Deeds: B.1301 - B.1400

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.

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'Deeds: B.1301 - B.1400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online [accessed 15 March 2025].

'Deeds: B.1301 - B.1400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025,

"Deeds: B.1301 - B.1400". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025.

B.1301 - B.1400

[Warw.] B. 1301. Acknowledgment by William de Ludinton of rent due from him to the abbey of Bordesley for land held by him in Draiton. Witnesses:—Peter de Wlwardinton, knight, William de Waleford, Robert parson of Buninton, and others (named).
[Linc.] B. 1302. Release by Emma, relict of John Paris of Est Deping', to Gilbert de Chestreton, of Stanford, of her right in land [in Est Deping'], which the said Gilbert had of the feoffment of her late husband. Sunday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 31 Edward I. Seal broken.
[Essex.] B. 1303. Grant by Nicholas Baroun, of Dounham, son and heir of John Baroun of Westhanyngfield, to Thomas Flemmyng, John Herd, of Sowthhanynfeld, William Norton, of Runwell, John Joynor and Robert Flowr, of lands, tenements, rents and services in the vills and fields of Dounham. 20 October, 8 Henry IV. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 1304. Confirmation by Alexander Walensis to the Church of St. Mary and the monks of Boxley, of a rent, granted to them by Salomon de Basinges, issuing out of a messuage in Derteford and land in Fuleswichesden. Witnesses:—Costantine de Lund', Henry de Ripa, Odo de Burl', and others (named).
[Surrey.] B. 1305. Release by William Wancy, of Codynton, to Henry de Somerbur', of his claim for rent issuing out of land at 'la Donlond.' Codynton, Wednesday, the Purification, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1306. Grant by Sampson Hodlo, of Dounham, to Roger de Bradle, of lands and tenements in the vill and fields of Dounham. Friday after St. John ante portam Latinam, 31 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 1307. Licence granted by Alexander Hurescarle, of Avene, to Edward de Porcestria, clerk, to inclose land in Duddemora. Witnesses:— Thomas, vicar of Soppely, Henry de Hache, Andrew Michel, and others (named). Seals.
[Camb.] B. 1308. Release by Richard de Dullingham, chaplain, to the prior and canons of Angleseye, of his right in lands in the fields of Dullingham of the fee of that House. Wednesday before SS. Perpetua and Felicitas the Martyrs, 1292.
[Essex.] B. 1309. Grant by Nicholas son of Grace de Dounham to John de Dounham, clerk, and Emma his wife, of land in Alvenelond in the vill of Dounham, in exchange for other lands there. Passion Sunday, 11 Edward II. Seal broken.
[Essex.] B. 1310. Indenture relative to a conditional grant by Roger de Britele to John Wygeyn, parson of the church of Est Haningfeld, John Wode, of Ramestene Belhous, and Laurence le Clerk of Downham, of all his lands and tenements, rents and services, &c., in the vill of Dounham, 3 May, 39 Edward III. Seal.
[ ] B. 1311. Grant by John Bagelot, of Stonystanton, and Cecilia Deye, of Hasilwude, to Oliver de Barton, of a messuage in the vill of Duffeld. Sunday, the close of Easter, 5 Richard II.
[Surrey.] B. 1312. Release by Alice, late the wife of Thomas le Ferour of Kyngeston, to Walter de Grendon, of her right in lands in Knygeston, lying in 'la Mersshe,' in Depeslade. Saturday after St. Agatha the Virgin, 18 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 1313. Demise by William Thorp, of Gelyngham, and William Wodier, of Rouchestre, to John Sprene, of Melton near Gravysende, of land in the parish of Denton. 10 April, 1 Henry VI.
