[Camb.] |
B. 1501. Demise by Warin the Chamberlain to Simon de Seintliz,
of lands called 'Garscroft' and other lands in Eleswrde (Elsworth).
Witnesses:—Robert vicar of Gumecestr', Robert de la Kernele, and others
(named). 18 Henry III. |
[ ] |
B. 1502. Grant by William de Sancto Leodegario, of Eyndon, to
William son of Walkelin, of lands in the field of Eyndon and of a messuage
there, viz., in Delmers, abutting upon Eylefemlond, in Cresmor and
Ladune, and extending to Witenhul, a portion of meadow under Aldeforde,
and land by Barlihwellemor and in Woveslondes Siche. Witnesses:—
Thomas son of Wal' de Eyndon, Geoffrey de Trafford, Matthew de
Trafford, and others (named). |
[ ] |
B. 1503. Grant by John de Sancto Leodegario to William son of
Walkelin de Eyndon, of lands upon Rakewelle and extending into Fulwelle
Siche in Eyndon, rendering yearly for the same one bodkin (una acus) at
Easter. Witnesses:—Robert Curteis, Philip de Cantebrige, and other
(named). |
[ ] |
B. 1504. Release by Alice de Eyndon, late the wife of John de
Sancto Leodegario, to William son of Walkelin de Eyndon, of her right
in lands in the fields of Eyndon, which the said William had of the grant
of her late husband. Witnesses:—Matthew de Trafford, William de
Sancto Leodegario, Robert Curteis, and others (named). |
[Berks.] |
B. 1505. Grant by Robert the Shepherd (Bercarius) of Eystenebourne,
to William Beleit, son of Robert Beleit, of land in Stomfurlong in the field
of Eistenebourne (East Enborne), rendering yearly for the same a rose.
Witnesses:—Alan de Craul', knight, Robert Beleit, Adam de Breche,
Walter Pigun, and others (named). Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
B. 1506. Grant by Thomas de Marelaue, son of Robert de Ewelle, to
Richard de Schyrefeld, clerk, and John son of Alice le Bukelestre, of a
messuage and curtilage in Cudinton' (Cuddington). Saturday before St.
John the Baptist, 27 Edward I. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
B. 1507. Letters of attorney by John Fereby and Margery, his
wife, for John Wake and John Sewale, to deliver to John, prior of the
Charter House, London, seisin of the Overmede and other land in Iseldon.
9 April, 1430, 8 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Middx.] |
B. 1508. Grant by William Pecok, son of Peter Freraan of Iseldon,
to Adam de Basing', of London, of lands in Iseldon abutting upon the lands
of St. John's Hospital, London. Witnesses:—William de Oreseye, Simon
de Gardino, Richard de Camerwelle and others (named). Seal. |
[Notts.] |
B. 1509. Letters of attorney by Thomas de Reseley, rector of the
church of Slyngesby (Slingsby), for John Barker, of Hokenall Torcard,
and Henry de Ogeston to deliver to Hugh de Annesley, of Rotyngton,
seisin of lands and tenements in Hokenall' Torcard (Hucknall-Torcard).
Wednesday, 16 April, 5 Richard II. Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
B. 1510. Indenture between William Lente, of Heygheworth
(Highworth), and John Chubbe, of the same place, relative to a burgage
in Heygheworth. Thursday after St. Thomas the Apostle. 18 Edward III,
Fragment of seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1511. Grant by William son of Peter Treman of Iseldon, to Adam
de Basing', of London, of landa in Iseldon', rendering yearly for the same
a pair of white gloves. Witnesses:—William de Horeseye, Richard de
Camerwelle, Robert de Purtepol, William de Basevile, and others (named).
Seal. |
[Somers.] |
B. 1512. Demise by Sir John de Risyngdon, parson of the church of
Ievele, and Sir Robert de Sambourne, chaplain, and Sir William Umfray,
parson of the church of Kyngeston', to William Wodeforde, clerk, of a
chamber with the Oratory, of a house covered with straw and used as a
cattle shed and stable, and a curtilage and land in Ievele (Yeovil).
