Linc. |
A. 12501. Release by Francis Copledike, of Harrington, esquire, to
John Copledike, esquire, his brother, for the considerations expressed in
indentures of even date between Ralph Chamberleyne, knight, and the
said John, of an annuity of 8l. 6s. 8d. issuant from certain of his brother's
lands. 1 October, 10 Elizabeth, 1568. Signed Fraunces Copuldyke.
Endorsed:—Sealed and delyvered the fourth daye of October at tenne
of the clocke before none of the same daye Ao 1568 in the presens of
Thomas Persall, John Drante. |
Norf. |
A. 12502. Bargain and sale by William Browne, of Holt, merchant,
in part performance of covenants in indentures of even date, to Elizabeth
Buggyn, widow, of Heydon, gentlewoman, of a piece of land and pasture
called 'Spynkes Olland,' containing 16a., in Irmynglande, which he
bought inter alia of one John Bettes, of Irmynglande, gentleman, by
charter dated 26 May, 37 Elizabeth. Warranty against himself, Joan,
his wife, and his heirs. 8 July, 39 Elizabeth. Signed Wm. Brown.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed, in the presence of John
Bettes, Edmond Crome and others (named). |
Devon. |
A. 12503. Counterpart indenture, being the appointment by Jasper
Oseley, one of the sons of Richard Oseley, of Courtenhall, co. Northampton,
esquire, of George Izacke, gentleman, as steward of his manor of Kenne,
for the term and interest he has to come therein, in as ample manner
as others have held the same, with the fees, &c. thereto belonging.
16 March, 39 Elizabeth. Signed per me Georgiu' Izacke. Seal. Witnesses'
names endorsed. |
Durham. Linc. |
A. 12504. 'These be the names and the true yearly values of all the
manors, landes and tenementes apperteynyng and belongyng to thenheritance
of Elizabeth Hansard dough tour and heir of William Hansard squier named
in the indentures hereunto annexed which manors and landes be all in
reversion, an non in possession except v markes yearly wherof William
Ayscughe knight named also in the same indentures shall have suche
porcion, as hereaffter ys lymyted and non otherwise.
Fyrst the thirde parte of the manors of Gresby and Wyam late Robert
Blounte within the said county of Lyncoln whiche is put in feoffament to
thuse of Margaret late wiff of the said Robert Blounte for terme of her
liff and be worth yearly above charges vjli. xiijs. iiijd.
Item the moytye of the manor of Harverton with certein landes and
tenementes in Haryngton in the county of Durham whiche be put in
feoffment to thuse of Dame Elizabethe Ayscughe late wiff of Sr William
Hansard knight for terme of her liff and be worthe yearly above charges
Item the manor of Kelsay with thappurtenaunce ys put likewise in
feoffament to thuse of the same Dame Elizabethe for terme of her liff and
be worthe yearly above charges xlli.
Item the manor of Bradwood with thappurtenaunce in the said county of
Durham whiche is put in feoffament to thuse of Thomas Hansard uncle to
the said heir for terme of his lyff and be worthe yearly above charges xiijli.
vjs. viijd.
Item parcell of the thirde parte of the landes late Robert Blountes within
the countie of Lyncoln whiche be put in feoffament to thuse of Agnes
Hansard late wiff of the said William and is worthe yearly above all charges
and reprises xxiijli. vjs. viijd.
Item the residue of the said thirde parte of the landes late Robert
Blountez liyng in Estwikam, Thyrnsco, Kyrmond and Stalyngbroughe
whereof the said William Hansard dyed seased of the same, being worthe
yearly above charges iijli. vjs. viijd.
Which said landes of the said somme of iijli. vjs. viijd. be graunted to the
said Sr William Ayscughe for thexhibicion of the said heir to have and to
hold to the said Sr William and his assignes from the discesse of the said
William Hansard during the noneage of the said Elizabethe.' Indenture.
English. |
Bristol. |
A. 12505. Feoffment by Miles (Milo) Partriche, of Almondisburye
Hill, co. Gloucester, knight, and Hugh Partriche, gentleman, his brother,
to William Sharington, of Laycoke, co. Wilts, knight, in consideration of
58l. 8s., of three messuages, or tenements, with shops, cellars, vaults
(valtis), in the occupation of John Stone, Thomas Sewarde and Charles
Lowe, in the city of Bristol, within the parish of St. Werburga, in 'Corne
strete,' between the tenement belonging to the parish church of
St. Werburga in which Robarth Pendigrace 'barberuz,' and a lane there
called 'le throwe howse' on the east, the tenement [which] John Rodeney,
esquire, lately [held], now in the tenure of William Willet, on the west,
extending from 'Corne strete' in front on the north to a tenement now in
the tenure of Peter Schepurd behind on the south; which three
messuages of late belonged to the house or gild called 'le Kalendars' of the
said city now dissolved; to hold to the said Sir William Sherinton in as
ample manner as they bought the same of the king, by his letters patent
dated at Leighes, 8 October, 2 Edward VI, by fealty only, in free socage;
attorneys to deliver seisin, Francis Coderington, and Thomas Shypman.
14 August, 4 Edward VI. Signed M.P. and Hugh Partrege. One seal
remaining (a partridge and over it the letters M.P.).
Endorsed: . . . . iij tenementes before Sandstrete ende in Corne-
strete. |
Bristol. Kent. |
A. 12506. Feoffment by Miles (Milo) Partriche, of Amesbury Hyll,
co. Gloucester, knight, and Hugh Partriche, gentleman, to William
Sharyngton, of Lacok, co. Wilts, knight of (1) the manors called 'Godden'
and 'Morgeve,' co. Kent, late belonging to 'Sharyngtons Chauntrie,'
founded in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, with land, &c. in the
parish of Tenterden, or elsewhere in the county, to the said manors belonging;
(2) the messuage and tenement, late in the tenure of Eichard Mors, in
'Wynstrete,' in the parish of Holy Trinity alias Crist Churche, in Bristoll,
formerly parcel of the possessions of the late chantry of Robert Aliff
and John Leche founded in the said parish of Holy Trinity, Bristoll; (3)
two messuages and tenements, late in the several tenures of Robert Canby
and William Collyns, and five stables in the several tenures of William
—, Thomas Raye, Richard Mors, Alan Gosenell and Stephen Cole,
in 'le Pytie,' behind 'le Plompe,' in the said parish and to the said late
chantry belonging; (4) fourteen messuages and tenements late in the
several tenures of Edmund Grigge, Alice Tyler, John Lewes, Nicholas Pall,
Thomas Browne, Agnes Mortymer, Leonard Poope, Edward Bense, William
Fallam, Robert Jourden, John James, Ellis (Elicei) Hoper, John Lewes
and David Appowell, and two stables in the several tenures of John
Williams, 'fletcher,' and Edmund Grigge in 'le Pytie' in the said
parish formerly belonging to the late chantry of Richard Erull, founded in
the said parish of Holy Trinity, Bristoll; (5) a messuage and tenement late
in the tenure of William Preston, in 'Wynstrete' in Bristoll to the said
late chantry of Richard Erull formerly belonging; (6) four messuages and
tenements, in the several tenures of Alice Wynter, William Storye, Alice
Howell and Thomas Rawlyns, and a house or tenement or lodge (logeam)
late in the tenure of Hugh Jones, in 'Redcliff Strete' and 'Redcliff Hill,'
within the parish of Redcliff in Bristol, to the late chantry called
'Cannynges Chauntrie' in the said parish of Redcliff formerly belonging;
(7) those two 'lez Storehouses' or tenements late in the several tenures of
Francis Codryngton and Anne Shipman, and two messuages or tenements
in the several tenures of William Harvest and William Preston on 'le Key'
within the parish of St. Stephen in Bristoll, formerly belonging to
'Cannynges Chauntrey'; (8) the messuage, tenement and hereditament
called 'le Towre,' late in the tenure of William Pottell, and all that
messuage and tenement late in the tenure of Thomas Aman, and all those
two messuages and tenements late in the tenure of John Hathewey on 'le
Key' within the parish of St. Stephen in Bristoll to the chantry called
'Medes Chauntrie,' founded within the church of Redcliff in Bristoll
formerly belonging; (9) the messuage and tenement late in the
tenure of John Shewarde, on 'le Key,' in the parish of St. Stephen
in Bristoll, and six messuages and tenements, late in the several
tenures of Henry Walter, John Hill, Richard Collyns, John Porte,
Thomas Burton and George Waren, in 'Marshestrete' in the parish
of St. Stephen aforesaid, to the chantry called 'Blankettes Chauntrie,' in
the said parish, formerly belonging; (10) two messuages and tenements
late in the several tenures of Richard Smyth and Richard Crewghe, on 'le
Key,' in the said parish of St. Stephen, to the chantry of Everard (Eborardi)
le Frenche, founded in the parish church of Redcliff in Bristoll, formerly
belonging; (11) the messuage and tenement, late in the tenure of Robert
Holton, in 'Smalestrete,' in the parish of St. Warburg in Bristoll to the
chantry called 'Fortheys Chauntrie' in the parish of St. Philip and St.
James, formerly belonging; (12) three messuages and tenements in the
several tenures of Richard Noland, Richard Warner and John Sybley, on
the north side of the tower (turris) on 'le Keye' in Bristoll, to the chantry called
'Whyte and Belshyres Chauntrie' in the parish of St. Stephen in Bristoll
formerly belonging; (13) a messuage and tenement called 'le Lantarne,' late
in the tenure of Robert Estgate otherwise called Gyrdeler, in 'le Weyer,' in
the parish of St. Philip and St. James of Bristoll, formerly belonging to
'Fortheys Chauntery'; (14) two messuages and tenements, late in the
several tenures of William Hyllarye and Elizabeth Cogan, in 'Baldewyn
Strete' in the parish of St. Nicholas in Bristoll, and the garden late in the
ternure of Thomas Waren, in 'le Olde Market Place,' in the parish of St.
Philip and St. James in Bristoll, to the late chantry of Everard (Eborardi)
le French founded within the parish churches of St. Nicholas and Redcliff
in Bristoll formerly belonging; (15) a messuage and tenement late in the
tenure of Francis Woseley in 'Baldewyn Strete' in the parish of St.
