[Cornw.] |
A. 10427. Release by Michael, prior of the hospital of St. John the
Baptist next the bridge of Helleston, and the brethren thereof to Richard
Reskenmer, his heirs and assigns, of 3s. 5d. rent of 3s. 11d. rent which he
owed them for a place of land, between the place of Peter de Antreuon and
the place of Henry de Pengersiec, with houses and other appurtenances,
together with an acre of land English in the upper part of Helleston;
which place and acre the said Richard had by the gift of [R]oger the prior
his predecessor and the brethren; so that the said Richard may hold the
said place and acre of them and their successors by 6d. rent yearly at Mid-
summer for all service. Witnesses:—Roger de [C]armenou, Ralph de
Tregod, John de Reskenm[er] and others (named). Helleston, Whit
Monday, 32 Edward [I]. Decayed. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10428. Release by John Page to John Pukstye the elder of
Buksted, of his right in a messuage with a garden, &c. in Buksted, which,
together with Thomas att Well and William Schodwell, since deceased, and
the said John Pukstye, he had by the gift of Joan Alchehorne, late the wife
of William Alchehorne, of Buksted. 16 May, 8 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10429. Feoffment by Joan late the wife of William Alchehorn of
the parish of Buxstede to Thomas atte Welle, William Shodwelle, John
Puxstye and John Page of the same, of a messuage, garden, &c. which
descended to her on the death of John Bakere, her father, in the said
parish. The morrow of the Conversion of St. Paul, 20 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10430. Feoffment by John Pukstey of Hethfeld to William
Weston, Richard Seger, Thomas Baybrok, John Kneyth and John Yonge,
of the free lands, &c (terras et tenementa mea libera) called 'Alchehornys'
in the parish of Buksted, which, together with Thomas att Well, William
Schodewell, since deceased, and John Page, who made a release to him, he
had by the gift and feoffment of Joan late the wife of William Alchehorn.
9 July, 10 Edward IV. Seal. |
Sussex. |
A. 10431. Feoffment by William Weston of Buxsted to Richard
Weston of Maidiston, co. Kent, and John Weston, the younger, of Buxsted,
of his free lands, &c. called 'Alchorns' in the parish of Buxsted, which,
together with Richard Siger, since deceased, Thomas Baibroke, John
Knythe and John Young, who made a release to him, he had by the gift and
feoffment of John Puxisti, deceased, of Hethfeld in the said county.
2 February, 14 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10432. Feoffment by John Wodye of Ifeld to Richard Mose, and
Isabel his wife, of the lands, &c. in Rowsparre, late John atte Putte's,
which, together with John [W]ode, and John atte Denne, since deceased, he
had by the feoffment of Thomas Wodehacche and William Stowte. 3 March,
38 Henry VI. |
Sussex. |
A. 10433. Feoffment by Thomas Palshudd and Thomas Nye to
William Soughurste, and Alice (Alesie) his wife, of the lands, &c. in the
parish of Rowsparre, called 'Pytters,' which, with other land, they had by
the feoffment of Richard Soughurste. 26 January, 32 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10434. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Newman, late
parson of the church of Rusparr, to Alice late the wife of Thomas le Man,
for the term of her life, with remainder to William le Mose and his heirs,
of the lands, &c. which he had by the gift of the said Thomas in the
parishes of Rusparr and Ifeld. Rusparr, Wednesday the feast of St. Luke
the Evangelist, 9 Richard II. |
[Sussex] |
A. 10435. Feoffment by William Sougherst, and Alice (Alicia) his
wife, to Richard Mose, and Isabel his wife, of their lands in Rowsparre,
called 'Pytteres' to them and the heirs and assigns of Richard for ever:
warranty by William. 20 August, 35 Henry VI. |
Kent. |
A. 10436. Feoffment by John Denys of the parish of Plukle to
William Hylgerden of Betresden, 'glovere,' Thomas Berman and Thomas
John, of the same parish, of his lands, &c. in the parish of Plukle, or in the
county of Kent. Michaelmas eve, 19 Henry VI. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10437. Release by William Mose to John Mose, son and heir of
Richard Mose, of his right in lands called 'Pytterys' in the parish of
Rowspare. 2 June, 21 Edward IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10438. Indenture being a grant by [Denise late the wife of
William Clere], Geoffrey Somerton and Robert atte Northouse, to Elizabeth
daughter of Dame Katharine Braunch, of a yearly rent of a 1d. for the
term of the life of [John Clere] from their manors of Ormesby and Burgh
in Flegge and from their lands there and in Hemmesby, Scroutby,
Maudeby, Fylby and Castre, which formerly belonged to the said William;
and [after the death of the said John] of a yearly rent of 40 marks from
the same for her life, to be void if, after the said John's decease, she
brought a writ of dower against the said Denise, &c. Witnesses:—[Sir
. . . . Mau] teby, knight, and others (named). Ormesby, Monday
after the Holy Trinity, [12 ?] Richard II. French. Mutilated. Seals. |
[Linc.] |
A. 10439. Feoffment by William Drant of Harington to his son
John, and Maud daughter of Robert de Scraysfeld, John's wife, of the
tenement which Maud Drant his mother had in dower and his own tene-
ment, &c. to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies for their portion
after his decease; covenant not to alienate any part thereof to their injury.
