[Devon.] |
A. 9701. Release by Walter de Mortone son and heir of Robert de
Mortone and Denise (Dyonissie) his wife to Robert de Wittone, 'skynnere,'
of his right in the tenement wherein the said Robert dwelt in the prebend
of Heghys with 12d. yearly rent formerly due to him therefrom, which
tenement was formerly Walter Ingement's, and extends from the highway
leading from Exeter to Cowyk, &c., together with a moiety of the dower of
Alice late the wife of John de Bernewile in the manor of Cowik and in
the prebend of Heghys. Witnesses, Henry de Nortone, then steward of
Heghys and others (named.) Dated at Le Heghys, Sunday the eve of the
Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 11 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Bedf.] |
A. 9702. Indenture being an acknowledgement by Ranulf (Rann')
abbot of Ramesey that he had received in pure and perpetual alms a
fence (sepem), of the gift of Sir Walter Hacun, of Litlingethon, which fence
is between Syrloklond and Tolyeshey, up to certain bounds toward
Tolyeshey, placed between the said Walter's tenement and the said fence,
beyond which bounds they shall not stretch their ditch or hedge (fossati nec
haye). Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Merston, Sir Henry de Northwode and
others (named). See C. 480. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9703. Feoffment by Nicholas atte Wyle of Toneworth to Roger
Trayes of the same and Alice his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Roger,
of a place of land there, at Werdesworth. Tuesday the feast of the
Invention of the Holy Cross, 25 Edward III. |
[Linc.] |
A. 9704. Feoffment by John Wylkynson of Sausthorpe, late of
Aswardby, to Thomas Carter of Soterby, of all the lands, &c. in Soterby,
which he had by the gift of John Carter son of Robert Carter of Soterby,
deceased. St. Martin in Winter, 14 Henry VI. |
[Middx.] |
A. 9705. Chirograph indented being a demise by [Thomas] . . .
to Sir Richard [the prior and the convent of Holy Trinity, London] and
their successors of all his grove which he had by . . . in [Edel]metone,
from . . . . . 1319, for thirty years. Witnesses:—William de
Anesty, . . ., Robert atte Fen, Roger atte Lofte . . . Easter, in the
said year.
Endorsed: Contra Thomam . . . quadam grave . . . . . . .
Edel[metone]. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9706. Feoffment by John son of Walter de Throp and John de
Grendon, chaplain, to Thomas son of Walter de Throp, of a messuage and
l½a. arable and 2 roods meadow, in Welton, which they had by his feoffment.
Throp next Daventre, Saturday after Midsummer, 19 Edward III. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 9707. Chirograph indented made Thursday, the feast of St. James
the Apostle, 38 Edward III, at Gosforth, being a demise by Thomas son of
William del Pyel and Agnes his wife, for the term of her life, to William
son of Thomas Jonisson of Bolton, of all their meadow and arable in Bolton
in the place called Julianholm, with the reversion of dower expectant on the
decease of Margaret late the wife of Henry de Scale. Fragment of one seal,
apparently of arms. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9708. Indenture being a feoffment by John son of Peter de
Tremaen to his father in tail, of a moiety of all his lands, &c. Tresckewys,
Tregemynion, Trevalserow, Cornhegh, Trenans, Guaevos and Lysard and
of a moiety of the moor of Tresckewys with the land called Pregluth with a
moiety of the reversion of the lands &c. which James de Park and Joan his
wife held in dower, fee tail, for term of her life of his inheritance, with a
moiety of the reversion of the lands &c. which John Junne and Joan his
wife held for the term of her life in Tresckewys and Lanvyghan of his
inheritance; also of a moiety of the rents and services of Philip Trembras
and John Penbro for lands &c. in Trevalserow, Helewoen and Chyenygola;
with remainder in default of his issue to [apparently John de Carwythenec
in tail, with remainder to John son of . . . .] Dated at Hellestonburgh,
Saturday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 42 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9709. Feoffment by Richard le Seneschal (Senescallus) son of
Richard le Seneschal (Senescalli) to Richard son of Gilbert for his homage
and service, of la. land in Trefueri; rent, 2s. a sheep and a lamb, for all
service. Witnesses:—Reginald de Trelan, Alan de Nansvou, and others
(named). |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9710 (1) Demise by Thomas de Wael to John de Prisclou and
Joan his daughter, for the term of their lives, of 2½a. English in his field of
Chienguael whereof Nicholas de Trembethou held one and John de
Bello Loco the other, and the said John de Presclou the half-acre; rent
2s. 6d. Marchasiou, Thursday after St. Gregory the Pope, 4 Edward II.
(2) Letter of attorney by Thomas de Guael to William de Kennegy to
deliver seisin to John de Presclou and Joan his daughter, of 2½a. land in
his field of [Chi] enguael, Thursday after St. Gregory the Pope,
. . . Edward II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9711. Indenture being an agreement made, 1269, on the feast of
the Apostles Philip and James, between Noel le Potter and Master Henry
de Bolleth, viz. that the said Noel has demised to the said Master the town
of Treles, the land of Penbudin, all the land of Prielbic le Potter and all his
land in the parish of St. Keverne (Kaverani) with all the town of Lanartd,
if Hawys, late the wife of Reginald le Potter, who holds the same in dower,
die within the under mentioned term; to hold for fifteen years next to
come; covenant not to sell, pledge or give the premises to anyone during
the said term, other than the said Master, except to his, the said Noel's, own
right heirs, or to his children by Joan his wife; the said Noel and Master
Henry have bound themselves (fide media et tenore presencium . . .
se obligarunt) to keep the above, under penalty of 100 marks, &c.
Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Arundel, John Beaupre, then steward of Cornwall,
Sir Alan Blokyou, Sir Richard de Tregotd, Sir Reinfred de Arundel, Sir
John le Petit and Sir William de Roscrou, knights, John de Lanbron,
John Long (Longo), clerk, Ralph de Rosmerin, John de Kelerion, Pain de
Trewell, Roger de Scyberiou and other. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 9712. Demise by John But of Northtalewrth to John Edmond of
the same, of all his messuage, land and meadow there, from Midsummer,
33 Edward I for twelve years, rendering therefore, to the chief lords of the
fee the services due and accustomed and the boon-work of one man (unam
operationem unius hominis) in the autumn, and suit of the lord's court, and
by rendering to him a new shirt at Midsummer yearly, and a tunic of 2s.
at Michaelmas &c. with provision, in certain event, for his keep, &c. |
[Hants.] |
A. 9713. Feoffment by Thomas Snokeshulle, son and heir of Alice
daughter of John Stake of Frendestaple, to Sir Thomas Kooc, rector of
Bedhampton and Geoffrey Hor of Lovedene, of all the lands and tenements
which he had in Frendestapull, Farlyngton and Farham, a messuage held
of the vicar of Farham excepted. Frendestaple, 18 October, 8 Henry V.
Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9714. Letter of attorney by Robert Bertelot of Wodeforde,
'tayllour,' to Thomas Phelip of Asscheby Leger, to deliver seisin to John de
Catesby and Emma his wife and the heirs and assigns of John, of 2a. land
in Asscheby Leger. Easter eve, 5 Richard II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9715. Bond by William Restowrek to Ralph Reskymer, esquire,
in 20l. at Easter next, conditioned for his rendering his account, before
auditors to be appointed by the said Ralph, of his receipts, &c. for the time
he was receiver for the said Ralph, and for payment of the sums found to
to be in arrear. 25 January, 1 Edward IV. |
[Westmd.] |
A. 9716. Indenture made at Manes [ergh], Friday after the Nativity
of the B. V. M., 16 Edward III, being an agreement between Alice late
the wife of William de Manes [ergh] and John de Mans [ergh], clerk, that,
whereas she was seised for life of certain lands, &c. in Manes [ergh], of his
inheritance, he grants that she shall quietly enjoy, for life, a moiety of the
capital messuage of Gylderbek, with the grange, water mill,
(turiolo), and orchard thereto belonging, with a moiety of the arable in 'le
Bankes,' a moiety 'del Ermethwayt,' 'del Brygholm,' of Wyden, and
of three parts ' del Toun Enge' and Mosse; in return for which she releases
her right to him in the residue of the premises. |
[Linc.] |
A. 9717. Letter of attorney by Ellen de Cobildyk to Alexander son of
Alan de Kyrketon, or John Ploume, to deliver seisin to Alan de Cobildyk
and John his brother of a place with buildings in the parish of Conigisby
called 'Deyneboye.' Frampton, Thursday after the Translation of St.
Hugh of Lincoln, 6 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9718. Release by Thomas called 'le Bret,' lord of Schreueleye, to
Walter Lovekin of Schreueleye, of any claim by bondage, &c. |
[Essex.] |
A. 9719. Grant by John Boole of Radewynter to John Tumour,
rector of the church of Horseth, clerk, Thomas Lokton of Sawston, esquire,
John Gale, 'gentilman,' Ralph Parker, William Boole and Agnes Boole, of
all his goods in the parish of Bumsted Helyoun. 16 June, 35 Henry VI. |
[Notts.] |
A. 9720. Feoffment by Henry de Sybthorp, knight, to William de
Kylvinton and Alice his wife and his heirs, of a messuage and all his land,
&c. in Flintham, which he had by the gift of Master William de Newerkt,
archdeacon of Huntingdon (Hunded'); rent, 1d. at Midsummer for all
service. |
[Salop.] |
A. 9721. Release by Robert Corbet of Morton to John Ulborn of
Tottenburi, of his right in John son of Roger Herbert of Houtton, formerly
his bondman, &c.; consideration, 2 marks. Witnesses:—Robert de Stanton,
Roger de Preston, Robert Baker (pistore) of Covintre and others (named). |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9722. Feoffment by John Stour with the assent of Denise his
wife to John de Trencrek and Pascoe (Pascasius) Tregawore, chaplain, of all
his lands &c., in Tredowargh, Roscorvill, and Pr[i]scan, to hold to them
and John's heirs according to the form of the charter which Richard de
Reskemmer made to Alan de Rosmeryn and Denise his wife. Dated at
Lanlowarn, Saturday after St. Peter's Chair [30] Edward III. |
[Linc.] |
A. 9723. Release by Thomas Foulk, Thomas Heyland, bailiff of the
town of Kirkton, Thomas Spendeloffe and Humphrey Heyland of the same,
to John Polez of Kirketon, of their right in the lands, etc. in Kirketon,
which lately were Robert Abram's, 6a. pasture excepted. 21 November,
14 Henry VII. |
[Notts.] |
A. 9724. Release by Thomas de Hotott to William Bernak, parson of
the church of Bulewyk, of his right in a messuage and 14a. land in Flintham,
which Nicholas brother of the said William, had by the demise of Henry
Fraunsais of Flintham. Newerk, Tuesday after St. Wlfridus the Bishop,
23 Edward III. Seal, broken. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 9725. (i) Feoffment by [? Adam de Horton] to John his son of [?all
the land he had] in [? the field of] Cristemaleford; rent, yearly to . . .