Thursday after St. Ambrose, 30 Edward II. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
B. 1513. Demise by Thomas Arundel to John Avery, of lands in the
parish of Iseldon (Islington). 12 October, 21 Henry,VIII. Seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1514. Confirmation and grant by Henry Stampe, of Layr Breton
(Layer-Breion), John H . . . n, Richard Podenay, William Hayward, and
John Page, the elder, to Margery, late the wife of John Webbe of Iseldon,
of the lands and tenements which they had of the feoffment of the same
Margery in Iseldon, with remainder after her decease to John son of the
said John Webbe, and to Edmund, William, Thomas, and Joan, the
brothers and sister of the same John, and to Margery, wife of John at the
Nasse. Monday before St. Denys, 1383. Seals. |
Middx. |
B. 1515. Release by Thomas Chaundeler, of Calne, co. Wills, to his
brother William Chaundeler, of his right in the lands, in the parish of
Istelworth (Isleworth), late the property of his brother John. 3 March,
6 Henry VIII. Seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1516. Grant by Robert de Ferrers to Robert Knolles, knight, and
Custance his wife, Adam de St. Ives, Thomas Grene, and John Boys,
chaplain, of the manor of Pancras, with lands, tenements, rents, and services
in the parishes of Iseldon', Kentishton', and St. Giles the Lepers.
. . 9 [?] December, 1 Richard II. Seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1517. Grant by William Samson, perpetual vicar of the parish church
of Istilworth, to Thomas Frowyk, knight, William Donyngton, and Robert
Wodford, of lands in the parish of Istilworth (Isleworth), which the grantor
together with John Wode. Sub-Treasurer of England, John Wode his
brother, John Stanney, and Edward Bertlotte had of the feoffment of
Robert Wylkynson. 10 October, 21 Edward IV. Seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1518. Release by Robert Wilkynson, formerly of Istilworth, John
Wode, Sub-Treasurer of England, John Wode his brother, John Stanney
and Edward Bertlotte, to Thomas Frowyk, knight, William Donyngton, and
Robert Wodford, of their right in lands in the parish of Istilworth
(Isleworth), abutting upon the lands of the abbess of Syon called 'le Kelyng'
and 'le Vynes.' 12 October, 21 Edward IV. Seals broken. |
Middx. |
B. 1519. Demise by William Samson, perpetual vicar of the church of
Istilworth, to Thomas Frowyk, knight, William Donyngton, and Robert
Wodford, of the lands in the parish of Istilworth, abutting upon the lands
of the abbess of Syon called 'le Kelyng' and 'le Vynes,' which he with
John Wode, of Mulsey, John Wode the younger, his brother, John
Stanney, and Edward Bartelot had of the grant of Robert Wylkynson.
10 October, 21 Edward IV. Fragment of seal. |
[Somers.] |
B. 1520. Demise by John Ganvill', rector of the parish church of
Ievele, and lord of that vill, to William Martyn, Joan his wife, and
William their son, of a messuage in the High Street of Ievele (Yeovil).
Witnesses:—William Graungere, provost (propositus) of Ivele, and others
(named). Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 9 Henry IV. Seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1521. Grant by William Pecok, son of Peter Freman of Iseldon',
to Adam de Basing', of London, of lands in Iseldon' abutting upon the
lands of the Hospital of St. John, London, and on the King's highway,
rendering yearly for the same a silver penny. Witnesses:—William de
Oreseye, Simon de Purtepol, Richard de Camerwelle, Robert Osegod, and
others (named) Seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1522. Demise by John Grune, Thomas Urwyk, Thomas Frowyk,
John Groveherst, and John Bovell, to Elizabeth, abbess of Syon, of a
messuage and land in the parish of Istilworth standing upon a parcel of
land called 'le Pykedacre' and also of that and other land there, which
they had of the grant of Robert Wylkynson. 4 May, 7 Edward IV.
Seals broken. |
Middx. |
B. 1523. Release by John Grene and others to Elizabeth, abbess of
Syon, of their right in a messuage and land in the parish of Istilworth
6 May, 7 Edward IV. Seals. |
Middx. |
B. 1524. Grant by Robert Wylkynson to John Grene and others
of a messuage and land in the parish of Istilworth. 3 April, 6 Edward IV. |
Middx. |
B. 1525. Grant by Richard Plokyngton, William Veysey, and William
Pokelyngton, to Robert Wilkynson, Walter Kyng, and Henry Assheborn,
of a messuage in the parish of Istylworth. 15 September, 2 Edward IV.