Harington, St. George's day, 23 Edward [I]. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10440. Indenture of demise by John Reskemmer to Christian
Innocent of Porthmenstar, Alice, her daughter, and John, the elder, and
John the younger, her sons, successively, for life, of all his land, &c. in
Porthmenstar; rent, 10s. at the quarters usual in the hundred of Penwith for
all service, save suit of court of Trelewyth twice a year. Friday before
Christmas, 48 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10441. Indenture of demise made at Coventre 27 July, 21 Edward
IV, by John Purferey of 'Drayton besyde Nonneton gentilman' to 'Rauff
Freman of Coventre,' merchant, of 'a close in Folkeshull calde
Purfreyesclose' for twenty-four years from Lady Day next at 6s. 8d. rent;
the tenant may 'shrede and lopp in seasonable tyme almaner trees,' and the
'shredyng and loppyng' may carry away, &c. Covenant by Ralph,
endorsed, to 'stok and pull upp almaner wede and rotes now beyng within
the eddryng of the same close,' &c. English. |
[France,] [Rutl.] [Wilts.] |
A. 10442. Charter of King John addressed generally. He grants and
confirms to the abbey of St. Georges de Boscherville (Sancti Georgii de
Baskiervilla), and the monks there, all gifts made and confirmed to them by
the givers' charters. He grants to the said abbey and its household, for their
private affairs (manupastui ejus in propriis rebus), liberties and quittances
through all his land, both sides the sea, to wit in harbours of the sea and
Seine (Secane), and in the city of Rouen (Rothomag') quittance from toll
and from muid duty (modiatione) and from all other customs, and in the
forest of Roumare (Romare) green wood allowed for the use of the Saint
(viride lignum de liberatione cuptum ad omne opus Sancti faciendum) and for
the fire (ignem) of the abbey, and herbage and pannage for the abbey and
its houshold quit and in all his demesne forests; also quittance in all his
cities, castles, boroughs, markets, ferries and harbours both sides the sea.
He grants them also the tithe of the forest of Montebourg (Montisburgi)
in all rent, and the tithe of the whole rent of the forest of Lillebonne
(Juliibone) and Fecamp (Fiscanni) and of the port of Tancarville (Tankarvill')
in everything belonging to it, and the wood of . . . . (Respevilla).
