groos, late of the same, gentleman, to Richard Hoo, in 16l at All Hallows next, conditioned for the observance of covenants by the said John, and Elizabeth, his wife, in indentures of even date between them and Richard. 28 May, 25 Henry VIII. Signed per me Joh'ne' Wutton, per me Milonem Groos. Seals.
[Middx.] A. 12837. Indenture of release, 18 May, 23 Henry VIII, in consideration of 80l., by Elizabeth Palle, widow, late the wife of Nicholas Palle, of Westminster, carpenter, and Thomas Duffeld, her 'son enlawe,' in consideration of 80l. paid them by the king, by the hands of John, abbot of Westminster, and Thomas Crumwell, gentleman, to the said Thomas, to the king's use, of a lease, 3 November, 23 Henry VII, by Alexander the abbot, and the convent of Abendon, to the said Nicholas, for thirty-nine years at 7l. 6s. 8d. rent, of seven tenements, gardens and 'medowez' 'in the kinges strete of Westminster.' Seals (three crescents).
Warw. A. 12838. Indulgence by Eignon (Anianus), bishop of St. Asaph, to those of his diocese visiting the tomb of Ralph the priest (Ranulphi sacerdotis), late vicar of Holy Trinity, Coventry, and there buried, of thirty days of enjoined penance. Erdbur', the day of St. Urban, pope and martyr, A.D. 1283, of his cons. 15.
Wurw. A. 12839. Bond by Edward Vaughan, of London, gentleman, to John Suffock, of Nonn' Eton, 'tannar,' in 50l., conditioned for observance of covenants in indentures, 19 June, 17 Elizabeth, between them concern- ing the bargain and sale of a messuage or tenement in Nonn Eton. 18 July, 17 Elizabeth. Signed per me Edwardum Vaughan. Seal.
Warw. A. 12840. Bargain and sale and feoffment by William Worshepp, of Nonne Eton, yoman,' to Nicholas Ethill alias Laurence, of a messuage or tenement in Nonne Eton, wherein he then dwelt, in 'le Backhowse lane,' between his orchard on the east, the tenement of the Queen in the tenure of Richard Ratcliff on the west, and between the ditch (guttura aque) called 'Honysyche' and 'leez burgages'; also of the implements, &c. therein, viz. 'one sesterne of leade, one brewing leade one masshefatt one yeldyngfatt one boultyng hutche one kneading trowghe and all the boordes called molding boordes,' within the bakehouse and brewhouse thereof; attorneys to deliver seisin, William Chaplen and Richard Smythe, his son- in-law. 10 February, 6 Elizabeth. Seal, broken.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Warw. A. 12841. Counterpart of demise, 22 April, 31 Elizabeth, by 'Gabriell' Pooltney, of Knole, esquire, to 'Jhon' Weston, of Freysley, husbandman, in consideration of 60l. fine, of his messuage or tenement in Freysley in John's occupation, from Lady Day last for twenty-one years, at 32s. rent and best beast for 'an hairiott,' &c. Signed by mark. Seal, broken. Witnesses' names endorsed and 'Fresley.'
Berks. A. 12842. Deed poll by William Blacknoll, of Abyngdon, co. Berks, and late of Sheperidge in the parish of Swallowfilde, co. Wilts, 'yoman,' whereby after reciting that by indenture, 10 June, 8 Elizabeth, in consideration of 90l. whereof 40l. was paid in hand, he bargained and sold to Thomas Russell of Hartly Dommer, in the parish of Shynnyngfield, husbandman, all that his then messuage or tenement in 'Harley' Dommer, and five closes, one grove, yearly crop of piece of mead, &c. to the same belonging, he acknowledges that he has received the 50l. due on the bargain. 28 June, 23 Elizabeth. English. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Camb. A. 12843. Indenture of bargain and sale, 26 February, 29 Henry VIII, by Robert Holder, of Barton, 'yoman,' to Richard Maldon, of Trumpyngton, 'yoman,' of all his land, &c. 'in the townes and feldes of Barton, White- well, Cotton and Graundecestre'; covenant to make a deed of feoffment thereof, with warranty, and to surrender copyholds; covenant that Richard 'shall entr' and felowe all londes seisionable belongyng to the premysses atte fest of thannunciacion' next, 'and also upon the layes and upon a closse challed Algers closse at same fest'; covenant that Robert shall 'occupy the mancion place called Asshewelles with the copy holdes holden of Mr Ward and a copy holde holden of the priour of Barnewell,' as 'nowe enclosed within hegges,' for five years next following, rent free; consideration, 140l. viz. 30l. at Lady Day and thereafter 20l. at Michaelmas yearly, &c. English.
Camb. A. 12844. Bargain and sale and feoffment by Richard Aunger, of Barton, in consideration of 20s. to Richard Aylmere, of the same, of two selions containing la. arable, in the fields of Grauncester, between land of St. Catherine's Hall and of King's College. 20 January, 36 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
A. 12845. Bond by Richard Catesbye, of Legers Ashebye, and Thomas Burnabye, of Watforde, co. Northampton, gentlemen, to 'Rondle' (Ranulpho) Lloyd, of the city of Coventry, 'upholster,' and William Walden, of the same, 'mercer,' in 20l., conditioned for the payment by Richard of 10l. on 31st inst. 5 August, 21 Elizabeth. Cancelled by cuts.
[Berks.] A 12846. Acquittance by William Blacknoll, of Sheperidge, in the parish of Swallowfeld, co. Wilts, yeoman, to Thomas Russell, of Hartly Domer, in the parish of Shynningfeld, co. Berks, husbandman, for 10l. in part of 90l. as by indenture 10 June, 8 Elizabeth, was covenanted, &c. 15 August, 8 Elizabeth. English. Signed by mark. Seal.