Seals. |
Middx. |
B. 1526. Letters of attorney by Richard Plokyngdon, William Veysey,
and William Pokelyngton, for John Queneson and Baldwin Payn to
deliver to Robert Wilkynson, Walter Kyng, and Henry Assheborne,
seisin of a messuage in the parish of Istylworth abutting upon the way
from the common pasture called 'le Mere' to 'le Millefeld.' 15 September,
2 Edward IV. |
Middx. |
B. 1527. Letters of attorney by John Somerseth, of London, Chancellor of the Exchequer, for William Barneby, chaplain, and Thomas
Godfrey, to deliver to Thomas Kyrkeby, Keeper of the Rolls of the King's
Chancery, John Say and William Bredon, seisin of lands, tenements, &c, in
the vills and parishes of Istelworth and Westbray[nford, Yilling, He]ston',
Norwode [Chesewyk] and Sutton. 31 Henry VI. Seal. |
Middx. |
B. 1528. Letters of attorney by Thomas Kyrkeby, Keeper of the
Rolls of the Chancery, John Say, esquire, and William Bredon, of London,
for Thomas Fowler, chaplain, Simon Westover, and Thomas Bek to receive
from John Somerseth of London, Chancellor of the Exchequer, seisin of all
his lands, tenements, and rents in the vills and parishes of Istelworth
(Isleworth), Westbraynford (Brentford), Yilling (Ealing), Heston,
Norwode, Chesewyk (Chiswick), and Sutton. 22 July, 31 Hen. VI.
Seals. |
Middx. |
B. 1529. Release by William Barneby, chaplain, to John Somerseth,
of London, Chancellor of the Exchequer, of his right in lands and tenements in the vills and parishes of Istylworth, Westbraynforth, Yillyng,
Heston, Norwode, Cheswike and Sutton. 18 July, 31 Henry VI. Seal. |
Essex. Middx. |
B. 1530. Confirmation by Thomas, Bishop of Durham, John Stafford,
Treasurer of England, William Sevenok, late mayor of London, and Henry
de Chadirton, to the abbess of Syon. of the manor of Grauncortes co. Essex,
and land, tenements, &c, in Istelworth, Twykenham, Worton and Heston
co. Middlesex, 3 November, 3 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Herts.] |
B. 1531. Release by John Blakeman, of Widihale, to the abbot of
Ramesey of his right in land in Terfeud. 32 Henry III.
Endorsed:—In Terfeld. |
Middx. |
B. 1532. Letters of attorney by Thomas Kyrkeby, Keeper of the
Rolls of the King's Chancery, John Say and William Bredon, clerk, for
William Veysy to deliver to Richard Plokyndon seisin of lands and tenements in the vills and parishes of Istelworth, Westbrayneford, Yillyng,
Heston, Norwode, Cheswyk, and Sutton, which they had of the feoffment
of John Somerseth. 10 July, 37 Henry VI. Seals. |
Somers. |
B. 1533. Release by John Martyn, of Hilcombe, to William de Montagu, Earl of Salisbury, of his right in the manor of Ilemynstre (Ilminster).
4 January, 39 Edward II. Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
B. 1534. Release by John Clare, of Kenebauton (Kimbolton), to
Simon Chawebrid, of Kenebauton, of his right in land in Ilfeldmeade.