Nicholas in Bristol to the late fraternity founded in the chapel of the
Assumption of St. Mary on the bridge of Bristoll formerly belonging; (16)
a messuage and tenement late in the tenure of William Tyler in 'Baldewyn-
strete' in the parish of St. Nicholas, Bristoll, to the late chantry of
Katharine Jones founded in the parish church of Holy Trinity alias Crist-
churche in Bristoll, formerly belonging; (17) a messuage and tenement,
late in the tenure of Thomas Whyttock, in 'Wynstrete' in Bristol, to the
late chantry called 'Erelles Chauntrie,' founded in the parish church of
Holy Trinity alias Cristchurche, formerly belonging; all of which they had
by the king's letters patent, 3 October, 2 Edward VI; attorneys to deliver
seisin, Stephen Cole, gentleman, and Robert Butler, 'merchant.' Signed
M. P. and Hugh Partrege. One seal remaining, of arms.
Memorandum at foot:—Capt' et recognit' coram me Johanne Goodman
clerico uno magistrorum Canrie Domini Regis xxviijo die mensis Junii et
anno suprascripto.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin, 8 January, the within written
year, in the presence of Henry Brounker and Henry Brayne, esquires,
Edward Prine, merchant, William Butler, 'sopmaker,' John Browne,
merchant, John Williams and Edward Woode, ship masters; also
memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll. |
Heref. |
A. 12507. Feoffment by Thomas Gruffith, of Rosse, co. Hereford,
'draper,' to John Gwillym, of Trerese, gentleman, and Richard Mason, of
Welsh Bickenore, of two burgages and two tenements, or houses, in the
borough of Rosse, and 1a. land in Duxmere within the parish of Rosse,
one burgage being in the High Street, wherein he dwells, between the
tenements of Walter Gwillym, esquire, and Richard (Rici) Nicolles, and
the other in 'Edcroft Strete,' between lands of John Bellamy and William
Madock, and the two houses are in the same street adjoining the burgage;
to hold to the use of himself and Eleanor, his wife, in tail, with remainder
in default to his own right heirs. 2 December, 7 Elizabeth. |
Isle of Wight. |
A. 12508. Counterpart of demise, 26 January, 23 Elizabeth, by John
Erlesman, of Calborne, gentleman, to Simon Arnewood, of Shorwell,
'husbond,' of a messuage, or tenement, in Cheverdon, in Simon's occupa-
tion, 'late held by copie of court role and came into thandes of the said
John' by Simon's surrender; to hold from the day of date for term of
Simon's life, at 11s. rent, and suit of court of the manor of Westover alias
Calborne, &c. with leave to dig and carry away twenty 'lodes of marle,'
bestowing upon the said tenement 'xxti lodes of some other soyle or myxson
donge for the better helping and goodinge of the same.' 1580. English.
Signed, Symon Arnewood. Fragment of seal.
Memorandum of agreement endorsed that Simon's wife shall hold the
tenement for one year after his death. Paper. |
Lincoln. |
A. 12509. Counterpart indenture, 21 February, 3 Edward VI, being
the memorandum of an agreement between Rowland Lymell, clerk, and
William Rygges, esquire, one of the King's Majesty's . . . . . viz.
that whereas [Dame Katharine] Cornewall, widow, late the wife of Sir
Richard Cornewall, knight, had presented the said Rowland to the parsonage
of Bekyngham, [co. Lincoln], he should, within one month after his
induction as parson thereof, demise the tithes, glebe lands, oblations,
obventions, &c. of the said parsonage, in Fenton and Stragilthorpe in the
said-county, parcel of the said parsonage, to the said William, for twenty-
one years, from the feast of St. Mark next, the said William to pay . . . .
for the first year, and to find 'one honeste preste or curat' at Stragilthorpe,
and thereafter to pay 15l. yearly and to find the said priest; a bond by
Rowland and one Richard Lee, esquire, to the said William, in 100l., dated
9 February, 3 Edward VI, and a bond of the same date in 40l. by the said
William to the said Rowland, to be void if covenants are kept. English.
Fragment of seal. Signed per me Will'm Rygges. Decayed. |
Heref. |
A. 12510. Feoffment by John Agwyllym, of Treries, within the
parish of Langaran, gentleman, to John ap Gwyllym, his brother, of
Bedelston, of the following parcels of land, viz. 8a. between the highway
from Rosse to Abergavenney, Brode Oke common, &c. within the lordship
of Irchenfilde, co. Hereford; 7a. next the said highway, &c.; 5a. viz. 2a.
wood and 3a. arable, in 'Pittfelde,' between the highway from Robert
Edwardes house (mansionem) to Seynt Wenardes &c. reaching to 'Caldicottes
Crosse'; 2a. land in the field of John ap Jeyne, &c.; a small mead next the
chapel of Penrose, &c.; 3a. land in the field called 'under Penrose,' &c.
whereof 1a. reaches to the road from 'Tredowers Broke' to Velyndrey; 15a.
in 'Shippes lesowe' next the road from Rosse, &c.; 19a in 'Sheppesleasow,'
reaching near 'Nantwhaynes Brookeside,' from, &c.; and a meadow in
the parish of Llangaran, between Garan on the one side and the
meadow of Edward Maynston on the other, and extending from
'Nant Wheyn is Broke' aforesaid to land of the said Edward; also
feoffment of a messuage at Treedonocke, within the parish of Llangaran,
with the land, &c. thereto from of old belonging, within the hamlets of
Tredonocke and Tretillee, of a meadow near Garon aforesaid within the
hamlet of Treesse, commonly called 'Coxe meede,' and of a house, with 3a.
land adjacent, at the parish church of Llangaran, within the hamlets of
Llanghton and Llangaran, &c. 7 January, 24 Elizabeth. |
Bucks. |
A. 12511. Release by Alexander Popham, son and heir of John
Popham, son and heir of William Popham and Agnes, his wife, daughter
and heir of William Edmondes, to John Sydenham, of Lye, esquire, of his
right in the burgages in Redyng, which were formerly of the inheritance
of the said William Edmondes. 20 July, 4 Edward VI. Signed per me
Alex'm Popham. |
Bucks. |
A. 12512. Indenture of demise, 2 February, 44 Elizabeth, by Anthony
Savage, of Greate Brickehill, yeoman, to William Reve, of Sulbery, yeoman,
and Jane, his wife, in consideration of 21s., of a cottage, or tenement, in
Sulberye, with 'yearde and backeside,' in the occupation of Roger Smithe,
with common or pasture for two beasts, for twenty-one years from Michael-
mas, 1610, that is to say in reversion after the said Roger, at 10s. rent, &c.
Signed by me Anthony Savage. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Memorandum endorsed of the assignment of the term, 19 January,
1602, by Reve to Humphrey Borne, of Soulbery, carpenter. |
Chester. |
A. 12513. Counterpart of demise, 24 March, 19 Elizabeth, by John
Danyell, of Deresburye, esquire, to John Sutton, of the same, the younger,
in consideration of 10l. paid beforehand, of a close abutting on the
highway from Deresbury to Hatton called 'the Walle Moore,' for twenty-
one years, at 5s. rent; the demise to be void on the payment of 10l. on
any Lady Day during the term, at a year's notice. |
[Heref.] |
A. 12514. Release by Philip Flaunders, Joan, his wife, and Thomas
and Richard, their sons and heirs, to John Flaunders of Differneluke, of
their right in a parcel of land in Pulghcough', by the rent to them, for all
service, of ½d., in the hamlet of Trecelle, within the hundred of Wormelow;
also in two messuages at Differneluke, with all the land, &c. whereof the
said John is seised in the hamlet of Petirstowe in the lordship of Wilton
on Wye (Weiam). 7 December, 15 Henry VIII. One seal remaining. |
[Worc.] |
A. 12515. Indenture of demise, 1 January, 2 Henry VIII, by
Thomas Bromwych, of Atherston, 'smyth,' to William Hawkes, of Moseley,
the elder, of a 'mese' with garden, called 'Bromwych Place,' in Moseley,
next 'the heth cald Kyngesheth,' a meadow between the said 'mese' and
John Bromwych's land, crofts called 'Grey Crofte,' &c. and 'Stokwall,'
next land of 'Seynt Thomas of Kyngesnorton,' iij over Dunwallus'
between the land of Richard Barnebrok, &c. and a cottage 'betwext the
Lady Pollus and the kyngesheywey,' all in Moseley; to hold the said
'mese, cotage, all these seid parsellus of yerth,' from the feast of the
Purification for twenty years, at the rent of 13s. at Lady Day and 13s. 1d.
at Michaelmas. English. Proviso endorsed that Thomas, after nine years,
if he wish to dwell 'uppon the sed mese,' &c. |
Heref. |
A. 12516. Indenture of bargain and sale, 30 January, 40 Elizabeth,
by John Lillwall, of Rushoock, in the parish of Kington, yeoman, to John
Crofte, of the same, yeoman, in consideration of 10l., of a close of land in
the township, or fee of Rushoock, called 'the Moulde Yorde,' containing
2a.; covenant by Lillwall, for himself, and Alice his wife, to further
assure, &c.; the bargain and sale, and seisin had thereon, to be void on
payment of 10l. on the feast of the Purification, 1603, or 1606, at the
church porch of Kington, between 'one and three of the clock in thafter
noone.' 1597. English. Signed, John Lyllwall. Seal. Witnesses to
livery of seisin, &c. endorsed; also Md. that this deed was shewed unto
Thomas Green way the yonger at the time of thexecucion of the comission
between Meredith Lillwall, plaintiff, and John Crofts, defendant before us
Jo. Prise, Richard, Tho. Jones. |
[Warw.] |
A. 12517. Bond by Richard Walker, of the city of Coventre, 'mercer,'
to Ralph Waren, citizen and mercer of London, in 12l. at Easter, 1519.
22 February, 1515, 7 Henry VIII. Signed per me Rychart Walkar. |
Salop. |
A. 12518. Feoffment by Edward ap John ap Gruffith, of Melverley,
gentleman, in consideration of 10l. 13s. 4d., to Thomas Gethynne, of
Maesbrooke, gentleman, and Hugh Jones, of Melverley, gentleman, of a
messuage or tenement, and barn, with land, &c. belonging, in Melverley, a
small piece of land next the churchyard excepted, which he had by the will
dated 18 February, 1575, 18 Elizabeth, of Edward Gethynne of Melverley.
5 February, 21 Elizabeth, 1578. Seal, broken. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
[Somers.] |
A. 12519. Counterpart of demise by John Sydenham, esquire,
James Foster, gentleman, Thomas Glosse, John Ewen, John Burton,
Thomas Hill, John Bryant, 'Joanes' Comer, Thomas Palmer, George Soly,
John Edwarde, John Farmer, George Baker, John Hurforde and John
Hurforde, George Burton, John Lokyer and Thomasyn Baker, 'inhabiters
and dwellers of the terrytory of Leighlande withyn parissh of Oldclyf,' in
consideration of 11l. paid by the hands of Alexander Sydenham, esquire,
'yn the name of fyne or incombe,' to Robert Webber and 'Johan' his
wife, of their house in Leighland, called 'the Churchhowse of the Chapell
of Leigh,' with a close of land containing 4a., with an orchard and garden
adjoining, in Leighland, for the term of their two lives in survivorship, at
'fyvethtien' shillings and fourpence rent; with proviso that they may
'use and occupie the said Churchhowse, upon a reasonable warnynge to be
geven to the said Robert Webber and Johan his wief, at all tymes to the
use and behove of the profect of the said Chapell of Leigh and of the
common profecte of us the said inhabitantes and our successors duryng
the space of one moneth withowte contradiction or denyall of the said
Roberte Webber and Johan his wife'; attorney to deliver seisin, Alexander
Sydenham, esquire. 20 January, 1 Mary, 'the first.' English. |
Chester. |
A. 12520. Counterpart of demise, 10 September, 18 Elizabeth, by
John Danyell of Daresburye, esquire, to Richard Starkye, of the same,
'yoman,' in consideration of 20 marks, of a parcel of land and pasture in the
'towne filde' of Daresbury, and a croft of land and pasture there called 'the
lyttyll shortfild,' and 'the grase and harbage of two closes of lande and pasture
there called 'the two shorte fildes,' being all now in Richard's occupation,
also of the 'grase and herbage of one other close of lande and pasture' called
'the Mylne Ryddinge,' now in the occupation of Thomas Danyell, for
twenty-one years from Christmas next, at 10s. rent, &c.; the demise to be
void on payment of 20 marks on any Christmas Day during the term in
Daresburye parish church between 'tenne and two of the cloke in the
after none,' a whole year's notice to be given at Richard's now dwelling
house in Daresburye. English. Signed Richard Starkie. Witnesses'
names endorsed. |
Chester |
A. 12521. 'This indenture or scedule indented made the day and
yere in the said dyde mencyoned &c. witnesseth' that the use of the 'dyde
of feoffement indented unto this scedule indented annexed' was that
William Ryder, the feoffee, in consideration of 10l. paid in hand to John
Danyell, the feoffor, by Thomas Byrchinhead, of Dersbury, yeoman, should
stand seised of a moiety of the said olose called 'Bromefeild,' as now
divided, adjoining 'Benche More' close, in Dersbury, to the use of the said
Thomas for twenty years at a 'pepercorne' rent; the feoffment to be void
on payment of the balance of the 10l. then due on any feast day of St.
