Deeds: A.1701 - A.1800

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.

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'Deeds: A.1701 - A.1800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online [accessed 15 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.1701 - A.1800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025,

"Deeds: A.1701 - A.1800". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025.

A.1701 - A.1800

[Middx.] A. 1701. Grant by Richard Blund, of Edelmeton, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of an acre of land in Edelmeton, in the field called 'Bradecroft,' extending over against Langeheg; paying 1d. yearly for all services. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1702. Grant by William Blund, of Edelmetun, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 40s., of a croft in Edelmetun, called 'Menechenefeld,' paying therefor yearly 2s. to the prioress and nuns of Clerkenwell. Witnesses:—William Peverel, Richard Blund, John de Lesn[es], and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1703. Grant in frank almoin by Roger Blund, son of Richard Blund, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 16d. annual rent that Humphrey Baldewin was wont to pay his said father Richard, and one suit (precem) in autumn, for 1½ acres in Langeheg and half an acre of meadow in Edelmeton Marsh. Witnesses:—John Blund, Gilbert de Toteham, Thomas Pikot, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1704. Release by Geoffrey Blund, of Edelmeton, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 4 marcs, of 4 acres of land with the house built thereon, which he held of the said canons in Edelmeton. Witnesses:—William de Forda, Thomas Pikot, Richard le May, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1705. Grant by William de la Forde, of Edolmeton, to Sir Walter de London, archdeacon of Norfolk, for 45 marcs, of 12d. yearly rent and 43 acres of land in Edolmeton, viz. in Deringespictel, Aldecote, Naplande, Tichelberch, Pirefeld, Stonifeld, Anneises Pichtel, Forefeld, and Nicholes Picthtel; paying him 6d. yearly, and 4d. to Sir Robert de Ageilun, for ali services saving the King's service. Witnesses:—Master John Rosamund, Sir Serlo de Haliwell, clerk, Sir William de Plesiz, chaplain, Sir John Blund, of Edolmeton, and others (named). [A.D. 1252–1257.] Seal.
[Middx.]. A. 1706. Release by Richard Osbarn, citizen of London, to William Sevenoke, citizen and grocer of London, of a yearly rent of 12l. issuing out of lands, tenements, shops, and a quay adjoining called 'Asselyneswharf,' in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower of London, formerly belonging to John Cherteseye, citizen and clothier of London, and which came into Osbarn's hands as herein described. 20 May, 10 Henry VI. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1707. Release by Stephen de Codres, chaplain, of London, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all claim he might have to the tenement of William Wite, formerly citizen of London, at Duuegate in London, in the parish of All Saints over Heywharf, by reason of the will of the said William; and for the greater security hereof he binds himself in presence of the official of the archdeacon of London, and many others, never to make any claim against the said canons, by reason of that will, to the said tenement. Witnesses:—Master Walter, official of London, Peter Bacun, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1708. Grant by Roger de Hatfeld, citizen of London, to William de Hamme, citizen and wool merchant of London, for 20l., of land with the buildings thereon adjoining the churchyard of St. Dunstan by the Tower and the street called 'la Tourstrate,' and of yearly rents of 10s., 8s., and 18s., issuing from the lands and tenements specified, in the same parish; paying therefor yearly to the grantor a clove, 50s. to the heirs of Henry de Frowik, 4s. to the heirs of John de la Tour, 3s. to the canons of St. Mary of Southwark, ¾d. to the King for socage on Palm Sunday, 7d. to the prior of Lewisham at Michaelmas, and 20s. to the canons of Christchurch, London. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwico, Warden of London, Thomas Cros and Walter Hautein, sheriffs, William de Hadestok, alderman of the ward, Martin Box, and others (named). [15 Edward I.] Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1709. Grant by Eustace, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to Ralph Briseban, of Bristol, for 40s., of two shops with solars in front of the stone house, formerly William Wite's, beyond the cellar of Henry de Coventre, between Douegate and land belonging to John le Gynur, in the parish of All Saints of Heywarf, in Thames Street, London: paying therefor yearly 34s. Clauses as to selling, distraining for the rent, &c. Witnesses:—Henry Walensis, Mayor of London, Henry de Coventre and Nicholas de Winton, sheriffs, Gregory de Rokesle, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [2 Edward I.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1710. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Ediva daughter of Walter, of the land in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower of London that Walter Brun held of them, containing 25¼ ells by 8½, at a yearly rent of 4s. The land being built on with houses roofed with tiles to the value of 40s., Ediva or her heirs will satisfy the convent [for that sum] if they wish to let their fee, unless the land be wasted accidentally by lire. Witnesses:—Gilbert Aldreman, Ralph Steperanc, Ralph Chaloner, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Modo Johannes Cokyrmouth solvit 5s. 8d. pro ten' ij cartarum."
[Middx.] A. 1711. Grant by S., the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to Alfred the Builder of houses (oper[a]tori domorum), of the land that Payn the Fisherman, his brother, held last before him in St. Dunstan's parish, at a yearly rent of 20d.; to be held as long as he pays the said rent. For this grant he has given the prior and convent a sextary of wine, London measure. Witnesses:—Eustace son of Ivo, William de Ponte and others (named).
Endorsed: "Contra Alfredum operatorem domorum de terra," &c.: "Sancti Dunstani."
