Deeds: B.3901 - B.4000

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Deeds: B.3901 - B.4000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: B.3901 - B.4000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: B.3901 - B.4000". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

B.3901 - B.4000

Leic. B. 3901. Grant by Katherine, late the wife of John Swythell, and by Richard and Robert Swythell sons of the said John, and others (named), to Robert Handy, Hugh Decon and others (named), of lands and tenements in Glen Magna, which Richard Wemme and Richard Smyth (two of the said grantors) had of the gift of William Grene of Evyngton and Margaret . . . . . . &c.; also letter of attorney by the said Katherine and co-grantors, authorising William Grene of Glen Magna and . . . . . . to deliver seisin of the said lands. 22 Edward IV. Four seals.
[Heref.] B. 3902. Release by Robert de Wilmeston son of Roger de Chandos, to the monks of Dore, of all the land upon Godeweye, which the said monks hold from Sir John de Ebroicis, from the upper part of Wadeleye &c. to the boundaries of Makfeld. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Chandos, Roger de Haya, Walter de Ebroicis, and others (named).
[Heref.] B. 3903. Grant in frank almoin by Roger de Wylmeston son of Roger de Chaundos, with the consent of Isabel his wife, to the abbot and monks of Dore, of all his land between Wadelehe and Isaac's land, and adjacent to the land of the said monks, belonging to the grange of Godewey. Witnesses:—Walter de Ebroicis, Walter de Chaundos, and others (named).
Rutl. B. 3904. Grant by Ralph Beaufo of Seyton, to Simon Burton and Alan Boleyn, of all his lands and tenements &c. in Glaston, excepting a toft and croft &c. in the tenure of Thomas Veysey. 20 January, 2 [Edward] IV.
[Sussex.] B. 3905. Grant by William the abbot, and the convent of Séez (Sagiens'), to Sir William de Leons, of land within their manor of Gates, in the fields called 'Racha', 'Azares' and 'Rousracha,' part by the road from Chichester. Witnesses:—Sir William de Sancto Johanne, John de Alench', prior of Lancaster, and William, prior of Arundell.
[N'hamp.] B. 3906. Grant by Henry son of Hugh de Stok in Cothirstoke, to Henry sou of Gilbert de Glapthorn, of a yearly rent in Glapthorn issuing from a tenement which Gilbert son of Hawise de Glapthorn, father of the said Henry, held of the feoffment of the said Hugh de Stok, and from land in Hotin Croftis, which Henry son of Gilbert de Glapthorn purchased from Henry son of Hugh de Stok. Witnesses:—Osbert Giffard of Cothirstoke, Roger de Cancia in the same, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] B. 3907. Grant by Thomas, rector of the church of Helmedene to Walter called 'le Norays' in Helmedene, of land in Gildenmorton, part upon Mucheleholm, next the land of the prior of Esseby, and part extending towards Banlonde broche, at the yearly rent of a rose. Witnesses: —Sir William de Turvile, knight, Robert le Wancy, Robert de Romeny and others (named).
[Sussex.] B. 3908. Grant by Richard de Bredeford, to the abbot of Séez and his successors, and their proctor in England, for the time being, of permission to distrain upon all the lands and tenements of the said Richard in Estergate, in case of non-payment by him of a yearly rent of two capons due to the said abbot for land demised to the said Richard in Gates, abutting on the high road to Bernham. Atheryngton, Friday after St. John ante Portam Latinara, 17 Edward III. Seal.
[Sussex.] B. 3909. Release by Richard Costard, son and heir of Henry Costard of Gates, to the abbot of St. Martin's, Séez, of all his tenement in Gates. Witnesses:—Sir David de Liuns, knight, Robert de Arundell, steward of the same place, Richard de Middeltune, Roger de Bulesham, and others (named).
[Durham.] B. 3910. Release by Joan Spynk, wife of John Trowlop of Durham, dyer (lytster), to John Hedle of Gatished, yeoman, of all her right in a tenement in Gatished. Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, A.D. 1451. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] B. 3911. Letter of attorney by John Braban of Dovorr and John Byngley, authorising Thomas Frankeleyn of the same to deliver seisin to William Brewys and Joan his wife, of a piece of land called 'Gylys Coombe.' 16 December, 13 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Durham.] B. 3912. Grant by Richard son of John Gategang of Gatisheved, to Thomas Gategang, his brother, of a messuage in Gatisheved. Wednesday, 9 October, A.D. 1342. Seal of arms, injured.