'Martine the bushope in Wynter,' with one year's notice. English.
Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Flint |
A. 12522. Indenture of demise, 16 July, 2 Elizabeth, by Ken[eurig]
ap D[avi]d ap Gruff[id] ap Res, of Gwaynyscor, co. Flint, to Ken[eurig] ap
John ap Ken[eurig], of four parcels of land in Kelstan, for life, at 4d. rent
at Michaelmas 'for as many yeres of the seyd terme as' he 'shall wholy
occupie' the same 'in hey or pasture, and for so many yeres as' he 'shall
plowe and occupie the same foure parcelles or any parte thereof in corn' to
give 'the fourth sheff therof for all maner rentes,' &c.; covenant that
Ken[eurig] ap D[avi]d may 'cutt turfes and gorses' on part of the said
land during the said term, &c. English. Seal. |
Glouc. |
A. 12523. Bargain and sale and feoffment by William ap Rise,
esquire, and Isabel, his wife, and Rise (Riseas) Abowen otherwise called
Rise (Riceus) Apowen, of Upton, co. Pembroke, gentleman, son and heir
apparent of the said Isabel, in performance of covenants contained in
indentures of 18th inst., to William Rogers, of Dowdeswell, co. Gloucester,
'yoman,' of the manor of Dowdeswell, with the appurtenances in Dowdes-
well and Pekilsworthe in the said county, five messuages excepted and
the land demised with them, in the several tenures of Nicholas Rogers,
William Smythe, Richard Hibbarde, Jervase Palmer and Ellis (Ellicii)
Overbury, with the rents thereon reserved, and except 9s. and 1lb. pepper
yearly from the free tenants there, and except the advowson of the parish
church of Dowdeswell and the reversions of the said five messuages, &c.;
warranty for themselves and the heirs of Isabel. 23 April, 4 and 5 Philip
and Mary. Signed, William Res; a mark; Res Abowen. Witnesses.
Seals. |
Devon. |
A. 12524. Counterpart of A. 12339. Signed, John Fytz. Witnesses'
names endorsed. |
N'th'l'd. |
A. 12525. Counterpart of indenture, 4 February, 33 Elizabeth, being
a feoffment by 'Allexander' Hearon, of Meldonne, esquire, to William
Fenwicke, of Wallingtonne, Edward Shaftoye, of Bavingtonne and Thomas
Midletonne, of Belshowe, esquires, and Marmaduke Fenwicke, of Kirkharle,
gentleman, of the manor of Meldonne and town of Meldonne, with land,
&c. there and in Reffho alias Reffhowe, Riplingtonne, Denam, Whawtonne,
Thorntonne Temple, Hearons Close, Fenrother, Morpethe and Reding, to
his own use for life, with remainder to the use of 'Allexander' Hearon, of
Riplingtonne, gentleman, son and heir of Roger Hearon, of the same, his
nephew, and to the use of 'Mergere' Midletonne, of Meldonne, aforesaid,
and to the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder in default to the use
of Robert Hearon, of Riplingtonne, brother of the said 'Allexander,' in
tail male, with remainder in default to the use of Thomas Hearon, of
Dename, gentleman, uncle of the said 'Allexander' and Robert, in tail
male, with remainder in default to the use of Roger Hearon, of
Riplingtonne, father of the said 'Allexander' and Robert, his right heirs
and assigns for ever, &c. Signed Will'm Fenewike, Edward Shaftowe,
Thomas Myddylton, the mark of Marmarduke Fenwick. Witnesses' names
endorsed. See A. 12643. |
Chester. |
A. 12526. Counterpart of demise, 8 May, 19 Elizabeth, by John
Daniell, of Darsbury, esquire, to Richard Creymes, of Nether Whitley,
'yomane,' in consideration of 21l. by way of 'a fine for twenty-one yeares
rentes aforehand,' of a close of land, meadow and pasture, called 'the Cowe
Hey,' in Darsburye, in Richard's occupation, for twenty-one years from
Christmas last, at a pepper-corn rent; the lease to be void upon payment,
'within the chaunsell of Daresburye,' half a year after notice given at the
dwelling-house of the said Richard in Whitlowe, of so much of the 21l. as
the said Richard shall not then have received. English. Signed by mark.
Seal. Witnesses' names, Geffray Danyell, and others, endorsed. |
Norfolk. |
A. 12527. Letter of attorney by the prior of the Cathedral Church
of Holy Trinity, Norwich, and the chapter of the same, to Robert Catton,
prior of the same, and Dan Walter Cromer and Dan Henry Mannell,
fellow monks and brethren of the said church, Master Thomas Larke,
archdeacon of Sudburie, John Heydon and John Schelton, knights,
Roger Townesende and William Paston, esquires, John Roper, William
Wotton, William Conysbye, gentlemen, and Andrew Robyns, litterate,
three or two of them, of whom the prior or one of the monks to be one, to
appear on their behalf before Thomas, cardinal archbishop of York, and
legate and chancellor of England, in all causes depending between them
and the mayor, sheriffs, aldermen and citizens of Norwich, &c. 12 January,
1519, 11 Henry VIII. |
Devon. |
A. 12528. Counterpart of demise by John Syddenham, of Netelcomb,
co. Somerset, esquire, to Nicholas Tumour, of all the land in Clyst Honyton
which Edward Westcote formerly held, for the term of Nicholas' life and
during the widowhood of such wife as he shall first espouse, at 53s. 4d.
rent, and the best beast for heriot or farleve, &c. 6 December, 35 Henry VIII.
Fragment of seal. |
Lanc. |
A. 12529. Indenture of bargain and sale, 23 June, 37 Elizabeth, by
Sir Thomas Gerrarde, of Gerrardes Bromeley, co. Stafford, knight, and
Dame Anne Gerrarde, widow, his mother, in consideration of 620l., to
William Gerrarde, of Flamberdes, in the parish of Harrowe upon the Hill,
co. Middlesex, esquire, and Philip Gerrarde, of 'Grayse Inn,' co. Middlesex,
'gentilman,' of their manor, capital messuage or mansion house, commonly
called 'the Garrett,' with buildings, gardens, orchards, &c. usually occupied,
&c. therewith, one water-mill, one meadow called 'the Milne Meadowe,'
one close called the 'Milne Fielde,' a close called 'the Banke,' a parcel
of ground called 'Walkers Eye,' three several closes of pasture or
arable called 'Eillandfieldes,' a parcel of ground called 'Hare Knolle,' a
parcel of ground called 'Risheflatt,' a parcel of ground called 'the
Poundes,' a cottage or tenement in the occupation of 'Raphe' Shalcrosse,
at 6s. 8d. rent, a parcel of meadow called 'the Little Meadowe,' in the occu-
pation of 'Humfrey' Haughton, at 15s. rent, with woods, courts, fishings,
&c. situate in Manchester and Chorleton in the parish of Manchester;
covenants that the premises are discharged of all leases, &c. except of
'Litle Meadowe' for three lives at 15s. rent, and of the cottage for twenty-
one years or three lives at 6s. 8d. rent, &c. English. Cancelled by cuts.
Signatures of Thomas Gerard, Anne Gerard; the latter witnessed by Thomas
Wingfeld, 'Roddoffe' Gerrarde and others (named). |
Chester. |
A. 12530. Counterpart of demise, 1 November, 23 Elizabeth, by
John Danyell of Dersbury, esquire, to John Sutton, 'thonger,' of the same,
husbandman, in consideration of 42l., of six closes, pastures, crofts or
parcels of ground there, called 'Wall Croft,' 'the too Darlies,' 'the lytle
Common Wood,' 'the Wall More' and 'the Welchmans lytle croft,' in
Sutton's occupation, for twenty-one years, at 22s. rent, the demise to be
void on payment of 42l. in Dersbury parish church, upon any Lady Day
during the term, between 'tenne' and 'too of the clocke,' after one year's
notice given at the now dwelling house of John Sutton, 'thelder,' in
Dersbury. English. Signed by mark. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Staff. |
A. 12531. Indenture of demise, 18 September, 5 Edward VI, by
Andrew Noell, of Whitwell, co. Rutland, esquire, to William Saunders,
of Pirrebare, co. Stafford, yeoman, of a tenement, garden, orchard and four
crofts, or pastures of ground, now in William's occupation, lying in
Pirrebare, for twenty-one years, at 16s. rent, doing repairs, &c. Signed:
Andrew Noell. Seal. |
Devon. |
A. 12532. Indenture of demise, 14 December, 45 Elizabeth, by
Henry Sture, of Maridge, esquire, to Thomas Deyman, son of William
Deyman, of North Hewishe, yeoman, in consideration of 20l., of a messuage
or tenement, &c. now in the said William Deyman's occupation, lying at
Whedon alias Wheveldon, in the parish of North Hewishe, for ninety-nine
years from the death or other determination of the estate therein of the
said William and 'Johann' his wife, yielding therefore to the said Henry
Sture and the heirs male of his body, or in default to such as have the
remainder, 20s. yearly, two capons, or 2s. at his or their election, and
yielding 'one ploweing day and one harvest dayes worke,' or 2s. and 4d.
respectively, at his or their election, to be 'don in and uppon the Bartons
of Bradleigh, Maridge and Hawkridge,' with the best beast for 'heryott or
farleis,' doing suit to the court held within the manor of Courtisknoll
alias Gousknoll, grinding the corn and grain to be spent upon the premises
at 'Storidge Myll' or 'Gare Mills,' &c. 1602. English. |
Devon. |
A. 12533. Counterpart of demise, 31 January, 3 and 4 Philip and
Mary, by John Sydenham, of Leghe, esquire, 'of the counttye of
Somerset,' John Sydenham, of Taunton, 'of the same county gentleman,'
and 'Kateryn' his wife, in consideration of 3l. 6s. 8d., to William Huntte
of the parish of Honytons Clyste, co. Devon, husbandman, and Margaret,
his wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a tenement with
certain closes of ground and pasture called 'Bromeparke,' of 5½a., and
'the Est Close,' of 7a., 2½a. of 'mooreground,' 'lyeng agen Denhays
Meade,' 'ij lyttyll peces of ham ground,' of 1½a., and 3r. of meadow ground,
'lyeng agen Axhays Meade,' at 20s. rent, with the best beast for 'a heryott
or a ferleff,' doing suit of court at their manor of Holbroke, &c.; attorneys
to deliver seisin, 'Symon' Pynde and Robert Langcastell. Signed by mark.
Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Somers. |
A. 12534. Feoffment by John Mone to John Sydenham the elder,
son of Alexander Sydenham, of all his land in tne parish of North
Pederton; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Popham and Marmaduke
Mauncell. 16 August, 11 Hemy VIII. Witnesses to livery of seisin
endorsed. |
London. |
A. 12535. Bond by James Mote, of the parish of St. Botolph without
Algate, London, 'joyner,' to John Barbor of the parish of St. Mary Matfelon
without Algate, 'gonne maker,' in 20l., conditioned for James' saving the
said John harmless in respect of a writing obligatory, of even date, whereby
the said John stood bound jointly with the said James, and at his request,
in 10l. to Thomas Gooddyn, James' apprentice, and to Jane Sleden, of
London, 'sempster,' conditioned for James' instructing the said Thomas
in 'joyned workes' and the 'working of stockes for gonnes,' according to
his ability and Thomas' capacity, for two years and nine months from
Michaelmas next, being a term agreed upon between them for the accom-
plishment of a term of seven years, mentioned in certain 'indentures of
apprentizood' and 'in recompence of suche tyme as the said Thomas had
absented himself from the service of the said James.' 21 September, 1586,
28 Elizabeth. Signed by mark in the presence of Anthony Webbe, notary
public, London, 12 October, 1586. Seal. |
Suff. |
A. 12536. Counterpart of an indenture tripartite leading the uses
of a recovery, 8 April, 39 Elizabeth, between Thomas Blenerhaysett, of
Barsham, esquire, and John Blenerhaysett, gentleman, his son and heir
apparent, of the first, John Throkmerton, of Bongaye, gentleman, of the
second, and Roger Pierson and John Bacon, of Beckles, gentlemen, of the
third part; witnessing that whereas the said Thomas Blenerhaysett and
'Marye' his wife, and the said John, for settling the manor of Barsham,
&c. to the said Thomas and his heirs, and for extinguishing all other titles,
acknowledged a fine thereof to John Cornewallis, esquire, and George
Atkyns, gentleman, and of all other their land, &c. in Barsham, Beckles,
Shipmeddowe, Ringisfild, Redsham Parva, Ingate, Worlingham Magna,
North Cove, and Ilkettishall St. Andrew, by the description of the manor
of Barsham, one messuage, one dovehouse, one garden, one 'ortyard,'
50a. land, 10a. meadow, 40a. pasture, 8a. wood, 20a. marsh, 100a.
heath and 'bruere' in Barsham, &c. in Hilary term last, the use thereof
to the said John and George, and their heirs for ever, as declared by
indenture 20 June, 38 Elizabeth; and whereas by deed dated 29 March,
39 Elizabeth, the said John and George, at Thomas' request, enfeoffed
Roger Pierson and John Bacon thereof, to whom the tenants and farmers
of the premises attorned, which feoffment was to the use that a recovery
might be had against them; it is now covenanted and agreed that they
shall before the feast of St. John Baptist next suffer a recovery thereof to
the said John Throkmerton, with voucher against the said Thomas and
the said John Blenerhaysett, to the intent that the said John Throkmerton
shall stand seised thereof, to the use of the said Thomas and his heirs.
English. Signatures of Joh'es Throkm'ton, Roger Pierson, John Bacon.
Seal of arms (Throckmorton and Banyard quarterly) and seal. Witnesses'
endorsed, Jo. Greenewood, Arthur Blenerhayset, the mark of Steven
Waters. |
N'hamp. |
A. 12537. Bond by William Catisbye, or Catysby, of Ashbye Legers,
co. Northampton, and Francis Dymmocke of Erdington, co. Warwick,
esquires, to John Dryden of Cannons Ashbye, co. Northampton, gentleman,
in 200l., conditioned for the payment of 150l. at Michaelmas next.
1 December, 16 Elizabeth. Signed: Wyllyam Catysby, Fran. Dym'ock.
Witnesses, William Dryden and others (named).
Endorsed: Receyved herof in parte of payment iij October, 1574, by the
handes of William Chibnoll one hundreth poundes. |
Devon. |
A. 12538. General release by George Jones, of Plymmouth,
merchant, to William Riche, citizen and haberdasher of London. 25 May,
43 Elizabeth, 1601. Signed per me Georg Jones. Seal of arms (a chevron
between three acorns). |
Norf. |
A. 12539. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement
11 September, 22 Henry VI, between Robert Randes and Cecily his wife,
of the one part, and Robert Herward, her son, of the other, that the said
Robert Randes and Cecily shall have, during her life, the manors of
Wykmer, Crowemer and Suffeld from Michaelmas next, which sometime
were Clement Herward's, father to the said Robert; if Robert Randes over
lives Cecily, he shall have the manors of Crowemer and Suffeld for his life;
and Robert Herward shall have the manor of Aldeburgh from Michaelmas
next, with all the crop of this year, reserved to the said Cecily for
life 'the olde Duffnous,' yielding yearly to the said Robert Randes
and Cecily, during her life, 'j boor and iij slawte swyne,' at the feast
of St. Martin 'in Wynter' yearly; the same Robert shall have of
the said Robert Randes 'resonable stuff for his houshold of hors, plowes,'
&c. as contained in another bill, and 10 marks, to be repaid, &c. English. |
[Salop.] |
A. 12540. Letter of attorney by Agnes Lawe, of Wolverhampton,
co. Stafford, to Thomas Lawe, of Ludlowe, to sue, &c. Richard Gryme, of
Seete, gentleman, for a debt of 3s. 6d. 4 August, 7 Henry VIII. Seal. |
[Leic.] |
A. 12541. Grant out of the Court of Wards to Daniel Brandreth of
Donesthorpe, co. Leicester, gentleman, in consideration of 6l. 13s. 4d., of
the wardship and marriage of John, son and heir of John Dalman,
yeoman, deceased, or of other the heirs of the said John happening to be
the king's wards; covenant by Daniel to 'prosecute forth his Majesties
letters patent under the great seal' and to bring the same to the auditor of
the court to be enrolled,' . . . . after the delivery to him of the
king's signet bill of the said wardship . . . . . . 9 Charles.
Apparently not executed. Decayed and illegible. |
Heref. |
A. 12542. Bargain and sale, and feoffment, by John Lillwall, of
Rushock, in the parish of Kington, yeoman, to John Crofte, of the same,
yeoman, of a close (clausuram) of arable, called 'le Portway Head,'
containing 3a., between land of Ann Lewellyn, widow, 'Rushockes Fielde,'
land of John Woolf, and the highway from Kington to Titley; also of
2a. arable in 'Rushockes Fielde,' between 'le Portway Head,' land of
Richard Lillwall called 'le Monke Meadowe,' land of Margaret Gommons,
widow, and the highway as above; also of 3a. arable in 'le North Fielde,'
between land of the said John Crofte and land of the said Margaret
Gommons, widow; being in the fee of Rushock, in the parish of Kington,
&c. 17 February, 40 Elizabeth, 1597. Signature and seal. Witnesses'
names endorsed. |
Norf. |
A. 12543. Release by Robert Hogon, of London, gentleman, son of
Robert Hogon, esquire, deceased, at the request of Thomas Hogon, esquire,
his brother, son and heir of the said Robert, in performance of covenants
specified in indentures between the said Thomas and one Richard Hoo,
dated 6 April, 2 Edward VI, to the said Richard and one Thomas Hoo, his
son, being in possession, and to the heirs of Richard, of all his right in the
manors called 'Northendhall,' 'Poyntors,' Little Skarneng and 'Gontons'
and in all land, &c. in Skarneng, Great Fransham, Little Fransham,
Gressenhall, Kempston and Beeston, bought of his said brother. 12 March,
4 Edward VI. Signed per me Rob'tu' Hogan. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Heref. |
A. 12544. Feoffment and bargain and sale by John Edwardes, son
and heir apparent of Thomas Edwardes, of Llancragh, within the parish of
Llangarren, 'yoman,' to Joan Gwillim, widow, late the relict of John
Gwillim, of Trerees, in the said parish, of four parcels of arable and
pasture containing 10½a. land in the said parish and within the manor or
hundred of Wormelowe late belonging to Margaret France, widow, called
'Pulchcough,' 'le Parke,' 'le Over Quicksett' and 'le Peake,' &c.
12 August, 43 Elizabeth. |
Salop. |
A. 12545. Indenture, 10 March, 37 Elizabeth, between 'Frauncis'
Whitton, of Whitton, co. Salope, gentleman, of the one part, and Jarrett
Whorwood, of Compton, co. Stafford, William Gateger, of Gateger, co.
Salope, Thomas Odell, of Compton aforesaid, 'Frauncis' Hill, of 'the
Walle House,' co. Salope, Thomas Powys, of Snitton, co. Salope, gentlemen,
and Thomas Lane, of Hope Bagotte, co. Salope, of the other, witnessing
that the said 'Frauncis' by indenture dated 3 May, 35 Elizabeth, for
making a jointure for his now wife Elizabeth, enfeoffed the said
Thomas Powys and Thomas Lane of the site and chief mansion
house, &c. in Whitton then and now in his own occupation, with
the land, &c. appurtenant called 'the demeane landes of Whitton, to the
use of the said Elizabeth for life, with remainder to the use of himself
and the heirs male of his body, with remainder in default to the use of
his right heirs, with a proviso that if, after the decease of Jane Whitton,
widow, his mother, he, or any of his heirs, enfeoffed the said Thomas and
Thomas of the capital messuage, tenement and farm of Overfayntry, co.
Salop, with lands in Over and Nether Fayntry, to the use of the said
Elizabeth for life in lieu of jointure, with remainder to his right heirs, that
then her estate in Whitton should be void; and that the said Jane his
mother died 17 February last; now, in accordance with the said proviso,
he enfeoffs the said parties of the second of the said farm, &c. to the above
uses, English. Signed by mark.
Memorandum of livery of seisin in the manor house of Fayntree. |
Heref. |
A. 12546. Release by Alice Bromwich, daughter of Thomas Brom-
wich, late of Lentwardyn, to Thomas Garrewey and William Synagh,
of her right in land in Webley, late her said father's. 9 October, 2
Henry VIII. Fragment of seal. |
Chester. |
A. 12547. Counterpart of demise, 1 March, 30 Elizabeth, by John
Danyell, of Daresburie, esquire, to John Dennys and Henry Dennys, his
son, of the same, husbandmen, in consideration of 20l., viz. 10l. in hand
and 10l. before 'the feast of Phyllype and Jacobbe thapostle next,' of a
messuage or tenement there, in John Dennys' occupation, as tenants at
will 'duringe the lykynge of the said John Danyell, by the rent,' &c. 'as
heretoefore they have yearelye payd.' English. Signed by mark. Seals.