[Warw. &c] A. 12847. (1) Counterpart indenture, 22 February, 30 Henry VIII, between Sir William Poulet, knight, master of the king's wards, on the king's behalf, of the one part, and Sir Nicholas Stirley, knight, Sir Walter Smithe, knight, and Anthony Cope, esquire, of the other, witnessing that, whereas by a pair of former indentures, dated 27 July, 24 Henry VIII, between Poulet of the one part and Stirley, Smithe, Cope and John Only, esquire, of the other, it was agreed for the king's grant, by letters patent under the great seal, to be made to Stirley and the others, of the custody of the castles, manors, lordships, &c. that late belonged to Sir William Spencer, knight, deceased, they paying 200l. rent for the lands in possession, and the accustomed farms for reversions as they fell in; the said Stirley, Smithe, Cope [and Onlie interlineated throughout] covenant that the king shall have reserved to him thereout all 'greate woddes, mariages and reliefes,' that they will cut no underwood under ten years growth, that after cutting they will keep such underwood fenced for six years, that they will keep in repair 'manor places, parke pales, hedges and ditches,' and 'preserve convenient dere within the same parkes,' that they will pay Sir William's debts as far as his goods will go, that they will pay the legacies yearly bequeathed to John Spencer, Sir William's son and heir, and will keep and maintain the residue of Sir William's children in meat, drink, lodging, learning and apparel, suitable to their degree and age, that they will pay 200l. at least to the marriage of every of his daughters, marrying with their consent, being not the king's wards, this last covenant to be void if John Spencer die without issue before his sisters' marriages, that they will 'redeame of thandes of William Browne to the said John Spencer and his heires the manor of Stonnton,' co. Northampton, this side the Purification, 1535, that they will pay to the treasurer of the king's chamber 1,000 marks, at certain days of payment, for their fine, &c. Signed Nycolas Strelley, Walter Smyth, Anthonye Coope.
Memorandum endorsed that Sir William Poulet shall have yearly 'one bukke and one doe of season out of the Spencers parkes within wryttyn.'
(2) Bond by Nicholas Stirley, knight, Walter Smithe, of Shirforde, co. Warwick, knight, and Anthony Cope, of Hardwike, co. Oxford, esquire, to William Poulet, knight, master of the king's wards, and Brian Tuke, knight, treasurer of the king's chamber, in 2000l., conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date touching land, &c. of the inheritance of John Spencer, the king's ward. 22 February, 30 Henry VIII. Signa- tures as above. Fragment of one seal.
(3) 'Memorandum that Sr Nycolas Styrley passyth not his accornpt consernyng thexecutorship of Sr Wylliam Spenser before knolege yeven to Sr Humfry Style, knyght, Richard Gyborn or Nycolas Rokewodde.'
Norf. A. 12848. Grant by Charles, duke of Suffolk, earl Marshal of England, to Robert Broun, gentleman, of the office of feodary of his hundred of Frebrigge, for term of his life, to be discharged by himself or deputy, with 40s. annuity and reasonable expenses, from his land, &c. in the said hundred, &c. 7 February, 22 Henry VIII.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment and allowance, Trinity Term, 1 Mary, by the Queen's Remembrancer with arrears from Michaelmas, 30 Henry VIII. Cancelled by cuts.
Cornw. A. 12849. Grant by John Trethurff, esquire, to Amisia wife of Nicholas Arundell, daughter of John Jamys, of 13s. 4d. rent for life, to begin at Michaelmas first after the death of the said John Jamys, with right of distraint therefore on his messuage or tenement in Tregathenen, 2 February, 38 Henry VIII. Signed John Tertherffe. Paper.
Endorsed: John Jamys, Tregathenan.
A. 12850. Bond by William Catesby, of Ashbie Legers, co. Northampton, esquire, to William Croke of Bushwoode, co. Warwick, 'yoman,' in 400l., conditioned for the payment of 200l. at Lady Day, 1575. Dated 16 January, 16 Elizabeth. Signed Wyllyam Catysby. Witnesses:—Rycharde Cattysby, William Chibnall.
[Cornw.] A. 12851. Counterpart of demise, 1 May, 2 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer, esquire, to Henry Clyse, and William and Thomas, his sons, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a place or tenement of his in Marhas hean, with two gardens, lying between the place of the lord of Treythall on the east, and the place of the heirs of Lannarthe on the west, being now in the occupation of one John Clyse and the said Henry Clyse; also of six closes of his, now in the occupation of the said John and Henry,' lying in the fields of Marhasyowe and Marhas bean, called 'Park an hale,' containing 2½a., 'Parke bean,' containing 2a. 9 'perches or lases,' 'Parke Crease,' containing 2¾a., 'Parke Wartha,' containing 3a., 'Parke baghe,' containing 1¾a. 10 'laces,' and 'Parke Nowthe,' containing 4½a.; also of one piece of ground of his in the fields of Marhasyowe called 'Leyne Tremeyne,' containing 4¾a. and 20 'laces'; also of one piece of ground called 'Doar Stawen,' containing 1¼a. and 3 laces,' and two other little closes called 'Parke Karne Tregylliow,' containing 'a quarter of ground,' and 'Parke Marhas bean,' containing ½a. and 11 'laces or perches '; also of a piece of ground of his, in the fields aforesaid, called 'an Gewe,' containing 'an acre ij quarters and a xj laces; all of which place, &c. are now in the occupation of the said John Clyse and Henry; rent, 54s. 6d. at the four terms usual in the hundred of Penwith, two capons one at Easter and one at Michaelmas, and 20s. in the name of 'heryote or a ferlyf,' with suit to the manor of Trevarthen; the right to dig and search for tin reserved; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Mabb and James Mercer. English.