41 Edward III. Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
B. 1535. Indenture between John Stonley, prior of Stonley, and
Roger Meryfowl, of Kynebauton (Kimbolton), relative to the peaceable
possession by the former of a messuage and land in the field of
Wormedych in "le Ilfeld." 14 March, 9 Henry VI. Fragment of
Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
B. 1536. Letters of attorney by William Laurence, of Raundes, and
Matilda his wife, for John Barat to deliver to Thomas son of John Hickeson,
John son of Geoffrey Andrewe, chaplains, of Raundes, Thomas Raund, of
Raundes, William Saundar and to Margaret, daughter of the same William
Laurence and Matilda, seisin of lands, tenements, rents, pastures, &c, in
Ilffyeld. 6 February, 11 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
B. 1537. Demise by . . . . . Chalkebrid, chaplain, of Wormedych in the parish of Kenebauton (Kimbolton), to . . . . de
Ellisworth and William Sunnyng, of Stonle, of lands, tenements, &c., in
Ilfeld. Thursday after St. Valentine, 39 Edward III. Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
B. 1538. Grant by John Ilfeld, son and heir of William Ilfeld, of
the parish of Tylbrok (Tilbrook), and Margaret his wife, at the date of the
deed in sojourning Kenebauton (Kimbolton), to Simon Chawebrid, chaplain,
of Wormedyst, of land, &c., in Ilfeld. Feast of St. Ambrose the Confessor,
38 Edward III. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
B. 1539. Release by John Lynte, son and heir of John Lynte, late of
Hyworth, to Christopher Waryn, vicar of Hyworth, of his right in a
burgage in Hyworth. 8 June, 35 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1540. Grant by John Edward' to William Pottere, clerk, and
John Pottere of lands, tenements, rents, and services at Rogheye in the
parish of Horsham. 18 January, 16 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1541. Demise by William Wallere, William Stowte and John Wodye
to Thomas Coupere and Amicia, his wife, of a messuage, with a garden
called "Roseplace," and the reversion of a messuage, held for life by Idonia
Rose, at Rogheye in the parish of Horsham, which they had of the
feoffment of Thomas Pottere and William Cloterwyne, who had been
enfeoffed of the same by the said Thomas Coupere. 20 June, 11 Henry VI,
Seals. |
[Kent.] |
B. 1542. Demise by Thomas Love, Alexander Sabbe, John Love son
of John Love, and John Wylmyshert, son of Thomas Wylmysherst of the
parish of Goutherst (Goudhurst), at the instance of Edward Roodde, of that
place, to William Mugge and John Jurdan, of the parish of Horsemonden, of
lands called "Davyshope," abutting on the rivulet running from Brodefordmylle to the bridge of Brodeford, on the highway from Fewcrosse to
the said bridge, and "le Mede att the Bregge," in the parish of Horsemonden, and which they had of the feoffment of the said Edward Roode
2 May, 6 Henry VIII. |
[Oxford.] |
B. 1543. Release by John son of John de Lyons, knight, to the prior
and canons of Chaucumbe, of his right in lands and tenements in Horpol
and Plumptonpyrie, which his father had granted to them in frank
almoin. Thursday, the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 20 Edward III.
Seal. |
[ ] |
B. 1544. Grant by Robert Lebai and Agatha, his wife, to William
Jabet, of lands, tenements, &c, in Ieffelond. Ansteleie, Monday before
St. Martin, 36 Edward III. |
[ ] |
B. 1545. Grant by Richard Bryde, of Jernefeud, to John Bryde, his
brother, of lands in the field of Jernefeud. Witnesses:—John Penston
Edward Ludduk, and others (named). Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
B. 1546. Release by Amicia de Parys in Wystowe, widow, to John,
abbot of Ramesey, and the convent of that place, of her right in a
messuage in St. Ives, with reference to which messuage proceeding had
been taken before John de Vallibus and the other Justices in Eyre in
the county of Huntingdon. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Northon', rector
of the church of Gerdele, Ralph de Clerevaus, John son of Thomas le Ku
of Wystowe, William le Moyne of Bernewelle, and others (named). Seal. |
Jersey. |
B. 1547. Grant by Hugh Vaughan, knight, captain of the castle of
Mounterguyll and of the island of Jersey, to Thomas Tamworth, of the
office of auditor of the Island of Jersey. 15 March, 21 Henry VI. |
Camb. |
B. 1548. Release by John de Bletnesho (Bletsoe), chaplain, to Henry
Englis, of his right in the manor of Ditton Valens and its appurtenances in
Ixningge (Exning) and Newmarket, which manor he had of the feoffment
of Euphemia. relict of John Walkefare. Friday after St. Margaret the
Virgin, 37 Edward III. Seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1549. Release by Robert But, of St. Ives, to Nicholas de Styvccle
and William Hoys, of the former place, of his right in lands and tenements
in St. Ives;, Slepe and Woldhyrst (Woodhurst), which they had of the
feoffment of John son of John le Clerk of St. Ives, the kinsman and heir
of John de Totyng. Monday after Trinity Sunday, 28 Edward I. |
Hunt. |
B. 1550. Grant in frank almoin by Katherine, daughter of Alexander
de Haliwelle, late the wife of Robert son of Warner de Overe, widow, to
Simon, prior of the House of St. Ives of Slepe, of a rent of one pound of
pepper to sustain the hospitality of that church (ad hospitalitatem dicte
ecclesie sustentandam) issuing out of land in the town of St. Ives; which
land, being of the fee of the said prior, and lying between the messuage
called 'le Havedlond' and the portion of her sister Alice which her father
had given her upon her marriage. Witnesses:—John Ballard, William
Norreis, Nicholas de Overe, Richard Oulf, Richard de Hampton in
Nedengwrth, and others (named). Seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1551. Grant in frank almoin by Alice, daughter of Alexander de
Halywelle, late the wife of Richard the Carpenter (Carpentar'), to Simon,
prior of St. Ives of Slepe, of land (ad hospitalitatem dicte ecclesie sustentandam), in the fee of the prior in St. Ives, lying between the messuage
called 'Havedlond' and the marriage portion of her sister Katherine.