Witnesses' names endorsed. Paper. |
[York, E.R.] |
A. 12548. Feoffment by William Cootes, of Barneby, co. York,
'husbondman,' and Isabel, his wife, to William Sutton of London, in the
county of Middlesex, 'bocher,' of a messuage in Houeden nigh 'Hale
brigge' abutting on the river Darwent between the tenement late Richard
Portyngton's now of Thomas Portyngton, esquire, on the north, the
common way leading from the way of Halegate to Houeden market on the
south, &c. Houeden, 24 September, 8 Henry VIII. Cf. A. 9496. |
Chester. |
A. 12549. Counterpart of demise, 1 April, 19 Elizabeth, by John
Danyell, of Darresburye, esquire, to Isabel Harper, of 'Newton next
Darresburye,' widow, in consideration of 4l. of a close of land and pasture,
in Newton aforesaid called 'Greyne Heye,' now in her tenure, to hold for
the term of her life, at 4s. rent and the customary services; attorneys to
deliver seisin. 'Hughe' Barkar, Thomas Harper. English. Signed by
mark. |
Cornw. |
A. 12550. Counterpart indenture, leading the uses of a recovery,
made 3 April, 43 Elizabeth, between John Reskymer alias Greber, of
Merthen, esquire, of the first part, and Thomas Seyntabyn, of Clowance,
esquire, and Thomas Enys, of Glewys, gentleman, of the other, witnessing
that is agreed between them, that the said John shall suffer a recovery to
the said Thomas and Thomas of the manors of Merthen, Reskymer
Cutter, Reskymer Meneage, Ressewyack alias Lucyas, Trevarthian,
Tremayne and Tretheves, a third part of the manor of Hillogan and
Trevoward, and a moiety of the manor of Wynianton, three hundred
messuages, two hundred cottages, seven water-mills, forty-six gardens,
4,000a. land, 1,000a. meadow, 500a. moor, 2,000a. common, furze and
heath and 20l. rent, and all other his land, &c. in co. Cornwall, which
were the inheritance of John Reskymer, esquire, deceased, and whereof the
said John Reskymer, now living, is seised, &c. by vertue of a conveyance
thereof made to him by the said John Reskymer, esquire, deceased, dated
1 March, 4 Elizabeth; the said recovery to enure to the following uses, viz.
as to land granted by the said John Reskymer alias Greber, for life or lives,
term of years, in tail or in fee, to the only use of the persons to whom the
same shall so be granted, and as to the residue, to the use of the said John
Reskymer alias Greber, William Reskymer alias Greber, and John Reskymer
alias Greber son of Richard Reskymer alias Greber, deceased, successively
in tail male, with remainder in default to the same three persons succes-
sively in tail, with remainder in default to the right heirs of John Reskymer,
late of Merthen, esquire, deceased. Signed per me Thoma' Seyntaubyn,
per me Thomas Enys. Damaged: collated with Inq. post mortem. Chancery.
Series II. 15 Jas I. (Vol. 360). no. 96. |
Glouc. Leic. Worc. |
A. 12551. Feoffment by Thomas, earl of Surrey, and Oliver Pole,
clerk, to Dame Elizabeth Plantagenet, wife of Arthur Plantagenet, knight,
as well daughter and heir of Edward Grey, late viscount Lisle, as sister
and heir of John, late viscount Lisle, and cousin and heir of Elizabeth,
late countess of Devon and viscountess Lisle, of the manors of Payneswyke,
co. Gloucester, Kibbeworth . . . . . . co. Leicester, Chaddesley Corbett,
Chaddesley Collectour and Harvington, co. Worcester, which, together
with other persons since deceased, they had by the gift of the said John, late
viscount Lisle, to the use of M . . . . . . . . . . late viscountess
Lisle, late wife of the said John, viscount Lisle, for the term of her life, and
after her death to the use of the said John and his heirs; attorneys to
deliver seisin John Burlee, Thomas Stydhalf, gentlemen. 14 May,
11 Henry VIII. Signed T. Surrey. Per me Oliveru' Pole, clericu'.
Fragment of one seal. |
A. 12552. Bond by William Clark, of Dundon, in the parish of
Quainton, co. Bucks, esquire, and Dame Elizabeth Cattesby, his wife, to
William Cattesby, of Ashby Ledgers, co. Northampton, esquire, in 100l.
conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date,
13 April, 11 Elizabeth. |
Heref. |
A. 12553. Indenture, being a bargain and sale and feoffment by
John Lillwall, of Rushoock, within the parish of Kington, yeoman, in
consideration of 12l., to Thomas Bowen, of Kington, 'butcher,' of a close
of arable called 'le Nacker,' containing 4a. in the fee of Rushoock, between
the highway from Kington to Titley on the south, land of Margaret
Gommons, widow, on the north, land of Richard Lillwall on the west,
and the lane from Rushoock to 'Haywardes Mylle' on the east; the
charter and seisin had thereon to be void, on payment of 12l. in one sum
at the Purification, 1601,1604,1607 or 1610 at Thomas' mansion house in
Kington between 1.0 p.m. and 3.0 p.m. (horam primam et horam tertiam
horalogii post meridiem) &c. 22 January, 41 Elizabeth, 1598. Signed John
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin, &c. 26 January; also
Memorandum that this deed was shewed unto Thomas Greenway the
younger at the time of thexecucion of the comission between Meredith
Lillwall plt. and John Crofts defen't. Jo. Prise, Richard . . . . . . Tho.
Jones. |
Somers. |
A. 12554. Counterpart of feoffment by Alexander Sydenham,
esquire, to Silvester Sydenham, his son, and Joan, Silvester's wife, of all
his land, &c. in Dunwer, Morelond and Chedmede, in the parish of North-
pedirton, to them and the heirs of Silvester's body, with remainder in
default to his own right heirs; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Popham,
John Bithell. Witnesses, John Harrowe, clerk, Marmaduke (Marmeduco)
Maunsell, John Warr, John Bigegode, Robert Bowe. 18 January,
2 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Thys ys the conterpane by Elexsand Sydenham and
Sylvestre. |
Devon. |
A. 12555. Counterpart of demise by John Syddenham, of Nettelcomb,
co. Somerset, esquire, to Christopher Stucley, gentleman, and Mary his
wife, for life and widowhood respectively, of land, &c. called 'Axhayne,' in
the parish of Clysthonyton, which Nicholas Turner held before; rent,
53s. 4d. and the best beast for heriot or farleve; attorneys to deliver seisin,
John Gerveys, Edward Wescote. 22 August, 4 Edward VI. |
Denbigh Flint. |
A. 12556. (1) Indenture being a feoffment by John ap Roberte ap
John, of Lleweny, co. Denbigh, gentleman, in consideration of a marriage
had between Robert Jones, his son and heir apparent, and Jonet verch
John Thomas ap Edward, to Henry Mivod and Gruffin ap John Gruff[ith],
gentlemen, of a messuage, land, &c. in Lleweny, in the tenure of Richard
ap Rees; a messuage and land, &c. in Brynpolyn, co. Flint, in the
tenure of Benet (Benedicti) ap Gruff[ith]; a barn of 3½ bays in
Lleweny called 'yr Skybor bagh'; the moiety of an orchard in Lleweny,
called 'yr hen ber Han ugha'; three closes of land in Lleweny, viz. one
called 'yr Erw lydam,' of 3a., 'the second called 'dole y llyn Cam,' of
2½a., the third called 'Tir Nant,' of 6a.; five parcels of land in Lleweny,
viz. four called 'y perseley gleision' near the close called 'Tir Nant' and
the fifth near his wood there called 'Coed maes y go,' &c.; also of the
capital messuage in Lleweny wherein he dwells himself, with the
appurtenances; together with all other his land, &c. in Lleweny, New-
burgh and Brynpolyn; to hold to the uses specified in a schedule
annexed; warranty. 20 August, 35 Elizabeth, 1593.
(2) 'The true entent' 'of the dead of feoffement whereunto this schedule
indented is annexed,' &c. is that the said feoffees, Henry Mivod and
Gruff' ap John Gruff' shall stand seised of the land, &c. in the occupations
of Richard ap Rees and Benet ap Gruff', the barn called 'yr Skybor
bache,' the half orchard called 'yr Heneberllan ugha,' the three 'clausures
of landes' called 'yr Erw lydam,' 'dole y llyn Kam' and 'Tir Nant' and
the five parcels of land, four called 'y Perceley Glision' and the fifth adjoins
the end of a certain wood called 'Koyed Maes y go,' to the use of 'Roberte
Jones' son and heir apparent of the said John ap Roberte ap John, and
Jonet verch John Thomas, his wife, for the term of their lives in survivor-
ship, 'in name of joincture to the same Jonet,' with remainder to the use
of the first and other sons of the said Roberte and Jonet, and to the use
of the heirs of their bodies, successively, with remainder in default to the
use of 'Katherin verch Roberte Jones doughter of the same Roberte Jones,'
in tail, with remainder in default to the use of the heirs of the body of the
said 'Roberte' of the said Jonet issuing, with remainder in default to the
use of the heirs of Roberte's body, with remainder in default to the use
of the said John ap Roberte ap John, 'the feoffor,' for his life, with
remainder to the use of Thomas ap John ap Roberte, William ap John
ap Roberte and Bernard Jones, successively in tail male, with remainder
in default to the use of the right heirs of the said John ap Roberte ap
John for ever; and as to the other lands, &c. mentioned in the said deed
of feoffment, to the use of the said John ap Roberte ap John, 'the feoffor,'
for life, and after his decease to the use of the said Robert Jones, for life,
with remainder to the use of his first and other sons, and the heirs of their
respective bodies, successively, &c. English. |
London. |
A. 12557. Bond by Thomas Woodcok, grocer, and Henry Parker,
haberdasher, citizens of London, to Robert Symson, citizen and 'barbour
surgion' of London, in 100l. on 24 June next. 21 October, 17 Henry VIII.
Copy on paper. |
Heref. |
A. 12558. Feoffment by James (Jacobus) Gwillim, one of the sons
and coheirs of John Gwillim, late of Byddylston, in the lordship of
Irchenfeld within the hundred of Wormelowe, gentleman, deceased, to
John Gwillim, of Whitfeld, gentleman, and Thomas Genyns, chaplain, of his
proparty of the land in the lordships of Irchenfeld and Goodryche or else-
where in the county, to the use of himself, his heirs and assigns, and if he
die without issue, they shall stand seised thereof to the use of John
Gwillim, his elder brother, his heirs and assigns; attorney to deliver seisin,
Thomas Somner. 14 February, 1 Mary. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
I. of Wight. |
A. 12559. Indenture of demise, 4 November, 5 Elizabeth, by Thomas
Stempe, clerk, the warden, 'fellowes and scolleres darks' of 'St. Marye
Colledge besydes Winchester,' to John Hatton of the Isle of Wight,
yeoman, of the 'scyt of ther mannor of Barton' in the said Isle, lands, &c.
called 'Proxies,' 'Wales,' 'Downes,' 'Horsecrofte,' 'Barlycrofte' and
'Wygates,' courts and profits of courts reserved, for twenty years, for
Michaelmas next, at 9l. 6s. 8d. rent, &c. English. Copy on parchment. |
Warw. |
A. 12560. Release by William Hudpytt alias William Tailler to
Dame Elizabeth Lucy, widow, of his right in three closes called 'Hudpytt
Closez' in Shrewley, and in all other the land which she had by his
gift and feoffment in Hatton, Haseley and Shrewley. 10 November,
18 Henry VIII. Seal. Witnesses to livery of seisin endorsed. |
Linc. |
A. 12561. Feoffment by John Fen of Aswarby, by force of an act of
parliament of king Richard III, to William Langton of Hagworthyngham,
gentleman, Richard Fenne, of the same, Henry Mawer, of Byllysby, William
Margyson, of Aswarby, and Eustace (Hewstacio) Dawson, of Sutterby,
of all his land, &c. in Aswarby, Harryngton and Sawstrope, to the use
of himself and of Alice Margyson in survivorship, with remainder to
the use of his right heirs; livery of seisin in person. 24 July,
27 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: 'Test' p'sent' super delib'ac'oem seisin' John Fen q' fayt le
lyv'e Will'm Langton gent' q' prest le lyv'e, Simon Metecawlfe' &c. |
Kent. |
A. 12562. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Legh of Calder,
co. 'Comberland,' esquire, to Thomas Wyat, knight, of the manors
of Palster and Boughton Monchelsey, with all other the lands, &c. late
of Lucy Harper, late the wife of George Harper, knight, and which
after the said Lucy's death descended to Frances his wife, and whereof he
was at any time after the death of the said Lucy possessed in right of the
said Frances; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Morse, William Webbe.