[Middx.] A. 1712. Release by John de Kenyngton, clerk, rector of St. Dunstan's by the Tower of London, to Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of their bond to him for 16 marcs to be paid him yearly for certain years, and of 4 marcs issuing from a certain rent for the timber hitherto being in 'le Weelde,' on condition of their making the ordinance contained in a certain schedule hereto annexed in his own handwriting, and binding themselves to undergo the said charge for ever for the souls of himself, his ancestors, and all sleeping in Christ. London, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 47 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1713. Plea between John de Cokermuth and the prior of Holy Trinity, London, concerning the services the former owes the prior, for a free tenement he holds of him in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, London. The messuage is held by a service of 5s. 8d. yearly, with which Richard de Wymbissh, this prior's predecessor, was seised by the said John; and because 24s. was in arrear at the day of the obtaining of the writ, viz. 23 February, 3 Edward III., and the messuage could not then be distrained for a year and a day, the prior seeks it now as a 'gavelett,' according to the custom of the city. John admits that the messuage is held of the prior as aforesaid, and that the rent is in arrear, and the prior is adjudged to recover the messuage against John, to be held for a year and a day, according to the custom of the city, as a 'gavelett,' unless in the meanwhile, &c. Feast of St. Gregory, 4 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1714. Acquittance by William, prior of Holy Trinity, London, for 50s. received from John Morton, clerk and citizen of London, in full payment of 100s. due to the said church, for all arrears of the quit-rent issuing from the tenement of the said John in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, London. The vigil of St. Michael, 4 Richard II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1715. Acquittance by William, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 50s. received from John de Morton, clerk and citizen of London, in part payment of 100s. due for arrears of rent of the abovenamed tenement. Easter, 3 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1716. Assignment by Master Alexander, rector of St. Swithin's, London, Richard Reinger and John de Augo, executors of the will of William Wite, late citizen of London, to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of two shops in front of the stone house by Duuegate that was William Wite's, with a cellar under the stone house and free view therefrom towards the south by an iron window, without hindrance of light; and of 40d. yearly rent to be received from the canons of Southwark for four shops near the above shops, granting the tenants of the said cellar the right to lade and unlade their wines free of quayage at the quay belonging to the tenement of the said John de Augo. This assignment is made instead of the 60s. annual rent they had previously assigned the said canons from William Wite's tenement in All Saints parish, Heiwarf. Ides of February, A.D. 1236. One seal remaining.
[Middx.] A. 1717. Grant by John Cherteseye, son and heir of John Cherteseye, to William Cressewyk, John Wakefeld, John Weryng, clothier, Henry Parker, vintner, and John Rider, fishmonger, citizens of London, of the remainder of a yearly rent of 12l. and the lands, tenements, rents and quay, from which the rent issues, called 'Asselyneswharf' in the parish of St. Dunstan's by the Tower, London; which remainder will revert to him, as herein specified, on the death of William, his brother. John Wodecok, Mayor of London, William Crowmere and Henry Barton, sheriffs. 10 July, 7 Henry IV. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the Husting of London for pleas of land, Monday next after St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 8 Henry IV.
[Middx.] A. 1718. Grant by Henry Parker, vintner and citizen of London, to William Sevenoke and John Sudbury, grocers, Roger Moygne, clothier, and Richard Osbarn, citizens of London, of the reversion of a yearly rent of 12l., and the lands, tenements, shops, and quay called 'Asselyneswharf,' from which such rent issues, in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, London, upon the death of William Cherteseye; which he had by grant, as herein recited, from John Chertesey. William Crowemere, Mayor of London, John Sutton and John Micholl, sheriffs, William Sevenoke, alderman of the ward. 5 July, 2 Henry V. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 3 Henry V.
[Middx.] A. 1719. Release by Matilda le Longe, late wife of John le Longe of Estchepe, citizen of London, to John atte Gate, citizen of London, of all her tenements, houses, and shops in the parish of St. Leonard of Eastcheap, London. Witnesses:—John de Prestone, Mayor of London, Nicholas Pyk and John Hosebonde, sheriffs, and others (named}. London, in Bridge Ward, 7 March, 7 Edward III. Seal. Injured.
[Middx.] A. 1720. Grant by John Seluein to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 20 marcs of silver, of all his wood, heath, and arable land with appurtenances in Edelraeton, situate as described; paying therefor yearly 1 lb. of cummin or 2d., at the option of the canons, in the Octaves of Easter. Witnesses:—William de Forda, Thomas Pikot, Richard de Gisorz, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1721. Grant by John Seluein to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 50 marcs of silver, of a virgate and a half of land and a croft called 'Nicholas Croft' in Edelmeton; paying him therefor yearly 1 lb. of cummin or 2d., at the option of the canons, at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, to the lord of the soil a pair of gilt spurs or 6d., at the court of Edelmeton at Easter, and to Sir William Agylun 4d. for the said croft. Witnesses:—William de Forda, Gilbert de Toteham, William Wimbuz, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1722. Release by Robert son of Alice, daughter of Robert Selueyn, of Edelmeton, to the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 30s., of 30 acres of wood in Edelmeton, for which he impleaded the said prior before the King's Justices in Eyre in Middlesex at Stone Cross (apud Crucem lapideam), in the year 22 Edward [I.]; and of all lands, woods, &c., which they hold in Edelmeton or elsewhere that formerly belonged to Robert his grandfather, or Alice his mother. Witnesses: — Laurence Duket, William de Derneford, William de Forda, and others (named). Friday after the Purification, 22 Edward I.
Endorsed: This release was enrolled before Sir John de Berewyk and his companions Justices in Eyre in Middlesex, at Stone Cross, 22 Edward I., on the 20th roll, viz. on the dorse of the roll: and note that it was enrolled word for word. [See Assize Roll [M 3 33] 2, m. 20, dorso.]
[Middx.] A. 1723. Acquittance by Thomas Pomeray, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 40s. received from Thomas Beaumond for arrears of an annual quitrent of 8s. issuing out of his tenement with garden in the parishes of St. George by Eastcheap and St. Andrew Huberd, lying east of the highway lately called 'Fynkeslane,' now called 'Puddynglane.' The morrow of Christmas, 1449, 28 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Middx.] A. 1724. Release by Wymarca, late wife of Hugh Peverel, of Edelmeton, to Eustace, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all her right by way of dower or otherwise in the lands and tenements they had by gift of the said Hugh in Edelmeton and London; for which release they have granted her weekly, during her life, four white cakes and seven gallons of conventual beer, three servitors' loaves and seven gallons of inferior (secunde) beer, a dish of pottage daily, and 4s. at Christmas for clothing. Witnesses:—John de Arcubus, John Blund, and others (named). The morrow of St. Andrew, 54 Henry III.
