[Essex.] |
C. 1601. Appointment by William Bateman, sheriff of Essex, of
Lewis Bledelowe and John Draper, of Arkesden, King's bailiffs and deputies
of the sheriff for the execution of writs, &c.; and writ of King Richard II.
to the said sheriff, directing him to place Robert de la Rokele, the younger,
in seisin of the manor of Wygepet, which he had recovered in the King's
Court against John Ludeseye, clerk, John Basset, of Chishull, and John
Charwelton: witness:—W. Thirnynge. Westminster, 29 November,
20 Richard II. Chelmsford, 8 December, 20 Richard II. |
[Warw.] |
C. 1602. Grant by Richard, son of Sir Richard de Whitacre, knight,
to Thomas, son of John Wanters, of Pilatenhal, that he shall hold the land
which Geoffrey Wanters, of the same place, formerly held in Elmedon by
the gift of the said Sir Richard. Witnesses:—Sir John de Whitacre,
rector of the church of Elmedon, and others (named). Wednesday after
St. Simcn and St. Jude, 22 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum, that the grantor on the execution of the
above deed had not his own seal and borrowed the seal of Henry de
Stanydelft, his steward. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1603. Ratification by Edmund de Baunton and Christina his wife,
daughter of Martin Box, formerly citizen of London, of a sale by John
de Ware, executor of the said Martin's will, and Henry de Basingges,
executor of the will of Robert le Wolf, late co-executor with the said John
de Ware, to Richard Wolmar, citizen of London, of 32s. yearly and quit
rent, which the said Martin bequeathed to Isabella, the said Christina's
sister, out of a tenement in the parish of St. Botolph's, Billingsgate.
Witnesses:—Sir John le Blound, Mayor of London, Reginald de Thunderlee
and William Cosyn, sheriffs, Hugh Pourte, alderman of that ward, and
others (named). London, Monday before St. Katherine the Virgin,
34 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings Court of common
pleas, Monday after St. Edmund the King, 34 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1604. Ratification by Adam Box, son of the late Martin Box,
citizen of London, of a sale by John de Ware, executor of the said Martin's
will, and Henry de Bassinges, executor of the will of Robert le Wolf, late
co-executor with the said John de Ware, to Richard Wolmar, citizen of
London, of 32s. yearly and quit rent, which the said Martin bequeathed to
Isabella, the said Adam's sister, out of a tenement in St. Botolph's parish,
Billingsgate. Witnesses as in C. 1603. London, St. Luke's day,
33 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1605. Grant by Ralph de Dontone, citizen and pepperer of London,
to William Pox and Martin de Leueseham, citizens and merchants of London,
of 30s. yearly and quit rent issuing out of a tenement which John Brother
holds in the parish of St. Botolph's, Billingsgate. Witnesses:—Sir Gregory
de Rokesle, Mayor of London, Henry de Frowyke and Luke de Batencurt,
sheriffs, Wolmar de Essex, warden of that ward, and others (named).
[3 Edward I.] |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1606. Defeasance to a mortgage by John Campe, of Northampton,
and Margery his wife, to Nicholas de Wilshamstede,of Dunstable, of land in
'les Southcroftes' of Dunstable. Monday after the Exaltation of the
Holy Cross, 22 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1607. Bond of Richard Fitzlowys, of Bardewell, Suffolk, esquire,
to William Stonore, of co. Oxford, esquire, for 160l. sterling, for merchandise
bought of him in the staple of Westminster. The staple of Westminster,
14 February, 14 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
C.1608. Ratification by John Box, son of Martin Box, late citizen
of London, of a sale by John de Ware, executor of the said Martin's will,
and Henry de Basingges, executor of the will of Robert le Wolf, late
co-executor with the said John de Ware, to Richard Wolmar, citizen of
London, of 32s. yearly and quit rent issuing out of premises in St. Botolph's
parish, Billingsgafe [see C. 1603]. Witnesses:—Sir John le Blount,
Mayor of London, Reginald de Thunderle and William Cosyn, sheriffs,
Hugh Pourte, alderman of that ward, and others (named). London, St. Luke
the Evangelist's day, 33 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1609. Indemnity from Ralph de Duntone, citizen of London, to
John Brother, against Nicholas de Wouburne, with respect to a yearly rent
of 30s. to be paid by the said John Brother for a tenement in the parish of
St. Botolph, Billingsgate, which the said John bought of Joan de Wouburne.
The said Nicholas had conveyed the said rent to Ralph, and the said
John Brother refused to pay without the above indemnity. Witnesses:—
Walter Herd, Mayor of London, John Horn and Walter le Poter, sheriffs,
and others (named). [1 Edward I.]
