Deeds: D.201 - D.300

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Deeds: D.201 - D.300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: D.201 - D.300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: D.201 - D.300". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

D.201 - D.300

[Warw.] D. 201. Demise by the abbot and convent of Stanley (Stonely), to Edith Harlewine and Matilda her daughter, for their lives, of a messuage in Hurst, adjoining the monks' grove; rendering yearly 16d. at the terms when the men of the manor render their farms, and giving a heriot at their death. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Crulefeld, and others (named).
[Worc.] D. 202. Conveyance by brother John, the prior, and the convent, of Maydenebradelegh, to John de Horspole and Petronilla his wife, for their lives, of all their meadow called 'Brademedue' next Kydemenistr', with the pasture thereof after mowing; reserving the site of a mill, when the grantors wish to build one there, and a way to the said mill, with licence for the grantees to put all cattle found damaging the said meadow into their pound of Kidemenistr'. Feast of the Annunciation, A.D. 1272.
[ ] D. 203. Grant by . . . . ., to John . . . . and Margery . . . . ., for their lives, of land in . . . . ., for 20s. Witnesses:— Henry de Cestr', William de Twiford, and others (named). Much injured.
[Wore] D. 204. Agreement between the abbots of Westminster and Pershore, relative to the right of patronage of St. Andrew's church, Pershore. Much injured and mutilated.
[Staff.] D. 205. Agreement between the prior and convent of Trentham, and Ralph le Tailur of Newcastle, before the prior of Nortun appointed by the pope, and his commissaries, in Christ Church, Leicester, relative to a yearly farm of 10d. for certain messuages in Newcastle; viz. the said Ralph acknowledges himself to be bound to the said prior and convent of Trentham in the said yearly sum, and the said prior and convent have released to Ralph 2d. yearly of the said farm &c. Witnesses:—Sir William, rector of the church of Aldeley, Hugh de Brancestun, and others (named). A.D. 1258.
[Wore] D. 206. Counterpart of D. 189.
[York.] D. 207. Demise by Sir Ranulf son of Robert, to John son of Peter, of land and meadow in Newton, for seven years; paying yearly 40s. and 2s. 8d. Witnesses:—Robert de Sutton, Ranulf de Pykehale, William de Eskylby, and others (named). Whitsuntide, A.D. 1251. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] D. 208. Demise by Agnes, late the wife of William son of Ralph de Brancester, to Sir William the abbot of Rameseye, for her own life, of all her dower in Brancester, viz. the third part of all the said late William's tenement. Monday after St. Matthias, 55 Henry III.
[Wore] D. 209. Grant by Sir Roger, the abbot, and the convent, of Pershore, to Walter de Stanley, for life, of all the land in Stocwelle formerly belonging to Robert le Berker, with pasturage for sixty sheep in Culey (Cowley) pasture; paying 14s. yearly, and reserving to the grantors the service which the said Robert used to render in ploughing mowing, and in the autumn &c. Witnesses:—John, parson of Culey, William Butevilein, and others (named).
Kent. D. 210. Release by Innocent, late the wife of Thomas de Castrie widow, to Sir Ralph, the abbot of Battle, of her free bench or dower from the lands, woods, and rents, which her said husband demised to the said abbot in Wy and elsewhere in the same county; a load of corn and a load of barley to be delivered to her yearly in the abbot's court at Wy, so long as, by the custom of Kent, she might lawfully retain her said free bench Day of St. Mark the evangelist, 42 Henry III.
[Warw.] D. 211. Conveyance by brother Osbert, called the abbot, and the convent, of Stanley, to Robert the smith (fabro) of Cubinton, and Isabella, his first wife, for their lives, of land in Cubinton, and certain pieces of meadow called '. . . . swathes,' viz. one in Sydenhom, one in Claverham, three in Radeclyve, and one in Men . . ., also land on Merdlowe, adjoining land which the lady Felicia held, extending from Mulnewey to Lillenton field, and also land on Calvedune. Witnesses;— John de Stanley, Ralph de Symily, and others (named).
[ ] D. 212. Agreement between Agatha, daughter of Hoel Ystin, and Henry Russell, by which the said Agatha binds herself, in the event of her husband, Walter de Leythe, pre-deceasing her, to secure to the said Henry certain land in Ystin, under a penalty of 60 marks, half to be paid to the bishop, and half to the said Henry.
[Surrey ?] D. 213. Conveyance by Adam Kene of Brudeporte, to Henry de Denehurste, of the parish of Wereplesdune, for seven years from Michaelmas 43 Henry III. of a moiety of all his land of 'la Gravett,' and of rents, reliefs, and echeats &c. belonging thereto. Witnesses:—William, rector of the church of Duntesfaude, Walter de Brembelhurst, and others (named).
