[Essex.] |
A. 11801. Grant in pure alms by Hervey Ridel for the health of his
ancestors, and his own, to God and the church and canons regular of the
Holy Cross of Waltham, of the lands of his acquiring in the parishes of
Borham and Sprinkefeld, to wit, a croft called 'Huniland,' with buildings,
8a. arable, which he had by the gift of Gilbert de Keneuelden, between land
of Ralph Wareng' and the land of Godfrey de Dudebrok; a croft of 5a.
next the land of Wigan; 2a. meadow in 'Westmannemade,' one called
'Belstedemade,' the other of the fee of Alice daughter of Frethesant, next
the meadow of the fee of the Holy Cross of Waltham; 11a. arable in the
parish of Sprinkefeld, in the field called 'la Lee,' which he had from
Robert son of Walter of Sprinkefeld; a croft called 'Standun,' containing
9a.; 6a. arable in the field called 'la Lee,' abutting on 'Standun' and the
meadow; 1a. meadow called 'Holemad' in the same field; a wood called
'Middelheie,' containing 6a. Seal, with legend, sigill. ervei. ridelli. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11802. Release by Hervey Ridel to the abbot and convent of
Waltham, of his right in a messuage, arable, meadow, wood and pasture
in Borham and Springefeld, to wit of the fee of Gilbert de Kenleuedene
7a. arable, and of the fee of Robert son of Walter 26a. arable and 1a.
meadow, and of the fee of Sir Richard de Munfichet, 6a. of the wood of
Godfrey Pese, and of the fee of Alice de Cramavile 1a. meadow, and of the
fee of Geoffry Belstude 1a. meadow, and of the fee of Badue 5a. below (sub)
the house of William Wigein. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Ginges, Sir
Robert de Borham, Ralph the clerk of Borham, and others (named).
Seal, with legend, s. hervei. ridel. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11803. Release by Alan son of William le Hert, of Little Badue,
to Robert le Pestur (pistori) of Borham, of the tenement which he formerly
had of the said Robert in the town of Little Badue; consideration, 9s.
beforehand. Witnesses:—William de Cantilupo, Richard de Herun, John
de Maundevil, and others (named). The Translation of St. Thomas, the
Martyr, 56 Henry III. Seal, with legend, s. alani. fil'. wil'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11804. Grant in pure alms by William Pays, of Borham, to God
and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular
there, of 4d. rent from Robert Redhod for 1a. land in Borham. The day
of St. Erkenwald, the Bishop, 5 Edward [I]. Seal, with legend, s. will,
pais. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11805. Release by Beatrice, late the wife of Thomas Osekyn,
widow, to the abbot and convent of Waltham Holy Cross, of her dower in
the land, &c. formerly her said husband's in Borham. Chelemerford,
Friday before the Nativity of the B.V.M., 7 Edward II. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11806. Feoffment by Robert de Borham to Hervey Ridel for his
homage and service of all the land which Hervey held of Alice (Alesia) de
Borham, his mother, to wit two fields and a small croft in the parish of
Little Waltham of his fee, next the fee of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and
2a. pasture which Simon son of Geoffrey held in 'Longedole,' &c; rent,
4d. at Easter and 3d. to a scutage of 20s. more or less. Witnesses:—Sir
William de Colewr[th], and others (named). Seal (a boar), with legend,
sigill', roberti. de. borham. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11807. Grant in pure alms by William de Richam to God and the
church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of 12d.
rent which William Miller (molendinarius) paid him for 2a. land which
William had of his gift in Borham, with William's homage and fealty.
The day of St. Gregory, 6 Edward [I]. Seal, with legend, s. willi. d.
richa'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11808. Release in pure alms by Philip le Taylur, of Borham, to
God and the church of Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular
there, of his right in 6a. land which they had by the gift of Robert de
Walkfare in Borham, 4a. in 'Melfeld,' &c., 1a. in 'Sandakre' field, &c.;
also of his right in common of pasture for three cows in 'Coulase' beside
'Carlebuss' among the canons' cows, as Richard de Doddebrok and Robert
le Pestur (pistor), Richard's brother, used to have, and which he claimed
to have by the gift of Hervey de Borham. Witnesses:—Sir Ranulf (Ran'o)
de Ardene, Sir William de Clovile, knights, and others (named). Waltham
Holy Cross, the day of St. Valentine, the Martyr, 19 Edward [I]. Seal,
with legend, s. philippi. le. taylvr. |
Essex. |
A. 11809. Feoffment.by John Belstede, of Little Waltham, co. Essex,
to Thomas Tendering, the elder, and John Bastwyk, the elder, of Boreham,
in the said county, of a moiety of all the land, &c. formerly ealled 'Redels,'
now called 'Boles,' in Boreham and Springffeld; also of a third part of
1a. land in Boreham, at 'Sogoreshey,' between 'Grenelanestrete' and
'Moresagoreshey,' abutting on 'Bernardeshopet,' all which he lately had
jointly with John Saycok, of Boreham, Walter Halybrede, clerk, of the
same, and with John Rowchester, of Terlyng, since deceased. 10 October,
35 Henry VI. Seal, effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11810. Feoffment by Margaret Bastwyke, late the wife of John
Bastwyke, widow, to William Bastwyke, her son, of all the land, &c. now
called 'Boles,' formerly 'Redels,' in the parish of Borham, which she had
by the gift and feoffment of William Saycok, late vicar of the church of
Bekylswade. Witnesses:—John Thorley, chaplain, parson of Rocheford,
and others (named). Borham, 16 October, 20 Henry VII. Seal. |
Essex. |
A. 11811. Release by John Tenderyng 'Buckeshorn,' of Borham, co.
Essex, William Colmorth, of Bykelyswad, co. Bedford, John Peeke, the
elder, John Peeke, the younger, and John Dene, of Clyfton, co. Bedford,
to William Saycok, vicar of the prebendal church of Bykeliswad, co.