[Middx.] A. 1725. Grant by Stephen, son of William de Edelmeton, to Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 16s., of two acres of land in Edelraeton, stretching to the park of Enfield towards the north. Witnesses:—John de Aldenham, John de Lesnes, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Vacua quia continetur in carta ye," [A. 1726.]
[Middx.] A. 1726. Grant by Stephen, son of William de Edelmeton, to Richard the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for two marcs, of five acres in Edelmeton, consisting of the above two acres [see A. 1725] and three acres in a croft adjoining them. Witnesses:—John de Aldenham, Roger de Belchodroi, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1727. Grant by Hugh Peverel, son of William Peverel, of Edelmeton, to John, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 10 acres of land in Edelmeton, in the field called 'Brocfeld' by water called 'Medesinge,' in frank almoin. If he or his heirs wish to sell their messuage or any portion of their land, the canons shall have the right of buying at 2s. less than any other. Witnesses:—Thomas Picot, Ralph de Querendone, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1728. Grant by Hugh Peverel to Gilbert, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of three acres in the field called 'Brokfeld' [in Edelmeton], adjoining his land called 'Bau Pichtel.' Witnesses:—Thomas Picot, Robert de Gisors, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1729. Obligation of Hugh Peverel, son of William, to pay Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, 48s. within 15 days of Michaelmas, 1235; for which debt he has mortgaged to them four acres in Edelmeton, in the field called 'Langeheg,' in the 'turnera' called 'Esterache,' to remain to them if the debt is not paid within the said term. Witnesses:—Gilbert Prudumme, John de Lesnes, and others (named). [A.D. 1235.]
[Middx.] A. 1730. Grant by Ralph de Heirun, of Edelmeton, to John Brokedent, of London, of 16s. 8d. of fixed rent in Edelmeton, to be paid by the tenants herein specified; paying therefor yearly half a pound of pepper. Witnesses:—Eustace Mercer, of London, William Peverel, and others (named). Portion of equestrian seal.
[Middx.] A. 1731. Grant by William de Reygate, citizen and cook of London, to Nicholas, called 'le Blake,' citizen and vintner of London, of 13s. 4d. yearly rent issuing out of the two tenements that John atte Grate, citizen and butcher of London, and Margaret his wife, charged with the said rent to Reygate, in the parish of St. Leonard's, Eastcheap, situate as described. Simon Fraunceis, Mayor of London, John Lovekyn and Richard de Kyselyngburi, sheriffs, John de Mockingg, alderman of the ward. Wednesday next after the Apostles Simon and Jude, 16 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London for pleas of land, Monday after St. Nicholas, 16 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1732. Grant by John atte Gate, citizen and butcher of London, and Margaret his wife, to William de Reygate, citizen and cook of London, of 13s. 4d. yearly rent issuing out of two tenements in the parish of St. Leonard's, Eastcheap. John de Pulteneye, Mayor of London, John Hamond and William Haunsard, sheriffs, Gregory atte Shire, alderman of the ward. 8 May, 8 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday the morrow of Holy Trinity, 8 Edward III. Two seals.
[Middx.] A. 1733. Grant by Nicholas le Blake, citizen and vintner of London, to Hugh de Robury, glover, citizen of London, of 13s. 4d. annual rent, which he had by gift of William de Reygate, cook, formerly citizen of London, issuing from the two tenements in the parish of St. Leonard's, Eastcheap, that belonged to John atte Gate and Margaret his wife. John Lovekyn, Mayor of London and alderman of the ward, Henry Picard and Simon Dolsaly, sheriffs, Friday before St. Dunstan, 23 Edward III.
Annexed: Extract from the will of Hugh de Robury (which was proved and enrolled at the Husting of London for common pleas, Monday after Hilary, 24 Edward III.), bequeathing to the prior and convent of Christchurch. London, where he was a brother, the tenement he lately acquired of John atte Gate and Margaret his wife, in St. Leonard's parish, Eastcheap, and one marc of annual rent which he acquired of Nicholas Blake, in the same parish. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1734. Release by William, son of John atte Gate, of Great Canfield, Essex, to Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of the tenement with garden in Puddynglane, in St. Leonard's parish, Eastcheap, formerly belonging to John atte Gate. 15 March, 39 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1735. Grant by Adam Bokunte to Henry, his son, of all his land in Eggeswere and Stanmere, in men, rents, and all issues, paying Adam 30s. yearly for his life. If Henry die without heir by his wife, the land shall revert to Adam, saving dower for Henry's wife; if Adam die, Henry shall be quit of the 30s., and shall provide dower for Dionisia, Adam's wife. Witnesses:—Roger de la Done, Robert de Stanmere, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1736. Obligation of William le Melkere, citizen of London, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, to build on some vacant ground he holds of them, by the messuage that was Hugh de Estchepe's, within the present year, so that the canons may distrain on the buildings for 6s. yearly rent due for the said land. If not, they may distrain for that sum on all his shops in Eastcheap. Witnesses:—Ralph Bardel, Mayor of London, and others (named). Feast of St. Alphege, A.D. 1257.
[Middx.] A. 1737. Mandate from Nicholas Lungeespee to the tenants of the manor of Eggeswere, to be responsive to Sir Adam de Stratone, to whom he has demised all the said manor. Sarum, Tuesday, the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 50 Henry III. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1738. Grant by the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William de Forda, of Edelmeton, of land in Edelmeton in the field called 'Yaryldefeld,' by his land near Enfield wood, which William will cause to be enclosed, so that the canons may not receive any damage for want of such enclosure. Witnesses:—Lovekyn de Burgo, Richard de Anesty, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Modo tenet in feodo Adam Fraunceys, prout certificatur in anno r.r. Ricardi Secundi tercio."
[Middx.] A. 1739. Grant by William de Forda, son of Robert de Forda, of Edelmeton, to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of land in Edelmeton, in the field called 'Yarildefeld,' and rents of 12d. which William son of Peter owed him for a messuage and land in the same field, and 6d. which the canons paid him for land they bought of Henry son of William; paying him 1d. yearly, and 3s. to Sir William de Say, lord of the fee. Witnesses:—Gilbert de Toteham, Hugh Peverel, and others (named).