25s. and to him 1d. and suit of court of the abbot of G[lastonbury]; for
this Master [? Neclys], rector of Cristemaleford, by direction (intuitu) of the
said John, gave him 20 marks. Witnesses:—Sir Simon de Segre and
others (named).
(ii) Document on dorse, illegible. Copies. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9726. Demise for the term of his life by Philip Tyer of Helleston
to William Bon, of all his messuages, &c. in the town of Hellestonburgh;
rent, a grain of corn. Dated at Terramboll, Thursday before St. Luke,
1 Henry V. |
A. 9727. General release by Richard Deye of London, gentleman, to
Thomas Danyell, gentleman. 8 February, 1 Edward VI. Signed: By me
Rychard Dey. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 9728. Feoffment by Alan de Coupland to Walter son of Adam de
S[e]ton, of 3a. arable abutting on Malpase, &c., in exchange for 2a. 7 falls
(fall') of land in Skyrefathe in Hyton; also of la. 1 rood and 24 falls
(fall') of arable, meadow and waste next the said three acres; rent to the
lords of the fee, 5d. of common coin (usualis monete). |
[Wilts.] |
A. 9729. "Md. that Robert Baynard is agreid to M. Sir Roger
Tocotes to put his mater as towchyng to Charlowys Whyke be hit for the
lond or for service in trety undyr the forme that folowith that is to say that
Robert Baynard for his parte with one or too with hym and John Croke
with one or too with hym that be sufficient shall be bound severally in a
bond to the valewe of the lond to a byde the award and arbytrement of ij.
or iij. in a parte chosyn and namyd a pon all tytels and ryghttys conde-
cernyng to Charlowys Whyke be hit for the lond or for service goyng owte
of the said londys to his maner of Lacham," &c. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9730. Release by Sir John de Lancolleth, of his right in
Tregenvres and in Trevlethyon Wartha and in Trevlethyon Woyles and
in Portheustech and in the whole manor of Rosneythen, to Dame Margery
de Reskymer, for term of her life. Witnesses:—Sir Rand [ulf] de Arundel,
Sir Alan Blochyou, Sir John Petit (parvo), Sir Richard Daleth, Sir Walter
Peverel. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9731. Release by John de Rivers (Ripariis), knight, lord of
Lantien, to William son of Walter de St. Margaret (Sancta Margareta),
merchant (mereatoris), of his right in the manor of Rosewike, with all his
right in the advowson of the church of Landewinnek, and with the homages
and all manner the services of the free tenants in the fee of Rosewick, as
in the charter of feoffment thereof made to him. Bodmin, Thursday after
the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, 33 Edward [I].
Endorsed: Rosywyk . . . |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9732. Letter of attorney by John Matheu of Trelanbian and
Denise daughter of Gregory de Wendraez to Thomas son of James (Jacopi)
de Treviados and John de Pengersyek, to deliver seisin to Roger son of
Oliver de Carmynou, knight (militis), of their lands, &c. in Chywarton and
in two crofts in Wendraez. Wendraez, Sunday after St. Barnabas the
Apostle, 16 Edward III. |
Bedf. |
A. 9733. Bond by Thomas Smyth of Luton, co. Bedford, 'husbond-
man,' to John Hampden, esquire, in 10l. at Christmas. 20 November,
14 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 9734. Sale by John, rector of the church of Aldeburgh to Simon
de Bliclyng and Robert Herward of Aldeburgh, of his tithes and all manner
of corn (blados) in his grange, for 20l. paid beforehand; also demise to them
of the easement of the buildings within his rectory up to the Invention of
the Holy Cross next. Saturday after Michaelmas, 42 Edward III. |
[Linc.] |
A. 9735. Feoffment by Albinus son of Ralph de Bagenderby to
Richard de Hagh of Hagh (sic), John Kyme of Friskenay, John Lang-
holm of Conyngesholm, John Ratheby of Covenham, William Kyme of
Langton, Thomas Stokwyth and John Cristyanson, chaplains, of the lands,
&c. in Bagenderby and Stanesby which he had, together with Robert Drant,
late parson of the church of Haryngton, deceased, by the feoffment of
William de Wynceby, late parson of the church of Tetteford. Witnesses,
Sir John, parson of the church of Bagenderby and others (named).
12 October, 2 Henry VI. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9736. Acquittance by William Tiryngton, lord of Aspele Gyse, to
John de Catesby of the county of Northampton, in respect of the farm of
lands and tenements in Bobenhull and Shoteswell, which the said John
held of him for the term of the life of Joan his wife (Johannis uxoris
mee), for 5 marks viz. for Lady Day and Michaelmas terms last.
Northampton, Monday after St. Hilary, 17 Richard II. Fragment of seal of
arms. |
[Kent.] |
A. 9737. Grant by John the elder son of John Miller (senior filius
Johannis Molend') to John son of John de Ralee, of 2s. quit rent, with
liberty to the said John in default to distrain on a piece of meadow and la.
land in a place called Holeforde in the parish of Godmersham, described.
Friday the morrow of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 6 Edward II.
