Deeds: A.1101 - A.1200

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.

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'Deeds: A.1101 - A.1200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online [accessed 15 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.1101 - A.1200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025,

"Deeds: A.1101 - A.1200". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 1. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1890), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025.

A.1101 - A.1200

[Herts.] A. 1101. Grant by John de la Stoke to Matilda de Exsexia, of a croft in Senlee. Witnesses:—Walter and Alan de Waldo, Peter Kytewyde, and others (named). Fragments.
[Herts.] A. 1102. Release by William de Aldeberi to the canons [of Holy Trinity, London], of land in . . . . Fragments.
[Herts.] A. 1103. Grant by Gilbert the Monk (Monachus) to . . . . of land, &c., in [Berkhamsted]. Witnesses:—Luke de Berkhamsted, and others (named). Fragments.
[Herts.] A. 1104. Grant by Henry [Endecroft ?] to Eustace, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of land in Bracking. [A.D. 1264–1280.] Fragment.
A. 1105. Fragments of a grant. Undecipherable.
[Herts.] A. 1106. Release by . . . . to Robert Albyn of land in . . . . Witnesses:— . . . . Munden, then steward of St. Albans Abbey, and others (named). St. Albans, Thursday next . . ., 15 [Edward] III. Fragment.
[ ] A. 1107. Fragment of a grant. Undecipherable.
[Herts.] A. 1108. Release by Muriel . . . . to . . . . of land in Little Hadham. Witnesses:—Henry Doseville, Robert le Mareschal, and others (named). Sunday the feast of Michaelmas, . . . . Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1109. Grant by Peter son of Richard, son of Matilda de Buntingeford, to John . . . . of land in . . . . situate as described. Witnesses:— Waller Hacun, Luke de Tanie, William Marshal, of Buntingeford, and others (named). Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1110. Grant by Theobald de Brachwyng to Holy Trinity, London, of his share of the mill of Brackyng, with the grinding belonging to himself, his heirs, and "my men of Brackyng," and his share of the meadow belonging to the mill pond, and the meadow of Langrave.
[This grant is seemingly unfinished, the warranty and witnessing, and other clauses being wanting.] Much damaged.
[Herts.] A. 1111. Grant by Richard de Gatesbury to St. Peter's of Braghing, which belongs to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of St. James's Chapel, Gatesbury, with its tithes and appurtenances, except the tithes of land called 'Little Reding,' held by the nuns of Haliwell. Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1112. Grant by Eufrasia, late wife of Reginald Sneyliswelle, of Aspeden, to her daughter Isabel, of land in the field called 'le Refeld,' in Aspeden and Wakelee, situate as described. Aspeden, Sunday next after St. Clement the Pope, 33 Edward III. Seal.
[Herts.] A. 1113. Bond of Robert, son of John de Shenle, to pay Adam de Stratton, clerk, and his heirs for ever a yearly rent of 2s. in Shenle. [Hen. III. ?] Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1114. Mandate of Richard le Bokelere to Hugh son of Alan, Roger de Eyden, Robert son of John, Isabel, late wife of John Chichely, Thomas Neweman, and Ralph Hereward, his tenants in Titeburste, in Aldenham parish, to pay their rents and other services due for the lands they held of him to Adam de Stratone, clerk, to whom he has granted the said lands. London, Friday the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 53 Hen. III. Seal.
[Herts.] A. 1115. Agreement whereby Margery, relict of John Attelane, of Cestrehunte, deceased, grants to Simon, son and heir of the said John, all the lands, &c., which she holds as dower, for the sum of 60s. to be paid her yearly at her house in London for her life, under the penalties herein expressed, the first payment to be made at Christmas, 1278. Witnesses:— Sir Robert de Meldeburne, John de Cestrehunte, vintner, citizens of London, and others (named). London, St. Nicholas' day, 1278. Portion of seal.
[Herts.] A. 1116. Grant by Hugh, son of Alan de Tyteburste, to John, son of John Atestoke, of a croft he held of the said John in Senlee. Witnesses:— Walter de Wald and Thomas, his son, Peter Kytewyde, and others (named). Seal, injured.
[Herts.] A. 1117. Grant by John, son of John de Titeburste, to Thomas de la Forde, of an annual rent of 6s. 4d. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Picot, Walter de Waus, and others (named). Seal. Damaged.