Endorsed: Memorandum that the same nine acres are demised to Edmund Scheperd for 13s. 4d. in the year 3 Richard II., and John Brownn, the younger, pays the rent of 12d. within named. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1740. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William de Forda, of Edelmeton, of 20 acres in the field called 'le Heyfeld' in Edelmeton, situate as described, paying therefor 10s. yearly; for which rent William binds all his land, with the berchery therein, lying between Enfield wood and land called 'Therildefeld,' and his other lands specified: saving to the convent the common of pasture in Enfield wood which pertains to the said 20 acres. Witnesses:—John de Marisco and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Modo tenet in feodo Adam Fraunceys, prout declaratur per tenentes in anno r.r. Ricardi Secundi tertio."
[Middx.] A. 1741. Grant by William de Hoxtone, and Helena his wife, to Hugh Peverel, for 40s., of all their land at Edelmeton in 'la Stinkindelond,' situate as described. Witnesses:—John de Anesti, Roger le Burser, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1742. Deed of sale by William de Creye, butcher, and Elias le Barber, of Briggestrete, citizens of London, executors of the will of Richard Scharp, formerly citizen and butcher of Estchep (which was proved and enrolled in the Husting of London, Monday after the translation of St. Edward the King, 7 Edward II.), to John Long, citizen and butcher of London, of the tenement that Scharp had by feoffment of William le Melkere in the parish of St. Leonard Eastcheap, and which by the terms of the will was to be sold, charged with a yearly rent of 13s. 4d., to support a chantry in St. Leonard's church; power being reserved to the executors, and after their death to the rector of St. Leonard's, with six parishioners, to enter the tenement and distrain therein in case of non-payment of the said rent. Witnesses:—John de Grisors, Mayor of London, John Lambin, alderman of the ward, and others (named). Sunday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 7 Edward II.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday before St. Edmund the King, 7 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1743. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to William le Melkere, of land in the parish of St. Leonard's Eastcheap, paying therefor 6s. yearly. Witnesses: — Ralph Sperling, alderman, Reiner de Bungey, and others (named). A.D. 1243.
[Middx.] A. 1744. Grant by William le Melkere, citizen of London, to Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of his capital dwelling house in the parish of St. George's Eastcheap, that they may distrain therein for yearly rents of 6s. and 4s. which he owes them for some vacant land and a shop respectively, both in the parish of St. Leonard Eastcheap, which he holds of them; for which rents they have impleaded him in the Husting of London by the King's writ. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas son of Richard, Mayor of London, Ernald Tedmar, alderman of the ward, John de Helyland, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1745. Grant and confirmation by Geoffrey, Earl of Essex, to Holy Trinity, London, of the land of Edward de Schelgeford that Earl Geoffrey, his father, gave them in frank almoin; the half hide of land in Brambeley (Bromley) that William son of Wido gave them when he was made a canon there, and which the Earl, his father, confirmed to them; and the remaining part of the said William's land, that Robert de Ponte had of the gift of his father and gave the canons when he was made canon, which they are to hold of the Earl by the service the said Robert did to his father. Witnesses:—'Rahesia the Countess, my mother,' Warin son of Gerold, the King's chamberlain, Henry son of Gerold, and others (named). [A.D. 1144– 1165.] Portion of equestrian seal.
[Middx.] A. 1746. Grant by William de Piro to Holy Trinity, London, for 30s., of 26d. quitrent in Brambeley, issuing from three acres of land in the field called 'Dune' by the four mills. Witnesses:—William de Pontefr', Robert de Pinkeni, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1747. Grant by William de Pyro, son of Yda Triket, to Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of whatever they hold in lands, &c., of the fee that was Ralph Triket's, father of Hugh Triket, his grandfather, of the fees of the said Hugh, Yda his mother, and of his own fee in Brambeley. For this grant the canons have given him 12s. in charity. Witnesses:—John de Lyesnes, Ralph de Bracking, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1748. Grant by Yda, daughter of Hugh Triket, late wife of Roger de Pirou, after her said husband's death, to Robert, son of William de Lundon, whom. Ralph, son of Yvo de Lundon, appointed his heir, of all the lands that the said Ralph held of her fee of Brambeley, which Ralph gave the aforesaid Robert for his service; for which lands Robert became her man on St. Andrew's day next after the decease of Richard, third (sic) bishop of London [30 November 1128 ?], in her court of Brambeley, paying therefor yearly two pounds of wax and ld., at Robert's house in London. Witnesses: — William de Pirou, William Cole, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1749. Grant by Ralph son of Ivo, to Robert, son of William de Lundon, of all the land he held in Brambeley of the fee of Ida Triket, Robert paying Ida the usual service of 2 lbs. of wax and 1d. yearly in Ralph's house at London. Witnesses:—John Bucuinte, 'Theobald my brother,' Ralph Canute and others (named).
Endorsed: Charter of Ralph son of Yvo of a gift made to Robert Burel of land in Brambeley.
[Middx.] A. 1750. Demise by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Richard son of Alulf, for his life, of land in Brambeley, in Prostmad and Ressecroft, paying therefor 3s. 1d. yearly. After the death of Richard, or if he assume the religious habit, the land shall revert to the demesne of the prior and convent. Witnesses:—John de Lesnes, Richard le Mai, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1751. Letters of attorney of John, son of John Attehulle, of Brambeley, appointing E[ustace], prior of Holy Trinity, London, to receive the yearly service of 12d. that Fulk his brother owes for land and buildings he demised to him in the north end of Salenecroft, in Brambeley. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1752. Grant by Ralph Triket, the King's Chamberlain, to Robert de Ponte, of Normade, the land that was Edmund's, land that belonged to Hugh son of Baldwin, and the dwelling house of the same, with field adjoining, and Wigewic, and Wilda, and Sparweh, in Brambeley; paying half a marc yearly. For this grant Robert has given him 6 marcs, and to Hugh his son a marc of silver and a many coloured (varium) mantle, and a green fustian towards making him a knight. Witnesses:—Gervase de Cornhill, Wido son of Ulger and others (named).