21 April, 5 Edward VI. Signed per me Thoma' Legh. |
Surrey. |
A. 12563. Indenture of demise by John, abbot of the monastery of
St. Peter, the Apostle, of Chertesey, and the convent of the same to Richard
Sutton, of Coveham, in the said county, yeoman, of all the houses and
buildings in the manor of Coveham, with gardens, land, &c. to the said
manor belonging, with boon works arising from closes (clausuris) of tenants
of the said manor, now in the abbot's hands; lands of tenants free and
bond, with easements of houses for the coming there of the abbot and
convent, or their servants, the fishing, warren, courts, woods, &c. excepted;
with preference to him as purchaser of the underwoods there; to hold
from Michaelmas last for forty years, at 12l. rent; also demise to him
of the stock there, live and dead, detailed; covenants as to repairs; with
bond by the said Richard, Richard Wolff, of Chertesey, yeoman, and Robert
Skete, of the same, husbandman, for observance of covenants and return
of stock. 20 November, 26 Henry VIII. Fragment of conventual seal. |
Chester. |
A. 12564. Indenture of demise, 28 June, 2 Edward VI, by John
Danyell, of Derrysbury, gentleman, to Henry Sutton, of the same,
husbandman, in consideration of 5l. fine, of a messuage or tenement there,
now in the occupation of Margaret Sutton, late the wife of Thomas Sutton;
also of 2¾a. on the south side of 'the Comenwoode'; to hold from 'the
feast of Seynt Martyn in Wynter the bysshop next,' for Henry's life, at
14s. rent and 6s. 8d. for the ground in 'the Comenwoode,' &c.; the said
Henry shall suffer the said Margaret, his mother, to enjoy half the said
messuage for her life, &c.; he 'shall dygg delve and make marie pyttes in
and appon the seid ground, so that the same Henry do sett the same
marle appon the seid ground'; attorneys to deliver seisin, George Danyell,
Richard Wodward. English. Seal of arms (a wolf passant). |
Chester. |
A. 12565. Counterpart of demise, 3 October, 9 Elizabeth, by John
Danyell, of Dersbury, esquire, in consideration of 32l. to Henry Sutton and
John Sutton, of the same, yeomen, of two 'clauses or pastures of land' on
the north side of 'Byrcheley Woodde,' called the 'Poole Hey' and the 'New
Commen Woodde' in Dersbury, to them and the longer liver of them their
executors and assigns, from the feast of 'Saint Marten the Byshoppe in
Wynter' next, for sixteen years at a pepper corn rent; provided that, if
he pay them 'at thende and expiracion of the fyrst sixe yeres or at any
time within one half yeare next after thexpiracion of the said lease or
demyse (sic) the some of xxli.,' the lease to be void. Signed by mark.
Witnesses, Thomas Daniell and others, endorsed. |
Denbigh. |
A. 12566. Feoffment by Robert ap Gruff[id] ap Jevaun ap William,
free tenant in the town of Eryveade in the commot of Issalet within the
lordship of Denbigh, to Thomas ap Grono ap Jevaun ap Eignon of so much
of his land in the said town in the most convenient place as is sufficient to
make two dams (duo le argays) and two ponds to hold and lead water to
Thomas' mill there, rendering therefore yearly 1d. at Midsummer if
demanded. Eryvead, 27 March, 24 Henry VIII. |
Suff. |
A. 12567. Feoffment by Joan Kent, widow, and Thomas Lynge (sic),
of Heringeswell, to John Gybson, clerk, rector there, Robert Sayer and
Edward Lynge (sic), of the same, of a messuage there, built, with croft
and curtilage adjacent, between the messuage called Puttokes, &c. which
together with Henry Kentt, Thomas Kentt and Paul Churche, they
had by the gift of Robert Kentt, William Nynge (sic) and others, since
deceased, by charter dated the day of the Conversion of St. Paul,
6 Henry VIII; to hold to the said John Gybson and the others, to the use of
the said Joan Kentt for her life, and thereafter to the use of Robert Kentt,
her son, and his heirs, according to the effect of the last will of Henry
Kentt, his father. 15 May, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin, 4 July, 1557, to Gibson, Sayer
and Edward Nynge (sic) in the presence of William Nynge and others
(named). |
Lincoln. |
A. 12568. Indenture being a feoffment by Edward Dymocke, of
Screvelsby, knight, in performance of covenants in indentures dated
9 January, 37 Elizabeth, between himself of the one part, and Valentine
Browne, of Croft, esquire, and Thomas Mounson, of Sowth Carlton,
esquire, of the other, to the said Valentine and Thomas, and to Charles
Dymocke, esquire, his uncle, and William Ellis, of the Close, Lincoln,
gentleman, of his manor of Sowth Kyme, in the said county, with its
appurtenances in Sowth Kyme, North Kyme, Walcott, Billingay, Dockdyke,
Swinshead, Anwicke and Bicker, in the parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln;
to hold to the uses limited in the said indentures; warranty. 14 January,
37 Elizabeth. Signed, Ed. Dymoke. Seal of arms effaced. Witnesses to
signature, and to livery of seisin, endorsed. |
Bedf. |
A. 12569. Indenture of bargain and sale, 18 February, 31
Henry VIII, by Henry Watson and Agnes, his wife, one of the daughters
and heirs of 'Antony' Amyott, of Ampthyll, to Thomas Newman and
Isabel, his wife, another such daughter, of the moiety of a tenement and
'yerde' in Ampthyll, &c.; consideration, 53s. 4d. &c. English. Witnesses
endorsed. |
[Lincoln.] |
A. 12570. Notification by John Harington, canon of Lincoln, that
whereas he had enfeoffed the dean and chapter of Lincoln, with licence
from the king and other chief lords, of eight messuages and eight bovates of
land, and later of 26a. arable, meadow and pasture, with common for beasts
great and small, and with common of pasture for three hundred sheep, their
own or of others, in Harington and Aswardeby nigh Partnay, in pure alms,
for the support of a principal chaplain to celebrate daily in Harington
church for his soul, his parents', ancestors', successors' and benefactors'
souls, and the souls of all faithful departed, &c.; for the better declaration
of his purpose therein, with the dean and chapter's consent, he ordains that
the chaplain to be appointed by the chapter, at his nomination while living,
shall dwell in the place prepared for him at Harington, and that he shall
have to dwell with him, day and night, at table and in the same chamber,
since the present endowment is sufficient, a chaplain to be provided by him-
self, and they two shall aid each other in saying divine service, &c.; on
double feasts and Sundays to assist the rector, &c. Dated in the Chapter
House, Lincoln, 1 October, 1334. Copy. |
[Somers.] |
A. 12571. Release by Sir John Cloppe, clerk, to John Sydynham
and William Sydynham, executors of the testament of George Sydenham,
clerk, late rector of Atheryngton, of all claims against them for dilapida-
tions of the rectory house there. Southe Perot, 5 January, 20 Henry VIII.
Signed Joh'es Clap. Seal. |
Chester. |
A. 12572. Indenture of bargain and sale 1 April, 35 Henry VIII, by
John Denys, the younger, son of John Denys, the elder, of More, co.
Chester, to William Denys, his brother, of his estate 'by reason of childes
parte or other wyse,' in the 'landes, takkes, fermeholdes or goodes' of his
said father; covenant by William to pay John 6'. 13s. 4d. viz. 10s. yearly,
on the balance then due on the day of his marriage; and to give John,
while single, meat and drink with him as he hath himself, if he 'do come
to it'; bonds in 20l. respectively for observance of covenants. English.
Seal. |
[Norf] |
A. 12573. Indenture [tripartite], Monday after the Epiphany,
24 [Henry VII], between Thomas, prior of the church of Our Lady
. . . ., Sir Richard Veutre, knight, 'on the othir partye,' and
Thomas Jiggys, 'gentilman,' . . . . witnessing that Sir Richard
has delivered to the prior a deed . . . of a manor 'callyd Veutres
maner in the townys of Burnham Seynt Clement and other townys' made
to Richard Creyk 'and othir,' to remain in the prior's custody to the use
of Thomas during Sir Richard's life, to be shewn to none, unless Richard,
or his heirs within ten years after his decease, implead the said Thomas or
his heirs . . . . . English. Decayed. |
Middx. |
A. 12574. Indenture of demise, 26 August, 39 Elizabeth, by
William Brooke, of Westminster, yeoman, to John Symnell, of the
same, yeoman, of a little garden plot or plot of ground, 'wherein' he
'had barley lately groweing,' and a barne thereon being in 'Pettie
Fraunce' in Westminster, between gardens occupied by Roger Chauntrell,
the said William Brooke and William Varnam, on the west, east and
south and the highway on the north, from Michaelmas next for seven
years, at 6l. rent, &c. 1597. Signed per me Wyllam Brooke. Witnesses,
Henry Traslowe, 'notary publique,' and others (named). |
Cornw. Devon. Somers. |
A. 12575. (1) [Indenture between] Thomas, earl of Surrey, Thomas
Lovell, Henry Marny and Thomas Englefild, [knights], [on the king's
behalf], and Thomas Hobson, gentleman, reciting that the king by letters
patent had granted to the said Thomas the [wardship] and marriage, and
the custody of the lands, of John Stowell, son and heir of Robert Stowell,
[esquire], for the more perfect knowledge of the lands so granted they are
set out in a schedule annexed, &c. with divers covenants by the said
Thomas, &c. In witness whereof the king 'hathe setto his signe manuell,'
and the said Thomas his seal. English. Decayed.
(2) Schedule annexed:—Thes bene the . . . londes . . . . . .
which Thomas Hobson shall have by reason of the Kinges lettres patentes,
In the county of Cornwall:— the manor of Lanestell held of the bishop
of Exeter, by knight service, worth 9l.; the manor of Penalam, held
of the prince as of Launceston castle, in socage, worth 23l.
In the county of Devon:—the manor of Suttecomb, held of the countess
of Richemont, as of her manor of 'Barnester,' worth 12l. 18s. 2d.;
the manor of Wilcombe, held of Sir John Arundell, knight, as of
the manor of Overton, in socage, worth 12l. 12s. 11½d.; the manor
of Alfordeswordy, held of Joan Cornysshe, as of her manor of
Marchiherde, worth 6l. 13d.; manor of Marton, held of the countess
of Richemont, as of her manor of 'Barnester,' worth 25l. 12s. 7d.