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings Court, London,
Monday the morrow of St. Gregory the Pope, 1 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1610. Grant by Henry Moncoy, called Sterre, citizen and fishmonger of London, to John de Croydon, citizen and fishmonger of the same,
and Lucy his wife, of two marcs yearly and quit rent issuing out of a
tenement in Gracechurch Street, in the parish of All Saints, Gracechurch,
in the city of London, in exchange for a shop with solar above in Briggestrete, London. 21 February, 7 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for Pleas of land,
Monday the morrow of St. Mark the Evangelist, 7 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1611. Ratification by Nicholas de Boloigne and Helen his wife,
daughter of Martin Box, late citizen of London, of a sale of 32s. rent
issuing out of premises in St. Botolph's parish, Billingsgate [see C. 1603].
Witnesses as in C. 1603. London, St. Luke's day, 33 Edward I.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London for
Pleas of land, Monday the feast of St. Luke, 33 Edward I. |
[Warw.] |
C. 1612. Indenture of sale by Richard de Bockemor to William atte
Birches of land in 'le Brodefeld' and in the Morfeld, part in Craberwallefeld, 'le Luttelemore,' and a meadow called 'le Whytemarsh.' The
premises were not of the value stated, and the deed provides for the sums
to be paid in respect thereof, and the times of payment, &c. Solihull,
Sunday the feast of All Saints, 12 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum as to the valuation of a wood in 'le
Luttelemor,' &c. |
[Oxford.] |
C. 1613. Grant by Hugh Payn, of Bekkele, to Richard de Kynnesdeleye, of Staunton St. John, and Luticia his wife, of land in the field
of Beckley, part in a culture, called ' Southwood,' adjoining the land of the
rector of Beckley, part in Medforlonge, in a furlong in 'le Portweye,' and
by the field of Wodepyrye. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Elsefeld, knight,
and others (named). Thursday the feast of St. Philip and St. James,
17 Edward III. |
[Berks.] |
C. 1614. Grant by John Maillard, of Borwardescot, to Thomas
Cathewy, of Harewell, and Joan his wife, of lands, &c., in the parish of
Buscott, which came to the grantor by descent. Friday after the Conversion
of St. Paul, 29 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
C. 1615. Grant by Thomas Pykot, of Solihull, to Thomas, son of
Edith Pilling, of land, at Bouckemor in the manor of Solihull (except
one mansion house with garden which Alice le Blunt held) viz., land
between the way leading by the house of John Adelston towards Caldeford,
and other land of Pykot's, and adjoining the road leading from Lee to
Colleshull, with a halfpenny rent to be received from Richard de Bouckemor.
[13th century.] |
[Linc.] |
C. 1616. Defeasance to a mortgage by John Baker, the younger, of
Greyby, to Geoffrey son of John de Greyby, of land in the south field of
Greyby. The said Geoffrey is to have the land for eight years, and the said
John is to pay him six marcs a year during that time, and the land is to be
reconveyed at the end of the period, &c. Monday after St. Martin in
Winter, 42 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1617. Grant by Matilda, late the wife of Richard Toky, late
citizen and woolmonger of London, to Richard Toky, of London, pepperer,
kinsman of her late husband, of tenements, with shops, houses, &c., which
she had by the feoffment of Richard de Chaddeslee, clerk, and John de
Cambridge, citizen and fishmonger of London, in Gracechurch Street, in the
parish of St. Bennet of Gracechurch, London, and tenements, &c., which
she had by the gift of William Howes, chaplain, in the parishes of
St. Edmund, Lombard Street, and St. Bennet Gracechurch; also 13s. 4d.
yearly quitrent issuing out of a tenement of the prior and convent of the
House of St. Mary, Southwark, in Gracechurch Street aforesaid. John
Lovekyn, Mayor of London, John de Briklesworth and Thomas Irlond,
sheriffs. London, Friday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 40 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London for
Pleas of land, Monday before St. Dunstan the Archbishop, 40 Edward III.
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1618. Grant by Edward Louvekyn and Isabella his wife, citizens
of London, to John Louvekyn, of Kynggeston, and Cecilia, daughter of
Henry le Yongge, of land and houses which formerly belonged to John son
of Ledulph the German, late citizen of London, and which the said John
recovered by writ of right against Alice Hanyn in the Hustings Court of
London, in the parish of St. Botolph's, Billingsgate; with a proviso that the
grantees shall pay 20s. a year to Christina, a nun of Clerkenwell, daughter
of the said Isabella. Witnesses:—John le Blound, Mayor of London,
Roger de Parys and John de Lincoln, sheriffs, Hugh Pourt, alderman of
that ward, and others (named). Two seals, imperfect. |
[Warw.] |
C. 1619. Release by Thomas, son of Richard le Bockemor, of Solihull,
to John Davy, of Elmodon, chaplain, of all his right in a plot of land with a
grange thereon, which the said John had by the feoffment of the said
Richard, and in a rent in Solihull. Tuesday after St. Martin the Bishop,
10 Edward III. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 1620. Grant by John Aleyn and John Cassy, of Wych, to John
Starye, of the same place, of all their lands, &c., in Wyke, which they had
of the feoffment of William Robilard, of Wyke, chaplain. Witnesses:—
John Dragun, bailiff of Wyke, and others (named). Saturday after
St. Barnabas the Apostle, 34 Edward III. Seal. |
Glouc. |
C. 1621. Release by Johu Umfrey, of Stokeorchard, co. Gloucester,
brother and heir of John Umfrey, of Tredynton, in the same county, to
William Wye, of Teukesbury, and Richard Wye his son, of all his claim to
certain parcels of laud in the field of Southewyke, Gloucester, in 'le Dene,'
adjoining the road called 'Portewey,' leading to Gloucester, and adjoining a
tillage called 'Blodyforlong,' and adjoining Moredyche and elsewhere.
