Deeds: A.5901 - A.6000

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Deeds: A.5901 - A.6000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.5901 - A.6000', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: A.5901 - A.6000". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1900), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

A.5901 - A.6000

[ ] A. 5901. Grant by John Treygoz, to Walter de la Hake, of a croft called 'Longecrofte,' at a yearly rent of two broad arrows. Witnesses:— Thomas de Doddeford, Thomas Tyeies, and others (named).
[Oxford.] A. 5902. Grant by Nicholas de Holecumb, to Sir Henry Grapynel, knight, of a yearly rent of 18d. from all the grantor's lands and tenements in Cleore. Witnesses:—Sirs Elyas de Witefeud, and William Ware, knights, and others (named). St. Martin's day, 15 Edward [I].
[N'hamp.] A. 5903. Grant by Ralph son of Richard de Atteneston, to Roger de Boys of Atteneston and Margaret his wife, of a windmill near Atteneston (Adstone), with its site &c. and of land near Chirchediche. Witnesses:—Robert Kynne of Maydeford, and others (named).
[Glouc.] A. 5904. Release by Henry le Colyere of Weneston, to Sir Hugh le Despenser, of all his right in that part of his land included within the bounds made between the said Sir Hugh and Sir Henry de Penbrygge, on Tuesday the eve of the apostles Philip and James, 31 Edward [I], and in the common of pasture which the releasor had in the wood and tenement of which the said Sir Hugh was enfeoffed by the said Sir Henry. Witnesses:—Sir William Mansel, Richard le Eyr of Bysseleye, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 5905. Grant in frank almoin by Bernard de Rokele, to the church of St. Peter, Bracking (Braughing), of land in the field called 'Hicheden' adjoining land which belonged to Walter the priest of Hotham, in return for which Geoffrey, the rector of Bracking, has permitted the donor to build a chapel in his court at Bordesd[ene] and to celebrate service in it. Witnesses:—William de Marin, Theobald de Eschal[ar]iis, and others (named).
[Linc.] A. 5906. Grant by William son of Henry de Finham, to Sir William, late the rector of Boby (Boothby), of a toft in Navemby, with all the land in Boby, and a rent there, which the said Henry gave to the grantor. Witnesses:—Thomas de Henges, John de Letteres, Ambrose de Muketun, and others (named).
[ ] A. 5907. Grant by Edoine daughter of Stephen de Bello Campo, to Walter son of Winebaud, of all the grantor's share of land in Busfeld near 'le Ho,' with a meadow and alder-grove (alneto) belonging thereto. Witnesses:—Angod de Corn', Robert de Russeie, William de Colun and others (named). [Henry III.]
Glouc. Worc. Warw. A. 5908. Grant in fee by Thomas de Bisshopsdon son and heir of Roger de Bisshopesdon, to Richard de Kington, parson of the church of Sheldon, and to Richard Boteler, chaplain, of the reversion of the lands &c. of which Beatrice de Bisshopesdon holds the reversion for her life; viz. the manor of Larkestowe, co. Glouc., a messuage in Bisswode in a field called 'Sorelesfeld' in Lapwurth, a messuage and croft formerly held in villenage by Walter Bonde in Lapworth, with the body of Thomas son of Walter atte Knyhtes, with his issue, the foreign woods and the manor of Bisshwode, all the lands &c. in Lapwurth and Rowynton formerly held by Mald' de Cantelowe, messuages, lands and rent in Pipwell and Waresley, co. Worc. with the bondmen (neifs) dwelling there and their issue, all the lands &c. in Hull and More by Fledbury, co. Worc. and in Lyndon, co. Warw. with all the bondmen dwelling in Hull and More, which lands &c. were formerly held by Joan late the wife of Thomas de Bisshopesdon. Sunday before St. Margaret, 48 Edward III. French.
[Glouc.] A. 5909. Grant by Richard de Hontynnefort, to Theydeus Lyolf, of land in Thornbiri, with a way to the water, of the free tenement lying between the grantor's land and Stretvole. Witnesses:—Thomas Barri, Nicholas de Holebiri, John de Hyolebiri, and others (named).
[Hunt.] A. 5910. Demise by Sir William, abbot of Ramsey, to Henry Godsweyn, of Aylington, for his life, of land belonging to the mills of Aylington. Witnesses:—Sir William the chamberlain (camberlano), Ranulph de Clervaus, and others (named). Wednesday in Easter week, A.D. 1271.
[Oxford.] A. 5911. Sale by Baldwin de Montibus, to Gilbert Basset, of all his land of Curtlynton, with the stock which his men had when they received that land to farm, for which Gilbert is to pay one hundred marks on the Sunday after All Saints, 23 Henry [III], or sooner if he is able, after which Baldwin will place him in full seisin of the premises and will deliver to him the grant made by Walter de Humez to Ralph de Montibus, the grantor's father &c. &c. Witnesses:—Roger de Stodleg', and others (named). [circa 23 Henry III.] Injured.
[Bedf.] [Hunt.] A. 5912. Release by William Cardown of Tylbrok, John Swetyng, and Isabella Swetyng late the wife of William Brekspere of Little Styvecle (Stukeley), of the same, to Simon Brekspere of the same, of all actions, except the dower of the said Isabella. Tylbrok, Wednesday the Annunciation, 11 Richard II.
[Warw ?] A. 5913. Extract from the court roll of Bullokkestone, showing that at the court held there on 3 November, 28 Henry VI, William Colyne of Retherfelde and Alice his wife received from the lord a croft called 'Rysschlond' as tenants at will for fifty years, paying 7d. yearly, which croft, as appears from the court roll of 25 April, 2 Henry IV, was surrendered by William Toly, a bondman of the lord, for a hundred years, to the use of John Loteman at the same rent; the said croft being part of the tenement called 'Tolyestenement' which is held of the lord in villenage, which tenement John Toly has surrendered to the use of Henry atte Reede, who retains one part of this indented copy. 3 November, 28 Henry VI.