In the county of Somerset:—the manor of Codleston, held of the
bishop of 'Wynton,' as of Taunton castle, by knight service, worth
23l. 6s. 0½d.; the manor of Stowell, held of the abbot of 'Glaston,'
as of his manor of West[on] by knight service, worth 23l. 9s. 3d.;
manor of Stony Stratton, held of the bishop of Bathe, by knight
service, worth 20l. 7s. 7d.; manor of Marigge 'is holden of our
sovereign lorde the kinge by reason of a teynt of Jamys late lorde
Audeley, as of his maner of Stawey and is worthe by yere,' 6l. 11s. 8d.;
manor of Hethcombe, held of 'Geyllis' Stranguysshe, by knight
service, worth 105s. 5¼d.; eight 'meshis,' 1,000a. arable in Letelton,
Bageburgh, Burneham, Lidearde Poncherton, Catcott, Bruggewater,
held of the bishop of 'Winton' in socage, worth 8l. 10s. 1d.
Sum total, 176l. 14s. 10¼d.
Endorsed: Hobson for the wardship of John Stowell Ano ijdo H. viijvi. |
Suff. |
A. 12576. Indenture of demise, 2 July, 2 Edward VI, by Robert
Peyton, esquire, son and heir apparent of Sir Robert Peyton, of Iselham,
co. Cambridge, knight, and Elizabeth wife of Robert, the son, to Thomas
Almott, of Newton, co. Suffolk, gentleman, of the 'scite of the Manour
called Sayham Hall,' in the said county, with the 'demeane londes,
meadowes, leasures, pastures and fedynges of the same Manour,' being in
the parish of Newton aforesaid, rents of free tenants and 'copieholders,'
profits of courts, &c. woods and underwoods excepted, from Michaelmas
last for twenty-one years, at 10l. rent to be paid in the parish church of
Iselham, with covenants for rebuilding in case of fire, &c. for the observance
of which Thomas stands bound in 100 marks by 'obligacion' of even
date. English. Signed, per me Robertu' Peyton, by me Elysabethe Peyton.
Fragments of seals. |
Glouc. |
A. 12577. Counterpart of demise, 1 July, 4 Elizabeth, by Sir Walter
Dennys, of Dirham, knight, Richard Dennys, of Colaston, esquire, his son
and heir, and Anne, Richard's wife, to John Grafton, of Nether Hasill,
in the parish of Olweston, 'Katherine' his wife, and Thomas Grafton
their son, for term of their lives successively, of two closes of pasture in
Alweston, in the said parish of Olweston, called 'Colverleye,' between
'Courte orcharde' and 'Tokington Parke'; also of three closes of pasture
in Alweston, in the said parish of Alweston, called 'Litle Myddelanger'
between a close of pasture in the tenure of Thomas Adis and a 'cloth' of
pasture of Thomas Demerye; the said closes being of the 'demayne landes'
in Olweston and Ircote, in the said parish of Olweston, with 'topp, lopp
and shroudes' of all manner of trees; rent, to them and the heirs of Sir
Walter, 46s. 8d. to wit 20s. for 'Colverley,' and 26s. 8d. for 'Middelanger';
attorneys to deliver seisin, John Tyller, Thomas Adis. English.
Fragments of seals. |
London. |
A. 12578. Bond by Edward Collyngwoode, citizen and 'Latyn
fownder' of London, and Nicholas Bisshop, of London, gentleman, to
Richard, bishop of Chichester, Thomas Thyrleby, doctor of laws, and
Nicholas Hare, knight, counsellor of the king, in 10l. at Easter next,
conditioned for the delivery by Collyngwode 'at such tyme as oone George
Lawrence nowe beyng a chylde shall fortune to come to his lawfull age,'
to him of 'a potte of sylver and.gylte weying xxti unces, or fyve powndes
of sterlinge money.' 14 November, 31 Henry VIII. One seal. |
Dorset. |
A. 12579. Feoffment by William Croke, of Wareham, 'marchant,'
in consideration of 55s. and in performance of covenants in indentures of
even date, to John Stone, of the same, of two tofts or gardens within the
borough of Wareham, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, William Mogge,
Henry Locke. 13 April, 19 Elizabeth. Seal. |
Oxford. |
A. 12580. Indenture of demise, 30 July, 14 Elizabeth, by Thomas
Farmer, of Hurdes Parke, co. Salop, esquire, to John, Seymour, of Cote, in
the parish of Bampton, co. Oxford, gentleman, of a messuage in Clanfyld
called 'Lewtis,' with a yard land, &c. trees excepted, now in the occupation
of John Sperwyncke alias Perryn of Clanfyld, husbandman, for twenty-one
years from date, at 13s. 4d. rent. English. Signed Thomas Fermor.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin by Alexander Gyllam, by force
of a letter of attorney, 3 November in the said year. Seal. |
Lanc. York, [W.R.] |
A. 12581. Indenture being a feoffment by Ralph Trafforde, of
Garret, co. Lancaster, esquire, to Philip Edgerton, of Olton, co. Chester,
knight, Alexander Barlowe, of Barlowe, in the said county, esquire, Hugh
Travers of Grais Inne and Richard Humston, of the manor of Garret, in
the parish of Manchester, in the said county, of all his land, &c. in
Manchester and Chorleton, in the said county, of the manor of Wykke
otherwise called Whyke in Saddilworth Frith, co. York, and of all his
land, &c. in the said places, to the several uses specified in indentures
tripartite dated 14 April, 1 Mary; attorneys to deliver seisin, Robert Holm,
gentleman, and John Bexweke, yeoman. 15 April, 1 Mary. Seal effaced.
Memorandum endorsed of sealing and delivery, and of livery of seisin
'in the dwellinge howse of Wyllyam Butteler' for and in the name of the
whole. |
Surrey. |
A. 12582. Counterpart indenture, 8 April, 1576, 17 Elizabeth,
between 'Johan' Payne, of Ibwoorthe, in the parish of Hannyton, co.
Southampton, widdow, late the wife of William Payne, late of Sowthwark,
co. Surrey, yeoman, and administratrix of the goods, &c. which were the
said William's at his decease, of the one part, and Thomas Warram, of
Ibwoorthe, aforesaid, 'husband,' on the other; witnessing that whereas the
late Steven, bishop of Winchester, by indenture of lease, dated 6 March,
31 Henry VIII, demised to the said William Payne, and his assigns,
'certen capytall messes and tenernentes called the barge, the bell and the
cocke with the appertenaunces set lyinge and beinge uppon the bancke called
the stewes then in the parishe of St. Maryes and late in the parishe of
St. Margarettes in Sowthwark aforesaid, buttinge and lyinge agaynst the
kinges highe waie next the water of Thames on the northe side, and agaynst
the tenemente called the rose on the east side, and agaynst the tenemente
sometymes the ladie of Stretfordes on the west side, and against a lane called
Mayden lane on the southe side, together with all the smale howses, gardens,
and wharffes,' &c. thereto belonging, from Lady Day then next for ninety-
nine years, at 9s. 7d. rent; it is covenanted and agreed between the parties as
follows, that is to say, that the said 'Johan,' by virtue of the said letters of
administration and of the said lease, has demised the said premises to
the said Thomas Warram, Margery his wife, and Elizabeth Warram, their
daughter, to hold to the said Thomas and Margery from Lady Day last for
the residue of the said term, if they, or either of them, shall so long live,
with remainder to the said Elizabeth 'and to suche other children as are or
shalbe begotten' between the said Thomas and Margery, paying to the said
Joan, or her assigns, if she so long live, the said rent of 9s. 7d. as also a
further rent of 13l. 6s. 8d., at the 'nowe messuage or tenemente of the said
Thomas Warram,' 'at Ibwoorthe aforesaid,' finding her 'suffycyent meate
drincke wrynginge and wasshinge howseroome and fyer,' as she has hereto-
fore had the same of the said Thomas, &c. Signed by mark. Fragments of
three seals.
Endorsed: A lease in the cause betweene George Hunt and Elizabeth his
wief plaintiffes and George Ireland and John Maulthowse defendantes. |
Montgom. |
A. 12583. Indenture of bargain and sale by Henry ap Ll[euelly]n ap
Moris, of the parish of Maghenlleth, gentleman, to Richard ap Hughe ap
Jevaun, of Penegos, gentleman, of two tenements, one called 'Tythyn y
Gweirgloddie,' and the other 'Tythyn Dyffryn Dywlas,' situate in the
parish of Penegos, in the town of Ywch Koed Penegos, in the comote
of Keveiliog. Dated at Ywch Koed Penegos, 22 March, 8 Elizabeth.
Signed by mark. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Montgom. |
A. 12584. Bond by Henry, or 'Harrie,' ap Lleu[elly]n ap Morice, of
the parish of Maghenlleth, gentleman, to Richard ap Hughe ap Jevaun,
gentleman, in 60l. conditioned for Richard's quiet enjoyment of the tene-
ment and lands commonly called 'Dyffryn Diwlas otherwise called Dwgws
Dyrnor' 'in the townshippe of Ywchkoed Penegoes and countie of
Mountgomery,' sold to him by the said 'Harrie,' by 'deede of fee simple'
of even date, &c. 19 January, 15 Elizabeth, Signed by mark. |
Montgom. |
A. 12585. Feoffment and sale, in consideration of 20l. in hand paid,
by Henry ap Leu[elly]n ap Morice, of the parish of Maghenlleth, gentle-
man, to Richard ap Hugh ap Jevaun, of Penegoes, gentleman, of a
tenement commonly called 'Dyffryn Diwlas' alias 'Dwgws Dyrnor,' now in
the occupation of Owin ap Lleu[elly]n ap Ho[e]ll, in the town of Ywchkoed
Penegoes, in the comote of Keveiliog. Ywchkoed Penegoes, 19 January,
15 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Witnesses to sealing and livery of seisin
endorsed. |
Montgom |
A. 12586. Bond by same to same in 200l. conditioned for Richard's
quiet enjoyment of two tenements one called 'Tythyn y Berth Ddreiniog,'
now in the occupation of Ll[euelly]n ap Rees ap Jevaun ap Wilkog, and
the other called 'Tythyn y Gweirgloddie,' now in the occupation of Moris
ap Ll[euelly]n ap Rees, 'with other the hereditamente and clayme of the
within bounden Harrie,' situate between the river called 'Dywlas Du' and
the river called 'Jage,' in the 'townshippe of Ywchkoed Penegos, comote
of Keveiliog,' according to the true intent of 'an indented dede of fee simple
therupon made 'by the said 'Harrie' to the said Richard, of 'coequall
date.' 20 December, 12 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal. |
Montgom. |
A. 12587. Indenture being a feoffment and sale by same to same, in
consideration of 60l. of two tenements as in A. 12580. Ywch Koed
Penegos, 20 December, 12 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Witnesses to
sealing and livery of seisin endorsed. |
Kent. |
A. 12588. Bond by William Hore, of London, 'yoman,' to William
Edwardes, citizen and cook of London, in 100l. conditioned as follows:—
Whereas the said William Hore, by deed of even date has bargained and
sold to the said William Edwardes, a close of pasture called 'the
Chauntery Garden' containing 6a., and a parcel of land containing 2a. in
the tenure of John Dirton, and also a garden, all of which premises are
situate in the parish of Tenham, to hold for the term of the life of
'Johane' Camon, wife of 'Edmond' Camon, citizen and 'fruterer' of
London, in as ample manner as the said William Hore had the same by
the gift of the said 'Edmonde' and 'Johane' by their deed dated
26 October, 17 Elizabeth, if the said William Edwardes has quiet
enjoyment thereof during the said term, the bond to be void. 22 January,
19 Elizabeth, 1576. Signed by mark. Fragment of seal. |
Dorset. |
A. 12589. Indenture, 20 September, 7 Elizabeth, between John
Willoughbye, of Puddeltowne, 'gentillman,' of the one part, and John
Skerne, of Turnerspuddell, 'gentillman,' of the other; witnessing that
'where the said John Willoughbye upon request and reasonable offers
to him made by the said John Skerne hathe promysed and graunted [to]
make estate to the same John Skerne' for the term of his life in the whole
manor of Turnerspuddell, woods and underwoods excepted, but whereof
the said John Skerne 'shall have yerelye fyve acres and syxe scrobed trees
beynge no timber,' according to the agreement expressed in indentures
between them dated 2 July, 3 Elizabeth; and therewith covenanted to
demise all that messuage, &c. called 'Snellinge,' great trees excepted; now
the said John Willoughbye, in consideration of John Skerne's performance
of the covenants hereinafter expressed, covenants and grants before
Michaelmas, 1567, to assure the same to the said John Skerne, reserving
to himself a rent of 20l. to be paid by the said John Skerne after the
decease of Margaret his wife; in consideration whereof John Skerne
covenants to pay 100l. viz. 40l. in hand and [60l.] at Lady Day next; 'and
where Leonarde Willoughbie late of Turners [puddell]' . . . . . . .