Devon. D. 214. Agreement between the lady Joan de Berkeley and Richard de Roylly, clerk, attorneys of Sir Roger de Sumery, of the one part, and Simon de Ros, clerk, and Walter de Wugewylle, attorneys of William de Camvile, and Joan his wife, of the other part, viz. that the said William and Joan shall receive the manor of Torre Brione, with the advowson of the church, for part of the dower of all the lands which formerly belonged to Sir Guy de Briona in the parts of Devon; reserving two parts of five foreign fees belonging to the said [Sir Roger de Su]mery in the said parts. Witnesses:—Sirs Walter de Vernun and Roger de Praule, and others (named). Saturday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 53 Henry [III].
[Worc.] D. 215. Release by Avice, late the wife of Hugh le Porter of Pershore, widow, to Sir Henry the abbot, and the convent, of Pershore, of all her right in the third part of 12s. yearly rent in Pershore, which the grantees purchased from the said Hugh; the said Avice to receive from them 4s. yearly, during her life, with power of distraint, in case of non-payment, on Robert the baker, of Pershore.
[Warw.] D. 216. Agreement between John de Freueleye, of the one part, and Avice the prioress, and the convent, of Wroxhall, of the other part, viz. the said John has granted to the church of Hatton and to the house of Wroxhall, all the tithes of his demesne in Freueleye and 2s. yearly rent, in frank almoin, for the grantor's soul and the souls of his ancestors and successors; in return for which the said prioress and convent have released to the said John all their right in Swan de . . . . with his issue, and certain land which the said Swan held from the said house. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Clinton, Absalon, vicar of Rowinton, and others (named).
Wilts. D. 217. Release by Alice, late the wife of Reginald . . . . . . . of [Chi]ppeham, to Sir Simon the prior, and the convent, of Ferlegh, for 20 marks, of all her right and warranty of land which they were bound to make to her by the judgment of Sir Henry de Bathonia and other the justices in eyre in the county of Wilts, in 33 Henry III. concerning a messuage and land in Chippeham, according to the charter which she and the said Reginald had of the said prior and convent; the said Alice to be free to return to the said warranty if the prior and convent fail in the said payment &c. also the prior and convent release to Alice the suits brought in the ecclesiastical and civil courts relative to the said warranty; the above mentioned charter to remain in the custody of the abbot and convent of Stanley until Alice has received the said payment &c. Witnesses:— . . . . . . . ., acting for the sheriff of Wiltshire (gerente vices vicecomit[is] Wiltisyr'), Philip de Cerne, and others (named). A.D. 125[0].
[Warw.] D. 218. Grant by William de Simeilli and Henry de Hessesho, knights, to the monks of Stanley, of a 'ham' between the water and the wood of Hessesho (Ashow), in exchange for another 'ham' between the monks' grange and the water &c. with grant to the said knights of all the benefits of the Cistercian order. Witnesses:—Roger de Biricote, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Essesho.'
[Linc.] D. 219. Demise by Hugh son of William de Notingham, to Simon de Baston, brother of St. Michael's, Stanford, for 60s. of 10s. yearly quit rent from houses in Schortegate in the parish of St. Clement, Stanford, for twelve years from Michaelmas, A.D. 1275. Witnesses:—Peter de Dallinge, and others (named).
[Hunt.] D. 220. Demise by Gilbert de Bolebek, to Robert de Columbariis, for 70 marks, of all his land &c. in Lollinton (Luddington), and escheats of the land of Westwode and Beyleclive &c. for forty years from Michaelmas 19 Henry III. the said Gilbert to obtain for Robert a star (estarrum) of acquittance from the Jews &c. Witnesses:—William de Greinvill, Richard de Upton, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] D. 221. Agreement between William de Stoctone and John le Bygod, whereby the former agrees not to give or sell to anyone the land which he holds of the latter in the soke of Stoctone, nor to alienate it from the said John, as long as the latter is willing to pay a higher price than others; in return for which the said John pardons William all trespasses committed against John. Witnesses:—Sir William Giffard, sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, Sir Hugh Peche, and others (named). Westminster, 15 October, 55 Henry III.
Bedf. Herts. D. 222. Grant by brother Nicholas, prior of Grovebury (de Grava), to John de Eltesdun, of land in Heydun, in the parish of St[od]ham, in the county of Hertford, in exchange for a similar quantity in the same parish in the county of Bedford, part of which latter quantity is called 'Longelonde,' and part lies in the tillage called 'Feldmere.' Witnesses:— Richard de Barewrth, and others (named). 42 Henry III.
Endorsed: 'Stodham.'