[Kent.] A. 1753. Grant by Geoffrey Mosard and Isabel his wife, of Brumlegh, to John Atemore, and Margery his wife, of the messuage with curtilage which they formerly acquired of John Stanford in Brumlegh, situate as described on the road from London to Farnborough. Sunday after St. Hilary, 24 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1754. Grant by Benedict, the abbot, and the convent of St. Mary of Stratford, to Peter, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of all their land beyond Luya (the Lea) in the parts of Brambeley, which they have cut off from their land called 'Pikeshoc' If the land increase in size through the drawing off of the water (per atractum aque), such increment shall belong to the abbot and convent. Witnesses:—Sir Henry, Mayor of London, Brice de Stebennee, William de Piro, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1755. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William son of Nicholas of land at Brembeley (Bromley) in the field called 'Northcroft.' Witnesses:—William de Piro, Alexander de Cruce, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1756. Grant by Ida, daughter of Hugh Triket, late wife of Roger de Pirou, after the latter's death, to Ralph, son of Yvo de Londoniis, of the lands of her fee of Brambeley that Wlfwin de Rocholt, Aluric son of Salona and Theobald son of Yvo held, paying yearly 2 lbs. of wax; and of an acre on the hill before her court of Brambeley, paying 1d. yearly. She has sworn to observe this grant 3 September, 4 Richard [I], on which day she received the homage of the said Ralph. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Alderman, Gilbert Dacus, Ralph de la Bare, Everard the Goldsmith, and Odo his brother, and others (named). 4 Richard I. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1757. Mandate of Henry [III.] to the sheriff of Middlesex, to direct the prior of Holy Trinity, London, to restore without delay to Godlak son of Borchard, and Lecia his wife, the two acres of land in Brembeley of which Thediva de Brembley, kinswoman of the said Lecia, who was her heir, was seised at the day of her death. If he do not restore it, and Godlak and Lecia give surety for prosecuting their claim, he is to summon the prior to appear at the first assize in those parts to show quare non fecerit. Westminster, 27 June, 26 Henry [III.]
Middx. A. 1758. Letters of attorney of Hugh Rolbeche, citizen of London, and Matilda his wife, to Laurence atte Hull, John Brook, and John Broun, to deliver to Giles Porter, of Stratford, seisin of all their lands and tenements in the parishes of St. Mary of Brambeley and Whitechapel without Algate, London, according to their grant thereof to the same Giles. 3 October, 43 Edward III. Two seals.
Middx. A. 1759. Grant by Idonia, late wife of Giles Porter, of Brambeley in Middlesex, to William Porter, her son, of the four acres of land she had by gift of John Brok and Robert de Weryngton, in the parish of Brambeley. 4 November, 12 Richard II. Seal.
Endorsed: Bremley. Sir William Porter, rector of the church of St. Margaret Patyns, son of Idonia within written, surrendered the aforesaid land to Sir William Haradon, prior, in the year 1 Henry IV., with all the charters which he had thereof.
[Middx.] A. 1760. Grant by William de Piro, son of William de Piro, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of 30d. yearly rent issuing out of the tenement that Simon Little (Parvus), smith, holds in Brembeley paying therefor 6d. yearly. For this grant the prior and convent have given him two silver marcs, to Alice his wife 2s., and to Muriel his daughter 12d. Witnesses:—Roger Huscarl, Robert de Brembeley, John de Lesne, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1761. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William son of Luke, for 2s., of a certain new messuage in Brambelee, between the houses of Ralph Almar and William son of David, which the said Ralph has granted the said William for 20s.; paying the said Ralph therefor 4d. yearly. Witnesses:—William Huscharl, Hamo de Bedefunt, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1762. Grant by Hugh Southern, called Holbech, citizen of London, and Matilda his wife, to Giles Porter, of Stratford, of all the lands and tenements which they lately acquired of Henry Yevele John Croydon, and Thomas Mildenhale Mareschal, citizens of London, in the parishes of St. Mary of Brambeley and 'la Whitechapele' without Algate, London, formerly belonging to Henry atte Rothe. 2 October' 43 Edward III. Two seals.
[Middx.] A. 1763. Grant by William de Tresgod to the canons of Christchurch, London, for two marcs (to be returned if he cannot warrant the land to them), of 15 acres of marsh by the Lea which Ranulph held, at a yearly rent of 10s. To this agreement Petronilla, William's wife, and Robert his son have consented; and the other witnesses are Andrew the Dean, Nicholas the Clerk, Ranulph the Knight (Milite), and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1764. Grant by Ralph de Alegate, clerk, to Richard Poterel, citizen of London, for 14 marcs, of four acres of land in Brembelee which he had by demise of Peter, son and heir of the late Robert Aynholf, of Stratford, and which Matilda Aynholf, wife of the said Robert, held in dower, and half an acre which he had by demise of Thomas, son of Thomas Draper; paying therefor yearly a rose to Ralph, 2s. to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, for the four acres, and to Thomas, son of Thomas Draper, ½d. for the half acre. Witnesses:—Alan Cole, Roger de Bedefonte, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1765. Grant by Ralph, son of Richard Daniel, to John, son of John de la Hulle, of a croft called 'Salenecroft' in Brambeley, lying between the highway and the land which the said John holds of the convent of Holy Trinity, London, by the Lea; paying therefor 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—John de Lesne, Peter Draper, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "Carta R. Daniel facta J. Wrog de Salenecroft in Brambele."
[Middx.] A. 1766. Surrender by John de Cotes, heir of the late John de Cotes, his paternal uncle, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of the messuage with land and the croft called 'Wroggeshawe,' which his said uncle formerly had by demise of the said convent, in Brembelee. For this surrender they have remitted to him the 10 marcs he owed for arrears of rent and defect in repairing the messuage. Monday the Conception, 3 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 1767. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Nicholas son of William, for 20s., of 1½ acres of land at Brambelehe in Ruding, paying 18d. yearly. Witnesses:—William Blund, William de Piro and others (named).