by his deed dated 2 March, 1 Elizabeth, gave to [Bridget] nowe wife to
John Samborne, the younger, by the name of Bridget Willoughbye, to her
and her heirs, 10l. annuity out of the said manor of Turnerspuddell, from
and after the death of Margaret Skerne, wife of the said John Skerne;
covenant by John Skerne to save the said John Willoughbye harmless in
respect of the said annuity during his life; [and where the said Leonarde]
by his last will devised unto Margaret, then his wife, now wife of the said
John Skerne, for the term of her life, the occupation [of] . . . 'bolster of
feathers and dyvers other parcels of howseholde stuffe and implements of
howseholde' mentioned in an inventory, dated 3 September, 2 Elizabeth,
'all whiche the . . . . . . . . . . . Willoughbye his brother
after the decease of the said Margaret,' grant by John Willoughbye that
the said John Skerne may enjoy the same for the term of his life, with
covenant by Skerne to leave the same or the like stock at his and his wife's
decease; covenant by Skerne to do repairs; 'and farther where the said
John Skerne hathe purchased to him and to his heyres for ever of William
Hayman and Dorothye his . . . . . . . . lykewyse hathe
bargayned with one Thomas Brookesbye gentleman for the fee symple of
other three skore fyve acres of lande lyenge in . . . . . . . . .
unto the sayd Thomas Brokesbye and his heyres the yerelye rent
thereof beynge eyghtene shillinges by the yere,' covenant by Skerne to . .
. . . 'to theyre owne use all and singuler the landes aforesaydo
in Brianspuddell and Rogers Hill,' 'after the deceasse . . . . .
unto the sayd John Willoughbye and his heyres,' and that the said
John Willoughbye and his heirs shall . . . . . . . . . .
'said John Skerne shall herafter get or procure in Rogershill,'
'duringe such estate as the sayd John Skerne shall have'; covenants
on either side that the articles contained in indentures between them
dated . . . July, 3 Elizabeth, shall be good in all points, &c.
Signed by me John Wyllughby. English. Mutilated. Cancelled by cuts. |
Lanc. |
A. 12590. Counterpart indenture made 'the Mondey in the faurte
weke of Lentyn,' 7 Henry VIII, between John Danyell, of Derresbury, co.
Chester, 'squyer,' of the one part, and Robert Bold, Thomas Johnson,
'chapleyns,' Henry Sandirson, Edward Bernes and William Bank, of the
other, witnessing that whereas the said John, in consideration of 10l.
bargained and sold to Sir Richard Bold, knight, the reversion expectant on
the death of Grace Danyell, his mother, of his land, &c. in Sutton, in the
occupation of Robert Ley, of the yearly value of 30s., 'the assignez of the
[which] forsaid Sir Richard, the seyd Robert,' and the others, 'ben,' and
have a grant [thereof] by deed of even date from the said John Danyell;
now at the request of the said John, and for a surety to be made to them
of the premises by fine, recovery, or otherwise, they covenant to pay the
said John 8l. over and above the 10l., 'within ij yeres and sex. wekes
next' &c.; a bond from the said John to the said Sir Richard in 100l. to
be void if the above covenants are observed. English. |
Hants |
A. 12591. Indenture, 10 August, 10 Elizabeth, whereby 'Stephan'
Cooke, the son of 'Stephan' Cooke, of Micheldever, 'haburdassher,'
puts himself apprentice to Roger Durnellie, of the city of Winchester,
'haburdassher,' from Lady Day last for nine years, &c.; to receive 20s. at
the end of the term. English. |
Heref. |
A. 12592. Grant by Robert Gwillym, of Bedleston, one of the sons
and coheirs of John Gwillym, of the same, deceased, to John Gwillym,
his brother, of the same, of all his purparty of the land, &c. in the lord-
ships of Irchenfeld and Goodriche, or elsewhere in the hundred of
Wormelowe. 26 August, 1 Elizabeth. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Linc. |
A. 12593. Indenture, 10 February, 40 Elizabeth, leading the use of
a recovery, between Sir Edward Dymocke, knight, of the one part, and
Sir Thomas Mownson, knight, and 'Valantyne' Browne, esquire, of the
other, whereby, for barring entails, &c. the said Sir Edward covenants before
Easter next to enfeoff Charles Dymocke, esquire, and Roger Dalison,
esquire, of the manors of Southe Kyme, Northe Kyme, Billingaie,
Dogdike, and the 'rectoryes and personages appropriate of Billingaie,
Southekyme, Northe Kyme and the advowsions gifte and presentacion
of the vicaredges of Billingaie, Southe Kyme and Northe Kyme,' with
all his lands, &c. there, to the intent that they shall suffer recovery
thereof to the said Thomas and 'Valantyne,' to the use of the said
Sir Edward and Dame Anne his wife, and the heirs of their two bodies,
with remainder in default to Sir Edward's right heirs; with power to
Sir Edward to grant leases for twenty-one years, or three lives, and
proviso that, if he shall hereafter happen to have male issue on the body of
the said Anne begotten which shall survive him, then, after his said wife's
death, the said recoverers shall stand seised of the premises to the use of
'Bridgett Dymocke daughter of the said Sir Edward and Dame Anne,' till
she shall have levied 3,000l. out of the rents, profits and issues thereof.
Signed, Ed. Dymok. Witnesses endorsed, William Monson and others
(named). |
A. 12594. Bond by Margery Geaste, of Westminster, widow, to
George Powes, of Glastonburie, co. Somerset, gentleman, in 300l.
1 February, 25 Elizabeth. |
Heref. |
A. 12595. Feoffment by Richard Fraunce, of Tretilley, yeoman, to
William Done, of Trecelley, and Thomas Done, of Tredonnock, of a
messuage and 20a. land, 3a. meadow, 2a. pasture and 1a. wood in the
hamlet (villata) of Tretilley, within the hundred of Wormelowe, co. Here-
ford, to the use of himself and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of their
bodies, with remainder in default to Margaret's heirs and assigns.
31 March, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary. Witnesses endorsed. |
[Bedf.] |
A. 12596. Release by Henry Watson, of Ampthyll, and Agnes, his
wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Anthony Amyott, late of Ampthyll,
deceased, to Thomas Newman, and Isabel, his wife, of their right in a
tenement with a garden adjacent there between the king's tenement, late
the earl of Kent's and the tenement late of John Wolff. 12 March,
32 Henry VIII. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Flint. |
A. 12597. Indenture being feoffment by Rys ap Gruff[ith] ap Dyo,
free tenant of the town of Gwesbur', to Peter ap Richard ap Hoell of a
parcel of land in the said town. 27 December, 35 Henry VIII. Signed
per me John Gruffyth. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Gwespur. |
London. |
A. 12598. Feoffment by John Marton, gentleman, and Sibilla his
wife, to Thomas Wyat, knight, of a principal messuage and a garden, in
the parish of St. Olave, Tower Ward, and all the land lately called 'Pekes
Gardeyn,' and the two tenements built thereon, in the said parish, and all
other their land in the said parish, late belonging to the mayor and
commonalty of London, and to Edmund Stretham late prior of the
brethren of the order of St. Cross beside the Tower of London and the
convent of the same, or either of them. 23 October, 31 Henry VIII.
Signed John Marton, Sybell Marton. Seals. Memorandum endorsed of
livery of seisin, by John and Sibilla in person, 24 October, 31 Henry VIII,
in the presence of Thomas Ponynges, Anthony Lee, George Blagge, Adryan
Ponynges, and others, whose signatures are appended; also memorandum
that Sibilla was examined by herself, and acknowledged the said writing,
before Sir John Aleyn, knight, alderman and Roger Cholmeley, knight,
serjeant-at-law and recorder of the city, with signatures of Aleyn and
'Cholmley'; also memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of pleas of
land, Monday before St. Leonard, the Abbot, 81 Henry VIII; also endorsed
The dede off my hows at the towre hill. |
[Norf.] |
A. 12599. Feoffment by Thomas Brakke, of Skernyng, John
Fysher, the younger, and Thomas Seeker, the younger, of the same, to
John Wright, clerk, and Richard Tompson, of a piece of arable, of 3r. at
'Stubbez,' next land of the abbot of Wendling, in the occupation of
Thomas Wottes, on the south, and land of the manor of 'Skernyng Hall,'
on the north, &c. which they, together with Walter Tudenham, late of
Skernyng, deceased, had inter alia by the feoffment of John Man of
Skernyng, and of Geoffrey Brakke and Edmund Michill, of the same,
likewise deceased, by charter dated at Skernyng, 6 June, 23 Henry VII;
to hold to the said John and Richard, to the use of the said John Wright,
his heirs and assigns, paying 1¼d. yearly for all service at John Man's
messuage yearly. Skernyng, 20 August, 12 Henry VIII. Seals.
Endorsed . . . . quod Ricardus Hoo perquisivit de Johanne
Clubbe lieng by Stepel halfacre. Thomas Hoo. |
Monm. |
A. 12600. Deed poll by William Vaughan, of Llanrothall, co.
Hereford, gentleman; whereas John Thomas Colyns, of Foye, in the said
county, yeoman, had, by writing dated 24 June, 6 Elizabeth, sold and
released to him the years yet to come in a tenement called 'Mychelchurche,'
within the lordship of Monmoth, between the river Monowe and the land
of Garwey, now in the tenure of the said William Vaughan, demised,
13 May, 16 Henry VIII, by Robert Burton, late prior of the priory of
Monmoth, since suppressed, and the convent of the same, to the said John
Thomas Colyns, then of Skenffryth, for seventy years, at 4s. rent; now
the said William, in consideration of 20l. in hand, assigns the said lease
to Philip Vaughan, of Llangaren, gentleman. 31 March, 9 Elizabeth.
Signed Wyll'm Vaughan. Witnesses' names endorsed. |