York. [Middx.] A. 5914. Bond by Miles Wylson and Peter Wylson of Wakefeld, co. York, 'clothemen,' to John Aleyn, citizen and alderman of London for 21l. 12s. 2 April, 11 Henry VIII. Signed.
[Herts.] A. 5915. Release by Robert Triket son of Ralph Triket to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of all his right in land in Berkedene, formerly held of them by his brother Stephen, which Robert had claimed to hold after his said brother; in return for which the said canons have received him into their brotherhood, and have granted to him a corrody. Witnesses:—Henry, the mayor of London, Nicholas and Robert Blund, sheriffs of the same, Theobald son of Ivo, and William Fulbert, aldermen, Philip the priest of Horemade, Sir Ralph de Stebee, and others (named). [A.D. 1197–1198.]
[ ] A. 5916. Grant by Thomas son of Adam le Chaufener, to Adam de Strattone, of a messuage and curtilage between the house of Ralph le Tanur and the court of the said Adam, at a yearly rent of a rose. Witnesses: —Elias de Hertford, Thomas Esperun, and others (named).
Surrey. Sussex. A. 5917. Letters patent by John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, commanding Robert de Reppes, and William de Cotes, to receive seisin of the castle and town of Reigate, the manors of Dorkyng and Bechesworth, co. Surrey, the castle and town of Lewes, the manors of Cokefeld, Cleyton, Dychenyng, Mechyng, Pechham, Bryghtelmeston, Rottyngden, Houndeden, Northeste, Rademele, Kymer, Middelton, Alyngton, Worth, Pycoumbe, and the towns of Iford, Pydynghowe, and Seford, co. Sussex, and all the king's other manors &c. in the said counties, which have been granted to him by the king. Westminster, 6 July, 9 Edward [II].
[Leic.] A. 5918. Grant by Ralph son of Geoffrey de Torp, with the consent of his wife and heirs, to Wido, rector of a moiety of the church of Melt' (Melton Mowbray), of all right in land in Torp formerly held of the grantor by Ralph son of Arthur. Witnesses:—William de Piro, Thomas de Sixtenebi (Saxby), William son of Ernisus de Brentighebi (Brentingby), and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Bedf.] A. 5919. Grant by Payn de Laushull, with the consent of Avice his wife, and of his heirs, to Walter de Donigton, clerk, of land in Cramfelt (Cranfield), part at Piriecroft and part upon Bradelond, abutting on Dole, at a yearly rent of a pair of white gloves. Witnesses:—Hugh de Saleford, Simon Passelewe, Roger de la Burne, and others (named).
[Glouc.] A. 5920. Grant by Laurence de Tresham, to Henry le Coliar of Wynestone, and Agnes his wife, of a messuage, with a croft and curtilage which Elyas Segar lately held in Wynestone, with land in the same, part lying in the west field viz. three fardels (voerndell') by land of Robert Dibun, one fardel (ferndell') on Dernewellushull, part in Grimeshale, part at Swanesboer', part at Vildeneweye, part at Stanboer', part at 'le Saltstret,' part at 'le Merweye,' part at Boerhullesheved, part on Boerehull, part at Monnescroftusend, and part lying in the east field viz. part at Wodehembroke, part at Bolewell by the field of Gelkeston, part at Badekokesboer, part at Penderesweye, part at 'le Kenecrois',' part at Voxhale, part at Notteston, part upon the field of Dontesbourn, part in Glexvurlong, part by Gelkseteweye, part in Chrowethornesfurlong, part at Crinteleye, part at 'le Derneslad,' and part in 'le longefurlong.' Tuesday, the feast of St. James the apostle, 29 Edward [I].
[Kent.] A. 5921. Grant by Peter son of Adam the young (juvenis), to Peter de Makelonde, of the share which Adam his father held in a saltpit and pools (?) (strodis), in Headescrocke. Witnesses:—Simon de Waredune (Warden), Richard de Leisdune (Leysdown), and others (named).
[Devon.] A. 5922. Grant by William de Nerbert, at the request of Robert the priest, to the church of Biri, of land there, in exchange for land at Stapeldune Witnesses:—R. Gurul, Serle de Honne, Durant de Pacule, R. de Etteford, and others (named). Twelfth century.
Endorsed: 'In Devenescira.'
[Normandy.] A. 5923. Sale by Robert de Pormort, to Hamelin, earl of Warenne, his lord, for 65 marks and 25l. of Anjou, of all the fee which Robert held of the earl at Louveautuit, except his capital messuage with land near, and except the fee of one vavasor called 'Doudemanfee,' which messuage &c. he held by a yearly service of two gilt spurs of [the value of] 12d. of Anjou. Witnesses:—William son of Ralph, seneschal of Normandy, Robert de Harecort, William de Lindebone, Warm, provost of Belencombrie, and others (named). [A.D. 1178–1202.]
[ ] A. 5924. Charter by the king, granting permission to Alan Basset, for his dogs to hunt foxes, hares and wild cats in all the king's land. Witnesses:—William son of Ralph, steward of Normandy, Robert de Harecurt, Walter de Lasci, Hugh de Novill, and others (named). By the hand of Master Eustace, elect of Ely, acting chancellor. Vaudreuil (apud Vallem Rodol'), 7 January, 9 Richard [I].
This is a renewal of the above grant made under the king's first seal, which was changed because it was lost and while the king was in captivity in Almain was in other hands; it is witnessed by Baldwin, earl of Albemarle, William son of Ralph, seneschal of Normandy, Saer de Quenci, and others (named). By the hand of E[ustace], bishop of Ely, chancellor. Roche d'Orval (apud Rupem Auree Vall'), 22 August, 9 Richard [I]. [Printed in Ancient Charters, Pipe Roll Society, p. 111.]
Somers. Bucks. York. Westm. Suff. A. 5925. Grant by John Holand, earl of Huntingdon, the King's chamberlain, to Robert, bishop of London, Walter, bishop of Durham, William, bishop of Winchester, Richard, bishop of Chichester, Henry, earl of Derby, Edward, earl of Rutland, Sir John, Lord Lovel, Sir John Devereux, and Sir William Beauchamp, of the manors of Heselbeare, co. Somerset, Gadesdeyn, co. Bucks, Langeton, co. York, Merton, co. Westmorland, and Iklyngham, co. Suffolk, with their appurtenances, except knights' fees, the advowsons of churches, and the reversion of the manor of Haselbeare; in satisfaction of 300 marks a year in land and tenements, with which the grantor is bound to enfeoff the grantees in accordance with certain indentures made between Thomas, earl Marshal, and earl of Nottingham, lord of Moubray and Segrave, and the grantor, touching the marriage of the grantor's daughter, Custance, with the said earl Marshal's son, Thomas. London, loth February, 15 Richard II. French.
[Hunt.] A. 5926. Grant in frank almoin by John son of John de Aylingtone, to Sir William the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, of a messuage and croft &c. in Aylinton (Ellington). Witnesses:—Reginald de Marham William Ketil, Walter Produme, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 5927. Grant by William de le Dene of Little Belstede, to Philip Koc of the same, and Thomas Gilberd of Qwherstede (Wherstead), of a messuage with a croft called 'le dene,' and a pightle [of land] adjoining, in the said town, abutting on land of the rector of Belstede. Sunday before St. Martin, 6 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 5928. Grant by Ralph de Hayrun, to Richard son of Ailward de Forda, of the field in which Brihtieua Hulewil dwelt. Witnesses:—James Blund, Picot de Marisco, William Peveril, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 5929. Demise by Richard son of Reiner son of Berenger, to Arnold the tailor (parmentario), of his land at the head of Mngenelane, for which Arnold has given him a pair of spurs worth 6d. Witnesses:— Greoffrey Testard, Josceus de Smetefeld, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Berks.] A. 5930. Acquittance by Roger de Ingepenne, co-executor with Sir Anthony, bishop of Durham, John de Warenne, earl of Sussex and Surrey, lady Joan de Valence and Bartholomew, parson of Sottone, of the will of Sir William de Valence, for certain sums of money received by him from John de Dittone, by the hand of Walter de Filebi, clerk to Sir Emcr (Aymer) de Valence, in accordance with powers conferred on the said Roger and on Geoffrey de Wrettone by the other executors, which sums were due to the said Sir William by Ralph de Sandwiz, John de Scardeborh, Walter de Redinges, and the said John de Dittone, by a recognisance made in 24 [Edward I] for Henry de Lancaster and Maud his wife. Ingepenne, Thursday, 2 April, 27 Edward [I]. French.
[Middx.] [Hunt.] A. 5931. Acquittance by John de Borewell, for 40l. received from the prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, London, in repayment of a loan and discharging the said prior and convent from a recognisance for 60l. in the Exchequer, made on 12 December in the under-mentioned year. Haliwell, 9 March, 11 Edward II.
[Middx.] [Hunt.] A. 5932. Defeasance of a recognisance made in the Exchequer on the 10 December, of the under-mentioned year, by the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Borewell, for 60l.; witnessing that if the said prior and convent pay to the said John de Borewell, at Haliwell, 40l. on the first Sunday in Lent next following, then the said recognisance shall be void. London, 10 December, 11 Edward II.
[Herts.] A. 5933. Grant by Robert Payn of Pelham, to Thomas Thiede of Bordesdene, of land in Bordesdene, which the grantor has taken in exchange from William de la Wyndhelle, abutting on the road to the church of Brawynge (Braughing). Witnesses:—Robert de Rupell[is], John de Bordesdene, and others (named).
[Middx ?] A. 5934. Demise and release by Elias, eldest son of Theodbald son of Ivo, to Ralph son of Richard Cavel, of all the sale (totam vendicionem) which Denise late the wife of the said Theobald sold to Richard Cavel, viz. a certain wooden house, which, with the orchard behind, the grantor's said father gave to the said Denise. Witnesses:—John the chaplain of the church of St. Denis, Fulcred de Limstrate, William de Suffolk, Reginald de Suwerk, and others (named).
[ ] A. 5935. Release by Robert son of Rod, of Burtunhefde, to Alan son of Hugh le Norres, of all his land and right in Burtonheved, except a quarter of one bovate, for which Alan has given him 7 marks 4s. in his great need (in magna necessitate mea). Witnesses:—Sir Robert de . . . . . hum, Henry de Turboc, Henry de Nordhale, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[ ] A. 5936. Grant in frank almoin by . . . . . . . . ., to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of land in . . . . ., part lying in Estfeld, part in Tuddeheg, part upon Stane &c. Mutilated fragment.
[Norf?] A. 5937. Certificate by Othewel de Insula, to the justices of the king, that the prior and canons of the Holy Trinity, London, hold certain land of him, in fee and inheritance, in Becham, by half a knight's service as they held it from his father and brother, and that Alexander de Orpent and his son John, and Osbert Vitdemers have unjustly entered upon that land &c. Twelfth century.
[ ] A. 5938. Charter by Henry, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to . . . . . . . . [Henry II.] Mutilated fragment; the names of . . . . Gai, and Alice his wife, occur.
[Middx.] A. 5939. Grant by Thomas the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John Bamme, esquire, that whereas the said John has delivered to the said prior and convent, for purposes specified in a pair of indentures made between the above parties, 'certeyn evidences in two boxes within a litle cheste shet and inclosed with lok and key the key therof remaynyng with the seid John Bamme,' if any action arise, relative to the lands &c. which the said evidences concern, during the life of Dame Alys Hampton, cousin and heir of Sir William Hampton, knight, late citizen and alderman of London, or hereafter, the said John may have the temporary use of such of the said evidences as he may require. 15 July, 1 Richard III. English.
[Herts.] A. 5940. Release in frank almoin by Richard de Bordesden, to Eustace the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of land in the hamlet of Bordesden, between the said prior's land called 'Linlonde' and the releasor's land called 'le Holdeberie,' as far as the water course. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Scalariis, Robert de Rupellis, knights, and others (named).
[ ] A. 5941. Grant by William le Myre, son of Richard le Myre, to Adam the tailor (cyssori), of one 'ruding' (rudingam) lying between land of William le Myre and of John Brian. Witnesses:—Richard de Hec, Amys de Tadelee, William de Everslee, William de Stanford, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 5942. Grant by R[ichard] the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Robert Luvel, of Robert Cobbe, their bondman, with all his issue (sequela). Witnesses:—Richard de Gatebir', Adam de Bracking, and others (named). [A.D. 1223–1252.]
[Kent.] A. 5948. Release by Godelef', relict of John Elfegh, to Richard son of the said John, of all her right of dower in the lands &c. of her late husband. Witnesses:—John de Sancta Margareta, bailiff of Wytstaple, Thomas de Easninge, Maurice de Northwde, John de Harnhille, and others (named). 1 Edward I.
[ ] A. 5944. Bond by James Nedeham, the king's master carpenter, to Thomas Crumwell, master, or treasurer, of the king's jewels, for 200l. 11 June, 24 Henry VIII. Signed.
Endorsed:—Condition of above bond witnessing that if the said James shall perform the covenants specified in certain indentures of even date, made between the said parties, then the above bond shall be void. English.
[Cornw.] A. 5945. Grant by Ralph de Karlunyeck, perpetual vicar of the church of St. Wendron, to John de Tremaen, and Margaret his wife, of all his messuages and lands &c. in Tremaen and Laen, with remainder, in tail, to James, son of the said John, and Marina his wife, and reversion to the right heirs of the said John. Thursday before St. George the martyr 7 Edward III. A.D. 1333.
Camb. A. 5946. Grant by William Levechyld of Whytwell in the parish of Berton (Barton), to Edmund Hanson, clerk, rector of the parish church of Tofte, George Baasley of Tofte, Nicholas Maye, and Thomas Baasley son of Thomas Baasley, smith, of the same, and John Grene of Comberton, of land in Berton, part lying in Grysewell dole, by the land late of Nicholas Cleve but now of St. Catherine's Hall [Cambridge], and abutting on Watlondfurlong, part lying by land of the prior of Bernewell, and part at Byttersaltfurlong by the lands of 'la Clarehall.' 10 November, 19 Henry VII. Seal.
[Hants.] A. 5947. Grant by Alice Browne late the wife of William atte Wode, widow, to John Brytte, of a cottage and curtilage in Cryschurch Twynham in 'la Castelstrete,' adjoining the tenement of Maurice Berkeley, knight, and extending southward to the castle moat; also of land part lying in Benettyshey, part opposite the spring at the end of the town and part abutting on 'la Portlane.' Witnesses:—Sir Walter Hyder, vicar of Cryschurch, Richard Hamud, reeve, John Bonevyle and John Ryggh, constables, and Thomas Goold, bailiff, of the same. 16 December, 24 Henry VI. Seal.
[Essex ?] A. 5948. Certificate by William son of Alayn, and Richard Sqwier, of the forest of Passeleye, that they have mainprised Peter son of Giles del Estwode. Bothemle, 3 July, 34 Edward [I]. French.
Cornw. A. 5949. Grant by Margaret, late the wife of Stephen Frensbe, daughter and heiress of John Tynten of Lansewgy, widow, to Thomas Carmynowe, esquire, of all her messuages and lands &c. in Polmargh, Mochellhendra, Lytellhendra, Scrobbehendra, Tregerian vian, Lansewgy, and elsewhere in the county named. Lannowe Seynt, Monday after St. Leonard, 18 Henry VI.
Chesh. A. 5950. Grant by Thomas of Bold, esquire, to William Danyelof Dersbury, of the wardship of all the lands &c. that belonged to John of the Melles, deceased, in the city of Chester and the town of Tranmull in Wyrall, during the minority of Henry the said John's heir, with the said heir's marriage, which wardship &c. was granted to the said Thomas by Henry V. The feast of Mary Magdalene, 1 Henry VI. English. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 5951. Grant by William Boteler of Skernyng, to Richard Tabbe of the same, and Thomas Tabbe and Edmund Basse of Est Bradenham, of a messuage called 'Jabbes,' and of land, in Skernyng, (Scarning), part adjoining lands of the abbots of Bury and Wendlyng. Feast of the Annunciation, 15 Henry VI. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 5952. Grant by Adam Chabbe of Skernyngg, to Roger ate Hyl, tanner, of Estderham, of a messuage &c. in Skernyngg, and land there, part abutting on the land called 'Sayereswong' and part on the ditch called 'Rodecroftdyg.' Monday before the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 8 Edward III. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 5953. Grant by William Bodrugan of Markewylle, to William Bodrugan of Bodrugan, and John Tregoys, of the manor of Markewylle, for forty years. Witnesses:—John Awmarle, mayor of Lostwythiell, and others (named). Thursday after St. Gregory the pope, 3 Henry IV.
Salop. A. 5954. Grant by Thomas de Whitton and Edward de Whitton, to John Seete of Seete, of all their lands and tenements &c. in Assheford Jones, Assheford Carbonell, and Huntyngton, which the grantors, with William Boure and others, deceased, lately had of the gift of William de Seete. Whitton, 10 January, 2 Henry V.
Worc. A. 5955. Demise by Edward Morris of Shipston on Stower, gentleman, to Richard Morris of the same, gentleman, for life, of all his lands and tenements &c. in Shipston aforesaid which came to him from his mother, Christyan Morris, as appears by a division made between the said Richard and Edward, entered on the court rolls, provided that the said Edward may quietly hold 'two edifices or buldynges of shoppes' in Shipston, with the profits of the criership &c. demised to him by the said Richard. 1 August, 23 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Names of witnesses.
Endorsed: 'Memorandum that this lease was sealed and delivered by Edward Morris unto his brother a whole owre before Ric. dyd deliver his to his [brother] Edward.'
[Norf.] A. 5956. Grant in tail by Hugh Tebaud of Schipedene, to John le Carpunter of Suthfeld, of land in Schipedene at Crowemer'. Tuesday after St. Botolph, 7 Edward II.
[Flint.] A. 5957. Grant by Peter son of William de Blaken, to John de Helegh, burgess of Flynt, of all his lands and tenements &c. in Flynt. Witnesses:—Sir John Goloffre, knight, mayor of Flynt, Thomas de Aundernes and Nicholas le Heinde, bailiffs there, and others (named). 28 May, 14 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Denbigh.] A. 5958. Grant by Robert ap Gruffydd ap Geoffrey, to Thomas ap Grono ap Jevan ap Eign', of all his messuages, lands, and tenements &c. in Nanclyn Sanctorum in the commote of Issalet within the lordship of Denbeigh; with letter of attorney authorising Gruffydd ap Jevan ap Rys ap David to deliver seisin. 3 February, 20 Henry VIII. Seal, defaced.
Berks. A. 5959. Release by Edward Clerk of Fridlesham, husbandman, kinsman and next heir of Thomas Clerk, late of Redyng, draper, to William Norreis, knight, of all his right in two messuages, with curtilages and gardens, in the new street of Redyng, which came to the releasor after the death of the said Thomas, his uncle, and which the said William, with others, lately had of the releasor; also in all other lands &c. in Redyng. late his said uncle's. 10 February, 18 Edward IV. Seal, defaced.
[Norf.] A. 5960. Grant by Thomas Tabbe of Estbradenham, to John Poumfreyt of Skernyng, the younger, John Westhaghe and Robert Baker, clerks, and Robert Fyssher, of the same, of all that empty messuage called 'Jabbes', and land in Skernyng aforesaid, which the grantor, with others, lately had of the grant of William Boteler, in 15 Henry VI, except one piece of land lying near Reyneres; with letter of attorney authorising Edward Tabbe to deliver seisin. 24 February, 21 Edward IV. Seal.
Somers. A. 5961. Grant by John Mone, esquire, to John Sydenhame, son and heir of Alexander Sydenhame of Hunteworthy, of two tenements in Northepederton; with letter of attorney authorising Marmaduke Maunssell and Richard Fysche to deliver seisin. 22 November, 10 Henry VIII.
Underwritten after the date: Further grant of land called 'Ayscheforde' in the parish of Northepederton. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 5962. Release by William son of John le Curszon of Aldeburgh to Robert son of John Hereward, of all his right in all the lands and tenements &c. which had belonged to his father, John le Curzon in Aldeburgh, Thurgarton, Matelaske, Wykemere, Tweyt and Smaleberwe. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Curszon, John de Hedersete, knights, and others (named). Wednesday after St. Mark the evangelist, 14 Edward III. Seal defaced.
Somers. A. 5963. Grant by William Dovell, the abbot, and the convent of Clyve, to John Michell and Joan his wife, for their Jives, of a messuage in Byllerebroke within the lordship of Olde Clyve, with gardens and orchards &c. adjoining, held by John Hayward as tenant at will, also of land there in ground (in quodam solo) called 'Cocklond' formerly parcel of the convent's grange of Bye, also of pasture for two animals, yearly, in the place called 'Clyve Allers,' and, in each year, as many alders and willows growing there as a man can cut in one day, also of a close in ground called 'Chalcrofte' &c. and four other closes called 'Harlescombere Grownde'; the grantees to do suit at the grantors' court of Oldeclyve twice a year, and with their multures at the grantors' mill of Wayschfford; the grantees to have, on the premises, 'housbote, haybote, fyrebote, ploughbote and foldbote'; with letter of attorney authorising Thomas Beryman and David Ivyne to deliver seisin. 12 September, 18 Henry VIII. Seal and portion of seal.
Underwritten: Memorandum, signed by the said abbot, of an interlineation made by him 'in bothe the dedes.'
Surrey. A. 5964. Exemplification, made at the request of the under-mentioned Parson and Ferrant, of the enrolment on the De Banco Boll of Hilary Term, 28 Elizabeth, roll 42, among the pleas of land, of proceedings in a suit by Robert Parson and John Ferrant for the recovery by double voucher of seisin against James Sutton, John Gabell and Thomas Hemyngway, of messuages and lands &c. in Cobeham, Esshere, Easthorseley and Ockham. 12 February, 28 Elizabeth. Common Pleas seal and counterseal.
Flint. A. 5965. Grant by Richard Coly son of Henry Coly, to John Heley, and William Heley his son, of all the grantor's lands and tenements &c. in the town and county of Flynt. Witnesses:—John Hakes, under-sheriff of the said county, John Heley, escheator of the same, and others (named). 4 December, 8 Henry VI. Seal.
Bedf. A. 5966. Demise by John Rowe of Clapham, esquire, to William Niegose, son of John Niegose, deceased, of the same, husbandman, for twenty years, of land in Clapham and Okeley, and a little meadow close called a 'coppie close,' abutting on East end land, and on Rickyard close; reserving to the grantor 'the fallinge and toppinge of all the okes, elmes, and ashtrees,' in the premises. 28 April, 24 Elizabeth. A.D. 1582. English. Portion of seal.
Underwritten: The mark of the said William Niegose.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
[Cornw.] A. 5967. Grant by Richard Mayda, to William le Bunkyer and Joan his wife, of a stall (seldam) in the street of St. Glywyatus (Gluvias), adjoining the house of Walter de Carnduyon [in Penryn]. Borough ot Penren (Penryn), Friday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 7 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 5968. Grant by William son of Richard de la Mare of Plumstede, to John son of Clement de Westwude of the same, of land in Plumstede, part lying beside Manhevedth Pith and abutting on the road from Plumstede to Matelaske, and part lying in Kitlinggescrundel. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph le Cursun of Bernigham, Ralph de Gungate, Hugh de Suddale, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 5969. Grant by Henry Clerk of Skernyng, as executor of the will of Geoffrey Aunsell, deceased, to John Pomefreyt, the elder, of the same, of land in the furlong (quarentena) called 'Havercrofte' in Skernyng, abutting on land of the abbot of Wendlyng; with letter of attorney authorising Jerome Crowe, clerk, to deliver seisin. 24 November, 20 Henry VII. Seal.
[Kent.] A. 5970. Demise by Edward Pratt, to Richard Exherst, Simon Bason, William Aldy, Thomas Aldy and William Crofte, to the use of the said Richard, of those messuages with land in Asshe by Sandewich at a place called 'Cobbestrete,' which the said Edward lately had of the demise of the said Richard, to carry out the will of William Norres; on condition that the said Richard shall find a yearly obit de dirige et missis, with a yearly payment of 6s. 8d. for the same, in the parish church of Asshe, in accordance with the said will. 23 January, 3 Henry VIII. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] A. 5971. Will of Thomas Gigges of Brunham St. Clements; the testator leaves legacies in money to the church of St. Clement where he is to be buried, to the poor house in the parish of St. Clement and St. Andrew, Brunham, the church of St. Margaret, Brunham Norton, the church of Stanhowe, the Carmelite priory of Brunham, to the children of his children John, Katherine and Elizabeth, to Thomas Gigges son of John Gigges, his brother, late of Wyghton, to each of his children, to each person coming to pray for his soul, who is also to have food and drink, to each of his servants, and to the guild of St. Clement, Brunham, and that of St. John the Baptist in the same church; also to his son, John Gigges, a cup called 'le nutte,' with a gilt foot and a cover, to his daughter Katherine a mazer (murram), to his daughter Elizabeth a silver standing cup with a cover, and to Alice, wife of his son John, a silver box called 'le powder box'; he leaves his manor in Brunham to his son John Gigges, with whom the testator's wife Margaret is to dwell, in the said manor, for her life, and who is to pay her yearly 40s.; his messuage &c. called 'Makemaydes' in Brunham Norton to John son of the testator's son, William, in tail, reserving from it an annuity of 40s. to the said Margaret, for life, to whom he also leaves his message called 'Shenkwynnes' in Stanhowe for her life, with the condition that if the said John son of William die without heirs, the premises called 'Makemaydes' shall be sold and the proceeds devoted to charitable purposes; Margaret his wife, John his son, and John Home being appointed his residuary legatees and executors. 11 March, A.D. 1466.
Endorsed: Memorandum of probate at Northcreyk before the official of the archdeacon of Norfolk, 27 May, A.D. 1467.
Flint. A. 5972. Release by Gruffith ap Comis ap Deic ap Ken[wric] ap Gron[ow], to David Aunwill ap Jevan ap David ap Ken, chaplain, of all his right in all the lands and tenements &c. in Kilowayn in the lordship of the bishop and dean and chapter of St. Asaph, which the said David acquired from the said Comis, the releasor's father. Bodevgan, Thursday after the conception, 7 Edward IV. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 5973. Indenture tripartite between Thomas, prior of the church of our Lady of Walsyngham, Richard Ventre, knight, and Thomas Jiggis, gentleman, witnessing that the said Richard has deposited with the said prior a deed by which Symond Ventre granted to Richard Creyk and others, the manor called 'Ventres Maner' in Brunbam St. Clements and other towns, the said deed to remain with the said prior to the use of the said Thomas Jiggis, during the said Richard Ventre's life, and for ten years next following, the said prior to deliver the deed to Thomas during any action against him concerning the said manor by Richard Ventre; the said Thomas to take no advantage from the said deed, except for the defence of the lands of which he is seised at the time of making this indenture, and for defence of the lands which John Hony lately bought of him &c. Monday after the Epiphany, 24 Henry VI. English Two seals.
Annexed: Pedigree of the Ventre family in so far as it concerns the above-mentioned deed; certified by Sir Richard Ventre. Seal.
Heref. A. 5974. Release by Richard de la Mare, esquire, and George Breynton, to Thomas Bromwych, son and heir of Walter Bromwych brother and heir of John Bromwych, knight, of all their right in the manors of Sarnesfeld Cosyn and 'la Ley,' and in all their other lands &c. in the said places, and in Fenhampton and Buryton, and elsewhere within the lordship of Webbeley. Sunday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 2 Henry VI. Seal of arms and seal.
Warw. A. 5975. Release by Edward Wightman of Hynckley, co. Leicester, gentleman, to Edward Rawlett of Eton alias Nonn Eton, 'chaundler,' of all his right in a messuage or tenement in Eton which the said Rawlett lately acquired from the said Wightman. 28 July, 20 Elizabeth. Signed. Seal.
Underwritten: Names of witnesses.
Bedf. A. 5976. Release by Nicholas Hardinge of Streatley, yeoman, to Thomas Bussey of Ampthill, yeoman, of all his right in a messuage in Ampthill, in the street called 'Churche streete,' next to a messuage belonging to the king. 26 September, 2 Charles I, A.D. 1626. Mark of the said Nicholas. English. Seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses.
Sussex. A. 5977. Grant by Richard Weston and John Weston of Maideston, co. Kent, to John Chilly of Hethfelde, Nicholas Pukkisty of Wadeherst, Nicholas Saxpees of Maierisfelde, and John Norman of the same, and to the heirs and assigns of the said Chilly, of all their lands and tenements in Buxstede called 'Althornys,' which the grantors lately had of the gift of William Weston of Buxstede; the said John Chilly to provide food, clothing and lodging &c. or a specified sum of money, for the said William Weston and Denise his wife, for their lives, and to pay a certain sum to the grantors. 4 June, 16 Henry VII. Two seals, defaced.
[Cornw.] A. 5978. Demise by John Reskemer, esquire, to John Sandry of Rele, Thomas Nicolas of the same, and Joan his wife, in succession, for their lives, of all his messuages, lands and tenements in Rele, Whitford and Fenteurds (?), paying 31s. 6d. yearly, at the four terms used within the hundred of Penwith &c. 21 January, 3 Elizabeth. Two seals.
Sussex. A. 5979. Release by John Bartlot of Stopeham to Maurice Pomery, of all his right in all the lands and .tenements &c. in the parish of Westbourne and hundred of Bourue, in West . . . ynge, and in the hundred of Dempford, also in Pulbergh or elsewhere in the county named, which the releasor, together with others named, deceased, lately had of the grant of the said Maurice. Feast of St. Thomas, 31 Henry VI. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 5980. Grant by Robert Herward, John Atte Fen of Great Yarmouth, and Clement Herward, to Andrew Candelman of Shipden, and William Coupere of the same, of a plot of land in Shipden. Monday after St. Faith, 1 Richard II. Seal, and fragment of seal.
[Cornw.] A. 5981. Grant by John le Men of Helleston Burgh, to John his son, of a plot of land there, under Helleston Castle. Witnesses:— Macut Chouse, Richard Yvet, reeves of Hellestone, and others (named). Monday after the Sunday on which is sung 'Misericordias Domini' (second Sunday after Easter), A.D. 1344.
[Chesh.] A. 5982. Demise by John Daniell of Derrisbere, to John Bold and Grace his wife, for ten years, of a close in Sutton called the 'iiij acre,' lying near the barn called 'the tend Bearne of Bold.' Eve of St. Andrew the apostle, 3 Henry VIII. English.
[Cornw.] A. 5983. Grant in tail by Johen Treher of Lenanta, to Hugh Harry Perov and Marina his wife, with remainder, in tail, to Henry Perov, of land in Dynas ya in the fee of Coverton, adjoining Erov porthm', with the common way from the plot of the said Hugh to the town of Porthya, doing suit twice a year at the grantor's court at Dynas or Arth. Tuesday after the Assumption, 24 Henry VI. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 5984. Release by Richard the mower (falcator), brother of Roger le Newon, to Hilary son of the said Roger, of all his claim, through Richard le Newon, to land in Treloyssec. Witnesses:—John, lord of Penwerne, and others (named). Tuesday the Conversion of St. Paul, 34 Edward [I].
[York.] A. 5985. Release by John Sothrover, knight, to Thomas de Clapham 'dil lund,' of all his right in all the lands and tenements which formerly belonged to Thomas de Torton of 'le Lound,' the releasor's grandfather, in Thortun (Thornton in Lonsdale), Lund, Westhouses, and Burton (Black Burton), within the wapentake of Youcros (Ewecross). Wednesday before Palm Sunday, 15 Richard [II].
[Cornw.] A. 5986. Grant by Matthew de Sansuana, to Oliver de Caermenon and Elizabeth his wife, of a messuage and land in Sansuana. Thursday, the feast of the apostles Philip and James, 13 Edward II. Fragments of seal in small bag.
Linc. Norf. Suff. A. 5987. Release by William de Copuldyk, esquire, son of John de Copuldyk, knight, to Sir Simon de Felbrygge, knight, John Wodehows, Oliver Grose, William Paston of Paston, John de Flete of Fraumpton, William Vausse, John Kyghley of Salmondby, Robert Willyngham of Boston and John Dawys, of all his right in the manors of Harington, Forthington, Tytton, Freston, Claynger and Copuldyk and in the advowsons of the churches of Harington and Assewardby, co. Lincoln, in the manors of Appelton and Wyghtlyngham, co. Norfolk, in the manor of Horham, and in the advowsons of the churches of Dalenghoo and Alderton, co. Suffolk and in all the manors and lands &c. in Harington, Hagworthyngham, Fraumpton Kirketon in Holand, Algerkirke and Stykney, or elsewhere in the county of Lincoln, which the releasor lately had of the feoffment of the said John Kyghley and Robert Willyngham, and in all other manors and lands &c. in Freskney, Hagworthyngham, Drexsthorp, Conyngesby, Kirketon in Holand and Skyrbek or elsewhere in the said counties, also in all the reversions &c. of manors and lands in Harington, Wyberton, Freston Kyrketon in Holand, Fraumpton, and Tofte, or elsewhere in the said counties, which ought to come to the releasor; of all which premises the above-named grantees are seised by a grant made to them by the releasor on the 1st April last past. 15 April, 8 Henry V.
[Chesh.] A. 5988. Conveyance by Richard de Aston, to Henry Damers, of all his lands and tenements in Over Walton and Nether Walton, with a fishery in the water of Merse, for twenty-four years from the feast of St. Martin the bishop, 48 Edward III. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Dutton, Robert le Massi of Preston, and others (named).