[York.] D. 223. Grant by Simon son of Geoffrey de Welle, to Sir Ralph son of Ran[ulf], of all his land in Welle, Bumsted, and Burton-upon-Yor (Ure), in exchange for all Sir Ralph's land in Brumton and Little Crachale, except a portion in Sir Ralph's hand at the present time. Witnesses:—Sirs Adam de Nerford, Thomas de Othington, Adam de Alverton, and others (named). Feast of St. John the Baptist, A.D. 1254.
[Kent.] D. 224. Grant by Reginald de Boxeley, to Denis the abbot, and the monks, of Boxel[ey], of all his land upon the hills &c. paying 1d. yearly rent; also grant by the said monks, to the said Reginald, for his life of the field called 'Wlurichet;.' Witnesses:—Robert the clerk, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Heref.] D. 225. Award by Sir B. the prior of Campania, and Master William Platun, in a dispute between the king and P. rector of the church of Wlfrelawe, touching the open time of certain pasture; viz. after the king has carried his hay and corn and sent his cattle into the meadows or fields, then the said rector may send his cattle in and have common of pasture with the king's cattle &c. Hereford, the bishop's court, feast of St. Denis, A.D. 1249. Injured.
[Warw.] D. 226. Demise by Richard son of William de Heyle, to Henry son of John de le Sautz and his wife, for life, of a messuage whereon to build houses and collect Henry's goods, and land in Long Igenton; the messuage adjoining land of the prior of Hertford, and abutting on Cattebrok, and the land lying by 'le Let'; if Henry's wife survive him and marry again without Richard's licence, the premises are to be taken again by Richard &c. Witnesses:—Ralph Codmer, Walter de Colingham of Ichenton, and others (named).
Chester. Salop. D. 227. Grant by Giles de Erdinton, to Robert le Estrange, of the manor of Merbury, co. Chester, with the land of Halehurst, co. Salop, which he had of the grant of William de Albo Monasterio, for the yearly rent of a rose at Midsummer; in return for which Robert grants to Giles all his land in Rowelton and Elwrthyn for 73s. yearly rent. Witnesses:— Sirs Roger de Clifford, Hamo Lestrange (Extraneo), John de Clinton, Odo de Hodenet, knights, and others (named). Day of St. Peter ad Vincula, 52 Henry III.
[Devon.] D. 228. Grant by Sir William de, Englefeld, to Geoffrey de Albamarla, of the rent which he had of the lady Mary de la Pomeray at Suddon, in the manor of Limeston, for seven years from Easter next. Witnesses:—Sirs William Everard, John de Hydone, William de Punchardun, Stephen de Sancto Albino, knights, John de Winscote, and others. Feast of St. Nicholas, 41 Henry III.
[Linc.] D. 229. Demise in tail by Matilda de Lenn, the prioress, and the nuns, of St. Michael's near Staunford, with the consent of William de [St]okys, their prior, to Richard de Buckeby, dwelling in Staunford, of houses in the parish of St. Mary de Bynewerks, Staunford, paying 4s. yearly. Much injured.
[Hants.] D. 230. Arbitration of Master Ralph de S . . . . . ., official of Sir H[ugh] de Rupibus, [archd]eacon of Winchester, in a dispute between Sir Robert, the abbot of Netley (Loci Sancti Edwardi), and Thomas, vicar of Welewe, relative to the taxation of the said vicarage. Suth[ampton], Vigil of Palm Sunday, A.D. 1251. Much mutilated.
[I. of Wight.] D. 231. Indenture of fine levied before J. de Bathon[ia], Henry de Mara, Henry de Bretton, and Nicholas de . . . . . ., between [A]ndr[ew], abbot ofQuarr, and Robert . . . . . ., by which Robert releases to the said abbot all his right in a messuage and land in . . . . . . . ., for which the said abbot is to give yearly to the said Robert, for his life, two quarters of wheat and two of barley. Westminster, the quinzaine of Michaelmas. [circa 40 Henry III.]
[Glouc.] D. 232. Agreement between Roger, abbot of Pershore, and Richard Burdun, before Richard de Lokinton, and others, named, chosen as arbitrators; viz. the said Richard has granted that the abbot and convent of Pershore may hold all the newly broken lands (frusseta) which they have made in his manor of Hauekesburi, and may assart and bring under tillage the place next Suanegrave called 'Wineboldessurne,' and may enclose (innocare) so much land in the field nearer the town where they will; also the said abbot and convent have granted that the said Richard may enclose two groves called 'Merewde 'and 'Apshunger' &c. and may have common in all places where his ancestors had it except in inhokes (innocis) &c. they have also given him 50s. and have enlarged the way for him and his men towards Suanegrave to the width of an acre &c.