Witnesses:—Nicholas Dobyns, one of the bailiffs of Tewkesbury, and others
(named). Morrow of the Assumption, 13 Henry VII. |
[Essex.] |
C. 1622. Indenture stating the conditions of a grant by Henry Bosse,
of Colchester, to John Seman, of New Hithe, Colchester, John Mannyng,
and John Walman, of certain rents and a shop at New Hithe. The grant
is to take effect upon payment of 18l. to the said Henry by the grantees,
otherwise to be void. Witnesses:—Alexander Cogg', John Cristion, bailiffs
of Colchester, and others (named). 8 October, 8 Richard II. |
[Kent?] |
C. 1623. Grant by Robert le Crabbe, of Horton, to John de Horton,
clerk, of a power of distraint on all his lands in Horton for a fee farm rent
of a quarter and a half of best corn, issuing out of a piece of land in Horton
which he held by the feoffment of the said John in a certain field near
his messuage. 30 May, 7 Edward II. |
[Suff.] |
C. 1624. Grant by Walter Smart, 'bercator,' and Margaret his wife,
to Henry le Fermer of 2s. yearly rent issuing out of a piece of land which
they had by the gift of the said Henry, in Boxford. Thursday after
Michaelmas, 7 Edward II. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1625. Grant by John, son of Ambrose Hauch, of Houton, to
Thomas son of Stephen le Syre, of Budewell, of an acre of land in the
north field of Houghton, adjoining the land of the prior of Dunstable,
and abutting on 'Le Vonte.' Wednesday after St. Peter ad Vincula,
23 Edward I. |
[York.] |
C. 1626. Indenture between Richard de Oxpringe, of Cotheworth, and
William de Dightton, of Dalton, witnessing that the said Richard had
delivered to the said William at Barneslay, 2 Henry V., certain deeds
touching the lands and tenements of John son of William de Staynton,
within the boundaries of Wollay, a schedule of which is given. The names
of the parties, &c., are:—Alexander son of William de Staynton; Alexander
son of Robert, son of Thomas North, of Wollay; Roger son of Richard de
Darton; John de Staynton; Joan, daughter of Henry de Birthewayte;
John son of John de la Roche, tailor; Peter de la Hay; William son of
John de Staynton; the prior and convent of St. Mary Magdalene, of
Bretton; Orm son of Cornelius; John Abot, of Wollay, and Margaret his
wife; John son of Thomas de Staynton; Matthew de Schepelay; Thomas
de Heton, of Bergh; Henry Hubbe, son of William Hubbe, of Wollay;
Margery, daughter of Henry Anabill, of Wollaymorehouse; John del More;
William, son of Adam Warde; Henry son of Anabilla de Wollaymorehouse;
Thomas son of Thomas de Staynton; William de Nolton; Robert son of
Thomas de Staynton; Alice, daughter of Robert de Pontefract, &c. The
names of places, lands, &c., are (inter alia) Goddirdrodeynge, Kesburgh,
Malford, Holdefeld, Goddardkarre, 'le Weterode,' Godderkeringe, 'le Kylnecroft,' &c. Tuesday after the Assumption, 2 Henry V. |
[Warw.] |
C. 1627. Grant by Richard le Flesshewere, of Solihull, to John
Pecche, lord of Hampton and Arden, knight, Geoffrey Rolves and William
Taverner, of Hynton, of a messuage in the borough of Solihull, adjoining
the High Street. Wednesday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross,
31 Edward III. |
[Essex?] |
C. 1628. Grant by Edith, daughter of the late Thomas the Baker
(Pistoris), of Waltham, to Moses de Waltham, son of John List, of a
messuage in Waltham, paying therefor yearly 2s. to the abbot and convent
of Waltham, &c. [13th century.] |
[Heref.] |
C. 1629. Grant by John Mey, the elder, of Hereford, and Matilda his
wife, daughter and heiress of William de Wylton, late citizen of Hereford,
and Katherine his wife, to John Mey, clerk, their eldest son, of a tenement in
the suburbs of Hereford in a street called 'Bysshopestrete.' Wednesday
the morrow of the Epiphany, 17 Richard II. Fragments of two seals. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1630. Grant by William de Beton, citizen of London, to Gilbert the
Surgeon (Surigico), citizen of the same, and Felicia his wife, of 28s. yearly
free and quit rent, out of 48s. quit rent which the grantor used to receive
from the said Gilbert and Felicia for a tenement in the parish of St. Anthony,
London, adjoining the garden of Bokerelesbery, &c. Witnesses:—John le
Blond, Mayor of London, John de Lincoln and Roger de Paris, sheriffs,
Thomas Romain, alderman of that ward, and others (named). London,
Thursday after the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 33 Edward I. |
Berks. |
C. 1631. Grant by Thomas de Stonore, esquire, to Juliana, late the
wife of Richard Bruus, of half a hide of land in Dudecote for her life.