Endorsed: Clysse of Maragowe.
A. 12852. Bond by John Catisbey, of [the city of London], gentle- man, to Thomas Stafford, gentleman, in 100l. conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date. . . . . January, 14 Elizabeth. Signed John Catysby.
Glouc. A. 12853. Release by 'Ellnour' Rogers, of Farnecote, widow, to her son William Rogers, of her right in the manor of Dowdeswell, now in his tenure. 12 October, 2 Elizabeth. English. Signed by mark. Seal, broken. Witnesses' names endorsed. Endorsed:—18. John Hygford.
A. 12854. Letters testimonial by the official, and under the seal, of the court of Limoges (Lem') certifying that Guy Vincencii of Belac, son of Hugh Vincencii, deceased, formerly burgess of Belac, has acknowledged the sale, on behalf of himself and his brothers John and Peter, to Sir William de Valence, knight, of his presses (torcularia) at Belac, near the churchyard, between the vineyards of John Brolheti, clerk, and Jordan Clavelli, with the beams (trabibus) buildings, &c. thereof, and his vineyard in the rear, for 85l. money of the Marche, quit of ventes (sibi garitarum de vendis), and that the same, together with the charter have been delivered to Aymer Merlaudi, to Sir William's use, charged with a sestier (em[ina]) of corn to the chief lord and 12d. to Sir Raymund de Bernolio, knight; covenant by Guy to procure his said brothers ratification when they come of age; Perronelle (Petronilla) Guy's sister and Humbert Absagos, her husband, assent. VI. Non. March, 1259. Seal.
[Oxford.] A. 12855. (1) Indenture, with schedule annexed, 30 May, 2 Henry VIII, between Thomas, earl of Surrey, treasurer of England, Thomas Lovell, Henry Marny and Thomas Englefild, knights, on the king's behalf, of the one part, and Edward Grevyll, esquire, of the other, witnessing that whereas the king was agreed to grant to the said Edward the wardship and marriage of John son and heir of Christopher Browne, with the custody of his lands 'from the date of the said letters patentes to the full age of the heir, the said Edward has 'delivered a writing indented in parchement hereunto annexed,' of the lands 'he mtendeth to have' by reason of the said grant and of their value, with covenants for the truth thereof, &c. 'In witnesse whereof to thes indentures' the king 'hathe setto his signe manuell and also the said partie hathe setto his seall.' English. Signed Edward Grevyll. In the margin: Henry R.
Endorsed: Edwardus Grevell per Henricmn Marney et Thomam Engelfeld ano ijdo H. viijvi.
(2) 'Thes bene the trew yerly value' of the lands, &c. belonging to 'John Browne son and heyer of Cristofer Browne, esquier,' which Edward Grevyll, esquire, shall have by reason of the king's letters patent, &c.
The manor of Heddington, the hundreds of Bodington (sic) and Northe- gate, of the clear yearly value of 7l.; the manor of Albery, 18l. 6s. 8d.; lands, &c. in Draycott, 8l. 3s. 2d.; in Halton, 8l; in Woodpery, 13l. 10s.; 'a tenement in the towne of Staunton Saint John,' 30s.; in Forstell, 14s. 8d.; in Horspathe, 10s. 10½d.; in Letill Bawdon, 26s. 8d.; in Denton, 53s. 4d.; in Whatly, 45s. 4d.; in Ledall, 14s.; lands, &c. in Shepton uppon Charwell, 7l.; in Takley, 8l.; in Adderbery, 11l.; in Wornall, 9l. Total, 99l. 14s. 8½d.
Dorset. Essex. Herts. Hants. London. Middx. A. 12856. (1) Indenture, with schedule annexed, 28 June, 2 Henry VIII, between the king and Peter Philpott, witnessing that whereas the king is agreed to grant him a special livery of the lands descended to him as son and heir of Sir John Philpott, the said Peter has delivered 'a writing in parchement endented hereunto annexed' thereof, &c. 'To the oon parte of thes indentures' the king has caused his privy seal to be put, and Peter has 'setto his seall' to the other. English. Signed per me Petrum Phylpott.
(2) 'Thes byn the trew yearly value,' &c. 'Southe Hampton':—the manor of Compton Waslyng, of the clear yearly value of 20l.; lands, &c. in Penygton and Lemygton, 20l. Dorset:—lands, &c. in Tarrant Gund- feld, 6l. 'Herteford':—lands, &c. in Kelshull, 12l. London:—'certen tenements,' 59l. 13s. 4d. Essex:—lands in 'Stratford of the bowe,' 3l. 6s. 8d. Middlesex:—the manor of Hoggeston alias Bammys, 16l.; 'the farme att Mylhende,' 18l.; 'the farme of Twyford,' 12l. Total:—167l.
London. A. 12857. Bond by James Josken, of. London, gentleman, to Dame Blanche Vaughan, widow, in 100l. at the feast of St. James, the Apostle, next, conditioned for his standing to the award of William Stamforde, 'attorney of the courte of Surveoures' and Robert Kellewaye, of the Temple, gentleman, touching the right to two dwelling houses in Walbroke. 6 July, 36 Henry VIII.
A. 12858. Bond by John Oldefeylde, of Myddll Byckenell, co. War- wick, gentleman, to William Catesbye, of Legears Ashebye, co. Northamp- ton, esquire, in 20l. conditioned for the payment of 10l. on 10 August next. 4 September, 14 Elizabeth.