Bedford, of a moiety of all the land, &c. formerly called 'Redeles,' now
'Boles' in Borham aforesaid; also of the third part of 1a. there, at
'Sogoreshey,' between 'Grenelanestrete' and 'Moresagoreshey,' abutting
on 'Bernardeshopet,' &c. Witnesses:—Michael Grene, vicar of Borham,
and others (named). Borham, 26 January, 35 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11812. Feoffment by Geoffrey Bekke and Thomas Segge, of Bor-
ham, to Isabel, late the wife of John Spencer, of a moiety of all the land,
&c. in Borham and Spryngefeld which they had jointly by the gift and
feoffment of Ann Boles of Borham. Sunday after St. Matthias, the
Apostle, 8 Henry V. |
Essex. |
A. 11813. Feoffment by William Bastewyke, of Borham, co. Essex,
to Richard Blomfeld, William Freman, William Shathe, John Wolmer,
the elder, son of John Wolmer, John Tenderyng, the elder, son of John
Tenderyng, John Blomfeld, the younger, son of the said Richard Blomfeld,
and John Cornewall son of Nicholas Cornewall, of the same, of all his land,
&c. in the parish and fields of Borham. 14 September, 5 Henry VIII.
Seal, with rush band. Witnesses to livery of seisin endorsed. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11814. Release by John Derby, of Hatfelde Peverel, son and heir
of John Derby, of Borham, to John Saycok son of Thomas Saycok, of
Borham, of his right in 2½a. land in 'Sagursheycroft,' as in the charter of
feoffment thereof made by John Bole to the said John Saycock. Wit-
nesses:—Thomas Coggeshale, esquire, and others (named). Borham,
Tuesday before St. Luke, the Evangelist, 13 Richard II. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11815. Feoffment by John Saycok, of Borham, Walter Halybred,
rector of the church of Clyfton, co. Bedford, and John Belstede, of Little
Waltham, to John Saycok, vicar of Langford, and John Dene, of Clyfton,
'husbondman,' in county Bedford, of a moiety of all the land, &c. formerly
called 'Redeles,' now called 'Boles,' which they had, together with John
Rouchester, of Terlyng, lying in the towns of Borham and Spryngfeld, also
of ⅓a. at 'Sogoreshey,' &c. Friday after Whitsun, 19 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11816. Feoffment by John Philpot, of Haveryngge atte Boure,
son and heir of Robert Philpot otherwise called Dodbrok, of Borham, to
Thomas Saycok, the elder, of Borham, and John, Thomas' son, of a croft
of arable called 'Gylescroft' in Borham, between land of Hugh Burnel,
knight, and land late of John Loundenyzsch, abutting on the lane from
'Munchestye' to 'Dukespark,' &c. which he inherited from his said father.
Friday before St. John before the Latin Gate, 20 Richard II. Seal. |
Essex. |
A. 11817. Feoffment by William Saycok, vicar of the prebendal
church of Bykelyswad, co. Bedford, to John Tenderyng 'Buckeshorn' of
Borham, co. Essex, William Colmorth, of Bykelyswad, John Peeke, the
elder, and John Peeke, the younger, of a moiety of all the land, &c.
formerly called 'Redeles,' now called 'Boles,' in Borham and Spryngfeld;
also of ⅓a. in Borham, at 'Sagoreshey,' &c. Borham, 20 April,
83 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11818. Feoffment by Thomas Saycok, of Borham, the elder, and
John Saycok, his son, to John Rouchestre, son of Robert Rouchestre, of
Terlyngg, John Borham, of Borham, John Tabour, Edmund Ardelye and
John Pecche, smith (fabro), of the same, of a croft of arable called
'Gylescroft,' next land of Sir Hugh Burnel, knight, land late of John
Loundenyzsch, &c. which they acquired from John Philpot, son of the
late Robert Philpot, of Borham. Borham, Thursday before Michaelmas,
11 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11819. Feoffment by John Pourte, of Borham, to Joan Fysshes,
of the same, of a croft there, between a lane from the highway to 'le
Newehalle' and land of John Dodbrok abutting on land of Sir Thomas
Shardelowe; to hold for the term of her life, with remainder to John, the
elder, and John, the younger, her sons, and the heirs of their bodies, with
remainder in default to her heirs and assigns. Wednesday after the
Apostles Peter and Paul, 34 Edward III. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11820. Feoffment by William le Taskere, of Borham, to Maud,
Rose (Roys'), and Ellen, his daughters, and to the survivor of them, of a
piece of land of his messuage there, of the length of two yards (virgarum)
between his land and the common way from New Hall (Nova Aula) to
Borham church, and two yards wide, &c. to hold of the chief lords, &c.
rendering therefore yearly to the Hospital of St. John, viz. to the brethren
of the same house, on the Epiphany, at Borham church, a halfpenny, for
his soul, their mother's, brothers' and sisters' souls, and of all faithful
deceased. St. Peter's Chains, 30 Edward I. Seal, chipped. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11821. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Coggeshale, of
Borham, esquire, son and heir of Thomas Coggeshale, esquire, to John
Pynkeston, and Alice, his wife, in tail male, with reversion in default to
himself, of two crofts of land, with a moor, called 'Cherchefeldys,' in
Borham, viz: one croft, with the moor, between Borham rectory and land
of John Borham, abutting on 'Cherchewey' and on land late lord de
Burnell's, which Robert Hyde lately held, and the other croft between land
of the vicarage of Borham, &c. abutting on 'Cherchewey', &c. which
Robert Goter and Bartholomew Tumour lately held; also of a croft called
'Normannesfeld,' in the town of Spryngefeld, between the common called
'Spryngefeldgrene,' a croft of land called 'Dungore,' abutting on the
rectory of Spryngefeld, and the road from Chelmysford to Colcestre; rent
to him, for his life, 21s. 4d. and to his heirs a red rose at Midsummer,
4 April, 9 Henry V. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11822. Feoffment by John Rawlyn, of Hatfeld Peverell, co. Essex,
son and heir of John Rawlyn, late of the same, deceased, to Thomas
Hoberd, gentleman, John Nethershale, of Chelmesford, Thomas Beknore,
of Boreham, and Nicholas Cornewell, of the same, of 3a. meadow, called
'Boundesmed,' in 'Colwerthmade,' in the parish of Borham, late belonging
to Margaret Strange, widow, daughter and heir of John Spylman, of
Hatfeld, aforesaid, deceased. 30 September, 22 Henry VII. Signature of
'John Raullyn.' Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11823. Feoffment by John son of Ralph de Borham, to Sibil
daughter of Roger de Eldeholte, for her homage and service, of 1a. land in