Witnesses:—John de Valoynis and others (named). |
[Surrey.] |
A. 9738. Bond by William de la Rude to Sir Alan Basset in . . . .
6d. at Michaelmas . . .
Endorsed: Wocking. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9739. Indenture being a grant by . . . . and Joan his wife
to Martin . . . . of 6s. 8d. to be received yearly from all their
messuages and lands in . . . ., payable at the four quarters usual in
the Hundred of Penwyth. Witnesses:—William Trewynard, William
Gurlyn, John Lanyeyne, and . . . Dated . . . St. George the
Martyr, 17 Edward IV. Endorsed: Trevecol. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9740. Feoffment by John Boscawen and Magota his wife to their
son John, of their land, &c. in the town of Treworyan; rent, a grain of
corn. Copy or draft. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9741. Feoffment by William son of Walter de Ebbeford [with the
consent of Margery his wife] to Sir Gervase de Hornicote, of 1 rood and
. . . . of an acre of land English in Ebbeford in his demesne of
Ebbeford, with all his multure and the multure of his men in the manor of
Ebbeford to the said Gervase's mill of Bridge (de ponte) and the multure of
all those whom he could reasonably and of right distrain on his land in the
said manor to made the said multure to the said mill, the multure of
Robert de Flexberi and of Gilbert de la Hele, William Smith (fabri) and
Richard Crohan excepted; rendering to him yearly or to the heirs of the
body of said Margery a pair of white gloves or 1d. at Easter for all
service. Witnesses:—Sir Simon de Berkele, Sir Lysardus de Berkele and
others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 9742. Feoffment by Agnes (Augn') de Montekeniso daughter of
Payn (Pagani) son of John to Master Mainer de Catefeld and Adam his
son, for their homage and service, and 5 marks in gersum, of a tenement
formerly of Bond (?), father of the said Mainer, and of Arnulph his brother,
with all the land called 'le Lund' in Catefeld, with a meadow called
'le Spurnigges' in Potterehecham; with remainder in default of their
issue to Lawrence brother of the said Adam. Copy. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9743. Feoffment by Richard Brun of Welleton, son of Richard
Brun of the same, to Robert Maulor[i] son of Bertram Maulor[i] of
Welleton, of 1d. due at Christmas from Peter son of Vincent atte Garden
(in gardino), together with his homage and service, for land in Welleton. |
Berks. |
A. 9744. Release by John Tyle of Old Wyndesore, co. Berks, to
Richard Buknell of New Wyndesore and Lucy his wife, of his right in
'Madgrove' in Old Wyndesore. 1 August, 1 Richard III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9745. Letter of attorney by Gundrai Boltesham of Plumptone
Seint Johan to Richard de Draitone of Weltone, to receive her life rent of
12s. from William le Frensche in Stavertone. Saturday after St. Mark,
15 Edward III. French. |
A. 9746. Bond by Aylmer (Eymer) de Valence, seigneur of Montinack,
and Baruncin Gauter of Lucca (Luk') to Grace Periol of Castre Florentin
and Bonaventure Angeler, merchant of Florence, in 200 marks for fifteen
sacks of wool sold and delivered in London the day of date, due at London
at Easter next. The Nativity of the B. V. M. 1302. French. |
London. |
A. 9747. General release by Roger de Nosterfeld, clerk, and John de
Yakeslee, late tent-maker (pavillonarium) of the king, to the prior, Nicholas,
and convent of Holy Trinity, London. London, 1 October, 29 Edward III. |
[Suff.] |
A. 9748. Release by Rose late the wife of Thomas . . . . to
the prior and canons of St. Peter, Ipswich, of her right in a messuage
in the parish of St. Peter, Ipswich. The eve of the Apostles Simon and
Jude . . . Edward . . . |
[Kent.] |
A. 9749. Demise by Philip Utdeniers to William de . . . ndon,
clerk, of his field containing 6½a., described, from the feast of Athelburga,
5 Henry III, for six years; consideration, nine marks paid beforehand. |
[Worc.] |
A. 9750. Feoffment by William Byssopesdon to Iseult (Ysoude) his
daughter in free marriage of all his land in Popewelle and Warsleye.
Witnesses, Sir Richard de Ambesle, Sir Adam de Elmbruge, and others
named. Endorsed: Waresleye. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9751. Feoffment by Henry Barly of Wulveye to Thomas Broun
of Ruyton and Christian his wife and his heirs of a cottage and land in
Bulkynton. Witnesses:—Sir John Thurbern of Bulkynton and others
(named). Thursday, the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, 10 Edward II.
Memorandum endorsed that the premises were held of the abbot of
Leicester by fealty and suit of court every three weeks and two attendances
at view of frank pledge and 3¾d. yearly. |
Leic. |
A. 9752. Release by William de Craumford son and heir of Nicholas
de Craumford of Assheby [Liger], co. Northampton, to his sister Juliana in
tail, of his right in the lands, &c. which she had in Thedingworth,
co. Leicester, by the gift of the said Nicholas. Sunday after St. James the
Apostle, 16 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9753. Letter of attorney by Robert Terry of Yelvertoft to John
son of Henry Norman to deliver seisin to Simon Terry of Yelvertoft of 1½a.