[N'hamp.] B. 3913. Grant by John Wale, lord of Eydon, and Edith his wife, to Thomas Hogges of Gildonemortone, and Alice his wife, of all their lands, tenements and rents &c. in Gildonemortone, together with pasture for two oxen, which the said John bad of the gift of Thomas Wale, his father. Monday after the Epiphany, 49 Edward III. Two seals, one of arms.
Leic. B. 3914. Letter of attorney by John More, clerk in orders, Doctor Robert Handy of Evesham and Hugh Decon of the same, authorising Richard Ferrour of Evesham and John Kynward of Alcestre, to receive seisin of all the lands and tenements &c. in Glen Magna, which they have of the gift of Katherine late the wife of John Swythell, widow, and others (named). 16 April, 22 Edward IV. Three seals, one broken.
[Durham.] B. 3915. Grant by Thomas son of John Gategang of Gatisheved, to Sir Thomas son of Michael de Nesham, chaplain, of a messuage in Gatisheved. Wednesday after St. Peter ad Vincula, A.D. 1345. Seal of arms.
[Durham.] B. 3916. Release by William son and heir of Reginald de Botilstan of Gatisheved, to Alice de Rypon, late the wife of the said Reginald, of all his right in a tenement in Gatisheved. Wednesday before St. Luke the Evangelist, A.D. 1338. Seal, broken.
[Heref.] B. 3917. Grant in frank almoin by Robert de Wylmeston son of Roger de Chandos, to the monks of Dore, of all the land between Wadelee and Ysaackesfeld, near the land of the said monks, of the Grange of Godeweye, and abutting on a meadow called 'Wetemore,' part in Ysaakesfeld, extending to the cumbe of Wylmeston, part abutting on Titekmille and extending to Hyldithelee, and part abutting on Wylmeston grove. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Chandos and Walter de Ebroicis, and others (named). Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3918. Demise by John Stalworthman of Hampslape, to Thomas Stalworthman his brother, of Gyldone Mortone, for life, of a tenement with curtilage and twelve acres of land in Mortone aforesaid, in Citholeende, also a rent issuing from a tenement in Sulgrave, on payment yearly of a red rose. Monday after St. Luke the evangelist, 11 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Memorandum on separate piece of parchment, as to twelve acres of land viz. at Colpictes, Sevenacres, Estbrech, Culleworthbrok, Fardehull, Leyceturwey, Worthy, below Ryvehull and in Langslade.
[N'hamp.] B. 3919. Grant by William called 'Ousin' of Gilden Mortone, to Thomas, rector of the church of Helmedene, of land in Gildenmorton, part on Mucheleholm by land of the prior of Asseby (Esseby), extending towards Langeslade, and part between Banlond and Banlondbroc. Witnesses:—Robert de Wancy, Robert de Romeney, and others (named).
[Kent.] B. 3920. Demise by John Fullere of Eylesforde, to Robert Perye of Gillyngham, of land in Gillyngham, part lying in Nicholesdane, and part in Elkotesdene, rendering yearly to the said John two quarters and three bushels of beer-barley (ordei palmalis). 10 February, 13 Richard II. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3921. Demise by the prior and convent of . . . . . ., to H . . . ., of land in Gildenemordon. 15 Edward [I]. Much injured.
[Durham.] B. 3922. Release by Joan Spynk, late the wife of William Spynk of Gatisheved, to John Trollop of Richemond, dyer (litstere), and Joan his wife, of all her right in all her lands and tenements formerly the said William Spynk's. 8 March, 6 Henry VI. Seal of arms.
[N'hamp.] B. 3923. Grant in frank almoin by David de Hakelintone, to the canons of Essebi, of land in Grimesburi, which he had of the gift of William de Becon. The grantor assigns the rents and profits of the said land to the kitchen of the said canons that they may have a sufficient 'pitance' on his anniversary; he also desires that his body may be buried at Essebi &c. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh de Pateshull, Richard de Grimescote Roger de Liuns, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Grimbery juxta Banbery.'
[Somers.] B. 3924. Grant by Robert Kermardin, to John de Bello Campo, lord of Norton, in the parish of Kywstoke (Kewstoke) and Isabel his wife, of land with a tenement and curtilage at 'La Sonde,' in a croft which Thomas Merevin formerly held, extending on the west towards the sea at the south end of Grenehulle. Thursday after St. Luke the evangelist' 32 Edward I. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3925. Grant by Henry, prior of the cathedral church of Coventry and the convent there, of licence to Sir Edmund de Bereford, to enfeoff the prior and convent of Chaucoumbe in the manor of Grenebergh, held from the present grantors in capite. Friday after St. Margaret, 3 Edward III.