Witnesses:—John Ballard, William Noreys, Richard Ulf, Richard de
Hampton', and others (named). Seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1552. Grant by William de Eltesle (Eltisley) and Nichalaa, his
wife, to Robert son of Stephen de Hale, of a range of houses (rengia) in
the town of St. Ives. Witnesses:—William de Stowe the steward of
Ramsey, William de Houctone, Ralph de Clervaus, John de Bradenach,
John Aspelon, and others (named). Seals. |
Hunt. |
B. 1553. Grant in frank almoin by Geoffrey le Vineter de Cruce
Roys' and Pleysancia, his wife, to William, abbot of Ramesey, of two messuages in the town of St. Ives. Witnesses:—William de Swyneford,
Robert de Wendeye, Robert de Hale, and others (named). Seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1554. Indenture between John Huntyngdon, abbot of Ramsey,
and John Barenger, of St. Yvys, Rauffe Kebull and William Fraunck, the
churchwardens of the parish church of St. Yvys, for the sale to the abbot
of the church lands in Halywell and Nedyngworth (Needingworth).
2 January, 20 Henry VII. English. Seals. |
Hunt. |
B. 1555. Letters of attorney by Nicholas Styvecle, knight, and
Walter Taybard for Robert Aunfleys to deliver to Robert Wright, of
St. Ives, and Thomas Trover, seisin of tenements in the town of St. Ives.
10 August, 16 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1556. Release by John Collys, of Huntyngdon, to John Chicksond
of his right in lands in the town of St. Ives lying upon 'le Fenfurlong,'
which he and the same John Chicksond had of the feoffment of William
Foun of St. Ives. 1 June, 4 Henry VI. Seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1557. Grant by John Brampton, of Rameseye, to John Rome,
rector of the church of Overe (Over), John Elyngton, rector of the church
of Therfeld (Therfield), and Robert Waryn, of a messuage in the town
of St. Ives. 5 May, 15 Richard II. Fragment of seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1558. Grant by Roger de Erethe, of St. Ives, to his daughter
Agnes, of that messuage in the Street of St. Ives, which Thomas de Erethe,
his father, had given him. Monday before the Conversion of St. Paul,
16 Edward II. Fragment of seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1559. Grant by Richard le Eyr, of Nyddyngworth (Needingworth) to Geoffrey de Halywell and Beatrix his wife, and to Emma their
daughter, of lands in the fields of St. Ives, lying upon 'le Benelond,' 'le
Scharprode,' 'le Redelond,' Langgelond, 'le Waterylond,' 'le Wodelond,'
in Kyngesbrokes, upon Yremanhil, at the Windmill, Cheselynebrigges and
Thurclond, rendering yearly for the same a gillyflower. Friday before
St. Faith the Virgin, 2 Edward II. Seals. |
Hunt. |
B. 1560. Bond of Robert de Santre and Roger de Norton for a rent
to be received out of a messuage in the town of St. Ives. Easter Day,
35 Edward I. Fragment of seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1561. Bond of Thomas atte Halle, of Wodehyrst (Woodhurst), to
Roger de Nortone, for payment of a rent issuing out of land in St. Ives,
which the said Thomas had of the feoffment of Dame Mary, late the wife
of Stephen de Houghtone, knight. Friday, the feast of St. Matthew the