[Glamor.] D. 233. Agreement between Walter de [R]eyni, lord of Michelistouwe, and Sir Simon . . . . . . and Joan his wife; viz. that the said Walter is to enfeoff the said Simon and his wife, before the feast of All Saints, in his manor of Michelistouwe for ever, after which the said Sir Simon and Joan are to enfeoff Walter with the same manor for his life, under a penalty of 1,000 marks, and with their manor of Wrenchiston for his life; they are also to enfeoff David Basset, nephew of the said Walter, with all their lands in Landiltwin and Boniartone &c. the parties are bound to observe this agreement under a penalty of 100l. as subsidy for the Holy Land, and 100 marks to the earl and countess of Gloucester. Witnesses:—Sir Henry de Pennebrugge, sheriff of Glamorgan, Sirs Reimond de S . . . . e and John de . . . . ., knights, Sir David le Graant, and others (named). Wren[cheston, feast of St.] Luke the evangelist, . . . . . . . . Much injured.
[Oxford.] D. 234. Demise by Edith and Mabel . . . . . . of Edward de Nywenham, to the prior and convent of Maydenebradeligh, of land called 'le battedeaker' in Nywenham, in the territory called 'le battelond' extending upon 'le marlingput'; to hold till they have received twelve crops. Feast of St. Lucy the virgin, 50 Henry III.
[Worc.] D. 235. Agreement between Sir Roger the abbot, and the convent, of Pershore, and Andrew son of John de Besceford, viz. the former are to be at liberty to cultivate their [assart] made in Romlesdun wood, which extends from the division between the land called 'Les Byriches' towards the land [called 'la Hide' by] 'Purs'; and the said Andrew may assart and make profit of his own woods as he sees best; the assarts to be enclosed against cattle, and may be kept enclosed until Michaelmas. Witnesses:— Sir Maurice de Thorndun, and others (named). 33 Henry III. Injured. See D. 239.
[York?] D. 236. Demise by Sir Peter de Percy, to Stephen de Hundmanby, of a toft and land in Ponterbell, to hold at pleasure, with common of pasture for ten oxen or cows and a hundred sheep in his pasture of Scorreb and Ponterbell, after the hay and corn are carried, except in Peter's demesne lands and meadows. Witnesses:—Robert de Berevill, and others (named). St. Matthew the apostle's day, 43 Henry III.
[Norf.] D. 237. Bond by Gilbert son of Gilbert, de Tichewell, to Alan son of Osbert de Thornham, for 40s. to be paid within the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 43 Henry [III], for security of which he has bound to Alan three and a half acres of land in the fields of Hulme, and has given him a deed of feoffment thereof till the said day &c. Witnesses:— Silvester de Cumbos, Stephen the chaplain of Thornham, and others (named).
[Leic.] D. 238. Agreement by Simon de la Saucey that within the octave of St. John the Baptist, 36 Henry III. he will release to P. tha abbot, and the convent, of Osolviston, in frank almoin, all his right in free multure without toll in the abbot's mill in Neubold, and in a house and land adjoining 36 Henry III.
[Worc.] D. 239. Agreement between Sir Roger the abbot, and the convent, of Pershore, and Alexander son of Walter de Be[sce]ford; terras of agreement, names of places, and date &c. being the same as in D. 235.
[Middx.] D. 240. Agreement between Ralph the abbot, and the convent, of Battle, and Michael Tovy [the warden, and the brethren] of the Bridge of London, with the consent of Ralph Harwy, then mayor, and of all the citizens of London, relative to the repair of the gutter between the lands of the respective parties. Suwerk, June, A.D. 1243. Injured.
[Worc.] D. 241. Conveyance by Philip son of Thomas Kaylewey of Strengesham, to Sir Henry the abbot, and the convent, of Pershore, of all his pasture at Homfurlungeshouere extending to the meadow of the religious men of Theokesbury, for seven years. Witnesses:—John de Hulle, sheriff, and others (named). Feast of the Annunciation, 55 Henry III.
Pembr. D. 242. Agreement between John the Young (Juvenem) of Porttrahan, plaintiff (petentem), and Mabel, relict of John Mart', and Thomas son of the said John Mart', tenants (tenentes), made in the full court of Pembroke at Pembroke, before Sir William de Bolevile, steward of Pembroke, Tanc' de Ospitali, sheriff, Robert de Cr . p . . g, constable, Sirs John de Busseto, Philip de Stak[ep]ol, and John de Castro Mart', knights, John de Castro, Herbert Scurlag, and other faithful men of Sir William de Valenc[ia]; viz. the said John grants leave to the said Thomas to raise the pond between the tenements of Porttrahan and Popetun, and to have it as formerly upon his land in the tenement of Porttrahan; he also grants to Thomas the ebb-flow of water (refullum ague) as well from the sea as of fresh water to his pond at the said place upon all his land in the said tenement, John to have pasture for his cattle upon Thomas' land at the ebb (aqua retracta) of the said pond, and to have, yearly, three days to dig turf, and three days to cut down underwood at the said ebb &c. no injury to be occasioned to Thomas' mill at the said place in the tenement of Popetune. Tuesday before the apostles Simon and Jude, 51 Henry III.