[Warw.] B. 3926. Sale by Robert son of Robert Selet of Overtone, to Sir Peter le Poter of Sybbisdone, of all his share viz. a moiety of two watermills in Greneborwe, called 'Cuttole' and 'Baggole,' paying 5s. yearly to the nuns of Wroxhale. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Farendone, knight, Thomas Oliver of Schockeborne, Robert de Bradewelle, and others (named). Seal.
Warw. B. 3927. Release by John Beaufitz, to Thomas Clopton of Clopton, gentleman, of all his right in the lands and teuements in Gryffe, Coton and Asteley, which the said John and Thomas together with Thomas Throgmerton and William Heyne, deceased, had of the gift of Ralph Butteler, knight, lord of Sudeley, deceased. 14 April, 17 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Berks.] B. 3928. Grant by Richard the prior, and the convent of St. Denis near Suthampton, to Robert Natheles and Isabella his wife, of land in Estgarston. 8 (Ides of) March . . Edward II.
[Warw.] B. 3929. Release by John Lusterley, to John Routon and John Lichfeld of Coventry, grasier, of all his right in the lands and tenements in Gryve, Coton, Astele and Brompcote, which he, together with the said Routon and Lichfeld, had of the grant of Richard Boton, Thomas Cockes and John Brightmere of Coventre. 10 September, 21 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3930. Grant by John Jordan of Chylverescote, to Robert Shyrref of the same, of a toft and lands in Gryve, part adjoining Oxlesow, part at Gatebryg and part on Roberteshyll. Sunday after St. Vincent the martyr, 11 Henry VI. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3931. Demise by Richard Boton, Thomas Cockes and John Brightmere of Coventry, to John Routon, John Lusterley and John Lichfeld of Coventry, grasier, to the use of the said John Lusterley, of all the lands and tenements &c. in Gryve, Coton, Astle and Brompcote, which they lately had of the gift of John Shipley son and heir of Robert Shipley of Coventry, merchant. 26 April, 11 Henry VI. Three seals.
[Suff.] B. 3932. Grant in frank almoin by Alice de Dunville, widow, late the wife of William Dacus, to the nuns of Redelingfeld, of the homage and service of Nicholas de Gretingham and Margaret his wife, with all their holding viz. land in Gretingham, land called 'Bradeheg, land in the fees of earl Roger at Stanstrete, and pasture with a road adjoining her meadow at Reicroft. Witnesses:—Hubert, parson of Saham, Simon, chaplain of Esfeld, Robert de Winstun, knight, John son ot Hervy de Glanvill, parson of Cambes, Bennet the chaplain of Redelingfeld, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Warw.] B. 3933. Release by William Shipley, clerk, and William Radclif of Coventre, 'irmonger,' to John Routon, John Lusterley, and John Lichfeld of Coventre, grasier, to the use of the said John Lusterley, ot all their right in the lands and tenements in Gryve, Coton, Astle and Brompcote, which they had of the gift of John Shipley son and heir of Robert Shipley of Coventre, merchant. 29 April, 11 Henry VI. Two seals; one of arms, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3934. Grant by Robert Shipley of Coventre, merchant, William Shipley, clerk, and Robert Benet of Coventre, to Thomas de Meryngton and Margery his wife, of a yearly rent issuing out of certain lands and tenements in Gryve, Coton, Astele and Brompcote, with licence to distrain, in case of non-payment of the said rent, among other premises on a messuage in 'la Westorcharde.' Michaelmas, 8 Henry IV. Two seals.
[Kent.] B. 3935. Grant by Geoffrey de Say, knight, to Robert Alard son of John Alard of Wynchelse, of licence to grant to the abbot and convent of Battle all the lands and tenements in Westgrenewych which the said Robert had from Hugh de Hereford and John le Joygnour, citizens of London. Sabrichesworth, Saturday after St. Lucy the virgin, 14 Edward II. Seal of arms, broken.
Devon. B. 3936. Defeasance by Humphrey Calwodelegh of Stodelegh, esquire, and Elizabeth Broughton, of a bond under statute staple held by them from Joan Broughton, widow, witnessing that if the said Joan aids them in all actions at law for the recovery of the manor of Grillyston, and of all messuages and lands there and elsewhere in the county named which formerly belonged to Robert de Grilliston &c. then the said bond shall be void. Exeter, 16 February, 12 Henry VII.