Borham in 'la Reden' field, between her land and Robert de Walcfare's;
to hold, &c. or give, &c. except religion and the Jewry; rent, for him and
his heirs, to Roger de Eldeholt and his heirs, 5d., and to him and his
heirs ½d. for a scutage. Witnesses:—Gervase de Aldeholte, and others
(named). Seal (a boar), with legend, gra'. del svm. id. qvod. svm. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11824. Feoffment by Sabina de Walfare to her son and heir,
Richard, for his homage and service, of all the land which Robert Cuper
held of her in the town of Borham, and all the land which Hosemund
Carpenter (carpentarius) held of her there; rent, 8s. 4d. Witnesses:—
John de Borham, Michael de Borham, and others (named). Seal, chipped. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11825. Feoffment by Hervey de Borham to Roger de Aldeholte,
for his homage and service, of 1½a. land in the town of Borham, also of his
way to the said land from 'Hichingho' wood; rent, 6d. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11826. Release by Maud de Doddebroc, widow, to Hervey Ridel,
and Sabina, his wife, of her right in land, &c. whereof a concord was made
in the court of the abbot of Waltham, as the cyrograph made between
Robert, her late husband, and herself, of the one part, and the said Hervey
and Sabina, of the other, witnessed; for this they have given her a house
on her part (super partem meam) in the wood called 'Dickedheye.' Seal,
with legend, s. matilde. de. doddebroc. |
[Herts.] |
A. 11827. Chirograph, not indented, being a memorandum of the
agreement made between John de Sumeria, parson of the church of
St. Botulf of Shenele, and Henry son of Reiner, of London, concerning the
chapel of the same Henry, of Colneia, which is founded in honour of God
and of St. Mary and St. John the Baptist; to wit, John has granted for
himself and his successors that Henry and his heirs may cause divine
offices to be celebrated in his chapel of Colneia aforesaid, for the soul of
Richard, his brother, and his parents' and predecessors' souls, by his
chaplain, saving the right of the mother church of St. Botulf of Sheneleia;
for this Henry has given to God, and St. Mary, and St. Botulf, and the
said mother church of Shenele, all the land which Abel held of him in the
town of Shenele, in perpetual alms, and 1lb. cummin to be paid on the altar
of St. Botulf, on the feast of St. Botulf. This agreement was granted and
sworn (affidata) to be kept on either side at Berhcamstede, before Warin,
dean of Berchamst', and the whole chapter. Witnesses:—Warin, the dean
of Berhcamst' and the whole chapter of Berchamst', Milo de Sumeri, Ralph
de Chaendeduit, Roger son of Simon, Richard Doveresholt, Jordan de
Dunestaple, Alan de Sumeri, John his son, Thomas de Wauda, William
son of Osbert, Walter de Faleise, Geoffrey Brito (Galfrido Britone), Osbert
de Cruce, Roger de Colneia, Henry, mayor of London, Roger son of Alan,
Peter son of the mayor, William de Haverella, Thomas, his son, William
son of Reiner, Alan son of Peter, Joceus and Gervase, his brothers, Robert
Blund and Richard, his brother, Peter de Shenele, nephew of John de
Sumeri. Seal (ecclesiastical figure), with legend, s. ioh'is. d'. svmeri. p'sone.
de. senleia, broken. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11828. Feoffment by Peter son of Roger to Roger son of Michael,
for his homage and service, of 3a. land, next 5a. which William Caps held
of him, abutting on land called 'Paablesland' and the fee of Andrew de
Walcfare, in the parish of Borham; rent, 12d.; he and his heirs will find
sufficient access (viam) to the said land. Witnesses:—Hervey Ridel and
others (named). Seal, broken. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11829. Feoffment by Sawal, son of Martin, to Hervey de Borham,
for his homage and service, and 10s. in gersum, of 1½a. land in Borham,
between Roger de Aldholte's field, called 'Raveneste,' fields called
'Mansifeld,' 'Reiveld,' &c.: to hold, &c. except religion and the Jewry;
rent, 6d. Seal, with legend, s. sawali. fil. martini. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11830. Release by William de Waddon, and Ellen, his wife, late
the wife of Henry Attemade, to Elyas Russel, citizen of London, and
Julian, his wife, of their right by way of dower in an acre of arable in the
parish of St. Mary Magdalen, of Bermundeseye, next 'le Gorestrate,' &c.,
which formerly belonged to the said Henry Attemade. Seals, with legends,
(1) s. will'i. fil. will'i. d'. waddv[n.]; (2) s. elbne. fil. simon. chapl. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11831. Release by Richard Smith (faber) and Alice, his wife, to
Robert le Pestur (pistori) and Avice, his wife, of their right in a piece
(particula) of land in Borham between Robert and Avice's curtilage and the
curtilage of Elias de la Stanstrate. Seal, with legend, s. ricardi. fabri. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11832. Surrender by Walter Tailor (cissor), of Borham, and
Alditha, his wife, to Robert le Pestur (pistori) of the same, of 1a. land
which they held of him in Borham, abutting on the road from Colecestre
to London, &c. Seal, with legend, s. walt['i]. fil. ricardi. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11833. Feoffment by Simon de la Lane, of Little Waltham, to
Robert le Pestur (pistori), of Borham, for his homage and service, and for
30s. in gersum, of 2a. land in the parish of Little Waltham; to hold, &c.
except religion and the Jewry; rent, 8d., and 1d. only to a scutage, whether
more or less. Seal, perishing, with legend, s. simonis d . . venel[a].
Endorsed: Carta Simonis ate Lane . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11834. Grant in free alms by Ranulph de Braham to God and the
Church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of
14d. rent which Ranulph Smith (faber) paid him for the tenement he held
of him in Borham, doing, for him, the services due to Roger de Ealdholth,
as in the charter of the said Roger contained. Waltham, Tuesday after
St. Augustin, Apostle of the English, 1267. Seal, with legend, sigill'
radvlfi. [fil.] will'i. See A. 11837. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11835. Feoffment by Richard son of Godfrey de Dodebrok to Hervey
Rydel, for his homage and service, and for 3 marks in gersum, of 3a. land
in the parish of Borham, between the croft called 'Huniland,' which is of
the fee of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and land of Robert le Pestur
(pistoris) brother of the said Richard; rent, 6d. and 1d. to a scutage of 40s.