Endorsed: "Mo. s. Anno Domini 1308 [Crossed through: "Isabella filia quondam Walteri Godlok"] modo in manu domini."
[Middx.] A. 1768. Grant by William Tutheyt, son of Richard, to John, son of John de la Hull, for 14s. 6d., of a messuage and land that he holds of the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, in Brambeley; the messuage being between the road and the Lea, and the land between Ralph Daniel's land and the garden of the nuns of Stratford on the west, and the Lea on the east; paying him yearly a pair of white gloves, and 2s. to the said prior and convent as lords of the fee. Witnesses:—Godfrey de la Hull, Peter Draper, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Carta Willielmi Tuthayt facta J. Wrog de mesuagio et walla quod de nobis tenuit inter Luyam et Saliscroft." Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1769. Grant by Ralph Trichet to Robert de Ponte, of Nordmede, Sparweham and Wille, and the dwelling house of Hugh son of Baldwin, and Wigewich, and Edmund's land [in Bromley, cf. A. 1752] for half a marc yearly. This also Hugh his son has granted, and Armigarde his wife; and for this grant Robert has given to Ralph six marcs of silver, and to Hugh his son a many coloured mantle and a green fustian towards making him a knight, and to Armigarde his wife a gold 'manca.' And in addition to the above half marc, to three acres of meadow and a 'morsel' of land, Robert has accommodated Ralph with 30s., and as long as the 30s. are owing the former will be quit of paying the half marc. Witnesses:—'my men' Robert de Imbrege, William son of Hugh, and others (named): and on the part of Robert, Gervase de Corneh[ill], Hugh son of Wlgar, Robert Bellus, and others (named). Equestrian seal.
[Middx.] A. 1770. Grant by Roger de Pyro to Ralph son of Ivo, of the land that Wlfin de Rocholte, Aluric son of Saluna, and Theobald son of Ivo hold [in Bromley], paying yearly 2 lbs. of wax: for this grant Ralph has given him 42s. and "unas husas vacce," and to Ida his wife a gold ring worth is. Roger is bound to go to Ralph's house to receive the wax. This grant was made at the Purification next after the King of Scotland was captured. Witnesses:—Andrew de Brambeleghe, Robert de Basinge, Martin the Writer of the lord bishop of Winchester, and others (named). Equestrian seal, injured. [A.D. 1175.]
Endorsed: "Carta Rogeri de Pyro de quadam terra in Brambeley concessa Radulfo fil' Yvonis, cujus terre servicium Robertus Burel ecclesiae Sce. Trinitatis donavit."
[Middx.] A. 1771. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William son of Godwin, for 2½ marcs, of two acres in Brambelee lying in Ruding, at a yearly rent of 2s. Witnesses:—William Blund, Robert de Pinkeni, William de Ailfladewic, and others (named). Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1772. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Ralph son of Solomon, for 40s., of four acres of land in Northcroft at Brambeley; paying therefor 4s. yearly. Witnesses:— Hamo de Bedefunt, William Blund, and others (named).
Middx. A. 1773. Grant by Sir John Bradwell, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to John Blount, esquire, of the manor and farm of Braraleygh, with all lands, meadows, &c., (except a tenement with garden and orchard in the tenure of John Chyrchman, all profits of court, heriots, &c., and one-half of waifs and strays, &c.,) for 30 years from St. John the Baptist's day next, at a yearly rent of 40 marcs. Other covenants specified as to repairs, hedgebote, cartbote, and firebote, &c. 4 May, 1 Henry VIII. English.
[Middx.] A. 1774. (i.) Certificate of proof of the will of William de Cumbe at the Husting held in London, Monday after the Purification, 26 Edward I., by John de Storteford and John, son of William de Cumbe. He bequeaths five marcs yearly rent to support a chaplain in the church of St. Dunstan by the Tower, to pray for the souls of himself and Petronilla his wife; viz. 8s. from Henry Box for land he holds in the said parish, 8s. from the heirs of Thomas Orpedman for part of the same laud, 16s. 8d. from a tenement in Friday Street, and 34s. from the capital tenement the testator inhabited in the same parish. Other legacies to John, Edmund, and Peter, his sons. 26 Edward I. Transcript.
(ii.) Writ to William Walworth, Mayor and escheator of London, to make inquisition what damage would result to the King or others if Simon archbishop of Canterbury and John Chertesey be allowed to assign a messuage with quay adjoining in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, to the warden and chaplains of St. Gregory's College, Sudbury, held of the crown in burgage; what is the value of the premises, &c. 30 October, 4 Richard II. Transcript.
(iii.) Inquisition taken on the above writ. 5 November, 4 Richard II. Norman French. Transcript.
[Middx.] A. 1775. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Ralph the Haymerchant (Fenario) and Goda his wife, for 20s., of the land in St. Dunstan's parish that Stephen the Dyer held next before them, paying 6s. yearly. Witnesses:—Henry, Mayor of London, Robert Bat, Peter Bat, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1776. Grant by Geoffrey de Chesewyk, citizen of London, to William de Cumbe, wool merchant, of London, for 19½ marcs, of a messuage with quay in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower of London, stretching from King Street on the north to the Thames on the south, paying 20s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh son of Otho, Warden of London, Robert de Cornhulle and Thomas de Basyngg, bailiffs of London, William de Hadestoke, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [54 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1777. Release by Richard de Hakeburne, goldsmith, of London, and Margaret his wife, to William de Coumbe, dwelling in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, for 40s., of a yearly quitrent of 20s. Witnesses: —John de Canterbiry, then alderman, Martin Box, and others (named). [Edward I.] Two seals.
