[Surrey.] |
A. 11601. Feoffment by William Russel and Edyva, his wife, to
Gregory de Rokele, and Avice, his wife, of all their land in Retherhe, next
land late Henry Freg's, &c.; rent, a clove; consideration, 1 mark in gersum.
Two seals, with legends, (1) s. ediue. fil. . . . . . ., (2) s. wilelmi.
rossel. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11602. Release by Maud, daughter of Richard le Forester, to the
canons regular of Waltham Holy Cross, in free alms, of her right in land
which her said father held in Borham or elsewhere. Seal, with legend,
s. mati[l'. f]orstir. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11603. Indenture being a grant in fee farm by Edmund Dodebrok,
of Borham, to Thomas Redhod, of the same, of a messuage, garden, and 2a.
land there, called 'Purtestenement,' and land for a ditch; rent, 4d.
Sunday before Midsummer, 2 Richard II. Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11604. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas de Heygham, of
county Kent, to John de la Bare, citizen of London, of a place of land in
Retherhethe, with a wall; rent, a rose; covenants for the repair of the
wall; John has given him land in exchange. Monday after St. Lawrence,
6 Edward II. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11605. Feoffment by Beatrice atte Cross (de cruce), of Borham, to
Robert le Pestur (pistori), of the same, of ½a. meadow in Wroseney meadow
there, of the fee of Richard de Monasterio; rent, 1d. for all service, saving
the king's service, to wit to a scutage, at more and at less, ½d.; con-
sideration, 3s. Witnesses:—Hervey Ridel, and others (named). Seal.
See A. 11629. |
London. |
A. 11606. Feoffment by Adam de Gyseburne to Master John
Rosamunde, of ½ mark yearly quit rent from the land with houses which he
had in the parish of St. Edmund, London, towards Garcherche, by the grant
of Gilbert de Selford, the entry whereof is between the houses of Henry le
Paumer and Henry called le Bole; consideration, 5 marks gersum.
Witnesses:—Sir Hugh son of Otho, then warden of London, Robert de
Kornelle, Thomas de Basinggis, sheriffs, Matthew Bokerel, then alderman
of the place, Nicholas, rector of the place, and others (named). Fragment
of seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11607. Letter of attorney by Simon de Thawmhil and Margery
his wife, to their son William, to deliver seisin to John de Dodebrok and
Etheldred, their daughter, of their land, &c. in Little Waltam and Great
Leyis. Mildinhale, Thursday after St. Denis, the Martyr, 82 Edward [I].
Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11608. Feoffment by John Drake, of Borham, and Margaret, his
wife, to Adam le Swon, son of Robert le Swon, of Felstede, and to Sir
Reginald, rector of the church of North Bemflete, of a messuage, garden
and croft of arable in Borham. Sunday after the Purification, 3 Richard II.
Seals of arms. |
[London.] |
A. 11609. Sale and quitclaim by Clemencia late the wife of Richard
de Yspania, widow, to Henry son of Renner, of her right in the land and
rent which she had by the gift of Avicia, her mother, in the parish of St.
Mary Sumersetecherche; consideration, 11 marks. Witnesses:—Roger
son of Alan, then mayor of London, Ralph Holin, Cost[antine] son of Alulf,
then sheriffs, William son of Renger, Thomas de Haverelle, Alan son of
Peter, Alan Balon, Robert son of Alice, William and Martin, his brothers,
John Travers, Robert Burel, Mainard Tymbermanger, Robert Bar, Ascelin
le Rous (ruffo), William de Stan, Hamo Tymbermanger, Gilbert Bacheler,
Azo (Ace) Tymbermanger, William Blund (blundo). Seal, with legend,
s. clemence. vxoris. rica[r]di. |
London. |
A. 11610. Feoffment by Stephen de Waltham, son and heir of Hugh
de Waltham, late citizen of London, to John atte Gate, butcher, of London,
of 2 marks yearly free and quit rent from a brew house called 'atte Cokke,'
in the parish of St. Leonard of Estchep, London, which tenement was
formerly Richard Sharp's, and he alienated it in fee to one John le
Longe, late of the said city, butcher; also grant to the said John atte
Gate of two shops, with solars built over them, which he bought of the
same John atte Gate, annexed to the said tenement; the said brewhouse,
with the said shops, being situate between the tenements of the said John
atte Gate, Thomas le Peautrier, &c. and the highway called Estchep on the
west. Sealed, Thomas Legy being mayor, Adam Brabassoun and Richard
Goldbeter, sheriffs of London, John Lovekyn, alderman of the ward.