Seal, with legend, s'. ricardi. de. dodd[ebroc] . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11836. Release by Gerebert son of Richard de Borham, to the
abbot and convent of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of all his land, &c. in
Borham; rent, 2 marks. Witnesses:—Ranulf de Braham, Stephen de
Barenton, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. gerberti. d'. borh'm. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11837. Duplicate of A. 11834. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11838. Grant in free alms by Godfrey Pese to God and the church
of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of 1a. wood
(nemoris) in the town of Springgefeld, in 'Middehey' wood (nemore), next
the wood late Hamo Pese's, &c.; rent, ½d., for which free service he will
acquit the same against the king and his bailiffs, the chief lords, &c. Seal,
with legend, s. godefrid. d'. sa'ford. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11839. Release in free alms by Hervey of Borham, carpenter, to
God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons
regular there, of the land and tenement which he had in the said town of
Borham. Seal (an ave), with legend, s. herviei. l'. carpent'. d'. borha'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11840. Grant in free alms by Hervey de Borham to God and the
church of Walthom Holy Cross, and the canons regular there, of 4a. land
in Little Walthom, which he had by the gift of William de Gures, by
charter of infeudation; rent, 8d. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Borham and
others (named). Seal (two busts facing each other), with legend, testes.
veriditi. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11841. Release by Robert le Pestur (pistor), of Borham, to the
abbot and convent of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of his right in the land
and tenement which John Chapman (mercator) formerly held in Borham.
Seal, with legend, s. rob'ti. fil. micael. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11842. Indenture of release by Gerebert son of Richard de Borham
to the abbot and convent of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of all the land and
tenement which he had in Borham; rent, 6 marks. Witnesses:—Ranulf
de Braham, Stephen de Barenton, and others (named). Seal, with legend,
s. gelberdi. de. borham. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11843. Release in free alms by William Smith (faber), of Mele-
broc, to God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons
regular there, of 3a. land in the town of Springefeldia in 'la Lee' field,
between land of Sawalus son of Robert de Springefeld, the 'Holemad' of
Richard de Dodebroc, &c.; which Robert Smith (faber), late of Melebroc, his
father, bought from Robert son of Walter de Springefeld, by charter of
infeudation; rent, to the said Sawalus son of Robert, 12d., and 1d. to a
scutage (schutag') of 40s. Seal, with legend, s. will', fab', d'. bor[ham]. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11844. Release by Ellen Attehale, of Willesdon, widow, to John de
Middelton, citizen and draper (draperio) of London, of her right of dower
in a croft called 'Floriescroft' in the town of Willesdon. London, Sunday
after the Epiphany, 25 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—William Robert and
others (named). Seal, with legend, [s. el]ene. de. la. hale. |
Middx. |
A. 11845. Feoffment by Ralph Flori, of Harleston, to John de
Middelton, draper (pannario) of London, and citizen of the same, of all his
land in the parish of Willesdon, called 'Floriescroft,' in 'Melnefeld,'
extending to the brook (brokam) called 'Scyrewyk,' &c.; rent to the chief
lords, 13d.; consideration, 2 marks beforehand in gersum. Witnesses:—
William Roberd, and others (named). Sunday after St. Luke, the Evan-
gelist, 24 Edward [I]. Seal, with legend, s. radulfi. florin. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11846. Feoffment by Richard, son of Godfrey de Dodebroc, to
Robert, his brother, for his homage and service, of 2a. land (duas acras
terre mee lucrabiles), of the fee of Robert son of Walter de Springefeld, in
the parish of Borham, in 'la Lee' field, abutting on the fee of the Holy
Cross of Waltham, &c.; rent, 8d. and the king's service of ½a. of that fee;
if Richard wish to give Robert an exchange, he shall give it to the same
value. Witnesses:—Hervey Ridel and others (named). Seal, with legend,
s. rigardi. de. dodbroc. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11847. Feoffment by John son of Roger of Borham to John son
of Sawalus Gigun, with Celest', his daughter, in free marriage, of 1a. land,
in Little Waltham, of the fee of Sir Robert de Borham, in 'Herbertesland'
croft; clause against religious men and Jews; rent, 4d. and ½d. to a
scutage; he will find a path for them to go and come with their beasts and
carry their crops. Seal, perishing, with legend, sigill. iohannis. fil. rogeri.
See A. 11853. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11848. Feoffment by William de Hocle to Robert le Pestur (pistore)
of Borham, for his homage and service, and 5s. in gersum, of all that
meadow which he had in 'Hope Avicie,' which Walter Stiltere formerly
held; to hold, &c. and to give, well or sick (in prospera sanitate sive in lecto
egritudinis), except to religious men and Jews; rent, 1d. and ½d. only to
a scutage. Witnesses:—John Rumbold and others (named). Seal,
perishing, with legend, sigill'. [wi]ll. [de. h]ocl'.
Endorsed: Carta Willelmi de Okele de quodam prato in Avissehope. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11849. Feoffment by Robert de Borham to Robert le Pestur
(pistore) for his homage and service, of a meadow in Borham called
'Avicehope,' in length towards 'Brademad' and the fee of Ralph de Besevile,
of Springefeud, and in width between the fee of the Holy Cross of Waltham
and the fee of Little Badewe; rent, 3d. and 1d. to a scutage; consideration,
20s. Witnesses:—Hervey Ridel, and others (named). Seal (a boar), with
legend, sigill'. roberti. de. borham. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11850. Feoffment by Edric son of Wolwin le Paumer to Cristian,
his wife, of the tenement which he held of his lord Geoffrey de Hauvilla in
Berton, as the charter which he had of William [de] Hauvill' and the
confirmation of William de Hauvill' son of the said William de Hauvill'
witnessed. Witnesses:—Thomas parson of Stanweia, Hugh de Coggeshale
and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11851. Release by Randulph Carpenter (carpentarius), of Chel-
mereford, to Robert le Pestur (pistori) of Borham, of his right in 3a. land
with a messuage, in 'Holecroft,' which Gilbert Wyte formerly held, in
Borham; consideration, 6 marks beforehand. Seal, perishing, with legend,
s. ranvl[f']. carpentar'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11852. Feoffment by William de Brocburch to Robert le Pestur
(pistori), the elder, of Borham, for his homage and service, and 3s. in
gersum, of a piece (particulam) of meadow in the town of Borham, in the
in the meadow called 'Avisse Hope,' extending in length from (a ripa de)
Baduwe brook to (ad ripam de) Borham brook; clause against religion and
the Jewry; rent, a rose in May. Seal.
Endorsed: . . . Willelmi de Brokburg. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11853. Release by John son of Sawalus Gigun and Celestr', his
wife, to Robert le Pestur (pistori) of Borham of their right in 1a. of land,
which they held of John son of Roger father of the said Celestr', in the
parish of Little Waltham, of the fee of Sir Robert de Borham, in
'Herbertesland' field; for this Robert gave him 8s., to Celestr', his wife, 3s.