Further he grants them in pure and perpetual alms, of the gift of king
Richard his brother, the alder bed (alnetum) and meadows, and all the lands,
and everything which the said king Richard had in his demesne under the
town of St. George of Bocherville. He orders also that the manors of the
said abbey in England, to wit Avebury, Winterbourne and Weston (Avesberia,
Wintreburna et Westona), shall have quittances and their liberties from
shires, hundreds, hidages, and from tithing-penny (Thethingpeni) and from
danegeld (Danegh'). Witnesses:—William archbishop of Rouen, William
Marshall, earl of Pembroke, William earl of Salisbury, William de Kaeu,
Ralph the Chamberlain de Tancarville, William de Trublevill, William de
Mortimer (Mortuomari). By the hand of Simon, archdeacon of Wells, at
Jumieges (Gemeg'), 15 June, 3 John. |
[Heref.] |
A. 10443. Confirmation by Henry III of letters patent of his uncle
Richard to the monks of Dore of quittance from toll, passage and pontage
on entering the realm of England. Westminster, 10 November, 1 Henry
III. Copy as exhibit. |
[Oxford.] |
A. 10444. Indenture of demise, the Purification, 2 Edward I, by
Adam de Stratton, clerk, to Robert and John Marmiun, for seven years, at
34l. rent, of the land in Chakenden, which their mother dame Rosamund
held of him part in dower and part in farm; sureties for the rent, Henry
de Stokes, William de la Barre of Stokes, Walter le Waleys of Garing,
William de la Dene of Wodecote, William de Wodecote and William de
la Breche of Wodecote. Cancelled by cuts. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10445. Feoffment by Ralph de Rosmerin to Roger de Reskemmer
and Joan his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Roger, of two messuages
and all his land in Helligy Wydlou, in exchange for two messuages and the
third of all Roger's land in Treliver, with common pasture and turbary
(blestar') in the moor of Treliver, which Roger gave him and Joan his wife
in fee tail. Witnesses:—Oliver de Carmynou, William de Walesbreu,
Alexander de Godolghan, Osbert Hameli, Luke de Tresien. Reskemmer,
Sunday the feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 16 Edward II.
Endorsed: Hellegy Wythlowe. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10446. Feoffment by John de Chortewode, vicar of Skerningg, to
John le Reve and Ralph Gamoun, of the same, of a messuage with
building, the space containing his bed excepted (mes' edific' excep' spac' lect'
met continent'), and a pightel (pittellam) there. Tuesday after St. Faith the
Virgin, 32 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10447. Feoffment by Osbert Wynde of Estderham to Robert son
of Adam Shepherd (bercator') dwelling in Skerningg and Maud his wife, of
a piece of arable in Skerningg field. Sunday before the Apostles Peter and
Paul, 9 Edward II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10448. Release by Rose Gyles, late the wife of John Gyles of Est
Bradenham, widow, to John Gyles of Skernyng, her son, John Colyn and
Edmund Tabbe, of the same, of her right in a messuage and three pieces of
arable in a croft, which, together with her said husband and Thomas
Rownyng, she had by the gift of Adam Rownyng. Skernyng, 10 October,
22 Edward IV. Seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10449. Feoffment by Geoffrey de Frausham to Walter Columbel,
of a piece of land in Great Frausham. 7 April, 10 Edward II. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10450. Feoffment by John Jygg of Wyghtoun to Henry Iynglous,
knight, John Drewe and John Irmynglond, clerks, Edmund Wynter, George
Wyghton, Henry Walpool, Richard Baret, William Stapulton, and John
Pagrave, esquires, and William Lexham of Burnham, of the manor of
Burnham called 'Veautres,' with lands in Burnham St. Clement, Burnham
Thorp, Burnham Sutton, Burnham Ulp, Burnham St. Edmund, Burnham
Westgate, Burnham Northtoun, Depdale, Holkham, Wyghton and Warham,
which formerly were Simon Veautre's. Saturday after St. Bartholomew
the Apostle, 2 Henry VI. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10451. 'To all Kyrsten men to whom,' &c. 'John Parsons of
Lappworth and Symond Skynner of the same, &c. Wher that John Broun
of Badsley on Thursday laste paste att Badsley mad ws the seyd John
Parsons and Symond Skynner to sell a wrytyng, he havyng grete wordes
sayng on to me Symond Skynner he wold bryng me to London and so for
dowt we selud the sayd wrytyng we not undurstondyng the contentes
and maters in the said wrytyng comprisud. We wturly revok hyt
and pray all persons that shall red or her hyt to geve no credence
ther to. Morover we declar and testyfye for throth that we never payd
rent to John Broun fadur to the said John Broun nor to no man yn hys
be halve but alway to sich persons os have come of the be halve of the said
John Broun of Badsley and gedurde hyt to hys wse,' &c. 'Gevyn att
Lappworth on fryday next be fore the translation of Seynt Edmund the
bouschop in the vijth yer of Kyng Edward the iiijth.' Seals with leaf
embedded in wax. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10452. Feoffment by Richard Laraunce of Bulkynton, son and
heir of John Laraunce, to John Hampton of Coventre, son of Geoffrey
Hampton, of all his lands, &c. in Bulkynton. Witnesses:—Richard, vicar
of the church of Bulkynton, John Boteler, parker (parcario) of Weston and
others (named). 14 December, 11 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10453. Feoffment by John Altclo and Robert de Ryburgh of
Brunham St. Clement to Thomas Bekkham, Ealph Spryth and Thomas
Webstere of the same, of 5 roods land there in 'le Thorn' furlong (quarent'),
which they had by the feoffment of John atte Mersch late vicar of St.