Norf. Suff. A. 12859. Grant by Charles, duke of Suffolk, to Robert Broun, gentleman, for counsel rendered, of the office of receiver general, of all his manors, &c. in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, with an annuity of 10l. charged thereon, for life, &c. 26 March, 24 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Enrolled before John Peryent and Robert Wyngfeld, the duke's auditors, 25 Henry VIII; also enrolled and allowed among the records of Easter term, 1 Mary, in the Exchequer, on the Queen's Remembrancer's side with arrears of fees from Michaelmas, 30 Henry VIII.; also enrolled in the Exchequer of Receipt, Easter term, 1 Mary.
Cornw. A. 12860. Indenture of demise by Robert Strechelegh, gentleman, for 6l. paid in hand, to John Lamerton, of Woodknolie, Joan his wife, and William their son, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of all his land, &c. called Woodeknolle and Woodeknolle Parke within the parish of Marhamchurche, at 47s. rent, best beast for heriot or farleve, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas Blake and Thomas Jule. The feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, the Apostles, 34 Henry VIII. English. Seal (a swan, wings expanded). Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Cornw.] A. 12861. Counterpart of demise, 25 December, 17 Elizabeth, by John Reskimmer alias Grebar, of Merthenn, co. Cornwall, gentleman, in consideration of 5l. in hand paid, to Thomas Baren, John Baren brother, and John Baren son of the said Thomas, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a messuage or tenement with a bakehouse in Barvanacke Wartha, a close of land containing 3a. 'and one steche of ground in Trerowne with a garden in theend of the same,' and another garden called 'Andgerland,' which messuage was late in the occupation of Henry Painter; rent, 8s. and the best beast for 'heriett or farleive' and suit of court of the manor of Treverthian; right to enter and search for tin reserved; attorneys to deliver seisin, Everacke Poore and Edward Mobba. English.
[Cornw.] A. 12862. Indenture of demise by John Carnsuyowe for the term of his life, to William Carnsuyowe, his nephew (nepoti), of all his land, &c. in Penryn, Lostuthyell and Penknyght, at 40s. 8d. rent, with reversion of the premises after his decease to his said nephew; attorneys to deliver seisin, William Polgrenn, Henry Webbe. Witnesses:—Humphrey Arundell, esquire, Nicholas Glyn, William Kyllowe. Bokelly, 30 January, 22 Henry VIII.
Cornw. A. 12863. Counterpart of demise, 25 October, 27 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer alias Grebar, of Merthen, esquire, and William Reskymer alias Grebar, gentleman, brother to the said John, to John Baron and John and Thomas his sons, of Illarye, in the said county, in consideration of 13l., for the term of the lives of the said John, John and Thomas of 'all that there fyve acres' land in 'Gweell West' within the parish of Illarye, with one garden in Marhasbean, 'bounding on the east and west sydes with the lands of Vyvian, and on the north syde with the landes of Stycker,' all which one Jenett Baron before held; toll of tin and tinworks reserved, &c.; rent to the said John and the heirs male of his body, or in default to the said William and the heirs male of his body, 10s. 6d. and 20s. heriot or 'farlyve'; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Davye and John Favell. 1585. Witnesses' names endorsed.
A. 12864. 'Bee it knowen to all men that I Ladie Frauncis Countesse of Essex have delyverid unto my servante Jane Danyell wyfe of John Danyell esquire, one caskett covered with velvett, wherein were sundry letters only conteyned wrytten to me from my lord out of dyverse countreys. So that when I hearde of her husbandes attending at the Court to present those letters to the Queene, I entreyted Sr Edward Dyer to send him to York Howse where after some conference with the sayd Danyell I caused Sr Edward Dyer and my secretary George Lylle to brynge him 1720li. to his howse at Charyng Crosse, as well in consideracion of a maryage before solempnyzed betwene the said Jane and John Danyll esquyer as alsoe in recompence of such losses as he sustayned by my lord and mee in writynge of our severall letters agaynst him tuchyng the tytle of Runcorne parsonage. For which causes I have not only sent and freely gevyn him 1720li. but alsoe have remysed released and acquited and by these presentes doe for mee my heyres and admynystrators and for every of us acquyte and discharge the sayd John Danyell not only of the sayd summe of 1720li. but alsoe of such letters as I comytted to the custodie of the sayd Jane which letters beyng all saufly redelyverid I made knowen to my lord. And therefore I will both procure his lordship to acquyte and discharge the sayd John Danyell of the sayd letters and of the sayd summe of 1720li. And also I doe protest that yf I have eyther fayth, honor or relygyon hee shall never bee trobled nor called in questyon for that mony. In wytnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand, and seale of armes the fyfth day of May;' 42 Elizabeth, 1600. Parchment. Copy, or not executed.
Somers. A. 12865. Indenture of general release by William Bowreman, clerk, sub-dean of Wells, to John Delton, of Corscombe. 20 June, 36 Henry VIII. Signed per me Willelmum Boureman. Seal.
London. A. 12866. Acquittance by William Claxston, of the parish of St. Mary Matfelon without Algate of the city of London, 'plaisterer,' to Thomas Maye and Richard Collard, executors of the will of Clemency Holowey, late of St. Leonard of Shordiche, co. Middlesex, widow, for 13s. 4d. by the hands of Richard Tournour, clerk of the King's Council, in full of 16s. 8d. 23 January, 13 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Delyvered in the presence of Maister Robert Chydley and John Grove the kinges servaunte and Richard Tumour clerke of the Kinges Counsaill.
A. 12867. General release by John Bold 'resident of the Cathedrall Churche' of Salisbury. D.D., to Adam Squyer, 'Mr. of Balioll Colledge,' Oxford, D.D. 26 April, 20 Elizabeth. English. Signed. John Bold p. Seal (a griffin segreant, and 'I. B.').