Seal. See A. 11847. |
London. |
A. 11854. Pleas of land held in the Husting of London, Monday
after St. Luke Evangelist, 36 Edward III. Felicia late the wife of John de
Romeseye seeks against William de Langeton, chaplain, a messuage, six
shops and 20s. rent in the suburb of London, which Gilbert son of John de
Storteford, by testament proved and enrolled in the Husting, Monday, the
feast of St. Nicholas, 16 Edward II, bequeathed to Cecily, his sister, in tail.
Cecily died seised thereof in the time of the now king in fee and the
premises descended to Thomas and John, her sons, successively, who died
without issue, and on the death of John to the said Felicia, as his sister
and heir. William replies, by William de Gyllyngham his attorney, that
he was jointly enfeoffed with Robert Guppy; Felicia answers that, 16
November, 35 Edward III, the day she obtained her writ, he was sole
tenant; and it was so found by jury at a court of pleas of land, Monday
after St. Hilary, 36 Edward III; therefore let her recover seisin against
William. Copy. See Sharpe's Cal. of Husting Wills, i. 298. The land,
apparently, was in St Giles without Cripplegate. |
London. |
A. 11855. Feoffment by Simon Setyl, citizen and 'wolpacker' of
London, and Felicia, his wife, daughter and heir of Celicia (sic) de Storte-
ford, sister of Gilbert de Storteford, to Richard de St. Osith (Sancta Ositha),
yeoman (raletto) of Queen Philippa, of 7½ shops, with buildings over,
gardens adjacent, &c. which they had, of her inheritance, in 'Grubstrete '
in the parish of St. Giles without Crepulgate in the suburb of London.
John Lovekyn being then mayor, John Warde and Thomas atte Lee,
sheriffs of London, and John de Mitteford alderman of the ward. London,
Sunday before the Purification, 41 Edward III. Seals. Memorandum
endorsed of enrolment in the Husting of pleas of land, Monday before
St. Dunstan, 41 Edward III. |
London. |
A. 11856. Indenture being a demise by the above Richard de Sancta
Ositha to the said Simon and Felicia of the above-mentioned premises for
the term of Felicia's life, with reversion to himself. London, 17 May,
41 Edward III. Seal. Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the
Husting of pleas of land, Monday before St. Dunstan, 41 Edward III. |
London. |
A. 11857. Counterpart of A. 11856. Seals. |
[London.] |
A. 11858. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Stephen, prior of
the church of the Holy Trinity, London, and the convent of the same church,
to Robert Cook (coco), whom Ralph Divinus brought up (nutrivit), of the land
which Geoffrey Baker (pistor) held in the parish of St. Alphage (Alphegi);
to hold to him and his heirs in fee (finabiliter in feodo) and heredity, for
3s. yearly, for all service; he has sworn on the gospel, &c.; for this he
gave them 15d. in gersum. Witnesses:—Walter, chaplain of St. Alphage,
and others (named).
Endorsed: . . . . in parochia sancti Elfegi. . . Sancti Elphegi
de Cripelesgate. |
London. |
A. 11859. Feoffment by Agnes de Westmulne, formerly the relict of
Hugh Essewy, widow, to Geoffrey de Bocham, of a tenement, which she had
by the sale of Nicholas de Reygate, 'ceynturer,' and Thomas de Kyngesbur',
executors of the testament of the late Gunnilda, wife of Geoffrey le
Conreur, and of Adam Eyman and Felicia, his wife, Walter de Sandon,
and Lecia, his wife, and Christina, widow, daughters and heirs of the said
Geoffrey le Conreur and Gunnilda, in the parish of St. Alphage (Elfegi)
beside Crepelgate, London; opposite the church of St. Alphage, in the
corner of Phelippeslane, &c.; rent, a clove at Easter, and to the canons of
Holy Trinity, London, 18d. at Michaelmas; consideration, 10l. beforehand
in gersum. Witnesses:—Gregory de Rokesle, mayor, Henry de Frowyk
and Luke de Batencurt, sheriffs of London, and the said Henry de Frowik,
alderman of that ward, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. agnetis.
[de]. westmilne.
Endorsed: Carta Galfridi de Bucham clerici. |
London. |
A. 11860. Release by Robert de Waultham, carpenter, to the prior
and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of the tenement he held of them, by
service of 23s. yearly, in the parish of St. Giles without Crepelgate, in the
suburb of London, opposite the houses of the abbot of Rameseye, in 'Wyte-
cruche strate.' Sunday before St. Valentine, 30 Edward [I]. Seal (a
carpenter's adze), with legend, [s.] roberti. de. waltham. |
London. |
A. 11861. Feoffment by Gervase le Cordewaner, citizen of London,
to John, the prior, and the canons, of Holy Trinity, London, of 16s. quit
rent which Henry de Birchangre, tanner, used to pay him for the whole
tenement he held of him in the suburb of London, without Crepelgate,
in the parish of St. Giles, in 'Everardeswellestrat' within the bar,
between land of Geoffrey Chipere and of Reginald Hopheldere, which land
was formerly Henry Myttehere's; consideration, 11 marks in gersum.
Witnesses:—Nicholas Bat, then mayor, John de Norhamton, Richard Picard,
sheriffs, Stephen Bukerel, alderman of the ward, Lawrence de Frowyk,
Nicholas son of Joceus, aldermen, Philip, rector of the church of St. Giles,
and others (named). Seal, with legend, sigill. gervasil. fil' . . . .