Apostle and Evangelist, 30 Edward I. Seal. |
Hunt. |
B. 1562. Demise by Matilda Fyn, late the wife of Geoffrey Fyn of
Huntingdon, to Robert de Hale, rector of Gravele (Graveley), of a range
(rengia) of houses in St. Ives formerly granted to her upon her marriage
by Robert Ballard her brother. Witnesses:—William de Stowe, Baldwin
his son, Ranulph de Clervaus, John de Clervaus, Robert Morel, Richard
de Broucton. clerk, and Reginald le Freman of Houcton. Feast of St
Botolph, 8 Edward I. |
Hunt. |
B. 1563. Demise by Philip de Claris Vallibus (Clarival), and Emma
his wife, to John Ballard, of St. Ives, for the life of the said Emma,
of lands, houses, &c., in St. Ives and Eleswrth' (Elsworth). Feast of
St. Matthew the Apostle, A.D.1249. Much injured. |
[ ] |
B. 1564. Release by Alice, late the wife of Bernard the Sawyer
(serratoris), to the abbot and convent of Stonle, of her right in a man
and also in lands, meadows, pastures, or other things in Homedewe
Witnesses:—Robert Baudewyne, John Pilling, and Henry de Mora. |
[ ] |
B. 1565. Release by Robert le Boteler of Holecote, to John de
Sayton, his kinsman, of his right in a messuage and land in Holecote.
Wednesday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 21 Edward III. Fragment
of seal. |
Heref. |
B. 1566. Grant by Elizabeth Hampton, widow, to Thomas Yarworth,
William Jones, John West, and Richard Glasebury, of land in Lyneheld in
Hommelacy (Holme-Lacy), which had descended to her upon the death
of Hugh Watye, her father, to the intent that they might carry out her
will. 6 February, 7 Henry VIII. |
[ ] |
B. 1567. Memorandum relative to an extent taken of lands and
pasturage of the prior and convent of Essebi in 'le Holmleis,' and of land
received in exchange by the said prior. Saturday before St. Luke the
Evangelist, 18 Edward I. Fragment of seal. |
[ ] |
B. 1568. Release by William, son of Swein de Penna, to Alan
. . . . ., of his right in land in Holmere. Witnesses:—Peter Pincerna,
Roger de Messenden, C . . . . Mantel, John son of James de Penna
Adam de North, and others (named). |
[ ] |
B. 1569. Grant in frank almoin by Henry Frankelein to the canons
of Erdbury, of land upon Holluthurn'. Witnesses:—William de Seis,
Geoffrey Russell, and others (named). |
[Worc.] |
B. 1570. Release by Simon de Genpilliariis, prior of Newent, to
the abbot of Borsdeleya, of his right in a rent issuing out of the manor
of Holeweya. Vigil of St. Barnabas the Apostle, A.D. 1296. |
[ ] |
B. 1571. Demise by William son of Robert son of Hugh de Benetleg'
(Bentley), to brother William de Pistrino, of Bordesley, of a meadow
called 'Holnmedwe.' Christmas, 1276. |
[N'hamp.] |
B. 1572. Demise by Ralph son of Richard de Seuwell', to Alexander
son of Ralph de Seuewell', of a rent with homages, &c., issuing out of lands
and tenements in the parish of Hocton (Houghton), and in the fields of
Hocton and Seuewell' (Sywell). Witnesses:—Thomas de Linley and
others (named). |
[ ] |
B. 1573. Release by Robert son of Roger Baker of Holewel' to the
nuns of Langley next Bredon, of his right in lands in the territory of
Holewell' upon Welledole, which Alan de Burtona, chaplain, had given to
that house, by whom the same had been granted to the said Robert.