Somers. D. 243. Bond by Baldewin de Wayford of the county of Somerset, to Bennet son of James the bishop, the Jew, for 5 marks, to be paid at the Purification next. 9 November, 42 Henry III.
Middx. D. 244. Bond by Augustin le Bunde, to Cresse son of Genta, the Jew, for 40s. to be paid at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. 20 March, 42 Henry III. Fragments of seal.
Somers. D. 245. Bond by Baldewin de Wayford, of the county of Somerset, to Isaac son of Sampson, the Jew, for 5 marks, to be paid at St. Peter ad Vincula next. 5 May, 42 Henry III.
Somers. D. 246. Bond by the same, to Hagyn son of Master Mosseus, the Jew, for 40l. to be paid at the octave of Michaelmas next. 9 May, 42 Henry III.
[ ] D. 247. Bond by Richard son of Sir Walter de Covintre, to Isac the Jew, son of Manesser, for 18l. to bo paid within a week after Michaelmas next. Sunday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 42 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[ ] D. 248. Bond by Richard de Covintre, son of Sir Walter de Covintre, to Isac son of Manesser, the Jew, for 20l. to be paid at Christmas next. Sunday after St. Faith the virgin, 41 Henry III.
Somers. D. 249. Bond by Baldewyn de Wayford, of the county of Somerset, to Hagim son of Master Mosseus, the Jew, for 2 marks, to be paid at Mid-Lent next. 3 Ides of January, 42 Henry III.
Herts. D. 250. Bond by Adam Dunel of Hicche (Hitchin), to Deulecresse son of Aaron, the Jew, for the repayment of 36 marks, to be paid at the rate of 40s. yearly by way of mortgage, as long as Adam holds the said 36 marks. 13 December, 42 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[ ] D. 251. Bond by Roger son of Adam de Booking, and Gilbert Merieweder of Hautsted, to Mosseus son of Sampson, the Jew, for 1 mark, to be paid at Michaelmas next. 1 April, 42 Henry III.
Endorsed: Memorandum that they also owe him half a load of corn at the same term.
Devon. D. 252. Bond by Henry de la Pomereye, of the county of Devon, to Belasez, daughter of Aaron, the Jewess, for 40s. to be paid within three weeks after Michaelmas next. 17 June, 42 Henry III. Seal.
Middx. D. 253. Bond by Geoffrey de la Dune, of the county of Middlesex, to Deulecresse son of Aaron, the Jew, for 40s. to be paid at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. 27 December, 42 Henry III.
Endorsed: Memorandum that he further owes him half a load of oats at the same term &c.
Middx. D. 254. Bond by Simon de la Dun, clerk, of the county of Middlesex, to Deulecresse son of Aaron, the Jew, for 20 marks, a moiety to be paid at the quinzaine of Easter next, and the other moiety at the quinzaine of Michaelmas following. Vigil of the Purification, 42 Henry III.
Linc. D. 255. Bond by Richard de Vylers, knight, of the county of Lincoln, to Cresse son of Master Mosseus, the Jew, of London, for 10l. to be paid at Christmas next. 26 April, 42 Henry III. Seal.
Linc. D. 256. Bond by Walter Marreward, of the county of Lincoln, to Cresse son of Genta, the Jew, for 20l. to be paid at the octave of Michaelmas next. 14 April, 43 Henry III.
Endorsed: Memorandum that he also owes two quarters of wheat at the same term.
[ ] D. 257. Bond by Peter son of Nicholas de Hautsted, to Vives son of Mosseus, the Jew, for 4l. to be paid at Michaelmas next. 5 March, 43 Henry III.
Suff. Essex. D. 258. Bond by Geoffrey son of Richard de Glemesford, of the county of Suffolk, and Roisia Galiun, of the county of Essex, to Elyas le Blund, the Jew, for 100s. and one load of wheat, to be paid at the feast of All Saints next. 1 July, 42 Henry III.
Linc. D. 259. Bond by Ranulf de Tawell, of the county of Lincoln, to Bennet son of James the bishop, the Jew, for 60s. to be paid at Midsummer next. 6 December, 43 Henry III.
Middx. D. 260. Bond by Richard de Westm[onasterio], of the county of Middlesex, to Deulecresse son of Aaron, the Jew, for 23 marks, to be paid at the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula next. 4 May, 44 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
Devon. D. 261. Bond by Henry de la Pomereye, of the county of Devon, to Belasez daughter of Aaron, the Jewess, for 4l. to be paid at the feast of All Saints next. 17 July, 43 Henry III.