Witnesses. Friday before St. Gregory, the Pope, 22 Edward III. Seal.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the Husting of Common Pleas,
Monday after Lady Day, 22 Edward III. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11611. Release by William son of Richard Cok, of Little Waltham
to Philip styled (dicto) 'le Taylur,' of his right in 28d. yearly rent due
from Geoffrey le Spek for the tenement Geoffrey held of him in Borham;
consideration, ½ mark. Seal, with legend, s. will'i. fil. ricardi. coci. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11612. Release by William son and heir of Hamo styled (dicti)
atte Cherche, of Retherhethe, to John de la Bare, citizen of London, of his
right in a messuage, &c. in the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth, which
the said Hamo his father and Margery his mother had by the gift and
feoffment of Adam de Aldenham and Cristina, his wife, &c. Sunday after
Michaelmas, 7 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s. will'i. ate. cher'. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11613. Feoffment by Henry Freg, of Ritherheth, to William de
Rokesle, citizen and corder of London, and Sarah, his wife, of 14d. yearly
quit rent which Ralph le Coveror and Frethesent, his wife, paid him
quarterly, for 1a. land in Ritherheth next 'la Gare,' &c., which formerly was
Henry le Erl's; rent, a clove at Easter; consideration, 11s. gersum. Seal
(a pelican in her piety) with legend, s. henrici. freg. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11614. Feoffment by Robert le Cormonger to Philip le Taylur, of
a piece of land between land of Richard le Brewer, the highway from
Wyham to Chelmerford, &c., and three halfpence rent from land next
'Grenelane'; rent, to the chief lords of the fee, 3d. and to him and his
heirs a rose at Midsummer; consideration, 15s. beforehand. Seal, with
legend, s. rob'ti. le. cor. . . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11615. Feoffment by Lucy daughter of Ralph de Massingeham
widow, to Arnulph son of Henry, of Pandfeld, and Fina, his wife, for their
homage and service, of 1½a. land in the field of William Bissop, in Great
Leighs (Lega); rent, to Bissop and his heirs 3d., and to her a clove
at Easter. Seal, with legend, sigill. matill. fil. galf. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11616. Feoffment by Robert son of John de Borham to Robert
le Pestur (pistori) of Borham, of all his land between land of the fee of
Waltham Holy Cross and land of William de Ocley, abutting on land which
Hervey Ridel holds of the same fee, &c. in the parish of Little Waltham;
rent, 12d. for all service saving 1d. to a scutage, more or less; consideration,
4 marks in gersum. Witnesses:—Sir William de Culewrthe and others
(named). Seal, a boar, with legend, sigill. roberti. d[e. b]orham. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11617. Release by Elysabhet, late the wife of Robert le Cormonger,
widow, to Philip le Taylur, of her right in the lands and rents which Philip
had by the said Robert's gift and feoffment in Borham; consideration, a
quarter of corn beforehand. Seal, with legend, s. thome fabri. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11618. Acquittance by Nigel de Salford, rector of the church of
Sandon, Robert de Cravene, vicar of the church of Great Badewe, and
William de Fulmere, chaplain, to Robert Wyntirburn of Great Badewe,
their collector, for 25s. rent from their land, &c. in Sandon for Easter term.
Sandon, Sunday in the quinzaine of Easter, 30 Edward III. Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11619. Release by John de Brathweyt, parson of the church of
Bonwelle, to Sir Roger de Wellisham, knight, Sir John Eyr, parson of the
church of Soham Barrys, Walter de Braham, and Robert Bolmir, of
Wodeton, of his right in the manor of Bokynghamferie, and in the
advowsons of the churches of Bokynghamferie and Hasingham, which
he, together with Sir John de Possale, Sir Adam de Hautboys, parson
of the church of Thorndon, Reginald de Eccles, Sir . . . . (Linoe) de
Stoke, parson of the church of Marlisford, Thomas atte Ock, and Robert de
Asshfeld, had by the gift and feoffment of William de Braham, in the
hundreds of Blofeld and Walsham. Witnesses:—Sir William de Kerdiston
and Sir Thomas de Berneye, knights, and others (named). Monday before
St. Parnel, the Virgin, 1 Richard II. Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11620. Feoffment by William son of Hamo ate Cherch, of
Retherheth, to John Vincent of Waltham, of ½a. land in Retherheth, next
John de Haveringg's land, &c., which he had by the feoffment of Thomas
de Heeytham. Seal. Endorsed . . . de dono W. Hamond. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11621. Feoffment by Richard Umfrey, of Retherheth, to William
de Rokesle, and Sarah, his wife, citizens of London, of 6d. quit rent
from ½a. land which Adam Picard and Isabel, his wife, have in the parish
of Retherheth at 'North Swanworth,' &c.; consideration, 4s. in gersum.
Monday after St. Vincent, the Martyr, 24 Edward [I]. Seal, broken, with
legend, [s. r]icardi. hvmfrei. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11622. Release by William le Hacker, son of Thomas le Hacker,
of Willesdon, to John de Middelton, citizen of London, of his right in a
piece of land in Willesdon in 'Scherewyk feld,' as contained in a feoffment
made to the said John by the said Thomas his father. Witnesses:—
Richard de Cornhull, William Robert, and others (named). Saturday
before St. Mark, the Evangelist, 85 Edward [I]. Seal, with legend, s.
will'i. l'. hackere. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11623. Feoffment by Robert de Wodelee, of Willesdone, to John
de Middeltone, citizen and draper of London, of a piece of arable in 'le
Longe Forlong,' in the parish of Willesdone. Witnesses, Richard de
Cornhulle, William Roberd, and others (named). Sunday after St. Martin
in the Winter, 1 Edward II. Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11624. Release by Richard Humfrei, son of Stephen Humfrey,
to William de Rokesle, citizen of London, and Sarah, his wife, their heirs
and assigns, of his right in a place of land, with trees, in Ritherheth, which
he had given them by charter; rent, a clove, for warranty. Seal, with
legend, s. ricardi. hvmfrey. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11625. Demise by William le Rus, of Retherh', to John de
Suthurst, of a messuage there from Michaelmas 52 Henry III, for 12 years,
for 2 marks lent him by the said John; the messuage to be redelivered on
payment of the 2 marks and expenses; John to pay 2s. yearly to the chief
lords, to protect the messuage against the Thames, &c. and to be preferred
purchaser if William wish to sell it within the said term. Seal. |
[Berks.] |
A. 11626. Release by Robert de Bathelking to Sir Hugh le Despenser,
the elder, of his right in 14a. arable and 5a. meadow in Benham Valence,
concerning which a plea was moved between Cecily Skot and him in the
king's court at Westminster by two writs whereby she impleaded him
therefore. Witnesses:—Sir John de Haudlo, knight, and others (named).