Notts. A. 12868. Feoffment by John Leeke, of Newarke on Trente, esquire, to William Lache, yeoman, of the manor of Collingham, with land, &c. in Collingham, Newarke on Trente, Hawton, Holme, Edwinstowe and Watholme, or elsewhere in the county of Nottingham formerly conveyed or assured to him by Francis Leeke, knight, his father, lately deceased; attorneys to deliver seisin, Adam Wheatecroft and Nicholas Irelande. 8 July, 32 Elizabeth. English. Signed John Leek. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
A. 12869. Bond by John Welche, of Ashbie Legers, co. Northamp- ton, husbandman, to William Catesbie, of Bushwood, co. Warwick, knight, in 20l., conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of demise of even date. 10 April, 21 Elizabeth. Seal.
[York, N.R.] A. 12870. Bargain and sale and feoffment by James Hill, of Scrowton, husband', to Leonard Wray, of Adwickele Street (super stratum), gentleman, of a messuage or tenement in Langthorne, late in the occupation of Anthony Glover; attorneys to deliver seisin, Robert Jackeson and Christopher Pereson, 'yomen.' 10 March, 4 Elizabeth. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Hants. A. 12871. Bargain and sale and feoffment by Ralph Barry, of North Gorelye, husband', in consideration of 40l. to Francis Barry, of the same, husband', of a tenement and messuage, orchard, garden and curtilage there, in the occupation of Gawin Barry, Francis' father, and of 24a. land, &c. in North Goreley, South Goreley and Fordingbridge; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Sanger and Ralph Winge. 31 December, 34 Elizabeth. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Lanc. A. 12872. Indenture of demise, 18 January, 16 Elizabeth, by 'Nycolas' Walne, of Wheatley, gentleman, to 'Chrystofer' Walmesley, of Ashley within Whytlyngham, husbandman, and Elizabeth his wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship, at 4s. 4d. rent, in consideration of 3l. paid in hand, of 'all that his parte or porcion of land late of the comen or wast in Ashley aforesaid and Comeroe, which is sett furth ther for the said Nycolas Walne landes and tenementes in Ashley,' containing 4a. English. Fragment of seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Warw.] A. 12873. Release by William son of Hugh Parsones, of Rowynton, to . . . . . ., of his right in a field, &c. in Lapworth called 'Huweparsonesfeld.' Wednesday, the feast of St. Andrew, the Apostle, 3 Richard II. Seal.
Glouc. A. 12874. Indenture of demise, 28 October, 31 Henry VIII, by Sir 'Edmond' Tame, of Rendcombe, knight, in consideration of 20l. fine, to 'Johanne' Rogers, widow, William Rogers, of Dowdeswell, yeoman, 'Elianore,' wife of the said William, and William and Richard Rogers, sons of the said William and 'Elianore,' from Michaelmas last for sixty years, at 14l. rent, of his manor of Dowdeswell, the advowson of the church, a quit rent of 4s. from lands called 'Dogges ground,' in Peckylsworth, held of the said manor, and all trees and 'wrattes' of over twenty-one years' growth, excepted; they are to 'cause and procure every custumery tenaunt' 'to sett yerely for every yerd land' which they hold there, 'three trees within the seid manor,' &c. English. Signed Ed'e Tame. Seal. Endorsed:—1. John Hygford.
Surrey. A. 12875. Indenture of bargain and sale, 4 April, 36 Henry VIII, by Henry Knyght, younger son of Thomas Knyght, late of London, skinner, to Henry Wattes of Waddon, co. Bucks, gentleman, of all his 'meces, housys, londes,' &c. 'set lying and being apon Knyghtes Hill within the manor of Leyham called Wodlonde or other were within the said manor of Leyham,' held of the king, as of his manor of Leyham, by copy of court roll, or of any other lord; also of all his land, held of the king as of his manor of Kenyngton, in Lambyth; also of his land held of the 'Arschbyschopp of Cantorburey,' or of any other lord, by copy of court roll or otherwise in the parish of Lambyth, or elsewhere in the realm; with covenant 'bifore the feaste of Pentecoste called Wytsonday next' to make a sufficient estate thereof to Henry Wattes; 'for the wyche bargayne and sale' the said Henry Wattes covenants to pay 100 marks, viz. 13s. 4d. 'at the selyng of thes indentures' and 26l. 'within one monethe next after the sayd Henry Knyght hathe made suer' the premises to the said Henry Wattes, and 40l. the residue of the said 100 marks, as follows, viz. 20l. with one year next after the payment of the said 26l., and 'other 20l.' within one yere then next folowyng yf the sayd Henry do laufully require hyt; further the said Henry Wattes covenants that if 'the sayd Henry Knyght' make a sure and sufficient estate of the premises 'to the said Henry Knyght and Elizabet Wattes and ther heiers on thissyde the feaste of Pentecost callyd Wyttsontyd next,' that then the said Henry Wattes shall release his right therein, 'exsepte one mece now in the tenure of one William Smythe and thre acres of londe now in the tenure of on John Thorpe and Robert Kyng, to the sayd Henry Knyght and his heiers for ever'; and further, whereas Henry Knyght 'stondes bound' to Henry Wattes by his 'dede obligatory,' of even date, the same to be void if he observe the above covenants. English. Signed. Henry Knyght. Fragment of seal. Witnesses' names endorsed. Cancelled by cuts.