Witnesses:—Ralph de Bredon, clerk, Robert de Gurmundel of Dychesworth, Geram le Cuisun, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Worc.] |
B. 1574. Grant by Henry Wynterfold, Nicholas Wawe, John Knight,
and John Brayles, parson of the church of Fladbury, to the abbot and
convent of Bordesley of a messuage called 'Parkhalle' and of lands in
Holoweye next Fekkenham (Feckenham), which King Edward III. had
granted to them for that purpose. 10 June, 50 Edward III. Seals. |
[Warw.] |
B. 1575. Grant by Robert Burnel, lord of Hodenhulle, to William
Houmfrey, of Hodenhulle, Agnes his wife, and William his son, of a
messuage and land in the town and field of Hodenhulle (Hodnel).
Wednesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 10 Edward II. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
B. 1576. Grant in frank almoin by Ralph de Lestre to the nuns of
Sewardesleya, of lands in the field of Holcote (Holcott), lying upon the
Greneway and abutting upon the Portwey and Thornbreche. Witnesses:—
Robert Samwys, William de la Forde, Thomas Bosterel, Reginald de
Heymundcote, and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
B. 1577. Grant by Peter de la Leye to Lucy de Wetamstede, prioress
of Sewardesley, of lands in Holecote (Holcott) and Eston (Easton), viz. in
Alwynehale, upon Benforlong, Horscroft, and in Schytereshulle, in exchange
for lands in Schutelhanger (Shuttlehanger) in Me Wourze, towards
Aldryngton, at Schawelle, in Gorebrode and at Hulmede. Monday after
St. . . . the Bishop, 10 Edward 1. Damaged. |
I. of Wight. |
B. 1578. Grant by Robert Berri to the abbot of Quarr, of rents
issuing out 'of lands in Horingford and Wyppingham. Witnesses:—
Thomas Crespin, Hugh le Flemeng, William Vrri, and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
B. 1579. Grant in frank almoin by Robert de Estre to the nuns of
Sewardesleya of land in Holecote, viz. upon Sitereshul, Horscrof banlond,
and Alwineshale. Witnesses:—Hugh son of Robert de Sutelhanger,
Thomas Boterel, William Kok, Robert Samwis, Alan de Tiffeld, and others
(named). |
[N'hamp,] |
B. 1580. Grant in frank almoin by Ralph de Estre to the nuns of
Sewardesleya, of land in Holecote lying upon Sitereshul, Horscroftbanlond,
and Alwinshale. Witnesses:—Hugh, son of Robert de Sutelhanger,
Thomns Boterel, William Kok, and others (named). |
[ ] |
B. 1581. Grant by John Rosselin to Laurence de Cumpton, of a
messuage with a curtilage and lands on 'la Hulle' and 'la Done,' abutting
upon Beketone, rendering yearly for the same one pound of cumin.
Witnesses:—John Trenchard, Henry de Arnewode, John le Veyl, and
others (named). |
[Hants.] |
B. 1582. Grant by John Fleming to John le Caus, of lands and
common of pasture in the manor of Hordhulle. Witnesses:—William
de Buttesthorne, Robert de Murdinge, Henry de Arnewode, John Michel,
Philip de Bachamton and William le Hunte. |
[Hants.] |
B. 1583. Grant in frank almoin by William Galoun, with the assent
of Christina his wife, to the canons of Brommore, of land in the field of
Hordhull'. Witnesses:—Roger de Gardino, constable of the Castle of
Cristescherche, William de Butesthorne, William de Gundeville, Richard
de Brochamton and others (named). Seal broken. |
[Hants.] |
B. 1584. Grant by Nigel Amfrey to the prior and convent of Brommore, of lands in Hordhulle, lying upon 'la Hulle' and abutting upon
Roselingesaker, 'la Bache' and the road leading to the Church of
Hordhulle. Witnesses:—John le Fleming, William de Butestorne, John
de Fernhill' and others (named). Seal. |
[Notts.] |
B. 1585. Grant by Henry de Wynkbourne to Ralph de Cromwell',
knight, the younger, and Avicia his wife, of land in Horlye in Hokenaltorkard (Hucknall-Torkard). Witnesses:—William Bernak', parson of
Gonaldeston (Gonalstone), and others (named). Sunday before St. Andrew
the Apostle, 18 Edward. Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1586. Grant by William Bynde, son and heir of Roger Bynde,
to John de la Logge, of land with homages, rents and buildings in the
parish of Hodlee and Court of Bradehurst. Witnesses:—William Peverel,