A deed by which Hugh de la Mare granted the premises to Walter son of
Syreman de Harewell in fee, is recited in full. 1 May, 2 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1632. Grant by Joan, daughter of the late Robert Cachepol, of
Dunstable, to Matilda, daughter of Robert le Foulere, of the same place, of a
tenement, curtilage, and croft, which she had by the gift of Adam le Rous, in
South Street, Dunstable, adjoining Watlingstreet. Monday after St Hilary,
9 Edward II. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 1633. Grant by William de Larkepache and William Tracy,
wardens of the lands, &c., of the commonalty of the town of Bridport, to
John Morevile and Matilda his wife, daughter of Edward Reynaud, of a
tenement and curtilage in Bridport, between 'La Tolhalle' and the tenement
of Gregory de Lym, for their lives. Witnesses:—Laurence Elyot, Adam
Gulofre, bailiffs of Bridport, and others (named). Friday after St. Dunstan,
7 Edward III. |
Wilts. |
C. 1634. Licence from Sir John Ayly, abbot of the monastery of
St. Mary, of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of St. Aldelm the
Bishop (Presulis) at Malmesbury, of the order of St. Benedict, to John
Yorke, son and heir of William Yorke, esquire, to grant to William Mille,
perpetual chaplain celebrating at the altar of St. Mary the Virgin in the
church of the Holy Cross in the town and parish of Ramesbury, diocese of
Sarum, called the chantry of Wotton and Yorke chantry, and his successors,
a messuage called 'Gascoyn,' and other messuages, lauds, rents, &c., in
Puryton, Puryton Stoke, Bentham Lydyzard, and Brokenburgh, held from
the said lord abbot, by right of the said monastery. Malmesbury, 1 August,
16 Edward IV. Fragment of seal. |
[Suff.] |
C. 1635. Grant by Reginald de Helpestone, brother of Sir Robert de
Helpestone, rector of the church of Naueltone, to Robert de Bryssete,
clerk, and Joan his wife, of the tenement of Lose, in Hecsham, called
'Brychtwildesfeld.' Tuesday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 14 Edward I. |
Essex. |
C. 1636. Grant by Richard Rolf, of Westhamme, Essex, to John
Bokeler and William Hegman, of pasture in Westham in 'le Lake,' abutting
on the wood of the abbot and convent of Stratford, also land in a field
called 'Longeacre,' also a messuage in Upton adjoining a field called
'Perifelde,' and land, part in Upton, and part in a field called 'Dennyngisfelde.' 8 March, 3 Henry IV. Fragment of seal. |
[Heref.] |
C. 1637. Grant by Richard Hynton, chaplain, to Hugh Harpere,
rector of the church of Busschopuston, and Roger Partrich, of Welynton, of
all his lands, &c., in Welynton which he had of the gift of Peter Codeshale.
10 January, 16 Richard II. |
[Devon.] |
C. 1638. Grant by Richard Treby, clerk, to Thomas Olyver, of
Kyngesbrigge, of a virgate of land in Dodebrook, adjoining the highway
from Dodebrook to Charleton, which he had of the gift of Elena, late wife
of William Falcombe, for his life, with remainder to his daughter Elena and
the heirs of her body, &c. 31 May, 8 Henry VI. Seal. |
Oxford. Berks. |
C. 1639. Disclaimer by Thomas Stonor, esquire, of a deed lately shown
to him by Humfrey Forster, esquire, in which the said Humfrey Forster
named him, together with John Wroughton, esquire, Richard Bedford, and
Hairy Dogett, to be enfeoffed in his manor of Harpeden, and the advowson
of the church there, and in lands, &c., in Rotherfeld Grey, and in the towns
and parishes of Harpeden, Henley, Rotherfeld Grey, Rotherfeld Pyppard,
co. Oxford, and Remenham, Berks. 12 February, 13 Edward IV. English.
Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 1640. Grant by John le Spicer, of Remmesbury, to William
Shephirde and Margery his wife, of a tenement which he had by the gift
of Robert Tablett, in the town of Ramsbury. 10 June, 41 Edward III. |
[Heref.] |
C. 1641. Grant by Roger Mervin to Richard de Baginden, of an acre
of land in the territory of Welinton in Dalfurlonge, abutting on the way
called 'Cokateswey.' [13th century.] |
Surrey. |
C. 1642. Release by Katherine Hamond, late wife of Robert Standon,
formerly of Peckham, Surrey, to Richard Skynner and Agnes his wife, of
all her right in a barn and stable in the parish of Camberwell adjoining land
called 'le Lodge,' &c. 24 June, 34 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Essex.] |
C. 1643. Grant by Walter de Colworthe, of Eppinghathe, to John
Waubake, of Northwelde, of a piece of land in 'le Fryth' of Theydene
Gernoun, abutting on Northwelde Park and Geynes Park, &c. Eppinghathe, Monday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 17 Edward II. |
[Heref.] |
C. 1644. Grant by Roger Mervin to Richard de Baginden of an acre
of land in Welinton, in Hope, extending to Maribroc, and the way leading
to Dunemore. [13th century.] Seal. |
[Suff ?] |
C. 1645. Release by John, son of Hamo Segot, of Aketune to Sir
John de Hodebo . . of all his right in land in Acton. [13th century.] |
[Heref ?] |
C. 1646. Grant by Adam de Longelond to Adam le Botiler, of
Brochamton, of land between the land which formerly belonged to William
Wade and the land of Helen de Possewyc. Witnesses:—Sir John le
Moyne and others (named). [13th century.] |
[Kent.] |
C. 1647. Grant by Adam Sprake, of the parish of St. Mary in Hoo,
to John Palmere, of the same parish, of five virgates of land in the field
called 'Meldownne,' part adjoining land called 'Waty rlokstrete.' St. Mary's
parish, vigil of Trinity, 4 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
C. 1648. Grant by William son of Geoffrey de Humenhal, of
Smalburgh, to Sir Geoffrey Wyth, knight, and Isabella his wife, of 6d.
yearly rent, to be paid, as to part, by John de Byllokeby for the south
part of his messuage, part by Bartholomew Attewad for a marsh north
of his messuage, part by the heirs of John Brys for a marsh, part by
William de Bryggate for land in Westcroft, part by Richard de Snoringge,
of Dylham, for a piece of land in Hethfeld. Smallburgh, Saturday after
the Conversion of St. Paul, 3 Edward III. |
[Bucks ?] |
C. 1649. Bond of John de Brok to Simon de Kensington, Richard,
servant of Sir Hugh son of Othes, William de Grangia of Cestrcsham,
and Alice, the wife of Richard son of Clement, of Cestresham, to pay good,
new, and lawful money for ten quarters of corn and five quarters of oats
received from them, at Michaelmas, A.D. 1281. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1650. Grant by William, son of John Ban, of Dunstable, to
Stephen, son of John Garlec, of the same place, of a messuage and curtilage, which descended to the grantor from his uncle, in South Street,
Dunstable, extending to Watlingstreet. Morrow of St. Faith the Virgin,
24 Edward I. |
[Kent.] |
C. 1651. Grant by John Kyrkeby, of Horton, to James Hersynge, of
all the lands and tenements in Westbere, Sturreye, Swalclyve, and Chistelot,
which Ralph Seintlaurence, and Beatrice his wife, had from Henry Apuldorefeld by fine levied 28 Edward I. 30 May, 7 Richard II. French. |
[Heref.] |
C. 1652. Grant by John, son of Nicholas Mervin, to Richard de
Baginden, of land in the field of Wellinton, part by the road leading to
Dunemore, part in Esforlong, part in Grutforlung extending to Maribroch.
Witnesses:—Roger de Chandos and others (named). [13th century.]
Fragment of seal. |
[Heref?] |
C. 1653. Grant by John de Bagyndene to Gregory Maubon of two
crofts in Wotton, one called 'Kentescroft,' the other called 'le Smythescroft,'
adjoining the way leading to the wood. Sunday after Michaelmas,
38 Edward III. |
Essex. |
C. 1654. Grant by William Fyndern, knight, William Chuvys, clerk,
John Prest, chaplain, and John Vawey, feoffees of the manor of Macchynghalle in Macchyng, co. Essex, and of other manors and lands in the same
county, to the use of Henry Langley and for the purposes of his will, to
Humfrey Langley, brother of the said Henry, of a yearly rent of six
marcs issuing out of the said manor called 'Macchynghalle.' Saturday the
Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 14 Henry VII. |
[Suff.] |
C. 1655. Grant by Nicholas Kemesyngge, of Boxforde, to John
Aleyn, of Miland by Colchester, Robert Ropere and John Prentys, the
younger, of 'la Neylond,' of all his lands, &c., which formerly belonged to
William de Suttone in Boxford aforesaid. 8 April, 48 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1656. Release by Godfrey son of Geoffrey de Hadestoke, formerly
citizen of London, to William de Bettun, mercer, citizen of London, of all
the right which descended to him from Joan his mother or otherwise, in
two marcs yearly rent which the said Joan had from his tenement in the
parishes of St. Anthony and St. John, Walbrook, London, adjoining
Bokerelesberi. Witnesses:—Henry le Waleis, Mayor of London and
alderman of that ward, Jordan Godchep and Martin Box, sheriffs of
London, and others (named). [12 Edward I.] |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1657. Grant by John Potter, of Birchemor, and Robert Deystere,
of Wowburne Chapel, to William Sweyn, of Stanbrigg, of a messuage in
Stanbrugge which they had of the gift of Peter Talbot. Sunday after
the Annunciation, (5 Henry IV. Fragment of seal. |
Herts. |
C. 1658. Letters of attorney from Richard do Wynneferthyng, clerk,
to Robert de Botelier to deliver seisin to King Edward of the manors of
Anesty, Mesdene, Hormad, and West Melne. London, Monday after the
Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 19 Edward I. |
Middx. |
C. 1659. Grant by John Somervile, citizen and goldsmith of London,
and Catherine his wife, daughter and heiress of Roger Monckoy, formerly
citizen and fishmonger of the same, to William Drynkele, citizen and
chandler of London, of a tenement which descended to the said Katherine
from Roger her late father in St. Martin Orgar Lane, in the parish of
St. Laurence by Candelwykstrete, London. Witnesses:—William Walworth, and others (named). 15 May, 48 Edward III. Seal and fragment
of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings Court of Common
Pleas, Monday after St. Barnabas the Apostle, 48 Edward III. |
Oxford. |
C. 1660. Grant by John Sheperd, of Menygrove, to John Sweteser
and Margaret his wife, of a messuage, garden, and close within the parish
of Pissehill, which Richard West lately held. 4 October, 8 Edward IV.