land there. 1 April, 9 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9754. Release by Margery daughter of Robert de Esseby St. Leger
(Sancti Leodegarii) to Richard Martin of Welleton, of her right in ½a. land
in the east field of Esseby; for this release and confirmation of the charter
of the said Robert her father he gave her 16 . . . Witnesses:—John de
Cranfford and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9755. Counterpart of an acquittance by William son and heir of
William Watford of Creton to William Haddon of Creton, Isabel his wife,
and John their son, in consideration of a sum paid beforehand, of all rent
from Easter next for six years due for a half virgate of land, formerly held
by William atte Welle in Creton, which his father had demised to them for
the term of their lives at 8s. yearly rent. Northampton, Wednesday the
Nativity of the B.V.M., 46 Edward III. Two seals, broken. |
Hunt. |
A. 9756. Release by John son of Emma Kig[er] of Huntedon to
Walter son of John de Estorp, of his right in two messuages in Huntedon
between the church of St. Edmund and the messuage which Richeman
Kig [er] his grandfather formerlyh eld in the parish of the said church;
consideration, 2½ marks. Fragment of seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9757. Feoffment by Richard son of Robert de Doston in Weleton
to Sir Richard, perpetual vicar of Welleton, son of John son of Robert de
Sadigton, of 1 rood meadow between Chirchehil and Thirnehil between the
meadow of John Mallory of Welleton and the meadow formerly of John
Marischall of the same; warranty to the said Richard de Sadington. Sun-
day before St. Peter's Chair, 32 Edward [I]. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9758. Acquittance by John Hathewyk, esquire, to William
Catesby for 40l. 10 April, 22 Edward IV. Signature and seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9759. Indenture being a surrender by Avice, late the wife of
William de Caldecote of Welton, to William her son, of her tene-
ment in Welton and of her land and pasture in Welton and
Assheby Leger, with the reversion of 1½a. land, which Benet
atte Corner (Benedictus in Angulo) held for term of years, on
condition that the said William took over her debts and paid her
half yearly for life 5 quarters of corn (grant) to wit, at Michaelmas ½ quarter
of wheat (frumenti), ½ quarter of peas, 2 bushels (modios) of rye (sigal') and
wheat, 1 quarter of malt (brasii), one bushel of salt (sal') and one bushel of
oat meal (farrini avenarum), and at the Purification ½ quarter of wheat and
2 bushels of rye and wheat and ½ quarter of peas and 1 quarter of malt;
she should dwell in the capital messuage and have a third of the curtilage;
he should find her a robe (tunicam) or 2s. yearly, straw for brewing and
baking, food for one pig from the Invention of the Holy Cross to St. Martin
and food for one cow, if she had one (si habuerit proprii). Christmas eve,
22 Edward III. Witnesses:—Peter, perpetual vicar of Welton and others
(named). |
[Wilts.] |
A. 9760. Bond by Adam le Chamberlaine son of Walter le Chamber-
laine of Quemerford to Sir Robert de Paver in 8 marks for land bought of
him in Chiriel, payable at Lavertone, co. Somerset, 4 marks at Michaelmas
12 Edward [I] and 4 marks at Michaelmas following; also general release
by same to same. Stockelee, Wednesday before St. Barnabas the Apostle,
in the said year. |
[London.] |
A. 9761. Feoffment by [John Hardel] to Richer de [Repham] of a
tenement in [Ismongereslane] rendering therefrom yearly to the prior and
convent of [Holy Trinity, London] 57s. 5d.; consideration, 40 marks.
Witnesses, Sir Ralph de Sandwich, warden of London, Thomas Ro [ma] y [ne]
and William de [Leyere], sheriffs. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9762. Release by Margery de Wendraeth to Simon Elen and
German de Trelan of her right in a messuage, garden and thirteen pieces of
land in the town of Wendraeth, as more fully contained in the charter
thereof made to them by Gregory de Wendraeth her late husband.
Witnesses, William le Heer of Herisi, Henry de Carnpesek, John de
Tregellest, Richard Chyenhalg, Lawrence de Trewalgon, clerk. Wendraeth,
Friday after St. Dunstan, 19 Edward II. |
[Camb.] |
A. 9763. Release by Peter son of Michael de Burwell to the abbot
and convent of Ramesey of the homage and service he used to do them for
a tenement in Burwell which John de Cestria, clerk, bought of him; so
that the said John should do the same according to the tenour of the
charter the said John had of him. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9764. Release by Richard Martyn of Welleton to Richard his son
and heir of 2s. 6d. rent at three terms of the year from John Martyn, from
lands, &c. in Welleton. Sunday before the Purification, 23 Edward [I]. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9765. Feoffment by John Norman of Welton to William de
Kyldesby of Esseby St. Leger (Sancti Leodeyarii) and Isabel his wife and
their issue of 4½a. arable, &c. in Esseby, which they used to hold of him on
lease (ad terminum); rent, 4s. 6d. at three terms of the year; if they or their
issue held the premises after twenty years from their first seisin, viz. from
Michaelmas, 82 Edward I, the rent thereafter to be 12s. Tuesday,
Michaelmas, 32 Edward I. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9766. Release by Simon de Throp, son and heir of the late Sir
Ralph de Throp, knight, to William Beneyt of Welton, of his right in a
messuage and 8a. land and meadow in Welton, and in 3s. rent therefrom.