John de Chelfestrode, John de Berkhamme and others (named). |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1587. Demise by Thomas Pilefolde, Robert atte Lynds, Richard
Cowdenne and William Wellere to John Tolay and Lucy, his wife, of lands
and tenements called 'Seledeslond' in the parish of Horsham, which they
had of the feoffment of William Ridlere, of Horsham, and which were
bounded by the road from Colstapele to Horsham heath, the stream
running from Asshesmulle to the manor of Chersworth, and lands
called "Goffeslond,' 'Wollokkeslond' and 'Colstapele'. 8 March
5 Henry IV. Seals. |
[ ] |
B. 1588. Grant by John de Malteby to Robert the Clerk (clerico) of
Medburn, of lands and tenements in Hornyngwold. Wednesday after the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 14 Edward II. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1589. Grant by William Selede and Isabella, his wife, of Horsham,
to William Ridelere, of the same place, of lands and tenements in the
parish of Horsham. 13 March, 46 Edward III. Seals. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1590. Release by William Ridelere, of Horsham, to John Tolay,
and Lucy his wife, of his right in lands and tenements called 'Seledeslond'
in the parish of Horsham. 20 March, 5 Henry IV. Seal broken. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1591. Demise by Thomas Pottere and William Cloterwyne to
William Wallere, William Stowe, John Wodye and Thomas Coupere,
of a messuage at Rogheye called 'Roseplace' in the parish of Horsham
which they had of the feoffment of the said Thomas Coupere. 26 September,
4 Henry VI. Seals, broken. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1592. Bond by John Tolay to William Ridelere, of Horsham,
relative to land called 'Seledeslond' in Horsham. 22 March, 5 Henry IV. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1593. Indenture relative to the enfeoffment by William le Rose, of
'la Rogheye', of Adam le Waller of a grange [in Horsham]. Sunday after
St. Faith, 39 Edward III. |
Hants. |
B. 1594. Covenant between Thomas de Dountone, the prior, and the
convent of Brommore, and John Trenchard, chief lord of Hordhulle, relative
to the tenure of the lands which the said convent held from him in
Hordhulle. Thursday after St. Dunstan, 2 Edward II. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
B. 1595. Grant by Christopher Waryng, vicar of Hyworth
(Highworth) to Richard Lynte, the elder, and Alice his wife, of a burgage
in Hyworth, which he had of the feoffment of Richard Kaynell and
Thomas Paket. 20 September, 36 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Sussex.] |
B. 1596. Grant by Robert Edyng, of Ma Rogheye, 'to William le
Rose, of the same place, of houses and curtilages in 'la Rogheye' [in
Horsham]. Wednesday after St. Gregory the Pope, 14 Edward III. |
[Glouc.] |
B. 1597. Grant by William, abbot of St. Mary's, Bruton, co. Somerset,
to John Osborne, of Horseley, and Isabella his wife, and Walter their son,
of a tenement and toft called 'Luddesmore' in Horseley. 12 November,
13 Henry VIII. Fragments of seals. |
[Southt.] |
B. 1598. Grant in frank almoin by John le Flemeng to the abbot and
monks of Quarr, of lands in 'la Eldelond' in Horingeford abutting on the
road from Arraton to Horingeford. Witnesses:—Thomas de la Aule, John
de la Brigge, Richard de Querderey and others (named). |
Glouc. |
B. 1599. Grant by Thomas Herne, kinsman and heir of Walter
Herne, late of Tetbury, co. Gloucester, to Robert Poyntz, of lands, tenements,
&c, in Luddesmore in the parish of Horseley. Letters of attorney for
John Stradlyng and Thomas Lewes. 5 April, J 3 Henry VII. Fragment
of seal. |
Herts. |
B. 1600. Demise by Sir Guy Fairfax, knight, a justice of the King's
Bench, John Botiller, esquire, and Thomas Say, to Thomas Basyngborne,
esquire, of the manor of Hoddcsdonbury with all its lands, tenements, &c.,
in the fields and parishes of Hoddesdon, Great Brokisborne (Broxbourne),
Little Brokisborne, Brekynden (Brickendon). Wormeley (Wormley) and
Amwell. Letters of attorney for Thomas Frankessh and William Bamburgh.
26 November, 9 Henry VII. Seals. |