[Herts.] A. 1118. Release by Richard Aldred to Gilbert, his eldest son, of all land in Titeberst, in the parish of Audeham, to which he may have right through Matilda, his late wife. Witnesses:—Roger le Marchand, William de Burgo, and others (named). Much damaged.
[Herts.] A. 1119. Grant by Robert, son of Jordan de Sancto Albano, to Adam de Stratton, clerk, of a yearly rent of 3s. 9½d. which Adam was wont to pay him for lands, &c., in Titeburste, in the parish of Aldeham. St. Albans, November, 6 Edward I. Seal.
[Herts.] A. 1120. Grant by William de Aspebede, and Amice his wife, daughter of Simon de Melleye, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 42s., of land in Bracking, situate as described; the tenants of the land and the rents paid by them being also specified. Witnesses:— Sir John de Scalariis, Sir John de Gatesbery, John de Marins, Robert de Rockella, Henry de Bracking, and others (named). One seal, injured. Damaged.
[Herts.] A. 1121. Grant by Richard de Tewinge, clerk, to Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of meadow in Estmade, Hertfordingebury. Witnesses:—Godfrey and Simon de Tewinge, Simon Taile[boys], John le Moine, and others (named). [A.D. 1260–1264.] Seal. Much injured.
[Hurts.] A. 1122. Grant by Richard de Hyldrikesham to abbot William and the convent of Ramsey, for 10 marcs, of land in the fields of Therefeud, situate as described. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph son of Fulk, knt., Bryan de Throckinge, Henry de Boukelond, John de Gledesheye, and others (named). [A.D. 1267–1285].
[Herts.] A. 1123. Grant by Adam, son of the late Reginald le Formager, of Wakeley, to Reginald, son of Stephen de Sneleswelle, of Aspedene, of all his lands, &c., in Aspedene and Wakeley. Buntyngford, Monday, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 5 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Herts.] A. 1124. Mandate of John, son of John de Titeburste, to Roger de Eyden, Richard de la Burn, Adam son of Alan, and Idonea, daughter of Ralph le Skinnere Attebrigge, his tenants in Titeburste, to pay their rents and other services to Adam de Stratone, clerk. London, Saturday, the morrow of St. Andrew the Apostle, 53 Henry III. Seal "Johannis fil' Joh.'"
[Herts.] A. 1125. Grant by John, son of Alan de Tyteburst, to Robert his son, of an annual rent of 10s. due from Roger de Heydene and Lucy del Hec. Witnesses:—Saer de Tyteburst, Walter de Sauz, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Herts.] A. 1126. Grant by [William, son and heir of William de Kelseye], to William [Godale] of 4s. [annual rent] issuing from a messuage in [St. Albans], situate as described. Witnesses:—Henry Hotot, Walter de Flamsted, Richard de Nortone, tanner, aud others (named). Sunday next after Holy Trinity, . . Edward III. Fragment. Annexed to A. 1127.
[Herts.] A. 1127. Grant by William Godale, of St. Albans, to Richard Lowyne, tanner, of St. Albans, and Agnes his wife, of 4s. annual quit rent issuing from a tenement in Sop well Lane, St. Albans, situate as described, which rent he had by feoffment of William, son and heir of William de Kelseye, clothier, of St. Albans [see above, A. 1126]. Witnesses:—William Novy, bailiff of St. Albans, and others (named). 1 March, 43 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Herts.] A. 1128. Mandate of Robert de Thingden and Cristina his wife to all their tenants of Wydihull, informing them they have appointed John de la Morulese to put Sir Adam de Stratton in possession of the rents of 7s. 6d., &c., paid by them in Wydihull, with which they have enfeoffed the said Adam, to whom the tenants are therefore to be responsive. Wydihull the Vigil of St. Ambrose, 4 Edward I. Seal.
[Herts.] A. 1129. Grant by Richard . . . to Walter Saweye, both of Hertfordingbury, of a yearly rent of 1½d. and land in Layhullefield, Hertfordingbury, situate as described. Wednesday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 10 Edward II. Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1130. Grant by John de Cadomo to Stephen de Venella, of Cesterhunte, his grandson, of lands in Cesterhunte at an annual rent of 15l., with reversion to John, eldest son of Robert de Cadomo; payment of the said rent to cease at the grantor's death. Witnesses:—Robert de Cressebrok, John and William de la More, and others (named). Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1131. Grant by John Adam, of St. Albans, skinner, William Basele, William Ludford, husbandman, and others, to William Basset, of Esenden, and Joan his wife, daughter of John Cawmvylle, of all the lands, &c., in Esenden, Hatfield, and Hertford which they had by feoffment of the said Cawmvylle. Esenden,. . . . . . ., 2 . . . . Fragment: one seal remaining.