[Leic.] B. 1314. Grant by Christina de Wynton, prioress of Langeley, to Alice, daughter of Walter Hok, of land lying upon 'le Longemere,' in exchange for a toft in the vill of Diseworth, and land upon Bredoneweye in the territory of that place. The Annunciation, 15 Edward I. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 1315. Grant by John Jolyf, of the parish of Denton, to his sister Joan Jolynys, of land in a field called 'Gachounysham,' in the parish of Denton, abutting upon Isarrok field and the road leading towards Schynglyd Welles and Chelke. Monday after SS. Philip and James, 3 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] B. 1316. Grant by Nicholas son of Grace de Dounham, to John de Dounham, clerk, of land in Alvenelond in the vill of Dounham, in exchange for other land there. Passion Sunday, 11 Edward II.
[N'hamp.] B. 1317. Grant in frank almoin by Alice, late wife of Ralph de Langport, to the nuns of Catebi, of a messuage in Dodeford, and land there at Crowenest. Witnesses:—William Bayvel of Saldeston, John Moriz of Langport', Philip de Claro Monte, and others (named). Seal.
[ ] B. 1318. Demise by John, prior of Brommore, to Nicholas de Bienham, of cottages, curtilages, and land in Deneweye, late the property of John Coteman and of Agnes Deneweye, and also of land in the fields of South Deneweye and North Deneweye, together with pasturage for 60 sheep in 'le Furses.' Tuesday before St. Gregory, 48 Edward II. Seal.
[Berks.] B. 1319. Demise by William, abbot of Bruerne, to William Swalclyve, of London, and William Sheltewode, clerk, of the church of Denchesworth (Denchworth) with the manse of the rectory and the lands adjacent thereto. Tuesday after St. Ambrose, 49 Edward III. Seal broken.
[I. of Wight.] B. 1320. Grant by William le Cupere to Geoffrey le Dragenir, of land in Draytun. Witnesses:—James Hamund, William Schulder, and others (named).
Endorsed: Galfr' Dragener, Nyweport. Fragment of seal.
[Leic] B. 1321. Grant by Walter son of William son of Bertram de Ditheswrthe, to Richard the Skinner (Pellipario) of Beletun, of lands in Haselsiche abutting upon Stockylond, Ketelesholm, Innome, extending beyond the road from Bredun, and upon Henneforlong, with a meadow in Suthmedue called 'le Hoch,' and another in Welledoles, in the fields of Dithesworthe. Witnesses:—Hugh de Dithesworthe, Hugh de Aula, Nicholas de Wodecote, and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1322. Grant in frank almoin by Simon de Draiton, son of Nicholas de Draiton, to the monks of Bordesley, of a rent and services due for lands in Draiton. Witnesses:—William, parson of Yppesleg' (Ipsley), Peter de Wlwardinton, Geoffrey Panceford, and others (named). Seal.
[ ] B. 1323. Grant by Roger de Sampford, knight, to Phillip Basset, of land and a water-mill, and also of a rent and the reversion of land, &c. in the parish of Dadinton, rendering yearly for the same a pair of gloves of the value of one penny. Witnesses:—Thomas de Ardern, Thomas de Pinkeny, and Robert le Chamberleng, knights, and others (named).
[Worc.] B. 1324. Release by William de Bestaneston, of Hildeborewrth', with the consent of Alice his wife, to Henry, abbot of Pershore of his right in a messuage and land in Defford. Witnesses:—Henry de Harleye, Reginald le Porter, Walter de Caldewell, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] B. 1325. Grant in frank almoin by William Walens' of Dodeford, to the nuns of Katesby, of land in the field of Dodeford, stretching towards Boicote and Thordune. Witnesses:—William de Stratford, William Baivel of Saldestun', John Moriz of Langport, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Oxford.] B. 1326. Demise by William Cobbewelle, of Berford St. Michael's, to William Barbur, of Grendon, of a tenement in 'le Cheryngstrete' in Dadyngton. About the Purification, 8 Henry IV.
[N'hamp.] B. 1327. Grant in frank almoin by Robert Elys, of Bunynton, to the monks of Bordesley, of that rent which they had been accustomed to pay to him for a tenement in Drayton. Witnesses:—Geoffry Bagod and Peter de Wluardynton, knights, Richard de Peyto and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 1328. Grant in frank almoin by Henry, lord of Buninton, to the monks of Bordesley, of a rent issuing out of land in the vill of Drayton. Witnesses:—William rector of the church of Billul', Simon de Aldebari, Henry Edward, and others (named).