Memorandum endorsed that on Tuesday before St. Gregory, 7 Edward [I],
judgment was given to us (adjudicatum fuit nobis), 'Schardford,' in the
Husting of London, concerning the land, &c. which was Henry Tanner's
(tannatoris) in the parish of St. Giles without Crepulgate within the bar;
which land we held before, for a year and a day, as Gavelett, by judgment
of the court for arrears of 16s. yearly; Gregory de Rokesle, mayor, William
le Maserer and Robert de Basyng, sheriffs, of London, William de Dorem,
who pronounced judgment, Ralph de Algate, clerk, and many others, being
present, &c. |
London |
A. 11862. Release by Robert Savage, of Wandelesworth, son and
heir of Robert Savage, and of Joan, his wife, deceased, late of Wandeles-
worth, to William, prior of the church of the Holy Trinity, London, and
the convent of the same, of his right in 4s. quit rent, which he lately claimed
from their tenement in 'Whitecrouchestrete,' in the parish of St. Giles
without Crepulgate, London, between the tenement of the prior and convent
of Elsyngespitell, London, and the tenement late Thomas Tyldeslegh's;
William Crowmer being mayor, John Sutton and John Michole, sheriffs of
London, William Cotton, alderman of the ward. Witnesses. London,
the feast of St. Mark, the Evangelist, 2 Henry V. Seal.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the Husting of Common Pleas,
Monday after St. John before the Latin Gate, 2 Henry V. |
London. |
A. 11863. Counterpart of chirograph, being a feoffment by Gervase
le Cordewaner (cordewanar') to Henry de Birchangre, tanner, of all his land
formerly Henry Mytehare's, in the suburb of London, without Crepelgat',
in the parish of St. Giles, in 'Everardeswellestrat,' within the bar, between
lands of Geoffrey Chiper and Reginald Hopheldere; also of his garden,
without the bar of 'Grubbestrat,' between lands of Sir William de Haverill
and Thomas de Budeleg', &c.; rent, 16s. and to the chief lords, to wit to
the prebend of Finesbir' 7s. 8d., and to the heirs of Stephen le Gros
(grassi) 10d., and to the new hospital without Bissopesgat' 12d., and doing
suit of the court of Finesbir' for the land without the bar; consideration,
30s. in gersum. Witnesses:—Stephen Buker', then alderman within the
bar, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. h'rici . . . . . . . . |
London |
A. 11864. Grant in free alms by Alice, late the wife of Michael de
Westmeln, widow, to God and the church of the Holy Trinity, London, and
brother E. the prior, and the canons of the same, of 4s. 9d. rent in the
parish of St. Giles without Crepelgate, London, from land, with houses,
held by John de Hailee, between her messuage on the west and land and
houses of Geoffey de Katenham which belonged formerly to Richard de
Mora, painter; to the use of sick canons in the infirmary. Witnesses:—
Sir John Adrian, mayor, Henry le Waleys (Walens') and Gregory de
Rokesle, sheriffs of London, Bartholomew de Castello, alderman of the
ward, Sir Philip le Baud, Geoffrey de Balesham, and Lucy, her daughter,
her executors, and others (named). Friday before St. Bartholomew, which
was on Monday, 1271, in her house aforesaid without Crepelgate. Seal,
with legend, s. alicie. de. west[mel]ne.
Endorsed: Modo Infirmarius percipit; also, Istum redditum habuit dicta
Alicia de dono et legacione Michaelis viri sui qui optinuit per escaetam
mortis Henrici de Hereford pictoris tenentis sui. |
London. |
A. 11865. Feoffment by Thomas son of Alexander Painter (pictoris)
to Michael de Westmeln, cordwainer, of London, of 4s. 6d. quit rent from
his land with houses on the east of his capital messuage (managii), which
was Alexander, his father's, without the gate of Crepelgat, in the parish
of St. Giles, then in the occupation of Henry de Hereford, painter, for
term; rent, to him and his heirs, a clove; consideration, 40s. in gersum.
Witnesses:—Sir Stephen Bukerel, alderman of the same ward, and others
(named). Seal, with legend, s. thome. fil. alexandi. pictor'. |
London. |
A. 11866. Counterpart of demise by William Rysyng, the prior, and
the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John Wolfey, and Christina, his
wife, of two shops and a half in 'Grubstret,' in the parish of St. Giles
without Crepulgate, London, next his tenement, &c. from Christmas,
13 Richard II, for fifty years, at 20s. rent; covenants for rebuilding, &c.
Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11867. Feoffment by John Bukstreta, otherwise called Osebarn
of Little Waltham, and Joan, his wife, to John Sawene and John Meller,
of the same, John Swetyng, of Great Waltham, and Thomas Yonge, of
Goodester, of 4 crofts arable, called 'Crawenham feldes,' in the town of
Borham, with two gardens, containing by estimation eight dayworks
(daywercat') of land; the crofts reaching from land of the prior and convent
of Leyghs to 'Portelane,' abutting on 'Crawenhamtye,' towards Four
Ashes (quatuor fraxinos), &c.; also of divers parcels of land in 'le Redene'
field, under 'Okele'; all of which they had by the feoffment of Thomas
Coggeshale, esquire. Borham, 14 February, 6 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11868. Release by Robert de Parys, of county Cambridge, and
Robert Neuport, to Robert Rikedon, Henry Trank, clerk, John Shryngton,
clerk, and William Creket, of their right in land called 'Okelefeldes' and
'Shapfeld,' in the town of Spryngefeld, which the said Robert Rikedon,
and the others lately had by the feoffment of John Goldyngton and John
Lepedene. Spryngefeld, 6 May, 2 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11869. Feoffment by John Ardeliegh, of Boreham, the elder,
'husbondman,' William Walays, of Boreham, the elder, 'husbondeman,'
John Hamelyn, of Boreham, dwelling at Barnardes, and Bartholomew
Turnour, of Boreham, 'husbondeman,' to Richard Alred, Thomas Malton,
of Little Waltham, and Thomas Hyll, of Great Badewe, of all their land, &c.
called 'Helewyses,' in Boreham, which together with John Duraunt, since
deceased, they had by the feoffment of Robert Gerard, of Boreham, otherwise
called 'Goter,' and which formerly belonged to John Taboure, the elder, of
Boreham. Boreham, Thursday, 12 October, 15 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11870. Feoffment by John Kyng, of Borham, to John Dodebrok,
of Borham, and Tiffania, his wife, and John's heirs of a toft and two acres
of land, which he of late acquired from Margaret, daughter of Philip de
Tresel, called (dicto) Taillour, in Borharn, next John's land called
'Gurnayeslond,' &c. Witnesses:—Sir Richard Dodebrok, petty canon of
St. Paul's, London, Sir Robert Belde, vicar of Borham, and others (named).
Sunday, the feast of St. Barnabas, the Apostle, 31 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11871. Feoffment by William Creswyk, and Thomas Hunt, clerk,
to Edmund Dodebroke, of Borham, of meadow in Borham in 'Westman
mede,' which together with Robert Creswyk, since deceased, they had by
his feoffment. Tuesday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr,
47 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11872. Release by John Clobbe and Adam atte Pond, of Molsham,
to Edmund de Dodebrok, of Borham, of their right in 5a. meadow in his
occupation in Borham, in 'Westmannemede.' 12 March, 46 Edward III.
Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11873. Confirmation by Richard de Springefeud to William son
of Richard de Great Badeue, for his service and ½ mark, of 1a. land, in the
town of Springefeud, as contained in the charter of feoffment which the
said William de Badeue had from Peter Marshal (marescallo); warranty.
Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11874. Grant by Edmund Dodebrok to Henry Trank, rector of
the church of Hakewell, and Thomas Aylmer, of Wichambrok, of 20s. rent
from all his land, &c. in the town of Borham at Michaelmas; he gave them
12d. in name of seisin in the presence of John de Goldingtone, and others
(named). Borham, Saturday after the Purification, 49 Edward III. Seal
of arms.
Defeasance endorsed that if the said Edmund shall acquit the said Henry
Trank and the others against the lords of the manor of Newehall in Borham
of a rent from land, formerly the said Edmund's in 'Mellefeld,' and if
Agnes, his wife, shall recover no dower therein, or from a piece of meadow
called 'Holmad,' in the said field, the writing shall be void. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11875. Release by Alice Taboure, of Borham, co. Essex,, widow,
to Richard Alred, of Borham, aforesaid, esquire, of her right of dower in
land, formerly her said husband's, called 'Helewyses,' in Borham. 20
March, 17 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11876. Feoffment by Edmund Dodebrok, of Borham, to Henry
Trank, rector of the church of Hakewell, and Thomas Aylmer, of Wicham-
brok, of all his land in the town of Borham in the field of Newehall, called
'Wyndmellefeld' with a piece of meadow adjacent, called 'Holmad,' the
usual way to his croft called 'Honicroft' excepted. Friday, the feast of the
Purification, 49 Edward III. Seal of arms. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11877. Feoffment by Robert de Borham to Hervey Ridel, for his
homage and service, of all the rent and service which Sawalus, son of
Osmund, owed him for land in the parish of Little Waltham, of his fee;
rent, 1lb. cummin or 1½d. within the octave of Michaelmas; consideration,
2 marks in gersum. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert Mauduyt, Sir Luke de
Terling, knights, and others (named). Seal (a boar), with legend, sigill.
roberti. de. borham. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11878. Chirograph indented being the memorandum of an agree-
ment between Sir Robert de Borham and Hervey Ridel, to wit Hervey has
delivered beforehand to the said Robert 32s. 8d. in the year 25 Henry III,
upon condition that if the said Robert, or his assigns, in Michaelmas term,
or within the octave, in the same year, have not paid the said sum, the
whole tenement of Sewalus son of Osemund shall remain sole and quit to
the said Hervey, as the charter which he has of the said Robert witnesses;
which charter is committed to the keeping of Hugh, vicar of Borham, till the
said term, to be restored to Robert, if the money be paid; saving however
the tenement of the said Sewal', which shall remain to the said Hervey all
the life of Alesia, mother of the said Robert, as he was wont to hold.
Witnesses:—Roger, parson of Borham, and others (named). Seal (a boar)
effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11879. Feoffment by Thomas Bissop to Ralph de Messingham,
and Maud, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, for their homage and
service, of 3a. land in Great Leighs (Legha), of the fee formerly Adam de
Leighs (Legha), in 'Wolvenelega' field, between land of the said Ralph
and land of the fee of St. Edmund in Little Waltham; rent, 6d. and
½d. to a scutage of 20s.; consideration, 30s. in gersum. Witnesses:—
Hervey Ridel, Ralph de Mandavill, and others (named). Seal, with legend,
s. tome, f'li. wil. bhissop. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11880. Feoffment by Thomas Colman, of Bromfeld, John Gebilon,
of the same, John Bisshop, of the same, John Bolle, son of Walter Bolle,
of Chelmesford, and John Webbe, of Bromfeld, to Agnes Aired, widow,
William Aired, esquire, son and heir of Richard Aired, late of Boreham,
esquire, Richard Riche, citizen and mercer of London, and Richard
Wroxham of a parcel of wood of 2a. in the town of Springfeld, in 'Cobbys-
wode,' with wood of the said Richard Aired on either side; which parcel
of wood they had by the gift and feoffment of Edmund Freman, Henry
Sawyn, and John Stonehech, and which the said Edmund, and the others,
together with William Browne, since deceased, had by the gift and grant
of Richard Waltham, Thomas Bernyston, clerk, John Goodman, and
John Wellesmyth. Springfeld, 3 January, 26 Henry VI. Seals. Cf.
A. 11883, 11888. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11881. Feoffment by William le Cormongere to Robert le Noreis,
for his homage and service, and for 5 marks in gersum, of 4a. land in the
town of Borham, next land of Juliana de Monasterio, &c.; rent, 15d. and
1½d. to a scutage. Witnesses:—Ralph de Ginges, and others (named).
Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11882. Feoffment by Juliana, daughter of Juliana de Monasterio,
of Borham, to Robert son of Gervase of Hobreg' for his homage and
service, of 1a. land in the town of Borham, in 'Bradefeld,' between land of
Katharine (Caterine) de Monasterio, the road to Borham church, &c.; rent,
2d. and ½d. to a scutage (schutagium); consideration, 20s. in gersum.
Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Borham, and others (named). Seal, with legend,
s. ivliane. fil'. ivliane. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11883. Letter of attorney by Thomas Colman, John Gibelon, and
others, as in A. 11880, to Thomas Cranford and Thomas Bury, to deliver
seisin to Agnes Aired and others, of wood, as in A. 11880. Even date.
Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11884. Feoffment by Thomas Sorel to Richard le Wyght, of
Borham, for his homage and service, of a bit (particulam) of land between
his well (puteum) and Richard's curtilage, with the common easement of
the said well, of going and returning by the said bit of land; rent, 2d.;
Richard and his heirs to contribute to the repair of the well. Seal. |
Essex. |
A. 11885. Bond by John de Olmestede, steward of Sir J. de Rivers,
to Hugh de Gloucester, tailor of London, in 8 quarters of the best, purest
and cleanest dry corn, of the country and measure of Essex by 8 bushels
measured, to wit of as good, clean and pure corn as could be sold in the
market of Angre within the quinzaine of Michaelmas last for 3s.; the said
quarters to be delivered at his expense at Stanvord beside Angre in Essex
to Geoffrey Morel, Hugh's attorney there, half at Easter and half at
Whitsun. London, in the hostel of his lord, Sir John de Rivers, Monday
after St. Luke, the Evangelist, 15 Edward [I]. Seal, with legend, s. ioh'is.