Clement. Witnesses:—Simon le Veutre and others (named). Monday
before the Apostles Philip and James, 6 Henry IV. Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10454. Feoffment by Ralph Spryth of Brunham St. Clement to
William Brom, of the same, of la. land there in 'le Thorn' furlong, which
he had by the feoffment of John Altclo. Witnesses:—Simon le Veutre
and others (named). Sunday after Michaelmas, 6 Henry V. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10455. Feoffment by Nicholas le Wodeward of Ichinton to
William de Catesby, Simon, William's brother, John le Vineter of Solihull
and William his, Nicholas', son, of his manor of Toneworth. The morrow
of the Assumption (assencionis beate Marie), 23 Edward III. |
Sussex. |
A. 10456. Feoffment by John Hunter of Westerham, co. Kent, and
Agnes his wife, late the wife of John Swayneslond the younger, of
Ukkesfeld, to John Alffegh, esquire, and Thomas atte Welle of Buksted, co.
Sussex, of the lands, &c. being in the chapelry of Ukkesfeld called 'le Stones'
and a croft of free land (terre libere) called 'le Frecroft' there, which the said
Agnes, together with the said John Swayneslond, had by the gift of John
atte Well, her father, and Edmund Gater of Lewes, co. Sussex; attorney to
deliver seisin William a Smyth of Buksted. 15 August, 3 Henry VII.
Fragment of one seal. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10457. Grant by Rainald de Sancto Leodegario to God and St.
Pancras and the monks of the same place, for his soul and the soul of
Hildesent his wife, and of all his ancestors, of 25s. rent in Hastings
(Hastingiis) of the fee of Crotteslieghe which fee the burgesses of Hastings
hold, and 2,000 herrings (allectum) and one cotter (hospitem) at Wertlinges,
the term of the rent at the Purification, the term of the herrings on Ash
Wednesday (in capite jejunii); this gift he had made them for that they
had made one monk for the soul of Hildesent his wife the health of his
soul and all of his ancestors. Witnesses:—Thomas his brother, William
de Capeim, Ralph de Camvilla, William de Sancto Leodegario his brother,
Godard his nephew, Ralph de Sancto Leodegario, Hugh the clerk. |
Warw |
A. 10458. Release by Henry Sutton of Wulfencote to John de
Catesby, brother and heir of William de Catesby, of all his right in the
lands, &c. late the said William's in Lodebroke, co. Warwick, 20 April,
9 Henry IV. Copy or draft. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10459. Feoffment by William Slappe, chaplain, of Skernyng, to
Thomas Mason alias Miller, William Willymont of Little Dunham, and
John Mechell of Skernyng, of 2a. land now in one piece in the field of
Skernyng, in the furlong (stadio) called 'Byttefeld,' which he had inter alia
by the gift of John Pescod, Robert Pescod of Cossey and Robert Rounyng,
clerk, by charter dated at Skernyng, 10 November, 15 Henry VII.
Skernyng, 20 November, 15 Henry VII. Endorsed . . . in Sr
Howescroft in Bitfeldfurlong. . . . Thomas Hoo. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10460. Feoffment by William Oysel of Coventre to William de
Erescote of the same and Edith his wife of a tenement in Gosseforde Street
there. Monday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 35 Edward I.
Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10461. Release by Katharine late the wife of John Smyth of
Burle, co. Sussex, widow, to Thomas Gylot and Isabel his wife of
Ryngmere, of her riqht in 'Hertescroft' in the parish of Ryngmere in the
borough (in burgo) of Midelham, between 'le Broyl,' wood, &c. 18 January,
12 Henry IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10462. Feoffment by William Coley son of John Colcy of Skernyng
to John Fayreman, clerk, Edmund Tabbe and Thomas Neweman, of the
same, of 3a. arable there, which, together with his father and John
Powmfreyt, the elder, since deceased, he had by the gift of Edmund Warner,
late of the same. 6 July, 6 Edward IV. Seal. Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10463. Grant by Thomas Spurun of Frausham to God and the
church of St. Mary of Wendling and the Premonstratensian Canons there,
of the homage and service of William son of Ednoht of Wendling, to wit
6d. William paid him for 2a. land in Frausham, viz. one penny at the
Purification, 1d. at Whitsuntide, 4d. at Michaelmas, and 1 d. to a scutage
and so in proportion; to hold in free alms, to maintain a light before
the altar of St. Mary set up in the said church. Witnessss:—Sir Gilbert de
Frausham, Sir Alexander his son, and others (named). Seal, with legend—
sigill. thome filii walteri. Endorsed: Sacriste in tenura Matilde
Mynne et modo edificatur. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10464. Release by John son of John Smyth of Wykemere to
Robert Hereward of Aldeburgh of the clause of warranty contained in a
charter of feoffment made to him by the said Robert of three pieces of land,
one in Little Bernyngham and two in Wykemere. Sunday after St. Ambrose
the Bishop, 40 Edward III. Endorsed: J. Child. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10465. Feoffment by Roger son of Thomas Baldwin of Skerninge
to William de Wenling, clerk, for his homage and service and for 6 marks
which William gave him, of 4½a. land in Skerning in the tilth (cultura)
called 'Middelfurlong,' abutting on his windmill, on land of Roger
son of Elviva le Halte, &c.; rent, 1d. at Easter. Witnesses:—Sir William
de Bellomonte and others named.
Endorsed: . . . . abbuttat super le Myllehyll. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10466. Feoffment by Henry de Gressinghal to William de
Wendling, clerk, for his homage and service and 30s. in gersum, of 2a.
arable in the field of Scerninge; rent, 6d. Witnesses:—Gilbert de
Frausham, knight, Alexander his son, Seyer de Frivill, knight, Henry his
brother, and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 10467. Grant by Adam son of Henry de Gressinghale to God
and the church of St. Mary of Wendling and the canons of the
Premonstratensian order there, for his soul and the soul of Florence his
wife, &c. of 6d. rent, which Sir William de Wendling used to pay him for
2a. in Skerninge; to hold in free alms. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Frausham,
Sir Seyer de Frivill, John son of Adam de Gressinghale, Roger his brother,
and others (named). Seal, with legend, broken. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10468. Feoffment by Robert Soppe, vicar of the church of
Skernyng to John Rodys and Adam Roundyng, of two pieces of arable in
Skernyng, next bond land of Edward, lord de le Hastyng, &c. Saturday after
All Hallows, 7 Henry V. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10469. Feoffment by Maud Tot of Skernyng and John Belle of
Shipdam to John Curson, Adam Belde and John Colcy of Skernyng, of the
lands in Skernyng which they lately jointly had by the gift and feoffment
of Ralph Tot, of Skernyng; warranted by Maud. Friday before the
Purification, 8 Henry VI. One seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10470. Feoffment by Ralph Tot of Skernyng to Maud Tot his
sister, of the same, and John Belle of Shypdham, of 6a. arable in Skernyng
in two pieces. Wednesday after St. Peter's Chains, 13 Henry IV.
Fragment of seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10471. Feoffment by Robert Baker, vicar of a mediety of the
church of Skernyng, to Clement Powmfreth of Skernyng, of a piece of
arable reckoned at 3a. there, at 'Ser Howescrosse,' which, together with
William Tabbe of Estbradenham and John Mychell of Skernyng, the elder,
since deceased, he had by the gift of Edmund Tabbe and Thomas Newman
of the same, by charter dated 8 February, 3 Henry VII. Skernyng,
6 February, 16 Henry VII. Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10472. Feoffment by William Rownyng of Est Derham to William
Dey, of the same, the elder, and John Pylche, of the same, of two pieces of
land and pasture in Skernyng, reckoned at 5a., which, together with a
messuage (inter unum messuagium edificatum), he together with Thomas
Rownyng, his brother, Anne, Thomas' wife, and Henry Ede, late of
Skernyng, since deceased, he had by the feoffment (A. 10492) of Alexander
Somerby, Adam Rownyng and William Belde, the elder, late of Skernyng,
by charter dated there, Sunday after St. Jerome the Priest, 26 Henry VI.