[Camb.] B. 1329. Release by Alice, late the wife of Roger Gooslyng of Dytton, to Edmund Oldhail' and Mary his wife, of her right in the lands in the vill of Dytton Valenz, which she had of the feoffment of John Lenne and John Salyng of Poslyngsorth. Thursday after All Souls Day, 18 Richard II. Seal broken.
[Durham.] B. 1330. Indenture between Agnes, prioress of St. Bartholomew's, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and William Corneford, of Durham, relative to the settlement of disputes about rents issuing out of tenements of the said William in Flesshewergate and in the market place in the City of Durham, viz. the prioress and her successors were to receive the said rents, and to have power to distrain if necessary. Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle, 13 Edward IV. Seal broken.
[Leic.] B. 1331. Confirmation of Robert de Vernic, with the consent of his wife and heirs, to the nuns of Langeley, to hold in frank almoin, of his father's grant to them of land in the field of Dunintuna (Donington). Witnesses:—John the Constable of Dunintuna, and Adeliza his wife, Geoffrey de Meringes, Ralph Baratur, and others (named).
Durham. B. 1332. Grant by William Cornforth, of Durham, to Agnes, prioress of St. Bartholomew's, Newcastle-on-Tyne, of rents issuing out of burgages in Flesshewergate and in the market place in the City of Durham. 1 May, 1471. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1333. Release by Matilda Moke, daughter and heiress of Christina la Moke, to Robert son and heir of Robert le Noreys the younger, of her right in part of a curtilage, with a house built thereon, in the parish of Dunham. Witnesses:—Peter Michel, William Breton, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[ ] B. 1334. Grant by Florence, relict of Richard de Pulcro Bosco, to Edmund de Porcestria, clerk, of a rent, &c., and service due for a tenement called 'Aluredeslaye' at Duddemore in the manor of Avene. Witnesses:— John de Campeny, Nicholas de Bocland, Richard de Farnhull', and others (named). Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1335. Release by John son and heir of John de Ramisdene, to Robert le Noreys, of his right in lands and tenements in the vill of Dunham, which the said Robert had of the feoffment of John Arnold; and in rents issuing out of lands in the parishes of Suth Haningfeld and Dunham, which the said Robert had been accustomed to pay to the grantor's father. The fifth of the Ides of June, 26 Edward I. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1336. Release by John son of Simon de Gardino, to Robert le Noreys, of his right in the land in the parish of Dunham, which had descended to him by hereditary right upon the death of Sara, daughter of Simon de Gardino, his sister. Witnesses:—Richard Thorald, John Bewchamp, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] B. 1337. Grant by Ailuuardus son of Osbert, with the consent of his wife Petronilla, daughter of William Blakeng', to Robert le Noreys, of land in the parish of Dunham. Witnesses:—Ralph de Chingh', Nicholas de Bartun', Brian le Pe, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] B. 1338. Grant by Robert le Taylour, of Little Dunmawe, and Helewysa his wife, to their son William the Chaplain (capellano) of that place, of land abutting upon Bancroft in the vill of Little Dunmawe. The Epiphany, 10 Edward II. Seals.
[Oxford.] B. 1339. Demise by Thomas de Lyouns, of Dunestwye, and Emma his wife, to Thomas Wymak, of the same place, and Agnes his wife, of a cottage with curtilage and land in the vill and fields of Dunestwye (Dunstew). Sunday after SS. Peter and Paul, 14 Edward II. Seals.
[Essex.] B. 1340. Grant by William Brito to Mary, late the wife of Robert le Norays, of a rent issuing out of a tenement called 'Hoddellescroft' in the parish of Dunham, rendering yearly for the same one root of ginger. Witnesses:—John parson of Ronewclle, John de Witford, Thomas de Raunsdon, and others (named). Seal.