Saturday after St. Hilary, 6 Edward II. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11627. Feoffment by Robert son of John de Borham to Robert
le Pestur (pist'), for his homage and service, of 1a. meadow in Oleheg, in
the parish of Little Badewe, to hold, &c. or assign, except to religious and
Jews; rent, 3d. for all service, save the king's service, to wit ½d. to a
scutage, more or less; consideration, 6s. in gersum. Witnesses:—Hervey
Ridel and others (named). Seal, as to A. 11616. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11628. Release by Julian, late the wife of Ranulph Carpenter
(carpentarii), widow, to Robert le Pestur (pistori), of her right by way of
dower in the tenement which he bought of her said husband in the town
of Borham; consideration, an annuity of 6s. Seal, with legend, s. juliane
la carpentre. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11629. Feoffment by Robert called 'le Pestur' of Borham to God
and the church of Holy Cross of Wautham and the canons regular there, of
all his land, &c. in Borham, Springefeud, and Little Watham, in pure alms.
Witnesses:—Sir Hugh de Colewerth, Sir Simon Batayle, Sir Henry son of
Aucher, Sir William de Wokyndon, knights, and others (named). Seal,
with legend, s. rob'ti. fil. rob'ti d'. bor'. Endorsed, Carta Roberti
Pistoris. . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11630. Seuual de Walcfare and Sabina, his wife, to all free men
and their peers throughout the fee of the Holy Cross of Walth' and to all
men, greeting; be it known, when we claimed the land of David de
Doddesbroc it was agreed between Walter, abbot of Walth' and the convent
and us, that if we could deraign the said land the abbot should give us 3
marks, and we and our heirs should give the church of Waltham yearly for
ever for the said land 50s., for otherwise (aliter enim) we were unable to
acquire the said land; acknowledgement that they had received the said 3
marks, deraigned the land and were bound to pay, as above. Witnesses.
Seals, with legends, (1) sigill. sawale. filii. petri.; (2) sigillum sabinie. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11631. Release by Joan, late the wife of William le Glovere, of
Retherheth, to William son of Hamo Attecherche, of Retherhethe, of her
right in a house there, next Sarah de Rokeslee's messuage, &c. Sunday
after St. Andrew, the Apostle, 6 Edward II. Seal cracked, with legend,
s. ioh'e. fil'. h[e]nrici. l'covnt. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 11632. Feoffment by Richard de Kellet to Ellota de les Brotis, of
1a. land in the territory of Seton in Coupland, which is called 'Blakakir in
les Brotis,' which he had by reason of the contract of Alina, his wife; to
hold to her, her heirs and assigns, except religious and the lords of the fee;
rent, to him and his heirs, three oysters (ostrea) at Christmas, and to Sir Alan
de Coupland 1d.on St. James the Apostle's day for all service. Witnesses:
—Sir Robert de Bevirlay, and others (named). Seal, antique gem, with
legend, s. ricaedi. de. kel. Cf. A. 9161. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11633. Feoffment by John Lambyn, of Colecestre, citizen of
London, to Stephen de Bretynghurst, of the meadow which he had by
the feoffment (A. 11639) of Edmund Lambyn of Chilterne, in 'le
Dykedeshytenhale,' in the marsh of Retherhethe. Bermondeseye, 3
December, 22 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11634. Feoffment by Fyna de Massingham, widow, to Edmund
son of Simon de Twamhell and Etheldreda, Edmund's sister, of 1a. arable
in Little Waltham, in Bissopfeld, next land of Sir Philip Burnel, knight,
'Holemad,' &c. Seal, with legend, s. fine. de. massingham. |
London. |
A. 11635. Chirograph indented, being a release by Salomon son and
heir of Robert le Longe, citizen of London, to Adam son of Elyas
Russell, deceased, of his right in all things, as in houses, rents, lands,
tenements or tronage, purchased at any times by Elyas Russel and Julian,
his wife, in or without the city of London, and in all things bequeathed
to the said Adam in the testament of the said Julian his mother.
Witnesses:—John le Blount, mayor, John de Lincoln, Roger de Parys,
sheriffs of London, and others (named). London, Wednesday before St.
Barnabas, the Apostle, 33 Edward I. Seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11636. Feoffment by John son of John le Freg to John son of
Walter de Welles of a virgate and a half of land with a house (vana,
? vacua, domo) thereon, in the hundred of Prestone beside Wynggeham, in a
place called 'at Hundepette,' next the common drift way (droram), &c.;
consideration, 12s. October, 19 Edward II. Seal, broken. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11637. Release by John ate Lovecote, and Maud, his wife, to
William de Rokesle, and Sarah, his wife, of their right in a tenement, which
was formerly Henry Frig's, in Retherhethe and Bermondezey, to wit what-
ever came to them by reasonable dower on Henry's death; if John die in
Maud's lifetime and she claim anything of her dower in the said tenement,
his estate to be distrained for one mark; consideration, 20s. 28 Edward [I].
Seals, with legends, (1) s. iohannis. ate. lovecot.; (2) s. matild. lovecote. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11638. Feoffment by William le May son and heir of Henry le
May, of Retherhethe, to John de la Barre, citizen of London, of 1a. land
in 'Madebrok' in the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth, abutting on
'Shytenhale' mead, &c. Saturday, the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle,
8 Edward II. Fragment of seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11639. Feoffment by Edmund Lambyn, of Chilterne, late appren-
tice of William Lambyn, of London, fisher (piscatoris), to John Lambyn, of
Colchester (Johanni Lambyn Colecestrie), citizen of London, of the meadow
which he had by the gift of Robert de Chesewyk, son of the late Gilbert de
Chesewyk, of London, in 'le Dikedeshitenhale,' in the marsh of Retherhethe.