Daventre, Wednesday after St. Dunstan, 35 Edward I. Copy. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9767. Feoffment by Richard son of Robert de Doston in
Welleton to Sir Richard son of John [son] of Robert de Sadington, per-
petual vicar of Welleton, of 2a. 1 rood arable and 1½a. meadow in Welleton,
described. St. Nicholas' day, 28 Edward [I]. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9768. Feoffment by Richard de Duston in Weleton to Agnes late
the wife of Robert de Drayton of the same, of ½a. arable in the west field
of Weleton. Wednesday after St. Nicholas, 33 Edward [I]. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9769. Feoffment by Margery, daughter of the late Robert de
Drayton in Weleton, to Thomas de Sadyntone in Weleton, of ½a. arable in
the west field of Weleton. St. Luke's day, 6 Edward II. Seal. |
[York, N.R.] |
A. 9770. Agreement between Richard de Thormondby, querent by
writ of Nouvel Disseisin before Sir Robert de Lexington and his fellows
justices in eyre, at York, 24 Henry III, and Simon de Ver, deforciant,
concerning pasture for six beasts in Est Thormondby, which the said
Simon grants to the said Richard in all places where the freemen and
bondmen have common there. Copy. |
[York, N.R.] |
A. 9771. Release by Hugh son of Richard son of Simon de Ravinfeud,
to John, earl of Warenne (Waranie), of his right in land in Flandirwath,
which Richard son of Simon de Ravinfeud, his father, had by the gift of
Thomas de Flandirwath. Witnesses:—Sir Roger son of Thomas, knight,
Richard de Gaham, William de Counale, William de Mickilbrig, clerk, and
others (named). Fragment of seal. |
N'hamp. |
A. 9772. Bond by Thomas Stothowe of Flore, co. Northampton,
chaplain, and Richard Tymmes and Richard You of the same, 'husband-
men,' to Ivo Baret, clerk, in 20l. at the Assumption next. 26 September,
12 Edward IV. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9773. Demise by John de Hogthon to Juliana daughter of John
de Schukkeburg, of 2s. rent for the term of her life and three years over, to
be received from Roger de Flore of Staverton and Alice his wife, and Robert
son of the said Alice, for a place of land and meadow, towards Staverton
bridge next land of John de Schukkeburg, which they held of him for the
term of their lives; to be received at the terms usual in the town of
Schukkeburg. The feast of St. Hilary, 12 Edward II. Endorsed: Staver-
ton juxta Daventre. |
[Worc.] |
A. 9774. Indenture between John de Beauchamp of Holte, and Sir
John atte Wode, Richard Thurgrym and John Cassy, witnessing that he
had enfeoffed them of all his lands and tenements in Merynton, Wircestre,
Tuychene and Hanleye, on condition that they should re-enfeoff him thereof
upon his request of such an estate therein as he should require, or, in
default of such request, should enfeoff his issue thereof, on coming of age,
in tail, finding a chaplain to sing (chauntant) yearly for the souls of the
said John and his ancestors in the church of Holte, paying to the said
chaplain for his service 12 marks a year: and, till the said issue came of
age, they should pay the profits of the said lands, &c. to Alexander de
Besford and Henry Haggeleye, finding a chaplain, as abovesaid and paying
him as they, the said Alexander and Henry, could agree with him; if he
died without issue, or such issue failed, the lands to remain to the said
Alexander and Henry, finding a chaplain for the souls of the said John and
his ancestors, paying him what they could agree with him for; if the issue
of the said John, or the said Alexander and Henry, failed to keep the said
chaplain, the said Sir John, Richard and John should re-enter on the said
lands, find the chaplain and pay him 12 marks; or, if they failed to find
the chaplain, the lands to remain to the right heirs of the said John de
Beauchamp, finding the said chaplain, &c. 16 September, 49 Edward III.
French. Copy. |
Rutland, Warw. |
A. 9775. Feoffmeut by John de Preston and John Page of Toneworth
to Richard Mountfort and Rose his wife, of all the lands, &c. which they
had by the feoffment of Peter de Mountfort, lord of Beaudesert (Bello
deserto) in Uppyngham, Bischbrok and Wenge, co. Roteland, and of all the
lands, &c. which they had by the feoffment of the said Peter, in Ilmyndon,
Ullnhale, Henley, Forwod, Wotton, Stodley, Stoke next Ilmyndon, Foxcote,
Why[t]chirch and Kirmarescote, co. Warwick; to hold to the said Richard
and Rose and the heirs of the body of the said Richard, with remainder in
default of his issue to Baldwin son of Sir John Mountfort, knight, in
tail, with remainder in default to the right heirs of the said Peter.
Witnesses:—William and John de Peyto, knights, and others (named).
Dated at Ilmyndon, co. Warwick, Thursday before the Annunciation,
44 Edward III. Copy. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 9776. Release by Nicholas . . . . and Alice [his wife] to
the abbot, Simon, and convent of Rammeseye, of their right in 3 roods
arable, which they had by the feoffment of Richard son Reginald Beneyt
of Alyngton, described, as contained in the charters they had made thereof
to the said abbot and convent; which land was and is of the bond land
(de villengio) of the said abbot and convent. Aylington, Thursday, the
feast of St. Margaret, 12 Edward II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9777. Counterpart of demise by John Malore, knight, lord of
Welton, to John Martyn of the same of 6a. arable there, for life. The
Invention of the Holy Cross, . . . Edward III. Seal. |
Surrey. |
A. 9778. Counterpart of demise by Mercia late the wife of Nicholas
Carreu, esquire, for the term of her life, to Roger Fenes, knight, Nicholas
Carreu, esquire, William . . . ., Edward . . . ., Thomas
Benden and Adam y Wode, of all her estate in the manors of Forsters,
otherwise called Bandon and Nutfeld, with the advowson of . . . .,
co. Surrey. Witnesses:—William Estfeld, knight and others (named).