Devon. D. 262. Bond by Henry de la Pomereye, of the county of Devon, to Belasez daughter of Aaron, the Jewess, for 100s. to be paid at the Epiphany next. 22 July, 43 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
Suff. D. 263. Bond by Walter del Muster, of the county of Suffolk, to Isaac Levesk, the Jew, for 20l. to be paid at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. 20 December, 54 Henry III.
Endorsed: 'Et vocatur Walterus fil[ius] Rad[ulfi] de Creting nostre dame' &c.
Bucks. D. 264. Bond by Elyas de Wimbervil, of the county of Bucks, to Isaac son of Abraham, the Jew, for 4l. to be paid at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. 20 May, 44 Henry III.
[ ] D. 265. Bond by William son of Thomas le Mouner of Francketone, to Is[aac] the Jew, son of Manesser, for 4½ marks and three halfquarters of corn, to be paid at All Saints next. Wednesday after Hokeday, 44 Henry III. Fragments of two seals.
Bucks. D. 266. Bond by Elyas de Chalcsethe, of the county of Bucks, to Isaac son of Sampson, the Jew, for 5 marks, to be paid at the octave of Midsummer next. 1 February, 44 Henry III.
Linc. D. 267. Bond by Roger de Sowe, son of Roger, of the county of Lincoln, to Deulecresse son of Aaron, the Jew, for 10 marks, to be paid at Midsummer next. 26 February, 44 Henry III.
[ ] D. 268. Bond by Edmund le Wannir, to Aaron de Karrleun the Jew, for 20s. to be paid at St. Denis's fair (in nundinis Sancti Dionisii) next. Wednesday before St. John the Baptist, 45 Henry III.
Middx. D. 269. Bond by John Hanekin, moneyer (moneator), of London, to Cresse son of Genta, the Jew, for 10 marks, to be paid at the octave of Michaelmas, 45 Henry III. 9 August, 44 Henry III.
Kent. D. 270. Bond by Geoffrey le Mouner, son of Odo, and Simon de Ros, of the county of Kent, to Deulecresse son of Aaron, the Jew, for 6l. to be paid at Easter next. 21 October, 44 Henry III.
Essex. D. 271. Bond by Richard son of Roger de Munfort, of the county of Essex, to Cresse son of Geuta, the Jew, for 10 marks, to be paid at the rate of one mark yearly, at Hilary. 9 August, 44 Henry III.
Bedf. D. 272. Bond by William Carbonel, clerk, and John de Everton, of the county of Bedford, to Peytevin son of Isaac, the Jew, of Bedford, for 4 marks, to be paid within three weeks after Easter next. 21 February, 45 Henry III, Seal and fragment of seal.
Middx. D. 273. Bond by Odo de Westmonasterio, of the county of Middlesex, to Elyas son of Master Mosseus, the Jew, for 100s. to be paid at Michaelmas next. 23 July, 55 Henry III.
Bedf. D. 274. Bond by 'William le Coynte, of the county of Bedford, to Isaac de Suwerk, the Jew, for 60s. to be paid at the octave of Whitsunday next. 13 March, 45 Henry III.
[Worc.] D. 275. Bond by Robert son of Nicholas de Fourthes, to Ysah son of Dyay, the Jew, of Worcester, for 5 marks, to be paid at All Saints next. Sunday before the Epiphany, 45 Henry III.
Bedf. D. 276. Bond by Richard de Tinnewinneshell, of the county of Bedford, to Manser son of Aaron, the Jew, for 10 marks, to be paid at Midsummer next. 23 November, 45 Henry III.
Endorsed: Memorandum that Richard further owes him two quarters of corn at the same term.
[Wales.] D. 277. Bond by John Esmund of Chepesle, to Aron son of Josseus, of Karleun, the Jew. for 20s. to be paid at Easter, Whitsuntide, and the Assumption next, viz. ½ a mark at each feast. St. Thomas the apostle's day, 45 Henry III.
[Heref?] D. 278. Bond by Thomas Reod of Wigemore, to Aron de Karrleun, the Jew, for 12s. to be paid on Sunday before St. Barnabas next. Monday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 45 Henry III.
Leic. D. 279. Bond by John Meynel 'Scot,' of the county of Leicester, to Isaac son of Cresse son of Genta, the Jew, for 8 marks, to be paid within three weeks of Easter next. 11 November, 45 Henry III.