Sunday, the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 8 Edward II. Seal. |
London. |
A. 11640. Counterpart indenture, whereby William, the prior, and
the convent of the church of the Holy Trinity within Algate, London,
reciting that William de Wylehale, citizen of London, long before the
statute of mortmain, gave for his soul, &c. to God and their church afore-
said and to John, then prior, &c. in pure alms, 10s. 4d. quit rent from
land with buildings in the parish of St. Pancras beside Soperslane, London,
which Gilbert le Bas then held of him, lying between St. Pancras church
on the east, and a tenement late Thomas de Grantham's on the west; and
reciting that John Hadele now holds the said land and has newly built a
house on part of it, the residue having been assigned as part of the church
yard of St. Pancras; release the said John from all arrears of rent, and
agree that, for twenty years from Michaelmas next, he shall pay them
6s. 8d. yearly, only, but that, thereafter, the tenants of the said land and
house shall be bound to pay the original rent of 10s. 4d. London,
Midsummer day, 9 Richard II beginning. Seal, with legend, s. ad. de
bvres d . . . . . . . |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11641. Feoffment by John Shotiere, and Alice, his wife, to Walter
Forster, citizen and skinner of London, of two cottages, with gardens, in
the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth beside the city of London. 6 February,
39 Edward III. Seals. |
Surrey. |
A. 11642. Feoffment by John atte Felde, fishmonger, citizen of
London, to Sir Richard Vincent (Vincencii), of Waltham Holy Cross, clerk,
of the land he had in the place now called 'le Breche,' in the parish of
St. Mary of Retherheth. Witnesses:—Sir Peter de St. John (Sancto
Johanne), clerk, and others (named). Sunday before St. Luke, the
Evangelist, 12 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11643. Feoffment by Robert le Chornmongere, of Borham, to
Philip le Taylur (cissori) and Rose (Royse), his wife, of 5a. 3r. land there in
'Cherehefeld '; rent, 12d.; consideration, 5 marks in gersum. Witnesses:—
Sir Richard de Choleworth and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. rob'ti.
le. cormong'e. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11644. Feoffment by Adam de Aldenham to Hamo atte Feld
(Hamundo de Campo), clerk, of his house and curtilage in Retherhethe, in
'le Westtone'; rent, to the upkeep of a lamp burning before the altar of
St. Katharine in the church of St. Mary of Retherhethe 8½d.; consideration,
40s. beforehand. Witnesses:—Robert, rector of Retherhethe, and others
(named). Seal, with legend, s. ade. de aldenham. |
[Essex] |
A. 11645. Feoffment by Robert de Springefeld to Robert Smith
(fabro), of Melebrok, for his homage and service, of the land between
'Holemad' and the land Hervey Ridel held of him; rent, 12d. for all
service, saving the king's service, to wit, 1d. to a scutage of 20s. to more
more and to less less; consideration, 16s. and to his heir 4d. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11646. Feoffment by John Stountone, of Borham, and Margaret,
his mother, to William de Badue, of all their land, &c. in Borham, Little
Badue, Springefeld, and Little Waltham. The Second Sunday after
St. John before the Latin Gate, 15 Edward II. Seals. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11647. Indenture of demise by William son of Hamo atte Cherche,
of Retherhuthe, to John de la Barre, citizen of London, for life, of his
grange in Retherhuthe, with a place of land wide enough for a cart (ad
latitudinem vie unius carecte), &c.; also of 3a. land between the land which
Isabel, his aunt (matertera), held in dower, &c.; rent, for the first eight
years 9s. for which he has paid in one sum beforehand, and thereafter 40s.
&c. London, Monday before St. Dunstan, 5 Edward II. Seal, with legend,
s. will'i. ate. cher. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11648. Feoffment by John le Meleward, of Willesdon, and
Eleanor, his wife, to John de Middelton, of 19 pieces of arable, and a piece
of grove, in the parish of Willesdon, in divers parts, quit of all 'wudelodes,'
cocks, hens, eggs, and other services to the lords of the fee, money rent
excepted. Witnesses:—Richard de Cornhull, Thomas Roberd, and others
(named). Sunday, St. Mark, the Evangelist, . . . . . Edward II.
Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11649. Feoffment by Edmund Clere, esquire, son of John, son of
William Clere, esquire, of Ormesby the elder (senioris), to William Paston,
of Paston, John Smethe, Simon Briggate, clerks, and Thomas Arnald, of
Rollesby, of his manors of Burgh, co. Norfolk, called 'Vaushalle' and
'Stalhamhalle,' which he had by the demise of Oliver Groos, and Nicholas
Wichyngham, esquires, by charter dated 10 April, 8 Henry VI. Witnesses:—
Miles Stapilton and John Clippesby, esquires, and others (named). Burgh,
20 April, 9 Henry VI. Seal, with rush band. |
[Middx] |
A. 11650. Feoffment by Adam son of Roger atte Marsh (de Marisco)
of Egeswere, to Philip Walram, of 2a. arable, which he had from the prior
and convent of St. Bartholomew, London, in exchange for the ditch made
from his land round their grove at Egeswere; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas;
consideration, ½ mark in gersum. Witnesses:—Henry Buchkoint, and
others (named). Seal, with legend, s. ade. de. maris. . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11651. Release by Luke son of Robert, of Writell, to Philip le
Taylur, and Rose (Roysie), his wife, of a tenement which he inherited from
his father in Borham; also of his right in the third part thereof which
Lettice, his mother, holds in dower; consideration, 10 marks beforehand.
St. Stephen's day, 6 Edward I. Seal, with legend, s. luce. fil. rob'i. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11652. Release by Adam son of Elias Russel to John de la Bare,
of London, of his right in a curtilage in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen
of Bermundesey, next the curtilage of the chapel of St. Mary in the church
of the priory of St. Saviour, &c. 4 Edward II. Seal, quasi heraldic (a lion
passant), with legend, secretvm ade rvssel. |
[Essex] |
A. 11653. Feoffment by Richard de la Helle, of Maldon, to Arthur
Chapman (mercatori), of Crusteshale, and Alice, his wife, for their services
and for 25s. in gersum beforehand, of ½a. land in Crumwelledoune field, in
the parish of St. Peter of Maldon, next land of the abbey of Bylege, the
road from Maldon market to North Wodeham, &c., to hold, &c., and give,
&c., except in religion and the Jewry; rent, a clove at Easter, and to the
chief lords 9d. Seal, with legend, s. s[awen] atte hvl. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11654. Counterpart of chirograph indented, being a feoffment by
John de la Barre to Walter Goldyng of Retherhethe, of a croft of land in
the parish of St. Mary of Retherhethe; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas. Palm
Sunday, 14 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s. wateri goldin[g]. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11655. Chirograph indented, made at Norwich, the morrow of
St. John, the Baptist, 14 Edward I, between Sir William de Stalham,
petent, and Walter de Burg, deforciant, to wit Walter has granted to Sir
William, his heirs and assigns, the fishery of Burg, to wit from the bound
which was placed by their consent in the middle of a trench (trenchiate), to
wit between the turbary of Walter Aylward, to the south, and the turbary
of William Leveday to the north, up to the hamlet of Rollesby; for this
Sir William has granted to the said Sir Walter the whole fishery from the
said bound to the hamlet of Byllokeby. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de
Mauteby and others (named). Seal, with legend, ego s[vm] hvgonis (?). |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11656. Release by Adam son of the late Elias Russel of London
to John de la Barre, citizen of London, of 60s. rent, payable at the end of
a term of twelve years, for certain lands, &c. in the parishes of St. Mary
Magdalen of Beremundeseye and St. Mary of Retherhuth, whereof by
chirograph (carta partita) he had lately enfeoffed the said John: con-
sideration, 40 marks. Beremundeseye, Sunday after St. Gregory, the
Pope, 7 Edward II. Seal, as to A. 11,652. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11657. Feoffment by John Paul, of Retherheth, to William de
Rokesle, and Sarah, his wife, citizens of London, of a virgate of land in
the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundeseye, in 'Toworthesfeld,'
next the stream (ryveram) called 'le Wilde,' on the west, the Thames on
the north, &c.; rent, a rose at Midsummer; consideration, 8s. beforehand
in gersum. Retherheth, Tuesday after St. Botolph, 24 Edward I. Seal,
with legend, s. ioh'is. powel. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11658. Feoffment by William Cope, of Ormesby, to Robert Clere,
of the same, of 3r. land there, in exchange for a messuage and two pieces
of land which Robert bought of the executors of Sir Nicholas Noteman.
Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Ormesby, knight, Thomas, his son, and others
(named). Sunday after St. Peter's Chains, 2 Edward III. Seal, with
legend, iesvs ellel. Cf. A. 11676. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11659. Release by Gunnilda, late the wife of Lawrence Smeth,
widow, to William de Preston, son and heir of Stephen de Preston, late
citizen of London, of her right by way of dower, in 2a. land and 3r. which
her said late husband sold to William de Rokesle, and Sarah, his wife.
Retherethe, Monday after St. Agatha, the Virgin, 19 Edward II. Seal,
broken. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11660. Feoffment by William Attecherche, of Retherhethe, son
and heir of Hamo Attecherche, to John de la Bare, citizen of London,
of a messuage in the parish of St. Mary of Retherhethe, which his said
father and his mother Margery, Hamo's wife, had by the feoffment of
Adam de Aldenham, and Cristina, his wife, next land of Hamo Attefelde,
&c.; rent, to the chief lord of the fee, viz. the rector of the church of
St. Mary of Retherhethe, 20d. and a cock and hen at Christmas, the rector
on that day finding the said John, or his attorney, food and drink once
as good and honest as he uses himself at his own table, &c.; consideration,
5 marks beforehand in gersum. Sunday the feast of St. Mary Magdalen,
7 Edward II. Seal, as to A. 11647. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11661. Release by Christina, late the wife of Adam de Aldenham,
widow, to Hamo atte Feld (de campo), of her right in the house which he
had in Retherhethe by Adam's feoffment; consideration, ½ mark beforehand.
Witnesses:—Sir Robert, rector of Retherheth, and others (named). Seal,
with legend, s. cristine. de. reth. . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11662. Feoffment by Simon de Thamhull, of Mildenhal, and
Margery, his wife, to John de Doddebrok, of Borham, and Aildrida, their
daughter, in free marriage, of all the land which they had by the gift and
inheritance of the late Fina de Massingham, in Little Waltham, and in
Great Leyis. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de St. Clere (Sancto Claro), Sir
Thomas de Tunstede, Sir Thomas de Maundewyle, Sir Thomas Filliol,
knights, and others (named). Monday after Michaelmas, 32 Edward I.
Seals. Cf. A. 11607, 11634. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11663. Feoffment by Cristina and Margery, daughters and heirs
of William le Rus, of Retherheth, to Gregory de Rokel', citizen of London,
of a messuage, &c. in the parish of Retherheth, next the Thames, &c.; rent,
1d. at Easter; consideration, 8s. in gersum. Indentical seals, with legends,
(1) s. cristine fil. will'. l' ros.; (2) s. margerie. fil. will'. l'. ros. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11664. Feoffment by William Yvori, of Micham, to Elyas Russel,
citizen of London, and Julian, his wife, of 1½r. land at Horseydoune in the
parish of St. Olave of Suwerk, reaching to the street leading from
Rutherheth to Horseydoune, the street beside Horsecroft, &c.; rent, a
clove at Easter, and to the heirs of John Yvori ½d.; consideration, 18s.
beforehand in gersum. Seal, with legend, s. will'i. yvori. d'. b'mund'. |
[Essex] |
A. 11665. Feoffment by William Sounepany of Abbesse Warle, and
Avice, his wife, to John Pyrie, of Ronewell, the elder, of 1a. 1r. meadow
in Brademad between the meadow belonging to Springefeld Hall and the
meadow late John Rydel's abutting on Borham. brook, &c. in Borham.
Friday before Michaelmas, 49 Edward III. Seals. |
[Surrey ] |
A. 11666. Feoffment by William son of Merwenna to Simon Godman,
of part of the land called 'Lane' in the town of Rethereth; rent, 1d.;
consideration, 3s. in gersum. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11667. Feoffment by Hervey Ridel to Geoffrey his son of 2s. rent
which Robert Filliol gave him in the parish of Borham; 3a. land which
Godfrey de Doddebroc gave him, in the same parish; two fields and a
small croft in the parish of Little Waltham and 'la Longedole' in the
parish of Borham, of the fee of Sir Robert de Borham; 1a. meadow
which Roger son of Matthew de Hegg' gave him in Halifeld; the
land of 'Sorteland' with meadow, which John son of Robert gave him,
of the fee of Bottingeham and of Badewe; two crofts of land which the
same John son of Robert gave him, called 'Salhotesland,' and the groves;
also of 3s. rent of the fee of the same John son of Robert in the parish of
Borham, and of all other his purchases, saving only to his two daughters
the lands, rents and other things which he had given them. Witnesses:—
Sir Ralph de Ginges, Ralph de Borham, clerk, and others (named). Seal,
with legend, s. hervei ridel. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11668. Undertaking by Geoffrey, son of the late Hervey Ridel, of
Borham, that when the abbot and convent of Waltham Holy Cross were
obliged to sue any one for any tenement or rent which had come to him by
inheritance or by the gift or feoffment of the said Hervey, his father, he
would, at their charges, personally follow the case up as faithfully as though
the suit were to his own profit, engaging in no way to compound any such
plea without their consent. Seal broken, with legend, [s.] galfr[idi] fil'.
herv[ei] . |
[Norf.] |
A. 11669. Feoffment by Katharine Fastolff, widow, and Humphrey
Castill, esquire, to Thomas Bourchier, archbishop of Canterbury, Henry
Bourchier, lord de Bourchier, Thomas, lord de Scales, knight, John Selot,
clerk, Robert Inglose, esquire, and Eleanor, his wife, and the heirs and
assigns of Robert of their manor of Bokenham Fery, together with the
advowsons of the churches of Bokenham Fery and Hasyngham, which
they had by the feoffment of Walter Lyhert, bishop of Norwich, John
Fastolff, John Colvyll, Robert Conyers, knights, Edmund Wichyngham,
Robert Inglose, Thomas Beaupre, esquires, William Jenney, John Parham,
clerk, and Henry Wilton. Witnesses:—John Berney, esquire, and others
(named). 28 October, 38 Henry VI. Two seals, (1) a falcon rising aiming at
a fly; (2) a castle. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11670. Release by Ralph Tanner (tannator) to Robert de Becles, canon
of Chichester, his heirs and assigns, of his right in a croft in Little Wautham
which he bought of Ralph de Heyrun, called 'Melcroft,' lying before the
mill of Ralph de Heyrun, one head whereof extends to the garden formerly
the earl of Arundel's and the other to the mill pond; also grant to the
said Robert of one part of the meadow behind the mill of the said Ralph,
which he bought of the said Ralph, lying between 'le Flemdich' and the
water course from the bays (baiis) of the mill, with the trees, &c.; Robert
is to pay 3s. yearly to Ralph de Heyrun, the chief lord, for all service, save
the king's service, to wit to a scutage of 40s. a halfpenny, to more more
and to less less; consideration, 2½ marks. Witnesses:—Walter de Badewe,
clerk, and others named. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11671. Feoffment by Joan, late the wife of Benet de Cornwall
(Cornubia), widow, to Maud, late the wife of Robert Durant, of Borham,
of 1½a. land in Borham, between land of the abbot of Waltham and the
street lying at Cripsesgate, abutting on the road from Borham and Little
Waltham, &c. Sunday after St. Ambrose, the Bishop, 3 Edward II
beginning. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11672. Feoffment by Maud de Dodebroc, late the wife of Godfrey
de Dodebroc, to Hellen, her daughter, for her homage and service and 11s.
in gersum, of 2a. of her land in Borham, next the highway to Chelmares-
ford; rent, 8d. Seal, with legend, s. matilde. de, do[d]d[ebr]oc.
Endorsed: Carta Matildis . . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11673. Grant in free alms by Richard de Lindwode to the canons
regular of Waltham Holy Cross, of 8a. of his land, of their fee, in the
town of Borham. Witnesses:—Sir William de St. Clere (Sancto Claro),
Sir John Fillol, Sir John de la Mare, Sir John son of Simon, Sir Henry
(Hanr') Aucher, knights, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. ricardi.
fil'. ioh'. de. linwode. |
Middx. |
A. 11674. Release by Ralph Gladewyne, son of Richard Gladewyne
of Edelmetone to William, the prior, and the canons of the church of Holy
Trinity, London, of his right in 10d. rent from the tenement which
William Gladewyne, his grandfather, conveyed to God and the said church,
to wit from a croft of land in Edelmeton in 'Yerildesfeld,' for which rent
he impleaded them before the justices in eyre in the county of Middlesex
at Stone Cross (apud crucem lapideam), 22 Edward I beginning; for this
they gave him 2 marks. London, Friday before St. Nicholas in the year
abovesaid. Seal, with legend, s. radvlfi gladewi[ne].
Endorsed: . . . . . yerlesfeefe . . . |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11675. Feoffment by Thomas de Hegham, son of the late Thomas
de Hegham, of the county of Kent, to Robert Saleman, fishmonger, of
London, and Mabel, his wife, of 2½a. arable in the parish of St. Mary of
Retherhethe next land of William Taylor (cissoris) called 'Gerarddeshawe,'
&c. Sunday before St. Luke, the Evangelist, 6 Edward II. Seal, broken. |
Surrey. |
A. 11676. Release by William son of Hamo atte Cherche, of Rether-
huthe, co. Surrey, to Sir John Vyncent, of Waltham Holy Cross, the
younger, of his right in the land, &c. which descended to him on his said
father's death in the said county. Witnesses:—Sir John de Latimer,
knight, and others (named). Monday, the feast of the Apostles, Simon
and Jude, 19 Edward II. Seal, with legend, iesvs. ellel. Cf. A. 11658.
Endorsed: Quieteclamancia Willelmi Hamund de omnibus terris et
tenements in Retherhethe et Burmundeseye . . . . |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11677. Release by Alice atte Felde, late the wife of John atte
Felde, formerly citizen and fishmonger of London, to Master William de
Preston, clerk, of London, of her right by way of dower in a place called
'le Brodeacre,' and in another place called 'le longe acre on 'le Doune,'
in the parish of Retherhethe, bought by William of her said husband.
London, Tuesday after St. Katharine, the Virgin, 14 Edward III. Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11678. Feoffment by John atte Felde, citizen arid fishmonger of
London, to Master William de Prestone, clerk, son of Stephen de Prestone,
late citizen and corder of London, of 1a. arable called 'la longacre' in the
parish of St. Mary of Retherheth. Friday after St. John before the Latin
Gate, 11 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11679. Feoffment by John Stonnton, of Borham, to John Gerard,
of Bokking, of 4d. rent he was wont to receive from John Boucyr of
Chelm[ersfor]d, for a place of land in a hamlet called 'Crawenho.' Monday
before St. Barnabas, 7 Edward III. Seal, quasi heraldic. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11680. Letter of attorney by John Lambyn, of Colecestre, citizen
of London, to Richard Quintyn, his servant, to deliver seisin to Stephen de
Bretynghurst, of a meadow in 'le Dikedeshitenhale' in Retherhethe marsh.
Bermondeseye, 3 December, 22 Edward III. Seal. |
[London.] |
A. 11681. Grant by Ernald, of Godrunelane, and Maud, daughter
of Michael de Valescin, his wife, to William son of Adam, draper, in free
marriage with Avice, their daughter, of all their land and houses in the
parish of the church of St. John the Baptist, which is called St. John
Zakarie's, between land which was Eustace Painter's (pictoris) and land
which was of Geoffrey Sakker the goldsmith (sac' aur'), containing in length
on the street of Godrunelane 10½ ells of the iron ells of King John of
England, &c. doing service yearly to the chief lords of the fee, to wit to the
soke of the bishop of Ely 2s. and to the heirs of Simon of Aldermannebery,
4s. Witnesses:—William, then prior of St. Mary of Suthwerc, Ger' and
Stephen, chaplains, and others (named). One seal, with legend, sigill.
arnoldi. le. brun. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11682. Release by Geoffrey le Helver and Alice (Aliscia), his wife,
to Philip Taylur, of their right in a messuage and 3a. formerly Sibilia
Moronnt's in the town of Borham; consideration, ½ mark beforehand. Two
seals, with legends, (1) s[igillvm. galf]ri. hebbr.; (2) s. delececie. fil nicol. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11683. Release by Denise Pikerun, late the wife of Stephen
Pikerun, widow, to William de Rokele, citizen of London, and Sarah, his
wife, of her right in a third of a messuage in the parish of Retherheth,
which was the said Stephen's by descent from John (ex dissensu Johannis)
son of John the priest (presbiteri); consideration, 4s. Seal, with legend,
s. d . . . . sie . pikervn. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11684. Feoffment by William Drye to Richard Thotforth of 2a.
land in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundesee, in 'Peveresfeld,'
between land of the said Richard and land late of Godeman brother of
William le Luminour (illuminatoris); rent, 13d.; consideration, 20s. in
gersum. Witnesses:—William le Luminour (illuminatore), John the
husband of Agnes (viro Agnetis), and others (named). Seal, with legend,
s. wil'i. fil. alaniore. br. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11685. Feoffment by John son of Robert of Borham to William
son of Sauale, of all the land which was of William Cai, of his tenement
in Borham, for the homage and service of the said William; rent, 2s.,
and to foreign services, when due to his lord, William shall give 3d. from
the said land. Witnesses:—William Facilun, Gilbert Mauduit, Sauale son
of Peter, and others (named). Seal (youth feeding eagle), with legend,
sigill. iohanis fil. roberti. Cf. A. 11699. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11686. Feoffment by Andrew de Walfare to William son of
Sawal', for his homage and service, of all his land with the messuage
(mesnagio) which Richard Ragaile held of him in the town of Borham;
to have, &c., or give, &c., except religious and Jews; rent, 3s. for all
service, saving the king's service, to wit for the acquittance (defensionem)
of 3a. as other three free acres of the same fee shall acquit them (defendent
se) against the king. Witnesses:—Sir William de Culewrthe, Robert de
Borham, Hervey Ridel and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. andree.
de. wolkf.' |
[Essex,] |
A. 11687. Release by Mabel late the wife of Richard Carpenter
(carpentarii) to Nicholas Spileman, of her right in the land and tenement
which was formerly William le Gay's in the parish of Borham; consider-
ation, ½ mark beforehand. Seal, s. mabil. relicte. ric. carpal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11688. Feoffment by Richard de Borham to William, his brother,
for his homage and service, of all the land called 'Longewde' which is of
the fee of John son of Robert, to wit which lies between the fee of Holy
Cross and the land of Ralph son of William, one head extending to the
wood called 'Sagoreshey,' &c. in the parish of Borham; rent, 6d.; consider-
ation, 2½ marks in gersum. Seal, with legend, s. ricardi. d . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11689. Release by John son of Roger King, of Borham, to
William son of Sawale, of Borham, of his right in a messuage and land in
the town of Borham, which William le Jai formerly held, between land of
Andrew de Walkefar and Philip Ridel; consideration, 40s. to wit before the
justices holding pleas (placitantibus) at Chelmarsford in that year in which
Richard, the earl, brother of King Henry, crossed the sea to the Holy Land.
Witnesses:—Hervey Ridel and others (named). Seal, with legend, sigillvm
[ioh]is. [filii]. rogeri. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11690. John son of Robert to all his men and friends, greeting.
Know that I have granted to Sewale (Sewalo) of Borham all the land called
'Longbois,' which he held of Robert, my father, lying between 'Sagoresheye'
and 'Acies heye,' and between the land which was Richard de Walkfare's
and the land which is of Waltham Holy Cross, &c.; rent, 4s. for
all service and by the acquittance (deffensionem) of the third part of
my demesne from foreign service against the king; for this grant, &c. he
did homage (devenit predictus Sewale homo meus) and gave me 10s. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11691. Grant in pure alms by Alice daughter of Henry de Sandf
to the canons of the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of the rent which
Hervey Ridel owed her for the wood of 'Midelhey,' to wit 6d. Seal, with
legend, s. alis. filia. hendrici. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11692. Release by Adam son of Walter, of Springefeld, to the
canons regular of the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, in free alms,
of 4d. yearly rent from the tenement which Walter, his father, formerly
demised to Gilbert de Kenleuedene in the town of Borham. Witnesses:—
Sir Nicholas de Barenton, Sir Richard de Herlawe and others (named).
Seal, with legend, s. ade. fill walteri. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11693. Confirmation in free alms by Alice daughter of Simon
Frethesent, widow, to the canons regular of the church of the Holy Cross
of Wautham, of 5a. laud in the town of Borham and 1a. meadow in
'Westmannemad,' which Hervey Ridel gave them; to hold of her, &c.
Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas de Barinton, Robert de Borham and others
(named). Seal, with legend, s. alicie. fil. simonis. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11694. Feoffment by Geoffrey son of Walter de Belstede to
Hervey Ridel, for his homage and service, of 1a. meadow in 'Westmanemad,'
to wit next the fee of the Holy Cross of Waltham, in the parish of
Borham; rent, 4d.; consideration, 1 mark in gersum. Seal, with legend,
s. galfridi. de. belstede. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11695. Feoffment by Alice daughter of Simon Frethesent, widow,
to Hervey Ridel, for his homage and service, of 1a. meadow in 'West-
mannemad,' between the fee of the Holy Cross of Waltham and the meadow
of Mart' Stapel, which is of the fee of St. Botulf, one head abutting on
'Sandacre'; rent, 2d., and ½d. to a scutage, or more; consideration, 3s.
in gersum. Seal, with legend, s. alicie. fil. simon. frethesant. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11696. Release by Ema late the wife of Gilbert de Maresco to
Hervey Ridel, of her right against him by way of dower in Borham; con-
sideration, 2s. Seal, broken, with legend, s . . . . . de. marisco. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11697. Release by Andrew de Walkfar to the abbot and convent of
Waltham and to the tenants of their church in the town of Borham, of his
right in the way (chemino) from Dodebrok to the meads (ad prata), in which
he formerly claimed toll (cheminagium). Seal, with legend, s. andr . . .
wolkf. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11698. Feoffment by Walter son of William, of Springefeld, to
Gilbert son of Richard, of Kenleued', for his homage and service, of 8½a.
land in 'Piereland' in the town of Borham, by 'Stanfeld'; rent, 4d., and
he shall acquit all the said land against the king in the acquittance of one
acre; for this Gilbert gave him 40s. and to Gunnora, his wife, 12d. Seal,
with legend, sigill'. walteri. fil. w . . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11699. Grant in pure alms by John son of Robert of Borham to
the canons of the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of 1lb. cummin
which Hervey Ridel was bound to pay him yearly. Seal as to A. 11685. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11700. Grant in free alms by Stephen son of John Bau to the
canons regular of the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham of 12d. rent,
which Hervey Ridel, and Geoffrey his son after him, used to pay him, for
tenements they held of him in the towns of Borham and Springefeld, of the
fee of Badewe and Bottingeham. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas de Barinton,
Sir Robert de Borham and Sir Ralph de Ginges, knights, William de
Blaveni, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. steffani. fi. iohs. |