Chester. A. 12876. Indenture of demise, 24 September, 36 Elizabeth, by the 'deane and chaptre of the cathedrall churche of Christe in Oxford,' to John Danyell, of Dearesburye, esquire, of their tithe barn in Preston and their tithe corn and grain in Preston, Halton, Astmoore, Sutton, Aston, Aston Grange, Hatton, Overwalton, Netherwalton, Keckwick, Moore and a field called 'Mawgers felde,' 'the tithe come and grayne, grasse, hey, pigge and goose of Thelwall parcell of the parsonage of Runcorne,' and the tithe hey and grasse of Moore, Sutton and Keckwick aforesaid, from Midsummer last for twenty-one years, at 16 . . . . . rent and nine quarters of [best wheate] and . . . . quarters of 'good maulte,' to be 'delivered at the Treasure House doore of the said Cathedrall Churche,' or . . . [so]' muche readie money after the rate as the best wheate and mault in the markett of Oxford.' Endorsed:—
Memorandum that this lease was shewed unto Arthure Wake at the tyme of his examinacion taken in June Ao 1595 on the behalf of John Danyell defendant agaynst Thomas Brooke complainant, per Thomas Nicholson.
A. 12877. Bond by 'Antony' Sondes of Throwley, co. Kent, esquire, to the king in 20l. at Christmas next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date between him and Sir William Poulet, knight, lord Seint John, master of the court of wards and liveries, and Robert Keylway, esquire, 'surveour' of the same. 20 June, 2 Edward VI. Signed Anthoney Sondes.
N'hamp. A. 12878. Feoffment by William Wattys, of Esthaddon, 'husbond- man,' to Thomas Lucy, knight, Thomas Empson, esquire, William Catesby, esquire, Edmund Hasillewode, esquire, and Henry Griffyth, gentleman, of all his land, &c. in Esthaddon, to the use of the said Thomas Lucy, knight; attorney to deliver seisin, Lawrence Robynson. Monday after the Circumcision, 5 Henry VIII.
A. 12879. Bond by Richard Copeland, or Coplande, of Beckensfeld, co. Bucks, 'butcher,' to Joan Hudnat, or Huddenatte, widow, in — l., conditioned for his standing to the award of John Gravatte, gentleman, and Thomas Warde touching land called 'Colinges' in dispute between them. —July, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary. Not executed. At foot pro Hudnett me Thomam Wynston de Weybridge in com 'Surr' yoman.
A. 12880. Bond by Henry Alcetur of Est Moulsey, co. Surrey, 'yoman,' to George Bygley, in 40l. at Easter next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures between them of even date. 6 March, 3 Edward VI. Signed Harry Halcetor.
A. 12881. Bond by William Catesbie, of Ashbie, co. Northampton, esquire, to Edward Fisher, of Fishers Itchington, co. Warwick, esquire, in 100l. conditioned for his paying 50l. parcel of 100l. for the payment whereof he together with the said Edward and one Richard Catesbie, gentleman, stand bound to one Henry Pearte, citizen and fishmonger of London, by obligation of even date 'with a paire of indentures of dephezaunce thereupon made,' on 19 June next at Pearte's dwelling house in 'Frydaie Streate' in London. 19 May, 17 Elizabeth. Signed Wyllyam Catysby. At foot:—Memorandum that the said 50l. due by Mr Catesbie by force of this obligation was delivered to Mr Fisher by Henry Pearte's appointment, 26 June, 1575. Witnesses:—William Sparke, William Somerscale. Cancelled by cuts.
Linc A. 12882. Feoffment by John Copledyk, of Harryngton, in the parts of Lyndesey, knight, to John Langton, esquire, and Robert Lyttylbury, gentleman, of land which he had by fine levied in the octave of Michaelmas, 1 Edward VI, between himself, querent, and Richard Austen and Katharine his wife, deforciants, viz. three messuages, two tofts, 120a. land, 50a. meadow, 60a. pasture, and 20a. gorse and heath, in Aswardby Harryngton, Hagworthyngham and Langton; attorneys to deliver seisin Robert Smyth, clerk, and Thomas Dyconsun. 8 December, 1 Edward VI. Signed John Copuldyke. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Somers. A. 12883. Counterpart of demise, 4 July, 16 Elizabeth, by John Sidenham of Lye, esquire, to John Come, 'Margerie' his wife, and Alice John's daughter, in consideration of 15l. at certain dates, of a house and 1a. ground in Mooreland late in the occupation of John Gold, for the term of their lives in survivorship at 2s. rent, with best [beast] for heriot, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Harle and Robert Stephins. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Cornw. A. 12884. Feoffment by Richard Carnsew of Bokelly, esquire, to Joseph Trenoman and John Palmer, of all his land &c. in Trewen within the parish of St. Udy or St. Tudy to their own use, upon condition that they shall within four months next give the same to two other persons upon the same condition; attorneys to deliver seisin, Nicholas . . . . kre and Robert Weles. Trewen, 10 December, 36 Elizabeth, 1593.
Cornw. A. 12885. Indenture of demise by John Reskemer, esquire, to John Penros, of Helstonburghe, gentleman, of a place of land with garden annexed in Helstonburghe, in the street of St. Michael the Archangel, between the place of the endowment of (in stawro) of St. Mary the Virgin and St. Michael the Archangel, and the place of Thomas Chamond, esquire, from the day of date for sixty years, at 5s. rent; he and his assigns shall build a convenient house thereon, within seven years next, on pain of forfeiture. Witnesses:—Peter Syntabyn, gentleman, Richard Teek, clerk, Pascoe (Pascasio) Power, John Luc . . . . Helstonburghe, 1 October, 36 Henry [VIII]. Signed John Reskym'. See 12888.