[Middx.] A. 1778. Release by Geoffrey de Schesewick to William de Cumbe, both citizens of London, of 6s. yearly rent issuing from a tenement, formerly Reginald le Sipwritche's, in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, stretching from Olvendebrigge on the east to the Thames on the south, and King's Street on the north. Witnesses:—Sir Walter Hervi, Mayor of London, Richard de Paris and John de Bodelee, sheriffs, William de Hadestoke, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [56 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1779. Memorandum of an indenture, executed the feast of St. Erconwald, 7 Richard II., whereby John Chirteseye, of Hertfordshire, grants Richard Willysdon and Anneys his wife his wharf called 'Pakkemannys Wharf,' with land and tenements in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, in London, for 100 years from that day, paying Chirteseye and his heirs 12l. yearly, and bearing all other charges: Wyllysdon undertaking within 10 years, at his own cost, to enlarge the wharf 80 feet in Thames Ward, and the wall "all only of Maydenston stone," to take down all housing on the soil, and build all the soil only with new timber, viz. all the front against the High Street, and 40 feet inward, of stories 12, 10, and 8 feet high respectively, all only of "herte of oke;" and also a chief dwelling place above stages, viz. a hall 40 feet by 24, a parlour, kitchen, and buttery, and on the remnant of the soil, except the cartway and wharf, houses and chambers for merchandise: all the buildings to be cellared underneath to the depth of 12 feet. 30 April, 7 Richard II. English.
[Middx.] A. 1780. Letters of attorney of John Charteseye, the elder, empowering John Charteseye, his son, to receive from Richard Wilysdon 12l. rent for a tenement with shops and quay adjoining, called 'Asselyns Wharf,' in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower of London. Feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 18 Richard II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1781. Grant by John Cherteseye, citizen and clothier of London, to John Daye, vicar of the parish church of Brokesbourne, co. Hertford, and John Cleve, vicar of the parish church of Northall, Middlesex, of a yearly rent of 12l. issuing from the lands and tenements, with shops and quay adjoining, called 'Asselyns Wharf,' in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower of London, which Richard Welysdon, citizen and chandler of London, holds for a term of years; together with the reversion of the premises at the completion of the said term. The Conversion of St. Paul, 18 Richard II. Portion of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll, January, 18 Richard II.
[Middx.] A. 1782. Grant by David, son of Ralph the Vintner, to the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 41s. 4d., of the land called 'Hungerscroft,' in Toteham, paying therefor 10d. yearly. Witnesses:—Gilbert Cullinge, William and Bartholomew, sons of Edric de Allegate, John de Lesnes, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Ista carta non est bona, quia habemus aliam de eadem terra per quam non tenemur reddere annuatim nisi duos denarios."
[Middx.] A. 1783. Grant by William de la Cornere, citizen of London, to Eustace, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 72s., of a yearly rent of 8s. in the parish of St. Dunstan in London, in the street towards the Tower over against Wyvelastone, issuing from a house with an oven and shops adjoining. Witnesses:—Walter Hervy, then Mayor of London, Richard de Paris and John de Bottele, sheriffs, William de Hadestoke, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [56 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1784. Grant by Thomas de Overton to Thomas Gizors, citizen and vintner of London, of 60s. yearly rent issuing from the tenement in the parish of St. Dunstan West in Fleet Street, in the suburb of London, which he had by grant from Richard de Toppefeld, citizen and cutler of London, on the north side of Fleet Street, for 25 years from the Nativity of John the Baptist, 16 Edward HI. Wednesday next after St. Botolph the Abbot, 16 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1785. Grant by Thomas de Oxon', bureller, and Alice his wife, to John Rosamund, clerk, for 15 marcs, of 20s. quit-rent out of all his rent in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, opposite the said church, in the street going towards the Tower. In default of payment Rosamund may distrain on their property in the parish of St. Mary Bothaw, in Candlewick Street. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh son of Otho, constable of the Tower, Robert de Kornelle and Thomas de Basingis, sheriffs of London, John Adrian, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [54 Henry III.] Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1786. Ratification by Alice, wife of Thomas de Oxon', living in the parish of St. Mary Abchurch, in the presence of Sir Walter their chaplain, of the sale by her husband to Master John Rosamunde of 20s. yearly rent issuing from their houses and rents in the parishes of St. Dunstan and St. Mary Bothaw: and oath of the same not to molest the said John in the possession of such rent, even after the death of her husband, under penalty of excommunication. St. John the Baptist's Day, 1269.
[Middx.] A. 1787. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Robert le Curteis, son of Robert, and Margaret his wife, daughter of Robert de Benstede, of land in the parish and street of St. Laurence in the Jewry, of the size and situation specified, which William son of Sabelina gave the convent in frank almoin; paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Walter Guile, William Bonvalet, Geoffrey de Sandon, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1788. Grant by William Bocoint, sou of Sabelina, to Christchurch, London, in frank almoin for the souls of himself, Agnes his wife, La[urence] his father, Sabelina his mother, and Geoffrey his brother, of land in the parish and street of St. Laurence in the Jewry, next the land of Robert le Curteis, son of Robert; the extent being specified in iron ells of King Richard [I.]. Witnesses:—Walter Brun, mercer, Geoffrey de Sandon, and others (named). [Richard J.] Equestrian seal. Damaged.
[Middx.] A. 1789. Grant by John Marchaunt, of Strode, Kent, and Alice his wife, sister of John de Slappelee, late citizen and wood merchant (Buscarii) of London, to Richard Doxey, of Chertsey, Surrey, and Alice his wife, of the tenement that Alice aforesaid, sister of Slappelee, inherited on her said brother's death, in the parish of All Saints the Great, in Douegate Ward, London, situate as described. Thomas Leggy, Mayor of London, William de Tudenliam and Richard Smelt, sheriffs, Bartholomew de Frestlyngg, alderman of the ward. 1 March, 29 Edward III. Damaged.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting at London, Monday after St. Mathias, 29 Edward III.
[Middx.] A. 1790. Will of William Waxscombe, citizen of London. Bequeaths 40s. to the poor canons of Holy Trinity within Algate, London, on the day of his burial; and to Joan his wife his tenement at Douegate, in the parish of All Saints the Great, for her life, and after her death to William, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity aforesaid; together with the residue of his goods. Witnesses:—Sir Ranulph, prior of the monastery de Graciis, and others (named). 19 May, A.D. 1417.
Endorsed: Memorandum of probate, iiii. Kalends of June, A.D. 1417.