[N'hamp.] B. 3937. Release by John de Lyons, knight, lord of Warkworth, to the prior and canons of Chaucumbe, of a rent issuing out of lands in Grimmisbury and Nethercote, which they have of the gift of Robert Atteyate of Thropmundevile. Thursday, Michaelmas day, 19 Edward III.
[N'hamp.] B. 3938. Duplicate of B. 3923.
[Warw.] B. 3939. Grant by Robert Shyrref of Chylverescote, to John Lusterley and John Lichfeld of Coventre, grasier, of a toft and lauds in 'Le Gryve', which he lately had of the grant of John Jordan of Chilverescote. 12 Henry VI. Seal.
[York.] B. 3940. Grant by Thomas Dawtry, son and heir of Godfrey Dawtry of Elslake in Craven, to John de Nevill, knight, lord of Raby, of all his lands and tenements in Gysburne and Rymyngtone in Craven. 15 May, 49 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3941. Demise by Robert Attezate of Thropmundevyle and Margery his wife, to Robert Chasterton of Bannebury, of lands in Grimysbury and Warcourth, part situate in Brodelond and part in Wowelond, which they had of the demise of the said Robert Chasterton. Feast of the Assumption, 6 Edward III.
Surrey. B. 3942. Release by Thomas Jarpenville, lord of Abyngworth, Robert de Snokeshulle, parson of the church there, and William de Cothulle, to Thomas de Holhurst and Alice his wife, of all the lands and tenements in Gumshulve and Bromlegh, which they had of the grant of the said Thomas de Holhurst, excepting one rood, a moiety of which is situate in Leghelonde. La Doune, in the parish of Shire (Shere), 31 May, 43 Edward III. Three seals, one of arms.
[Glouc.] B. 3943. Award by Master R. de Clipstone, official of Worcester, and W. dean of Risendone, in the diocese of Worcester, by order of Walter, papal legate in England, in a dispute between the abbot and convent of Bruerne (co Oxford) and the rector of the church of Guting (Guyting), in the diocese of Worcester, concerning certain tithes alleged to have been wrongfully claimed by the said rector. [Henry III.]
[Warw.] B. 3944. Grant by Thomas de Meryngton, John Gyffard, parson of the church of Chirchelalleford, John Cokke of Lilleburn, Richard Toft, vicar of the church of Neubold and Richard Stoke, parson of the church of Shathewell, to Robert Shipley of Coventre, merchant, William Shipley, clerk, and Roger Benet of Coventre, of all their lands and tenements in Gryve, Coton, Astele, and Brompcote. Wednesday before Michaelmas, 8 Henry IV. Seal, and four seals of arms, two broken.
[Warw.] B. 3945. Grant by Henry Ward of Nunetone, to Sir William Cattone, the prior, and the convent of Erdebury, of all his lands and tenements &c. in Gryve, which he had of the gift of John Huchyns. 3 December, 24 Henry VI.
[Warw.] B. 3946. Demise by John Routon and John Lichfield of Coventre, grazier, to John Lusterley of Coventre, and Margery his wife, of all the lands and tenements in Gryve, Coton, Astele, and Brompcote, which Richard Boton, Thomas Cockes and John Brightmere of Coventre, lately had of the gift of John Shipley, son and heir of Robert Shipley of Coventre, merchant. 14 September, 21 Henry VI. Two seals, one broken.
[Warw.] B. 3947. Letter of attorney by Henry Ward of Nunetone, authorising John Huchyns of Gryve to deliver seisin to Sir William Catton the prior, and the convent, of Erdebury, of all the lands and tenements in Gryve which they have of the said Henry's grant. 3 December, 24 Henry VI. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3948. Release by Margery Derby, widow, late the wife of John Lusterley, to Richard Warde, chaplain, and Thomas Cloptone, of all her right in certain lands and tenements in Gryve, Coton and Asteley, formerly belonging to John and Thomas Meryngton and John Shepley son and heir of Robert Shepley. 30 April, 16 Edward IV. Seal.