Fragments of two seals. |
[Oxford.] |
C. 1661. Grant by Margaret Sheperd, of Menygrove, to Richard West
and Margery his wife, of a messuage and garden in Menygrove aforesaid,
in the parish of Pyssehill, adjoining the land of the abbot of Dorchester,
also of a close called 'Cowfild' and eight perches of another close called
'Homecroft,' which, with Thomas Sheperd her husband, she lately purchased
of John Sheperd. 12 July, 1 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1662. Grant by Richard Angewyn, of Dunstable, to William le
Baxtere, of the same place, of an acre of Tand in the west field of
Dunstable, in exchange for an acre in the field of Kenesworth. Sunday
after St. Valentine, 48 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1663. Grant by Idonya Wate, late wife of Nicholas Clerk, of
Dunstable, to William Piston and Christiana his wife, of three rods of
land in 'les Iulondes,' on the south of Dunstable. Wednesday before
St. Martin, 6 Edward II. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1664. Grant by Robert Roberd, of Dunstable, to William de
Wylshamstede, of the same place, of an acre of land in 'les Southinnyngges'
of Dunstable. Monday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 23 Edward III. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1665. Grant by John Campe, of Northampton, and Margery his
wife, to Nicholas de Wilshamstede, of Dunstable, of land in 'les Southcroftes,' of Dunstable. Saturday before the Exaltation of Holy Cross,
22 Edward III. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
C. 1666. Grant by Roger son of Henry to Richard de Senges, of
land in Mundham, lying to the south of Stubinge, and abutting on Oldegate;
also land adjoining Oldegate, and land in Breche, called 'Crispes treches,'
and an acre called 'le Sure aker,' a messuage and toft in the parish of
St. Ethelbert, Mundham, and land in the north part of Lodnegate. [13th
century.] |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1667. Grant by John, son of the late William Baker (Pistor'),
of Dunstable, chaplain, to Nicholas de Wylshamsted, baker, in South Street,
Dunstable, and Joan his wife, of land in 'les South Inlondes' of Dunstable.
Saturday before St. Gregory the Pope, 17 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 1668. Grant by Alexander de Buketon to Ralph son of Alexander
de Draiton, of land in Buketon, part upon the Church Vale of Boughton,
part in Stowedale, part at Winemiln, part at Cocwelles, part on the great
road to Northampton, and adjoining the Langeho road and the said great
Northampton road, and adjoining the field of Torp. [13th century.] |
Dorset. |
C. 1669. Grant by John Durlyng, of Stalbrig, Dorset, and Alice his
wife, to Baldwin Whittock and Joan his wife, of a messuage with curtilage
in Shirbourne in the liberty of 'la Newlond.' Copy, paper. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1670. Defeasance to a Statute Staple bond from Richard Fitz
Lowys, of Bardewell, Suffolk, esquire, to William Stonore, of co, Oxford,
esquire, for 160l. sterling.
The bond is to be void if the said Richard keeps the said William
indemnified, &c., against George Stile, of London, gentleman, as to 140l.
sterling. 14 February, 14 Edward IV. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 1671. Grant by Alexander de Buketon to the Hospital of the Holy
Trinity without Northampton, and the brethren of the same, of a rent of
12s. in Buketon, also of pasture in the fields of Buketon for 12 score sheep.
[13th century.] |
[Oxford.] |
C. 1672. Demise by Thomas Carssewell and Katherine his wife, late
wife of Thomas Croxford, to Nicholas Norisse, son of Hugh Norisse, and
Helen, wife of the said Nicholas, of a messuage in Curtlyngton, called
'Croxfordesplace.' Witnesses:—William Coston, vicar of Curtlyngton, and
others (named). Whitsunday, 10 Henry V. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 1673. Letters of attorney from William Hychecok, the elder, of
Bridport, to Richard Webbe, to deliver seisin to William Mountforl.