[Bucks.] D. 280. Acquittance by Geoffrey Aylet, to John de Toucestre, bailiff of the manor of Langley Mareis, for 100s. received in part payment of his stipend of 10l. from Michaelmas, 16 Edward II. to Michaelmas in the 17th year. Windsor Park, the morrow of Michaelmas, 17 Edward II.
[York.] D. 281. Grant by Master Nicholas, son of Ralph de Martena, to Sir John de Bullemer, lord of Wilton in Cliveland,of all his lands and tenements in Laysingby in Cleveland; also the homages and services of all the heirs of John Westyby of Laysingby, and of others, named, for land &c. in the same town, to hold of Richard de Malebis and of the prior of Gisseburgh; with further grant that all the land which the grantor's father held in . . . . . is to be held by the present tenants for the warranty and defence of the above-mentioned lands &c. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Midelesburg, prior of Gisseburgh, Marmaduke de Theng, Walter Faucun[berge], and others (named). Monday the vigil of St. Wilfrid the archbishop, A.D. 12 . . . [A.D. 1290–1299.]
[Worc.] D. 282. Sale by William son of William son of Warin, to Robert de Wigorn[ia], sacristan of Pershore, for 18s. of meadow land above Piddelct, in 'La brode dole,' for eighteen years; if the hay &c. should happen to be carried away by a flood the said term is to be extended until eighteen crops are received. Witnesses:—Sir Peter de Wika, and others (named) The Purification, A.D. 1230.
[N'hamp ?] D. 283. Release by Alice de Colcumbe of Leye, widow, to Eustace Hamud of the same, and Lucy his wife, of all her right in all the land which they purchased from her and from Reginald de Colcumbe, her late husband, in the field called 'le lower Stockynge.'
Endorsed: 'Gunnildegre.'
[Hants.] D. 284. Bond by Robert de Rumbrige, to Cokerel son of Licorice the Jew, for 60s. half to be paid at St. Peter ad Vincula next, and half at All Saints following. 26 April, 36 Henry III. Fragment of seal.
[Herts.] D. 285. Demise by Richard de Waltham and Mary his wife, and Elyus Scraggi and Nobilia his wife, to E. the prioress, and the convent, of Sopwelle, of all the land in Senle (Shenley), which the grantors held of the said prioress and convent. Sunday on which is sung 'Reminiscere,' A.D.1233.
[N'hamp.] D. 286. Sale by Sewale son of Henry, to Sir John de Plesseto, for 60 marks, to be paid within four years from the Circumcision, 18 Henry III. of the wardship of all the land in Tichemers which belonged to Sir William de Sideham, of the grantor's fee, to hold during the minority of Sir William's son (fil') who is the heir of the said land; reserving to the grantor the marriage of Sir William's daughter (filie) and heiress. Witnesses:— S[tephen] de Segrave, justiciar of England, Henry de Trublevill, William de Picheford, and others (named). [18 Henry III.]
Endorsed: Wardship of land of William de Sidynham granted to John de Plecy until the age of the said William.
[ ] D. 287. Bond by James le Lung son of Robert de London,' to Cok' son of Aaron, the Jew, for 4 marks, to be paid at the respective octaves of St. John the Baptist, Michaelmas, Christmas, and Easter next. 10 March, 35 Henry III.
[Kent.] D. 288. Bond by Richard Brid of Plumsted, to Peytevin de Winton[ia], the Jew, for 40s. to be paid at Hokeday next. 15 November, 35 Henry III.
[Kent.] D. 289. Bond by Stephen son of Robert de la Dene, to Peytevin de Winton[ia], the Jew, for 61s. 8d. to be paid at Hilary, 37 Henry III. 26 December, 36 Henry III.
Endorsed: Memorandum that he further owes 5s. to be paid at the octave of Hilary in the 36th year for two loads of corn. Names of witnesses.
Bristol. D. 290. Will of John le Bonde of Bristol, directing that his body is to be buried in the cemetery of St. Peter's, Gloucester, and leaving 10s. for his funeral expenses; also to the chaplain of the parish church of St. Nicholas, Gloucester, 6d. to his brother Walter his best robe, and to Ralph, his servant, his second best robe; also he leaves his tenement in 'le markete' in the suburb of Bristol, adjoining the lane leading to the church of SS. Philip and James, to his wife, Christian, whom he appoints his residuary legatee &c. Wednesday before St. Thomas the apostle, A.D. 1334.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the said will was proved before John de Staunford, clerk, sequestrator-general of Simon, bishop of Worcester, on the 23rd September, A.D. 1335.