Guernsey. B. 3949. Grant by Gervais de Cleiremont the king's bailiff in Guernsey, to Dan Laurens Pouchin, priest, farmer for that year of the church of St. Peter Port in the said island, of permission to enjoy certain tithes in the said parish called 'desertz' from certain lands named, which tithes he complains had been detained from him by the farmers of the tithes of the said parish, but were found by inquisition to belong to the rector of the said church. Given under the seal of the bailiwick of the said island and in presence of John de Lyle, knight, warden and lieutenant of the said island. 5 October 1405. Witnesses:—Perrot le Marchaunt, Colin Blondel, John Bernard, John le Feyvre, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Berks ?] B. 3950. Confirmation in frank almoin by Hamo de Sancta Fide, to J. R. the prior, and the canons, of Burnecestre, of the gift of Hubert de Medelintre viz. all the meadow of Gurefen, Druihurst and Thecham (Thatcham ?), as witnessed by the charter which Hamo made to the said Hubert. Witnesses:—Robert Damari, Robert son of Amaurus, Robert de Bavintre, William de Badintre, and others (named). Twelfth century.
Linc. B. 3951. Demise by William Sayvile son of John Sayvile, knight, to Richard the prior, and the convent of the House of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the island of Axholme, of a close or croft called 'Ladycroft' in Gunthorpe for eighty-eight years from 10 May, A.D. 1476 6 February, 6 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Nthland.] B. 3952. Release by Roger son of David de Gunwarton, to William de Essynden, of a toft and croft n Gunwarton, which he formerly held from the said William, in exchange for part of a toft and croft in the said town. Sunday before Whitsuntide, A.D. 1265.
[Glouc.] B. 3953. Release by lady Margery le Poweer, late the wife of Sir William le Poweer, widow, to the abbot and convent of La Bruwere on Coteswold, of all her right of dower in a tenement and yearly rent which the said abbot and convent hold of the fee of her late husband in Lower Gutinge. Worcester, Sunday before the Assumption, 29 Edward I.
[N'hamp ?] B. 3954. Grant in frank almoin by William son of Richard de Giteskarth, to the abbot and convent of Suleby, of all the land with a toft &c. in Gideskarth, which his father formerly held from the said abbot and convent. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Brograve, Robert de Beltoft, Robert de Lobeham, and others (named); Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3955. Confirmation by Roger de Basingham, guardian of the land and heir of Ernald de Bosco, of the grant of lands &c. by William le Saer, to the abbot and convent of Bruerne. Witnesses:—Ralph de Welleford, Simon de Suelle, Hugh de Clopton and others (named).
Endorsed: Guting.
[Worc.] B. 3956. Grant by Robert de Lega, to John de Abbetot, of all the land belonging to Hwsintre, abutting on land of William de Mertun. Witnesses:—Roger de Scottot, Geoffrey de Abbetot, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3957. Grant by Henry del Welfal of Kenillworth, to Agnes Salwey and Juliana her daughter, of a croft in Hurst, abutting upon the lane which leads to Kenilworth. Monday after St. Hilary, 16 Edward II.
[Warw.] B. 3958. Letter of attorney by Richard son of Richard Wyseman of Hurst, authorising John Wodeward of Stonleye to deliver seisin to John Barowe, of Coventre, smythier, of a toft and land in Hurst within the lordship of Stonleye next the high road from Kenilleworth to Westwode adjoining the abbot of Stonely's wood called 'Bordell,' with a parcel of land called 'le longe More.' Tuesday, the feast of St. George the martyr, 10 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Somers.] B. 3959. Release by Alice called 'de Aula,' of Ceddre, widow, to Henry Russel, of all her right of dower in certain land in Hutham, in the manor of Ceddre, formerly held by Nicholas de Loghareslegh of the feoffment of John de Aula her late husband. Sunday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 11 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Chedder & Hitheham.
[Salop.] B. 3960. Release in frank almoin by Lewelin son of Lewelin, called 'Lewelin ap Horm,' and lady Wairvil his mother, widow, to Sir Ph. the prior, and canons, of Chirbury and Sned, of all the land which was the subject of dispute between them, the said prior and canons undertaking not to obstruct the flow of Hurdelehesbroc in its old course to the mill of the said Lewelin and lady Wairvil, and to grant a road where they had claimed to have one. Witnesses:—Sir Roger, chaplain of Chirbury, Griffin, chaplain of Chirstoke, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3961. Grant by Albinus de Sancto Neoto, and Amice his wife, to Henry de Westhale, of their messuage and buildings in the parish of St. Mary of Huntingdon, together with a stall (seuda) held for life as dower by Iseuda, late the wife of Christopher, brother of the said Amice. Witnesses:—Alvred son of Alvred, Michael son of Laudewin, Martin son of Adam, and others (named). Two seals, one broken.