[Camb.] B. 1341. Grant by Roger Goselyng, of Ditton Valence, to John Lenne and John Salinge, of Peselingworth, of lands and tenements in the vills of Ditton Valence and Ditton Cammais. 2 November, 40 Edward III.
[Durham.] B. 1342. Grant in frank almoin by Richard de Yeland to the nuns of St. Bartholomew's, Newcastle on Tyne, of the land in Bouchergate (Bucheria), in Durham, which he had of the grant of John Haunsard. Witnesses:—John de Rumes', William de Blokeby, John de Tynemue, and others (named).
[Essex.] B. 1343. Release by Thomas son and heir of William Sawal of Dunham, to Robert, rector of the church of Runnewell (Runwell), of his right in a rent issuing out of a tenement in Dunham. Witnesses:—Robert le Noreys, Thomas rector of the church of Dunham, Peter Michel, and others (named). Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1344. Grant by John de Herdwyk, clerk, to William de Houdlo, of Fangge (Fangy), of tenements, &c. in the vill of Dunham. Friday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 10 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1345. Confirmation by Adam son of Thomas White (Albi) of Dunham, of his father's grant, to Gilebert son of William de Stanbregg', of land in Reden Close in Dunham. Witnesses:—Richard de Berdestapel', Geoffrey parson of Estwude, Geoffrey le Franceis, and others (named).
[Essex.] B. 1346. Grant by Robert de Wycestre, rector of the church of Ronewell' (Runwell), to Robert le Noreys, of rents, homages, and services in Dunham. Witnesses:—Hubert de Brunford, William Chingelford,' John Beauchamp, and others (named).
[Essex.] B. 1347. Grant by Robert Orgar, of Dunham, and Agnes his wife, to Robert le Noreys, and Lucy his wife, of a rent issuing out of land in Dunham, rendering yearly for the same a rose. Witnesses:—Thomas de Wytcestre, rector of the church of Dunham, Hubert de Brumford, Richard Torold, and others (named). Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1348. Release by Robert le Pee to Robert eon and heir of Robert le Noreys, the younger, of his right in a rent issuing out of a messuage with a curtilage abutting on the highway from Herewardestok towards the bridge of Wickeford in the parish of Dunham. Witnesses:—Peter Michcll, Robert Orgor, Richard Thorald, and others (named). Seal.
Leic. B. 1349. Demise by Robert, prior of Canwell, and the monks of that place, to John Wilkynsone, of Sutton next Broghton Astley, co. Leicester, and Margaret his wife of a messuage and lands, &c. in Dunton. The Annunciation, 1423, 2 Henry VI.
[N'hamp.] B. 1350. Grant by Robert de Gardino, of Sollegrave, John son of Henry Bateman and Philip le Praude of Sollegrave, to the prioress and convent of Catisbi, of their right to Duniecroft, which croft the prioress had inclosed. Witnesses:—William West of Stavertone, Adam de Bradevelle, Hugh his brother, John Abbe of Stavertone, William Abbe, John de Solegrave, clerk, and Helias de Stautone. Wednesday before St. Peter ad Cathedram, 1285. Seals.
[Essex.] B. 1351. Grant by William Godriz, of Dunham, to Roesia the daughter of Helewisia, of land in Redene field in the parish of Dunham. Witnesses:— William le Pe, Stephen le Franceis, Walter Blakengier, and others (named). Seal.
[Essex.] B. 1352. Grant by William son of Robert le Taylour, vicar of Salyng', to Simon Batekyn, of Cogeshale, Petronilla his wife, and William their son, of a curtilage and garden in Little Dunmawe near Bancroft. Sunday, 14 April, 10 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] B. 1353. Confirmation by Walter Stratton, Thomas Arnold, John Byngley, William Archier, William Sandircok, John atte Berwe, John Watsone, and John Sandircok, to whom John Braban, of Dover, and John Bakere, of Caldham, had granted a messuage in Snargatward in Dover, to John Dalby, rector of the church of St. Nicholas Dover, of the occupation of the chamber, with free ingress and egress, which they had granted to Giles Hoton, Thomas Grubbe, and Henry Powell. 20 July, 4 Henry VI.
[Essex.] B. 1354. Grant by William son of Robert le Taylour, vicar of Salyng', to Simon Batekyn, of Cogeshale, Petronilla his wife, and William their son, of a messuage in the vill of Little Dunmawe, abutting upon the road from the priory of Dunmawe towards Bermston. Sunday, 14 April, 10 Edward III.
[N'hamp.] B. 1355. Grant in frank almoin by Walter son of Simon to the nuns of Catesby, of a service due for lands in the vill of Draiton. Witnesses:— William de Alben', Walter de Valeins, and others (named). Confirmation by Robert son of Walter to the nuns of Catesby, of the foregoing grant by Walter son of Simon, his nephew. Witnesses:—William de Auben', Walter de Valeins, Ralph de Torp, and others (named).
[Suffolk.] B. 1356. Grant by John de le Strete and Walter Roo, both of South Elmharn, to William Ourys, of the same place, of lands in South Elmham. Sunday after St. Dunstan the Bishop, 13 Henry IV.
[Suffolk.] B. 1357. Demise by Nicholas son of Beatrix de Ely, and Agnes his wife, to William de Overe, of Elm, of land in Redmor in the field of Elm abutting upon the bank of the Elm. Tuesday after St. Hilary, 7 Edward II. Seals.
[ ] B. 1358. Grant by Matthew la Musche to Henry son of Alexander de Stanford, of land in the territory of Eston next Milnecroft. Witnesses:— Simon the Chaplain of Ketene, Roger de Eston, Alfred de la Musche, John de Wirtorp, and others (named). Seal.
[ ] B. 1359. Grant by Roger de Stoke, chaplain, and William son of William Page of Sevenhamptone, to William de Leente and Joan his wife, of a messuage with a curtilage and garden next Warines Lane in Esthrope next Heygeworth, of another tenement there and land in the field of Esthrope at Hauekewellelake, in Dedebrethe, Malimbreth, Medforlong, Balewegge, Longbrech, upon 'le Garston,' land called 'Arwe' and 'Wtel' in Estmede, with pasturage in the common pasture of Esthrope. Monday, the feast of St. Faith the Virgin, 22 Edward III. Seals.
[Surrey.] B. 1360. Grant by John atte Watere, son and heir of William atte Watere, of Ewell', to Richard le Taverner, of Codynton, of land in the parish of Ewell' lying in Longefurlang. Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 2 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 1361. Grant in frank almoin by William son of Walkelin de Eyndon', to the nuns of Catesbi, of lands and a messuage in the field of Eyndon. Witnesses:—Simon de Trop and Roger de Wlton, knights, Hugh de Capes, and others (named). Seal.
[York.] B. 1362. Letter of attorney by Ralph, Earl of Westmorland, &c., for John Suthewell' and Richard Burgreys to deliver seisin of tenements in York to Richard Kirkenny. 1 October, 7 Henry IV.
[Camb.] B. 1363. Grant by Richard le Zunge, son of Richard le Zunge of Little Everdon (Eversden), to Juliana, daughter of Mary Umfrey, of land upon Rodewellefurlong in Everdon'. Witnesses:—Robert le Zungebonde, Robert Umfrey, William Swyft, and others (named).
Endorsed: Land in Ewerton. Seal.
[Wilts.] B. 1364. Grant by John Hamelyn, of Everle, to John Knyght, rector of the church of Pevesy (Pewsey) John Syffrewaste, clerk, and John Michell, of Marleburgh, of all lands, tenements, &c. in the vills and fields of Everle and Fyfhyde. Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 36 Henry VI.
[Rutl.] B. 1365. Grant in frank almoin by Ralph son of Martin de Makeseia, to the nuns of St. Michael, Stanford, of lands in the field of Ettona. Witnesses:—Stephen de Stokes, Robert de Colevill', Laurence de Burton and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Rutl.] B. 1366. Demise by Alice Copildyk, prioress of St. Michael's Staunford, and the convent of that place, to William Aldewynkyl, chaplain, Roger Elyott, of Wodecroftes, and John Priour, of the same place, of lands lying at Saxpole, at the Bridge and elsewhere in the vill of Ettona. Monday after SS. Tiburtius and Valerian, 10 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf ?] B. 1367. Grant by Nicholas de Staverton, clerk, to Abel the Baker (pistori) son of Hugh de Verni, of the messuage in the vill of Etone which he had of the feoffment of Nicholas Mallore. Witnesses:—William, prior of Grovebury (de Grava), Sir Thomas Spigurnel, parson of Sthathewelle, Sir Thomas, parson of Lodbroc, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Rutl.] B. 1368. Demise by the prioress and nuns of St. Michael's, Staunford, with the consent of Richard Dufford their prior, to Sarra, late the wife of Hugh de Northburgb, of lands, tenements, &c. in the vill and territory of Etton'. Witnesses:—Hugh de Sulgrave, William de Makeseye, Adam Payn the younger of Eton, and Geoffrey de Helpiston. Monday, the feast of St. Peter ad vincula 19 Edward III., 1345.
[Suffolk.] B. 1369. Grant by Roger Aleyn the younger, of Southelmham, to William Aleyn, of that place, son of Stephen Aleyn, of lands in South Elmham abutting upon land called 'Horescroft,' 'Jacobes Pyghtell,' the common pasture of the parish church of St. Margaret's of Southelmham, and the free land of the church of Flixton. Monday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 49 Edward III.
[Berks.] B. 1370. Grant by Nicholas Daufric to Robert son of Robert Belet, of land in the field of Eneburne (Enborne) lying upon 'la Sterte.' Witnesses:—John Belet of Eneburne, Philip de Sandrevile, Adam de la Breche, and others (named).
[ ] B. 1371. Grant in frank almoin by Warin de Redburne to the nuns of St. Mary, Sopwelle, of land lying between Eywode and their orchard, for prayers for the souls of Agnes his wife, Richard his son, and of his parents. Witnesses:—William de Husseburne, the steward, John de Schelford, John de Kingesburi, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] B. 1372. Grant by John le Uncle of Eydon', son of Alice, late the wife of John de Sancto Leodegario, to the nuns of Catesby, of lands in the fields of Eydon'. Witnesses:—Adam de Bradewell, William West of Staverton, Hugh de Bradewelle, John de Solegrave, clerk, Robert de Gardino, and others (named).
[ ] B. 1373. Grant by Richard de Anesty to John de Leython', of land in the territory of Eton', lying between the road towards Wetinton and Limcroft, in exchange for which the said John granted to him land in Northcroft, seven shillings in silver, and a robe of black burnet. Witnesses: —Hugh de Lilleburn', Robert de Noweray, John son of Abel de Eton', and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] B. 1374. Grant by John de Hynkele to his sister Agnes and to her daughter Alice, and to the heirs of the said Alice by John de Langeleye, her husband, of messuages and lands and a croft called 'le Hallecroft,' in the vills of Ethone and Attelberge next Ethone. Witnesses:—John de Schyreford, William de Roddeburne, Reginald de Harleye, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[ ] B. 1375. Grant by Hugh Roseville, of Eton', to Margery Telby, late the wife of William Bannebur' of Coton,' of land in Eton' bordering upon the watercourse in Cotonende. Tuesday, the feast of St. John ante portam Latinam, 50 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 1376. Demise by John de Merryngthon, of Coventry, to Henry de Scheldon', of Nunneton', Alice his wife, and William their son, of a tenement, curtilage, and land in the vill of Eton, lying between Hallecrofte and the road leading to Hynkeleye. Wednesday after St. Chad the Bishop, 28 Edward III. Fragments of seals.
[ ] B. 1377. Confirmation by Robert son of Walchin de Eyndon, to the nuns of Kateby, of his brother William's grant, to hold in frank almoin, of land and a messuage in the vill of Eyndon, for which confirmation his brother gave him three roods of land in the fields of that place. Witnesses:—Simon de Trop and Roger de Phvelton, knights, Hugh de Kapes, and others (named).
Endorsed: Terra de Heydon'. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1378. Grant by William Cutwlffe, of Ouston, to Roger Welle, of that place, William Hychecok, of Kynnardferry, John Jakeson, of Estferry, and John Grome, of Eppeworth, of land in the wastes of Eppeworth next 'le Southparrokes' under Methelwode, and lands in the field of Ouston under Colpitcroftrawe, in Estloundeynges, in a place called 'Kathyrn,' and in the field of Netherbrunham in a place called 'Waterfurlange' or 'le Syke.' Letter of attorney for John Torkesey and Robert Cuke of Ouston. 27 June, 17 Henry VI. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 1379. Demise by the prior and convent of St. Mary's, in the Isle of Axiholme, co. Lincoln, to Thomas More, son of John More alias John Chappeman, of Eppeworth, of lands in Eppeworthe, in 'le Hydermerperrokkes' under Methelwode. 10 September 1462, 2 Edward IV.
Endorsed: A memorandum that the father of the said Thomas Moore, viz. John de More, son of Robert de More, was surcharged with divers rents for his lands at the court of the manor of Eppeworth on the 13 January, 13 Henry VI. Seal.
[ ] B. 1380. Grant by Richard de Farendon' le Curteys to William son of Walkelin de Eyndon', of lands in Delmers and Cresmor, in the fields of Eyndon', rendering yearly for the same one bodkin (unam acum). Witnesses:—Thomas son of Wale de Eyndon', Geoffrey de Trafford', William brother of Philip the parson of Eyndon', and others (named).
Berks. B. 1381. Grant by John Balet, of Esteneborne, to John David, of the same place, son of Philip David, of land in the vill of Esteneborne, abutting upon the road from Neiburie to Andevera. Witnesses:—John de Woborne, John de Wissele, Robert Balet, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Berks. B. 1382. Grant by John Beleit to William Beleit, of land in Wrthilond field next the land of the prior of Saundford, in the parish of Eneborne. Witnesses:—Alan de Cranle, knight, Nigel de Saundvile, Walter Pijon, Robert Beleit, William Scot, and John Pijon.
Berks. Hants. B. 1383. Grant by William Balet, of Eneborne, to Thomas Hunte, vicar of Kyngesclere, William Fermere, of Fernham, Edward Chapman, of Newbury, and Walter Badecok, of Kyngesclere, of all lands, tenements, rents, &c., in Eneborne or elsewhere in the counties of Southampton and Berks. Sunday after St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 9 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
Berks. B. 1384. Release by William de Bonedon to John Roger, of Bryaneston, esquire, Thomas Maundewar, clerk, John Bernard, of Lamborne, and Robert Lovelich, clerk, of his right in all lands tenements, woods, &c., called 'Balettys' and 'Hertryggys' in Estendeborne. Saturday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 7 Henry VI. Seal.
Berks. B. 1385. Grant by John Balet, of Eneborne, to Thomas Monolf, of Newbury, of lands in the vill of Eneborne in Wodeforlong abutting upon Estlongforlong, together with the reversion of Crowescroft and Laurencesmede. Wednesday after SS. Philip and James, 14 Edward III. Seal.
[Berks.] B. 1386. Release by William Clark alias Lamborne, of Newbury, co. Berks, and John Gore, of the same place, to John Roger the younger' of Benham Valence, of their right in a tenement called 'Lechisplace' in Estenborne, which they had of the feoffment of John Leche. 13 December, 27 Henry VI. Seal broken.
Berks. B. 1387. Release by Robert Balet to Thomas Monolf, of his right in the lands and tenements which he had of the feoffment of John Balet, the brother of the said Robert, in the vill of Eneborne. Saturday after St. Dunstan the Bishop, 14 Edward III. Seal.
[York.] B. 1388. Release by Margery Duket to Ralph, Earl of Westmorland, John Conyers, John Kelynghale and John de Thorpe, of Underwood, of her right in the manor of Elvyngton. 9 January, 22 Richard II.
Berks. B. 1389. Release by William Walkestede, clerk, John Langston, and Laurence Hampton, to Walter Cotton and Thomas Gladman, of their right in the manor of Estenborne near Newbury. 29 November, 7 Henry VI. Seal.
Berks. B. 1390. Grant by Nicholas Hoyvyle, of Newbury, and Amisia his wife, to John Grym, of Hamme, John Aylgar, and William Dancastel, of Haselwykes in the parish of Inkepenne, of lands and tenements with wood, &c, called 'Balettesplace' in the vill of Esteneneborne and Westeneborne. Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 14 Richard II. Seals.
Berks. B. 1391. Grant by Richard de Polhampton, son and heir of Edmund de Polhampton, to Amicia Ovyot, of Newbury, of lands and tenements in the vill of Esteneborne, late the property of John Balet of that place, with the houses, gardens, curtilages, woods, &c, in a close called 'Baletteslond;' also of lands lying in Worthilonde, in the field of Esteneborne, and in Westmede. Monday, the feast of St. Dunstan, 36 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Berks. B. 1392. Release by Dyonisia, late the wife of John Balet of Eneborne, to Edmund de Polhamton, from all actions save an action for dower out of a tenement in Eneborne. Saturday, the morrow of St, Thomas the Apostle, 21 Edward III. Seal.
Berks. B. 1393. Release by Dionisia, late the wife of John Balet of Enedborne, to Edmund de Polehamton, from all actions, suits, &c. Saturday after the Epiphany, 21 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Berks. B. 1394. Release by Agnes Balet to Thomas Monolf, of her right in lands and tenements in the vill of Eneborne, which he had of the feoffment of John Balet her brother. Saturday after St. Dunstan the Bishop, 14 Edward III. Seal.
[Camb.] B. 1395. Grant by Thomas de Elteslee, the elder, to Alexander de Goldyngham, knight, of the lands and tenements in the vill and fields of Elteslee (Eltisley), which the grantor had of the feoffment of Robert de Thorpe, knight, and which had once been the property of Philip Fitz Harveys. Thursday after St. Clement the Pope, 47 Edward III.
Endorsed: Musters in Eltesle. Seal broken.
Berks. B. 1396. Grant by John Balet, of Eneborne, to John atte Nalre of Ingepenne, and John de Oterbourne, of lands, tenements, meadows, woods and pastures in the vill of Enebourne. Wednesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 18 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Berks. B. 1397. Grant by Nicholas Idelot', of Enedborne, to Thomas le Parker, of Newbury, of lands in the vill of Enedoborne next the road to Andeverc, and at Saddemere next the land of the prior of Sandelforde. Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 16 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] B. 1398. Release by John atte Park and Agnes, his daughter, to Giles ate Velde, of their right in the tenement in Elinton', which the latter had of the feoffment of Stephen de Penecestr' and Margaret his wife, abutting upon the roads leading from Mallinge to Maydenestan, from the park of Alinton towards the Medeweya, and upon land called 'Scharnhale.' Wednesday after the Assumption, 33 Edward I.
[ ] B. 1399. Grant in frank almoin by Robert de Clavile, for the sake of his own soul and the souls of Robert de Claville, his grandfather, and Hugh de Claville and Joan his mother, to the abbey of Quarr, of a rent issuing out of land called 'Watincroft' in the vill of Elwaderston. Witnesses:—John de Insula, John de Claville, Richard le Norreys, and others (named).
Endorsed: Villa de Elwerdest'. Seal.
Berks B. 1400. Release by Thomas Balet, of Eneborne, to Edmund de Polhampton, of his right in the lands, tenements, &c. in the vill of Eneborne, which the latter had of the feoffment of John de Oterbourne and John atte Nalre. Saturday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 21 Edward III. Seal broken.