Nutfeld, 10 July, 18 Henry VI. Seals. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9779. Indenture being an acknowledgement by Dame Alice de
Pynkyneye that she had received from the executors of Sir Seman de
Stokes, late her husband, deceased, on the day of St. Andrew the Apostle,
17 Edward [I], the charter of Sir Robert son of Walter, lord of Torp, the
charter of Thomas son of Ralph, the charter of Robert son of Walter de
Torp, the charter of Isabel Syward, the charter of Gerard de Lyndesey, the
chirograph between Robert de Salseto and Geoffrey de Arment[ariis], the
chirograph between Ralph de Torp and John son of Simon Seym, the
chirograph between William de Grey and Joan his wife and Sir R. de
Torp, the chirograph between Robert de Torp and Seman de Stokes and
William de la Carvayl, and the general release of Simon de Brittewelle.
Witnesses:—H. de Stokes and others (named). |
A. 9780. Bond by John de Roos son of Sir William de Roos of
Hamelak, to William de Dunestaple, clerk, in 50 marks received of the said
William of the king's money, by way of imprest, due at Great Chestreforde,
co. Essex, on the day of St. John the Baptist next. 6 June,
. . . Edward III. French.
Endorsed: De summa soluta per infrascriptum Willelmum per istas duas
acquietancias et literam thesaurarii eisdem literis tachiatam intrantur c.
marce de mutuo sub nomine ipsius Willelmi ix die Maii ao xio de quibus
satisfactum est ei ut patet in pelle. xxiijo die Februarii hoc anno xiiijo. Et
de exitu facto de residuo hujus summe patet in pelle eodem die sub nomine
Johannis de Ros. |
Warw. |
A. 9781. Release by Agnes de Aylusbury, widow, to Roger atte
Grene, of her right in lands, &c. in Lapworth, Edeston, Botelersmerston,
Toneworth, Solihull, Dodston, Bordesley and Nechels, and elsewhere
within the county of Warrewyche, as in her charter contained. Lapworth,
Monday before the Purification, 11 Richard II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9782. Feoffment by Richard Waude, late of Welton, clerk, to
Henry Cokkes, clerk, John Tewe, John Stanbrygge and Edmund Perkyns,
of Welton, and the heirs and assigns of Edmund, of a messuage with a
garden in Welton, between the tenement of John Bernard, knight, and the
tenement called 'Marchall Place' which, together with John Frend,
Thomas Frend and John Philipp, deceased, he had by the gift and feoff-
ment of Robert Shepherd, deceased. 4 July, 1 Edward IV. Seal broken. |
Warw. |
A. 9783. Indenture being the defeasance of a bond of even date by
John Brome of Warwick, the younger, to Thomas Cockys of Berford and
John Audeley in 40l. due at Easter next, viz. on payment of 40s. yearly to
the said John de Audeley for the term of his life, or on payment of the
balance remaining due of the said 40l. the bond to be void. Friday, the
feast of St. Oswald, the Archbishop, 16 Henry VI. |
N'hamp. |
A. 9784. Counterpart of demise by William Catesby, knight, to John
Bole of West Farndon, co. Northampton, and Emma his wife, for the term
of his William's, life, of the site of the manor of West Farndon with the
demesne lands, &c. thereto belonging, as fully as Thomas Bole lately held
the same, . . . . wood excepted, at 3l. 13s. 4d. rent, the tenants
doing repairs at their own charges, except 'husbote' and 'haybote' within
the manor, which they shall have by view of the steward, paying all quit
rents, &c. and getting in and paying over to him all rents, issues of court,
&c. 18 November, 6 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9785. Indenture of demise by Agnes late the wife of Hugh de
Merynton of Coventre, widow, to John de Swyneshed of Coventre,
merchant, of four shops in Coventre lying together in 'le Baillive Lone,'
in the front part of the capital messuage wherein she formerly [dwelt]; to
hold for the term of her life, at 33s. rent. Witnesses:—Walter Whitwebbe,
then mayor, John de Papenham and John Botiner, then bailiffs of Coventre,
and others (named). Thursday after St. Martin the Bishop, 28 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9786. Release by Emma late the wife of Robert Magoten of
Derset Magna to William son and heir of William Clerk of Geydon of her
right in two messuages which Richard de Lalleforde and Katharine his
wife and Ralph Kytten had by the demise of William Clerk father of the
said William. Friday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 23 Edward III.
Seal. |
N'hamp. |
A. 9787. Letter of attorney by John Watford of Wykeley, co.
Norhampton, 'gentilman,' to Richard Wodeforde and Omer Holme of
Norhampton, 'scryvyner,' to deliver seisin to Robert Fenne, esquire, and
Eleanor his wife of a tenement and garden in 'le Berwarde strete,' of
Norhampton, between the tenements of Richard Verney, knight, and the
abbot and convent of St. James next Norhampton on west and east,
according to his charter of fee simple (simplicis feodi) thereof. 6 April,
12 Edward IV. |
N'hamp. |
A. 9788. Indenture of demise by Thomas Portar, esquire, of Sulhyll,
co. Warwyc, for the term of his life, to Richard Belte, of Zellurtofte, co.