[York.] B. 3962. Release by James de Selebi, to Roger de Huc, of part of a moor which Anketinus de Huc had assigned [to him], extending from Hutgang, below the moor between Swineflet and Morhaim, next part of the moor which the said Anketinus gave to Roger, late the parson of Hoveden. Witnesses:—John de Crigleston, Peter de Ketelbi, John de Warevic, Matthew de Sceltone, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Notts.] B. 3963. Grant by William Pyte, to Helias Brito son of Hugh de Hukenal, of land in Hukenal. Witnesses:—Reginald de Carleslo, undersheriff, Samson de Stretleya, William Brito, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3964. Release by Richard Russel, to Ralph de Sudley and William de Ses, of all his right in Hudeles wood which he held from Sir Ralph de Sudley, and in other land part called 'Buristude' which he held from the same. Witnesses:—Alexander, prior of Orbury, Stephen de Sadgrave, Saer de Stoke, Thomas de Essebi, and others (named).
[Sussex.] B. 3965. Confirmation by Emma, daughter and heiress of William Ruffus of Horsam, of the grant by Matilda, her mother, to Hugh son of Randulph, of land which belonged to the said William in the east end of Matilda's garden. Witnesses:—Alan le Drapyr, William le Keatel, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Heref ?] B. 3966. Conveyance by Martin Pygun of Twyford, to Hugh de Camera of Acornebury, of land in Honteleye, for ten years, with agreement as to the sowing and reaping &c. of the said land. Feast of the Annunciation, 27 Edward I. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3967. Release by Henry de Sch[ypt'], to the abbot and content of Bordesley, of all his land in Hundesfeld, which he held of the fee of the said abbot in the year of grace A.D. 1260. Witnesses:—Samson de Bremesgrave, clerk, Master Hugh de Alvithechirche, Thomas the clerk (clerico) of Norton, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Quietaclam[acio] Henr[ici] de Schypt[on] Nortun.'
[Warw.] B. 3968. Grant by Henry de Schipton, to Master Hugh de Alvithegireche, of a croft in Hundesfeld. Witnesses:—Richard de Cofftone, William de Catteshulle, Thomas de Norton, clerk, and others (named).
[Surrey ?] B. 3969. Grant by Adam Scherp of Codintone, to Philip son of Hereward of the same, of land in the furlong called 'Hwetlond.' Witnesses:—Roger de Chelesham, Gilbert de Ewelle, Thomas le Gras, and others (named).
[Leic.] B. 3970. Grant by Marjory, late the wife of Roger Barkeby of Newton, widow, to William Bullyng of Hungerton, of a messuage in the same, abutting on a tenement of the abbot of Leicester, with a reversion held as dower by Marjory, late the wife of Henry Goddard of Whalbarowe. Tuesday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 6 Henry IV.
[ ] B. 3971. Grant by William the abbot, and the convent of Bordesley, to Robert de Cymiterio of Hulhale, of all that tenement with lands and houses &c. in Hulhale, which Reginald de Fonte formerly held. Witnesses:—Roger de Assellis John le Heyr, William de Bomeshulle, and others (named).
[Surrey.] B. 3972. Grant by Thomas de Hurtmere, to Robert le Norreys, of land in Hurtmere in Suthcrofte. Witnesses:—Walter de la Fenne, Richard de Frollebere, Thomas de Munstede, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: 'Surr', Hertmere'.
[Heref.] B. 3973. Grant by Robert Tope, citizen of Hereford, to Richard son of Richard Momword, citizen of the same, of a tenement in Hungreye street. Saturday before the Purification, 4 Edward II. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3974. Grant by Thomas Polet of Brommore, to the canons of Brommore, of a moiety of a messuage and of a curtilage in Hutwyke, by the road from Anestye, formerly held by Edith de Doneshulle; also land, part in Cherlewode near the high road from Brommore to Forde, part called 'Hurnacres' and 'Langehalne'; also land in the same parish, part in Crickemede next the croft called 'Edwardes Gore,' and part in Wytherslade; for the maintenance of a light before the great cross in the church of St. Mary and St. Michael of Brommore. Witnesses:—Thomas Baldewyne, William Tesson, Peter Yngeram, and others (named).