Essex. Kent. A. 12886. (1) Indenture, with schedule indented annexed, 6 May, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary, between Sir Francis Inglefeld, knight, master of the court of wards and liveries, and Robert Kailwaye, esquire, surveyor of the same, on the king and queen's behalf, and Thomas son and heir of Robert Barefoote, esquire, witnessing that whereas the king and queen are agreed to grant him 'an ousterlemayn' of certain lands held of them as of the manor of Lee, &c. he has delivered a writing in parchment indented of such land, &c. as he 'entendeth to have,' &c. English. Signed Frauncys Englefield, Rob't Keylwey.
(2) Schedule indented being the value or extent of all the land, &c. late of Robert Barefote, esquire, who died 20 June, 38 Henry VIII, and which descended in use, possession or reversion to Thomas Barefote his son and heir, then under age, who attained his full age 8 January, 3 Edward VI, and now, 29 April, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary, sought his 'ousterlemayn,' &c., viz.—
In county Kent:—Seven cottages, 60a. land, 15a. meadow, 4a. pasture and 26a. wood in Lewisham, worth 14l. 14s. 4d. held of the king and queen as of their manor of Lee, in the said county, by fealty, suit of court and 5s. 1d. rent. In margin Conceduntur per ultimam voluntatem predicti Roberti Barefoote Benedicto Barefoote filio suo juniori et heredibus suis imperpetuum.
The manor of Sorankys, 70a. land, 30a. wood, 40s. 11d. rent, in Stansted, worth 7l. 16s. 8d., held of the king and queen by service of ¼ of a knight's fee, as of the honor of Oteford, in their hands by exchange between King Henry VIII and Thomas, late archbishop of Canterbury; also 30a. land, 10a. wood in Stansted, worth 60s., held of one Lee, as of his manor of Stanstede, by fealty, 6s 8d. rent and suit of court. In margin In possessione.
In county Essex:—the manor of Lamborne Hall, worth 10l.10s., held of the hundred of Onger by suit to the hundred and by service of 'le ward- staff,' viz. 'to carrye a lode of strawe with a carte with vj horses and twoe ropes and twoe men in harnes to watche the said wardstaff when hit is broughte to the towne of Abridge, and allso to make a certain quantytye of the parke pale of Haveryng when nede shalbe accordinge to thold custome.' In margin Junctura Katherine nuper uxoris predicti Roberti Barefoote.
A messuage, 100a. land, called 'Waltons' in High Onger, worth 100s., held of the manor of Stamford Hall, by fealty, suit of court, and 19d. rent; also 160a. land in Bolingworthe (sic) and Stamford Eythers (sic) called . . . yllys, held of Edward Walsingham, knight, as of the manor of [Bobin]gworthe aforesaid, by fealty, suit of court and 4s. rent, worth 4l. 13s. 4d. In margin In possessione. Total value, 45l. 13s. 4d.
Cornw. Devon. A. 12887. Counterpart indenture, 1 March, 21 Henry VIII, between John Arundell, of Talferne, the elder, John Arundell, of Talfern, the younger, and John Skewys, esquires, of the one part, and 'Raynold' Tretherf, esquire, of the other, witnessing that it is agreed between them as follows:—Whereas John Tretherf, father of 'Raynold,' being seised in fee of the manors of Tretherf, Arallas alias Argallas, Skewys, Brongullowe, Trevelwyth, Petygrewe, Trewynyan and Tresamballe, co. Cornwall, 'and also of and yn' Chalonslegh alias Legh Chalons and Strettewode Hedde alias Strette Raylegh, co. Devon, enfeoffed the said John the elder, John the younger, and John Skewys thereof, for the performance of his last will 'as by the same John Tretherff is last wyll synke partytyd indentyd' appears; now 'Raynold' covenants with them that they shall 'stond and be styll seasyd' of the said manors to the intent that the 'seyd feffes' shall therewith fulfill the said last will without 'lette' or contradiction from him, and he shall make a true account to them of the profits thereof 'in case' he shall receive the same, the 'feffes' covenanting that if his title be impleaded he shall be allowed his expenses. 'Yevyn att Talfern.' English. Signed Rynold Tretherff.
Cornw. A. 12888. Assignment by William Nycholas, late of Helstonboroughe, 'cordyner,' to John Tregiswyn, husbandman, in consideration of 6l. of the years yet to come in a place with a garden 'in the villaige of Helston bouroughe,' 'in St. Michaells Strete between the place of the stour of our ladye the virgine and St. Michaell tnarchangell' and 'the place of Thomas Chamond esquier,' under a lease thereof (A. 12885), 1 October, 36 Henry VIII, by John Reskemmer, esquire, deceased, to John Penros, gentleman, deceased, for certain years yet enduring. 28 January, 15 Elizabeth. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Cornw.] A. 12889. Counterpart of demise by John Tretherff, esquire, to Lawrence Hendy and John and Stephen, his sons, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of his tenement in Barnegullo, to wit a third part of the whole town there, at 26s. 8d. rent, and the best beast for heriot or farleve; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Hendy and John George. Barne- gullo, 6 December, 5 Edward VI. English. Two seals.
Endorsed: Brongolowe.
Heref A. 12890. Indenture being a feoffment by John Gwillim, elder son of John Gwillim, of Biddeston, gentleman, deceased, to John Gwillim, of Whitfeld, gentleman, and Thomas Genyns, chaplain, of his moiety of a messuage called Trerese with its appurtenances in the towns, fields and parish of Tretilley, Trecelley and Llangaran, within the lordships of Irchenfelde and Goodrich in the hundred of Wormelowe, which William Powell has to farm; also of his moiety of a meadow at Trebynkanet within the lordship of Irchenfeld, between the stream (rivulum sive torrentem) called 'Garran' on the west and the stream (torrentem) called 'Nant Whayne' on the east; to hold to the use of himself and Jane his wife and the heirs of his body on her body begotten, with remainder in default to his right heirs. 6 December, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary.