Northampton, his first wife and first born son, of a messuage and three
furlongs (quarteriis) of arable, which William Belte formerly held, at 25s.
rent, &c. Sullhyll, 24 May, 4 Henry VI. Seal, broken. |
N'hamp. |
A. 9789. Demise by Thomas Jakes of Whellesburgh, co. Leicester,
and Joan his wife, for the term of her life, to Nicholas Cowley of Swynford
and William Cowley of Arnecote, co. Oxford, of her lands, &c., in Yelvertoft
and Cleycoton, co. Northampton, and Swynford, co. Leicester, all of which
formerly belonged to William Wright, of Swynford. Yelvertoft, 4 May,
23 Henry VI. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9790. Letter of attorney by John Wolf, vicar of the church of
Welton next Daventre, to William de Berneston, vicar of the church of
Asscheby Leger and Thomas Mason of Welton, to deliver seisin to John de
Catesby and Emma his wife, of all the lands, &c. which he had in Welton,
and Asscheby Leger. Sunday [before] the feast of St. John before the
Latin Gate, 4 Richard II. |
Warw. |
A. 9791. Bond by Nicholas Brome, esquire, to George Catesby,
esquire, in 100l. at Whitsuntide next, conditioned for his standing to the
award of Robert Trockmerton, esquire, and John Smyth, 'gentilman,'
concerning the title to lands, &c. in Lapworth, co. Warwick, formerly
belonging to John Brome of Lapworth. 28 January, 12 Henry VII.
Executed 'per Thomam Marowe nomine et autoritate Nicolai Brome
armigeri per ejus mandatum.' Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 9792. Feoffment by William Mareys of Thweyt to John Medewe,
clerk, Richard Myllere, of Alburgh and Thomas Albon, of 2½a. land in
Thweyt, between land of John Traton and land belonging to the manor
called Somerton Halle on the east and west and land belonging to the
manor of Skeyton on the south, which land he, together with Clement
Herward and Bartholomew Cook, since deceased, lately bought, with other
lands, of John Perot, late of Wymondham and his fellow feoffees, as by
indenture, dated Thursday after St. James the Apostle, 4 Henry VI more
fully appeared. Thweyt, 12 October, 33 Henry VI. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 9793. Feoffment by John Adams otherwise called Buggegoode of
Thornbury and Isabella his wife, to John Badmynton of the same and
Agatha his wife, of two messuages situate between the messuage of the said
John on the south and the bond tenement (tenementum nativum) wherein
John Chadwell, otherwise called Abbot, dwelt on the north. Witnesses:—
Thomas Bray, Roger Tiler, then chief bailiff of the borough of Thornbury,
John Ernebrough. 2 September, 13 Edward IV. Seals, broken. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9794. Release by Hugh . . . . of Schirrleie, 'tailour,' in
Southend Dercet (in Suthende de Dercet) and Alice his wife to John son of
Ralph le Chapman of the same, of their right in a messuage in Suhtend
Dercet, which they had for life by the demise of Ralph le Chapman, father
of the said John; also bond for the repayment of 10l. they had received of
him, within fifteen days, in the Church of All Saints of Dercet Magna, if
his possession was disturbed. Witnesses:—Sir John son of Simon of
Knytthecot, and others (named). Dercet Magna, Thursday after Lady
Day, . . . Edward [II]. Seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9795. Feoffment by William Leturnur to Ranulf de Franketun, of
part of his land in Covintre with a house thereon, described; rent a clove
gillyflower (clavum gilefrum) at Easter; consideration, 5s. beforehand.
Endorsed, versus pontem. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 9796. General release by Thomas Tewe of Weltone to John
Mallore of Weltone. Witnesses:—Sir Theobald Trussel, knight, and others
(named). Daventre, Saturday, before St. Luke the Evangelist,
32 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 9797. Letter of attorney by William Park, son and heir of John
Park to Simon Cosvehord and John Spede to deliver seisin to John
Tretherf, esquire, of his lands, &c. in Hellan Woles, Knol and Nans next the
town of Park, according to the form of his charter thereof. Dated at the
town of Knol, 11 February, 14 Henry VI. Endorsed: Knoll et Hellen
Wolas. |
N'hamp. |
A. 9798. Acquittance by William Byry, bailiff of the honor of
Leicester in the county of Northampton to William Catesby, knight, for
4 marks 13½d. due to the King in right of the duchy of Lancaster for the
year ending Michaelmas last, viz. for the manor of Assheby Legger 20s., for
land formerly Stokes 6d., for certain lands farmed (ad firmam) 33s. 4d., for a
messuage [late] Frendes 1½d. and for 'Sparawkes Silver' and for suit of
court for the same 6d. Dated 6 December, 4 Edward IV. |
N'hamp. |
A. 9799. Bond by Patrick Breten and Richard Wryght of Chepynge
Wardon, co. Northampton, chaplain, to William Catesby, esquire, and
William Frebody, gentleman, in 20l. at St. George's day next, conditioned
for their standing to the award of the said William Frebody, and of —
vicar of Cropredy, touching all suits, &c. between them. 1 April,
23 Edward IV. |
[Essex.] |
A. 9800. Feoffment by William son of John Snelman of Wrmel [e]
to William Punge of Sywardeston, for 20s. in gersum, of a holme (hulmam)
of meadow lying next the meadow of Nesinges between the Lea (Luyam)
and the ditch; rent, 3d. at Michaelmas. Witnesses, Thomas de Halifeld,
Marcel le Tayllur, then reve of Waltham, William de Thaidene and others
(named). |