[Somers.] B. 3975. Grant by John de Alneto, lord of Henaton, to Christina Everad and John her son, of all his land in Hullo next Yevele, at the yearly rent of a rose, with remainders to Emmot the grantor's daughter, and to his own right heirs. Sunday after Michaelmas, 15 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Warw ?] B. 3976. Grant by Adam son of Siward, to Agnes his niece, daughter of his sister Cicely, of all his land in Hurst next Riseburge, rendering yearly a pair of gloves of the value of ½d. Witnesses:—Robert, lord of Stivichal, John de Stanlega, Nicholas de Hulla, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3977. Grant in frank almoin by Adam son of Edus de Esteneston, to the nuns of Sewardesley, of land in Hulecote, part lying on Hanginlond and part on Sandhul. Witnesses:—Ralph the smith (fabro) of Esteneston, Hugh son of Robert de Scetelhangre, and others (named). Seal, broken.
Leic. B. 3978. Grant by William Longe and Agnes his wife, sister and heiress of John Smyth, to William Smyth, William Bolte, and John Goolson, of their messuage, lands and tenements &c. in Hungerton. 21 April, 18 Henry VII.
[Salop.] B. 3979. Grant in frank almoin by Gervase Cadugan and Eynon, sons of Daniel son of Ythel, to the prior and canons of Chirburi and Snede, of all their land in Husinton under Cornedun. Witnesses:— Howel and Yarvord, sons of Eynon, Tudur son of Madoc, and others (named). Two seals.
[York.] B. 3980. Release by Isabella Cornecce, daughter of William de Daivile, to Sir John de Huk, of all her right in a toft with a messuage and part of a moor in Huk, which the said Sir John gave to her brother Walter de Dayvile. Witnesses:—John de Cliff, William de Rednesse Richard Charite of Huk, and others (named).
[Salop.] B. 3981. Grant in frank almoin by Madoc son of Gurgeneb, to the canons of Sned (Chirbury), of all the land which he had from Howel son of Eynon in Husiton, on Haethorn forlung at Cornedun, between Long furlong and Beche, and land in Subalde near the forest of Cornedun; also all his share of the meadow next the chapel of Husiton. Witnesses:— Howel son of Eynon, Yorvert son of Daniel, Eynon son of Ithel, and others (named). Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3982. Grant in frank almoin by Kalph del Estre of Hulcote, and Robert his son and heir, to the nuns of Sewardesley, of land in . Hulcote, parts lying on Brocfurlong and Russebed, abutting on Netherrugwey. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Simon de Setelhanger, Simon Caperun, Robert Samwis of Hulcote, and others (named).
[Leic.] B. 3983. Release by Walter de Huclescote, to the prioress and convent of Langele, of all his land which he held from them in Huclescote (Hucklescot). Witnesses:—Master J. archdeacon of Leicester, Th. rector of the church of Little Esseby, William de Senevill, Serlo de Thorp, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[York.] B. 3984. Grant by Thomas son of William le Skepper of Hucke, to Sir Thomas de Hucke, of moorland in Huke, extending from 'le Sandike' to the edge of the moor southwards. Witnesses:—Thomas de Holme living in Huke, Richard Charite, Roger the baker (pistore) of Swineflet, and others (named). Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3985. Grant by Ralph de Lestre of Hulecote, to Richard son of William de Tiffeld, of land in Hulecote upon Sandhil. Witnesses:— Alan de Tiffeld, Jordan Cut, John Rumeherte of Hulecote, and others (named).
[Leic.] B. 3986. Grant by the prioress and convent of Langele, to William son of Alice de Weston, for life, of all the land with a croft and toft in Hucclescote, which the said Alice held as dower. Witnesses:—William, clerk of Hucclescote, William de Overton, William de Raveneston, clerk, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Notts.] B. 3987. Grant by Richard Chesterfeld, clerk, and John de la Pole, to Hugh de Annesleye of Rodyngton, of their manor of Hucknall Torkard, with all services, rents, bondmen with their issue, lands and mills &c. there. 20 March, 6 Richard II, A.D. 1382.
Also, Grant by Hugh de Ansleye of Rodyngton, to Robert Teresalt, chaplain, of 4l. yearly rent from his manor in Huknall Torkard, and from all his lands &c. which he had of the feoffment of Richard de Chasterfeld, clerk, and John de la Poke (sic) in Huknall Torkard. Saturday, the feast of St. Mark the evangelist, 6 Richard II. Copies. One sheet of paper.
[Wilts.] B. 3988. Grant by Edward de Frome, to John Danyel, chaplain, and Reginald le Palmere, of a grove and piece of moor within the manor of Hulle Deverel, adjoining a close of the prior of Bradelegh called 'Burhulle.' and extending south to a meadow of the same prior called 'La Brodemede. Maydenebradlegh, Friday before the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 10 Edward III. Seal of arms, broken.