Wilts. D. 291. Will of Cicely, wife of Geoffrey Huse, directing that her body is to be buried in St. Mary's church, Maydenbradlegh, for which she leaves two horses or 2 marks; she gives bequests to the churches of Teffunte, Deverel, and St. Mary's, Salisbury, land or rent to support a chaplain to celebrate divine service in Bradelegh church, bequests to the friars minors of Salisbury, the friars preachers of Wyltun and Ivelcestre, and to St. John's hospital, Wyltun; also to her sons, Reginald, Geoffrey, Giles, Nicholas, and Edward, and to her daughters Joan, Helen, Geniva, Edya and Cicely, and her sisters Carsindra and Phelippa &c. the testatrix appoints her said husband and .Robert le Chamberlan executors of her will which is to bo carried out under the superintendence of brother John, prior of Maydenebradlegh. Wednesday in Easter week, A.D. 1267.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the above will was proved on Monday after Midsummer, A.D. 1267, before the archdeacon of Salisbury, and administration granted.
[York.] D. 292. Receipt by John Cam, steward of Sir Roger de Mortymer, the elder, for two barrels of the king's wine, received as imprest (en manere de prest), from Stephen de Abbyngdon, the king's butler, by the hands of Richard de la Pole, Stephen's deputy, for the use of Sir Roger. York, Saturday after St. Wulfray, 12 Edward [I]. French. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] D. 293. Receipt by Henry de Beaumont, lord of Fulkingham, for 500l. received from the king by the hands of James Nicolas and Bartholomew de Barde, and their companions, merchants of the society of the Bardi, in recompense for the said Henry's losses sustained during banishment from England and residence in France. London, 20 February, 6 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Isle of Wight.] D. 294. Receipt by Sir Thomas do Warbelton, sheriff of Southampton, to Sir John de Kerkeby, for certain quantities of wheat, barley, oats, beans, and peas, of Sir John's crops in the Isle of Wight, of the issues of the churches of Godeshull and Brighteston, received by the hands of Nicholas de Derlegh, chaplain and attorney of Sir John, for shipment by the king's command, to Berwick-on-Tweed, for the support of the king's army of Scotland there. Winchester, Monday the feast of St. Hilary, 32 Edward [I]. Fragment of seal.
[Berks.] D. 295. Release by William de Stanford, to Alan de Englefeld, of the service of Roger de Hida for land in Englefeld: in return for which the said Alan has released to the said William all his right in land in Stanford, for which he had sued the said William; and the said Alan has granted to the said William, the said service of the said land in Englefeld, rendering service of the fifth part of one knight's fee. Witnesses:— Henry de Scacario, John de Eppelford, Peter de Yetingeden, and others (named).
[Somers.] D. 296. Conveyance by Philip Cornwaleys (Cornubien[sem]), to Dame Wymarca, late the wife of Peter the miller (molendinarii), for her life, of the burgage in which Philip used to dwell; paying rent to the bishop of Winchester. Witnesses:—Robert Fromund, Thomas Lambrith, and others (named), provosts of Tanton. Feast of St. Margaret, 38 Henry III.
Endorsed: 'De domo principali.'
[Warw.] D. 297. Release by Agnes daughter of Ralph Toky of Stoke, to the prior and convent of Erdbury, of all her right of dower in land, tenement, and rent, in right of her late husband, Robert le Frankeleyn, son of Henry de Chelyerescot, in return for which the said prior and convent have given her a bushel of corn. Witnesses:—John Ace, Geoffrey Lutemon, and others (named).
[Berks.] D. 298. Demise by Alice, late the wife of William de Englefeud, to Gilbert Purzun, for four years, of meadow land in 'la wike' in Englefeud, near the land of Sir Robert de Fayreford, chaplain of the chapel of Englefeud. 4 Nones of March (4 March), 9 Edward I.
[York.] D. 299. Demise by Sir Peter de Percy, to Alice, daughter of Roger de Poles of Sutton, for her life, of a toft and croft with land belonging, in Sutton; if Alice should marry Robert de Schipton, the premises may be held by him for his life, if he should survive Alice. Saturday before St. Thomas, 47 Henry III.
[Essex.] D. 300. Demise by Edmund, duke of York, earl of Cambridge, and lord of Tyndale, to William de la Boterye and John Preston, for nine years, of the manor of Estwode, reserving the advowsons of churches, knights' fees, and wards &c. which exceed 20s. in value; paying 53l. 6s. 8d. yearly; the grantees are not to intrude into the park of Reyleygh, beyond having pasture there for twenty beasts in time of agistment and twenty hogs in time of pannage (avisagii), and they may have sufficient 'ploughbote, cartebote, feerbote, and haybote' on the lands of the said manor; with various other covenants between the said parties. Michaelmaseve, 2 Henry IV. Seal.
Annexed: Schedule to the above being an inventory of the stock, living and dead, within the said manor, including certain fallow lands (terre warectate) &c. in the fields called 'Brouneslond,' 'Lytylharp,' and 'Westfeld.' Dated as above.