[Herts.] A. 1132. Grant by Robert Kyttewylde to Adam de Stratton, clerk, of land in Cokeshullfield in Shenle. Witnesses:—Thomas de Wald, Peter Kyttewylde, and others (named). November, 10 Edward I. Fragment: portion of seal.
[Herts.] A. 1133. Grant by David Hagar, of Ware, and Thomas Mershe, of Stansted, to Simon Hagar, Thomas Birche, and others (named), of a tenement called 'le Kateryn Whele' [in Ware] which they with others named had by feoffment of Thomas Birche, of Ware, deceased; to the only use of Simon Hagar and his heirs. 29 April, 20 Henry VIII. Fragment: one seal remaining.
Herts. A. 1134. Grant by John Reste, grocer, of London, and Agnes his wife, daughter of William Pyry, of Ware, deceased, to . . . . . . of a tenement called 'le Kateryn Whele,' in Ware, which formerly belonged to the said Pyry. 7 Henry VII. One seal remaining. Much injured.
[Herts ?] A. 1135. Grant by . . . Esynden and Avice his wife, John Athill, and Thomas Athill, to Thomas Prowet, clerk, and Thomas [Brand ?] of lands in [Herts ?]. Witnesses:—Edmund Perye, Robert Bataill, and others (named). 17 Edward IV. Fragments.
[Herts.] A. 1136. Grant of land, undecipherable, but seemingly relating to co. Herts, "—Mimmes" being one of the witnesses. Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1137. Grant by Richard Purs, smith, and John Broke, yeoman, to John Carpenter and Alice his wife, John Taverner, the elder, Richard Gape, Thomas Kyngeston, and John Merston, tanner, of three cottages under one roof in Sopwel lane, St. Albans, situate as described. May, . . Richard III. Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1138. Grant by John de la Dane, of Hertfordingeberi, to Richard Hert and Alice his wife, of the same, of land in the field called 'Layhulle," in Hertfordingbury, situate as described. Witnesses:—John le Monye, William son of John, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 1139. Indenture of agreement, whereby Adam de Stratton, clerk, grants to John, son of John de Savekaump, vicar of All Saints, Hertford, lands and rents in . . . . which he had by feoffment of the prior and convent of Bermondsey. The Annunciation, 1275. Very much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1140. Grant by Thomas, son of Richard Estmer, to the nuns of St. Mary of Sopwell, of an annual rent of 12d. issuing from a stall in the Butchery, St. Albans, situate as described. Witnesses:—Adam de Belvair and others (named). Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1141. Grant of land in a field called 'Cherchefeld 'in . . . . the names of the parties being illegible. Witnesses:—Henry de Bracking, Geoffrey de Langeford, and others (named). Fragment only, much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1142. Grant by Richard . . . to Adam [de Stratton]. of land in Titeburste [in Aldeham parish]. Witnesses:—Laurence de Tyteburste and others (named). Fragment.
[Herts ?] A. 1143. [Release] by Robert . . . to Adam [de Stratton], of the land he had of the said Adam in . . . Witnesses:— . . . . . Bretun, Walter Pynk, and others (named). Fragment.
[Herts ?] A. 1144. Release by Thomas, abbot of the exempt monastery of St. . . . . to . . . . ., of land in [Herts?]. 21st year of his abbacy, Edward [IV.]. Fragment
[Herts.] A. 1145. Grant by . . . . . . to Henry Sherdb . . and others, of land in Ware. [21 Henry VII. ?]. Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1146. Release by the prioress of St. Mary's of [Sopwell] to Thomas . . ., of St. Albans, of the tenement formerly belonging to Thomas le Furmager in St. Albans, for 10 years [commencing ?] at the Nativity of John the Baptist, 1304, at a yearly rent; the said Thomas performing certain specified covenants. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Childewyk, bailiff of St. Albans, and others (named). 1304. Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1147. Grant by Richard le H . . . . . and Nicholas Smyth to Nicholas Sauzere and Cristina his wife, of a tenement in Soppewelle, [St. Albans]. [Edward III.] Fragment, mostly illegible.
[Herts.] A. 1148. Demise by Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to Richard, son of Estmund de Brakking, of a messuage in Brakking, situate as described. Witnesses:—Henry de Bokland, John de Scalariis, Theobald, son of Geoffrey the Clerk, and others (named). [A.D. 1223–1252.] Injured.
[Herts ?] A. 1149. Grant by Richard de la Rokele, of Braughingg, to William Schakeloc, of 3s. annual rent, &c, issuing from a messuage and land in [Braughing ?], part of the land lying in Bordesdenefeld at Sparkwell. Witnesses:—Robert de Scalariis, clerk, and others (named). Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1150. Grant by Henry de la Leye to John . . . of a curtilage in Staundon. Witnesses:—William de Westmelle, William the Clerk of Staundon, and others (named). Staundon, Wednesday next before St. Peter, 9 Edward II. Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1151. Grant by Roger son of Reginald, to Henry son of Gilbert, of a messuage in St. Albans. Witnesses:—Nicholas son of Adam and Andrew and William, his sons, William the Leech, (Medico), William son of Milo, William Earl, and others (named). Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1152. Grant by Walter the Clerk, son of Stephen, to the nuns of St. Mary of Sopwell, of an annual rent of 2s., issuing from a messuage in St. Albans, in the High Street leading from Halywell to the market place Witnesses:—John de Marines, John le Leyner, William le Noreis, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 1153. Grant by Ralph de Westmelne to Peter, son of Michael de Westmelne, for 12s., of land in Westmelne, situate as described Witnesses:—Richard son of Michael, Master Peter Bossel, Henry Knight, and others (named). Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1154. Grant by Robert de Rupella to Henry, son of Adam de Brawing, on the latter's marriage with Amice his daughter, of land in fields called 'Grenehale,' 'Apeltonefeld,' 'Bordesdenefeld,' and elsewhere in Bordesdene. Witnesses:—Richard de Melkeley, John de Scalariis, John de Marinis, John de Lesnes, and others (named). Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1155. Release by Laurence de Brok, son and heir of the late Sir Hugh de Brok, knt., to Elizabeth, late wife of Sir William de Montacute, knt., of all lands, &c., formerly his father's, in Ma Hyde' in Langeley Abbots. Witnesses:—Sirs Giles de Trompeton and Robert Malet, knts., and others (named). Aston Clynton, Thursday before St. Gregory the Pope, 17 Edward II.
[Herts.] A. 1156. Grant by Roger de Blakevile to Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of land in Langele, situate as described. Witnesses:—[Ra]ndulph de Cheyndedut, Thomas de Bulestrode, John de Blakevile, John de Lesnes, John de Anesty, and others (named). [A.D. 1223–1252.] Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1157. Bond of Michael Novell, of Goteherste, Bucks, to Thomas, cardinal archbishop of York, in 100l., if he omit to make sure to the latter the lands, &c., lately held by John Welshe, deceased, in Chestehunte, or in cos. Essex and Middlesex, or other legacies bequeathed to the cardinal by the will of the said Welshe. 20 June, 9 Henry VIII.
[Herts ?] A. 1158. Release by Walter de la Grene, of Gatesberi, to John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of a rent of 12d. issuing from three acres of land in Heneworthe, situate as described. Witnesses:— Sirs John de Escalers, John Baard, and Robert de Larekele, John de Burdesdene, and others (named). [A.D. 1252–1258.]
[Herts.] A. 1159. Acquittance by Hugh de Marines from all suits " comitatuum et hundredorum," &c., of 10 acres of land which Hugh the Chaplain (Capellanus) holds of the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, in Westmeln. Witnesses:—John de Lesnes, John le Bel, Peter Bussel, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 1160. Grant by Richard son of Robert, to Richard son of Edmund (for 31s. 8d. paid to himself and 19d. to Leticia his wife), of land in Westmelne, situate as described. Witnesses:—Adam de Bracking, Simon de Mellecley, and others (named). Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1161. Grant of a rent issuing from land, probably in Shenle, all particulars being lost. Witnesses:—Ranulph de Mimmes, John Tayleboys, Peter Kytewylde, and others (named). Shenle, February, Edward [1.]. Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1162. Acquittance by Thomas Jocelyn, the elder, for 60 marcs received from his son Thomas, for corn and oats sold him in the manors of 'la Hyde' and Shelewen. London, Sunday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 5 Edward I.
[Herts.] A. 1163. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Marines of the land they had of Luke de Tany in Westmeln, in exchange for as much of the said John's land in Rughenofeld. Witnesses:—Luke de Tany, Brian de Trokking, John de Lesnes, and others (named). [A.D. 1223–1252 ?]
[Herts.] A. 1164. Grant by . . . . . . to Adam de Stratton, clerk, of 16 denariates of land [formerly belonging to] Thomas de la Forde. Witnesses:—Ranulph de Mimmes, John Tayleboys, and others (named). Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1165. Grant by Thomas de Flanden to Sir Hugh son of Otho, of land in the field called 'Eldefeld,' in Flaunden, situate as described. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Cheyne, John de Ros, and Stephen, son of Stephen de Cheyndut, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 1166. Grant by John son of Ralph, to Ralph de Sancto Albano of land in a field called' Asfeld sub la Sancele,' in Hertfordingberi. Witnesses: —John de Waloniis, John son of Vital', Richard de Thewing, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 1167. Grant by R[ichard], the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William son of Godfrey, of land in Berkeden, situate as described. Witnesses:—Richard Muschet, Roger Hacun, John de Lesnes, and others (named). [A.D. 1223–1252 ?]
[Herts.] A. 1168. Grant by John de la Lane, of Cesterhunte, to Walter de Pevenshee, clerk, on the latter's marriage with his daughter Alice, of two messuages and lands in Cesterhunte, situate as described. Witnesses:— Philip de Cesterhunt, Roger le Blond, Walter Ossenna, and others (named). Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1169. Grant by Walter . . . to . . . . . . of land in Tyteburste, situate as described. Witnesses:—Ranulph de Mimmes, and others (named). Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1170. Grant by John Be . . . . to William de Foley of land in Aylfladewyk, &c., situate as described. Witnesses:—Walter Clement, Martin Jordan, and others (named). Buntyngford, Saturday before the Apostles Simon and Jude, . . . . . Fragment.
[Herts.] A. 1171. Demise by Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Gilbert Luvel, of land in Farndunehelle in Bracking, situate as described. Witnesses:—Walter Clement, Henry de Bracking, Peter Bussel, and others (named). [A.D. 1260–1264.] Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1172. Demise by John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Geoffrey Cook, of Chikesaunde, and Alice his wife, of a messuage with garden on the road leading to Brackinge church. Witnesses:—Henry de Brackinge, Ralph Lovel, and others (named). [A.D. 1252–1258.] Annexed to A. 1171. Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1173. Grant by Ralph, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John de Tungrene, for 20s., of land in Wydihale at a yearly rent of 18d. Witnesses:—Walter Jurdan, William de Poleye, and others (named). [A.D. 1302–1316.] Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1174. Acknowledgment by Adam Eynel that he owes Silvester de Eton 29l., which he promises to repay to Isabella, sister of Silvester, Emma and Matilda her daughters, and William her son, and the other daughters of Sylvester's sister herein named, at the times and by the instalments specified, the first payment to be made at All Saints day, 1269; under the penalty and conditions herein specified. Witnesses:—Adam, son of William do Hemelamstude, John, son of Henry de Horewode, and others (named). 1269.
[Herts.] A. 1175. Grant by William de Hodenho to the prior and convent of [Holy Trinity, Loudon], of land in the field called 'Ailmarescroft' in Widihale, situate as described. Witnesses:—Sir Henry de Bocland, knt., Brian de Trocking, and others named. Friday after the Apostles Peter and Paul, 39 Hen. III. Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1176. Grant by Richard, son of Robert son of Peter, to Richard son of Estmund, for 10l., of an acre of land in Westmelne, situate as described. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Gatesbyry, Adam de Braking, Thomas de Bordesden, John de Lesnes, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 1177. Grant by Simon de Forneus to John, son of William Thurgar, of Cotenham, of the land that Robert Paen, of Pelham, sold the said John, in the field called 'Kingescroft', in Bordesdan. Witnesses:—Richard de la Rokele, Robert, son of William de Parva Hormede, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 1178. Agreement whereby Henry son of Reiner grants to Geoffrey the Priest of Sendlegh, for life, the land that Thomas his brother held in Senlegh, and the dwelling with land that belonged to Walter Spir. Witnesses:—Adam and Alan de Sumeri, Roger son of Symon, and others (named). Injured.
[Herts.] A. 1179. Grant by Walter de la Grene, of Gatesberi, to John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of a rent of 12d. paid by Symon Abot for 6 acres in Hardene and elsewhere. Witnesses much as in A. 1158. [A.D. 1252–1258.]
[Herts.] A. 1180. Acquittance by Thomas de la Forde for 40s. received from John, son of John de Titeburste, by the hands of Adam de Strattone, clerk, for an annual rent of 6s. 4d., which the said John formerly sold to him by deeds which he has delivered to the said Adam on receipt of the above sum, which John is bound to repay the latter: to whom he hereby relinquishes all right to the said rent, John having sold it to the said Adam for ever. London, Thursday next after St. Edmund the King, 53 Hen. III.
[Herts.] A. 1181. Release by Amissia, late wife of Gilbert Bercar', of Absedene, to Eustace, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of a messuage and land in Absedene that came to her as dower. Witnesses:— Brian de Thorcking, Walter Hakun, and others (named). [A.D. 1264– 1280.]
[Herts.] A. 1182. Grant by William Pery, of Ware, to Sir William Oldhall, knt., Philip Bottiller, John, Thomas, and William Pery, his sons, and two others, of all his goods and chattels in Ware, or elsewhere. 16 February, 26 Hen. VI.
[Herts.] A. 1183. Grant by the abbot and convent of St. Albans to the nuns of St. Mary de Prato,—the property granted being lost; except that this grant seems to have been made in confirmation of a previous grant by abbot Garinus. [A.D. 1188–1195. See Dugdale's Monasticon, ii. 188.] Much injured.
[Mddx. ?] A. 1184. Release by Thomas son of Adam, for 9 marcs, to Seiher son of Henry, of land in . . . . upon certain covenants and conditions specified. Witnesses:—Thomas del Waud, Master W. de la Dune, then sheriff of Middlesex, and others (named). 18–20 Hen. III. Much injured.
[Herts.] A. 1185. Grant by Hugh de Marines to William, son of Jordan de Alseswyke, of land and a messuage in Westmilne. Witnesses:—John de Marines, Michael Master, Ralph de Chiperevile, and others (named).
Herts. A. 1186. Release by the abbot and convent of St. Albans to Thomas West, of a messuage and lands, &c., called 'Gunneslond,' in Parksokne, at an annual rent of 21s. 8d. "In our Chapter House," 1 June, 21 [Edw.] IV. Portion of document only.
[Herts.] A. 1187. Confirmation by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, of the grant by Yvo, son of Hugh de Berkedene, to Robert de Widehale, of land in Widehale, to be held of the convent in capite at a yearly rent of 6d. Witnesses:—Nigel the Priest of Trocking, Philip de Hormade, James de Sumeveshale, Robert the Priest of Widehale, and others (named). [A.D. 1197–1221.]
Underwritten:—"Juravit predictus Robertus in capitnlo nostro super quatuor ew' quod fidelis erit ecclesie Christi et canonicis de hoc tenemento."
[Herts.] A. 1188. Demise by John de Brutewell to Adam [de Stratton, clerk], of a messuage and land in Harpesfeld, for 10 years from Michaelmas, 51 Hen. III., paying the yearly rent thereof instead of the said John to the abbot and convent [of St. Albans]. Other covenants specified. Witnesses:—. . . . de Bachesworth, Peter de Gedeleston, John de Bassingeburne, knts., and others (named). 51 Hen. III. Only half the document remains, injured.
[Herts.] A. 1189. Demise by Emma, late wife of Walter de Camera, to Thomas de la Ford, for 9 years from Michaelmas, 52 Hen. III., of land in Tyteburst, in fields called 'Dene' and 'Hundeshul.' Witnesses:—Ranulph de Mimmes, John Taylebos, John de Buvile, and others (named). 52 Henry III. Fragment of seal. Injured.
Herts. A. 1190. Release by William Basset, the elder, of Esynden, to John Say, knt., John Pulter, Thomas Prowet, clerk, and Thomas Braugbyng, of the lands, &c., in Esynden, Bishops Hatfield, and elsewhere in co. Herts, which they had by feoffment of John Noreys and John Node. 16 June, 13 Edward IV.
[Herts.] A. 1191. Duplicate of A. 1163., q.v.
[Hunt.] A. 1192. Grant by Nicholas Letcheworthe, of Ramsey, to Margaret his sister, of land in Ramsey, situate as described. Witnesses:—John Ravele, bailiff of Ramsey, and others (named). Monday, St. Valentine's day, 42 Edward III. Seal.
[Hunt. ?] A. 1193. Release by Ralph, son and heir of Robert . . ., to Sir William de . . ., vicar of St. Ives, of the third part of a messuage in [St. Ives ?], that Cecilia his mother held by way of dower. Witnesses:— Roger, son of Ivo de Goldherst, Thomas the Clerk of Broucton, and others (named). Wodeherst, 2 Edward III. Fragment, much injured.
[Hunt.] A. 1194. Agreement made to settle the disputes between Ranulph, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, and Alice, formerly wife of Ralph de Trubevile, as to the claims made by the latter from the abbey to a road (calceta), which she asserted was on her fee, a pair of scarlet hose, 2 lbs. of pepper, 2 lbs. of cumin, 1,000 eels (millenarium anguillarum), and to have common in the abbey wood annually. The said Alice releases the abbot from all claims, and the abbot and convent grant her and her heirs 40 cart-loads of underwood yearly from the wood of St. Ives, and 1,000 eels or half a marc, and to herself 20 other cart-loads for life. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Caxton, William de Sancto Georgio, John de Claris Vallibus, and others (named). 18 May, 22 Henry III. Seal.
[Hunt.] A. 1195. Release by Isabella, daughter of William Ruffus and 'Nicholae' de Hemmingeford, to the abbot and convent of Ramsey, of her right to the rents of a pair of scarlet hose, &c, claimed as above [see A. 1194], on account of a tenement that belonged to her parents in Hemmingeford, and of her claim of underwood in the wood of St. Ives. Witnesses:—Henry de Colne, then sheriff of Hunts, William de Sancto Georgio, William de Lacu, and others (named). [22–27 Henry III.] Seal.
[Hunt.] A. 1196. Certificate by Jocelin de Stiveele, steward of Ramsey, that he has paid 40 marcs into the Exchequer for Robert, abbot of Ramsey, demanded by Exchequer summons for a certain "promissum" made for the right to hold a fair at St. Ives; of which 40 marcs he has received 10, and the remaining 30 are assigned him out of the farm of Wivebodesham, which he holds of the abbey. Witnesses:—R., dean of Lincoln, Master R., sub-dean, Master G. de Rowell, and others (named). [A.D. 1205.] Seal.
[Hunt.] A. 1197. Duplicate of the above. [Except that the times of repayment of the 30 marcs are specified, viz., 4l. at Easter next after the death of Hubert archbishop of Canterbury (which took place 13 July 1205), and 4l. at each of the four usual terms following.] Fragment of seal.
[Hunt.] A. 1198. Grant by John Chyksonde, of Huntingdon, to John Bocher, the younger, merchant, John Pulter, draper, John Bocher, the elder, all of St. Ives, and Nicholas Bocher, of Bychehamstede, of a messuage in St. Ives, situate as described. St. Ives, Monday the Vigil of Epiphany, 6 Henry VI, Seal.
[Hunt.] A. 1199. Grant by Nicholas, son of Simon le Hauekere, of St. Ives, to William de Corton and Richard de Spaldyng, clerks, of an annual rent of 6s. 8d. issuing from the messuage that Robert Whyri and 'Agnes his wife hold in St. Ives, situate as described, which belonged to Simon his father. Witnesses:—John le Hauekere, Roger le Noreys, of Wodehurst, and others (named). St. Ives, Monday next before the Translation of St. Edmund the King, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Hunt.] A. 1200. Demise by the above-named four grantees [see A. 1198] to William Judde, Thomas Judde, and Thomas Couper, clerk, of a messuage and six acres of land in the town and meadows of St. Ives, which they had lately by grant of John Chyksonde, of Huntingdon. St. Ives, 26 July, 13 Henry VI. Two out of four seals remaining.