William Butte, and John Clement, of lands, &c., in Bridport. Thursday
after St. Hilary, 7 Henry V. Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1674. Agreement between William Chamberlain (Carrier'), son of
Jordan Chamberlain, and Eustace Mercer, son of Walter de Edelmeton,
about a privy which the said William had made on land in the fee of Mereton, by his land in the parish of St. Anthony. Witnesses:—Serle Mercer,
Mayor of London, Richard Renger and Thomas Lambert, sheriffs, and others
(named). [6 Henry III.] Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1675. Indenture witnessing that John Madley, bailiff of the manor
of Carleton of Sir Thomas Fynderne, knight, has delivered to Harry Bray,
draper, dwelling at the Stokkys, London, nine hundred five score and ten
fleeces. Feast of St. Bartholomew, 23 Henry VI. English. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 1676. Release by John de Remmesbury, son and heir of Robert
de Remmesbury, to William Holbech and Matilda his wife, and Thomas
Holbech, of all his right in a messuage, laud, meadow, pasture, and 56s.
yearly rent, together with the tenants and the bondmen with their issue in
Fitelton; also of all his right in other lands, &c., and in the fishery and
millpond of the said William in Fitelton and Combe. Westminster, Friday
the morrow of the Ascension, 37 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in Banco, Easter term,
37 Edward III. |
[Surrey.] |
C. 1677. Grant by Gilbert de Malevile to William de Cherlewode, of
4s. 4d. yearly and quit rent, which Sir Richard de Gatewik owes for lands
and tenements which he holds in Chepstede, for a tenement called 'le
Pagelond,' and land called 'le Longusruydene' and 'Witesruydene.'
Witnesses:—Sir Peter, parson of Chipstead, and others (named). Sunday
after St. Augustine the Apostle of England, 3 Edward III. Seal. |
[Linc.] |
C. 1678. Grant by Richard, son of Richard the Carpenter (Carpentarii),
of Oselby, to John son of Simon of Claxby, of land in the territory of Oselby.
[13th century.] |
[Herts.] |
C. 1679. Release by George Preston and Cecilia his wife, late wife of
John Thressher, butcher, and John Nanny, to Thomas Colman, Thomas
Long, clerk, John Vessy, and Richard Dyer, of all their right in a curtilage
in Holy welstrete, St. Albans, by the stream called 'Holywelstreme,' running
towards Sopwell. Witnesses:—Richard Pavor, bailiff of St. Albans, and
others (named). 11 September, 36 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1680. Release by William Assruges, of Dunstable, to Nicholas
de Wylshamsted, baker, in South Street, Dunstable, and Joan his wife, of
all his right in land in 'le West Inlondes' of Dunstable. Wednesday
the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 17 Edward III. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1681. Release by John Brian, of Dunstable, to Stephen Garlec,
of the same place, of all his right in a messuage in South Street, Dunstable.
Sunday before St. George the Martyr, 25 Edward I. |
[Heref.] |
C. 1682. Grant by Walter Bestot, son of John Bestot, to Adam de
Leyborne, porter of Aunemore, of a messuage in Welintone opposite the
grantor's door. [13th century.] |
[Warw.] |
C. 1683. Grant by Robert de Fynchale, rector of the church of
Elmedon, to William atte Graunge, chaplain, and Thomas de Fynchale,
his brother, of Solyhull, of all his lands in the fee of Solyhull. Solyhull,
Sunday after Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1684. Release by John Henley, of Depford Strande, Kent, gentleman, and Thomasine his wife, one of the daughters of Richard Spencer,
deceased, late of London, gentleman, to Robert Hawkyns, citizen and
haberdasher of London, executor of the will of the said Richard, of all
actions. 2 December, 4 Henry VIII. Signed. |
[Derby.] |
C. 1685. Receipt from William Makkeneye, son of Sir William
Makkeneye, knight, to his mother Dame Helen Makkeneye, executrix of
the said Sir William, for 5 marcs, part of a legacy of 10 marcs bequeathed
to him by the will of the said Sir William Makkeneye. Friday the morrow
of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 6 Richard II. |
Surrey. |
C. 1686. Grant by John Gryme, of Peckham, Surrey, to William
Causton, of the same place, of a cottage in Peckham, in the parish of Camberwell, adjoining a way called 'Brechelane,' which the grantor had together
with John Giblot, deceased, by the gift of John Drynkewater, of Peckham.
26 July, 3 Henry VI. |
Bedf. Bucks. |
C. 1687. Receipt from William, Earl of Suffolk, to John Hampden, of
Hampden, esquire, sheriff of the counties of Bedford and Bucks, for 20l.,
part of 60l. which Henry, late King of England, granted by letters patent to
John, Duke of Bedford, out of the revenues and profits of the said counties.