Skernyng, 6 June, 11 Henry VII.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. Tomlinsons. |
Norf. |
A. 10473. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Drory of Skernyng,
and John Bene, of the same, to Thomas Pynchebek, son and heir of
William Pynchebek, late of the same, deceased, and Joan Lotys, daughter
and heir of Simon Lotys, late of Flete, co. Lincoln, deceased, whom the
said Thomas was to take to wife, of all those lands, &c. in Skernyng, which
they had by the gift of the said Thomas by charter dated October 15th last.
18 October, 33 Henry VIII. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed. Cf. A.
10491. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10474. Feoffment by Thomas Rownyng and Anne his wife, of
Skernyng and William Rownyng of Estderham to Nicholas Baron of
Skernyng, Edmund Tabbe and John Colyn, of the same, of a half-acre,
with a messuage, in Skernyng, which, inter alia, they together with Henry
Ede, since deceased, had by the feoffment of Alexander Somerby, Adam
Rownyng and William Belde, late of Skernyng, the elder, by charter dated
there Sunday after St. Jerome the Priest and Doctor, 26 Henry VI.
Skernyng, 20 July, 15 Edward IV. Seals.
Endorsed: Tomlimsons. Thomas Hoo. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10475. Indenture being a feoffment by Oto Trevarthian to
William Tregewore, the elder, and Clarice his wife, in tail, of all the
messuages and tenements in the town of Brevannek, which the said William
held of him there, and dwelt in, and of a moiety of all his land in the said
town, a garden excepted; rent, a grain of corn for the first six years, for all
service, save suit of court twice a year, and thereafter, 34s. 1d. at the
quarters usual in the hundred of Penwith; with reversion, in default of
their issue to himself and his heirs. Marghassiow, 2 March, 2 Henry V.
Endorsed: Barvannek. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10476. Demise by Ralph Reskymer, esquire to John Kempe, or
Kympe, for life, of all his lands, &c, in Helygy Whethelowec, at the rent
of a red rose at Midsummer. Witnesses:—John Arundell, esquire, son and
heir of Thomas Arundell, knight, Sir Walter Barnecote, prior of the house
and church of St. Andrew of Trewardreth, William Reskymer, esquire,
Lawrence Kestell, William Lagharn. Merthyn, 28 June, 35 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10477. Feoffment by William le Gleuman of Skerningge to
Ralph his son, for his service and a sum beforehand, of a piece of his
messuage on the north and a portion of his land on the west of it to enter
it by; rent, 4d., viz. on the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin 1½d. on the
feast of St. Edmund the King 1½d., on Palm Sunday 1d., and to the King's
scutage ¼d. for all service. Sunday on which is sung 'Quasimodo geniti,'
34 Edward [I]. |
Sussex. |
A. 10478. Letter of attorney by John atte Mylle otherwise called
Mylleward, clerk, to Thomas Staunton, to deliver seisin to Maurice
Pomery of the land, &c, in the parishes of Westbourne and Hertyng,
which, together with Walter Haket, he had by the feoffment of Roger
Gunter son and heir of John Gunter. Westbourne, 18 February, 5
Henry VI. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10479. General release by Henry Parsones and Alice his wife of
Cawston, co. Warwick, to William Perkynes of Welton. 8 November,
12 Henry VII. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10480. Feoffment by John Organ of Treworian to Walter Renaud
of La Medesole, of the rent and whole service of Ives (Ivy) de Treworian and
Organa his wife, for the land, &c. they held in dower of the said Organa,
his mother, with the reversion of the said dower, expectant on her death, in
Treworian. St. Ladock, Monday after the Finding of the Holy Cross, 18
Edward II.