de. olmested. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11886. Release by Joan, daughter of Robert de Borham, widow,
of her dower in land, formerly John son of Ralph's her husband, to wit
which he had by the gift of Hervey de Borham, in Borham aforesaid, to
Philip le Taylur, and his heirs; consideration, a quarter of corn. Seal,
with legend, [s. i]ohane. fil. rob't[i]. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11887. Letter of attorney by Emma, late the wife of Gilbert
Lyun, widow, to Arnulph son of Henry, of Panfeld, and Fina, his wife, and
their heirs, to pay for her and her heirs to the lord of that tenement which
they hold of her in the town of Great Leighs (magna Lega), to wit to the
lord bishop of Norwich, 14d. yearly, and to a scutage ½d. Witnesses:—
Sir Robert de Borham, knight, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s.
emme. lihovn. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11888. Feoffment by Agnes Alrede, widow, Richard Ryche,
citizen and mercer, of London, and Richard Wroxham, to John Grene, of
Wydyton, Thomas Urswik, recorder of the city of London, Clement Spyce,
John Teye, Thomas Langeley, esquires, Thomas Grene, of Witham, and
Robert Forster, vicar of the church of Bromfelde, of a parcel of wood, of
2a. in 'Cobbeswode,' in Spryngfelde, which they had by the gift of Thomas
Colman, John Gybelon, and others, as in A. 11880; attorneys to deliver
seisin, Thomas Rande, and William Godebolt. Witnesses:—Robert Darcy,
esquire, and others (named). 17 July, 1 Edward IV. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11889. Feoffment by Clement Spyce, esquire, Thomas Grene, of
Witham, and Robert Forster, rector of the parish church of Little Waltham,
late vicar of the church of Bromfeld, to John, bishop of Ely, John Hardyng,
master of the house of St. Thomas, the martyr, called 'of Acon,' London,
Gilbert Talbot, brother of John Talbot, late earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas
Mongomery, knight, Thomas Ormond, John Pygot, serjeant-at-law, William
Paston, esquire, John Clopton, esquire, John Byconell, and John Don', the
elder, citizen and mercer of London, of 2a. wood, in Spryngfeld, in a wood
called 'Cobbeswode,' which they together with John Grene, and others,
since deceased, had by the feoffment of Agnes Alred, and others, as in
A. 11888; attorney to deliver seisin, Peter Harrys, of Spryngefeld, 'yoman.'
4 April, 20 Edward IV. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11890. Release by Estrild, late the wife of David le Smerekervere,
to Robert de Writol, clerk, of her right in 2a. land in Borham in
'Sichtfeld'; consideration, 18d. Seal, with legend, s. esrild'. fil'. [co]s[t]. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11891. Release by Joan de Borham, daughter of Robert de Borham,
knight, widow, to the abbot and convent of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of
her right in 15a. land in the town of Little Waltham, on the west of their
court of Borham called 'la Brome'; also of her right in whatever land, &c.
they had by her ancestors' grant; rent, a rose on Midsummer day, at
Waltham aforesaid, for all service. Witnesses:—Sir John de la Mare, Sir
Edmund le Espigernel, Sir John Tey, knights, and others (named). Seal,
with legend, s. ioh'e. de. borham. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11892. Release in free alms by Peter de Besevile to God and the
church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of his
right in 12d. rent they used to pay him for 9a. land, which they had from
Otto de Wormele, and Joan, his wife, in the town of Springef, and grant
to them of the said land. Witnesses:—William de Besevile, and others
(named). Seal, with legend, s. petri. d'. besevil'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11893. Letters patent by H. de Borham, precentor of Hereford, to
his serjeant and reeve of Borham, to give seisin to the abbot of the church
of the Holy Cross of Waltham, or his attorney, bringing the letters, of 15a.
land in Little Waltham, near the abbot's manse (manso) on the south,
formerly Hervey Ridel's, which he had given to the said abbot in free alms.
Brentwood (apud villam de Bosco arso), 2 Edward [I]. Seal.
Endorsed: Carta Herevey de Borham . . . . . |
[Esses.] |
A. 11894. Grant in free alms by Thomas Sorel, to God and the
church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of 5a.
arable, which he had by the gift of Sir Richard de Colewrthe, knight, between
their land and land of Peter de Besevile, in the town of Little Waltham,
abutting on lands of Simon Osemund and John le Jay; rent for him and
his heirs to Sir Richard de Colewrthe, and his heirs, 12d. and ½d. only
to a common scutage. Witnesses:—Peter and William de Besevile, and
others (named). Seal, with legend, s. thome. sorel. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11895. Grant in free alms by Godfrey Pese, of Springefeld, to
God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular
there, of ½a. wood in the town of Springefeld, between their wood and land
of Peter de Besevile, and wood of John Wlfyet; also release to them of his
right in 1½d. rent which they used to pay him for wood which they formerly
had of of his gift in the same town. Witnesses:—Peter and William de
Besevile, John de Apelderefeld, and others (named). Seal, with legend,
s. godefr'. d'. sanford. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11896. Grant in free alms by Godfrey Pese, of Sandford, to God
and the canons of Waltham Holy Cross, of 3d. rent which they used to pay
him for a grove which he sold them in 'Middelhey' wood, of the fee of Sir
Richard de Mouechet', in the town of Springefeld. Witnesses:—Sir Robert
de Borham, knight, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. godfrid. de.
savnford. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11897. Grant in pure alms by Robert de Dodebrook, called le
Pestur (dictus pistor) to God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham,
and the canons regular there, of 3a. arable, in the parish of Borham, viz.
2a. lying between land late of Richard de Dodebrook, his brother, and land
of the said canons, called 'Freinseshote,' &c. Seal, with legend, s. rob'.
le. pestur. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11898. Release in free alms by Robert de Walkfar to God and
the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of
his right in 6a. land in the town of Borham in a place called 'Foresteres-
croft,' which Hervey Carpenter (carpentarius) formerly held of him; for
this they have released to him 3d. rent which he used to pay to the said
Hervey for 3a. land between his land called 'la Brome' and John Ridel's
land. Seal, with legend, s. roberti. de. wa . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11899. Grant in free alms by John son of Michael de Borham
to God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons
regular there, of 17s. rent which William de Borham used to pay him,
for land William held of him in the town of Borham and elsewhere.
Witnesses:—William de Clovile, knight, and others (named). Seal, with
legend, s. ioh'is. fil. michis. de. borha'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11900. Grant in free alms by Robert de Walkefare to God and
the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there,
of 5a. land in the town of Borham, viz., 4a. in 'Melfeld,' &c. and 1a.
in 'Sandacre' field, &c. Witnesses:—Sir William de Clovyle, Sir Simon
Batayle, knights, and others (named). Seal as to A. 11898, broken. |