[N'hamp.] B. 3989. Grant in frank almoin by Ralph del Estre of Hulcote and Robert his son, to the nuns of Sewardesley, of land in Hulecote, part lying on Longelond, extending 'into the portwey' and towards Depslade, and part on Wodefurlong extending 'into the Hales' and beyond Eldebroc. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Simon do Setelhanger, Simon Caperun, Ralph the smith (fabro) of Estenstone, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] B. 3990. Grant in frank almoin by Robert de Lestre of Hulecote, to the nuns of Sewardesley, of land in Hulecote, part below Thyktkeshawe, and part on Longeyert. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Simon de Sutelhangre, Simon Caperon, Thomas de Weledon, clerk, and others (named). Seal.
York. B. 3991. Grant by Simon Webbe, to William Webbe and Thomas Stele, of his manor of Howke, with lands and tenements &c. in Howke, Holden, and Kexby. 20 August, 16 Henry VIII.
[Salop.] B. 3992. Grant in frank almoin by David son of Wigenen son of Eynon, to the prior and canons of Snede (Chirbury), of land in Husinton, part stretching towards Bagemor. Witnesses:—Howel son of Eynon, Yarvord son of Eynon, Robert son of Madoc, and others (named).
[York.] B. 3993. Release by John son of Richard son of Lambert de Huke, to John, the releasor's lord, of Huke, of land in the field called 'T . . . . .' Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Polington, William de Crigelston, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Q[u]ieta clamaco Joh[annis] Sparc.'
[N'hamp.] B. 3994. Grant in frank almoin by William Cuttegrene of Hulecote, son of Jordan Cuttegrene, to the nuns of Sewardesley, of land in Hulcote opposite Twegrist holm. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Simon de Setelhanger, Robert Samwis, Ralph the smith (fabro) of Estinstone, and others (named).
[Worc ?] B. 3995. Grant in frank almoin by Eudo de Bello Campo, to Sir Roger the abbot, and the monks, of Pershore, of the advowson of the church of Hulcrombe, together with his own body. Witnesses:—Richard de Sancto Paterno, Master John de Blockele, Robert de Okinton, and others (named). [circa A.D. 1235.]
[York.] B. 3996. Release by W. the abbot, and the convent, of Seleby, to Sir Thomas de Huk, knight, of a toft and buildings in Huk, which they had of the gift of Sir John de Huk, knight; for which release the said Sir Thomas has given them two pieces of land in the fields of Huk.
[York.] B. 3997. Grant by Eudo de Bavill, to Nigel son of William de Povelington, of land in Huck, in Eswineryding, extending from Kerdic to the water of Use. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Povelington, John de Useflet, and John de Huck, and others (named).
Worc. B. 3998. Release by John Wolmere of Alcetter (Alcester), co. Warwick, and Eleanor his wife, to Nicholas Gilbert, of a croft called 'Inreslande' at Houndesfild, with all their right in a yearly rent issuing from the same. 6 August, 12 Henry VIII. Fragments of two seals.
Sussex. B. 3999. Grant by John Apsley, John Dawson, and William Humfrey, to Thomas, earl of Surrey, Thomas Blenerhassett, Henry Chauncy, and Benet Brocas, gentlemen, and Thomas Chaloner, to the use of the said earl, of all the lands etc. in Horsham called 'Sedeleslonde' which the grantors with John Day, deceased, had by demise, dated April 2 14 Henry VII, from John Toley and Joan his wife; also letter of attorney authorising Henry Michell and Richard Foyse to deliver seisin of the same. 9 October, 21 Henry VII. Signature of the said John Apsley. Three seals.
Sussex. B. 4000. Demise by Thomas Blenerhassett, knight, and Alvred Barwyk, gentleman, to Thomas, duke of Norfolk, and the lady Agnes his wife, of all the lands and tenements &c. in Horsham called 'Maloovers' and 'Botellysfeld,' which they lately recovered by writ of entry sur disseisin en le post in Hilary Term, 8 Henry VIII, against John Erneley, the king's attorney, and others (named); with remainder to William, archbishop of Canterbury, and others (named) to the use of the said duke and his heirs; also letter of attorney authorising Thomas Challener and Edmund Marys to deliver seisin of the same. 13 February, 8 Henry VIII. Signatures of Blenerhassett and Averay (sic) Barwyk. Two seals.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin.