Bedf. Herts. Middx. |
C. 2001. Attornment by Elizabeth Kendale, late the wife of Sir
Edward de Kendale, knight, the younger, to Sir Reginald de Grey, lord of
Rutthyn, and Gerard de Braybrook, knights, John Malyns, William Trailly,
and Phelipot Herneys, on the grant to them by Sir William Croiser, knight,
of the reversion of the manors of Maydecroft, Wrastelyngworth, and
Tydeburst, and of lands, &c., in the parishes of Aldenham, Idelstre,
Egeswere and Little Stanmere, which the said Elizabeth holds for her life.
First week in July, 1 Richard II. French. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2002. Confirmation by Adelis de Abbervilla, mother of William de
Lisuris (Lisors), of the gift which the latter made to Peter son of Adam de
Norhamtona, viz. of the mill of Abinton, &c. Witnesses:—Richard
Engaigne, sheriff, and many others (named). [2–3 Richard I.] Seal,
imperfect. |
[Heref.] |
C. 2003. Grant by John Mael, to Adam de la Kalewe, clerk, of land
in the territory of Welintun, stretching to the stream by Rupsebruge, in
the territory called 'Broeholes,' and in Lidegatesforlong. Witnesses:—
Walter Restot, and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2004. Confirmation by Hugh de Lisures, with the assent of Henry,
son of Peter son of Adam, to the brethren of the hospital of Holy Trinity
without Northampton, of the grant which the said Peter made to them
of the mill of Abinton, which William de Lisures, Hugh's brother, gave
to the said Peter. Witnesses:—Ralph Basset, Richard de Tani, and others
(named). [Henry III.] Fragments of seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2005. Grant by Alexander de Buketon, to the hospital of Holy
Trinity by Northampton, and the brethren there, of land which Henry son
of Osmund held in Buketon, with the said Henry and his issue, and land of
his own demesne there, of the fee of St. Wandregisil, viz. below Pokeho,
in Brocfurlung, in Banewong, at Wlfputtes upon Bergh; also land in the
fields of Buketun, part between Mulnewei and Brakenhowei, in Stinedale,
upon upper Estlange, towards the field of Multon, at Thurnewelle, between
Grenewei and Chirchewei, in Litledale, below Puttes, between Luvetoftewei
and Grenewei, upon Waterifurlung, at Picho, upon Wrangelandes, seven
Buttes, nine Smalidoles above Picho, extending towards Berewei and towards
the field of Thorp, at Pitwei, below Saltwei and by Grenewei; also 12d.
yearly rent that Ralph the parson of Buketun pays for twelve acres, also a
cottage in Buketon and the services of tenants there, named, &c.
Witnesses:—Sir Walter, prior of St. Andrew's, and others (named).
[Henry III.] |
[Norf.?] |
C. 2006. Grant by Engeram Cumin, with the consent of his brothers
William and Henry, to Ennia do Cler', servant of the said Henry, of a
windmill which the grantor held of Thomas de Brinton. Witnesses:—
William Cumin of Upton, and others (named). |
[Suff.] |
C. 2007. Release by William Blench, to John de Hodebovilla, of the
homage and service which Richard Underwode did for land in Mildenhale,
which the said William acquired by battle (per bellum), in the county of
Gyppewiz. Witnesses:—Walter de Capeles, Roger de Muriell, and others
(named). [Henry III.] |
[Suff.?] |
C. 2008. Grant by Roger son of William de Burnham, to Robert
son of John de Suburg', of a piece of land on the east side of Chopedhoy,
abutting on Dockinggate. Witnesses:—William de Angre, and others
(named). |
[Heref.] |
C. 2009. Grant by Roger Mervin, of Welynton, to Richard de
Bagingeden, of land in Welinton, viz. in Bereye extending to Haywei, at 'la
Medewesti,' and upon 'la Heyewei' extending to Cuulle. Witnesses:—
Nicholas le Seculer, Walter de Maurdin, and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2010. Grant by Ralph de Draiton, rector of the church of
Buketon (Boughton), to Henry de Sancto Johanne, his pupil (alumpno) of
a messuage in Buketon, which Ralph had of the gift of Alexander de
Buketon. Witnesses:—William de Lindeseya, clerk, and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
C. 2011. Grant by John son of Alan de Breydiston, to Hugh de
Wermiswrth, of the homage and service of Henry son of Odo, due for land
which he holds in Breydiston at a yearly rent of 12d. Witnesses:—William
de Riseleye, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Heref.] |
C. 2012. Grant of Roger Mervin, to Richard de Baginden, of land in
Welinton lying in Hope, extending to Maribroc and to the road leading to
Dunemore. Witnesses:—Nicholas Mervin, Walter Restout, and others
(named). Thirteenth century. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 2013. Release by Alexander, son of Alexander Sagar, of Dunstaple,
to Laurence Nicholas, of a yearly rent of 3d. and ½ lb. of cummin, for a
messuage in the south street of Dunstaple. Witnesses:—Richard de
Chauton, and others (named). |
[Somers.] |
C. 2014. Ratification by Hugh de Meriet, of the grant that John
Paris, son of William Paris, made to Robert de Meriet, of his land of
Assleande, Robert paying to Hugh 1 lb. of pepper yearly, and saving the
service due to the king for so much land in the manor of Meriet.
Witnesses:—Sir William de Sorewille, Robert de Koker, and others
(named). |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2015. Grant in frank almoin by William son of Alexander de
Bucketon, to the hospital of Holy Trinity by Northampton, and the
brethren there, of a yearly rent of 24s. 8d., a capon, and 1 lb. of cummin
in Bucketon, and a messuage with land there which they had of the gift
of Hugh the smith (fabri). Witnesses:—Walter de Preston, John de
Hulecote, and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2016. Grant in frank almoin by Martin de Pateshill, dean of St.
Paul's, London, to the brethren of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of
his meadow of Tikene, which he had of the gift of William Briton.
Witnesses:—Master Hugh de London, archdeacon of Colchester, Thomas
de Fakeham, clerk, and others (named). [A D. 1229] Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: 'De holmo de Thekene,' |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2017. Grant by William Briton, of Teken, to the hospital of
Holy Trinity without Northampton and the brethren there, in frank
almoin, of the holm of Token by the mill of Teken. William and Fulk de
Martiwas, William, parson of Preston, and others (named). [Henry III.] |
[York.] |
C. 2018. Grant by Beatrice, late the wife of Richard de Bollesore, to
Sirs John de Lincoln, and Robert de Garton, master John de Skeftlyng,
and Henry Maupas and Simon Gaunstede, clerks, of all her lands in Burton
Pidse. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Hilton, John Conestable, of Halsham,
Robert de Twyer, knights, and others (named). 20 April, 12 Richard II. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2019. Grant by Geoffrey de Pavilly, son of Robert de Pavilly, to the
hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, and the brethren there,
of the mill pond of Abinton, abutting on his meadow of Houton, in the
same state in which the pond was on St. Martin's day next after the death
of William de Bleis, bishop of Lincoln, so that it be not further raised.
Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Insula, Richard Gubiun, and others (named).
[A.D. 1206.] Seal of arms. |
[Berks.] |
C. 2020. Grant by Hugh the miller (molendinarius), son of Hugh
the miller, of Denford, to Robert de Herpenham, and Joan his wife, of
land in Ingeflodbelet, part called 'Rugeacre,' part in Langeham, and of a
croft. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Ingepenn, and others (named). Thirteenth
century. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2021. Agreement between Isabel de Lisurs, daughter of Simon
son of Simon, made after the death of William de Lisures her husband,
about the nativity of the Virgin Mary next after the detention of Richard,
king of England, in Germany, and Peter son of Adam de Norhanton,
concerning a dispute as to her dower in the mill of Habinton; Isabel
releases her right therein for 6½ marks, on condition that if it be determined
in the king's court or in the county that the said Peter ought to receive an
exchange for the mill, which he holds by inheritance of the gift of William
de Lisurs, the said Isabel shall receive an exchange to the value of her said
claim. Witnesses:—Ralph dean of Bulling', Jocelin, parson of Herleston,
and others (named). [circa A.D. 1194.] Fragments of seal. |
[Bucks ?] |
C. 2022. Sale and release by Daniel, son of Hugh Cerle, to William
de Mussendene, for 15s., of all his right in 18d. rent, issuing out of a
messuage in the new street [of Mussendene ?]. Witnesses:—Henry Wille,
Ralph de Hechfeld, and others (named). [Henry III].
Endorsed: 'Myssenden.' |
[Wilts.] |
C. 2023. Grant by John de Cumbe, to Thomas son of Philip, of two
crofts in the grantor's fee of Fitelton, between the church croft and the
croft of William de Martin, with a way out for horses and waggons
between the church croft and Richard Herbert's house. Witnesses:—
Richard de Herd,' Stephen de Brihtmarestun (Brigmerston), and others
(named). |
[Heref.] |
C. 2024. Grant by Richard son of Peter de Middelwde, to William
de Homma, of a messuage in Middelwde, adjoining the highway leading to
St. Oswald's and 9d. yearly rent, from tenants named, in the same town.
Witnesses:—Adam Ybermons, constable of Clyford, Philip Sturmi, and
others (named). Thirteenth century. |
[Warw.] |
C. 2025. Grant by Jordan de Witacre, to Helias son of Helias de
Makinton, of eight ridges of land, and of the assart which Walter son of
Sifrid held, with the meadow belonging thereto, and six ridges stretching
to the water of Haregrave, in Elmedon. Witnesses:—Ansel de Sheldon,
Richard de Merston, and others (named). [Henry III.] |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2026. Grant in frank almoin by Henry de Dive, with the assent
of his wife and friends, to the hermitage of St. David belonging to
St. Andrew's, Northampton, of his part of the meadow of Brincholm (de
holmo de Brinc), by Bramton. Witnesses:—Philip de Pitesford, and
others (named). Twelfth century. |
[Hants.] |
C. 2027. Grant by Andrew de Mintstede, to Wido de Testewode, of
land in Testewode, viz. eight acres in Holebroc, two acres between
Sulfliesbroc and Samelbroc, and three acres behind the garden which
belonged to Serich. Witnesses:—Walter de Romese, William de Hamton,
and others (named). Thirteenth century. |
[York.] |
C. 2028. Grant by John de le Hil. of Thurlistun, to William son of
Jordan de Scwindene, of meadow land within the bounds of Thurliston in
the field of Eclulis, and a yearly rent of 11d. Witnesses: Robert de
Bullulis, Richard de Bilneclif, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 2029. Grant by Thomas de Periton, with the consent of Adam his
son and heir, to Adam Sturmi, of land at Brokeneberg, part lying at
Gudhredeshulle, towards the north side of the highway between Niwenton
and Malmesbury, part at Loclonde, by the path called 'Berhulleswey,' and
part at 'La Berg,' above Wdewey; Sturmi paying 12d. yearly to the altar
of St. Mary at the abbey of Malmesbury. Witnesses:—Matthew de
Bremleham, Richard de Wockesya, and others (named). |
[Bedf.] |
C. 2030. Grant by Stephen de Blechesho, son of Robert son of
Samson, to Henry son of Peter de Norhamton, of a grove in Blechesho
(Bletsoe), and four ridges of land adjacent. Witnesses:—Ralph de Broi,
of Felmeresham, Robert de Broi, of Blechesho, and others (named). |
[Herts.] |
C. 2031. Release by Alice, daughter of Adam Basseth, and relict of
Thomas son of Peter de Merstone, widow, to Jordan Basseth, her brother,
and Euphemia his wife, of land in the south field of Merstone, in a
quarentine (quarentena) called 'le Hulfurlong.' St. Edmund's day,
10–11 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—Ralph, lord of Merstone. Ralph the
clerk (clerico) of Trenge, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[ ] |
C. 2032. Bond by Thomas Ormond and William Boleyn, esquires, to
George Nevyle, knight, and William Scot, gentleman, for 20l. 9 July,
16 Edward IV. Cancelled. |
[Heref.] |
C. 2033. Grant by John son of Mael de Wellinton, to Walter son of
Reginald de Hoppe, of land in Wellinton, viz. at Orlebarwe, by the road
leading to Hereford, extending to Koketesweye and Bromtesiche, in
Norzfeld at Knull, in Hoppe extending to the road leading to Dunemore,
in Norzfeld, extending to Heiweye, part by Roger le Veszer's land at the
west, adjoining the road leading above Overwardin, and land extending to
Koketesweye. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Chandos, Richard de Baginden,
and Roger the chaplain (capellano), and others (named). |
[Herts.] |
C. 2034. Release by Richard de Gatesbery, knight, to Sir Thomas de
Leukenore, of all his right of common in a meadow of the said Sir Thomas's
called 'Langravemade.' Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Melkele, knight,
Robert de Gravele, and others (named). Seal, broken. |
[Herts.] |
C. 2035. Grant by Nicholaa, prioress of Rueneye (Rowheiny), with
consent of the chapter, to Thomas de Leukenore, son of Sir Nicholas de
Leukenore, knight, of land in Westmeln, part in a tillage called 'Cattesbrayn,'
extending westward upon land called 'le Dehege,' part in the field called
'Aldebere,' extending eastward upon land called 'Hevedaker,' and part [in
land called] 'Lindleye.' Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Melkele, knight, and
others (named). Damaged. |
[Leic.] |
C. 2036. Grant by Richard Maulore, of Kirkeby, son of William
Maulore, to the hospital of Holy Trinity by Northampton, and the brethren
there, of all his lands in Kirkeby, below the road leading from Leverichesford
to Shirrevesbrigge, thence as the new river runs from Osebernesbrigge to
Shirrevesbrigge, thence following the river which divides Balbemor and the
field of Brocardescote, and from Balbemor to the ditch by Nordhwude,
thence to the extreme part of Withegeneslade, as the river runs to Leverichesford towards the south: also pasture, &c. for four hundred sheep, thirty
cows with a bull, and cattle, and pannage for sixty hogs yearly, in his wood,
&c. Witnesses:—Richard Gob', Hugh de Insula, and others (named).
[Henry III.] |
[Bucks.] |
C. 2037. Release by John Resker, to John de Burton, John de
Lincoln, Robert de Garton, clerks, Master John Skeftlyng, and Henry
Maupas, clerk, of all his right in lands and tenements in North Crawele.
20 October, 12 Richard II. |
[Worc.] |
C. 2038. Grant by William Chese of Wyke by Pershore, to Robert
Paty, of the same, and Agnes his wife, of a cottage and garden at 'le
Fortheye' and land in Wyke, part lying 'undurhulle,' and part in a tillage
called 'Schirelond.' Ascension day, 34 Edward III. Damaged. |
Bedf. |
C. 2039. Demise by John Haywarde, of Bygelswade, co. Bedford, to
John Myllewarde, Thomas Mustell, Thomas Burgoyn and Robert Warde,
of two messuages and crofts in Edworth, one by a lane called 'Pycardeslane,'
abutting northwards on the high road to Asshewell, and the croft abutting
on Watelond; and land lying in different parts of the fields of Edworth,
part in a quarentine (quarentena) called 'Marefurlonge,' abutting on a
meadow called 'Pykardeshadlonde,' and in various other places (named).
4 December, 1 Henry VII. |
[Herts.] |
C. 2040. Demise by Alice Pycot, of Dunstaple, widow, to John
Bernard, of the same, for twenty years, of land in Kennesworth, part
extending through Flexwey, part formerly Chaltons, and part formerly
Trowtes. Michaelmas, 31 Henry VI.
Endorsed: 'A leesse of land to John Bernarde by Alice Pygot.' |
Oxford. |
C. 2041. Release by Cicely, late the wife of William Aston, of
London, stockfishmonger, to Nicholas Wotton, of all her right in lands, &c.,
in Kynggeston Blount. London, Saturday after St. Luke the evangelist,
13 Henry VI. Seal, imperfect. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 2042. Grant by Alice, daughter of William Halidai, to William
de Bristowe, of a plot of land in the south street of Dunstaple, with free
passage through the lanes on each side of the said plot to Watling street.
Witnesses:—Alexander the young (juvene), Hugh son of Estrild, and
others (named). |
[Warw.] |
C. 2043. Release by John Wodekoc, of Solyhull, to Henry Lovot, of
the same, of all his right in a plot of land at 'le Blakeford,' between the
field called 'le Orchardesfeld' and the road leading from Solyhull to
Burmygham. Saturday the eve of Whitsunday, 19 Edward III. |
Wilts. |
C. 2044. Release by Edmund Dolman, son and heir of John Dolman
late of Manton, co. Wilts, to Edward Dolman, of Merleburgh, in the same
county, and Helen his wife, of all his right in a tenement in a street called
'Lez Wynchester-strete,' Ludgasall, adjoining a tenement of the chantry of
the Virgin. Witnesses:—Matthew Kyngton, bailiff of Ludgarsall, John
Kemmere and William Markett, constables, and others (named). 2 October
10 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal. |
[Suff.] |
C. 2045. Demise by John le Boteler, and Thomas his brother, to
John Prichet, of Hadleye, of all their lands and tenements in Leyham for
seven years from the present date. Aketon, Thursday, Michaelmas,
8 Edward III. |
[Herts.] |
C. 2046. Release by Joan, late the wife of John Blyth, of St. Albans,
widow, and sometime wife of John Fyssher, to John Thressher and Cicely
his wife, Thomas Adam and John Wangford, of the same, of all her right
in a garden in 'le Halywellestrete,' St. Albans, by 'le Halywellebrygge,'
adjoining the watercourse called 'Halywelle.' Feast of St. Peter and
St. Paul. 30 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Berks.] |
C. 2047. Grant by Richard Sugge of Warborh (Warborough), to
Thomas John, of West Hakeburn (West Hagbourn), of land in the town
and fields of West Hakeburn, in the tillages called 'Bounshole' and
'Blakeforllang,' by the way called 'Blakwey.' Whitsunday, A.D. 1349,
23 Edward III. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
C. 2048. Bond by Nicholas Woderone, Nicholas Kyng, John Purdont,
and Richard Midward, of Great Yarmouth, to Sir Edward de Windesouer',
king of England, for 40l. Wednesday after St. Bartholomew, 49 Edward
Endorsed: Memorandum that the bond is to be void if the parties bound
abstain from conspiracies, false allegations, or other lesion against the king,
or the liberties of the town of Great Yarmouth. |
[Oxford.] |
C. 2049. Grant by Michael de Hegfelde, to Walter de Esthall, of
land in the manor of Mungewell at 'la Greyehone'; part in a field called
'Middelfeld,' adjoining a wood called 'Kingeswod,' and extending into
Putsslade, part in 'la Homfelde.' Witnesses:—Sir Henry son of Robert,
Peter de Esserugge, bailiff of the honor of Walingeford, and others
(named). |
[Staff.] |
C. 2050. Grant by Henry the miller (molendinarius), of Womborne,
son of Walter, to Moses de Wautham, clerk, of land in Blakelowe, which
Henry had of the gift of the lord of Womborne. Witnesses:—William de
Caldewelle, Ralph Pelle, and others (named). |
[Herts.] |
C. 2051. Grant by John Scot, fishmonger, of St. Albans, to Juliana
his wife and Thomas his son, of a messuage and garden in St. Albans
opposite Halywell bridge. Witnesses:—William Nonny, bailiff of St.
Albans, and others (named). Monday the feast of St. John ante Portam
Latinam, 4 Richard II. |
[Sussex.] |
C. 2052. Grant by William Clement, of Grenestede, to William, son
of Peter Aleyn, of land lying between the common pasture and the land of
Richard de Eworthe called 'Deresworthe,' in the parish of Ifeud (Ifield),
also a moiety of a meadow adjoining the meadow of the prioress of Ruespere
(Ruspur). Witnesses:—Gilbert de Eworthe, Jordan de Langele, and
others (named). |
Oxford. |
C. 2053. Release by Nicholas Fyssh, of Noke, husbandman, to John
Ady, of Oxford, of all actions. 12 June, 8 Edward IV. Fragment of
seal. |
Somers. [Dorset.] |
C. 2054. Bond by John Jolyf, alias Plummer, rector of Bynanger,
to William Mountfort, merchant, of Brydeport, for 10l. to be paid at the
Invention of the Holy Cross next. Thursday before the Assumption,
12 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Herts.] |
C. 2055. Grant by Richard son of Randulph de Messewell, to Adam
Basset, of Westrope, of land in the north field of Little Treng, part in a
tillage called 'Westlong,' abutting on Heywey, and part in Estlong.
Witnesses:—Sirs William de Bello Campo and John de Merston, and
others (named). |
[Heref.] |
C. 2056. Release by Petronilla de Cyvetens, relict of Richard le Brut,
widow, to Richard le Brut, the younger, of all her right of dower in all the,
tenement of her late husband in Doninton, in exchange for land upon the hill
and land by Smohcacre, and 4s. of silver yearly when the land of Bruggecroft is sown. Friday after St. Vincent, A.D. 1264.
Endorsed: 'Donyngton apud Ledebur'.' |
[Middx.] |
C. 2057. Indenture by which John Corp and Joan his wife acknowledge that Robert de Keleseye has satisfied the arrears of a yearly rent
of 5 marks 10s. issuing out of the said Robert's shop in Westchepe,
opposite St. Lawrence lane in the Jewry, London. Thursday the feast
of St. Valentine, 5 Edward III. French. |
[Norf.] |
C. 2058. Bond from Richard Cates, William Taillour, Simon Wyther,
and John de Hykelyng, chandler, of Great Yarmouth, to Sir Edward de
Wyndesouere, king of England, for 40l. Tuesday after St. Bartholomew,
49 Edward III.
Endorsed as C. 2048.
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2059. Grant by Alexander son of Richard de Buketon, to the
hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, and the brethren there,
in frank almoin, of his mill of Buketon which is of the fee of William de
Diva, of Haddon. Witnesses:—Walter, prior of St. Andrew's, Northampton,
Warner, prior of the hospital of St. John's, Northampton, and others
(named). [Henry III.] |
[Heref.] |
C. 2060. Grant by Thomas de Hopton, to William le Walsche, of
'la More,' in the parish of Bodenham, of all his lands and tenements in the
parish of . . . [the name is left out in the original], which he purchased from his brother Richard. Wednesday after St. Gregory the pope.
31 Edward III. |
[Derby ?] |
C. 2061. Grant by Nicholas son of Hugh de Wermondisworth, to
John, son of William son of Hauwis, of Breydiston, of land, a toft and
croft; part of the land in 'le Borim,'part abutting on the road from
Notingam, part abutting on Thorlirsike, and part upon Holewalhel.
Witnesses:—Hugh le Tenerey, of Eyton, Elias de Riseley, and others
(named). |
Oxford. |
C. 2062. Bond from John Pecche, of Henton in the parish of Chynnore, husbandman, to John Justicer, for 40l. 8 September, 15 Henry VI.
Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 2063. Indenture witnessing the purposes of a feoffment made by
John de Brommore to Sir Roger de Cloune, clerk, John Dene, Walter
Passelewe, vicar of Foorde, William Foleweye, vicar of Enford, Edward
Stokke, and Richard Monek, of all his lands and tenements in Westchesyngbury, Estchesyngbury, Enford, and Littelcote within the parish of Enford;
viz. that if Thomas Payn, Nicholas Wodelok, Thomas Berton, monk of
the monastery of St. Swithin's, Winchester, and Robert Gerberd, pay
100 marks to the said feoffees by All Saints' day next, which they owe to
the said John de Brommore for the marriage of Margaret his wife, then the
said feoffees shall enfeoff the said Margaret of the premises, except lands
&c. in Littelcote, for her life. The feoffees are to pay the said 100 marks
to the executors of the said John do Brommore for his debts and for the
marriage and support of Joan his daughter, and are to enfeoff the prior and
convent of Brommore of lands in Littelcote to celebrate obits for the said
John, &c. Monday the morrow of the Assumption, 35 Edward III. |
[Staff.] |
C. 2064. Grant by William, lord of Overton, to Moses de Waltham
and Amice his wife, of part of his land called 'le Loverdesbruch' behind
Farnhull, in the Meld called 'le Merefeld,' in Overton, adjoining a hedge
called 'Farnhullesthard.' Witnesses:—Ralph, lord of Bissebury, William,
lord of Wrottesle, and others (named). |
Kent. |
C. 2065. Grant by Richard Croppell, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife,
late the wife of Ralph Blakelawe, late of London, gentleman, to William
York, of London, gentleman, of lands, &c., late the said Ralph's, in the
parishes of Westmallyng, Ryhersshe, and Berlyng, for 213l. 6s. 8d., part
of which had been paid by the said William, and the residue was to be
paid at the Blackfriars by yearly payments of 20 marks. 27 November,
39 Henry VI. English. Paper.
Endorsed: Indenture between Richard Crophill, gentleman, and William
York, the younger, citizen and vintner of London, witnessing that the
abbess of Mailing and other persons (named) owed certain sums of money
to the said Richard, which the said William had paid to him, and which
the said Richard gives him permission to deduct from the next yearly payment of 20 marks above mentioned in case William cannot recover from the
debtors, &c. 27 November, 39 Henry VI. English. Copies. |
[Essex.] |
C. 2066. Defeasance of a feoffment made by John de Ocham, priest,
and executor of the will of Thomas Meller, deceased, by virtue of the said
will, to John Seman, of New Hithe, Colchester, and Sabina his wife, of a
tenement called 'Swartehares' which the testator purchased from Margery,
late the wife and executrix of John Aleyn, in the suburbs of Colchester at
New Hithe; witnessing that if the said John and Sabina do not pay 10l.
to the said John de Ocham by certain days named, the said feoffment is
to be void. Witnesses:—William Reyne, John Clerk, bailiffs of Colchester,
and others (named). 17 August, 48 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
C. 2067. Demise by Roger Fitz Andreu, of Willynghale, to Hugh
Malgraffe, of Horndone, for seven years, of all his lands, &c., in Witham
called 'la Moote,' reserving one chamber to the said Roger at the upper
part of the hall-within 'la Moote,' with free entry thereto, he not remaining
beyond two days. Sunday after the nativity of the Virgin Mary,
44 Edward III. Seal. |
[Sussex ?] |
C. 2068. Receipt by William atte Water, chaplain, for 20 marks,
received from Sir John de Burton, parson of the church of Craule, in part
payment of a larger sum. 4 May, 9 Richard II. Fragment of seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2069. Demise by John Pygot, master of the hospital of Holy
Trinity by Kyngesthorp, and the brethren of the same, to William Creton,
of Esthaddon, and Agnes his wife, for their lives, of a cottage and garden
in Esthaddon, which Geoffrey the chaplain of the same town formerly held.
Sunday after St. Barnabas the apostle, 7 Henry IV. |
Essex. |
C. 2070. Release by Richard Lawney, of Elmedon, to Richard Fox,
Richard Baynard, and Robert Darcy, esquires, Andrew Michell, Henry
Stampe, and William Hord, clerk, of all his right in a messuage in Elmedon,
adjoining the manor of Daggeworthes, and abutting on the highway leading
from Elmedon to Crishale. Sunday after St. Nicholas the bishop,
9 Henry VI. Seal. |
Kent. |
C. 2071. Declaration by Thomas Derlyngton, citizen and weaver of
London, as to the possession by Ralph Blaklowe, deceased, of lands and
tenements in Westmallyng, Ryerssh and Birlyng, whereof William Chedworth, John Crouche and others were enfeoffed to the use of the said Ralph;
witnessing that the said feoffees afterwards released the premises to the said
Chedworth and Crouche who granted the same to the said Ralph and
Isabella his wife and Alice their daughter, Thomas Byllyng, William
Wangford, Thomas Burgoyn, the said Thomas Derlyngton, and Robert
Langley, and that the said Ralph declared his will by mouth, namely, that
Isabella his wife should have the premises for her life, with remainder
to his daughter Alice in fee, &c. 23 May, 3 Edward IV. English. |
[Bedf.] [Herts.] |
C. 2072. Demise by John Banham and John Gosblod, both of
Dunstaple, to Laurence Pycot, William Anable, John Skynner, James
Sodlomb and William Albryght, of a toft in the west street of Dunstaple,
extending southwards upon Ikenyldstret, also of land in Kennesworth by 'le
Thefwey,' extending westwards upon 'le Flexwey.' 20 July, 12 Henry VI.
Seal and portion of seal. |
[Bucks.] |
C. 2073. Defeasance of a feoffment made by John Stacy, of Wycombe,
to Michael Justiler, of Henton, of a messuage, curtilage and land in the
borough of Wycombe at 'le Creys'; witnessing that the said feoffment
is to be void unless Michael pays certain sums to John by certain
specified days. Witnesses:—William atte Dene, mayor of Wycombe,
Richard Hurtte, William Depham, bailiffs, and others (named). Tuesday
the morrow of the Purification, 40 Edward III. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 2074. Demise by Thomas Pokeswell, and Stephen Bavestoke.
to John Stone, son of Isabella, wife of Richard Lupezate, of Tavent,
in tail, of a tenement in the parish of St. James in the borough
of Shafton: with remainder to William Stone, son of the said Isabella.
24 August, 18 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
C. 2075. Grant by John Regnald. of Elmedon, to Thomas le Hore,
of the same, and John le Harpour, of Solihull, of a messuage and lands
inherited from Richard Regnald, his father, in Elmedon. Monday after
St. John ante Portam Latinam, 41 Edward III. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
C. 2076. Grant by John, son of William Hawe, of Solihull, to John
le Cook, of the same, of a plot of land in the borough of Solihull. Wednesday after the Assumption, 42 Edward III. |
[York.] |
C. 2077. Release by John de Pul, son of Robert de Pul, to Thomas
Belle, of all right &c. in land and meadows adjoining, in Cothewrth
(Cudworth), lying in Norhtfeld and upon 'le Lougclay.' Witnesses:—John
de Putco, of Grimesthorp, and others (named). Seal. |
[Herts.] |
C. 2078. Grant by Juliana, late the wife of William Spichfat, of
St. Albans, widow, to Robert de Lymbury and Juliana his wife, for 40
marks, of a tenement in the street called 'Haliwellestrat,' St. Albans,
adjoining the watercourse of Haliwelle. Witnesses:—William de Bolun,
steward of the liberty of St. Albans, Geoffrey de Childewyke, bailiff of
St. Albans, and others (named). Sunday before Christmas, 35 Edward I.
Seal, imperfect. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 2079. Demise by the master and brethren of the house of Holy
Trinity without Northampton, to Bartholomew, son of William de
Esthaddon, Margery his wife, and William their son, of a messuage in
Esthaddon for their lives, paying 5s. yearly. Saturday the feast of
St. Gregory the pope, 2 Edward III. |
[York.] |
C. 2080. Grant by Adam Steel, of Derton, to Walter de Halton,
living in Kesseburgh, of all his lands, with meadow and wood, &c., in
Derton and Mapelwelle, and in a place called 'le Hagh.' Witnesses:—
Sir Henry de Soytehill, knight, and others (named). Wednesday after
All Saints, A.D. 1316. |
Oxford. |
C. 2081. Receipt from the prior and convent of the house or priory
of St. Frideswyde, Oxford, collectors of the tenth granted to the king, in
the archdeaconry of Oxford, by the clergy in their last convocation, to the
abbot of Norton, for 43s. 8d. received for the church of Pirtone.
10 November, 21 Edward IV. Fragment of seal. |
[Norf.] |
C. 2082. Defeasance of a grant by Sir Oliver Wyth, knight, to
Geoffrey de Stalham, of Great Yarmouth, of all his share of the customs at
his [landing] stage in Great Yarmouth for ever; witnessing that if Geoffrey
be disturbed in the enjoyment of the said grant by Sir Oliver within twenty
years, he shall enjoy the same for as much additional time as shall make
up for such disturbance; otherwise the said grant shall be void at the end
of the said twenty years, &c. Wednesday after St. Dunstan the bishop,
11 Edward III. French. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 2083. Release by Agnes Hayward, late the wife of William
Hayward, of Stodham, widow, to John Aleyn, of Dunstaple, of all her
right in land in the west field of Dunstaple, extending northwards upon
Ikenyldstret, and which formerly belonged to William Britevyle, of
Dunstaple, Agnes's father. 29 February, 10 Henry VI. |
Wore. Glouc. |
C. 2084. Grant by Reginald Myle, vicar of St. Andrew's, Pershore,
to John Vampage the elder, and Elizabeth his wife, in tail, of the manor
of Wyke by Pershore, with lands, &c. in Wyke, Pyndefen (Pinvin), Pedull
and Pepulton, co. Worcester; and of his manors of, and lands in, Pebbeworth and Merston, co. Gloucester. 22 May, 28 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 2085. Grant by William Neel, John Henton and William
Brytvile, of Dunstaple, to Alice Brytvile sister of the said William, in
tail, of that share of a tenement of the said William which the grantors
had of the gift of William Brytvyle, father of William and Alice, who
directed that they should enfeoff the said Alice of two houses under one
roof, called 'Malt hous' and 'Ost hous,' and a house annexed called
'Wulhous,' at the west end of Dunstaple. Thursday in Easter week,
21 Richard II. Seal of arms, broken, and fragments of seal. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 2086. Grant by Agues Bretvyle, of Stodham, daughter of William
Bretvyle, of Dunstaple, to Walter Saltere, of the same, of land in the west
field of Dunstaple, extending northwards upon Ikenyldestrete. Thursday
after St. Peter the apostle, 21 Richard II. Seal. |
[Bucks.] |
C. 2087. Grant by Robert Coynterel, of Newenton, son of William
Coynterel, to the prior and monks of Snelleshale, in frank almoin, of land
in the field of Salden. Witnesses:—William Jarpevile, Alexander Serp,
and others (named). |
[York.] |
C. 2088. Sale by Adam Steel, of Derton, to Walter de Halton,
living in Kesseburgh, of all his goods and chattels found on his lands and
tenements in Derton and Mapelwelle, and 'le Hagh.' Witnesses:—Sir
Henry de Soytehull, knight, and others (named). Wednesday after All
Saints, A.D. 1316. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 2089. Grant by William Tracy, son of Walter Tracy, to William
Binne, of Brideport, and Joan his wife, of a messuage and curtilage in the
west street of Brideport, adjoining a tenement of Sir John de Cary.
Witnesses:—Adam de Larkestok, Peter Prestes, bailiffs [of Bridport], and
others (named). Thursday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr,
5 Edward III. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
C. 2090. Bond by Robert Belle, Walter Robel, William Briselee, and
John Fairchyld of Great Yarmouth, to Sir Edward de Wyndesouer', king
of England, for 40l. Thursday after St. Bartholomew the apostle,
49 Edward III.
Endorsed as C. 2048.
[York.] |
C. 2091. Grant and release by William, son of the late William de
Rodewode, to Adam son of John de Penigestone, of 2s. yearly rent which
Adam used to pay for land which Richard de Knyctesbothom formerly held
of William's father within the bounds of Thurleston. Witnesses:—Richard
de Oxpring, and others (named). |
Middx. |
C. 2092. Demise by Sir Henry Wyatt, knight, to William Ledisham,
skinner, of a messuage in the parish of St. Clementes Danes, without
Temple Bar, for fifteen years from Michaelmas next, paying 40s. yearly.
20 February, 25 Henry VIII. English. |
[Middx.] |
C. 2093. Defeasance of a bond by William Cantelowe, citizen and
mercer of London, to John Olney, citizen and mercer of the same,
and Laurence Pycot of Dunstaple, co. Bedford, woolman, for 240l. to
be paid at Easter next.; witnessing that the said bond is to be void if
Cantelowe indemnifies them against Robert Home and Richard Malt,
citizens and stockfishmongers of London, executors of the will of Richard
Barry, citizen and stockfishmonger of the same, as to three bonds for 240l.
in all, in which the said William, John and Laurence are bound to the said
Robert and Richard Malt. 1 February, A.D. 1434, 13 Henry VI. Two
seals. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 2094. Release by William Tracy, son of Walter Tracy, to William
Binne and Joan his wife, of all his right in a messuage in the west street
of Brideport. Wednesday after Midsummer day, 5 Edward III. Seal,
imperfect. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 2095. Grant by Robert Alchyn and Joan his wife, to Stephen
Davy, of Brideport, of a tenement in a lane called 'Stakelane,' Brideport,
adjoining a tenement leading to Bradepoll, and a tenement lately belonging
to John Saymour alias Hayward. Witnesses:—William Mountfort, Simon
atte Forde, bailiffs of Brideport, and others (named). Wednesday, Michaelmas
day, 7 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
C. 2096. Grant by Giles Arnecok, of Solihull, to William Hore, of
Stonythorpe, co. Warwick, of 4s. 2d. yearly rent in the territory of Solihull,
which formerly belonged to Richard atte Berches. Monday the feast of
St. Alphege the martyr, 3 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 2097. Grant by John Fleccher, of Brydeport, to Humphrey Stafford,
knight, William Mountfort, and John Palmer, of all his goods and chattels.
Witnesses:—John Stampe and John Symond, bailiffs of Brydeport, and
others (named). Thursday after St. Fabian and St. Sebastian, 9 Henry V. |
[Middx.] |
C. 2098. Grant by Roger, son and heir of John le Joevene, of
Staundon, to Master John de Redeswelle, of all his right in certain.
tenements in the parish of St. Mary Aldermariecherche, adjoining
Cordewanerstrete, which Simon de Northampton, citizen and cordwainer
(allutarius) of London, and Roysia his wife hold of the grant of John,
Roger's father, and of which the reversion belonged to the said Roger.
Witnesses:—Richard de Betayne, mayor of London, Richard de Rothingg
and Roger Chauntecler, sheriffs, John de Grantham, alderman of that
ward, and others (named). Tuesday the vigil of St. Mary Magdalen,
1 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings of common pleas,
Monday the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, 1 Edward III. |
[ ] |
C. 2099. Release by Alice Bowyer, to Richard Balle, of all actions.
The Annunciation, 32 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Norf.] |
C. 2100. Grant by Laurota late the wife of Henry son of Hugh
Lechamberlein, to Sir William de Senges, son of Richard de Senges, of
four pieces of land in Mundham, part abutting on land called 'Suthcroft.'
Witnesses:—Sir Alan de Mundham, Robert de Bungeye, and others
(named). [Henry III.] |