[Middx.] A. 1791. Grant by Saher, son of Henry son of Rener, to Ger', son of Peter Bat, and Alice his wife, of 30s. rent, 1 lb. of pepper and 1 lb. of cummin, issuing out of lands with houses in the parish of All Saints del Heywarf, between the Guildhall of the Cologne merchants and Wancelineslane; paying therefor to Saher during his life yearly 1 lb. of pepper, 1 lb. of cummin, and 28s. 6d., and to the heirs of Martel, as chief lords of the fee, half a 'trench' of scarlet, or 16d.: with remainder to Ger' and Alice after Saber's death. Witnesses:—Andrew Bokerell, Mayor, John Norman and Ralph Eswy, sheriffs of London, Richard de Wimbledon, then alderman, and others (named). [19 Henry III.] Portion of equestrian seal.
[Middx.] A. 1792. Grant by William Wexcombe to Thomas, son of Thomas Knolles, John Oxeney, and William Dorchestre, citizens aud grocers of London, of all his rights in the tenement called 'le Sterre,' by Dougate, London. Witnesses:—William Staundon, Mayor of London, Henry Halton and Henry Pountfreit, sheriffs, and others (named). Feast of St. Mathias the Apostle, 9 Henry IV. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] A. 1793. Grant by Roger, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Grantham, citizen and pepperer of London, of the cellar underneath his tenement at Dougate, in the parish of All Saints by the Haywharf, measuring about 6 ells by 9 ells by 2⅓ ells high within the stone walls of the cellar. Simon Swanlond, Mayor of London, Henry de Gisors and Richard le Lacur, sheriffs, John de Preston, alderman of that ward. Saturday before St. Gregory the Pope, A.D. 1329, 4 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1794. Deed of sale by John de Combe, son of William de Combe, brother of William de Combe, late citizen and wool merchant of London, deceased, in execution of the latter's will (proved and enrolled in the Husting of London, Monday after the Purification, 26 Edward I.) to Richard Ashele, of Rothing Berners, and Agnes his wife, of the messuage with buildings and quay, late belonging to the said William his uncle, in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower, extending from Thames Street to the river Thames. Witnesses:—John de Gysortz, Mayor of London, Stephen de Abyndon and Hamo de Chygewell, sheriffs, William de Combemartyn, alderman of the ward, and others (named). Friday after the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 9 Edward II. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 9 Edward II.
[Middx.] A. 1795. Grant by Philip de Moundevile, citizen of London, to John Malewayn, citizen of London, and Margery his wife, of the tenement in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower which he had by purchase of Peter Duraunt, rector of St. Dunstan's aforesaid, and others (named), parishoners of that parish, by virtue of the will of William de Schaf'tesbury, formerly citizen of London, enrolled in the Husting of London Monday before the Apostles Simon and Jude, 34 Edward I. Thomas Leggy, Mayor of London, Richard Smelt, William Tudenham, sheriffs, Thomas Perle, alderman of the ward. Thursday after St. John ante portam Latinam, 29 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1796. Extract from the will of Henry Parker. John Chertesey, late citizen and clothier of London, demised to Eichard Wyllesden, citizen and chandler, for a certain term, lands, tenements, and shops, and the quay adjoining called 'Asselyneswharf,' in St. Dunstan's parish by the Tower, paying the said John 12l. yearly; and by his will (enrolled in the Husting, 21 Richard II.) bequeathed to his son William that rent and the reversion of the premises after the said term, to hold for the lives of Beatrice, wife of Roger Wolverston, and the wife of John Nowers, after whose decease the rent and reversion of the premises should remain to Isabella, wife of the aforesaid John Cherteseye, so long as she remained unmarried; or if she married, then to the said William, John's son, for his life. The said Beatrice and the wife of Nowers died, and Isabella married Richard Spice; and thereafter John Chertesey, son and heir of John Chertesey aforesaid, by his writing enrolled in the Husting Monday after St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 8 Henry IV., granted that the rent of 12l. which, after the death of William his brother would revert to him, and all the premises, which would revert to him after William's death and after the completion of the said term, should remain to William Cressewyk, John Wakefeld, John Weryng, John Ryder—now all dead—and Henry Parker aforesaid. Parker therefore bequeaths to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, called Christchurch, within Algate, London, the said rent of 12l., and the reversion of the lands, &c., after the completion of Wyllesden's term. [Henry IV.] Paper transcript.
[Middx.] A. 1797. Deed of sale by John Charteseye to John Ovyng, parson of Godmersham, William Ilberd, parson of Fulham, and John Hunte, of Chelchehuthe, of a messuage with quay adjoining in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower of London, between the Watergate by the messuage late belonging to William Cokes, and the tenement and quay formerly Henry Cros's, and reaching from the river to Thames Street; which messuage Chartesey, together with Simon de Sudbury, late bishop of London, John Sudbury, and John de Cantebrig, the elder, who are now dead, acquired of John Ive, rector of St. Michael, Wood Street, and Laurence Kelshull, chaplain. 4 February, 5 Richard II. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 1798. Grant by Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Jordan Attewodegate, of Edelmeton, for 10s., of an acre of land in Edelmeton adjoining Enfield wood, paying therefor 6d. yearly. Witnesses: —William and Laurence de Forda, Richard de Anesty, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1799. Grant by Philip de Bosco to Alice, daughter of Robert son of Aldyth, of an acre of land [in Edelmeton] lying west of the road leading to Enfield church, paying therefor 5d. yearly. Witnesses:— John and Robert de Marisco, Thomas de la Ford, and others (named).
[Middx.] A. 1800. Grant by William le Corner, citizen of London, to Eustace, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of half a marc yearly quit-rent issuing from land and houses which Master Adam de Cantebruge holds in the parish of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, in London. If the said tenement be destroyed by fire or otherwise, the canons may distrain on his tenement in St. Dunstan's parish for the rent, till they have received 60s., or till he has secured to them another half marc of yearly rent. Witnesses:—John Adrian, Mayor of London, Gregory de Rokesle and Henry le Waleys, sheriffs, Mathew Bukerel, alderman of the ward, and others (named). [55 Henry III.]