30 June, 13 Henry VI. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1688. Grant by Joan, late the wife of Nicholas Kynbell, esquire,
to Nicholas Kynbell, her son, Nicholas Conyngiston, and William Breton,
citizen and draper of London, of two tenements with houses and shops, &c,
in the parish of St. Botolph's, Billingsgate, London, adjoining Temystret.
5 November, 12 Henry IV. |
Bucks. |
C. 1689. Release by Andrew Nyxon, of Princes Risborough, Backs,
to Nicholas Kyngge, of all actions. 18 January, 5 Edward IV. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1690. Grant by Richard Broghton, citizen and stockfishmonger of
London, to John de Vache, fishmonger, John Beauford, stockfishmonger,
John Austyn, fishmonger, and Thomas Henclyf, butcher, citizens of London,
of a brewhouse tenement, called 'le Dolfyne on le Hoop,' in Thamysestrete, in the parish of St. Magnus in the city of London, which he formerly
had, together with others, by the gift of Richard Coksete, of Rochester,
Kent, and Joan his wife. [Before] William Marwe, Mayor of London, John
Yonge and Thomas Oulgreve, sheriffs, Robert Home, alderman of that ward,
and other witnesses (named). 28 July, 34 Henry VI. Seal. |
Essex. |
C. 1691. Grant by John Pykeman, the younger, of Lambourne,
Essex, and Alice his wife, to Edmund de Kent, of Stratford Langthorne
in the parish of Westhamme, in the same county, of pasture land in 'le lake '
at Stratford Langthorne aforesaid, abutting on the wood of the abbot and
convent of Stratford and the highway from Brendewode to London.
29 October, 4 Henry V. Two seals. |
[N'hamp.] |
C. 1692. Demise by Richard Bollesore, master of the House of the
Holy Trinity by Kyngesthorp, and the brethren of the same, to Thomas
Maget, of West Haddon, and John, Joan, Matilda, and Dionisia, his children,
of the reversion of a house and garden at Westhaddon, which Richard
Kyn, of Everdon, holds for his life. Wednesday before the Conversion of
St. Paul, 15 Richard II. Three seals. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1693. Release by Anne Hert, of London, widow, late the wife of
John Hert, deceased, citizen and grocer of London, and executrix of his
will, to John White, of Bodman, Cornwall, mercer, of all actions. 12 June,
22 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Warw ?] |
C. 1694. Grant and release by Alexander, son of Ranulph Rastel, of
Littlebromwyz, to William le Ferur, of Stichford, and Agnes his wife, of
1d. yearly rent issuing out of land in Little Bromwich, in a field called 'la
Oldefelt.' Stichford, Friday before the Ascension, 24 Edward 1. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 1695. Bond of Thomas Ellewell, of Oxkereswell, to John Croukes,
for 100s. sterling. Saturday before St. Peter ad Vincula, 17 Richard II.
Endorsed: Defeasance. The bond is to be void on payment of certain sums
by the said Thomas at Bridport on certain dates specified. |
[Bedf.] |
C. 1696. Receipt from Thomas Peyvere (?) to Henry Pybakere,' of
Dunstable, for 40s. in full payment of 18l. Todyngton, feast of St. Katherine the Virgin, 4 Henry VI. |
[Kent.] |
C. 1697. Letters of attorney from Robert le Hert, of Faveresham,
and Elizabeth his wife, to John de Leyham, to receive seisin of land which
they acquired from Solomon son of Thomas de Alledon, in Westwell and
Pette by Cherringe. Faversham, Monday the vigil of St. Gregory the Pope,
18 Edward II. |
Bedf. |
C. 1698. Demise by Richard, Earl of Kent, to William Hewyns, of
Ampthill, co. Bedford, baker, of his mill called 'Clophyll Myll,' in Clophill,
with the dam and pytyll belonging to the said mill, &c. 12 February,
5 Henry VIII. English. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
C. 1699. Letters of attorney from John, son of Richard atte Wode, of
Solihull, sojourning in Lichfield, to John Harpour, of Solihull, and Richard
atte Wode, butcher, to deliver seisin to William, son of Thomas Hore, of
Elmedon, and Margaret, wife of the said William, of two plots of land and
pasture in Solihull, one called 'Schawelond,' the other 'Maderiscroft.'
Sunday after St. Valentine, 10 Richard II. |
[Middx.] |
C. 1700. Receipt from Robert Spenser, knight, and Eleanor his wife,
Countess of Wilts, late the wife of James, late Earl of Wilts, to Thomas,
Earl of Ormonde, William Husee, Chief Justice of the King's Bench,
John Cheyne, knight, William Hody, knight, John Biconell, knight,
William Dunthorn, clerk, William Martyn, William Froste, and Thomas
Cary, for 40 marcs paid at the Rood of the north door of St. Paul's, part
of an annuity of 80 marcs payable to the said Countess out of certain
manors and lands. 3 November, 3 Henry VII, Signed. Two seals. |