Cornw. A. 12891. Counterpart of A. 12771.
Cornw. A. 12892. Bond by Richard Penrosse of Penrosemethele, gentleman, and John Penrosse, of the same, to 'Reynold' (Reginaldo) Tretherf, in 200l. conditioned as follows:—Whereas the said 'Reynold' Tretherf and 'oon Margerye his wyff' by their deed indented of even date have enfeoffed John Arundell, of Talfern, the elder, John Skewys, Thomas Tretherf, John Arundell of Talfern, the younger, son and heir apparent of the said John, the elder, and James Erysy, esquires, William Trevenour, James Erysy, the younger, John Kyllygrewe, the younger, James Tripconyn and William Trewynnard, of all their land, &c. in Tremayn, Leen, Treveder, Chyenhall, Mogyan Vighan, Tregamynyon, Cornehegh, Kynehawes, Trefalserowe, Lesard and Helstonburgh, co. Cornwall, to the use of the said 'Reynold' for life, with remainder to the use of the said Margery and to the heirs of her body by the said 'Reynold' begotten, 'and after to other uses as by the same endentur' appears; 'iff hytt fortune the foresaid Margery lyvyng the seid Reynold to dye withoute heirs of her body,' then if the said 'Reynold' take the rents, &c. of the premises for his life 'withoute interrupcion, lette, vaxacion or trobyll of the bounden Richard Penrose and John,' the present obligation to be void. 30 May, 14 Henry VIII. Signed per me Ric'm Penros. Seals.
[Cornw.] A. 12893. Counterpart of sale, 21 January, 12 Henry VIII, by John Reskymer. esquire, to Thomas Sentalbyn, esquire, of the 'ward and custody' of all such land, &c. as 'Trystram' Colan late held of him in Trefalserowe as of his manor of Manek Reskymer by knight service, during the nonage of Anne and Elizabeth, Trystram's daughters and heirs, paying to him such rents and services as Trystram paid. English.
Heref. A. 12894. Counterpart of A. 12735.
[Norf.] A. 12895. Release by John Everarde of Wyndell, to one Thomas Wyllough[by], gentleman, of his right in an alder-carr (alnet') containing one acre in Gelyngham, between the alder-carr late of John Chirchous and the road there called the 'Kyngisdam,' &c. 24 May, 37 Henry VIII. Signed John Ev'ard.
Devon. A. 12896. Counterpart of demise, 30 September, 22 Elizabeth, by John Sidenham, of Lieghe, co. Somerset, esquire, to John son of William Hunte, of Cliste St. George, husbandman, and 'Johan,' John's wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship, in consideration of 20 marks, of the reversion, expectant on the decease of the said William Hunte and Margaret his wife, of his moiety or purparty of a tenement in Clyste Honyton, and of his moiety of 'Brome Close, 5½a., 'Ester Close, 7a., close next 'Denhayes meadowe,' 2½a., and two little closes, 1½a. and 'three yardes or perches,' lying against 'Axehayes meade,' being parcels of the manor of Holbroke, at 10s. rent, half the best beast for 'heriot or farleffe,' &c. English. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Lanc.] A. 12897. Bill made, 11 June, 33 Henry VIII, witnessing that 'Cristor' Proctor of Kesden, co. York, 'yoman,' has received of John Redmayn, of Thornton, esquire, 6l. 13s. 4d. in full and final payment for his 'parte of the banke at Wraton in the holdynge of Sr Richard Redmayn,' the yearly value of 6s. 8d. which part of the 'banke' he the said 'Cristor' had sold to the said John. English.
Camb. A. 12898. Bond by Edward Slegge, the elder, of Cambridge, esquire, Roger Slegge, of the same, gentleman, and Edward Slegge, the younger, of the Inner Temple, London, gentleman, to Robert Raye, burgess, and Alexander Raye, gentleman, in 200l. at St. Luke's day next, conditioned for their standing, together with Roger Hall, Thomas Knevytt, John Jones, Francis Philip, William Swanne and John Peachy, of Cambridge, yeoman, to the award of Richard Brasshey, mayor of Cambridge, Richard Braken, esquire, and Lawrence Hawes, gentleman, arbitrators chosen as well by the said Robert and Alexander Raye, John Basse, Thomas Watson, Alexander Richerdson, 'Richerd' Hall, William Rankyn, John Richerdson, Thomas Toolye, John Butterys, John Jlover, or Glover, Richard Cade and John Bell, as by Edward, Roger and Edward Slegge, upon all grievances and disputes between Edward Slegge and the others and Robert Raye and the others, John Otes, Richard Gravenys, George Scott, Richard Barnes and James Fisher. 21 September, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary. Signatures and seals.
A. 12899. Indenture 6 July, 22 Elizabeth, being an assignment by William Parker, citizen and draper of London, to John Allen of Glemsforde, co. Suffolk, clothier, in consideration of 1,400l., of an annuity of 100 marks, at the hands of the Receiver General of the court of wards, granted him, in consideration of his true and faithful service, by the Queen's letters patent under the great seal, 31 May, 22 Elizabeth, from Lady Day then last for twenty-one years. English. Signed per me Wylly'm P'ker.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment before the auditor of the court of wards and liveries, 28 November, 23 Elizabeth.
York [W.R.] A. 12900. Counterpart of demise, . . . ., 26 Elizabeth, by John Rowe, of Clapham, esquire, to William Negoose, of the same, husbandman, in consideration of l., of four closes of pasture called 'Cowbouth closes' and . . . . ., in the parish of Clapham, for twenty-one years at 6l. rent. English.