[Warw.] A. 5989. Release by Cristopher Hoope, son of Agnes Hoope, kinswoman and heiress of Petronella, Matilda, Joan, and Emma, daughters and heiresses of John Cooke late of Crudworth, to John Mason of Kynnesbury, of all his right in all the lands and tenements &c. in Crudworth (Curdworth), Mynworth, and Wygengell (Wigginshall), which lately belonged to the said John Cooke and his above-named daughters, and which the said John Mason lately acquired from Thomas Broke of Benteley. 8 May 12 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Tanworth.
[Essex ?] A. 5990. Acknowledgment by Ralph de Hasting, that he is bound to pay 2d. yearly to William Loo, for the overflow of the water of his stew (vivarii) on the said William's land of Cobbesland. Witnesses:— Alexander de Rames', Robert de Michelestede, Robert, parson of Misteley, Adam, parson of Bradefeld, Walter de Fuleton, and others (named). 5 John.
[Cornw.] A. 5991. Grant by John de Trewybrest, to Walter de Tretherf and Matilda his wife, of land in Trewybrest, and all his moor and turbary there, near Baydek, below the road to Fordgeu, as far as the water of Baydek. Witnesses:—Thomas de Trempol, John Marc of Trevarthan, Stephen de Boswydel, and others (named). Sunday after St. Ambrose, 6 Edward III.
[Norf.] A. 5992. Release by Robert Hereward, John Atte Fen of Great Yarmouth, and Clement Hereward, to John Hestyng, of 13d. out of the 25d. yearly rent due to them for a plot of land in Shypeden. Monday after Midsummer, 49 Edward III. Seal.
[Bucks.] A. 5993. Grant by William Reynaud, Cicely his wife, and John son of the said William of Brunham (Burnham), to John son of Simon de Sulburg', and Olive his wife, of the same, of land in Brunham Westgate, at 'le Blakelond.' 3rd of the Ides of February (February 11), 4 Edward [I]. Fragment of seal.
[Wilts.] A. 5994. Grant by William Paynot the elder, to Amice his daughter, and Edith her daughter, of land in Stratforde, part lying near the land of Master John de Wytchurche,. farmer (firmar') of Stratforde, and the road between Stratforde and Salisbury, part called 'Thornhalve' by 'le Mere,' between the lands of Stratforde and Muleforde, part in Pentrichsolad, part [in] Mercheforland, and part called 'le Hevedlond' lying on Hundeshulle. Thursday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 26 Edward III.
[Berks.] A. 5995. Release by Philip Waltham, citizen and cutler of London, to Richard Clerk, late of the parish of St. Clement, Asshamstede, Anne his wife an Thomas their son, of all his right in two messuages in the new street of Redyng, on condition that if a yearly quit rent granted by John Skrene and Thomas Hynstoke to the said Philip, from the moiety of a brewhouse called 'le Walsshman on le hope 'in Fletestrete, without Ludgate, in the parish of St. Martin, and of two shops adjoining, be extinct before the date of these presents, then this release shall be void. 4 November, 2 Henry VI. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 5996. Grant by Eichard, son and heir of Michael de Carneyvec, to John de Polgrun, merchant, of a messuage and land in Carneyvek, and two messuages and land in Trevahek, being all the grantor's lands and tenements in the said towns. Saint Colan, Friday after Midsummer, 6 Edward III.
[Somers.] A. 5997. Grant in tail by Robert filtz Paegn, to Walter le Lyf and Lucy his wife, with reversion to the grantor, of land on Cantokes in the parish of Overstaweye (Over Stowey), lying between the road from Ayly (Ely) to Cruscombe and the hill of Cogerhulle, with the use and profit of the water of Cogercombe. Cedene, Wednesday, the morrow of St. Laurence, 10 Edward II.
Endorsed: 'Carta de tenemento de Kantok de dono domini Roberti Fyzpayn—in Peppestake.'
Norf. A. 5998. Demise by Alice Bardolff, widow, late the wife of Edward Bardolff, to Thomas Aslak, esquire, and Isabella his wife, daughter and heiress of Alana, late the wife of John Suthwell, esquire, for eighty years, of two messuages, a water mill, land, with meadow and marsh, and land in an alder grove, rent and faldage, in Tudenham, Honyngham, Thorp and Claxton. 10 August, 10 Edward IV. Fragments of seal.
Norf. A. 5999. Grant by Thomas Parke of Lenn Regis, merchant, to John Grebby of the same, merchant, of a capital messuage in 'Le Tuesday Markett place,' in Lenn Regis, adjoining the common lane called 'Puddyng lane,' and abutting on the great stream called 'Lenn Yaven,' and now occupied by the grantor and Beatrice Parke, widow, his mother, with a garden &c. and 'Lez Watergates' adjoining; also of another messuage in the street called 'le Satterday Markett place' in the said town; reserving the life interest of the said Beatrice in all the premises. 24 September, 8 Elizabeth. Signed. Seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin.
Linc. A. 6000. Demise by John Kighley of Salmondby and Robert de Willyngham of St. Botolph, to William de Copuldyk, esquire, son of John de Copuldyk, knight, of all their manors and lands &c. in Harington, Hagworthyngham, Frampton, Algerkirk, Kirketon in Holand, Skirbek, Conyngesby and Stykeney, or elsewhere in the county named, which they, with Thomas Hauley, knight, and others, deceased, lately had of the gift of the said John de Copuldyk, knight; except the lands &c. which the said Robert lately had of the demise of the said John Kighley, and others, deceased, and which after the said Robert's death, are to revert, by the grant of John de Copuldyk, clerk, to William and John de Tofte and others. 1 March, 7 Henry V. Portion of seal of arms.