Endorsed: Horgan de Treworyan. |
Cornw. |
A. 10481. Indenture being a feoffment by John de Reskymer, esquire,
to John Trethurffe, esquire, of all his land, &c. in Carvynek, Treveake,
Pennare, Haleglevynek, Trewynnyan, Bodanowe, Granpound and Stekyer,
in exchange for other lands, as contained in another charter indented
of even date; attorneys to deliver seisin, Peter Newman and John
Jamys. 20 January, 38 Henry VIII. Signature of Reskymer. Seal, a
gem. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10482. Bond by Henry Treglisty to Ralph (Randulpho) Reskemmer,
esquire, in 40l. on the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, conditioned for his
delivering before Christmas to the said Ralph of a charter indented made
to Martin Pellorec by Joan late the wife of Walter Methros, in tail, of land,
&c. in Trevuno and Chywarton, and a charter made to the said Martin of
land, &c. in the town of Pellorec. Treglisty, Monday after Michaelmas,
14 Henry VI. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10483. Release by John Lanhergy to Richard Tremayn and
John Puret of all claim upon a Statute Merchant in 86l. 14s. 11d. made to
him at Lostwythiell. Bodmyn, Wednesday the eve of the Ascension,
6 Henry IV. Seal, chipped. |
[Cornw] |
A. 10484. Bond by John Polmorva and John Botte of Bodmyn to
Oto Trevarthian in 100l. due at Michaelmas, conditioned for the former's
standing to the award of John Whalesbrew and Richard Resprene, chosen
by Oto, and of Geoffrey Seyntaubyn and Roger Trewethynnek of his
choosing, touching the manor of Trelewith beside Redruth, to be delivered
before the Nativity of the B. V. M. Launceston, Friday the eve of
St. Lawrence the Martyr, 10 Henry IV. |
Cornw. |
A. 10485. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement
between John Trevarthian and John Urban, viz. that if Trevarthian before
the Assumption next shall assure lands to the value of 20l. yearly in the
county of Cornwayll to Urban for the term of six years, shall grant him all
the land, &c. in Reskemer, Killig, Ames and Bolosek till the full age of
Ralph son and heir of Sir John Reskemer, knight, and shall pay him 4l. on
the feast of St. James next, a Statute Staple in 100l. dated 22 June and his
bond in 100l. to Urban shall be void. 1 July, 1 Henry IV. French.
Seal broken. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10486. Bond by William Reskymmer, esquire, to John Arundell
of Lanhern and John Arundell of Talvern, esquires, in 100l. at Midsummer.
Wednesday before St. George the Martyr, 36 Henry VI. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10487. Release by Roger le Vel of Nansglasan of his right in the
wardship and marriage of John le Sor, brother and heir of Robert le Sor of
Trelan to Richard, lord of Reskymer, saving to him and his heirs the ward-
ship of his fee of Maenke; consideration, 10s. beforehand. Witnesses:—
Hugh Pefrel and Ralph de Tregod, knights, Mark de Walebreus, Ralph
de Glen, Peter de Antrewon, Richard Bloyou, Joceus de Antreuon.
Lostudiel, Monday before St. Tyburcius and St. Vallerian, 16 Edward [I].
Endorsed: Trelanmeour. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10488. Indenture being a grant by Joan late the wife of John
Trevarthion, knight, Odo Trevarthian, John Trethiwy and John Skywys to
John Boskawen, of the custody of the lands, &c. which they had by reason
of the minority of Henry brother and heir of John Trewynnard, son and
heir of Roger Trewennert, with the marriage of the said Henry, and the
like of James, Henry's brother, if he survive the said Henry. Monday
before Whitsun, 6 Henry IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10489. Feoffment by Alexander Balton of Brunham St. Clement,
to Thomas Gygges, of the same, of a half-acre and half-rood arable at
'Bromhyll,' between lands late Simon Vewter's. Monday after St. Bar-
tholomew the Apostle, 2 Henry VI. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10490. Acquittance by Thomas Tregarthen the elder, steward
and general receiver of the rents, &c. of Humphrey abbot of Beaulieu
and the convent of the same, in the county of Cornwall, to John Nanskylly,
mayor of the borough of Helston, and his successors, for 5 marks for Easter
term last, parcel of 10 marks granted by Richard, sometime earl of
Cornwall, to the said abbot and his successors. 16 May, 4 Henry VII. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10491. Counterpart of A. 10473. Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10492. Feoffment by Alexander Somerby of Skernyng, Adam
Rownnyngand William Belde, the elder, of the same, to Thomas Rownnyngg
of the same, Anne his wife, William his brother and Henry Ede of the same,
of a messuage with buildings and two pieces of arable reckoned at 5a. there;
warranty by Somerby. Sunday after St. Jerome the Priest and Doctor,
26 Henry VI. Seals.
Endorsed: Tomlinsons. Thomas Hoo. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10493. Feoffment by William Gamel of Coventre to Richard de
Walton, of two shops in the High Street in Coventre. Witnesses:—
Robert le Baxtere, bailiff, Alexander de Stonlee, coroner, of Coventre, and
others (named). Sunday after St. Nicholas the Bishop, 35 Edward I.
Seal, broken. |
[Camb.] |
A. 10494. Release by Gervase son of Alan de Kareltune to the prior
and monks of Lewes, for his soul and his ancestors', of his right in the
field called 'Willinghamwde,' between the wood of Sir William de Criketot
and the wood of Sir William de Moyun. Witnesses, Sir John Brech,
knight, and others (named). Seal, broken.
Endorsed: Com' Cantebregge. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10495. Indenture being a feoffment by John Nanskylly to Richard
Nanskylly his son and heir, and Ellen, daughter of Lawrence Tremayne, in
tail, of all his land, &c. in Lannargh Byan, a place of land in Helstonburgh
in Manek Street with garden, and the rent of Thomas Spruse for a tenement
in the said borough; rent, a grain of corn at Michaelmas. Witnesses:—
John Reskymer, esquire, Richard Lannargh, mayor of the said borough,
Peter Seyntaubyn. Hellestonburgh, 14 October, 10 Henry VII. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10496. Feoffment by Roger son of William son of Henry Clement
of Great Frausham, chaplain, to John Aldus, chaplain, and John son of
Henry Syred, of the same, for a sum of money beforehand, of a messuage,
4a. arable and 1½a. wood there. Wednesday before St. Mark, 9 Edward II.
Seal, an eagle displayed. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10497. Feoffment by Isabel late the wife of John Martyn the
elder, of Skernyng, widow, and William Seeker, of the same, to John
Poumfreyt, of the same, John Martyn, of the same, and Thomas Sekker of
Shipdam, of a messuage, late William Burgoynes' and 3a. land late
belonging to the manor of Northendhalle, in Skernyng, abutting on 'le
Northendhalfaldyate,' 'le Northendhalgrene,' &c, which, together with John
Martyn the elder and Adam Beld, since deceased, they had by the grant of
John Durem, Thomas Ryculf, and John Mathewe, citizen and tailor of
London. Saturday after Christmas, 4 Edward IV. Fragment of one seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10498. Indenture of demise by John Trevarthian to John
Cheyndut of Melynsy, and Isabel his wife, for their lives, of all his land,
&c. in the town of Stekyer, with a moiety of the wood of Trelewith in the
parish of Seynt Mewen, at the rent of a red rose at Midsummer. Melynsy,
Sunday before the Translation of St. Thomas, 21 Richard II. Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10499. Feoffment by Roger de Reskemmer, son and heir of
Richard de Reskemmer, knight, to Roger le Taillour, burgess of Bodmin,
of four messuages and one and a half acres of land Cornish in Lussulian,
to wit all his land in Lussulian; together with his bondmen there;
and together with the fealty, rent and service of William Hendi for
a ferling of land in the town of Boswythgi held by the said William
for life, with the reversion thereof; the homage, 5s. rent and other
the service of Michael de Hirros and his heirs for a ferling of land
in Hyrros; the like of Richard le Flamank and his heirs for a ferling of
land in Kyrros; the homage, 2s. rent and other the service of John Coych
and his heirs for three ferlings of land in Kyrros; the homage, 4s. rent
and other the service of John Frank of Inisuergh and his heirs for an acre
of land in Inisuergh. Witnesses:—Sir Michael le Petit, and Sir John de
Trejagu, knights, and others (named). Truueru, Friday before Midsummer,
12 Edward II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10500. Feoffment by John son of Adam Clerk of Causton,
dwelling in Brunham Ulp, to Simon le Veutre of Brunham St. Clement, of
two pieces of land in the field of Brunham St. Clement. Saturday before
St. Nicholas the Bishop and Confessor, 8 Henry IV. Seal. |